#let’s talk about those unspeakable two years together that’s bible
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punkybubbles · 5 months ago
I’m not kidding Halloween Wars is my religion
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in-the-whisper · 4 years ago
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I’m sorry if this sounds incomprehensible and rambly and disjointed or pretentious. I care a lot more about this than almost anything else in the world and I wish I could do a better job of explaining myself. But I feel like why I believe in God or what my relationship with him is like is like trying to explain who I am. And I’m just the accumulation of everything I’ve ever experienced or that I think and I feel like it’s really important that I communicate it correctly so here is my attempt.
Here’s a video that’s really good that I think will give some good background information. If you don’t want to read all of this, the video is probably enough to explain.
TLDR: This isn’t the way things are supposed to be. Death isn’t supposed to happen, it isn’t a part of the natural order of things. God loved us so much he died to fix it, and rose again to defeat death. God loves me and I love him, and I’ve never found peace or fulfillment like that in anything else.
I hope this makes sense anon let me know if you have any questions or if I misinterpreted your question.
TW suicide // grief // abuse // rape mention (not v bad or graphic or anything)
Long version:
I think I've always thought that there's something naturally (for lack of a better word) poetic about existing. Not really meaning that it's good, but kind of that everything feels really purposeful it seems to flow together like an old epic. Everything seems intensely meaningful to me.
I've always thought that life was tragic. That death is a fracture in the way things are, like we live in the ancient ruins of a long lost civilization.
And I've always thought that life seems like an incomprehensibly wonderful gift, because how can there be tragedy if there isn't anything worth losing? But somehow it seems like peace is the basic way things are, that normalcy isn't normal at all but like this status quo of goodness which makes bad things happening not only heart breaking but surprising.
Reconciling all of those ideas is really confusing.
I'm a strong proponent of thinking analytically about what you believe since the answer we choose to the question of whether or not God exists is like quite literally something we bet our lives on. We bet our life that God exists or that he doesn't, that things have meaning anchored in an external source or that they don't.
So while I grew up a Christian I've never felt really dead in it. I want to be uncomfortable. I want to be stubborn in asking questions and I don't have a problem with questioning authorities on why they believe what they believe—especially if they really confidently assert it. I want to be able to know things and understand them.
My junior year of high school three of my closest childhood friends died, and several others almost died. I remember sitting up at like two am listening to twenty one pilots self titled album just like seething and exhausted asking lord why would you abandon me like that?
Some other really horrible things happened to people that I cared about, I felt abandoned and rejected by Christians just for being broken, some of them caused it or contributed to the trauma and abuse. How could people who claimed the name of God do that?
My debate partner's best friend killed himself the same year that my friends died, and he became an atheist and I stayed a Christian. We fought about it a lot. I really seriously considered becoming an atheist.
The thing that I couldn't accept was the lack of eternality.
Really ironically I think I stayed a Christian for the same reason that my friend became an atheist. We were both asking why all of the living world is crying out in anguish. We both wanted to die. We both were angry. We both were horrified.
My friend thought that the question of “where is God?” was harder to answer than “why is there meaning to death?”
I'm a Christian because I'm horrified. He's an atheist for the same reason.
If you don’t feel like reading it, here’s the TLDR: there is no reason for someone to do something or not do something if God isn’t there to tell them to. There isn’t a moral grounding for law.
Arthur Leff was an atheist law professor at Yale in the eighties, and he wrote about the moral grounding for laws in his essay, Unspeakable Ethics, Unnatural Law. The question he was asking was what can we do to ground morality? What can we do to prove objectively that there are things one ought to do and things one ought not do?
I am unwilling to accept that. There is something evil about abuse, neglect, rape, torture. There is something about these things that violates human rights, human dignity. There's something about them that goes against objective moral law.
But without God there is no moral law. So I wouldn't be able to say, "you should never rape someone, because rape is wrong." And everything that I had experienced flew in the face of that.
Dr. Leff wrote this about that question;
“All I can say is this: it looks as if we are all we have. Given what we know about ourselves and each other, this is an extraordinarily unappetizing prospect; looking around the world, it appears that if all men are brothers, the ruling model is Cain and Abel. Neither reason, nor love, nor even terror, seems to have worked to make us "good," and worse than that, there is no reason why anything should. Only if ethics were something unspeakable by us, could law be unnatural, and therefore unchallengeable. As things now stand, everything is up for grabs.
