#let's hope i don't fuck up THIS as well wouldn't that just be peachy
karomiiz · 2 years
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year
How To Kiss Pt. 3
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
Warnings: Smoking, idk anything about cars. All the car stuff is from my dad and google so it might be wrong. yuh.
Summary: Ellie gives you a ride after your car breaks down in the rain.
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
*Not Proof Read* TLOU Masterlist
" Fucking piece of shit! " I huff while banging my hands against my steering wheel. I fucking new it wouldn't make it to the city.
I made it to South Park when my dealer decided to call me and let me know he sold my ounces to some random girl he hooked up with at a party. Thank god it's not too far away.
On my way back my car decided to break down. Who knows what the fuck happened. It's about twenty years old and barely clinging onto life.
I peer out of my window into the dark road. Droplets of rain splash against my car. A dim streetlight pours down onto the hood of my trunk. Unlocking the car, I push open my door and step outside.
Rain pounds against my skin, soaking through my hood.
I'm immediately greeted with a burst of hot steam as I open the hood of my old Toyota. I scan the engine, attempting to figure out what's wrong. I don't fucking know what any of this is.
Holding up the hood of the car, I try to touch pull something. Horrible mistake. I let out a pained hiss and yank my hand back. Fuck that was hot.
The sound of tires pulling to a stop drags me away from the car. I glance over the hood at the owner.
An older truck parks besides my car. The window rolls down to reveal Ellie. Her mechanic jumpsuit is partially covered by an olive green jacket. " Hey, you good? "
" Just peachy. " I glance down at my red fingers.
Without another word, Ellie jumps out of the truck. She shields her eyes from the rain with her left hand, her right hand holding a half finished cigarette.
" Hold this for me, will ya? " She hands me the cigarette.
With a stiff nod, I carefully accept it.
Ellie lifts up the hood of my care. She peers down into the dark engine. " Well you definitely blew a gasket. "
Fuck, it's cold as shit out here. A shiver runs down my spine. I'm not sure if it's from my now fully drenched clothes or the fact that Ellie seems to somehow look hotter when wet.
Wait, fuck. No. I shouldn't be thinking about her this way. There's no fucking way I'd have a shot with her. Besides, who knows if she's gay. She also might end up leaving again. I can't get my hopes up. I don't have time for a stupid fucking crush.
Ellie's voice drags me back to reality. " When's the last time you had your oil checked? " Ellie pushes some hair out of her face.
I shrug. " I-I don't know. It's been a while I guess. "
Ellie pulls out a long stick. " Yeah, I can tell. Shit's empty. " Ellie puts the stick down with a small head shake. " You need to check your oil once a month. "
I don't say anything.
Ellie closes the hood of the car, turning her attention back to me. " The shop's closed for the night but I can come back first thing in the morning with the tow. "
Ellie opens up the passenger side door, waiting for me to get in.
" I can open my own door, Ellie. " I mutter in embarrassment after grabbing my stuff. Did I take too long?
" I know you can. " Ellie rolls her eyes while taking back the now burnt out cigarette. " I'm just not an asshole. "
Ellie shuts the door before running around the drivers side. " Depending on how bad it is we should be able to have your car back to you in a couple days. "
I shake my head. Beads of rain fly off my head and onto the truck's tan dashboard. " There's no way I can afford to pay to fix my car right now. Fuck, I can barely pay my rent. Can you just drop the car off at my house? " I let out a frustrated sigh. " I can probably pay for the tow but that's about it. "
Ellie's silent for a moment.
Rain gently smacks against the car. The wipers squeak in unison, creating a repetitive song.
" I live up here. " I point towards a small, unkempt brick building.
Ellie pulls to a stop in the parking lot.
" Thanks. " I shoot her a small smile while getting out. I close the door, eager to get inside and out of my cold clothes.
The truck's window rolls down. " I'll take care of it. "
I turn to her in confusion. " What? No. Ellie, I can't let you do that. "
Ellie shakes her head. " Y/N. I'm doing it. You can't fucking stop me. " Ellie puts the truck in reverse and slowly begins pulling out.
" But it's my car! " I yell after her. " Ellie! "
" I'm the one with the tow! " Ellie yells back. " Don't worry, Y/N. I'll get your car back in no time. "
Soon all I can see are the backlights of Ellie's truck driving away.
She's so fucking frustrating.
Lmk if you want to be tagged
idk if anyone wanted to be tagged for this one. Sorry if I missed u.
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theinfernalcalypso · 8 months
hi long time no see (I think??? time has not existed in a normal linear fashion for me lately lol) ❣️ anon here, I still exist, I still love Him. apologies for incoming long message, I got emotional mid writing oops
but fuck, man. I can't remember if I sent anything in, but I fucked up big. I gave up on chasing Him a while back. I loved Him so much, but I had no way of being there with Him as much as He deserved, so I let Him go. I was embarrassed and so sad and I felt like He deserved better than me. we just... drifted apart again. just like highschool. and I was kind of okay with that. I missed Him dearly, but He was doing pretty well from what He shared, so for my own heart's sake, I stopped looking for Him.
decided to hop onto Facebook to find a picture of someone else to share with an in person friend and my heart absolutely dropped. He is with someone else now. I know that's exactly why I let Him drift away but I know He doesn't really like her like that! she's so not His type in any way. I know Him so well, even through all this time, He wouldn't change that much. I worry about Him so much and I miss Him and I hate myself because I can't reach out because what if He does like her. what if they are happy. I doubt she likes Him nearly as much as I love him, but He is with her now, and not me. I missed my chance, and now they've moved. He's not "10 minutes from home", but neither am I. we are now over 1300 miles apart and I hate it
I miss Him so much. I just want to crawl up somewhere and die every time I remember. it feels like my heart has been carved from my chest. I miss Him I miss Him I miss Him
If I can't have Him, I at least hope He's actually happy with her. I love you, peachy. I'll love you from here, but gods does it fucking hurt right now. I know I don't have the right to be hurt, but still.
Hey!!! It has been a long time!!! And ooh babe I'm so sorry to hear that :c
Your feelings are more than understandable, I've felt the same thing before. I know you feel like you don't have the right, but it doesn't change that it hurts still. You can't help the way you feel about a situation.
And, hey, I know this might not be exactly what you wanna hear but it's all too true sometimes. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be between you two. But, that doesn't mean there isn't your meant to be somewhere.
For now, at least, let yourself feel how you feel. Try and patch yourself up, and you don't have to do that alone, you know. Anyone close to you can always help in that healing, y'know? And just try to process as a first step if you haven't already done that. Remember to be easy and kind on yourself, even if that feels like the hardest thing in the world.
It's not okay right now, but it will be. Maybe take some time to get into something new, or rediscover something you lost a passion for to help keep your mind off of things for a while. (It wasn't for a situation like this, but for me it was rediscovering a passion about dolls that I had lost touch with some years ago!)
And, kinda opposite direction, you can just. Vent about it. Even if it isn't to someone else, just writing it down to get it out of your system might help, or drawing an artistic rendition of it. Or, similar to writing it down, write a letter. You can do whatever you want with it, but a suggestion from someone who is a practitioner of witchcraft, burning it to release those feelings might soothe the soul some. (You can always keep a copy, if you want, which might not be quite as effective but it'll still help something.)
And again, it's not okay right now, but it will be. I promise.
-mod star who sincerely hopes you feel better from this sooner rather than later
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
hi! can you do boy with luv yunho?
a/n: heyy~ sorry it took a while for me to post but here you go! 💚
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👤: ATEEZ Jeong Yunho
📼: Boy With Luv - BTS
genre & warnings: fluff, cursing, artist!yunho
word count: 1k
for anyone who wants to, don't be shy and send me asks based on Prompts Request Song Version. Thank you so much!
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Yunho laid down on his bed, letting his body relax after a long, tiring day of managing the museum where his exhibit will take place tomorrow.
He closed eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet before he felt something sharp poke at his neck. Grumbling, his hands went towards the item in question, pulling it out under his pillow.
It was a photo of you and him under the cherry blossoms, holding up a peace sign and bright smiles adorning your faces.
Yunho's eyes soften at the picture, it was a memory that he'll forever hold in his heart.
He sat up and fished for his phone, putting the photo down on his night stand and quickly dialling your number.
"Hello?" your sweet voice rings through his speakers and he wished at that moment for you to be by his side instead, directly communicating with you instead of using a gadget.
"Hi, Y/N, am I disturbing you?"
"No, well, if it's you that's disturbing me then I don't mind."
He giggled at your pick-up line, heart fluttering at your words.
"Okay, missy, I just want to ask if you're busy tomorrow?"
You hummed on the other line, acting like you're thinking when in reality, you already have an answer.
"Never busy for you."
Yunho laughed out loud at that, this is one of the reasons why he loves you so much.
From the moment he met you, you already became his star that turned his ordinary life into an extraordinary one.
You became his life, leading to him wanting to know more about you.
What do you like? How about your dislikes?
He observes everything about you, from the way you talk or walk, your adorable habits like poking your tongue out to the side when you're concentrating.
"You're so flirty," Yunho commented, your sniggers vibrating on his ears, "I have an exhibit tomorrow, I hope that you can come."
There goes his nerves, he knows that you'll never miss an event that is important to him, but tomorrow is a special day.
"I wouldn't skip it for the world!" he heard you sigh a bit, you seem tired, "Are you okay? Had a rough day?"
You smiled, looking at your computer screen before answering him, "Just peachy, all is well though. Thank you for asking."
It was silent for a minute, oddly enough, it was comforting. The effect that you have for each other is truly devastating, if you two are heroes of a comic book, your mere heart eyes and flowing love are enough to keep the peace on earth.
Yunho cleared his throat, "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then?"
"You bet you will."
The phone call ended, leaving Yunho with a light mind. He'll definitely have to get his self ready for d-day.
The next morning, you entered the museum at exactly 9:45, following Yunho's instructions through his text.
"Huh?" you were astonished when you saw that the place is almost empty, except for the few workers inside.
You approached a tall man who was standing right by the entrance, "Um, excuse me?"
He jolted out of his trance, "Oh gosh, you startled me!"
You bowed and apologized, asking him for the whereabouts of the star of the exhibition.
A look of realization dawned on him, "Are you perhaps Ms. Y/N?"
You nodded your head at his question, grimacing when he let out a loud shriek.
"Fuck! He's gonna kill me!"
You poked the man's shoulder, cautiously asking him if he's okay.
"Ah," he gulped, trying to fix the messed up situation, "yeah, yes. I am perfectly fine."
He looks from his side, to his back, at your back. Okay, this is getting suspicious.
"Is there something that I have to know?" you put your hands on your waist, getting annoyed at whatever is happening.
A familiar voice called out to you, turning around to face the person, "Yunho!"
"Sorry, did you wait for too long?"
He smiled at you, and that was enough to melt the irritation that you were feeling earlier.
"No, it's fine." you waved his worried expression off, getting all chill when he surprised you by holding your hand.
"Perfect, I have something to show you."
You barely noticed the way the lanky man that you were conversing a while ago did a salute to your friend.
"Where are you taking me? And where are the other visitors?" you asked, not exactly complaining but you're also curious to where he's dragging you to.
He looked back at you, a sinister glint in his eye, "You'll see."
The wink he gave you was cheesy as fuck, still, you'll forgive him for being cringey.
He brought you to a large, marbled room.
The interior is gorgeous, cerulean hues covering the area, and in the middle, a humongous piece of artwork lies, covered with a black cloth.
Yunho walked towards the setting, "Close your eyes."
One swoop, he instructed you to open your eyes again and revealed the masterpiece that he worked so hard for the past few months.
You were in awe.
A painting of a goddess and a male angel was depicted in the canvas, splattered pastel colors in the background.
The masculine figure is kneeling down, holding the gorgeous female's hand.
What does this mean?
"I used to think that I am superior to others," you craned your neck to face him, shock visible on your features, "then I met you."
"Yunho, what-"
Your sentence was cut off when he knelt down, the same exact position like the one in the painting.
"You changed me and now I vowed to myself, with the wings that you gave me, I shall wait for you, take care of you, and love you unconditionally."
He enveloped your hands on his own, warmth seeping within your skin as tears sprung up from your eyes.
You were speechless, he's really confessing to you right now, like a dream come true.
"I was in love and you turned me into a boy with love. Will you be my muse and be with me through everything?"
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themafia-terrapins · 3 years
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"Look how pathetic you look, you're disgusting. I don't know why I bother to stay with you" Her harsh words were thrown in Mikey's face, mocking him relentlessly over and over.
"I'm sorry Amelia" He murmured, not wanting to anger her further. The harsh smell of liquor assaulted his senses, today wouldn't be a good day at all. She was drunk and when she was drunk she tended to become more brutal and violent.
