#let's try tag the actual game shall we?
vole-mon-amour · 4 months
"If you could just do me a favor and off yourself, that'd be great. Thanks, pumpkin."
Man, I'm still so in love with you. Dameon's voice is always a treat to hear as Jack. <3
Oh, and it's an IMMEDIATE "Stfu, Claptrap." Still fucking hate him, let me kill the annoying asshole.
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okay, please do one more of the tired Marty and the group of Doc’s….PLEASE
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Ask and you shall receive. I hope this silly thing shall suffice :)
Transcription and details under cut
The transcription for my terrible handwriting -
(@ the garage)
Doc: Marty! I came as soon as I-
Doc (cont.): -could.
Marty: Your turn.
(Arrows: Half Asleep, On Fire (literally), covered in soot)
(Fun fact! Not a single party of Marty’s current state (aside from the lack of sleep) is the Docs’ fault! Good ol’ McFly luck strikes again!)
Docs: MARTY!
So this came to me in a dream today and well it works so behold. This is about an hour after the initial phone call thanks to Jules and Verne asking many questions as Doc was trying to leave and he’d rather they not follow him this time. As for what I mean by the McFly luck- Marty and his ancestors are extremely unlucky. Let’s be honest. To some degree all of them have either directly been unlucky or had their choices result in mild to severe disaster. In this instance specifically it means while trying to move from point A to point B Marty fell half asleep, tripped, knocked a dustpan of ash onto himself, somehow lit himself on fire, and damn near collapsed onto the doorframe. Someone force this kid to take a nap. Please.
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eimearkuopio · 17 days
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He was even on the list.
Possessed by a time-travelling ancestor.
I guess this explains a lot of the breadcrumbs.
Should I have put Alex Horne on there too?
Ugh I think I've even figured out what judge not lest ye be judged meant and it's worse than I thought.
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dawnbreakersgaze · 2 months
Dawnbreaker Discourse 🌄
Over the last couple days I've been tagged in a number of posts regarding the theory that Greyson's story No Morning holds proof that Zayne's Snowy Serenity card is actually Dawnbreaker Zayne who managed to make it to the present timeline.
Below the cut, I'll discuss why I don't believe this is the case, along with references to the in game content that supports my theory. That said, please note that I fully support the folks who want to believe this theory, because at the end of the day my man deserves to have everyone in his corner.
Let's dig in shall we?
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For starters, I'm not going to rehash the entire breakdown of where all this commentary started, but will try to sum it up quickly instead.
『The CN players have linked the appearance of the white flowers and the black crystal ice in the WU story No Morning to Dawnbreaker.』
All of these theories are interesting and have a lot of fun ideas, but all of them are missing what I think is the key element here.
I believe the constant reference to the black crystal ice as Dawnbreaker's Evol is being misconstrued for what the game is setting up to be a major plot device/point in later parts of the story.
In No Morning we see Greyson observe the black crystals here-
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Earlier in this same story it's specified that this plant comes from a very specific place on Mt Eternal, a place where we've seen another massively impactful scene involving something identical in another anecdote- Never ending Winter:
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We also see them referenced again in the World Undernead stories Longly Flame, and Snowy Stairs-
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I believe there are other references to the black crystals I am surely missing, but these are the ones I remembered right off the top of my head.
I ALSO realize that in Greyson's POV it very specifically calls them "black ICE crystals" while every other reference says "Black crystals" but I fully believe that's either a translation error, or just a solid case for unreliable narrator. As much as I adore Grey, he can be a bit of a dork, so I can accept the mishap there. That being said, I really do believe with all my heart it is simply a translation difference rather than a deliberate misdirection.
And while Dawnbreaker's ice is indeed a black ice, I do not believe that it will ever be used in a significant storytelling capacity (as in I dont think it will be used to subtly hint at his presence) due to the very heavy-handed usage of these black crystals PG has been feeding us since the very beginning. Never Ending Winter was one of the OG anecdotes, so these black crystals have been set up from launch as a very important reference to either a type of protocore sickness, a metaflux disease, or some other deepspace linked disorder we've yet to understand.
That said, I'll admit I've definitely been calling Zayne's Snowy Serenity card the DawnFaker card because I'll agree- it has some H E A V Y DB undertones and they didn't do him any favors by putting him in a Dawnbreaker cosplay but with a beige sweater. I'm gonna continue to call it the DawnFaker card, but know that it's said in jest and with affection, and that I don't actually believe that card was Dawnbreaker (as much as I wish it was!)
I hope my little bit of imput was helpful or even slightly insightful! Please feel free to discuss or link me any refuting information. I'm always down to say "oops I was wrong~" when it comes to the lore of this game. Because let's be real, it's a mess lol.
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sirianasims · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: What is the longest you have played with one sim/household/legacy for?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon !
Hey Squat! ❤️
In some ways, my current story, The Duchellis, is the longest I've ever stuck to anything in this game. It actually began because I'd constantly start a new save, mess around for a few days, then get bored and start over. I never really got to the point where any of my sims' children grew up or anyone died from old age, and I never really knew what to do. Then I had the idea to see if i could stick to a legacy challenge.
I started the Experiences Challenge by @duchesty and played through all 12 generations, and I had a blast. I made up stories in my head about the family and I actually cared about them a lot. It ended with Ursula, the final heir, solving the Strangerville mystery ❤️
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A year or so later, I felt like doing it again, but a bit differently. This is also where I decided to take pictures and post the story for others to see for the first time, because I've always wanted to write but it scared me.
Putting captions on some silly sims felt less daunting.
The first chapter of The Duchelli Legacy (the name is an homage to Duchesty) was published February 23, 2022 and for a long time, I had a story in my head but mostly adapted it to what my sims were doing, nudging them into situations that fit with my headcanon.
The first generation was about Alexandra trying to juggle a criminal career while being in an open marriage with Don and dealing with her Landgraab baby daddy's extremely jealous new wife.
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Generation 2 started with Cora and her two best friends going to university... but I barely got into Generation 2 before I started coming up with plot and using poses and changing up my writing style.
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Cora went on a very unexpected trip and her entire life changed. And suddenly I was no longer doing a challenge, but writing a very long story with plot. And generational trauma.
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Generation 3 followed Cora's son Eric and the consequences of some questionable university experiences. These experiences left their mark, and Eric struggled a lot with some very unhealthy coping mechanisms.
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Eric's struggles affected his daughter, Freya, who grew up with her own issues. It took a major disaster for her to finally face her demons and deal with them.
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Thankfully she did, and her daughter Julia grew up healthy and happy, the first to do so in several generations.
But that doesn't mean that Julia won't be facing her own challenges, especially after a fateful run-in with famous actor Paul Romeo at GeekCon.
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And now we're here. Let's see what happens next, shall we? 👀
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inquisimer · 2 months
WIP Whenever
I was tagged by a handful of people in WIP games recently, but fell behind on accident and then it became an insurmountable thing to tackle, you know how it goes. So! Starting fresh with a little WIP whenever, from my Zevran/Tabris help Lucanis fake his death pre-Veilguard WIP >:]
tagging forward for whenever! @shivunin | @greypetrel | @dreadfutures | @the-rebel-archivist | and @skinwalkingxana
He could still hear the whistling of her dagger as she flipped it between her hands, waiting for…what? If she’d been told to kill him with flair, or humiliation, she’d just had the perfect opportunity and done nothing.
Well she did say…
“If not to kill me, then what?”
“Oh, I’m just keeping you occupied,” she said casually. “He needed a few minutes of your attention divided.”
“That would be me.” Lucanis whipped around as someone new spoke, concerning but also not for the familiar Antivan accent that wrapped around his ears. A black-cloaked elf that could only be Zevran Arainai pulled the cord of the curtains and light flooded back into the room. “Shall we put our blades away and have a civilized conversation? I believe we were invited.”
“You were.” Lucanis pointed to the other elf with his chin. “I have no idea who she is.”
The dagger vanished from the elf’s hands and she hooked a thumb in her belt, holding her cloak back from the badge pinned there. Lucanis sheathed his sword.
“Of course,” he murmured. “Warden-Commander Tabris.”
Ariya let her cloak fall back over the badge. “I don’t really use that title anymore.”
“It is mighty useful in tense situations, however,” Zevran said cheerfully. He swept out a chair and gestured for Lucanis to sit. Grumbling, he retrieved his now lukewarm coffee and joined the elves at the table.
“Took you long enough to get here.”
Now that he wasn’t actively targeting them, Lucanis got a better look at the former Crow and the legend he called a lover. Both were strapped with weapons, as he would have expected. There were the obvious: the catch of her cloak on the hilt of her sword, his daggers strapped flashily on his belt. And there were the more subtle: a hilt all but hidden at the lip of her boots, stiletto blades tucked into her plait, throwing daggers nearly invisible at his wrists.
They’d come prepared. Or they just always traveled with a small arsenal. He would, if he was doing what they had been doing.
Their faces were lined with age and the kind of stress that only sat on those charged with holding the world together. But there was laughter written there too, and love. When they moved, they adjusted to each other naturally, automatically, covering each other’s blind spots without a second thought. Not just covering, Lucanis noted, gaze lingering between the elves. Tabris was actually sitting in Zevran’s blind spot, and he seemed even more relaxed for it.
Blind trust. Lucanis had never given it to anyone. Knowing the Crows, and House Arainai, he could only imagine what it must have cost this woman to earn it. Unwavering loyalty, at least. And a great deal of blood—others, and hers, most likely.
“Ran into a bit of a scuffle at the border,” Zevran said, smiling until Tabris coughed pointedly. “Yes, yes. If you need to call any covert meetings in the future, do try to avoid Rivain, if you would. But enough of that,” the elf clapped his hands together and both their gaze’s sharpened on Lucanis. “I believe we are here to speak of information. And skills. So what does the great Lucanis Dellamorte want from us?”
“And what does he want in return?” Ariya muttered under her breath.
Lucanis sipped his coffee, swirling it with his tongue before swallowing. There would be no going back, once he spoke. Of course, that was rather the point, wasn’t it?
“I’m going to fake my death,” he said. Only the second time he’d spoken it out loud, and it fell from his lips with finality. “I want you to help me do it.”
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
Character voice
Thanks to @urnumber1star here, @bookish-karina here, @leahnardo-da-veggie here, and @elsie-writes here!
I'm not getting behind like last time! Four is plenty!
“I promise you everything is going to be okay.”
Lexi: "It's okay. Everything will get better eventually. I promise. I'll help."
Maddie: "Hey, on the more optimistic side of things, there's no real way this can get worse, right?"
Ash: "I dunno, try being optimistic about this."
Gwen: "Hey. Don't worry. Things will get better. We will make things better. I promise I'll do whatever I can."
Robbie: "It's okay, man, things will get better." (Internally unsure if this is the right thing to say because what if they don't???)
Akash: "It's gonna be okay. I promise. I'll help you."
Jedi: "Generally speaking, it will get better. But you must believe it will before it does."
Carmen: "Well, worrying about it won't make it better."
“you're making us look bad.”
Lexi: "Can you stop? Imagine what these people are thinking of us!!" (Ash: I don't have to - they don't care)
Maddie: "Why can't I do this? This isn't fair. Now no one will see how cool and awesome that was."
Ash: "Hey, why do you get to have fun with your powers while I have to sit and meditate? Now I look lame."
Gwen: "Shh! You're making us seem so rude! We should stop this argument. Imagine if you were them! You'd be judging us. Thinking terrible things."
Robbie: "You're making us seem ultra lame and pathetic."
Akash: "Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of everyone. Now first impressions are ruined."
Jedi: "Well, I don't think you're making quite a fair judgement on our character with that display."
Carmen: "See, if you'd just gotten your act together, they would actually respect us!"
“Is that really all you've got?”
Lexi: "Really? That's it? Huh."
Maddie: "Wait, that was the best you got? Wow, that was kinda lame."
Ash: "You don't think I can handle more? I think I can, so give it all you've got."
Gwen: "You think that will hurt me? Well, it won't! You'll have to try harder."
Robbie: "Woo! Is that it?! I was expecting more of a punch!"
Akash: "Haha, that's the best you got. Kinda underwhelming."
Jedi: "I do not suppose there is anything more impressive that you would like to demonstrate."
Carmen: "That was the dumbest thing I have ever seen. If that's your best, you're even worse than I thought you were."
“I'm going to kill you.”
I'm gonna operate under the assumption that you've done something that has pushed these characters to killing, regardless of how hard that will be. All are capable, I think, but we have to push them...so far. Hehe, this will be fun.