Napalming babies is bad.
Starving the poor is wicked.
Buying and selling each other is depraved.
Those who stood up to and died resisting Hitler, Stalin, Amin, and Pol Pot-and General Custer too-have earned salvation.
Those who acquiesced deserve to be damned.
There is in the world such a thing as evil.
[All together now:] Sez who?
God help us.”
In the end, it comes down to this; Do I believe that the complexity of the universe is because there was someone intelligent actively involved in its design, do I believe that information, reason, logic, emotion, and morality exist and are reliable because they have grounding in God’s identity? Do I believe that God is who he says he is?
And I guess the answer to those questions was yes.
I saw God. He was there in the stillness - in the sunrise and sunset and at 2 am after I couldn't cry anymore. I felt him. And I know part of his goodness that I wish I never had to know. I felt like I was lying breathless bleeding out in a gutter watching the stars. Almost like a pause - just a moment in time where I was hurt enough, still enough to hear his voice.
One of the most important things I learned is that life is not hopeless.  If life is a story, then the last chapter of the book has already been written. This is the premise of the song It is Well with My Soul by Horatio G. Spafford.
“When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, God has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, o my soul”
The powers of evil and darkness can take away my friends, my sanity, my family, and even my life, but God has already saved me, and I can find peace in spite of my circumstances. Three of my friends died, but God has already conquered death. I feel powerless, but God is powerful. I feel abandoned, but God loves me so much that he died a horrible torturous death for me. Living in light of that is peace.
Whenever I felt like I couldn’t keep going there would be something to stop me. I heard his voice in music, and in my friends that held me when I cried, and in morning glories on my morning walk. I kept lists of all of the times this happened, every time that someone encouraged me to keep going, every time that someone would quote a Bible verse when I was crying out for God to answer me, every time that the world paused. Everything asked me the same question, do you think it means nothing? Do you think that there is a direction that we’re going? Are we coming from nothing and going toward nowhere?
I had friends who heard him too. He was so gentle to us. I wasn’t able to go to church, I wasn’t able to listen to worship music but the LGBTQ+ community took care of me, they were isolated from church as well. There was enough for me in that God promised he would take care of me, and he did. He died for me. He talked to my trans friend and said, “listen, your parents have rejected you and said you’ll never be your son, but I am a good father. I love you. Be my son instead.”
God mourned with me. He saw everything and he was angry. I was able to breathe because I knew that in the end there will be justice for abuse victims, because God said that he is the holder of justice, and vengeance will be his.
When one of my friends was hospitalized I stood outside during the beginning of a thunderstorm and watched the clouds and the sky darken and lightning flash across the sky.
Even the wind and the sea obey him. He asked me if I trust him.
I guess my answer was yes.
In spite of everything that I went through, I was more thoroughly convinced that I ever was before that things matter. I was convinced that abuse is evil. I was convinced that death is an abomination. I was convinced that these laws of morality are woven into the fabric of the universe. I was convinced that God died to save us from that reality. I was convinced he loved me.
I still am
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years ago
11/26/2020 DAB Transcript
Daniel 2:24-3:30, 1 Peter 4:7-5:14, Psalms 119:81-96, Proverbs 28:15-16
Today is the 26th day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you. It's great to be here with you any day and every day, and today it’s great to be here with you. Happy Thanksgiving to those of you here in the United States but happy Thanksgiving to everybody of those of you anywhere in the world. Happy Thanksgiving. It's Thanksgiving Day, which is a national holiday here in the United States where we��where we…we give thanks and practice gratitude. And today also happens to be my daughter China's birthday. So, happy birthday China. She…she won't be having another birthday before becoming a mother as we all know. And I think we’re all pretty excited about that, but happy birthday China. So, it is great to be here with you today and we gather here every day for one particular purpose, and that is to allow God's word to just wash over us and speak to us. And, so, let's dive in. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. We began the book of Daniel yesterday and we talked about that. And we talked about how it's…it’s got kind of a front half and a back half. It's not like split down the middle or anything. There's not like a part one or a part two, but the first part of the story is the story of Daniel. And, so, we learned about Daniel being exiled and then King Nebuchadnezzar having a dream that he was demanding that his…his wise people interpret. The catch was the king wasn't willing to tell what the dream was. Like in order to know that his…his wise people were actually wise people turned…turned into…tuned into the spiritual world he wanted them to tell him what he dreamed and then tell him what the interpretation of the dream was. And there was a back and forth about that until the king decided to kill all the wise people, which was going to kill Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. And, so, they went to prayer and God has given the answer. And as we begin our reading today Daniel will go before the king. Daniel chapter 2 verse 24 through 3 verse 30 today.