"Oh, you are? A little too fucking late, you asshole. Your father had one job and he couldn't even do it right. No wonder he left you. You're a freak, a monster. A good for nothing piece of shit!" She sneered at him, flinging a glass bottle towards him. It shattered on his arm, the broken pieces penetrating deep into the soft skin. His bit his lip, trying to calm the wave of fury in his chest.
How easily he could snap her neck with the slightest of pressure from his finger but he knew the rules, one mistake and everything he's worked for would go down the drain.
"Now look at what you made me do! Fuckin asshole, clean it up! You stupid freak" She yelled, pushing him away. She grabbed the keys to the car, yelling horrible obscenities all the way.
He watched her go until she was barely a small shadow in the background. He should have prevented her from taking driving but he hoped she would be in an accident, dead somewhere by a ditch.
Oh, how he yearned for his misery to be at an end.
His arms were locked around his chest, struggling to hold back the tears that threatened to run down his cheeks. Time and time again he was constantly berated and beaten down. Everyday his arms would be covered with new bruises and scratches trying to tame Amelia's temper. It was embarrassing, a woman significantly smaller than him causing so much damage. And he would've laughed but it hurt to even to do so.
"Mikey? Are you okay?" He recognised that voice, it was the one he used to run to in his childhood. It was full of worry, concern got the turtle freezing outside.
"Peachy.... just peachy....." The smaller terrapin whispered back, his head leaning against the wall. He couldn't bring himself to move, the pain came in waves and he could do nothing but let it wash over him. Maybe it was a good thing, he deserved this.
"Mike, what's wrong?" Raph's voice was reduced to a whisper, his hand reaching out to Mikey's arm. It was then his walls started to crumble, breaking at the seams until he could barely breath. It was as though he felt everything and then nothing all at once, his mind flooding with a million words and then reducing to emptiness.
"Everything" His breath hitched and out came the tears that he so desperately tried to fight back. They soaked his mask, streaming down his cheeks and falling to the ground like pearls. It felt almost surreal to see him cry, Raph hadn't seen him in this state since his childhood.
"What did she do?" Raph's jaw was clenched, his hand on the turtles arm tightened causing a bit of pain but Mikey didn't protest, at least he was here. At least he was real, at least he cared.
"She.... what the fuck hasn't she done??" Mikey laughed bitterly, trying to regain control over his breathing but it felt impossible. His thumb gently runs over a pebbled scar down his chest, a shiver running down his body at the memory of the brutal pain. Something he would never forget no matter how desperately he tried to.
"I remember the day I took this beating, I know well the pain he left me in. And yet Mia's word bring me more grief than any other physical wound I've ever endured" Sadness coursed through his veins, remembering the first encounter he had with Amelia.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, so sweet and caring and patience. But perhaps it was a mirage to what lay deeper, the darkness swirled just beneath her facade. And he despised himself that he couldn't see through it early on.
"Then leave her Mikey. Please. I'm beggin ya-"
"Don't you think I would if I could?? Don't you think I would've left her the minute she raised her hand at me?? I hate her, I hate the way she abuses me. But I hate myself for allowing her to do this. It's not easy Raph, she's got footage of me that if leaked could do serious damage to me and our business. We could lose everything, go to jail, you name it. I can't let that happen. Not to mention her father will come at us with everything he's got" He turns and makes eye contact with the turtle who looks back mirroring the same expression, helpless and broken. It seemed to be the reoccurring theme with the brothers.
"I just wish ya didn't have ta be wit' her, I wish I could do somethin" Raph sighed, looking at the sky. The moon shine brightly amongst the stars, giving them a minute of peace in their chaotic world.
"Ironic how life works, huh? I thought I would be free of Splinter but life really likes screwing me in the ass" The brothers stayed in silent, neither having the correct words to say to the other. The silence would soon be disrupted with the anger issue belonging to his girlfriend but for now, it was nice. The moment was peaceful, free of any anxiety and worry.
He hoped they could always stay like this.
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topsytervy · 4 years
Good Night ~ Rafe Cameron
Ahaha I did a Part 3 to goodbye. It kind of got a little dicey at the end but it’s chill. You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.
Blurb: You and Rafe go out for some drinks and I don’t know what else to say.
Word Count: 3,323
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, grammar/spelling mistakes, I think that’s it
Rafe smiled as he unlocked the door to his apartment and walked in, closing the door behind him as he placed his keys in the little dish on the counter.
He walked further into his apartment, taking off his coat and placing it on the back of a chair before walking down the hall to his bedroom to change into pajamas. He flopped down on his bed and stared at the ceiling as a smile crept onto his face. 
He let out a breathy laugh as he ran his hands over his face as he thought about his day with you in the car. It was a dream come true to have alone time with you after all these years. All he wanted was 5 minutes with you and he got 8 hours instead.
His phone vibrated on his nightstand and he reached over, grabbing it and unlocking it before his grin grew.
My plans for tomorrow fell through and I don't work the day after, so drinks tomorrow night?
Rafe looked up towards his ceiling. "I'm starting to think you exist, big guy." 
Yeah. I'll pick you up at 7?
I'll see you then.
Rafe set his phone back on the nightstand and positioned himself under the covers, closing his eyes as he thought about your conversation when he dropped you off.
Rafe held open the door to your apartment complex for you before walking in behind you.
"Thank you," you smiled as you began your journey up the stairs to your apartment.
Rafe stood at the bottom of the steps and pointed to the elevator. "Why are we not using the elevator?" He asked.
"I got stuck in one a few years back and I decided that I'm staying far away from those things for the rest of my life." You shrugged. Rafe chuckled lightly and took his first step up. You looked back at him with a grin. "Hope you plan on skipping leg day cause I'm up on floor six."
Rafe waved his hand, dismissing your sentence. "Please, this will be a cinch."
Halfway up, Rafe looked over at you as he heard the slight panting coming from you. His lips formed into a smirk as he spoke. "Are you okay over there?"
You nodded. "Peachy."
"Oh, nothing." He shrugged.
You rolled your eyes as you two continued up the stairs, Rafe offering to carry you the rest of the way but you denied his offer. 
Rafe watched as you brought your tired feet up the last step, opening the door that separated the stairwell from the hallway of apartment doors.
You led the way to your apartment door and pulled out your key, shoving it into the lock. "Thanks for letting me ride with you. It was way better than the ride with Kie, JJ, and Pope." You glanced at him as you turned the key.
"It's no problem. I enjoyed the company." Rafe leaned against the wall, praying his voice wouldn't waver at his next sentence. "So, you wanna go out tomorrow night? Hit the town or whatever?"
Even though he knew that you two were on alright terms now, after all the car ride was filled with catching up and bad karaoke, there was still a part of his mind that was nervous. 
Nervous that you would tell him that, as fun as the last two days were, you couldn't see yourselves being more than civil acquaintances. Nervous that you'd say, 'yes, as long as the guy I've been seeing in secret for the past month can join us'. Nervous that you'd say 'let me check my schedule and I'll let you know’, but then ghost him.
Nervous that he would have to watch you walk out of his life again.
"I kind of already have a prior commitment to tomorrow," You told him before reaching into your bag and pulling out your phone, "but I'll let you know when I can squeeze in some time for you when I check my work schedule." You smiled as you extended your unlocked phone to Rafe.
"You promise?" Rafe asked as he hesitantly took your phone. 
This was the beginning of one of his scenarios he created in his mind and not one of the ones that ended with you two saying 'I do'.
You shot Rafe a look. "Rafe, you and I both know that I wouldn't be looking this calm and collected if I was lying to you. I'd be a stuttering, panicking mess."
Rafe chuckled lightly at the truthful statement of your terrible lying as he began putting in his number under his name before texting himself a ‘hi’ so he'd have your number. 
He handed your phone back to you with a grin. "To be fair, you were a stuttering, panicking mess when we first met, Y/N/N, and all you were saying was hello."
You blushed profusely at the memory of you being nervous as hell when you met Rafe for the first time and Rafe wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around you and tease you about the sudden redness on your cheeks like he used to do whenever you blushed.
But instead, he just added, "Don't worry. You were a cute stuttering, panicking mess," before he walked back towards the stairwell.
As Rafe slipped off into dreamland, you stayed awake, waiting for your kettle to go off so you could make your tea.
You grabbed your phone and unlocked it, Rafe’s contact staring back at you. You clicked edit and erased his name before typing out his new name.
You smiled slightly at the familiar nickname from years ago and hit save before opening Spotify. You went to click on your liked songs before remembering something from the car ride with Rafe and went to the search bar, typing in Rafe’s Spotify name that you still had memorized.
"You're music is so fucking basic, Rafe." You laughed as you once again listened to some random pop song that you had already heard way too many times on the radio.
Rafe shook his head. “My music is not basic. I just have different playlists with different genres. It’s called being organized Y/L/N.” He answered with a grin.
“Really?” You raised an eyebrow,
Rafe nodded. “Mhm. If I’m in the mood for rap, I have my rap playlist. If I want alternative, I have my alternative playlist. And so on.”
“Mind if I look through and choose one?” You asked. 
Rafe grabbed his phone from his hoodie pocket and unlocked it with his fingerprint before handing it over to you. You found Spotify and clicked it open, going to his playlists. You were going to click on his alternative playlist but another one caught your eye.
My Girl’s Favorites.
You glanced over at Rafe. 
“My girl’s favorites?” 
“Hmm?” He glanced over at you and you turned the screen to him. “Oh. Guess I never deleted that one.”
“Oh. You want me to delete it for you so you don’t have to remember her?” You clicked on the playlist and went to click on the three dots but Rafe spoke up.
“No!” His hand reached out and he placed a hand on your forearm to stop you. You turned to look at him and moved your finger away from the dots. “That’s… that’s your playlist. It’s probably a little outdated considering it’s been five years but… yeah. That should be all your favorites from when you were 16.” He admitted, glancing out his window before turning his attention back to the road ahead of him.
You bit your lip before clicking play on the playlist, gasping when Mr.Brightside came on first.
Rafe looked over at you and smiled as you immediately went to turn up the volume before beginning to yell the lyrics as you scrolled through all the songs that were apparently your favorites back in high school.
“This is going to be one hell of a trip down memory lane.” You commented as your eyes widened at some of the songs that you had forgotten about.
Rafe nodded. “Oh yeah. You’re in for a treat.” You glanced at him and you saw his cheeks redden slightly. “I have, on occasion, listened to it.”
You smiled and thought about Rafe listening to all of your old favorites while he was alone. If you were being honest, you still had a playlist of Rafe’s favorites that you found yourself putting on from time to time. 
You smiled as you found the playlist of your high school favorites and clicked on it, playing the music that brought back so many memories. The kettle began to whistle and you quickly turned off the heat and removed it from the burner, pouring the water into your mug that already had a teabag in it.
You grabbed your phone and your tea, heading off into your bedroom so you could begin your nightly hour of coloring to help you unwind before bed.
When you and Rafe pulled up at the club at 8 the next night, you got out of the car, shivering slightly in the cold breeze s you waited for Rafe. Once out, he held out his fist. 
“Rack, paper, scissors for designated driver?” 
You waved him off. “I’ll be DD.” You told him and Rafe had a look of confusion on his face. 
“Really? That easy?” 
You shrugged. “I’m used to being DD. I almost always am with the pogues.” You went to grab his keys but he pulled them away.
“Y/N, when’s the last time you got shit-faced?” He asked.
When you didn’t answer, Rafe pocketed his keys. "I’ll be DD tonight. You, my dear, are going to drink to your heart’s content.” 
You ignored the slight flutter your heart did at my dear and went for his pocket to grab his keys. “Seriously, Rafe. It’s not that big of a deal. I don’t want to ruin your fun of getting wasted.”
Rafe grabbed your wrists gently and pushed you away from his body with a small laugh. “I find the thought of you getting wasted way more entertaining.” You shot him a look and he turned you around, pushing you to the back of the small line. “Think of this as your opportunity to let loose and have some fun.”
You rolled your eyes before walking to the back of the line with Rafe behind you.
Two hours had passed since you two entered the club, sitting next to Rafe in a booth in the corner after you two had spent the last twenty minutes dancing. Rafe had two beers the whole night and you… well, Rafe would say you were closer to the shit-faced side of the scale from what he could tell. 
Rafe looked over at you and saw you yawn before picking up your drink and placing the straw in your mouth. Well, attempt to. You missed your mouth a couple of times.
"Alright, sweetheart. I think that is our cue to get you home." He told you, finishing off the beer he'd been nursing for the past 45 minutes.
You whined and grabbed his bicep with your hands. "Rafe, I'm not tired." You finally managed to get the straw into your mouth.
"Oh yeah? That yawn says otherwise. Stay here while I close the tab." He slipped out of the booth and walked over to the bar. 