Lexi: "If you come anywhere near her, I promise that I will kill you."
Maddie: "Leave me alone or I swear I'll kill you."
Ash: "Get OUT OF MY WAY!"
Gwen: "You're such an awful, evil person! If you don't end your suffering on others I swear I'll end you."
Robbie: "Huh. Wow, you really are a piece of shit. You're gonna regret that. You have no idea what I can do to you." (Please, if you will, imagine lights flickering and our lovely boy here glowing maroon, eyes included)
Akash: "Agh! Leave me and everyone else alone! I'm sick and tired of awful people like you!"
Jedi: "I would rather not do this, but it is for the greater good."
Carmen: "Shut it! I'm in control of this situation, and I know what's right! This is for the good of the cause, and if you don't understand that -- Well, let's play a guessing game, shall we?"
Ok guys we're done hooray
Tagging @ahordeofwasps @sarandipitywrites @andyswritings @tabswrites @mk-writes-stuff
Your phrase is: "Are we going to wait here all day until a decision is made?"
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
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theroseredreaper · 2 years
Let’s Talk About Love
Shall We Date?: Obey Me! One Master To Rule Them All!
Summary: Levi doesn’t understand why you keep choosing him over his brothers time and time again. He can’t offer you the same things that they would be able to offer you.
Word Count: 2174 ✯ AO3 Version
Characters: Aromantic! Asexual! Leviathan x Aromantic! Asexual! GN! Reader
Tags: Fluff, aroace reader x aroace character, discussions of aromanticism, discussions of queer platonic relationships, autistic-coded Levi
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Jealousy was an emotion that Leviathan spent the whole of his existence being intimately familiar with. Such a thing is no surprise, really - he transformed into the Avatar of Envy after his fall from heaven, afterall. Envy was a black, ugly feeling that he lived with too closely anytime he didn't drown himself in his manga, anime, or games to escape from it.
Inferiority was another emotion he knew just as well, even if he experienced it less often, since he shut himself away in his room most everyday so that he wouldn't have to deal with the overwhelming weight of all he was lacking that came with inferiority. That and so he wouldn't have to deal with his social anxiety, too.
Inferiority was, unfortunately, something he was feeling way too much lately, ever since you have come to the Devildom and wormed your way into his family’s life. Watching his brothers all fawn over you around the breakfast table, the inferiority was especially oppressive today. Each of them had a different approach to you, but he knew that each one of them was in love with you.
Mammon was the most obvious about his being in love with you with how he constantly tried to get your attention and monopolize your time, even if he wasn’t entirely honest about his feelings. Satan was slightly more devious about it, covering up his shyness over outright saying his feelings by straight-forward actions, flirting with you and asking you out on dates. Belphegor was territorial and possessive of you, easily upset when your thoughts and time weren’t devoted to him, wanting to monopolize you in a way that was much less wholesome than how Mammon desired to monopolize your time.
Levi sincerely hopes that his younger brother was not a yandere, like the kinds he sometimes saw in his manga and anime. For your safety as well as the safety of the rest of them.
Asmodeus flirted with you just as he flirted with every person he found attractive, but Levi knows that Asmo’s love for you was genuine in that you were the only person allowed to see the true insecurities lying under the air-headed facade Asmo maintained. Lucifer desired you just as Asmo desired you, openly fond of you when he thought no one else was watching, being severely strict upon you to try and maintain the idea that he had no favoritism towards you when he thought people were watching. Beelzebub - well, Levi actually wasn’t sure that Beel experienced love or desire for anything that wasn’t food. But he did know that it definitely meant something that his younger brother willingly shared food with you and cooked for you.
As soon as Lucifer dismissed them from the breakfast table, Levi made a beeline for his room, itching to bury himself under a blanket to try and not thinking about the whirlwind of barbed thoughts running through his mind right now.
Leviathan himself, well...he is fairly sure that he does love you too, in some capacity. He knows for a fact that he cares for you deeply, that he’s fond of you, and that he finds himself wanting to share his special interests with you - but he’s also aware, somewhere in the back of his mind, that the way he feels about you is not the same way that his brothers feel about you. He’s painfully conscious of the fact that even when these tangle of emotions confuse him when he thinks on them too long that he’s not, not in love with you. At least, not like how Satan and Mammon are in love with you. And he doesn’t desire you either, not the way that Lucifer and Asmodeus desire you.
The inferiority that overcomes him whenever he acknowledges these thoughts, these feelings, that he can’t offer to you what his brothers can, yet selfishly desiring to spend every waking moment he could just enjoying your company...it makes him want to just curl up under his blankets, blocking out all the lights of his room, their lights brighter than usual in his heightened emotional distress, blocking out all the buzzing of his electronics with his headphones, just blocking out the world entirely, trying to block out his mind at the same time.
Why - despite his brothers constantly vying for your time, attention, and affections - do you continue to keep choosing him out of all them to spend all your time with?
“Levi? Are you in there?” you called from outside his bedroom door with a knock, “I wanted to watch the new TSL DVD with you, if you were still up for that?”
Levi groggily unfurled himself from his blanket nest, squinting at the brightness of his phone, faintly surprised that he had basically let himself pass the whole day away hiding under his blankets.
“I can go if you aren’t feeling well…”
Rubbing at his eyes, Levi pulled himself out of his tub-bed with a grimace, striding over and opening the door for you, before turning back and disappearing back into his room so he wouldn’t have to deal with the brightness of the hall lights, “I’ll set up the movie once I find it. You can set up the pillows.”
Entering his room, you were caught over by the big nest of blankets all heaped in the tub-bed already, and looking over at Leviathan, you could see his tail sticking out from the one blanket that was still wrapped about him like a hood, his tail flicking up and down rapidly. Levi was obviously really upset about something.
Pursing your lips, contemplating if you should just straight up give him a hug, or ask him what was wrong first, then give him the hug, you picked out the pillows that you know were Levi’s favorites and arranged the tub-bed to be as comfy as possible. Nodding in satisfaction, you turned to see Levi still rummaging through his stack of DVDs, head drooped and tail still flicking with irritation. He seemed as though he was lost in thought.
“Levi? Are you okay?”
He startled, dropping the DVDs he was holding and tipping over the whole stack. Feeling positively horrible that you startled him like that, you quickly rushed over to help him pick up the fallen DVDs.
“I’m fine, I’m just really tired,” he mumbled as he avoided eye-contact, picking up DVD after DVD quickly.
You sighed softly, gently putting a hand on his arm and stopping him, “You’re in your demon form, Levi. You morph into your demon form whenever you’re upset. ...can I give you a hug?”
He hesitated for a moment before he nodded, putting aside the DVDs onto his desk. You wrapped him up in a huge hug, patting his back gently, and Levi found himself relaxing into your tender embrace, resting his cheek against your head, exhaling long and slow. He already felt loads better.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, it’s...it’s fine. It’s...silly. I don’t want to bother you with - “
You squeezed him gently, tightening your arms around him, “Levi. You are never a bother to me. And your feelings are never, ever ‘silly.’ Okay? Your feelings are important, just like how you’re important. Okay? Now, talk to me, Levi. What’s wrong? Why’re you upset?”
Levi trembled at the utter anxiety clogging his throat up at just the mere thought of trying to express what he was feeling out loud, hiding his face in your hair as he held you close, “It’s..it’s, um…”
“You can take all the time you need,” you quietly encouraged him, rubbing a comforting hand up and down his back.
Shakily taking a breath, he tried again, “I, um...All my brothers...they’re in love with you. But I...I don’t love you. Ah, but that’s - ! That’s not - ! It’s, that’s, what I meant, is that, I don’t...I don’t love you the same way they do. I...I can't give you the same kind of love they would, so I don’t - I don’t understand why you...why keep choosing to spend all your time with...with someone like me…”
You stood quietly, letting his words wash over you as you processed what he was telling you. Pulling away from the hug with careful movements, you looked up at Levi to see he had his eyes anxiously squeezed shut, likely afraid of what your reaction would be to his words.
“Levi, look at me. Please,” you asked him, keeping your voice hushed, knowing how he became hyper sensitive when his emotions were high strung.
He hesitantly opened his eyes, looking down at you, heart near stopping at how you were looking at him with such...utter understanding.
You took his hands and sat him down in the nest of pillows and blankets you had set up in his tub-bed, plopping down next him.
“I keep choosing you to spend all my time with because I like you, Levi.”
Levi sat straight up, struggling against sinking into all the pillows, “But - !”
“I’m not interest in what your brothers have to offer me, either.”
“But I - “
You turned to look up at him, avoiding eye contact so that you wouldn’t make him uncomfortable with how distraught he already was, “I don’t return any of their feelings. And I don’t expect you to feel any differently for me than you already do. Have you aromanticism, Levi?”
He blinked, caught off guard by the question Levi shook his head.
“Aromanticism is when a person very rarely, or never, feels romantic attraction.”
Levi gaped at you, “That’s - that’s a real thing?!”
“It is,” you nodded, smiling fondly at him, “There’s an entire spectrum, for all the different ways a person experiences aromanticism.”
Levi slumped back into the pillows and blankets, sinking into them as he stared at the ceiling in wonderment, mulling over what you had just told him. He sat up suddenly, struggling to not sit back into the bed again,
“Wait! Are you aromantic?”
You nodded, smiling at him all the same, “Yeah. I am. I’m asexual too. Asexuality means that you rarely or never feel sexual attraction. There’s a whole spectrum to how people experience asexuality too.”
Leviathan stared at you, utterly wowed, trying to figure out how to say what he was feeling, inhaling sharply, “I - I think I might be aromantic and, and asexual…”
You grinned as you pulled him into another big hug and he returned the hug, and Levi found himself grinning too as he returned the hug, his tail rapidly thumping against the pillows all around the both of you, but this time it was because he was excited to learn this new thing you just told him about.
“...there’s nothing wrong with me,” Leviathan murmured, finally allowing himself to sink back into the pillows and blankets and stay there.
“There was nothing wrong with you to begin with,” you agree, sinking into the pillows and blankets beside him, feeling comfortable and safe in his arms.
“...but you know, I...I feel really deeply for you, but I do know that I don’t want to like, be your boyfriend or anything, but I, I do want to spend like - agh, I’m not making any sense, am I…?” he huffed, hiding his face into the pillows, frustrated with himself.
“No, I get it,” you reassured him, poking at him to try and get him to stop hiding, “Do you know what a queer platonic relationship is?”
Levi peeked up at you, face adorably scrunched up in confusion, “Huh? A what?”
“I’m guessing not,” you giggled, cuddling up close, “Let’s see...a QPR is something more intense than friendship, but isn’t exactly romantic. The lines between platonic feelings and romantic feelings can be blurred and it can be hard for both people involved to really understand how they feel about each other fully. They can include friendships and ambiguously-romantic relationships that go beyond friendship norms in emotional intensity, physical affection, or other areas. Some QPR partners get married. A QPR can look different for everyone, depending on what the people involved are comfortable with and how they feel for each other.”
Levi mouthed out a “wow,” thinking this over, “So what I feel…”
You squished his cheeks together playfully, giggling, “I understand what you feel entirely. In fact, I feel the same. You just learned a lot in a few minutes, but...I really like you, Levi. Would you want to be my queer platonic partner?”
He gaped at you, before laughing excitedly, nodding and pulling you into an even tighter hug, positively delighted. You returned the hug just as happily, resting your head on his shoulder. The two of you pulled back to smile at each other, the world feeling perfectly in balance at this new decision that the two of you made together.
That evening, the two of you thoroughly enjoyed the new TSL DVD together, cuddling under the light of the movie that played on Levi’s large flat screen television.
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Likes and reblogs are loved and appreciated!
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Last Line Game! Thank you for the tag, @kydrogendragon! <3
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
As usual I can't keep myself from sharing more than one line, so here's the last few paragraphs from an upcoming fic which I'm hoping will turn out at less than 10k (but you never fucking know with me...)