Thank You, Father for Your word. And on this day that, at least all around me, it is a day aimed at gratitude, a day of giving thanks, a day of understanding that without Your hand before us no path is getting cleared, we’re just moving in circles. And, so, we offer thanksgiving. We are giving You thanks for Your presence in our lives, for Your kindness, for Your care, for Your compassion, for Your goodness. We thank You. And we thank You for such a wonderful unspeakable gift, the gift of each other, that You have given us each other. And we make a mess of that and we often don't see it has a gift, but at its core if we can get over ourselves, if we can get beyond our own egos and desires and cravings and demands, underneath it all, it would be horrible to be on this planet alone, it would be so lonely. You have given us each other and we are thankful for that gift. And since…since China's birthday falls on Thanksgiving, we thank You for her and all that her life has meant and represented not only in our own family, but all around the world. We thank You for that. Come Holy Spirit today as we…as we try to live into gratitude and thanks. Lead our steps, lead our words, lead our deeds, lead our thoughts we pray. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the websites, it’s where you find out what's going on around here. And, so…so, check out. Be aware of what's going on around here.
Be a regular at the Prayer Wall. There are so many needs, so many things to pray for and it’s such an opportunity to reach outward and just shoulder one another's burdens together letting each other know that we’re not alone. We’re not alone. We’re moving to life together. So be aware of that and check it out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well and a heart full of gratitude on a day of Thanksgiving is all I can say. Thank you with all of my heart. Thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that is your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can hit the hotline button in the app, it’s the red button up at the top, you can’t miss it, and you can share from there no matter where you are in the world.
And that's it for today but happy Thanksgiving everybody. Even if you’re not here in the United States have a happy Thanksgiving there’s never a wrong time to have a heart of gratitude and a thankful posture. So, happy Thanksgiving. That is it for today. I’m Brian I love you I'm thankful for you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi this is Saved by His Grace and Happy Valley. I’m calling in for Duane from Wisconsin who has been so faithful as long as I can remember, calling in and first of all giving praise to God the Father and then Duane prays specifically for sons and daughters that we have called in worrying about. And now he needs us. His son Nicholas is getting out of jail and needs a place to stay. Duane isn’t sure he’ll be able to stay with him and his wife. And, so, family please join me in prayer. Dear heavenly Father I know You love Your child Duane from Wisconsin. He is so faithful to You and he has been so faithful in praying for the sons and daughters of so many and his own sons are in crisis. Please, please look down on him and act in his behalf and on behalf of his son Nicholas and his other son, I can’t think of his name, but I know You know it and Duane knows it. Please bless this family. Let them feel Your peace. Let them know that even a sparrow doesn’t fall to the ground without You noticing and You will surely lift up Duane and his family and the sons.
Hey guys this is Sonny from Florida and I just wanted to call in for Asherah, Sheer Joy in Alabama. I just want to pray for her in regards to, yeah, just the loneliness that she’s facing. Father God I want to pay for Asherah Sheer Joy. I just pray that she would not feel alone in Alabama. I pray that she would have godly brothers and sisters in Christ to make her feel at home, make her feel that she has a family because she does Lord. She has a family in Christ. So Lord I just pray that You would provide the people in her life to help her in her walk and make her feel loved and known and that she might as a result just turn to You Lord more and more and just see how good You are and how much You are always there for her and I pray that in Jesus name. And I also want to lift up mama bear from Southern California, her brother who has stage IV stomach cancer. Father God I just pray for her brother, I pray for healing Lord. I pray for a miraculous healing. Lord You’re willing and able. You can and You want to. Lord You’re a God of healing. So, Father, God I pray for a miraculous healing and her brother stomach. I pray that the cancer will be gone, and I pray that he would come to know You as a result and that just many people come to know You that Your name will be glorified. God, we pray we pray in faith that she would heal because You can and You’re willing Lord and I pray that in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Hey guys just an update. My wife Amanda is doing well with her chemo and we pray that she just continues to do well as she continues chemo. Thank you, guys. I love you. Bye.