After getting the bartender's attention and letting him know he was closing the tab, he glanced over at you, smiling as he watched you finish off your drink. He narrowed his eyes as he saw a dude slide into the booth next to you, a smile on his face as he reached over and touched your hand, saying something. Rafe watched you take the straw out of your mouth and respond with a shake of your head as you slowly slid out of your seat, placing your glass on the table as you said something back to him.
Rafe looked back at the bartender who tapped his shoulder and took his card back with a thanks before making his way back to you quickly.
"Rafe!" You cheered, throwing your arms around his neck. 
Throughout the night, he noticed how with each drink you got touchier and more affectionate. Not that he minded, of course, but the sudden movement took him off guard for a second before he slid his arms around your waist to keep you from tipping over.
Okay, half to keep you from tipping over, half because he wanted to.
But, you know, tomato, tomato.
"Hey, Ready to go?" He grinned, his eyes shifting from you to the guy who was now standing behind you. 
You nodded your head and you took your arms from his neck, heading towards the door as Rafe’s hand found its home on the small of your back. Rafe led you outside and to his car, opening the passenger door for you. The sleepiness seemed to finally be hitting you now that you were away from the crowd and loud music, the quiet night taking over instead as you yawned once more. Rafe opened the door for you and you whispered a quick thanks before climbing in.
“Can you buckle yourself in?” 
You nodded as you reached for the seatbelt. "Tonight was fun Rafe." You told him quietly as he watched you struggle to grab it.
Rafe smiled. "Yeah, it was." He grabbed the seatbelt and handed it to you, causing you to smile back and click it into place as he shut your door.
He walked over to the driver’s side and slid into the seat, shoving the key into the ignition before turning it and starting the car.
The ride was quiet except for the radio and when Rafe glanced over at you about halfway to your place, you were fast asleep, head resting against the window. 
When he pulled up to your apartment building, he decided against waking you up, cause what kind of a gentleman would he be if he woke a princess from her slumber just so she had to walk up six flights of stairs while drunk to her apartment, and got out of the car.
He opened your door just enough to slip his hand inside and place his hand between your head and the window before opening the door all the way. He reached over your body and clicked the button to unlatch the seatbelt. 
You stirred slightly as you groaned and Rafe looked at you the seatbelt retracted.
“It’s just me, Y/N.” He whispered, grabbing your wrists and throwing your arms around his neck.
You tightened your grip around his neck as you wrapped your legs around his waist, his hands going to the bottom of your thighs. 
“Watch your head,” He told you as he pulled you out of the car.
You tucked your face into the crook of his neck as he shut the door, beginning the journey to your apartment.
You sniffed as Rafe started up the first flight of stairs, causing one of Rafe’s hands to go to your back, rubbing your back softly.
“You okay?” 
Rafe’s face fell at your answer. “Why?”
“Because I lied to you.” You murmured into his neck.
“I never got stuck in the elevator. I made that up so I could spend a few more minutes with you.” You murmured into his neck.
Rafe felt a smile creep onto his face. “Yeah?”
He felt you nod and he chuckled. “You could’ve just invited me in for tea or something, you know?”
“My plans didn’t fall through either. I canceled them. It was a tinder date but you’re way more interesting than that guy.”
“Oh really?" He smirked, his ego slightly boosted over the fact that you chose him over some random guy.
"Mhm. I blocked him too."
"That’s nice, Y/N/N." His smirk turning into a grin. "Are you gonna delete the app entirely?"
You shrugged. "Maybe." You sighed, one of your hands beginning to play with his hair. 
The rest of the trip upstairs was quiet, Rafe hoping you didn’t fall back asleep when he came face to face with your door.
"Where are your keys?" He whispered, just in case you had actually fallen asleep.
You dug into your bag and grabbed the keys, handing them to the man without taking your face from his neck.
You kissed his cheek as he unlocked your door and opened it before setting you down.
"Do you wanna stay? It's late and I don't think you should drive anymore." You stared at him.
Rafe shoved his hands into the pockets. "Uh...yeah. Sure. Someone's gotta take care of you, right?"
You smiled as you grabbed his arm and dragged him inside, closing the door behind him. You lead him into your room and handed him a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants you never got around to returning to him before directing him to the bathroom.
You climbed into bed after getting dressed and Rafe came back into your bedroom, placing a bucket on your side of the bed. 
"Just in case you have to throw up during the night." He told you, knowing you rarely ever made it to the bathroom.
You once threw up in an empty cooler once cause you couldn't make it to the trash can that was 5 feet away but that’s a different story.
You smiled and he turned to walk away but you grabbed his wrist. He turned to look at you and you opened your arms. "Come cuddle with me?" 
Rafe smiled. "Are you sure?"
You pouted at him and patted the spot next to you. Rafe climbed into your bed, opening his arms and you rolled into his side, your head resting on his chest.
"I missed this a lot." You sighed, inhaling his scent.
"Me too, Y/N. Me too." Rafe kissed the top of your head.
You looked up at him before placing your lips on his softly. Rafe smiled as he kissed you back before pulling away after a couple of seconds.
"Go to sleep now. We'll talk in the morning." He whispered, his thumb rubbing circles on your side.
"Okay, but Rafe, you should know something else I lied about." Rafe looked down at you, waiting for what you were about to say. "I'm not that drunk." You shrugged, a small smile on your face.
Rafe stared at you.  "I carried you up the stairs for no reason? Six fights of stairs when I could've taken the elevator or you could've walked them yourself?" Rafe shook his head. “Did you use the five years to work on your lying?”
You let out a small laugh at his words. "You should've known I'm not a lightweight. I mean, JJ is one of my best friends. We didn’t even have that many drinks tonight."
Rafe shook his head at you again with a tsk. "I know your mom didn't raise you as a liar. I'm going to have to call her and tell her her daughter has been lying to me."
"But it was to spend more time with you." You grinned as you took your finger and booped his nose.
He took an arm from your waist and grabbed your wrist gently, kissing your hand. "I mean, I guess I can forgive you if that’s your reason." He smiled. 
"That is my reason." You giggled.
Rafe squeezed your side. "Then I guess you're forgiven then, sweetheart."
You threw your leg over his and closed your eyes, your arm resting across his abdomen. "That’s good to know. I can go to sleep now without worrying about you being mad at me." You hummed. "Goodnight, bubs."
Rafe grinned, kissing the top of your head once more before closing his own eyes. "Goodnight, baby."
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violetarks · 4 years
Just A Game: Shouldn't Couldn't Wouldn't
Anime: My Hero Academia
"Shinso, you don't want to watch with us?" Uraraka questioned, settling down in between Todoroki and Midoriya.
The man shook his head. "No. You guys are probably gonna' watch some boring rom-com." He joked, brushing a hand through his hair.
It's been two days since he last spoke to Y/N.
They were completely cut off from each other. No, they didn't delete their numbers off of their phones, but they weren't talking at all. It gave Y/N time to cool off and work on her song as well as stream sometimes. Shinso worked on streaming by himself and helping others with their videos.
"Y/N came out with a new song!" Uraraka giggled out in excitement, turning on YouTube on the TV, "Only the music video is out for now, but I heard all her friends helped to film it!"
Shinso visibly tensed up at her words. They hadn't mentioned anything about Y/N to him, just guessing that they were having some trouble. But it completely went out of Uraraka's head as soon as she read Y/N's Twitter post that said ''Shouldn't Couldn't Wouldn't' is out now on my YouTube channel!! Go check it out or else I'll send Bakugou after you 😡😡😡'.
Shinso sighed out, "I'm good. I need to make some lunch for us anyway."
They said their 'thank you's to Shinso as Iida told him to be careful in the kitchen. He stood in the kitchen for a while, mind going to Y/N. She looked so hurt when he admitted he lied. And maybe she would've felt better if he just poured out why he felt this way, to lie and such.
The chatter of Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka died down at the girl pressed 'play' on the TV.
Shinso stood behind them in the living room doorway. He didn't want to sit with his friends right now. He just wanted to be alone and watch the music video.
The music came out gently at first. The plucking of the strings on the electric guitar was simple. It sounded like the feeling of falling. The video started out on a blank screen, the words 'Shouldn't Couldn't Wouldn't' on the black background. Underneath showed the people's names.
Vocals: L/N Y/N, Kirishima Eijiro
Guitars: Kirishima Eijiro (lead), Kaminari Denki (back-up electric), Jirou Kyoka (bass)
Drums: Bakugou Katsuki
Cameras: Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta
And then the drum beat came in behind, slowly at first as the first verse came up.
"'By now I got your bad habits all memorized, like, when I know you need me most'," Y/N sung, hand on the microphone as she tugged the wire behind her, "'You go and shut me out, figures, you Gemini."
They decided not to film a big music video, just one in the studio. They got Mina and Sero to dl the camera work, and God, did they do a great job
"Wow, she can really sing!" Midoriya commented before Uraraka quieted him down. She was a huge fan of Y/N's.
"'And I'm not sayin' that I've got, all of the answers, but,'" She kept going, Mina's camera panning to Kaminari who was focusing on the guitar at the moment, "'Boy, I've been in love before'."
Jirou had sung in the harmonies, adding in the ones they agreed on. It sounded like honey.
He wondered who she was in love with before him, and if they did a better job. Y/N admitted that she wanted to be more than friends with Shinso, and he blew it. Maybe the other person who loved her treated her better.
"'It's not always peachy, look, life ain't that easy,'" Y/N kept going, tapping her foot in beat with Bakugou's soft drumbs, "'But one thing I know for sure is it—'"
"'Shouldn't,'" She sung lightly with Jirou behind her, looking up to the camera with a completely 'done' expression, "'Be this hard, you couldn't, DTR. Oh wouldn't, it be nice, if we could stay friends? But we shouldn't.'"
The camera caught how Kirishima and Bakugou glanced at each other before at Y/N. It wasn't very discrete in the shot of the whole band.
Shinso clenched the fabric of his sweater as he watched her. She was gorgeous, on and off camera.
"Y'know what? I couldn't." Y/N went on, one hand brushing the back of her neck whilst the other held onto the microphone, "'Nough's enough. If I had your heart, it wouldn't be this... hard."
She looked deep in thought and would've stayed that way if it wasn't for Kirishima's little riff on his guitar.
Shinso noticed how she looked to the ground, swallowing before looking back up to the camera with a small grin.
She began to walk around the studio, tugging the wire behind her. "You wonder why suddenly, I'm coming off indifferent." She chimes, shrugging her shoulders innocently, "'What you don't seem to understand is..."
She stood next to Jirou, who was smiling at her friend. She hadn't seen Y/N this passionate about a song in ages. Jirou didn't like the intention behind it, but she always loved seeing Y/N give her all.
"It's not anything you said, it's everything you didn't. Ooh," Y/N spoke, glaring at the camera as Jirou harmonised with her. It was obvious who she had in mind. She hoped he saw this.
Shinso definitely did, he was feeling his heart rate increase slowly as she spoke. She meant every word she said and Shinso had the front seat to who she meant it to.
"Yeah, you." She sung, waving a finger in the air, "You always answered with, more questions to questions that scare you."
Y/N stood in the middle of Kirishima and Kaminari, tilting her head down to the camera. She wore a face that said she was truly angered, but was hiding it behind her smile. But it fell for the next line.
"We're not always peachy, look, love ain't that easy." Y/N stated, Bakugou in the background of the shot twirling his drumsticks in between his fingers.
"But one thing I know—" Y/N struck her fist up into the air, as did Kaminari and Kirishima, "I know it for sure that it!"
"Shouldn't," Jirou came in as Y/N finished the climax of that line.
"Be this hard, you couldn't," Y/N went on after taking a deep breath, pulling the mic back to her lips, "DTR. Oh wouldn't, it be nice if we could stay friends? But we shouldn't!"
Kaminari had whistled in the background at her voice. Y/N sung this chorus with so much more heat and push, making it sound less soft and passive-agressive than the last. Making it now — just agressive.
But Kirishima and Bakugou focused on their instruments. They knew how much Shinso hurt her. Which is why they encouraged her to sing this song for the album, it would help her get all this hatred out of her system.
"Y'know what? I couldn't!" She called, hand in her hair as she went over to Kirishima. As Sero's camera followed her, she leaned her arm against Kirishima's shoulder. "'Nough's enough! If I had your heart, it wouldn't be this hard."
Bakugou's drumming was the main attraction in the music background for the third verse.
"I drank too much tonight to not try to call you up." Kirishima finally joined in, singing into the microphone that stood in front of him. He worked with Jirou to help get his voice to suit this song better. "I mean, that's what our phones are for."
"Even Kirishima? Damn, they're all talented." Todoroki commented, sipping from his glass as Uraraka shifted in her spot.
She squealed, "Oh my God! People are gonna' go crazy over this! A duet between Kirishima and Y/N!"
Shinso didn't like that. The idea of Kirishima and Y/N together right after they broke it off, as friends. He wanted a second chance to make things better.
Mina's camera showed Kaminari throwing up a fist to cheer on his best friend, Jirou smiling at Kirishima.