“Very well.” Morpheus rose, pulling Hob to his feet as well by the hand. “Shall we?” “You’ve not finished your coffee,” Hob remarked, though he could not, in truth, care less about the fact that both of their cups were still half-full. He’d always preferred it to half-empty anyway. “Are you not aware? Too much caffeine and sugar can have a negatively impact on your sleep.” The joking call-back was delivered completely deadpan. Hob raised an eyebrow. “You know, I’m an academic, I’ll have to ask for a source on a claim like that.” “Amaranth, Morpheus. ‘A Remark on the Adverse Effects of Stimulants.’ 17 Nov. 2023, MUU. Casual conversation.” That startled a laugh out of Hob. “You’re citing Dr Amaranth, huh? Good choice, I hear he’s a prominent somnologist at a prestigious university, and quite the looker to boot.” He was mightily pleased to see two faint spots of pink appear on Morpheus’ cheeks, then realised that they had been standing by their table without making a move to actually leave for quite a bit by now, holding hands all the while. He reluctantly let go in order to pick up and shrug into his coat. (Morpheus had just unbuttoned his coat and kept it on, just like in the classroom.) “I appreciate you using proper MLA for your reference, by the way.” “I am trying to impress a lecturer of literature, am I not?” Hob grinned brightly and boldly took Morpheus’ hand again. “And you’re doing a bang-up job of it. Come on. My car is parked behind the A building.”
I'll go ahead and tag @hardly-an-escape, @pellaaearien, @aralezinspace, @acedragontype and @tryan-a-bex if you feel up for it ^_^
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2af-afterdark · 2 years
Kinktober '21 - Day 1: Hurry Home
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Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Relationships: Leviathan/Main Character
Characters: Leviathan, Main Character
Additional Tags: afab!MC (you/your), verbal instruction, edging, phone sex, drabble
Summary: Levi talks to you while he waits in line for a new game and you are busy back home.
A/N: Day 1 of kinktober! We are a go!
Word Count: 471
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“So close,” your voice purrs over the phone, the sound of your breathing heavy and full of longing as your stomach lurched forward. The sound of your fingers digging into your soaking wet cunt, getting covered with your slick as you dragged them along your inner walls, “Please, let me cum. Want to cum for you.”
Levi listened with a faint blush on his cheeks, desperately hoping that no one around could hear your voice through the headphones he was wearing. Your voice was unbelievably tempting and if he wasn’t so close to the front of the line for this new game he would actually debate going home to you. Unfortunately, he was close, and so were you by the sounds of it.
“You know you can’t,” he says as he steps forward in the line.
“Please?” He has to move the receiver away from his ear as you scream, “Please, Levi, it hurts. I need to cum.” He’d been making you stop just before you could finish since he’d told you to start touching yourself.
“You can wait until I get home, right?” His tone teased you just over the phone, none of his intent was lost even through the background noise on his end that other fans in line were making, “Just keep going and I’ll take care of you all you want later.” He was looking forward to that ‘later’ too. There was something wonderful about your face full of desperation as your thighs rubbed together to try and find some relief, you crying and begging him to finally give you the release he’d been denying you for so long.
“Now,” he looked around cautiously, making sure no one was listening to him as he dropped his voice, “rub that cute clit of yours and tell me what you’re thinking about.”
With a whine, you pull your fingers out of your aching heat and press them against your sensitive clit, slowly rubbing circles around the tender ball of nerves and crying at how hard it is not to just give in and let yourself cum, “You. I’m thinking about your fingers touching me and your cock filling me.” Your pace began to pick up and you ignored that it was almost painful to touch yourself, “Please come home. I can’t take anymore. Need you inside of me so bad.”
He needed it too. Listening to you was going to be the death of him, especially if this line didn’t move any faster. The only good part of this was that by the end he would finally have his new game on release day and that you would be so pent up and needy that you would practically jump on him the second he walked through the door.
Both of those were things he was really looking forward to.
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greypetrel · 1 year
For the opinions meme - how about Varric, Krem, Zevran and Sten?
WOOOOH it's a lot! Thank you ask some more. 👀
SOOOO let's spill some tea, shall we. *crack knuckles*
First impression: "Omg that's some chest hair." Of course. Nah it was like at first sight even without those, give me an unreliable sarcastic narrator and I'll be content.
Impression now: After reading some analyses and writing him... I still like him a lot as a character, but it's true that he's for sticking with the status quo and is terrified of changes, BUT he changes his mind if you push him enough (a lot), so that's ok. Leave Bianca dude seriously I'm suffering for your sake.
Favorite moment: The fake solo EPIC fight at Bartrand's. Iconic, you go man. Also, the descriptions on ships in Hard in Hightown without a hint of research. He just doesn't care and it works and it's a best seller. You go, Varric.
Idea for a story: I don't think anything about him will ever top the fic "Ask Varric" but I'd love to be proven wrong of course. (It's the fic I read when I'm sad it just sparks joy). I'd just love to see him coping with a Spirit Cole and learning that it's not the end of the world, he's still him. Alas I tend to focus more on my OCs. Maybe I'll try it one day or another, but it's not that day (and if you are reading this and find it a good prompt, be my guest, write it and please tag me)
Unpopular opinion: A centrist character that doesn't want change is actually a good counterpoint for Hawke.
Favorite relationship: *looks at DadWolf AU* AH-EHM. No, joking, I love a good fic that ships him with Cassandra.
Favorite headcanon: Bisexual in the closet, clearly had a one-night with Solas when they both got drunk I read the comic panels and listen LISTEN no homo bro
First impression: I think I thought he looked very cool and had a very nice voice, I liked how professional he was and the dynamics of the Chargers from the start, the more he spoke the more I liked him.
Impression now: As above, I can't say much on how it was written but I like him very much as a character, I wish we saw more of him in game and that he was a romanceable option but alas
Favorite moment: I live for his dynamic with Bull they're just... The ultimate found family and they melt my little dark heart.
Idea for a story: Oh damn... Anything exploring his character more, honestly. I will be honest and say I'm not really shipping him with Maryden (I don't like Maryden much...?). Maybe something having him and Dorian in the same room. Add Fenris for the perfect Tevinter reunion and just dig in the chaos. Hateful Eight style. (Sorry Dor I don't think you're surviving this in one piece)
Unpopular opinion: Is there an unpopular opinion about Krem? No, I think my opinion on him are pretty average.
Favorite relationship: Chargers the ultimate Found Family all the way. With Bull, as in platonic. Or you know what. He makes plushies. Josie plays with them. KremxJosephine??? (it's farfetched and I really thought of it right now and with a beer in my belly. But...)
First impression: "Dude who gave you the assassin licence, Elmo?" No listen Zevran is the epitome of the character I like most. Cocky, histrionic, there for show, very charismatic. I was there and I liked him from the start.
Impression now: Same as above, it didn't change much. I only love him more after knowing all of it, he deserves all the love and praise he can get and some more.
Favorite moment: His recruitment is honestly an iconic epic fail come on what's there not to love. But also his banter with Alistair.
Idea for a story: I will write it sooner or later: Zevran and the Warden making spritz in the camp with what they could find/distill themselves. Listen, Antiva is Venezia, hence it's a SHAME that one of his gifts is not a glass of Spritz (the most typical cocktail from the... City or region I won't say or Ali will beat me with a newspaper if I get it wrong). In my mind the Dalish can and will distill alcohol with everything, as good old south mediterranean old people, the Arlathvens are basically a big reunion to share drinks. I will sooner or later write Alyra missing some good homemade liquor, him missing spritz, and the pair combining forces to recreate something with the resources they have. Raiding a tavern, Alyra distracts the host and Zevran slips behind the counter and steals Aperol.
Unpopular opinion: Not really an unpopular opinion but he's Italian not Spanish. The name also sounds from Veneto, if you read it with the accent on the a. Zevràn. It's me being picky, tho, I really don't have ANYTHING against people portraying him as Spanish and using Spanish for Antivan! I saw some very nice iterations. I don't think I have opinions about him that are really unpopular tho.
Favorite relationship: I'm a sucker for a good Zevalistair fic. I said it.
Favorite headcanon: Even in a platonic relationship, he still checks in regularly with his friends from the Blight. They all have a discount.
First impression: I was pretty cold about him? Like ok, I'll free him just to piss the Nun off, but meh it sounds like a character I don't really like, too much a boring Paladin for me, meh.
Impression now: He likes cookies and he approves when you disagree with him? OMG I STAN *badum tsssss* Jokes beside, I think he's kind of… A missed chance? He's an interesting character and believe me I generally find his kind of character extremely boring, but… He doesn't have as much insight as the others have, it would have been nice to see more, have some more cut scenes with him or a more complex personal quest that wasn't just a "find the missing object".
Favorite moment: The cookie admission.
Idea for a story: Him and the Warden meeting again, with him as the Arishok. A good old reunion.
Unpopular opinion: I think the real missed chance in romancing a Qunari is not him but the Arishok in DA2 and I will die on this hill.
Favorite relationship: He and the Warden. Or with Morrigan.
Favorite headcanon: He didn't use "Kadan" for nothing, he sincerely had feels for the Warden.
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themanicmuse · 1 year
Broken Souls| Mollymauk Tealeaf x femReader
Word count: 2262
Summary: During their stay in Zadash the three men of The Mighty Nein have a boy's night where a certain purple Teifling meets an interesting young woman
Warnings: casual alcohol use, mentions of arranged marriage, consensual sex work
a/n: This was originally posted on my ao3 in 2020 as an OC one-shot. I have converted and polished it into my 1st y/n style xreader. Let me know what you think
The warm Zadash air was bustling with the usual energy of a Friday night in the large city. A band of three tipsy men walked through the busy streets, each distinct in their own varieties of strange. One hunched and shuffling, one tall and proud and the third overly confident and swaggering, leading the group. The cocky leader raises a purple hand in front of his companions with a mild flourish, bringing them to a halt.
“Gentlemen, what do you say to us stopping here for a few drinks?” The other two men follow the purple man’s eyes to the sign above the large building.
“Belle’s Boudoir?” The red-headed man said, confusion clear through his noticeable Zamnian accent.
“Just for a drink, right?” The tallest of them states while somehow also questions. The purple man nods lightly, the chains adorning his horns and neck jingle lightly. With a moment of reluctance from the half-orc, the trio enter the establishment.
Two of the men find a seat, bewildered by the numerous scantily clad yet heavily made up women around them as their teifling friend saunters over to the bar. He leans against the countertop, drumming his heavily ringed fingers while waiting to be noticed by the barmaid. After a few minutes of waiting, an attractive but ageing brunette Half-Elf woman makes her way down the bar towards the ostentatiously dressed man.
“Well good evening, handsome,” the woman greets with a flirtatious voice and a bat of her long eyelashes “What can I do you for?” she asks as she gently strokes her thumb over the teifling’s lavender hand.
“Well... well, first tell me your name. I’m sure your name is just as beautiful as your lovely self.” The teifling asks as he places a soft hand on the woman’s.
“Well aren’t you a charming one.” The half-elf answers with a mild blush “My name is Sasha, and yours?”
“Mollymaulk Tealeaf, but my friends call me Molly as shall you now as we are now friends.” Molly replies with a wide fang toothed grin. “So my dear, I would firstly like three ales for myself and my friends over there, and put on a tab under nein, the Zamnian spelling.” Molly nods his head towards the human reading a large book and the handsome half-orc awkwardly trying to reject one of the working girl’s propositions, causing the teifling to wince in second hand embarrassment. The Half-elf hands over three flagons of ale with a small chuckle.
“Anything else I can do for you?”
“Well actually I would like some... private company.” Molly says with a knowing smile and a wink.
“Why of course, Molly, do you have any preference? We have the largest and finest variety in all of Zadash.” Sasha replies, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her long ear.
“If you truly do have the largest selection, and I do fully believe you I do, how about you show me something amazing, something that takes my breath away, something... That I’ve never experienced before.” On the last word Molly lightly taps the counter with the tip of his index finger and a cheerful smirk on his face.
“And what have you seen?”
“I was in the circus game sweetheart, that’s a long fucking list I assure you.”
With a wildly disappointed sigh Sasha leaves to a back room before returning to the teifling. She hands him a key with a small tag with a number on it and instructs Molly to use that room when he has made his choice. With a parting wink the man takes his drinks to the table to join his friends.
“Took ya long enough.” The half-orc said in his strange southern accent quickly taking his drink as Molly shooed away the annoyed working woman as he took the seat she was occupying.
“Yeah sorry, I was doing a little recon on the local customs of this city.” Molly answers with a shrug. As the three men make idle chatter about adventures, magical weapons and spells, the teifling’s eyes scanned the room for a companion worthy of his standards. Eventually his eyes are drawn to a beautiful (h/c) haired girl, adorned in a dress of silky deep greens, almost hiding in the far corner. Molly thanks his wizard friend as he receives a fresh drink, his eyes not leaving the girl for a single second. After realising just observing wasn’t enough for him, Molly abruptly leaves the table and hastily makes his way back to the bar.