Hello everyone, this is Candace from Oregon. I want you to join me please, please and prayers right now for our beloved Duane from Wisconsin. Dear Lord, thank you so much for Duane from Wisconsin who has prayed over us time and again so faithfully and believed for us. And we want to do the same back for him Lord. It sounds like it was quite the surprise that his son has been released and…from…from incarceration and will need…need to…well he’s asked if he can live with…with Duane and his wife. So, Lord give them incredible insight, wisdom and ability to support and uphold their son in all the right ways and none of the long mornings. Lord, we need wisdom that really only you have. Would you give Duane and his wife unconditional love, unbelievable wisdom and strength and creativity and patience? And I pray that their son would have a new life and a new way forward found in Jesus Christ. And we ask all of this in Jesus’ name.
My wife Kate from St. Simons Allen Georgia has been bed bound for three months with 24 seven nausea dizziness and fainting. Many tests have not revealed any answers. I’m asking for prayers for healing and comfort for her and strength for her spirit. She has been a follower of DAB since the beginning. Thank you.
Hello Daily Audio Bible friends this is Valerie from Cape Spring Arkansas and I had called in on October concerning my 36-year-old son, the one in respiratory therapy school who is very suicidal and doesn’t feel like life is worth living. Anyway, my prayer request was played October 19th and, you know, he did so much better after that. You know, I was just so thrilled but now he’s really having trouble again and he is just not doing well at all. He’s talking about jumping off a cliff or just going out in the woods and killing himself and making everyone think he’s missing. And he talks about this all the time and you mothers out there that put up with this, you know how heart wrenching this is for a mom. So, I would appreciate your prayers too as his mother. And I thank you for all your prayers for him. I know there’s hope for him at the end of the tunnel. Thank you all so much. And I appreciate the Daily Audio Bible so much. It’s just helped me tremendously with my life.
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godfoundation · 5 years ago
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I affirm on behalf of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that these revelations are faithful and true. My name is Elisabeth and I am a Servant of God serving many years in intercession in a church founded in 1999 by order of Almighty God. I had a lot of experience with God in my personal life and in the work of God.
I will try to summarize the experience when God led me to heaven and hell. I would like to thank first the Lord God of Israel. I thank you for this opportunity. I ask that your blessing fill the heart of each person who hears this testimony from the Lord Jesus.
Before talking about what I saw in the heavenly world I want to quote some biblical references because of the revelations that I had were beyond the natural senses. I will quote some references that speak about experiences beyond the senses.
Act 10:19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
2Co 12:1-4 1 It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) 4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
God is true and there are many passages in the Bible that mentioned hell and heaven even describing the streets of gold.
I am going to read the first part of the revelation I had in heaven. On an ordinary night when I was on my knees praying, I felt my breath coming out of my heart. I crawled and laid down with difficulty. When I looked at the ceiling of my house, I saw it was broken.
Although I could hear everything around me, when I tried to look again, I saw two spirit beings in white robes who had so much glory and they floated and stopped at my feet and told me, “It is necessary that you come with us because the Lord Jesus wants to talk to you about something very important. Jesus Christ whom you serve, who is come in the flesh, was dead and risen and is sitting at the right of the Father.”
The angels held me and we went up. I saw my body lying on the floor. I found I was in a garment whiter than snow. It is my spiritual body and is glorified. Finally, the angels said to me, “Now we have to hurry and go faster.” We started to fly at an incredible speed and we passed the clouds and the blue sky. We went beyond the stars and I saw the planets of our solar system. Then we arrived at a beautiful green landscape. Here on earth, there is no such landscape similar to that of heaven. Heaven was beautiful. It was a land with trees and plants having perfect flowers. I saw animals passing by. All paradise is perfect. I sat on the green grasses and took the time to contemplate and admire this heavenly landscape and the angels.
I heard and saw the happy saints of heaven. The children were singing happily and they were in happiness. I met a group under the beautiful trees of paradise. They sang songs of praise. They quoted passages from the Bible. They smiled. I testify that there were no cripples nor any disabled patients nor any people with sad faces. The Bible says in Rev 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
I was sitting on the grass of paradise when the two angels who were with me said, “Elizabeth we have to leave.” So we crossed the transparent golden street and soon after I saw the rivers of living water like crystal coming out of the throne of God and the Lamb and came down in cascades. The angel told me this is the river of life. Suddenly the angel of the Lord leaned and splashed the crystal clear water on my face and told me this verse.
Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Then we continued to float in the glory of heaven.