It made the red-haired boy grin through his singing. "Not one for titles, girl, in other words — terrified." He said, seeing Y/N lift herself off of him to whisper to Bakugou about something.
Shinso was terrified. He hated to admit it. Perhaps that was why he could lie. Because he was scared.
The next line made him blush red. "That pussy kicked my rules out the door."
Y/N only grinned at him.
Shinso felt his heart ache.
Kaminari wrote that sentence. He wrote all of Kirishima's lines. Which made Jirou and Y/N laugh in rehearsals.
Kirishima shook his head, Sero's camera now focusing on him. "I could take more shots or I could take you, off your blouse." Kirishima sung as Y/N came back to her spot, still watching him, "My favourite parts of fucking is either when I'm done or when you're walking out my house."
Again, Shinso grit his teeth as he listened to those lines.
But why? Y/N wasn't his.
Jirou had hit Kaminari for writing that line as he claimed it was too late to change it now.
As Y/N twirled the microphone wire in between her fingers, Kirishima closed his eyes and went on, "You don't pick up when I call unless I call you 'mine'. But one thing I know is it—"
"Shouldn't!" Y/N came in again, taking the last chorus again with Jirou. Kirishima went back to focusing on his guitar.
He tried calling her. She didn't pick up. Ever. Maybe because she was filming and editing, or because she didn't want to waste the time on him.
"Be this hard. You couldn't, DTR. Oh wouldn't, it be nice if we could stay friends? But we shouldn't..." She sung, tilting her head to the side with closed eyes.
Y/N held onto the microphone tightly as Jirou watched her intensely. "Y'know what? I couldn't! 'Nough's enough!" She sung loudly, mic pulled away a bit to prevent peaking, "If I had your heart, it wouldn't be this..."
She took a deep breath in before letting it out in the song. "Hard — ah, ah, ah—ah, ah, ah..." She sung in melody with Jirou, closing her eyes with knitted brows. She was about to burst. "Oh, woah, woah—Hard, ah, ah! Mm!"
When Y/N opened her eyes, she stared at the ground. The drumming was dropped and the only one playing was Kirishima, the lead guitarist for the song.
She sighed, "It's not always peachy, look, love ain't that easy. But one thing I know, for sure is we... shouldn't."
The music stopped and was replaced by Kaminari's cheers. They finished the take in one go. He set his guitar down and ran up to the girls, engulfing them in giant hugs as he complimented their voices.
Y/N giggled, hugging back with Jirou, who looked madly annoyed. Bakugou only came towards them at Y/N's whining, telling him to be a team player. He allowed her to wrap an arm around his neck, saying how good his drumming was.
The last to join the hug was Kirishima. He stood in front of Y/N, placing a hand on top of her head and ruffling her hair. She complained about it until he rested a kiss on her forehead.
That's where the video cut off.
Shinso squinted at the TV before overhearing Uraraka compliment how well they sang and how great they performed all together. She always loved their friendship group.
Iida said something about the camera work and how the transitions were smooth.
Midoriya liked how they seemed relaxed all the time during the recording.
Todoroki mentioned how it kind of hinted to Kirishima and Y/N being a couple.
Shinso walked back into the kitchen.
Fun Fact: Y/N and her best friends really only met through Kaminari spilling his tea over Y/N's shirt at the cafe they all coincidentally studied at. She had her music playing through her headphones, which is why Jirou had introduced herself since she liked the artist too. Kaminari and Mina cried over ruining a pretty outfit. Kirishima apologised for their behaviour. Bakugou hit the two for their actions. Mina invited Y/N to come to their table and pay for her food in return.
TAGS: @just-some-stars @freyafolkvangr @headfirst-halo @wotsitgirl @falling4fandoms @katsuki-bakuhoee @adorable-punk-superheroes @firecet @ouijaeater15 @swoonhui @thegalxe @caitff @camry-orphanaccount @angelofdarkness1020 @someweirdshitman @jazzylove
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Teen
Prompt: Two Bros Chilling in A Hot Tub/Lightning Struck
Summary: Freed knew he had a lot to learn about being a professional wizard, and when he was paired up with Laxus for a mission he expected to learn a lot. He didn't expect to spend a day with him in a hot tub, and he certainly didn't expect to get an entirely unrelated education about life and about love.
Notes: Hi everyone. Fraxus Week is at an end, and I really enjoyed writing everything this year. The AU's were a lot of fun and canon writing it always enjoyable, I hope you liked what I've written, and make sure to look at @fuckyeahfraxus to see everyone else has made.
Links: Chapter One ||| Event Masterlist ||| Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction
Chapter Two
Laxus was many things, but patient wasn't one of them. Honestly, it was miraculous he'd lasted a week before it had come to this.
He stormed into the apartment building that Freed lived in, walked to the address Makarov had given him, and slammed his hand against it three times; loudly. He was bouncing from foot to foot slightly, hearing the shifting of movements from behind the door as Freed walked towards it. He was taking his time, and Laxus felt the urge to slam his hand on the door again a few times to make him hurry the hell up.
For a week, Laxus had wanted to do this. He'd stopped himself for seven long, long days, but it was getting too much. Laxus couldn't go to sleep another night knowing that Freed was living twenty minutes away. That if the rune mage stopped with this shit, they could be repeating that kiss.
That fucking kiss!
He'd never been kissed like that. He doubted that anyone had been kissed like that. It had been so… so… The words couldn't come to Lauxs. It was all encompassing. Overwhelming. It was like standing in the centre of a thunder storm, letting the lightning burn across his skin and explode in his throat as he consumed it. Freed had been against him, attached to him, but battling him in a way Laxus couldn't understand.
Realistically, he knew it was for the mission, but he couldn't help but think there was more to the kiss. He'd caught a few of Freed's glances at his body – how Freed hadn't noticed Laxus doing the same thing was miraculous – and the reactions throughout the day seemed to suggest Freed had been just as affected as Laxus had.
But then the rune mage had just shut off. Any semblance of relaxation was gone the moment they pulled apart, and all Freed seemed capable of thinking of and speaking about was their mission. He spent the next hour avoiding Laxus, stating that they'd spent enough time together for plausibility and that it would be better to spread out. Laxus had agreed because he wasn't going to push things if Freed wanted to focus on his work then he could understand it, but for the rest of the afternoon he'd found his gaze drifting to him whenever his mind wandered. The press of the man's lips against his was like a haunting: inescapable and unforgettable. Laxus had wanted to storm over to the man, kiss him properly and say 'to hell' with the mission.
He'd never felt like this before. It was exhilarating.
But when the mission had ended, and Freed fell back on his habit of taking missions and spending no time in the guildhall, Laxus realised that Freed was avoiding him. Laxus was damn insulted by that.
Freed was into him, Laxus knew that, and he hoped that the passion with which he'd kissed Freed and the many times he'd lost focus because he was checking Freed out was enough for Freed to know the attraction was reciprocated. Freed didn't, for a second, seem to be a coward. Not about fighting and not about his own feelings, so why the hell was he avoiding Laxus? It took Laxus a full week of thinking over the situation for him to realise what was actually happening.
Laxus was an old hand at wizardry, and knew how to have a life outside of work. Freed didn't. Hell: when Laxus had reported the mission's success to Makarov, he'd asked the old man why he'd chosen Freed to spy on him, and he'd been told Freed needed to balance his work and life better, and Laxus was meant to help him.
So, as he stood at Freed's door, Laxus was going to do that.
The door opened, and Freed was revealed. He was wearing nothing but his white shirt, unbuttoned and sightly ruffled, and the trousers he'd worn during work. For a moment, Laxus allowed himself to relish in the sight off the man in a rumpled and domestic state, with his hair tied up high and his eyes still sleep worn because of the early morning. He shook his focus and met Freed's eyes.
"Laxus," Freed said with a frown. "What are you doing here?"
"Bored of this whole avoiding me shit," Laxus grunted, placing a hand on the wall to lean against it. "Pack a bag, we're going on a mission for the weekend."
"Excuse me?" Freed said, almost laughing. Laxus understood that – coming to the man's house unannounced and demanding his presence for a weekend was pretty arrogant – but he wasn't going to let that be an excuse. "What makes you think I'll do that simply because you tell me?"
"Because I haven't finished the paper work from that spa mission, and since I was meant to teach ya how to be a mage during the mission and it's not over, I have authority over you," Laxus grinned, knowing that Freed was not going to take that level of bullshit. He smirked when Freed went to argue back, and cut in before he could. "Besides, if you don't come with me, I won't be going on any missions with you, and all that S-Class money goes away. Wouldn't want that, huh?"
It was a dick move, but a means to an end. Freed glared at him, and that was all the agreement Laxus needed.
"Train station at nine AM," He informed Freed, turning, and walking down the hall. He spoke without looking back. "See ya there."
The train juddered to a stop, and Laxus felt his stomach settle almost instantly. He closes his eyes, swallowed down the small rising of bile that crept up his throat, and ignored the amused expression that Freed was looking at him with.
"Feeling a little sick, Laxus?" He taunted gently, and Laxus faux glared.
"Peachy," He grumbled.
Any lingering annoyance from earlier in the morning had gone when Freed had reached the train station. Laxus had brought him a coffee, bagel, and pastry as a peace offering. He'd been forceful about getting Freed to leave with him - he felt like it was necessary to kick Freed into action - but he couldn't have Freed pissed at him. If Laxus was right, and played his cards well, he might end up with Freed before the weekend was over. He wanted to do it properly.
"You look it," Freed taunted, taking his bag from the overhead rack and handing Laxus his rucksack. "May I know what the mission is now?"
"Not yet," Laxus dismissed the request.
They climbed off the train, and Laxus was thankful to be on solid ground again. The town they'd arrived in was a small one, tucked away high in the mountains; something that had not helped Laxus' motion sickness. He'd looked the town up on one of the guild's many maps before leaving, so knew exactly where to go and started following the roads without hesitation. Freed kept in step with him, clearly waiting for Laxus to offer some explanation.
He wouldn't get it. Laxus had spoken with Makarov about Freed once the mission had finished. The main thing he'd learned was that Freed needed to sort his shit out, because he was damn near hitting his limit. He also seemed like the kind of guy to refuse help, so Laxus was going to make sure he couldn't.
Once they got to the hotel, Laxus would confess. Until then, they were on a 'mission'.
"Could you at least tell me the type of mission?" Freed pushed the matter because the smartass needed to know everything. It was kinda funny seeing him getting pissy about it. "Eradication, interrogation, reconnaissance or escort?"
"You actually use those terms?" Laxus quirked an eyebrow as he chuckled, and subsequently walked into a wall of runes. He stumbled back, and rubbed his nose as he mumbled "You quick castes that? Damn."
"Why are we here Laxus," Freed insisted
"Who trained you how to cast, because that was impressive," Laxus ignored the question, walking forward when the wall dissipated. "You're gonna be a damn powerhouse in a few years."
"Answer the-" Freed cut himself off. "What do you mean 'going to be'?"
"You think you're powerful now?" Laxus taunted.
"I know that I am," Freed narrowed his eyes for a moment, before laughing at himself. "You're rather good at distracting people, aren't you? Perhaps you're smarter than I thought you'd be."
"You thought I'd be dumb?" Laxus asked.
"Yes," Freed said unflinchingly, and Laxus barked out a laugh.
"You should spend more time with the rest of the people in the guild," He smiled. "You're as much an asshole as the rest of 'em."
"How flattering," Freed said, voice droll. "You still haven't answered my question though. Why are we here?"
Laxus could see the hotel, and decided that it would be best to not push his luck with Freed. He thought about how he'd say it, and decided that he might as well jump into it rather than pissing around and avoiding the issue. Hell, if he couldn't be honest he'd be a damn hypocrite.
"I lied about the mission," He admitted, and Freed frowned. "We're here for a weekend break."
"A what?" Freed asked as if the concept was foreign to him. Given how much he worked, it might be.
"A weekend break. The place we did the mission for has a branch out here, and as a thank you for our work they gave up some coupons that we can use here," Laxus explained, reaching into his coat pocket, and pulling out the two tickets, handing one to Freed. "You clearly need a break from the work before you get sloppy on a mission and it ends up getting you hurt, and I'm not gonna turn down a free weekend in a luxury resort."
"And why didn't you tell me this from the beginning?" Freed demanded, clearly irritated.
"Because you wouldn't have come if you didn't think you'd make any money from it," Laxus shrugged as they walked into the lobby of the reception. "Like I said this morning, until the paper work's done, I'm meant to be teachin' you how to be a mage. Biggest obstacle for that right now is you not treating yourself right. Until you do it on your own, I'm gonna force you to do it."
