#let's see if by my third rewatch and much analysis i'll get to disocver more little easter eggs
pedroalonso · 3 years
i finished watching lcdp 5 and 
i fucking LOVED IT, thank you.
The stuff from part 3/4 were really good in terms of the flashbacks between berlermo and the brothers and their trio as a whole, but the bank stuff back then was kind of draggy which sucked because the bank should have had the intense scenes.
But then along came part 5 volume 1 and HELLLL YES!!! The action was intense and thrilling. The stakes were high. The emotional moments were perfectly squeezed in between the scenes and they were all so potent. The ending was beautifully foreshadowed and Tokyo went out with fucking style. An absolute icon. (RIP BABYGIRL I CANT BELIEVE THEY TOOK YOU AWAY FROM ME WHEN WE WERE JUST STARTING TO GET ALONG. What injustice.)
Part 5 really made me appreciate the whole gang. I realize that I have my favorites of course, but I LOVE THEM ALL, okay. ALL OF THEM.
I will say though, that as much as I love Pedro, the Berlin flashback scenes were really odd and felt out of place. Sure it was FUN, but I couldn’t connect it to anything that was going on in the main heist, nor did it add any emotional depth to what was happening there (unlike Tokyo’s flashbacks where we learned more about her character and empathized with her RIGHT BEFORE THEY KILLED HER OFF lmao)
But I said this before, I honestly don’t care about Berlin’s son, and I was hoping the flashbacks were going to make me change my mind by seeing how it affects the whole story. But it DIDN’T, not at all. It felt like Andrés had his own thing going on that had NOTHING to do with the bank, which sucked seeing as how his flashbacks in parts 3/4 showed that this was the heist he loved the most. This was his obra maestra. This was the heist Sergio (and to a certain degree Martín), decided to do in order to honor his memory. And seeing him running around Copenhagen with his newly introduced son and sidecharacters he barely interacted with before, supposedly POST MONASTERY, without his brother or Martín? Well. Put that on the list of TOP 10 ANIME BETRAYALS.
I am hoping though that SOMEHOW they’ll tie his plot together with everything else and there will be payoff. But for now, I’m afraid to say that IN A SURPRISING TURN OF EVENTS, I liked the Berlin flashbacks the least. I still enjoyed them because of Pedro, but it was definitely the weakest link in the series. Sorry mi amooor.
ANYWAY, here are some of my favorite bits:
ANY SCENE WITH PALERMO. God damn, Rodrigo de la Serna steals every scene he’s in. He doesn’t just hit the mark, he OBLITERATES IT. His expressions, his eyes, the changes in his voice. Every tiny bit of micro acting he’s doing absolutely adds to the moment and he just fucking NAILS IT. My god.  It made me miss the energy he and Pedro had, bouncing and playing off each other in the previous season. Hoping to get a little bit of that soon before the show ends. UGHH i miss my boys
the gandia fist fight with Bogota was exactly the kind of chaos I’m into yes PLEASE
Palermo/Lisboa In-Laws Slash Co-Leaders Power Duo MORE OF THAT TOO PLEASE
i really liked Monica’s arc this season and I love her for shooting Arturo to near death. RIP to her but i won’t feel guilty lmaoooo. Esther Acebo really brought it this season DAMN
I liked the Tokyo flashbacks bc Miguel and Ursula are both hot RIP hot people
All of the Andrés scenes were thankfully in character and despite hating the plot, I loved seeing him be a petty, evil, chaotic bastard
Andrés insisting Tokyo be in the heist was hilarious because we ALL KNOW how THAT turned out
Manila’s backstory was touching!!! I didn’t like her trying to mess with Monver though
ALICIA’S LABOR LMAO I JUST -- It was also hilarious as hell ok.
Also Marsella is too sexy for his own good THERE I SAID IT
That bit when Tamayo mocked Angel by making weird noises. I was like “Mans has officially gone off the rails”
The hostage escape was stressful but It WAS FUN. TEAMWORK
Sergio saying Raquel is the sexiest woman in the world but he loves her for her brains. LMAO.
That scene where Sergio apologizes to the gang for being caught and his voice started cracking when he said “Lo Siento Palermo” MAYHAPS I SCREAMED.
Tokyo’s death scene. Definitely just as jarring as Nairobi’s but as awesome as Berlin’s. It was a shock but it felt well done to me.
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