“That girl in the corner is she one of yours?’ Molly asks the second he makes eye contact with the barkeep.
“Oh her, yeah she came to us only a few days ago. Is she definitely the one you want?” In response the horned man nods his head vigorously causing his many chains to rattle. “Ok... I’m afraid I can’t tell you how good her services will be since you’re the first to request her. If you’re truly sure, go to the room and I’ll send her up with some ale and food.” Molly replies with a quick nod of thanks before jogging up the stairs.
After removing his boots and heavily embroidered coat, the teifling paced the floor waiting impatiently. When a knock sounds on the door Molly rushed over, quickly composing himself before opening the door. His burning red eyes scanned the form of the girl as she walked in and placed the tray of food on the small table. After closing the door Molly sat on the edge of the bed studying the girl before him.
“My name is Mollymauk Tealeaf, but please just call me Molly.” He greets reaching his hand out towards the girl. He watched as the girl glanced between her face and hand, failing to mask the fear and discomfort in her eyes. Eventually She reaches her shaky hand out to meet Molly’s purple one, gasping with shock as she feels the raised remains of many old scars on the teifling’s strong hand.
“Oh don’t worry yourself about them.” Molly says softly as he gently caresses the girl's (s/c) hand. “So, What’s your name beautiful?”
“(y)... I mean. What would you like it to be,” She replied, with a shudder and a tear threatening to escape her (e/c), pupil-less eyes. “S-sexy?”
“Your real name, please.”
“Um... (y/n).” She replied while fiddling with some of her (h/l) (h/c) hair.
“Well that’s a name truly worthy of your beauty. Please, sit down, eat, drink, make yourself more comfortable.” Molly offers with a small smile before getting to his feet. A few seconds later he hears the shuffling of fabric, Molly instinctively turns around to see (y/n) hesitantly slipping her green silk dress off of her body, once the material reached her waist a full pair of wings sprung up and ruffled out. Speckled light brown feathers covered the top while deep grey covered the bottom. Shaking himself out of his shock Molly quickly grabs his coat and hands it to (y/n), trying but failing to avert his eyes, catching a glimpse of the curves of her body and the speckled white of her inner wings.
“I have no intention of doing any of that with you, please cover back up.” Molly says softly as he wraps the coat around her rigid body from behind before guiding her to sit on the bed before turning to face the wall. “I don’t want to see you like that.”
“Oh. I understand.” The soft voice answers behind him. Molly listens with confusion as he hears the soft thud of his coat hitting the bed followed by a rustling of fabric causing him to spin back around.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Molly questioned causing the girl to freeze holding her dress most the way up her body.
“Y-you weren’t pleased with me so I’m going to request someone more suitable for you.” (y/n) answers with a look of both sadness and relief as she walks to the door, her dress now back in place.
“No!” Molly shouts quickly grabbing the girl's delicate wrist with his strong scarred hand stopping her movement “That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean Mollymauk?” (y/n) askes, her large (e/c) eyes meeting Molly’s red ones for the first time, filled with caution and confusion.
“When I saw you in the bar,” Molly started with a sigh as he led the confused girl to sit down on the bed next to him. “I knew you didn’t belong here. So I decided to hire you in order to rescue you from that discomfort. So please, eat, drink, nap, whatever you wish to do.” With those words Molly twice taps (y/n)’s hand softly before standing and heading to the door.
“Stay. I want you to, just for a little while.” A voice speaks with confidence for the first time causing a small, soft smile to form on Molly’s lavender lips. The teifling silently sits on the opposite side of the bed, removes his loose shirt, handing it over to (y/n) before laying down with his hands behind his head. Sensing (y/n)’s new found confusion at the new item in her hands.
“I know that dress isn’t comfortable on your wings, that should be big enough to cover you and give your wings some more space.” Molly answers without even opening his eyes.
”Aren’t you going to...”
“Oh please, honey, you are not the first aasimar I’ve met. You are however the first one with feathers so there is that. Anyway just put the shirt on, I promise I won’t peek.” Just as (y/n)  slipped Molly’s large shirt over her shapely body, the room door silently opens.
Back downstairs, after realising that their friend hasn’t been seen for a while, The half-orc warlock Fjord and Caleb the human wizard decide to split up and search the establishment. Caleb quickly climbed the stairs as the handsome Fjord was swarmed by women the moment he’s alone. After checking numerous empty, and some not so empty, rooms he quietly opens the door to room number nine. His eyes are met with the sight of a shirtless Mollymauk laid out on the double bed and a beautiful human-looking girl sitting next to him wearing nothing but Molly’s long white shirt.
“Oh, I-I am so very sorry Molly und your lady company. I did not know, um. I will... I will leave you be. See you later. Ja, good, good bye. Ja, bye.” Caleb apologises as he stumbles over both himself and his words. Spinning around on his heels and walking into the doorframe before finally finding the wide open door somehow remembering to close it behind him. Brushing a mildly charred and calloused hand through his mess of ginger hair as he waits for the horde of women crowding Fjord to disperse.
"Did ya find Molly?" Fjord asked over the heads of the numerus women circling them.
"Oh Ja I did."
"Then where is he?"
"Upstairs being Molly"
Back upstairs (y/n) sits on the bed, her face bright red, hands covering her embarrassment.
“I’m truly so sorry about him my dear. Caleb is impressively unskilled in the social graces.” Molly laughed as he rolled to his feet and picked his coat up from the floor. As if seeing the future, Molly wraps his coat around (y/n) as she shivers “So why don’t you tell me about yourself?”
“I don’t...”
“I just want to get to know you a little, beautiful.” With that final word a strange warmth floods the aasimar’s body as she feels her trust in the handsome purple devil grows. She looks into Molly’s blood red eyes with a deep sigh as though opening up to an old friend.
“It’s a classic tale I’m afraid. I was promised to a vile old lord. The night before my marriage I realised that I wanted more from my life. I took all the jewels I could carry, spent it all on ship passage to Wildemount. I only discovered that I’d been conned when Sasha took me in in exchange for work. Of course I didn’t know this was the work she meant. So now I’m stuck here until I save up enough gold to start my dream.”
“And what dream would that be?” Molly asks as he takes (y/n)’s chin between his thumb and forefinger, bringing her eyes to meet his and leans in closer.
“I want... I want what you have.” With a hesitant yet strangely confident hand, (y/n) gently traces some of the scars on Mollymauk’s bare chest. “Adventure.” Molly looks deep into the girl's beautiful eyes full of hope and wonder for her future. A large smile spreads over the teifling’s face, his tail swinging absentmindedly happy. He stands to his feet, puts his boots on and swaggers to the door.
“Molly, where are you going?”
Molly doesn’t answer, he only flashes her a kind fanged smile.
“I still have your things.”
“You can just give them back to me tomorrow, don’t worry.”
“I’m hiring you for the whole day my dear. I’m going to give you some training, show you the ropes, that kind of thing” Molly instructs as he throws a decently sized bag of gold on the bed. “That’s for the whole night, you can stay here. I’ll be back to get you in the morning.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“I’ve always been a sucker for broken souls.”
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blood-mocha-latte · 9 months
for the fic ask meme, luztoye postwar roadtrip PLS 🥹🥹🥹🙏
ask and you shall receive!! this is actually Thee First Fic i began to write for band of brothers: she's here, she's queer, she's over 3 installments and 150k of pure luztoye nonsense. half of it is under a cut, because it got Long :)
from this tag (ask) game :)
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The world’s been at peace for a year. August of 1946 dawns gently. 
“Made a call today,” Bill says casually, as the sun dips, blood red, back into the horizon. Joe had watched it rise this morning, and set the night before. He’ll probably watch it rise again tomorrow. 
“Okay.” He says, in address to Bill, who hums.
“Yeah. Down to Rhode Island. Rather big Portuguese immigrant population down there, didja know?”
Joe didn’t. “Sure.”
“Well, I only know that because George Luz picked up the receiver and started speaking in rapid fire Spanish — or whatever the hell they speak down in Portugal.” Joe keeps staring out the window. He starts tapping his fingertips against the armchair of the wheelchair, though.
Bill, taking this as his response, continues on. “Anyways, after sorting out whatever tongues shit he was saying, we got down to business. First, he apologised. See, apparently, he’s got this sister — he’s got nine goddamn siblings, can you believe that? — anyways, he’s got this sister, right?”
“And his sister, according to him — but paraphrased by me — is a little khaki wacky, ya get it?”
“So, long story short, she’s stuck in a goddamn Spain army base and they won’t let her leave again because her passport’s all out of whack, so he’s been trying to sort that out. Shit, maybe he was speaking Spanish, then. Or maybe he thought I was his sister at first? Well, first of all, that’s goddamn insulting, don’t you think?”
“—Second of all, I don’t think he did, because apparently he’s trying to get in contact with the foreign affairs office down there. Anyways—” Bill waves his hand, as if to erase the story from his train of thought. “I bummed his phone number offa Perconte – I have his address, but I’m too impatient to send a letter.”
“Of course.”
“So he picks up, starts speaking in whatever the hell that was, switches to English, says ah, hey, it’s my favourite VD! and we get down to business, right?”
“Right! So we get down to business, and he explains in the most confusing way possible why his sister’s in Spain, and I’m just tryin’ to figure out what the hell’s going on, and then I say, hey, if you need a break from all that, you should come visit!” Bill pauses, here, as if to let his words sink in.
They sink in just fine, but Joe doesn’t turn away from the window. “Seems logical.” He says.
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the-fandom-therapist · 8 months
As promised, I'm tagging you @ultimateplaylistmaker x) Hope you will enjoy it!
This is my interpretation of their "alicorn Kokichi AU" check it out everyone it's awesome!
It's crack taken seriously btw, I put way too many details and changes, I hope you'll still like it!
Also apologies if anyone is OOC, I never wrote about MLP before x)
That's the first part, mainly Kokichi's, I'll write more about the others! -I stopped because Tumblr was struggling to show all of it lmao, I think I've reach the characters limit-
Death is a bitch.
Wait, no. Death is a dude. Well, bastard then.
The terms of their deal were SIMPLE! He beats the god -at poker you morons, he's not stupid enough to challenge the Grim Reaper at chess, one of the oldest games in history, and apparently one of its personal favorites- and him and all the other idiots from the killing game get brought back to life.
(No he's not attached to any of them. Absolutely not. He just added them so he wouldn't get killed again straight away by that damn assassin. Because without the space idiot to restrain her, she would have gone to kill him again. Anyway, not the point.)
And he fucking did, yes sir! Outsmarted the god of death himself, the grim reaper in person! He's amazing like that. Don't try to fuck with a Supreme Leader of Evil!
Anyway. Point is, he won. He tricked the god of death himself to fold on his turn by pure bluff.
And that was the condition: if he could trick death itself to fold, to give up while he had nothing, then it could recognize his value. Apparently, Death -or Thanatos if he remembers correctly- likes bold humans, so it -he?- have no problem make an exception from time to time. Under conditions obviously.
He didn't had many humans who tried. So every attempts was a welcomed change from the -apparently- frankly boring existence he had.
Hey, he wasn't about to complain, it helped here.
He grabbed his scarf -how the hell did he had it with him when he died without it, no clue, but again let's not look a gift horse in the mouth shall we?- and thought of his team. He'll see them soon.
He was already starting to feel weird. Like he was being sucked out of his own... body? Probably Death doing his thing.
However, right before things turned to black, he could have sworn he heard a "wait shit-" and saw a panicked expression on the god's face.
Huh. Wonder what that means...
The first thing he registered was the smell.
A foul smell, and one he knew well, considering he'd not always been hanging with DICE in the most sanitary places.
Garbage. his mind helpfully provided.
Wow, fuck you too Death. Really, too much honor!
He scoffed, and started to get up wobbly. Waking up from dying was... weird. His head was killing him -ah!- same for his sides.
When he tried to get up from the ground, he barely made one step before falling back on all four. And...
Wait a second.
That's not a hand. That's a damn hoof! What the hell?
A quick check up confirmed that yup. He's a horse now. Everything's fine.
Oh and he have wings too. Because why not.
What the hell did Death do?! Wait. Didn't he acted surprised before he passed out?
...Did the god of fucking DEATH made a mistake?
How do you even fuck up that badly? He's human for fuck's sake! Now he's a horse?! (Well technically a pegasus he guesses.)
Alright. Focus Kokichi. Freak out later. Right now you need to know where in the world you are.
At least he still have his scarf. Which... thank god (clearly not Death.) it helps a bit to have something familiar.