I contemplated a great clock on the wall and next to it were two angels holding two trumpets and waiting for the order of God to blow the trumpets. The angel told me to observe this clock. When I looked at the hands, they were minutes before midnight. I said to myself, “As soon as the hands of this clock come together, in God's time, the trumpet will sound and Jesus will come back to look for His church. Then this change will lead to the infinite table of the wedding hall of the Lamb.” The table was miles in length and was covered with an ornate white towel and its golden embroidery was made by the angels themselves.
Finally the angel told me go to the throne of the Father, “He wants to talk to you.” As soon as we arrived before the throne there were people around the throne who have been caught up in the Spirit like me to heaven. They were saying goodbye to Jesus. The angels were there waiting for my turn to come.
As soon as Jesus looked at me, He came towards me. I ran towards Him like a child and I kissed at His feet. I asked for forgiveness and mercy. I was moved as I kissed His feet. Jesus is beautiful and full of sweetness. His eyes were like flames of fire and had so much love and mercy. I saw holes in His feet and scars on His hands and wrists. He turned around and showed me the side where He had been pierced. The garment of the Lord was glorious and was pearly white. It was brighter than the sun. He touched my mouth and put His hand on my head and said, “You'll be a watchman and you will prophesy. Tell the earth that those who accept you have accepted Me; those who reject you have rejected Me. From now on, you have a special covenant with Me.”
Jesus looked at His Father who was sitting on a big throne of gold and silver and much glory emanated from Him. The wickedness of the earth had gone up before Him and the smell of sin rising from the earth had reached His nostrils. But Jesus interceded with His Father who was about to take some measures against the land because the sin of the world had risen up before His throne.
Jesus said, “Father, wait a little longer for the sake of the Elect.” The Father answered, “I will wait a little longer because of the Elect.”
Beloved, the Father is waiting a little more time. That's why we have to clean our garments and purify them. And then Jesus looked at me and said, “Elisabeth, warn My church on the earth. Many who come to church do not see and do not listen and do not understand that My return is imminent. Get ready as a beloved church.”
I could not see the face of God. God says no man has seen God but I was in contemplation of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was with Him personally. I asked for forgiveness with tears and I was delighted when two angels brought me to heaven. They came to bring me back on a golden chariot with two beautiful white horses. These horses were perfect and whiter than snow. I have never seen horses so beautiful in all my life. I joined the angel of God in his chariot. The angel was pressing on golden buttons to start the heavenly chariot and we traveled the heavens, We got into our galaxy. I contemplated the universe, the stars, the planets revolving around our system. Everything was very beautiful.
I said to the angel that I was a bit cold and asked if he could close the windows of the chariot. The angel closed the crystal windows of the celestial chariot whose glass was pure. The celestial chariot was moving at an incredible speed and we stopped at the roof of my house. I did not want to go out but the angel told me, “It is necessary that you can return to your body because Jesus has need of your testimony on earth. You would come back to heaven because heaven has a particular affinity with you and your golden house that is decorated with pearls is waiting for you.”
I saw my body and finally, I went back into my body. I looked up to say goodbye to them and they smiled at me and told me, “Stay in peace.”
I will tell you a revelation about the hell I got. After midnight a powerful angel came to see me. He was dazzlingly white, whiter than snow. He had a golden belt around the waist and was wearing a golden helmet with a sword around him and he had a supernatural glory.
He told me, “Let's go to hell. Many Lord's servants have been there visiting and it is necessary for you to go out there and to testify on earth. Fear not because the demons will not touch you.”
Immediately we got high in space and then we are descended beyond the sea to inside the earth. There was a black hole through which we entered the earth and I saw a terrifying tunnel under the earth. There was sulfur from the swarms of demons in the form of insects. They were hovering and shouting mocking words in shrill voices. They wanted to destroy lives on the earth. When I was in hell, I looked at the floor. It was full of lizards, animals, caterpillars, scorpions, spiders, snakes and rats and all kinds of infernal animals but they could not touch me.
I looked and I saw a wide wooden door. I saw demons around the door of hell. They were monsters of all sizes. On the portal, it was written in red and black letters, “Welcome to the kingdom of hell.” The demons and monsters looked at me in a threatening way. They were eager to capture me. The angel raised his sword against them and they opened the door and we entered.
