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We wake up and begin the "taking care of process". Taking care of people and things that fall within our scope & sometimes those that don't. Habits formed so long ago, it's now our pattern. The switch kicks on automatically when our eyes pop open and the TV program of our lives starts to play. We spend 20-50% in our conscious (Beta) brain but spend 50-80% of the day in our subconscious (Alpha) brain. Simply Put: Our eyes are open but we're behaving/existing from a state of sleep. #letmeknowifyouwannawakeup #certifiedlifecoach #professionalhypnotist #everyoneneedsone #mynicheishelpingyouwakeup #wakethehellup #dontjustshowup #activeparticipation #sleepfeelsgoodbutbeingawakefeelsbetter #levelsofconsciousness #thedharmacrown #thedharmabutterfly #imawakeaf
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