Alright. Now that he more or less put himself back under control, he needed to exit that damn alleyway... He could already feel a headache. Gre-
Hold up. There something on his head too.
Great, now what?
...That felt like a... horn or some sort.
What, so he's both a fucking unicorn and a pegasus now? That's a thing?
Does Death have fursonas or...? Actually, that could be an interesting question.
But that's not the time for this.
Right now he needed to hide. He heard voices, and even though he couldn't understand the fuck they were saying -great, he wasn't even in Japan? That wasn't a language he recognized either.- he could hear the dangerous tone they had.
So that's what he did! He bolted under a pile of trash, not caring about the smell. And he saw...
...Are those supposed to be horses too? They... looked like a mix of horse and bugs.
Not thinking of the Insect Meet and Greet. Bad idea. Not thinking of Gonta's execution either. Nope. Not doing that.
They were all black, green big buggy-like eyes and wings... Were those fangs? Yikes. He definitely doesn't want to be seen by them... And they have holes in them? Shouldn't that hurt?
They were speaking. Something he couldn't understand... But they weren't alone.
There were actual horses with them! But wait.
They were clearly prisoners. Uh oh.
Welp, seems he was right to hide! One point for him. But something was a bit weird too.
Some had horns. Some had wings, and some had neither. But none had both, asides from these... insects-horses bad guys.
Clearly he's not in Japan (or on Earth at all) and this place is populate with sentients horses. Or ponies, who cares.
They don't seem to be able to have both a horn and wings. Only these creepy bug-horses seem to. And they don't look friendly.
If he want to fit in, he'll need to hide either the wings or the horn. He doesn't want to end up in jail before he can figure a way to go back to his own world.
...The horn would probably be the easiest to hide. He'll just need to lie about why he have something on his head that looks like one.
Easy peasy. He can do this. Hell, he tricked the god of death, he can trick a few horses!
...He'll just need to learn the language. Great.
Also, he needed to find a way to avoid those creepy bug-horses guys. Something tells him that looking like one of their prisoners wouldn't help him there.
But first thing first: find a way to hide that horn. He suppose it's a small mercy that he got thrust in a dumpster. It's easy to find what you want, as long as you know how to look.
Two minutes later he found some sturdy papers and got to work. With hooves it wasn't easy, but he had all the time in the world.
...He's pretty sure he passed a good hour on it. But it was done! It was clearly not in the best condition, but at least it hid the horn efficiently -it was a hassle to put the rubber band around something on his head with hooves, but he did it. It wouldn't do to have his cover getting blown away by the wind!- and would stay in place.
While he was working, he kept hearing some words in particular. They sounded like names?
And it thankfully made him learn that even if he couldn't understand what the FUCK those bug-horses were saying, he could at least understand the normal ponies. (Probably because he's one too.) Phew.
"Celestia" "Cadence" "Chrysalis" were the words he kept hearing in those creepy guys' language. Also there was the same word in front of the first two names, the third one had another word.
Considering the normal horses were calling the first two "princess", he could understand Chrysalis was probably the leader of those bug-horses.
Sounds like girl's names either way, so if the first two were princesses, the last one must be a queen, and probably an enemy if what he was seeing was any indication.
Anyway, that wasn't important. What was, was to find a way to avoid these... bug-horses things. (He's pretty sure he heard the horses -or ponies they were rather small- call them something like "Changelings"? Whatever that means.)
However, when he thought about that, he had an odd feeling. It was like his body was telling him "big thing's coming towards us captain!" And when he went to -discreetly duh- check, he was greeted with a white light which was sweeping those Changelings and send them flying far away from here, leaving the horses alone.
...Well damn. He suppose he didn't had to worry about those now. That's one thing taken cared of.
Now he could use that diversion to get the hell away from here! It was a good time to learn if he could run like this.
Running... to somewhere. Away from this place at least. It have a big castle nearby, and he's going to bet there's a ruler in there. Probably those princesses. And he does NOT want to be near the persons -or horses in that case- that can put him to jail.
Next, he need to find a way to get something to eat. Because he's plently good at picking pockets, but usually he have two human hands for this!
That also leave the problem of figuring the currency... Urgh. All that reasoning hurt his head.
First thing first. Waiting for the night to fall. It's easier to walk in the shadows -even if looked to be a rather light shade of purple- that way. And apparently, there was a wedding going on? Perfect. Everyone will be too busy with that to notice someone hanging around.
Maybe he could steal a few things along the way before buying supplies to perform in the streets and gain more money legally. Because while he doesn't mind stealing, if he get caught he doesn't have his team here to bust him out...
Raah, enough self-pity! He have a world to figure out!
With a slap on his face -or rather, a punch...- he started to run forwards. After a few struggles, he was able to run like he didn't learned like, five minutes ago, and he setted off.
The adventage with big cites, was that no matter how odd you may look, nobody will pay enough attention to retain your face. Because why should they? You're just another person passing by.
That's how he successful picked the pockets of a few horses without anyone noticing. Seems like even in this world the riches were dumb! And here he was, worried that with hooves he'd struggle.
He hid his treasure in his scarf. Regrouped the coins in one wallet and-
And holy shit were those gold coins?!
Kokichi knew they looked rich, but he never thought they'd literally carry GOLD on their person like that!
...Something was clearly fishy here. It looked too good to be true.
Aaaaaaaand he was proven right. Goddamnit. Apparently gold didn't had the same value here, if buying only a few pastries costed two or three golden coins!
...He really hoped he could ask the prices directly, because if he have to dicipher any writing he's screwed.
Because apparently, even if he could understand the language, he couldn't read it! Damn it. Back to first grade he goes, having to relearn how to read! Just his luck.
Entering a shop and interacting without knowing any of the mannerisms of the ponies would be a bad idea. He was lucky the shops there stayed opened the full night thanks to that wedding (a royal wedding even, damn. One of those princesses?) but if it's to blow his cover, it's stupid.
Maybe he could pretend to be deaf? That could work. He just hope they don't have a sign language here, otherwise he's fucked.
He eyed the shop (it had a jester's hat for a roof. That's clearly the place he needed to go to!) and took a deep breath.
Alright! Time to see if he's as good as an actor as he was when still human!
He pushed the door to be greeted by a cheerful pony behind the counter (he's going to call them ponies because they are seriously smaller than horses, all of them.)
"Welcome, welcome! Are you searching to prank your friends? You are at the right place! We have everything, from fake flowers to- um, boy?"
Well, sorry random pony but he have to pretend he can't hear you. So he just looked at the shelves with a lost expression.
"Um hello?"
The cashier was probably puzzled. Eh, sorry. But well, he needs to be safe here!
Once he noticed what he needed, he grabbed the deck of cards -with his teeth, not like he had any other options...- before going to the register. The pony was clearly confused, but he still tried to keep a smile on.
"Ah, found your treasure? It's gonna be two golds!"
Now... Action!
He pretended to be confused for a second. Then he widdened his eyes, before putting a hoof at his ear -that still felt SO weird- and then shook his head.
And thankfully, the cashier seemed to understand, thank fuck.
"Oh! Alright, hold on!"
He went to rumminaged behind the counter and put a paper and a pen. Then he started to doodle two coins, and pointed to the deck of cards.
Alright then! It worked. Phew.
Also, it looked like a gold is really just a golden coin. That's a mystery solved at least. He nodded, before putting the wallet from his scarf, and taking out two coins that he put on the counter.
He got a bag out of this, and his deck of cards.
And a bunch of informations too. Apparently ponies are way less ableists than humans! That guy literally went "alright please wait" when he pretended to be deaf.
He grinned. Oh he's going to abuse of it so much.
Now though, he had a stand to settle... But later.
He's tired, and he's been there for a long time. The day was even not so long away from rising, so he thinks he should settle for the night.
Since he can keep the deaf act, he could probably find a room. Probably. If not, he'll just find a dark corner and sleep there. Not the first time he slept outside after all!
Finding a room was easy. So yay for him!
Falling asleep on the other hand, was not.
Let's put asides the few attempts he had to do to find a comfortable position as a pony to lay into okay. Their bed weren't different from humans, and it wasn't that hard.
However, sleep meant nightmares for him.
Really, that was expected. He struggled enough to sleep on a daily basis -what do you know, killing games are bad for your mental health! Shocker. Who would have guessed- so with the whole mess that happened with his death, that was even worse.
Everytime he closed his eyes, it's to reopen them in the hangar. And while being human again would be great, reviving his own death isn't synonym of good dreams.
He gave up sleeping after three times waking up in cold sweat. But hey, apparently that was enough sleep so the sun that was starting to rise was already really high! So midday, or later then that.
He payed for the room and left. Now, to find a place far enough from that town...
He travelled by night, slept in the day, and gathered as much informations as possible.
Apparently the kingdom as a whole was called Equestria -damn really no inspiration uh- and that Celestia princess was ruling over it in the big castle he saw at Canterlot (the capital then) with her little sister Luna. Both responsible for the sun and moon respectively.
Okay so appareltly the celestial bodies aren't moving without help here. All the work of magic. Even the weather was controlled by pegasi.
Actually, maybe he can try to learn how to fly while he's at it, that'd be fun. It's not because he's stuck here -preferably temporary, looking at you Death!- that he can't have a bit of fun while he's at it.
He wonders if that include the others too.
Wait shit.
The others.
They are going to have his head if they learned they'd be brought back as fucking ponies because of him. (In his defense he never wanted that, it's Death's fault!)
But to avoid suspicion on himself, he'd had to also cover their asses. Great. Let's see.
He'll just explain -once he settled somewhere- that him and a group of others were kept prisoners by those Changelings. And when they attacked Canterlot, they brought him and the others with them, to use as hostages if they get caught before they could carry out their plan.
They'd been raised by them, away from ponies since they were toddlers so they don't even have "pony names" (he realized the names here were fucking cheesy, nothing like Japanese names) and now they're just completely lost. And if the others were talking about things that didn't made sense, it was for that reason.
Yup, sounds good! With a few fake tears it'll do the trick perfectly. Now, he just need to find an isolated place to settle.
Also maybe picking a name along the way too. That'd be a good idea to blend in.
Oh wait, does he have to pick one for the others too? He hope not.
Anyway, for now he needed to concentrate on himself first.
...He'd made a HUGE mistake.
He was -apparently, if the ponies' words were to believe- close to a little town called Ponyville (do they really have no inspiration for the names? Come on guys!) so he had decided to shift his sleeping schedule to actual night since he was pretty close.
"Not like that would change much about my dreams" he thought.
Ah! He couldn't have been more wrong.
The nightmare started the same. The usual deaths, and executions, before his-
But when the press was about to come down, he felt something... different.
Pure white energy -that he could recognize as magic now- completely wipe out the hangar out of existence.
Now he was just... In uh... Space? The spaceman'd be thrilled.
He was on a path made of light blue light and white dots... The same thing that was everywhere.
There were doors too, the hell?
"Whomst in Equestria's name art thou?!"
Uh oh.
He turned around -he's so damn glad that in dreams he's human...- and is greeted by-
Wait what?
That's a dark blue mare -definitely taller than most ponies- with... weird space floaty mane.
But the most important thing is that she had both a horn and wings!
How is that possible? He thought only those Changelings guys could-
Waaaaaait a minute.
She had what looked to be a crown. And she had a moon... tattoo? On her flank.
Is that the fucking princess of the moon? What is SHE doing here?! Also, how is that possible that she also got both wings and horn-
Oh. Oh no.
That's a fucking status isn't it? Having both. Normal ponies either have one of the two, or neither. Having both must mean being royalty.
...Yeah no. He's keeping that horn HIDDEN. He want to be able to leave this world, not being bond here by duties!
(Besides, the only people he want to lead are his minions. No one else.)
No wonder ponies were looking at him weird! That's like pretending to be royalty!
Let's hope it's not a crime... Wait, if it was he would have been arrested already.
"Answer us!"
Oh whoops. He forgot the princess was still here.
"Gotta go, bu-bye!"
He needs to wake up. He have to. He can't stay here. He have to!
He doesn't know how, he doesn't why, but he successfully woke up after everything around him turned purple.
Now. Now let's think.
He needed to avoid getting the attention of the princess. Considering she didn't intervene until now, he assume that it's because she's only walking in dreams in the night -make sense for the moon princess to be up in the night.
So... He need to keep the noctural schedule. Sleeping in the day, to avoid her. And if he can't, then he need to keep her at bay.
But considering he doesn't know how to use magic, he's going to focus on the first option.