As soon as we entered hell, the smell was terrible. I saw a lot of gray smoke. There were fires on the ground and there were people inside the fire. They were chained. I heard a lot of moans and cries of terror. Around the door, there were horrible demons full of hatred and smoke flowing from their nostrils. They kept guard over this part of hell and were not happy with my visit. The angel told him that this visit is a divine order.
I looked around and I saw priests and nuns and people who worshipped images of idol sculptures on earth. They were tormented and were crucified on musty rocks . The demons had fun with them with terrible tortures. A lot of those priests in hell were homosexual and had sex with children. There was a room where the demons sodomize the homosexuals and pedophiles on the floor. At this place, the demons have fun with them but this torture was terrible
When we left this section we arrived in a room where there was a big dusty table on which were different objects and articles. In fact there were magazines of Eastern cult religions and leaflets of satanic heretics. I saw a magazine about spiritualism. There were also pornographic magazines. I then saw magazines featuring aliens.
I saw big shelves devoted to new technologies on which were found DVDs and TVs. I saw advanced technology that was about to go out on the earth.
Then we moved further on in another big room where there was an exhibition with showcases. This was the industrial and manufacturing complex of hell. In this exhibition of objects which was to be put into circulation on earth, I saw snake rings, necklaces, chains with skull and crossbones. They were the symbols to the worship of the New Age in hell.
I saw women devils with their hair cut short and the men devils had tattooed necks with Satanist symbols. The diabolical tattoos were also on their legs, shoulders, and arms. They were on the belly and other body parts. These lady devils wore half-naked clothes showing the belly and the intimate parts. I saw men tattooed on every part of their bodies, even on their fingers, hands, noses, belly buttons, ears and tongues.
In the dense industrial complex of hell, I saw bands of colorful bracelets with rings. I saw artificial hair of a certain style that will be put into circulation in Brazil. Legions of demons were attached to them and dwell in these objects made in hell. They incite people to have sex contrary to the Word of God.
Then I went into the third room and I saw the fashion that will be put into circulation on the earth. I saw the transparent clothes. I saw the jewels that will be consecrated in India and in Egypt. I saw clothing woven by two popular brands on Earth and they were dedicated to the devil for the mass consumption of customers on Earth.
I saw cartoons for children. I saw some movies and children's series. I saw a horror movie with vampires and werewolves, idolatrous novels with images of saints. I saw women dressed in clothes for men.
Now I want to talk and draw your attention to poisoned foods. As Christians we have a habit of praying for the food. When we want to eat and drink something we thank God. Indeed in hell, I saw a big kitchen where the walls were black and the demons prepare poisons to put them on processed foods we eat on the surface. This place looks like a chemical plant in the kitchen where the demons make the poison and on the ground, there was formal hydrogen peroxide sugar sodium flavored in this kitchen in hell.
I saw demons from hell throwing gray smoke on vegetables and fruits that we buy in the supermarkets and in shops. They did the same thing with drugs that we buy in some pharmacies. I will not go deeper because I am not a doctor. In this field, I do not want to report what God showed me in the revelation. If you are a true Christian you can buy anything you want but remember to ask God to purify the food you want to eat.
I saw a glass showcase with wedding rings broken in half with rusty petals. We were in this exposure when suddenly a demon manifested before us. He was a very handsome man in the form of a mannequin. He said, “My work is to break marriages. I have already destroyed many marriages just at the wedding party and I am going to destroy more marriages on the earth. I will continue to make people commit adultery. I will make women love other women and men love other men.”
In his room was assembled his aphrodisiacs, seductive products, and erotic clothes and objects. Most of the erotic objects and costumes are designed and made in hell.
I saw the mermaid, Jezebel and the Egyptian goddess. I want to talk about the spirit of Jezebel. A lot of people think that the Jezebel demon only incites women to use beauty products and makeup but this is only one of her functions. She has an even more evil function because she is a very strong principality and satan has assigned her against peoples and churches that are not prepared for spiritual warfare and has destroyed those churches whose shepherds are ignorant of the tactics of this principality. She gives false revelations and false prophecies in the name of Jesus but it's not Jesus, it's the devil.
As soon as this mermaid appeared in hell she told us, “Look what I am doing personally in the evangelical churches on earth.” I looked and saw a woman. She looked like a pastor and she prophesied and revealed deceptions that divided and was destroying a church. Many churches on the earth were demolished by the prophetic revelations of this woman yet she seemed to be spiritual. Afterward the lady became a mermaid. This principality of false prophecies is also a goddess from Egypt. She told me, “I have already closed many churches and I will close many other evangelical churches on earth. I want them to disappear because I am Jezebel.” The work of this terrible demon amazed me.