They were at the front desk, and Laxus was speaking with the receptionist, before Freed could get a word in. Laxus made sure to confirm that both rooms would be required, and the receptionist assured him that their cleaning staff would have them prepared as quickly as they could, telling them both that they had access to all the amenities and facilities the resort had to offer in the meantime. Laxus thanked him, signed the book to confirm his booking, and stepped back to look at Freed. Again, he spoke before Freed had the chance.
"You don't need to live mission to mission anymore," His voice was softer now. "If you don't give yourself a break, you burn out. I'm sorry I lied, I'll make it up to you somehow, but enjoy this place while you're here. You put in a lot of effort since you joined the guild, treat this as your reward."
Freed looked like he wanted to argue, but halted. He sighed, ran a hand through his hair and nodded. "I would enjoy a break."
"I know," Laxus said bluntly, placing a hand on Freed's shoulder. "And when you're ready, we're gonna talk about what happened on the mission. Because I don't wanna forget it ever happened, or push past it, or do whatever it is you thought could happen when you were ignoring me."
"I wasn't-" Freed began, but Laxus stopped him.
"We'll talk later," He said softly, before grinning. "I'm gonna take a swim. You can come with me if you wanna ogle me again, but I think a massage would do you good. You look really tired, basically dead to the world."
Laxus was walking away with a grin before Freed could respond to the teasing, and when he came face to face with another runic wall, he simply laughed. His stomach did a little flip when he heard Freed laughing too.
"I'm ready to talk now," Freed said, and Laxus nodded.
It was the evening now, and the two men had spent the day in different parts of the resort. Sometimes apart, sometimes together, Laxus had underwent almost all of the treatments available, as well as spending a good few hours in the pool, sauna, and hot springs. He'd retreated to his room when the relaxation had brought on a bout of tiredness, and had been napping until Freed's knocking on the door woke him. He'd adorned a robe and answered it, feeling weirdly excited when he'd seen it was Freed.
He looked good. Obviously, he had made use of the facilities, as he looked well rested, without the stress marks that bordered his eyes, and was holding himself looser. His hair was damp and tied up high, perhaps from a recent shower, and Laxus again revelled in the sight of a domestic version of Freed Justine.
"Take a seat," Laxus said, motioning to the chair as he sat on the foot of the bed.
"Thank you," Freed said, voice relaxed and without fear. Good. "When you said we needed to talk, I assume you meant about the kiss."
"I did," Laxus agreed. "But before you start, I wanna say something. Give you a piece of advice about being a mage that it takes a lot of time for most people to get," Freed thought for a moment, but made a gesture for Laxus to continue. "When you become a mage, you give up your safety, your stability, and your time. Sometimes you don't know when you'll next be paid, and sometimes you don't know if you'll make it out of a mission alive. When you get into wizardry you have to change how you live, act fast and do what your gut's telling you. Your instincts aren't just important in the mission, they're important in your personal life too. Sometimes you just have to follow them."
"And this relates to the kiss how?"
"If you don't want to be with me, then go with that. Don't worry about offending me, or pissing me off, or me stopping the missions together, or anything. If that kiss was just for the missions, and I've misread things, then don't fuck around being polite. Rip the band aid off and tell me straight."
"And if you didn't misread things?"
Laxus grinned, leaning back slightly. "Then follow your instincts."
Freed did just that, by standing up, tipping Laxus chin upwards, and bringing him into another earth shatteringly perfect kiss. And this time, there was no doubt. The kiss was for him, and there would be many others.
Ten Years Later
Laxus groaned as he submerged himself into the bubbling warm water. It was late at night in the early spring, and the hot tub he submerged his body into was in beautifully warm contrast with the cold evening air around him. The feeling of half-healed injuries and tense muscles seemed to weep for the hot water, and he closed his eyes in relaxation.
He needed this. He'd needed it for weeks, and now it was finally happening.
Obviously, taking over as guild-master would lead to an adjustment in his life, and teething troubles had occurred. There were more responsibilities than he had expected, everything from paperwork to ensure the building was fixed every time one of the brats damaged it, to arguing with the local councilmembers about how the good that Fairy Tail did greatly outweighed the bad. Honestly, trying to explain that an idiotic fire mage had literally saved their lives multiple times and therefore had earned the right to blow up the occasional fountain or set fire to a random ornamental tree was not a fun task to take.
Admittedly, he didn't make life easier for himself. He insisted on taking at least one mission a week, something that almost everyone in the guild deemed to be idiotic. But he was only thirties, he was an incredibly strong mage, and couldn't simply just hang up his profession because he was in charge of the guild.
"You're back then?" Freed asked amusedly from the patio.
"Yeah," Laxus nodded, opening his eyes, and smiling at his husband. "Wanna join me?"
"Sure," Freed nodded, and made work on removing his clothes.
The hot tub was something they'd brought three years prior, two years after they'd brought their marital home. After the odd inclusion of spas at the start of their relationships, they'd become reliant on their facilities after a hard mission to relax and untense their bodies. When they'd moved, the distance from their house to the nearest spa had been too long, so they'd invested in a hot tub of their own and learned how to massage one another. The latter advancement in the relationship had been a fun, fun few weeks for them both.
Laxus grinned a little as he saw Freed remove his underwear, and he raised an eyebrow at the man. Freed noticed, laughed a little and playfully kicked the man's thigh as he climbed into the tub, sitting beside him. Laxus raised his arm slightly to wrap it around his shoulders, pulling him close.
"The mission went well, I assume?" Freed asked, idly playing with the surface of the water.
Laxus halted, before looking down at Freed and speaking slowly. "Was fine, no problems."
"No problems at all?" Freed probed.
"Not one."
"You are aware that you are my husband and Bickslow is one of my best friends," Freed continued playing with the water, voice equally annoyed and amused. It was a tone only Freed could manage. "And if my husband collapses in the middle of a fight due to exhaustion, my best friend is going to tell me."
"Fucking traitor," He muttered, before sighing and looking to Freed. "I'm fine. I'm back here, so no problem."
"Laxus, you passed out because you're overworking yourself," Freed chastised, placing a hand on Laxus' thigh and stroking it softly. "You can't keep doing this to yourself."
Laxus knew he couldn't, of course, but it wasn't that easy. "I know," He admitted, sighing. "But I just can't give up working as a mage, not yet. I always thought it'd be what I do, y'know. I thought I'd always be the guy who goes to a town, fixed their problems, burns through my magic, and that's all. And I knew that eventually it was gonna end, but, well, I've been a mage for twelve years. It went by too fucking quickly and it feels…" He thought for a moment. "Being a mage is all I have, and I don't wanna let myself slip if I ever need to fall back on it."
"I do understand that, Laxus," Freed sighed. "But as you are now, you're losing you're edge not because you've dropped the sword, but you've used it so much that it's starting to shatter."
"I get that," Laxus whispered, nodding. Freed hand clasped on his thigh and patted him. "I'll stop going on 'em, it's time. I know that."
"You don't need to stop altogether, I've no doubt your grandfather didn't when he was young," Freed smiled, resting his head on Laxus' shoulder. "Perhaps you take it down to one mission a month, maybe not always go on S-Class missions. Only allow yourself to take what you can handle with your new responsibilities, not what you were able to do ten years ago."
"You're right," Laxus nodded, pulling Freed closer and kissing him on the top of his head. "When d'you get so smart about this shit?"
"I had a good teacher," Freed chuckled.
It was almost ironic. Almost exactly ten years to the day, here they both were again. Sat together in a hot tub, side by side, one of them struggling with the responsibilities of their new life while the other tried to advise them on how to deal with it. Laxus could almost laugh at the cyclical nature of it, but was distracted when Freed's roaming hand slid up his stomach and his husband moved closer to him.
"You know," Freed began, voice a little naughty now. "If you ever need to burn off some energy, I could teach you a few techniques that have proven useful in the past."
"Oh really?" Laxus quirked a brow, hand roaming down Freed's back, stroking his spine.
"Indeed," Freed nodded. "I'm sure you'll become quite the addict though."
"I can risk that," Laxus smirked.
And when Freed shifted so he was straddling Laxus, the blonde grinned. He leant up and pulled Freed into a passionate, explosive, lightning-filled kiss. A kiss he would indulge in anytime, anyplace.
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fandom-imagines-001 · 4 years
Baz Blackwell X Reader #001
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Baz X Reader.
"You can't keep kissing strangers pretending it's him."
This is all angst, and a bit of flirtatious Craig just because..why the hell not. I hope you enjoy it, and I am sorry if it stinks. I haven't watched Animal Kingdom in over a year. Also, as a disclaimer this takes place somewhere near the beginning of season two. Ps. No bashing on me for how badly this sucks and how poorly it's written. It's 4am and I haven't slept a wink. Have a good day❤️
   It was another day at the Cody house for you, you didn't feel so alone. Since you'd told Baz to stop coming around your apartment until he changed his mind. You knew he'd never change so you didn't wait around your apartment to hear from him. So you stayed at Smurf's since she was simply in love with you, and thought of you as a daughter.
The only person who knew about you and Baz, was Craig. You felt like you didn't have to worry about him judging you, or telling Smurf. You knew she wouldn't approve. Not that Baz minded, he liked having you as his dirty little secret.
The night before you and Craig had been out with a group of friends. There wasn't a time Craig wasn't around. He knew you'd been having a tough time so he let you cope. With any dude, anywhere. He had walked in on you and some dude the night before.
"What's with you lately?" Craig asked you, walking into the kitchen and the fresh morning air that Craig let in felt good on your skin. And truthfully you didn't want to tell him, you didn't want to tell him about what had happened between you and Baz the last couple days so you decided to lie.
"Nothing." You smiled over at him. "Why would you think there is something wrong?" You knew he wouldn't accept it, but you'd hope he'd leave you alone.
"You can't actually think I believe that right?" He laughed.
"Seriously Craig, I am just fine" you sip your beer. "Why do you think I'd be lying to you?" You look over to him.
"Oh well maybe because you've been day drinking for the last 4 days." He shrugged his shoulders looking down at your beer.
"Come on Craig, I figured you'd just leave it alone" You chuckled at him.
He was the only person who knew what was happening. The only person you've ever trusted enough to tell anything to.
It was quiet for a moment, as seconds than minutes ticked by.
"You know" He stated. "You can't keep kissing strangers pretending it's him" he laid his hands down on the table.
"What are you talking about?" You asked him, like you had no idea what he was talking about.
"Baz" He retorted, as if you'd just offended him.
You sighed and shook your head. "Craig I don't want to talk about it"
"I think we should" He moved closer to you, with a sense of calmness in his voice.
You sighed again, why not right? It's not like talking to Craig about it will change anything. "There isn't anything to talk about" you said quietly. "He made it very clear there wasn't 'anything' going on" You looked away from Craig hoping he doesn't say anything else.
"You know how he is" he put a hand on your shoulder. "He's not human when it comes to emotion"
You giggle "are any of you guys really human?" You asked him, trying to change the subject.
"Oh don't say that, you know I care about you." You looked up at him and see him smiling down at you.
"Yeah and I wish Baz did." You say softly and continue to sigh. Saying his name always got to you, and that was the problem. Why did you let him always get to you? He was always getting under your skin. It didn't matter if the feeling was mutual or anything, but you'd fallen for the older man. Hopelessly and completely fallen in love with this unattainable older man.
"If you talked to him more" he stole a sip of your beer. "You guys wouldn't have this problem" You knew he was telling the truth, all you had to do was open up. But honestly, you couldn't talk to Baz. Not now, certainly after the last couple days.
"Do you want me to talk to him for you?" He softly ran his fingers down your arm.
"No." You looked at him. "It wouldn't make a difference if you did. That ship has sailed, not that I wanted it to" you softly smile.
"Is it just me, or are you sounding more like him everyday?" Craig laughed. You punched him on the shoulder.
"Shut up" you laugh with him. "So now that I've told you, can we leave it alone now?" You take the beer back from him and finish it off.
"Maybe you can kiss me and pretend it's him?" He joked.
"How about no" you laugh even harder.
"I thought you'd want some help getting over it" he shrugged his shoulders again.
"Getting over what?" You heard Baz enter the room behind you and Craig.
He motioned Craig to leave, and he did. He gave you a small smile while walking back towards the pool where he'd been before his interrupted you in the kitchen.
"Before you say anything can you just let me talk to you. No anger, no fighting." He leaned against the counter.
"Sure" you said dryly. You acted like you weren't excited to him him, though you really were. You were extremely happy to see him, to hear his voice, just everything about him made you love him even when you didn't want anything to do with him.
"You promise you'll let me talk?" He crossed his arms.
"Whatever Baz, just get on with it" you turned in your chair to face him.
"I know I've been closed off" He moves closer to you. "But I want you to know when I said I had feelings for you I meant it." You can tell he either wanted something or he was telling the truth.
"Did you also mean it when you said 'kissing you is like kissing my sister'." He shook his head at you.
"Didn't I say let me talk?" You rolled your eyes at him.