To be able to use magic, he needs training. And to train, he needs books -no way in hell he's asking for help after learning all that mess about royalty- and to be able to understand those books he need to learn how to read.
A hell of a program he have in front of him. Oh well, at least it's gonna keep him busy.
Alright. He needed to go now.
To that town he goes! While expecting to not draw attention.
He arrived at the border of it. There was a rather small and cozy looking cottage here, surrounded by forest. It was midday, the pony probably wasn't hom-
His thoughts were cut off by a high-pitched scream. Probably a girl's voice.
...Great, what now? A scene like this would be hard to settle-
There was a yellow pegasus. Pink mane, who was protecting herself (assuming she was the one who screamed) from a bulky earth pony (that's how those who have no wings nor horn were called right?)
The earth pony was really tall, like, two heads more than Kokichi himself. Light green color, dark green tangled mane...
Red eyes with round glasses, and a bug cage warped around its neck.
"Gonta so sorry! Gonta not meant to scare horse!"
Wow, go him. Yelling his name like that and sprinting in their direction.
That at least got both of their attention. So there's that.
Gokuhara was looking at him with pure confusion. Probably didn't recognized him, which was fair. He was a fucking pony for fuck's sake.
"Uh? Does Gonta know you, horse? Gonta sorry, doesn't know horse with wings..."
"Geez, thanks a lot. he huffed. Can't recognize your leader? So mean! How could you forget about me? he started to sniffled. You're breaking my heart! How could you?!"
The theatrics were apparently enough.
"At last! he said, raising a hoof. That's me alright."
"Kokichi is a horse."
"Pony technically, pegasus to be more exact. And you're one too."
"But Gonta die-"
"About that! he cut him off. We need to talk in private. Bu-bye yellow pegasus, sorry for the scare!"
He grabbed Gonta's bug cage's strap and pulled to make the other follow him in a recluse place.
Once far enough, he sighed.
"Alright, just hear me out. I know you're confused as hell, me too. Maybe even mad at me about what happened in the game, I won't blame you for that. But we have other things to worry about: we're not in our world, I think you noticed as much."
"People are horses." nodded Gonta with a serious expression.
"They call themselves ponies, but yeah. There's no human here. There's no killing game either. Monokuma doesn't exist. The Academy either. This world... is more or less peaceful."
"No killing game? he softly asked. No Monokuma?"
"Nope. Nothing. And... Considering we're both here, I'd say everyone who died is also here. Though to find them is going to be complicated..."
The leader pondered for a second. How could they find everyone? It would be best if everyone wasn't far away from each other, if Death comes back for them -and he better!- it'd be quicker to be send back.
"Kokichi died?"
Oh wait. Oops. Right, he forgot Gonta wouldn't know.
"Yup! Right after you in fact. Anyway, not the point-"
"Did Monokuma also punished Kokichi?"
Uh? Why is he asking that?
Everyone... Please stop blaming Kokichi now.
...He's still too kind.
"Nope. Maki killed me. he paused. Or rather Kaito. Eh, one of the two. I don't know what finished me off. he shook his hoof. Anyway, not the point. I died, and Kaito also died probably because he was sick. Meaning, everyone who died before you, plus Kaito and myself are probably here."
"Yup. But we need to recognize them -wouldn't be too hard probably...- and find a cover story."
"Cover story?"
"This world doesn't have a killing game Gonta. That means, if we tell them what happened to us, they won't understand, and that'll bring us problems."
"Oh. Gonta understand. But Gonta doesn't want to lie to them... They look nice."
"Good thing I'm here! Leave the lying part to me. I'm a liar after all! Also we need new names. Because names here aren't like ours. If we want to blend in... Just leave it to me okay?"
The giant just nodded.
The leader just nodded back, before returning to the cottage. Let's hope she's still here and uh... Not freaking out.
...Uh oh.
She called her friends apparently. There were five new ponies all around her. Two unicorns, another pegasus and two earth ponies.
"Hey you two! How dare you scare Fluttershy like that!" yelled the blue pegasus.
"Ah! Gonta sorry! Gonta didn't meant to scare pony!"
Well, here goes the enthomologist, apologizing again. But Kokichi's not going to play that card. He put a hoof in front of the giant and frowned.
"Don't apologize, we don't know if they aren't with them!"
Cue confusion. That's what he want to see!
"W-With them?"
"You know how they are! They can change appearance at will and pretend they're your friend!"
Not a lie. The mastermind was -if what Death told him was true- a master of disguise. The Ultimate Cosplayer after all. And the ponies would probably think of the changelings, which is what he wants.
"Hey! Are you saying we're changelings!"
"And what if I am uh? he grinned. Don't like having the truth in your face?"
"H-Hey now."
Oh? The purple unicorn stopped the blue pegasus. Seems like he found the leader of that little group.
"We aren't changelings. We swear on Celestia's name!"
"And how can we believe you uh? You could be lying!"
There. That was the cue for Gonta normally...
"They don't smell like changelings..." he mumbled.
"You should listen to your friend! We're not changelings! We fought them!"
Now, to pretend to be hesitant.
"Are you sure?" he asked the enthomologist.
Gonta nodded, and he pretended to scratch his head -while leaving the papers around his horn alone- with confusion.
"I think we all started on the wrong hoof. gently said the purple one. You are at Ponyville, you're safe! There's no changelings here."
"Why did you thought there were some in the first place? Changelings don't live here. We kicked their butts not so long ago!"
"Rainbow Dash! You're not helping. she smiled at them. Sorry about my friend, she's very straightforwards. How about we talk somewhere else, around pastries?"
"Oh oh! the pink one started to jump happily. I'll go prepare them! I'll be right back!"
And she left... by jumping? Why not.
Time to bluff the hell out of this conversation.
...It had been stupidly easy. He explained to them that Gonta and him were part of a group of ponies who got abducted when they were toddlers by changelings, got raised by them, humiliated, turned around each other et cetera... Got brought along at the assault on Canterlot, and since the white energy who yeeted the changelings didn't hurt them, they ended up here, and don't know what to do or where to go.
That's how he learned that the wedding that took place was the purple one's (Twilight Sparkle apparently. Still cheesy, yup.) brother's, and they were here, and were also fighting the changelings.
And apparently that wave of magic was from the love between the bride and groom.
Ew. They didn't ended up at Equestria, they ended up at "Cheesy Land". But he still noted the information.
When they asked about why the hell he got a fake horn, he explained that it was to be less beaten by changeling. After all, they have both horn and wings, so he thought if he looked like them they would leave him alone. Not that it worked. -The fact that it was curved helped his story. But come to think of it why is his curved and not everyone else's? Not even the princesses' are curved. Weird.) Now though he just keep it because it's the symbol of the princesses and that's pretty cool! After all it was one of them that indirectly freed him and the others from the changelings' grasp. He's pretending to be like them! (they had no idea how true that statement was.)
That was way too easy to make them believe that with fake tears. Even Gonta tried to comfort him even though he knew it was fake (though it was probably to make it more believable. Gonta is a lot of things, but an idiot isn't one of them.)
"But then... You don't have names?" asked the other unicorn -Rarity if he remembers correctly.
"We have the ones the changelings gave us. he said, wiping the tears with his hoof. Mine's Kokichi Oma. he pointed to Gonta. His is Gonta Gokuhara. But those aren't real ponies' names."
"That's true..." Twilight seemed thoughtful.
"Oh oh! Maybe we can pick some for you!" the pink one said, with a smile that reminded him a bit too much of Angie.
"...I'd prefer choosing my own thanks."
"Of course! Pinkie, let them chose... Once it's done, we'll ask the mayor to put you in the records." Twilight said.
"That'd be nice. Also... If you find someone with a weird name, that's probably a friend of ours."
Not really true, but he needed to find those idiots as quickly as possible.
"I'll pass the word at Clousdale!"
Aaaaaand the blue one was already gone.
"I'll ask around the farm if anyone saw a lost pony." the orange one nodded, tipped her hat and left.
"I'll send a letter at Princess Celestia too. the purple unicorn nodded towards the... dragon? at her side. In the meantime, do you have ideas of names? Also, what are your talents?"
Talents? That's easy- oh wait.
"What do you mean by talent?" he asked, raising a hoof to stop Gonta from talking.
Translation: is that the same thing as their Ultimates?
"Oh. Yeah, I suppose the changelings wouldn't do that... she mumbled to herself. Something you are really good at? You both have your cutie marks so..."
What the fuck is that now. (Also, cheesy, the return.)
"Oh! Gonta is an enthomologist!"
He saw Fluttershy -that's her name right?- perking up from behind Rarity.
"Oh that's great! she turned towards him. And you?"
"I guess you can call me a trickster. he smirked. I prank people. And trick them. a pause. Mainly changelings though."
A lie but hey.
"If Gonta's talent is "Enthomology" you could call mine "tricky dice"." he shrugged.
But that question of names... He needed to find one. And Gonta too.
"Hey Gonta, how about "Baron Buzz" for you? Sounds good?"
"Oh! Gonta not mind this. Gonta likes it!"
"Well, that's settled then. Mine now..."
He think again.
Let's see their situation.
He got attributs that could get him royal duties, which is problematic. He needs to hide it...
He made a deal with Death and no one need to know about that. To get everyone back to life, but also to fuck with miss mastermind too while he's at it.
He grinned.
"Call me Royal Collusion then!"
That's when both Rainbow Dash and the farmer came back.
"I found a pegasus that looks really lost, and he calls himself Kaito... something."
"I found a small guy that call himself Ryoma!" added the other.
Oh. Well that was quick.
"They're with us alright. You're coming Gonta? Let's get Ryoma back first."
"Hm hm!"
First they get the depressed tennis player back, then the astridiot.
Welp, they got a pretty nice program ahead of them it seemed.
"Then let's go."
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riveriafalll · 8 days
Travel buddies tag game!!
thank you to the ever wonderful @sableglass for the tag, love you man <3
Rules: Imagine your characters are going on a trip for vacation. Which ones are most likely to fit the roles below?
Lets do some Inkpot Gods, shall we? This lot would never go on holiday together for a multitude of reasons (not least at least three want to kill each other, and one of them is technically dead, but its as far as I've gotten in canon-), but lets pretend!
1. Doing mad research for an affordable place for everyone to stay.
Absolutely Sam, he's got fourteen books open and as many tabs as his computer can hold before it sets on fire, he has everything planned down to the tee, despite the fact that Dean is stealing the money he's using, and Emmy is stacked from both her job and her... less legal activies.
2. Hoping to try all the new food they can.
Dean, 100%. He's gonna be the one who takes the entire plate of testers on food stalls, and can be found with some kind of food the entire time. Emmy throws something at him every time he talks with his mouth full. He gets a lot of things thrown at him.
3. Wants to stay inside and sleep through the whole vacation.
None of them, actually. (Bela probably wants to sleep by the pool and work on her tan, Emmy wants to stay for the same reason and nothing to do with Bela in a bikini-)
4. Believes no vacation is complete without certain activities (going to the beach, swimming, skiing, sightseeing, hiking, etc)
Once again Sam - he has a list of 'normal family things' that you're supposed to do on holidays, and drags everyone around to a bunch of different actives every day. Emmy loves them, Archie thinks its hilarious, Dean and Bela hate it, and then hate that they've agreed on something.
5. Is annoyed that certain people are in the same travel group as them.
Oh- yeah this is the question I was waiting for. Sam and Dean don't want Bela there (for obvious canon reasons), but Dean is the one who complains about her vocally and at length.
6. Buying souvenirs for everyone back home.
Archie - he buys every knick-knack he can get his hands on; about a million candles, loads of postcards, every piece of jewellery he can get his hands on. In his defense, Emmy is 95% of his impulse control, and she's off trying to stop Dean getting beaten up because of the amount of tasters he keeps eating-
7. Is about to turn this trip into a business trip.
Have you heard about this show called supernatural- All jokes aside, knowing them, the hotel is haunted, there's at least three demons, and someone's gonna temporarily die.