"Damn Y/N, this is why we fight!" He shook his head at you, turning from you. "You don't take me seriously, ever!" He yelled.
"You know Baz, I'm not trying to fight with you. Finish what you were going to say" you raise you've voice.
"I fucking love you" he said softly, turning back to you. "It's always you, it's always been you. Ever since Craig started bringing you around, I fell in love with you and I didn't want to admit it."
"Unless your going to say you love me too, just walk away" he seemed almost disappeared.
Before you knew it, he was pulling you from your chair. "Please, just tell me you love me" he's caressed your cheek, his lips an inch or two from yours.
"You know I love you Baz" he looked into your eyes before leaning in to kiss you.
You slowly pull away, putting your forehead to his. "Lets go back to your place" you cooed at him.
"I thought you'd never ask" he winks and pulls you closer. "Let's run by your apartment first, you can start packing your things."
You tilt your head at him "What are you talking about?" a look of confusion crept onto your face.
"You're moving in with me" He smiles down at you.
You kiss him, softly.
The kiss actually felt real, for the first time it felt real. It felt like more than kissing your brother or a family friend. It felt different, the butterflies and softness of his lips. He'd never kissed you like that before.
"Oh I see you made up" Smurf tapped her foot at you.
"Oh sorry, this isn't what it looks like" you almost shit yourself.
"And I thought you'd always end up with Craig" she hums to herself, a small look of disapproval on her face.
And that was when you discovered that not everything was as peachy as it seemed in the Cody household.  Great, Right?
-s (06/14/2020)
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shotosbabie · 5 years
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☽~ I don't particularly like this fic, but I wanted to give it Angst a try and came up with this since this has been in my drafts for quite a while
☽~ This was inspired by 'Blue' by bolbbagan.
☽~ Warnings: Slight language! But other than that enjoy!
☽~ Word count of 1,124
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
'Im asking if you’re doing well, I hope you get a little better than now’
You tell him over and over again to be careful, to use his quirk carefully and whenever it was necessary, it never worked.
'I still can not face your eyes again.. you still seem to hate me’
Then one day as you were telling him over and over again. He snapped. He looked over at your direction, with hatred glossing over his eyes before spewing words, words that affected you a lot.
��You know what Y/N!? I had enough of you thinking you know what's good for me! I can handle myself, I can achieve my goal of being number one.. even if it means that I need to leave you behind..” And with that, he walked away.
You knew in your heart that he, the boy that you were hopelessly in love with, never meant that.. right? Well as the days went by, he seemed to stop trying to fix what was broken, like it never happened. He just left you.
‘I was so beautiful when I was loved.I hate it, I hate it, I like it a little bit’
Wiping the tears off your face, re-reading the texts you and Izuku sent each other, they once made you heart flutter but why is it making your heart break now? You were still a fool blinded by love, he said he’d love you and wouldn't stop, why’d he stop so suddenly?
'Im sorry, I hate you, I still like you’
You couldn't get a reason to hate Izuku, even after telling you off, after telling you that he’ll be fine without you, and it seems like he is. 'I hate you I truly do’ was the constant lie you told yourself, 'But why is my heart telling me otherwise’
“Please! Let’s talk about it! I don't want us to end, let's try to fix it. I’ll be better I won't tell you what to do, I-I just want you back!” You exclaimed, he held a stoic face, the wind from the rooftop hit you. He looked at the ground, and simply said..
“There's nothing to fix, we were doomed in the beginning” as he left you to collapse with the floor, letting out the sobs you’ve been holding back.
— —
‘Now the colour of my heart is blue, I feel bad’
But he.. he was hurting inside, he never wanted you to be hurt, he promised to protect you but even so, he couldn't protect you from himself. “I'm sorry Y/N” he whispered.
‘You know, I’m a little tired. I wish I was a little bit more sick than now’
You were tired of always crying over him, it was time to move on, and finish hero course, even if it means leaving all your memories behind. One day Izuku seemed like he bounced back to normal, he started giving you small talk like “How was your day?” or “Good morning!” But you knew better than to just avoid him.
'Even if you are sick and tired, I still can not face your eyes again’
One day Izuku seemed to bounce back to your head, you started to think “How is he today” “Is he overusing his quirk again?” That question seemed to be the culprit of this situation. You stumbled upon Izuku while walking back home, he was walking with Uraraka, but when you passed by, his eyes.. weren't the same happy ones whenever he saw you, they were dull?
'You still seem to hate me’
You continued walking where your feet took you, whether it be at a convenience store or back home. But you knew your home was with Izuku
‘My heart is true true when I’m with you, I was so beautiful when I was loved’
Some call it obsession, but you call it longing. Longing of something that was long gone. So why are you still at home crying? It's been 2 weeks, he moved on right on the spot, when he broke it with you. Why couldn't you do the same?
'You’re asking for if I’ve been well, do you? Not really, I wish you’d be in more pain’
It wasn't a very hero move to wish pain on others, but after knowing that he confessed to Uraraka and now they were together you couldn't help but ask God for some misfortune onto them. For him lying, lying about how he wanted to achieve his goal before anything else, but I guess he just fell out of love and fell in love with another, not knowing how to break it up with you, he made up an excuse so he can break up with you, and after all this time you thought something was wrong with you.
After weeks of dreading each and every school day, you finally felt.. normal, they call it numb, you didn't feel anymore remorse, pain or sadness, it was official, you were numb. You kept a straight face every day, earning a nickname from the exploding boy. 'Iron face’ he calls, it was not as insulting as shitty hair. You actually enjoyed the company of Bakugou, even though most of the times he was yelling at you.
“Now you understand how shitty Deku is?” He sneers, you held no grudge on the green haired boy, “I don't think he's shitty, he had a reason to break up with me, he fell out of love, it wasn't his fault” he looks at you, “You really are forgiving” he mumbled. “What was that?” You turn to him, making him flustered, “N-nothing iron face! Just shut up, he lied to you, and chose round face over there over you” he pointed.
You always wondered if he like Uraraka, “Did you ever like her?” “Heh, why would I tell you?” “Well I did tell you my story, it wouldn't be nice to just keep it in, don't bottle it like I did” you said, “Don’t tell me what to fucking do” he gritted, you could clearly tell that he was in pain.
“So you did” “Don't go deciding for me!” He yelled, shielding his face from your vision. “Don't worry I don't think you're fragile, it's pretty tough to open up to others so I think you're strong enough to do that” you explained, standing up.
“I guess I can say that our hearts were both painted blue” extending a hand to Bakugou, he slaps it and stands up on his own, “I can stand up on my own, dumbass” he whispers.
'Sometimes I wish he felt a little bit of regret leaving me behind’
'So blue blue, we are painted blue blue.
When our minds were bruised blue’
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Plus Ultra Peachie!
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bippot · 2 years
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Part of The Crew - Chapter 12: Daytona
Story Summary -> Kevin's niece shakes up Jake's little peanut head, in the best way possible. For the first time in his life, he's nervous to even flirt with a girl cause, like, what if he fucks up? That would suck.
Despite how hard he tries, it takes Jake a while to get out of the dreaded friendzone because of overbearing Uncles, pigeons, drunken nights out and the famous Jake Martin reputation.
Chapter 12: Daytona Summary -> The crew embarks on an early, exhausting bus trip, with tensions high and emotions running deep. Amidst the chaos, the newbie offers support to a stressed Catherine and reassures Jake.
Tags -> Idiots in Love, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Himbo, Slow Burn, Co-workers, Friends to Lovers
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Previous Chapter -> Just Friends
The bus trip the next day set out at an ungodly hour. Catherine had hoped that an early start would give the crew a pep in their step. It didn't. Everyone was tired, irritable, and moody as they piled into the bus.
Even Catherine looked worse for wear. She had been working until nearly 2 a.m., which meant she'd stayed up most of the night on her feet, making sure everything went according to plan and checking everything was ready before turning in.
Noticing nobody had sat next to her yet, Y/N took her seat next to Catherine and greeted, "You okay?"
"Peachy," Catherine said with a yawn, taking another look at the schedule. Catherine knew her schedule by heart already; she'd done it countless times. Still, she checked it just so she wouldn't have to look into Y/N's eyes as she lied.
Yet, Y/N still saw through it. She smiled sympathetically at her boss. "We're going to do great. Jake is on top form, plus the business itself has an exceptional and efficient boss."
Catherine glanced out at the other members of the team who were yet to get on board, surprised at how Y/N sounded sincere. She wasn't used to people on this crew liking her. Even when she did things well and got results, she always felt like everyone else was looking down on her.
Y/N playfully bumped her shoulder into Catherine's and continued, "I know they don't seem like it, but the crew values what you've done for them. I'm sure of it. You did an incredible job to get us here."
In an attempt to settle her boss's nerves, Y/N changed the topic and began idly chatting. They were deep in conversation when Jake and his mother walked in. "Catherine," he politely said, then his eyes shifted to the woman next to her and he let out a soft, "Y/N." This time a small smile found its way onto his face as he said her name. His mother had to push him out of the way so that she could sit down across the aisle.
"Hi," she said with a wide smile. "Get out of your mother's way, Jacob."
"Yes, ma'am," Jacob mumbled, moving to take the seat on the outside of the left aisle so he could easily lean into the centre and interact with Y/N.
Liz leant over him and offered her some sweets, which she happily took. "Jake told me that you like Skittles, so I got you some," she said. "They're my favourite too."
"Mom, you weren't supposed to tell her."
Kevin and Beth soon arrived together and took the front seats. Amir tried to sit next to Jessie instead of Chuck, but she placed her bag on the seat next to her. "Don't even think about it, Amir," she snapped.
He gave her a sheepish grin and took the seat next to Chuck, who shook his head. "Why did you even try?"
"I wanted to shake things up."
"Well it didn't work, did it?"
Jake made sure that he remembered to include his mother into his and Y/N's conversation as when the couple spoke, he tended to forget that anyone else existed. Liz, however, didn't seem offended. On the contrary, she was so pleased watching the two talk. but a little confused since Jake seemed to start fiddling with his bracelet as he spoke to Y/N. She knew her son. He usually didn't get nervous when talking to girls. Now she knew for sure.
And, of course, he brought the gift Y/N had given him along for the trip. The whole bus could hear as Jake kept transforming the toy from car to autobot over and over again. And it was driving everyone nuts.
Even Y/N got sick of hearing the sound and softly reached out to stop his hands. In an attempt to divert his attention, she said, "Hey, I made you a playlist. Wanna listen?" Jake stopped abruptly and looked at her.
"Really?" he asked enthusiastically. She answered by holding out one airpod to him. He put it in and leaned back in his seat, listening intently to her music. As it started playing, his eyes grew wider and brighter. A huge smile spread across his face. "Awesome choice," he said simply, giving her a warm smile.
From the seat beside him, Liz gave Y/N a thankful nod. His fiddling was annoying everyone. But it worked. That smile of his was worth it. Y/N beamed and returned the gesture, before sitting back in her seat.
Time ticked on and on. Y/N and Catherine were watching a movie while Kevin decided to get some shut eye, letting his head drop onto Beth's shoulder. Jake was there to take pictures, which he then proceeded to show to the girls.
Jessie scoffed, "That's nothing compared to the number of photos I have of you drooling over Y/N." Lucky for Jake, she was too busy watching the movie and didn't hear. Catching Jessie's gaze, he shook his head at her in a way that said 'please don't' and the young girl kept her mouth shut about it for most of the journey.
Eventually, Jake fell asleep resting his head against his mother's. When Liz was sure he was truly out of the count, she carefully wiggled Jake's lucky bracelet off his wrist. She hid it away in the inside pocket of her rucksack. Not only because she thought it look stupid, but because she was sure he'd freak a little and come to Y/N for support. What that support would be, who knows?
Y/N couldn't sleep. Something about being in a moving room with her co-workers meant that she couldn't drift off. Plus, she would never tell her but Catherine had a tendency to sleep talk. Throughout the night, her boss had unknowingly told her about a guy she was seeing called Steven and had repeated the word 'Stanford' so many times. An immeasurable amount of times that Y/N's brain had stopped processing anything Catherine said.
Reaching their destination, the bus driver called out to the sleepy crew and woke a few of them up. It was clear when Kevin woke up as he seemed to make the loudest, most obnoxious noises ever as he came back to consciousness.
In a fantastic turn of events, the first thing Jake saw as he opened his eyes was Y/N carefully applying lip gloss to her lips. He smiled as he watched her doing it. "You missed a bit," he said teasingly.
The sudden noise jolted Y/N. She hadn't realised Jake was awake, and accidentally wiggled the applicator too much causing her hand to slip, leaving a sticky line of gloss down the corner of her mouth. She quickly wiped it away with her sleeve.
"Warn me before you speak, princess," she responded, sending him a sleepy smile. "How'd you sleep?"
"Better than you," he pointed out. She somehow still looked pretty, even with heavy eye bags and pink cheeks. Her hair was a mess and she was missing her glasses that she wore when her eyes got tired - which may have been currently helpful but they were in the bottom of her bag and she couldn't be arsed to get them. Her outfit consisted of her oversized sweater with holes in the sleeves and comfy shorts.
If he were being completely honest, he loved looking at her in general, but like this? Like this felt more intimate somehow. She was comfy and not all done up as she did when they hung out together. It's what he assumed she'd look like after they got out of his bed if they lived together. If they were together, he'd get to see that every day.
Faking offence, she dropped her jaw and complained, "Why, do I look bad?"
"Never," he told her, totally forgetting that they weren't alone. "That's impossible."
Kevin, who was now fully awake, whipped his head to look at Jake and raised his finger in an accusatory manner, warning the boy, "No." Jake lifted his hands in surrender. It was too soon after waking up to deal with a bollocking. He didn't even know what he did to elicit such a response.
Now it was a waiting game. The whole crew just had to patiently go over every piece of strategy and development before the race could begin and hopefully prevent any accidents. Y/N stood beside Jake, rubbing circles on his back to keep him calm. She could feel the anxiety coming off of him like waves crashing onto the shore. He was shaking slightly under her touch.
When Jake got dressed into his uniform, he realised that his lucky monkey bracelet had vanished. Fuck. How was he going to do well in the race now? Y/N would know what to do. He rushed to find her - just as his mother had planned - and tapped her on the shoulder.
"We've got a huge problem."
She turned around to face him, raising a brow as she looked him up and down, a frown forming between her eyebrows. To relieve her confusion, he held his wrist out towards her. "This," he explained, pointing to his lack of a bracelet. "Is gone!"
Gently, she brushed her finger across his wrist and confirmed, "Your lucky bracelet is gone."
"So, how am I gonna win this race now?!" Jake groaned, pulling his hands through his hair. He was seriously freaking out. "I'm so fucked!"
"Language, Jacob."
"Sorry, Mom."
Liz had no idea that he would act this freaked out. She had half a mind to give in and return his jewellery to him. But no, it seemed as if Y/N had come up with an idea.
Taking Jake's face into her hands, Y/N calmly told him to follow her breathing. She could feel his heart pounding wildly. His breaths became shorter and quicker. She could see the panic written all over his face. "Keep your eyes closed," she instructed. He nodded and squeezed his eyes shut, following her lead. She continued to lead him through his breathing exercises until the panic passed.
As soon as he seemed back to normal, she unzipped his suit enough that she could see the necklaces that he always wore and unclipped one. Talking him through what she was doing as she was doing it, she explained, "My old man gave me this ring and I haven't taken it off in years. I guess it's my lucky charm, so...for the meantime, we can share it," as she placed her ring on his chain. "There we go, now you have my luck and your undeniable skill to help you out."
Jake looked down at the jewellery, smiling at the simple yet beautiful design and the significance behind it. Then he slowly lifted his head to meet Y/N's gaze, bringing her into a tight hug. Nothing was said, but she knew how much it meant to him by how strong his grip was and the relief he radiated. After a moment, he pulled away and smiled at her gratefully.
Her uncle had been searching high and low for his driver and, of course, he had snuck away to be with Y/N. Like usual. Yelling, Kevin informed the boy, "Jakey, come on. The race is about to begin."
Liz held out her arms so her son would hug her too. Jake gladly obliged and tried not to act expectant as he heard her say loud enough for Y/N to hear, "I heard that a kiss can give a driver enough luck that's it's impossible for him not to get in the top ten," and gave her son a sly wink.
Giving in, when Jake reared back from his mother and glanced over at Y/N, his eyes almost pleading, she urged him forward and placed a quick, chaste kiss on his lips. Barely a ghost. But, nevertheless, it was there. The feeling of their lips pressing against each other was electrifying. It was warm and comforting and everything Jake needed.
It didn't seem like he needed it at first. No, at first, he was in total shock. It took a while for reality to hit him and for all of the thoughts and feelings running around his mind to calm down. He felt like he won something without even getting on the track yet.
"You've got this, Princess," she confirmed, turning and pushing him towards Kevin and the starting line. He stumbled, but managed to stay on his feet, turning around to give the two most important people in his life a sheepish wave before he made it to the other members of the team.
For a moment, the crew thought Jake had been electrocuted by the dazed way he walked up to the car. Then Kevin told them, "Y/N kissed him."
Waving his hand in front of Jake's face, Chuck announced, "He hasn't blinked yet."
"He's a goner," Amir said. "We're going to lose."
Kevin held onto both of the driver's shoulders and shook him roughly. "Jakey, wake up," and he slapped him across the face. "It's time to go."
The boy's eyes furrowed. That fucking hurt. Sure, he was in a bit of a daze, but that was uncalled for. "What the hell, Kev?" He yelled back.
"Just take the wheel and drive," was the only response he received. Before Jake could reply, Kevin pushed him towards the driver's side door. "Go."
So drive he did. And he did well. He drove like a dream, weaving between cars effortlessly and taking turns expertly. Once the race started he was confident. He could feel his adrenaline pumping and was determined to show everyone he could beat them.
In the stands, Liz leant over and confessed, "You know, I don't really know much about NASCAR. Jake tried to tell me but.."
"But he got sidetracked and started talking about something else almost instantly?"
"Yeah. Exactly like that."
Y/N gave Liz the easiest-to-follow and most comprehensive explanation of the sport that she could have possibly given. Her enthusiasm was infectious. She had read too many racing books to Jake to not understand all the little details that were most overlooked.
From where they were sitting, they could see the pit stop area, so when Jake made his first stop, he surveyed the crowd to find them. Liz raised her hand and waved to attract his attention. Jake acknowledged them with a thumbs up and a wink then returned his focus to the race ahead. This happened each time he stopped.
Except for the last stop, he was searching and searching for Y/N. His mother, he found instantly. Where the hell was Y/N? Had she gone to the bathroom? Probably. That was most likely it. She wouldn't leave. No. Not when he was racing so well.
Oh, she'd be back soon, he assumed and got on with the final stretch of the race.
As he crossed over the finish line, he felt the pressure lift. For a moment, he let himself relax completely, feeling like nothing could ruin his good mood anymore. After all his hard work - all that training, not only his muscles but his brain this time - he managed to grab a podium spot. Third. Fucking third! He was ecstatic.
"That's my boy!" Kevin cheered as soon as he stepped out of the car. The pair hugged excitably, jumping up and down, then broke apart awkwardly. Fuck, that wasn't manly. "Damn, I knew you had it in you!"
All of the crew came up to him and said some very supportive things to him, congratulating him on getting third place. He couldn't deny how happy he was with his results either. He could already taste victory on his tongue. But, one by one, they kept coming up and, in his head, he kept saying, 'Y/N will be the next one, I'm sure of it," then she wasn't, so he'd try again. And again. Eventually, he realised that Y/N wasn't here.
"Did Y/N eat one of those bad hotdogs that Kevin had last year? Where is she?" he asked them, looking around desperately.
Beth was the gentlest so she took the initiative to tell him, "She had to leave quickly to catch a flight home because her grandmother just died."
There was no denying it. Everyone saw how his face fell and how defeated he looked. He didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe that Y/N hadn't seen his triumphant victory. He'd imagined that as soon as he'd come off the track, she'd be there with her arms wide open for him, and he'd instantly melt into them. And maybe, just maybe, his adrenaline would've allowed him to really go for it and do the whole romantic dipped kiss thing. No. She wasn't there.
All he wanted was Y/N.
Trying to fake a smile, he falsely cheered, "Who wants to celebrate? First round is on Kev."
"You're on, kid." And just like that, the team began celebrating once more. They were celebrating together as one big family. They celebrated his win, their win, which was a victory that none of them had any idea was possible. Like, they'd expected under twenty. Maybe even under ten. But, to come third? That completely blew their minds.
Next Chapter -> For Her
*Click here for my Adrian Chase masterlist (including Jake Martin and Jeffrey Steinberg), or here for the entire masterlist*
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celaestis-amory · 3 years
I'm working on having less clutter in our home so I don't feel suffocated myself, and so I don't suffocate my roommate.
It makes it really easy that our mutual 3rd roommate's cat did pp on these shadow palettes. They're enormous but I loved them - so having them rendered unsanitary really helps letting me let them go c:
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I could give a rat's ass about the warm tones in the 35m boss mood artistry palette; it's really only ever been about 2, MAYBE 4 lime green shadows in here. I'm more than confident Miss Angela Nyqvist has got me covered with alts 😌 (and honestly, I should have looked into them before ever even thinking about the morphe palette, because what the fuck. It didn't want to give up any of the pigment, like at all...)
Now the BH Cosmetics palette... hurted. The purple shades were the closest I've gotten in my sizable yet meandering disarrayed and thoughtless drugstore-priced collection to the sweet little pastel lavender shades that pull warm enough to be wearable and not look like a nightmare on me. They would have fit right in with this y2k trend that's probably already outlasting its welcome judging by how kinda inaccessible and unattainable and intimidating it is (and how uncomfortably it reminds the collective of the standards and common practices of the beauty industry of the time the trend is emulating; I love today's warm debridement of the nightmare of the industry landscape of yesteryear, and how patient the world's been with people with body shapes like mine. I absolutely would have loved to have been able to have participated in these trends in an idealized form more closely resembling the willow limbs of back then, but I'm not going anywhere near it as I am.)
But so anyway, cat peed on or around the astrology palette and now it's infused with the stinky. The colors were cute, the baked shadows were hella metallic, the pigment came right off the pan and almost exactly the same on my lid (with the exception of maybe the matte scorpio shade? One of them definitely looks more neutral/cool brown in the pan but definitely pulls cool wine on my lid!!) and I never got enough time to play with the teal shadows, and definitely not with the aquarius shadow (I love to hold onto resentment, but using it with a manifestation of forgiveness might have helped things along; also infusing it with the energy of other aquarii that I DO like c:)
Then there were these cute, comfortable, but ultimately unused smaller more hand-sized palettes that I just didn't use as much as I would have thought or wanted.
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I was smitten by the original wet n wild nude awakening palette, despite having purchased either a dud or the formula was just as bad as it appeared to be to me - the original palette gucking sucked and I tried salvaging it in ways with the elf rose gold palette in ways that I didn't even know how to receive any satisfying results :v To this day, I probably wouldn't have been able to pull it off, but if I had put a single red dime to the urban decay naked 3 palette, my native tax bracket would lose and I'd be a class traitor. Again.
So this Coloricon reformulated palette was a beautiful no brainer experience c: She was a fuckin dream - absolutely nothing like that non-trademark iconic predecessor formula for the walking on eggshells palette from before, but still just so much more workable than whatever the original nude awakening was offering.
I'm sad I didn't enjoy smoky essentials more, but i guess the blue just wasn't making the impact I had hoped for? I don't know, it just didn't speak to me, despite my birthstone being a sapphire so you'd think (but, as I'm learning these past couple years, padparadscha fucking exists, and she is such a hoot- I LOVE my peachy/coral colourpop palette dedicated to her :^)
Again, I didn't want the 1 percenters to win, even though I HAD the little hand sized little urban decay travel sized little naked...2? palette, the little one with exactly these shades, if just all-matte, and apparently would have been really decent shadow and face/contour multifunction powder, but I guess I'll never know because I decluttered that shit WHEN I HAD GOTTEN IT FOR FREE, DAMN why.
Oh well. This formula unfortunately doesn't impress me nearly as much as my tarte energy noir, so point: gentrifiers.
I don't know why I bother with hard candy. Some of their shimmer shadow formulas from palettes past had really lived up to the brand name going by the texture. It was like little pop rocks or pixie styx or nerds. A lot of them sucked, some of them barely came out of the pan (it was like rubbing a shiny green brick! There was probably that barrier coating the shadow that would have been resolved with just working through it with a few scraping of a coarse brush to debride it a bit, hit highly-pigmented gold but alas), and too few were exactly as creamy and reflective as I demand any given eyeshadow that deigns to market itself as a shimmer to be. I am brutal about the shimmer shades I have to put coin to.
This. Overcorrection. Was not the direction I wanted hard candy take its shimmer formulas to. I hate makeup revolution shades. Those and this cringey palette feel like playing with literal children's makeup, in that it feels like it's literally made of kids' toys, namely playdoh. It is the weirdest thing and I hate it because it reminds of this one classmate when I was in pre-k and his skin was just gummy. And his features reflected that gummy quality too?!?!? I have no idea how to describe it but SEEING HIM had the texture quality of being gummy when I visually observed and perceived him. Does that make any sense at all???
That's what the makeup revolution and this hard candy formula oil rig pump up from the marianas trench pits of my deeply repressed soul.
I wish I hadn't ever acknowledged the purple palette but I have to hate something, I'm like clinically compelled to.