Tag list time! (lemme know +/-)
@hyperfixation-tangentopia @pippinoftheshire @cherrybombfangirlwrites
@once-and-future-fandoms @glasshouses-and-stones @deanscherrypie420
@agirlandherquill @lillybaaaka @late-to-the-fandom @toodumbforusernames
@damageinkorporated @aquadestinyswriting @druidx
@iIlovevewritingfanfic @supercimi @creative-author
@27paperlilies @avocado-frog @abigailmartinwriting
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yukidragon · 2 years
Damn! The last user won me the question but not exactly how he would do it, I love the context where Jack and Shaun become good friends and they take care of MC a lot but Ian's part and his reaction didn't seem to me...weird
I mean, Ian gives off vibes of being someone who would go crazy just knowing that his ex (who he cheated on) is starting a family with another man, while reading that I imagined a scene where Ian accuses Shaun of getting MC pregnant and even trying to forcefully take MC to form his "happy ending with the woman of his life" I honestly know that it is his canon but if we can in the context that Iban can be someone jealous, possessive and manipulative I see him capable of trying to force MC into having a relationship with him, threatening her and pretend to be the father of the BB (although I think this would be torture for the bb)
In another scenario, in the death of MC during childbirth, Ian tries to kidnap the son of his beloved and a scenario is created in his head where it is his son.
I get the vibes you’re talking about. It’s why there’s a pretty popular theory that Ian is actually a yandere too, or is going to go yandere in the game. In fact, I suspect all the love interests are yandere for MC, as I went over in a previous theory.
Admittedly, I didn’t touch too much on Ian’s reaction in the previous pregnancy headcanon post since I was trying to stick with happy headcanons, and, well... Ian’s reaction is definitely going to be anything but happy.
But since you really want to go into those darker headcanons and touch on the Yandere!Ian AU... let’s go for it, shall we?
Buckle up, y’all. If you don’t want to dive into darker topics such as the ones Anon here came up with, you might want to give this post a skip. Don’t worry, I’m sure to make a happy headcanon post following this one as a pallet cleanser because hoooo... we’re in for a ride..
First let’s get the warnings out of the way. Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack is an Adults Only game. There are mature themes in this story, and this topic no doubt is going to go into 18+ territory after the cut, if not just very disturbing territory.
Any and all pictures I might post for references are drawn by Sauce/Jambeebot and were publicly posted on their twitter before it went down. I’ve asked them if it’s okay for me to use them in these theories with credit.
As a reminder, what isn’t okay is posting private pictures from the SnaccPop Patreon. If you enjoy the lore of the game, then consider joining. It’s only $3 to get some lovely SDJ bonus content, including the very cozy Sleepy Time Jack virtual body pillow. While you’re at it, consider pledging to the kickstarter. There’s less than 2 weeks left to go, and there are lots of amazing rewards still left to get!
While I’m plugging links, why not check out my SDJ fanfics Sunshine in Hell and Sunshine in Another World? Sunshine in Hell is my interpretation of the game’s events, while Sunshine in Another World is where I intend to collect my AU short stories. With all these headcanons I’m making, I’m likely going to have more AU short fics appear sooner rather than later.
Lastly, it’s time to tag the lovely people who want to be alerted whenever I post some headcanons. If you want to be added to the list, please let me know!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars
Now, with all that said... let’s play with another “what if” scenario about one of the AUs on the art meme Sauce did: the Yandere Ian AU.
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First of all, how Ian finds out and how much he knows about Jack will likely depend on how open MC is with him despite their falling out. Since there are a lot of possibilities, and the last post specifically centered around the headcanons of my personal version of the MC, Alice, I’m going to use her in these hypothetical scenarios. I’ll try to make note of where things apply to most MCs across the board, but with the specific scenarios you’ve given me, I’m going to need to narrow my focus, since otherwise there are way too many variables to consider. We are talking about a late-stage relationship with Jack after all, which is tricky enough to headcanon when we don’t know what’s going to happen in the game.
Sorry for giving you some more Bad End AUs to run through, Alice. I’ll make it up to you later with more smutty loving cuddle time with Jack.
Let’s start off with Ian accusing Shaun of getting Alice pregnant. This would be the most plausible explanation Ian would think of once he hears about the pregnancy. Alice(/MC) was his first relationship and puts a lot of stock into love and relationships. Unless she changed while he was gone (and of course she wouldn’t, since he would know her best), it’s unlikely she would get knocked up from a casual sexual encounter. If she did, it would be because she was in an emotionally compromised state and/or incredibly lonely, like what prompted Ian to cheat.
Alice does talk about Jack on her social media once they’re in a relationship, and had alluded to having a “new roommate” before that. She doesn’t give details about the whole supernatural situation, but Ian would have heard a little bit about Jack from stalking her socials.
I know this might not apply to all MCs, as some might just keep Jack entirely a secret even after getting pregnant. Again, there’s a lot of variables with a general MC at this point in the story, especially if they’re the vindictive type or just want to rip the band-aid off and tell Ian directly about the pregnancy to get it over with. An MC that carried a torch for Ian for a long time until finally learning to love Jack will react differently than a MC who still can’t forgive him for what he did, after all.
In any case, Ian has heard about Jack in this scenario. He’s even seen drawings Alice made of him, but no actual photos. It strikes him as suspicious, and the fact that no one he knows has ever met Jack or talked to him in person would make this seem like a “my girlfriend in Canada” situation. Without any evidence of this “Jack” person existing no matter how hard he scours the internet or their mutual social circles, it would be easy for Ian to assume that Jack is a fantasy, a husbando Alice made up to make herself feel better or to keep him away.
Ian is familiar with the concept of husbandos and waifus, having had many of his own before. Alice had some herself before they got together, which makes the possibility all the more likely in Ian’s mind.
In this scenario, Ian would not have encountered Jack before Alice was pregnant. If he did, well... he would’ve gotten the Nick treatment with those horrific nightmares... if not worse. We’re assuming Ian lucked out in this regard simply because Alice herself gained the strength to cut him off and block him completely, not allowing him to get near her again. As such, he didn’t become a threat that Jack needed to personally take care of.
While Ian could potentially ask Shaun about Jack to get answers about who Jack is and Jack’s relationship with Alice... Shaun and Ian, most likely, have a rough relationship due to the whole cheating thing. Shaun is protective of Alice, and he knows Ian hurt her very, very badly. With how manipulative Ian has been to try and get back into her life, Shaun would most likely cut him off and tried to encourage Alice to do the same until she finally did. I can totally imagine Ian getting in contact with Shaun after the cheating incident, only to get nothing but a “Fuck off.” in return.
Those who Alice trusts enough with the truth about Jack are unlikely to talk to Ian, as solidarity with her and what she went through when Ian cheated on her. Those who sided with Ian and tried to talk Alice into making up with him were similarly cut off unless they stopped trying to send messages from him to her. She wouldn’t be able to trust these friends completely even if she remained friends with them, as there’s that risk of them feeding Ian information, and the situation with Jack is too... supernatural to share with anyone but those she can truly trust with a secret.
Hearing about Alice being pregnant sends Ian into a spiral. Is this real, or is this made up like Jack? Some people who have imaginary spouses do have imaginary pregnancies. Alice has always been chubby, so you can’t tell she’s pregnant at a glance alone, so he still holds out hope that she’s deluding herself and tries even harder to figure out ways to reconnect with her.
It’s only when Alice posts a sonogram of the unborn baby and reverse image search turns up no matches does it really hit home for Ian that she really is pregnant... and it’s not his baby.
Ian is hit with similar sickly feelings that Alice experienced when he cheated, and he finds perverse irony in that. Is this karma for what he did?
...This makes them even now, doesn’t it? Ian slept with someone else, and so did Alice. The pain is even now. They can put it behind them. He’ll accept the baby as his own. He has the money to take care of all three of them, he has an acting and modeling career, acclaim and connections...
So Ian goes to further extremes. He can’t track Alice down, as she won’t let anyone who is still friendly with him know where she lives, and she’s blocked him everywhere electronically. Burner phones and new accounts are used, but never answered, but that’s to be expected - she never answers random numbers anyway and typically deletes messages from unknown numbers without even reading them.
Ian turns to other methods, going to Alice’s family and to closer friends like Shaun. Shaun can’t ignore Ian with an in person confrontation. The discussion gets heated quickly, as Ian is desperate and Shaun is disgusted by his insistence that he and Alice are meant to be together. Shaun puts his foot down, making it clear that Ian isn’t going to get anything about Alice from him and to fuck off and leave them alone.
Ian laser focuses on the use of “them” and jumps to the conclusion that Shaun is the father. Shaun is “Jack.” It all makes sense, right? Shaun likes to dress up in costumes with heavy makeup. Sure the drawings don’t look remotely the same, and, hell, are even the wrong race altogether, but that’s just a drawing! It’d be the perfect cover to hide their secret relationship, making him go crazy looking in all the wrong places.
Violence isn’t Ian’s first solution even when enraged and his sanity is fraying - he’s not very strong or tall after all; Shaun would snap him like a twig. Still, the argument gets heated and things escalate. Ian accuses Shaun of being the father of the baby, and Shaun snorts a bitter little, “I wish.” It only makes Ian more sure that he’s on the right track even after Shaun insists he’s not Jack. In fact, Shaun admits that he and Jack are friends. Sure, they butt heads sometimes, but ultimately Jack makes Alice happy, and she’s doing far better with Jack as a partner than she ever did with Ian.
That sets Ian off. It’s all but an admission of guilt, Shaun bragging about himself under the character of Jack, while at the same time insinuating that Alice was unhappy with Ian when they were meant to be together. Sure, Ian made a mistake, but so did Alice! He’s going to fix this!
Ian starts getting physical, adrenaline making his shove actually have enough force to it to shove Shaun back, but Shaun doesn’t just stand there and take it.
There’s a bit of a scuffle, but since they encountered each other in a public place, the fight would be broken up quickly. Ian still has his image to maintain, and too many eyes on him are judging him... judging what he did. He has to maintain that image if he wants Alice back.
Ian can’t let Jack win.
So, reluctantly, Ian is forced to retreat. For now.
Shaun is the primary target for Ian now. Word about the encounter with Ian gets back to Alice and Jack. Although Shaun wouldn’t want to worry Alice, especially since she’s pregnant and stress is bad for her and the baby, he would be worried about Ian acting so unhinged. It would make him fear Ian might do something to her and the baby.
Jack would take charge immediately, telling Alice gently not to worry about Ian. Ian doesn’t know where they live, otherwise he would have tried coming after her, not Shaun. Shaun won’t tell anyone.
Yes, Jack is trusting Shaun in this scenario. I did say I wanted them to be friends, remember? ;)
I will point out that doesn’t mean it’s a blind trust or that Jack fully lets down his guard around Shaun, but the two of them have formed a bond. Shaun accepts Jack makes Alice happiest, so Jack learned he’s not a threat to steal away his sunshine, essentially.
Naturally there’s a lot more to the relationship and trust building between them than that, but I’m keeping it short since this is about yandere Ian and this post is getting long enough as it is, so let’s get back on topic.
Jack’s focus would be on protecting Alice, both from Ian coming after her, and from the stress knowing about all this would put on her. Although Alice would feel like she should do something about this, Jack would remind her she already did - she told Ian it’s over and to never contact her again. She blocked him. Right now, she needs to focus first on herself and their little bundle of sunshine she’s carrying inside her. She shouldn’t be thinking about stressful things.
“Just leave Ian to me, okay, sunshine?”
Though reluctant, Alice allows Jack to talk things over with Shaun about the topic without her direct involvement. Even Shaun considers if Jack should use his spooky ghost powers to give Ian a little scare to make him back off... not thinking about the extremes Jack would be considering at this point. Shaun is thinking more along the lines of leaving spooky notes or making some stuff float, like he’s seen around the house. It’s more campy horror images.
However, Shaun would have some sense of Jack’s yandere side by this point, and caution Jack not to take it too far. After all, Alice would be hurt if she found out Ian got hurt. If nothing else, Jack needs to keep in mind how she hates to hear about even strangers getting hurt, never mind someone she grew up with and used to love.
Jack responds - via writing - that he’ll keep that in mind. Shaun goes after him for the ambiguous phrasing, and gets him to promise not to take things too far.
“Okay man... I’m trusting you not to lie about me about something like this. Keep the scares PG-13 max, okay?”
“Don’t worry, I know how to keep things kid friendly. The SunnyTime Crew Show had a Halloween special, you know. :o)”
Why not get a restraining order? Ian hasn’t done anything yet to require one. Besides, it would be up to Alice to jump through the legal hoops, which means stress for her and the baby.
Besides, how can a goth horror director resist setting up a good spooky scene?
Jack starts giving Ian nightmares... which does not help Ian’s fraying grasp on sanity. Now Ian has a face to go with the drawings, one covered in blood with putrid skin telling him how he is a burden to Alice, worthless, how she’s better off without him.
Ian knows it though. He knows he’s flawed and awful, but he and Alice are meant to be together.