It looks like I won't be folding laundry "tonight."
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Fraze & Ali
Fraze being a real cunt
Fraze: Sort it out for fuck's sake. Ali joined the chat 101 minutes ago Ali: Nah, youse the ones having to deal with her, so I shan't Fraze: Yeah I am so stop being a twat. Fraze: Or stay round Caleb's and really do ma in. Ali: 😂🖕  Unlucky Ali: And I am, I'll drop the kids round at some point so youse can see them but I've got shit to do so I won't be staying Fraze: Big of you. Fair dues though throwing a tantrum can be an all dayer when you're such a brat. Ali: Boo hoo, you're the one crying to me 'cos you can't stomach her for five seconds Ali: Give a shit, Fraze, this doesn't involve you Fraze: I was trying to appeal to you 'cause it's Christmas and dad wants you there but fuck off then. Ali: That's the spirit Ali: Why would I wanna be there? I'll see dad, and everyone else who isn't being mad cunty, in my own time Ali: I've got no need to commit to another day of this shite Fraze: Keep being a selfish cunt it's not like I want you there after you threw me under the bus calling me one of ma's failures Ali: Yeah? Glad I won't be missed then, no hurt feelings all round Ali: And go to ma for comfort, she'll happily tell you the truth will set you free on that score Fraze: I'm not the one whose proper hurt. She is. You don't give a shit but the rest of us do. Do me a favor and gimme a time you're coming so I can be out. Ali: Well she ain't the only one but the only one that matters, right? Ali: Then console her with how much of a success you are, console yourself whilst you're at it Fraze: Fuck you. You're such a spoiled bitch. You're hurt 'cause what she told you to man up and tell Ro Drew's a cheating scumbag woe's you Fraze: Just 'cause you feel guilty no need to make ma feel it worse Ali: I'm not the one crying 'cos I've not got my way here Ali: Its hilarious you believe everything she tells you 'cos that ain't the conversation I had with her Ali: Like she needs any help with her guilt complex Fraze: Aren't you? Ruining christmas 'cause you didn' t get your way for once ain't no better. Fraze: I'm surprised you wanna bother bringing your kids around if she's such a shit mum Ali: Who's ruining anything? She doesn't want me there, you don't, like I said, I'll make the effort to see the people who want to see me too Ali: Well I'm all for second chances, even if she thinks they're bullshit Fraze: Act like it then. Give her one. Ali: I am. Ali: She hasn't taken it yet Fraze: You haven't offered it. All you've done is avoided her Ali: That's how you see it. You don't live here, don't act like you're involved in this family any more. She sees me multiple times a week, she's had ample opportunity, I'm not the one hiding Fraze: Neither do you. Until Caleb upsets you and you come running back. You see her too. Why's it all on her? Ali: Grow up. Ali: I'll make myself and my children homeless, shall I? Ali: Not all of us bum the moral high ground as much as you, you moron Ali: Because its never on her Ali: She needs to learn to apologize when she's the one in the wrong, its not hard Fraze: You're the idiot that needs to grow up. Fraze: If its so easy do it Fraze: You can't even own the shit you said Fraze: Except her to kiss your feet though don't ya? Fraze: Hypocrite Ali: No, because I'm NOT in the wrong Ali: Keep up Ali: I know what I said Ali: and I haven't felt the need to be telling tales on what she said Ali: which is evidently all she's been doing so yeah, I'm good pal Fraze: Fuck you. She didn't rat you out, princess I overheard her telling dad why he's precious fave wouldn't be at the table Ali: Then you shouldn't be so nosy, should you Fraze: Yeah its all my bad. None of yours. Get a fucking clue. Ali: What's this got to do with you? Fraze: Oh fuck all except I wanted a nice family Christmas for my kids like we used to have Fraze: I'm the selfish one of course Ali: You aren't going to find it here Ali: you're not a child, any more, it isn't going to be that fantasy you've got in your head Ali: if you wanted that, take 'em to disney world Fraze: Cheers for the ma impression while she's radio silent Fraze: But don't speak on my childhood or how I raise my kids again 'cause you know less than nothing about either Ali: Please, you're 4 years older than me, don't act like I wasn't there Ali: You don't get to control the narrative Fraze: Why not you are Fraze: You don't get to tell me what's a fantasy Ali: Believe it if it makes you any happier Ali: evidently not Ali: it was what it was for all of us, we can all say how we found it but the stories aren't gonna add up and that'll create dissonance, hohum Ali: it doesn't matter either way Fraze: No it was what it was for you 3 and it was what it was for Joe, Bea and me Fraze: which matters to me Fraze: even if you're an ungrateful cunt these days Fraze: and apparently always were Ali: Yeah yeah yeah, and it was different for ma and da Ali: like I said, no one wants your war stories Ali: its different for us, you all agree, so stop pushing your bullshit onto us making us try to 'learn' from you Fraze: But it's fine for you to spout all your bullshit, yeah? One fucking rule for Ali Mckenna as per Ali: am I asking you to listen? Ali: I don't want to be talking to you, as per, you came screaming at me, like she did Fraze: Fuck off then I'm done Ali: ta ta dearest brother you're really good at this Ali: just like mummy Fraze: I ain't trying to be good to you I don't owe you shit Fraze: I was trying to help ma who I do Fraze: But forget it 'cause she's better off not talking to ya Ali: and I owe nothing to you, you can try and hold seniority over people for a while but don't act surprised when they tire of the lectures Ali: I sincerely hope so Ali: FYI, you're your own person, she'd like you to know that, according to her, you're NOTHING to do with her Fraze: FYI I already know that. I own up to my own shit good and bad. Fraze: If that's news to you suddenly too bad Ali: Hahahaha Ali: no, THAT is news to me Fraze: I thought you had shit to do Ali: Sick burn, some of us can multitask Fraze: Tell someone who gives a fuck Ali: Oh, you are VERY bad at appearing non-plussed Ali: your entire life experience should tell you that Ali: the only person you've got fooled is yourself Fraze: Thanks doctor fraud Fraze: throw that all seeing bullshit lens on yourself Ali: ??? Ali: You screaming at me for however the fuck long=me not WANTING to say sorry Ali: wowee, what a revelation Fraze: Just keep doing what you want. Please yourself like you always do Fraze: I won't see you later Ali: its only what our darling mother would want Ali: she's a bad person, don't you know Fraze: She thinks she is yeah. No thanks to you Fraze: really helping to change her mind ain't ya Ali: Sorry I'm such a disappointment, there you can have that one Ali: I mean it Fraze: Good you should be sorry too bad I ain't the one that wants to hear it Ali: you can tell her yourself Ali: it isn't my job to mother my own mother Ali: she wont give you a gold star but you can whack off to how smug you'll feel Fraze: Fuck you. I mean that. Ali: I don't care Ali: None of us love each other, its all falling apart Ali: I don't fucking care Fraze: You don't love us anymore now you've got your cosy set up that ain't the same thing Fraze: Good luck to you. Ali: Bullshit Ali: Joe's gone, Tommy left as soon as he feasibly could and he's only back 'cos he's got no other option Ali: You're busy pretending you're someone else Ali: and I won't be here soon either, so why delay the inevitable, it's all gone Ali: and I haven't got sod all 'cosy' literally what the hell do you know, all I've got is MY kids Ali: and they need me more than Tess ever did, I was surplus to requirements from the jump there Fraze: Some genius you are. You don't have a fucking clue. Joe's an addict, he's struggling. Tommy has been doing what he loves which meant he had to move. Also not about you sorry princess kitty kat. I'm trying to build a future same as you. It's hardly end of days. Fraze: Sorry you're not the centre of everyone's universe for one sec. Fraze: And everything ain't rosy all the damn time. Big deal. Ali: and why is he an addict? hmm? lets explore that shall we Ali: Bea's the only one building anything Ali: you're on her coattails Ali: its never been rosy that's my fucking point! Ali: and i'm sorry i've got sick of pretending its anything close to rn Ali: because it isn't and we all know it, aren't you all sick of pretending Fraze: That ain't for me or you to say. You'd have to ask him Fraze: You don't know shit about what I'm achieving or not you patronising twat Fraze: Nobody's asking for that except you and none of us are pretending either we're just making the best of what we've got which is apparently optional for you now you're over it Fraze: Life don't have to be exactly what you want for it to be worth a fucking damn Fraze: Stop acting like you're above us all and be with us Ali: Except I can't because he's gone. He's gone and you didn't give us a chance to say goodbye, no, I'll be as selfish as you want me to be, you didn't give ME a chance to say goodbye Ali: Oh yeah, my life is fucking peachy, I'm so great Ali: Everyone fucking hates me, is that the teen angst you want? Well whoop there it is. Everyone in this fucking town looks down their nose at me or outright abuses me on the daily, the kids I'm too young to have have a part-time dad and heaven forbid I act my age, my own family tell me to fuck off and die in a ditch, or tell me what an awful person I am Ali: there it is, yuk it up 'cos I don't know what else you want from me Ali: I have NOTHING to give, I'm so sorry I'm not worth my place in the tribe Fraze joined the chat 29 minutes ago Fraze: Put that and whatever else you gotta on me. It don't matter. I did what I did and I'd do it again. For him. Fraze: Boo fucking hoo. Deal with it. Nobody made those choices but you. Those kids don't need your sob story they need you to decide what the fuck you and Caleb are doing. Together or apart. Fraze: You don't get to act your age 'cause you're somebody's fucking ma now and its on you to let them be kids. Fraze: If you can't hack that you shouldn't of done it. Simple as. Fraze: As for the pity party you're having about us, nobody said anything like that. Calm down or keep projecting I don't care. Ali: Of course you would, no one matters but the sacred three. I know that, no need to remind me when you spend every waking day showing us exactly where we are in the pecking order Ali: This is a joke, what have I said to you, and mum, what is ALL I said Ali: we didn't need theirs, we didn't need yours Ali: but we got it Ali: and yet I'm nothing like my mother and my problems are NOTHING like hers Ali: I dare you to call her a spoilt bitch Ali: Wow, write a pamphlet. Ali: Read back what you've said, I'm not telling you what you said, you'll only say its bullshit. Just read it Ali: I just Ali: Never mind Fraze: You're a joke, Ali. Fraze: Your situation is nothing like ma's. You've had so much support all round. Like fuck are you working 4 jobs you're going to uni, you have multiple people willing to help with your kids and anything else at the drop of a hat Fraze: She had nothing but da. Fraze: I know what I said and didn't say. Spin it how you want just like with whatever mum said. Fraze: I'm not going in circles with you. Ali: That's all your doing Ali: our entire lives is one big circle revolving around them Ali: please tell me how hard she had it again Ali: as if that makes an iota of difference to my struggle Ali: so much support? Ali: I feel it Fraze: It should make a difference to your fucking behavior Fraze: but whatever I'm sick of this and if you can bail so can I Ali: Why? Ali: Why should it Fraze: It's called empathy brainiac Ali: No, it isn't Ali: that's the past, empathy is doing fuck all to change what it was Ali: you show empathy to the people who need it Ali: in the now Fraze: she does still need it in the now Ali: and i don't? Fraze: You get a shit ton of it Ali: WHERE Ali: I'm a joke, I'm a fuck up, I'm a cunt Ali: I'm not doing enough to help Ro Ali: I'm not doing enough for mum Ali: I'm a bad mother who shouldn't have had her kids Ali: there is nothing Ali: I'm not pulling this out of thin air, Fraze Fraze: You're pulling it out of your arse 'cause you wanna feel sorry for yourself and for everyone else to Fraze: You think I ain't been called shit. Made mistakes. We all have including mum Ali: Please do bring it back round to you and mum Ali: continue to prove my point Ali: call me crazy and tell me i'm making it all up Fraze: I didn't say that I said you're making a meal of it Fraze: build a bridge and get the fuck over it Fraze: talk to the people you gotta to change shit Fraze: Or just keep crying to me Fraze: what's that gonna do? Ali: Yeah, silly me for trying to get my own brother to care Ali: that's not how families are meant to work Fraze: I'm still here talking to you ain't I Fraze: you're the one not caring Ali: of course, what a cold bitch Fraze: You wish Ali: no i don't Ali: even if no one respects the fact that i have feelings that can get hurt just like the rest of you do Fraze: Again, literally nobody's ever said that Fraze: we're just trying to get you to tell ma your feelings are hurt Fraze: at least Ali: actions speak louder than words, even though your words HAVE been fucking horrible and you aren't convincing me otherwise Ali: she knows...she's the one who hurt them Fraze: and you hurt hers too Fraze: and Fraze: I don't know what else I can do here Fraze: this ain't even my fight as you said Ali: i know, i was the one who did it Ali: yeah a real impasse we find ourselves in Fraze: Do whatever it is you're gonna 'cause I can't multitask and I do actually have shit that needs doing despite what you think Ali: i was planning to
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