They’re each other’s other half. There is no one else for Alice but Ian.
On normal Ian, Jack might break him with the nightmares. On yandere Ian, it only makes his obsession for Alice even more twisted.
Ian keeps up his outwardly shy, unassuming persona. He has an image he must maintain if he wants his happy life of stardom with Alice and their baby by his side.
Ian will accept that maybe Shaun donated the DNA, but that baby is his by right... and he’s going to take care of that issue.
Shaun, regrettably, gets caught in the crossfire. Again, Ian confronts him, but this time it’s several days later, after Ian has gotten his schedule from paying people for information. Ian knows Shaun works late at a certain studio, often alone to get extra work done. It’s the perfect time for them to have a chat.
The coffee is especially bitter that night, but Shaun chugs away at it anyway, trying to stay awake and get this one part of the editing done. It’s mid-sip that he hears a familiar voice, and he coughs.
“Careful, you might choke,” Ian says, and he seems genuinely concerned about that.
“What the hell do you want?” Shaun snaps once he finishes clearing his throat. His temper is short due to his lack of sleep coupled with too much caffeine. Now he has to deal with Ian’s shit on top of his deadlines? Fantastic. Looks like whatever Jack did wasn’t enough to make Ian take the hint.
Ian seems a lot calmer this time, more reasonable. He’s soft spoken as usual, but strangely more confident before, though still docile in appearance. He gives Shaun a heartfelt plea about how much he loves Alice, and how Alice loves him, but is just hurt and is hurting both of them in the process. He talks about moments that prove their love for each other, winding up with an impassioned statement about how they can only truly be happy together-
Which Shaun cuts off right at the climax of the speech. He’s in no mood for this nonsense, and listening to Ian talk about Alice like that is making his stomach churn. He’s going to need to buy a party sized bag of peanut butter cups after this.
Irritation flickers across Ian’s face at being interrupted after he went through all the effort to memorize what he wanted to say, but then he goes calm eerily quickly.
Ian had a feeling that this was how it was going to go. That’s why he spiked Shaun’s coffee - it was easy to bribe the intern to swap out the order for his own special blend before they left. The drug should be kicking in right about now.
Shaun gets hit with a spike of adrenaline, and getting worked up only makes the toxins in his systems activate faster. The world blurs and he staggers to remain upright, fear coursing through him.
“I have the antidote, you know,” Ian smiles, but it’s strained around the eyes, a tiny flaw in his act. “You have about 15 or 20 minutes left before it’s too late, and I don’t want Alice to be sad if she hears about your death on the news.”
Shaun tries to lunge at Ian, only to nearly fall over. He barely grabs onto the table to support his wobbly legs, knocking the laptop and other random items he was working with across the floor. Fear sinks in as he realizes that this is really happening, that Ian, crybaby Ian, constantly apologetic and pitiful Ian, has snapped. He tries to cling to the futile hope that this is just some sick joke to psyche him out, but the words no sooner leave his mouth before his stomach churns, and he winds up throwing up all over the floor.
Ian grimaces in disgust, stepping back. He fakes an apologetic look, saying that’s not going to help at this point. He did his research. Now, Shaun really better hurry up and tell him where to find Alice and his baby before it’s too late. Ian makes it clear with his deliberately chosen words that the baby is his, not Shaun’s, or Jack’s, or anyone else’s. His.
Shaun knows without a doubt that Ian has lost it now, but he’s not going down without a fight. He knows even if he gives Ian the information in exchange for the antidote, it would just be putting Alice in danger. His only chance is to take Ian down while he still can. He throws what’s left of the coffee at Ian, forcing the redhead to dodge or risk getting hit with the poisoned brew. It serves as a cover for Shaun to tackle Ian, intent on getting the antidote. Ian might be lying about it existing at all, but getting it is Shaun’s only hope if the poison works as fast as he says.
Unfortunately, Ian planned for this possibility too. A stun gun works wonders for a bigger attacker, and Shaun goes down hard.
Ian really didn’t want to do this, you know. Tears well up in his eyes, perhaps genuine ones. He didn’t want to take things this far, but Shaun forced him to do it. He’d never do this if he didn’t have to, but now... now...
Ian straightens up with a shuddering sigh, collecting himself. His acting coaches taught him how to shake off distractions and his personal feelings during a scene. He still has another act to perform.
Ian informs Shaun that this is Shaun’s last chance. He really doesn’t want to hurt anyone, really! He doesn’t want to make Alice sad, especially not over Shaun, but Shaun isn’t giving him a choice here. He asks for Shaun to please tell him where Alice is, then he’ll give Shaun the antidote. If not, well... Ian shrugs and gestures to the fallen laptop. He has the money to pay someone to hack into Shaun’s phone or computer.
Alive or dead, Ian will get the information from Shaun either way.
Does Shaun live or die? Feel free to headcanon that part for yourself at this point, but let’s move on. Ian knows where Alice lives after this encounter, and he’s not wasting anymore time.
Ian did rehearse what he was going to do when he finally saw Alice again face to face. He had done nothing but go over what he would say or do once he could finally reach out and touch her once again... but it’s a different thing seeing where she lives now. It’s a cozy little house in the suburbs, just like the one they talked about having someday. Sure it’s not exactly the same as the one he and Alice imagined back when they were together, but at this point he gaslights himself that every last detail is exactly what they planned out. It’s proof that Alice does still love him and has been waiting for him to come back home to her all this time.
Home. Their home.
Ian won’t leave her waiting a moment longer.
An unexpected late night visit isn’t out of the ordinary for Alice, not with a night owl friend like Shaun stopping by at odd hours. There are two ways it can go - either Alice happened to be closer to the door, and Jack was taking care of a chore, so she answered it... or Ian is surprised by the door opening to reveal nobody there.
It could go either way, really. Due to the late hour and Alice being pregnant, Jack would want to be the one to go to the door for her safety. However, if it’s not Shaun, a door opening with no one apparently there is a risk that can’t easily be explained away. Jack is limited in what he can do, after all. Shaun might be used to being invited in by a ghost(?) but a stranger is more unpredictable in how they’ll react.
Regardless of which way it goes, Jack is not going to be far away when Ian makes his grand entrance.
Since the scenario given is MC being directly threatened, let’s go with Alice answering the door while Jack is in the kitchen, preoccupied with making her food. Pregnancy cravings demand snacks at odd hours after all, even if they just had dinner a couple hours ago.
Ian is elated at the sight of Alice. Tears come to his eyes and he throws his arms around her, heedless of her shriek - obviously of joy - as he embraces her. He calls her name, gushing how he missed her so much. He loves her and is never going to let her go ever again.
Alice tries to push Ian back, but he’s not letting her. The hold is tight, too tight, and she yelps in pain. She demands he let go of her and cries out to Jack for help.
Or at least... Alice would have, if Ian didn’t silence her with an unwanted kiss just as she started to speak. He was just so happy to see her, and he needs to prove how much he loves her. She barely manages to pull back to breathe, and Ian gushes how everything is fine now, everything is fine. He’s here, he’s finally home. He forgives her for cheating on him, so now she can forgive him for his mistake, and they can be together, just like they always wanted. They can get married and have children. Oh, and don’t worry about Shaun or “Jack” or whoever knocked her up when she made her mistake, he’ll take full responsibility and love the baby as his own.
Fortunately, Ian isn’t going to get his way for long. An unseen force suddenly rips Alice out of his arms and holds her high in the air.
You best believe Jack dropped everything when he noticed something was wrong. He might not be able to touch Ian, but he can touch Alice. He’s much taller than Ian and is strong enough to hold her out of the intruder’s reach even at this late stage of her pregnancy.
Ian’s grasp on reality is tenuous at this point. Alice is... flying? Is this another nightmare? He chuckles, the sound cracking with this strange note to it as his sanity crumbles a little more, and he praises her on the trick. Did she set this up to surprise him? Aww, Alice, Ian already knew you were an angel, you don’t have to pretend to be able to fly now too.
Alice is terrified, clinging to Jack as best she can as her body shakes. She’s never seen Ian like this before. She barely even recognizes him as the man she once loved. She tells him to leave or she’ll call the police.
Ian chides Alice, saying she doesn’t have to pretend anymore. They’re even now. She paid him back for what he did, so now they can just forget everything and move on. Everything is fixed now, doesn’t she see? He said he can fix them, and he did. Now they can be together forever, just like they promised.
Ian tries to get closer, to grab Alice, assuring her that no one will get between them now. He can take care of it. He can take care of her. He won’t let anyone get between them ever again, not the police, not Shaun, not their mistakes. He took care of everything.
Jack doesn’t let Ian touch Alice, backing up every time Ian tries. The atmosphere is dangerous, chilling in fact despite the warmth of his sunshine protectively grasped in his arms.
The implication is not lost on Alice. She asks in a shaky, terrified voice what Ian did to Shaun.
Ian frowns, but quickly smiles again saying Alice can forget all about Shaun. Shaun’s gone now. Neither of them will make the same mistake again.
Fear grips Alice as she stares at this monster she can no longer recognize as her childhood friend grasping out for her with a gaze filled with desire that’s so sickeningly sweet.
Jack might not be able to speak directly to Ian, not in a way that the other man will consciously hear, but he can see that he went too easy on this threat that invaded their home.
The gloves are off now.
Figuratively of course. We all know how Jack likes to always keep the gloves on no matter what after all. ;)
(Yes I had to break up the tension for a moment to give a little roast about that. This situation is pretty dark even for me and I felt we could use a little levity. Anyway, back to the yandere vs yandere fight.)
Even though Alice is there in this moment, she’s scared and in danger. Jack uses his words, honeyed and like a devil whispering in her ear. He says that the police aren’t enough now. Ian isn’t going to listen to her, isn’t going to stop. He’s too dangerous. He did something to Shaun, probably killed Shaun. Jack won’t let Ian hurt her or the baby, but he can’t take care of Ian for good unless she lets him. Jack knows Alice doesn’t want to see anyone get hurt, and neither does he, but they need to think of their baby.
What will Ian do to their baby?
Alice turns away from Ian, shuddering, burying her face in the crook of Jack’s neck, as she nods, asking him in a tiny, terrified voice to make Ian go away.
Ian thinks Alice is speaking to him, until he hears a voice speak, not with his ears but like nails raking the words into his brain.
“As you wish, Alice.”
Alice doesn’t see what happens next. She blacks out. She wakes up the next day in their bed and everything is normal, sunny. Jack is cuddled up next to her like usual, and she buries her face into his chest, thinking it was all a nightmare.
It was all a nightmare, Alice keeps trying to convince herself, and Jack will let her believe it for as long as possible...
If Shaun survived the poisoning, Jack could possibly even cover up what happened to Ian with his help. Let Alice believe it was a nightmare. If he didn’t, well... Jack will do his best to comfort Alice and reassure her that getting rid of Ian was for the best. Ian was a murderer too dangerous to live. It’s not Alice’s fault or Jack’s for what happened. She should try her best to take it easy, if only for the baby’s sake.
Jack will do everything in his power to help his sunshine smile again. Alice deserves to feel nothing but joy at the birth of their child... and to never have to think about people like Ian ever again.
Jack slips back into his more unsavory habits to be more protective of Alice and their baby in the aftermath. Growth that came from his friendship with Shaun and the reassurance Alice gave him is backslid to some degree from this threat. If Shaun survived, it’s not as bad, but still...
Jack needs to convince himself that he’s still clean now, even after that night that Ian invaded their home and tried to take his sunshine away. He’s still clean... he has to be...
Personally, I prefer the option where Shaun survives, so I’m going with that. Maybe Ian left the antidote behind when he left, or maybe there was a miscalculation with the dosage and Shaun’s size. In any case, let’s not make Moon Pie an orphan on top of everything else, okay?
Besides, Jack would prefer it if Alice just thought that it was all nothing more than a bad dream...
That would be about where this specific scenario ends.
In the scenario of Ian trying to steal the baby away if MC(/Alice) died in childbirth... yeah, he’s not getting very far. Jack already snapped from the death of his sunshine. You think he’s going to let anyone touch their baby, let alone Ian?
Whatever happened to Ian that night in the earlier scenario, would pale in comparison to whatever Jack does to him if his sunshine was already gone.
Hoooo... that was sure a lot of dark headcanons, wasn’t it? I hope you liked this horrifying “what if” scenario. I’m probably going to go with a much happier headcanon post after this to counteract the bitterness with some sweetness.
Happy early Halloween, everybody! 🎃
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