Anal and oral sex is an abomination. In hell, the tortures are terrible especially for women who have practiced abortion. I saw the suffering of those who also practiced oral and anal sex. They endured terrible tortures. I saw a demon snake the size of an anaconda from Brazil. These snakes entered the intimate parts of people to tear them up. Their screams were horrible. I cried. I want to tell people who practice this type of sex to stop. Married people and even Christians practice anal and oral sex. These practices are abominations and lead to a terrible punishment in hell. Many married men marry their women to do abominable things. They say it's not a sin because they are married but they are all sinning in front of God and all these kinds of sexual positions do not please the Lord God.
In hell I saw a demon which was actually a gelatinous giant worm and when he opened his mouth there were people in him who were tortured by smaller ones. Demons bring him the lost souls. These people were lined up and chained and they were tortured inside this voluminous worm. There was a strong smell inside this worm. I saw souls lost in the belly of this giant worm.
I suddenly saw a big screen as in the cinema. A scene was projected on the screen. When I watched I saw that it was actually a gathering. Inside a room, I saw a great black platform and various authorities and heads of states were gathered in this spacious room. I first saw the pope and his bishops but also cardinals, political ministers from around the world, famous Hollywood actors and all kinds of important personalities of the earth. Then a character got up and the man was very handsome. He was perfect, a handsome man of European beauty. When he started to speak his face and his body became half monster. Then all the celebrities and political leaders were turned into monsters and demonic forms. They were terrible and became a people without legs, without a hand, without eyes and without mouths. The angelic character of the devil became a monster. He told them, “We must the destroy; we have to stop these true Christians who are resisting us because our time is short. We have to destroy Christianity because it is I who reign; the power and the reign of the earth is mine.” While the devil continued his speech to the world elite, suddenly the angel of the Lord took me to a hospital on the earth.
I saw a nurse with an injection and inside this injection was a yellow liquid. The angel told me, “Look again.” I looked at it and I saw several syringes with mosquitoes. The angel said, “This is a biological weapon. These mosquitoes that you see and what is in this syringe are bacteria and viruses that will be injected into people to exterminate them. This was the global government program. After days these people will feel the effects and will die from tumors that are diseases caused by these vaccines.” The angel informed me that future vaccines will be dangerous but they will be put in circulation by the authorities.
After this vision I went to search the internet and I saw the case of girl who were vaccinated and had a seizure of epilepsy after that vaccination. She spent two days without speaking. She did not know this terrible reaction would be produced by this vaccination. This is a warning for humanity.
Then I saw people in positions within the churches but who were adorned with excessive makeup to the point of disrupting their fellowship with God. There are vanities that are needed, for example, when you wear a watch to see the time or a mobile phone or a car.
Then the angel who was with me took me to a throne but it was not where the Lord Jesus Christ is. The Lord told me, “This is the spirit of the antichrist that dominates over Earth. Observe the world trade, the economy, world humanism, the laws, the politics, the materialism, the technologies etc. They are contrary to My Word. Ask My people to pray. I will be with them and they will have to live in My presence because I'll be back soon.”
On the 17th April 2014 while lying down an angel of God came in and I held his hand. He told me, “Servant of God, the Father told me to show you some things. He is happy with you because you have kept your body, soul, and spirit in holiness.”
Suddenly we flew at an incredible speed and we arrived in the land of happiness and beauty. I looked at and I saw a green crystal and shining gold three-story building which was in the middle of other buildings, in the center of the heavenly city. It shone more than the others.
The angel told me, “Look at this building.”
I told him, “What a beautiful building. It is shining more than the others.”
The angel told me, “This house is yours. It's your house. You will live here if you hold good if you fight and overcome.” The angel told me, “I am just going to show you the elevator in the living room and part of the kitchen and some rooms.”
Without delay we entered the elevator of crystal that climbed automatically without having to press a button and then we went into a very beautiful place. The curtains were gold, the sofa was gold and all the furniture was in pure gold. The kitchen was also gold. I liked the cutlery. The windows there were beautiful too.
The angel said, “Let's go visit the city.”
Then we left and we flew over the city. I saw the river of life; the flowers and the birds; everything was alive in the eternal city including flowers. I saw a group of children playing in a garden of paradise. Some were sitting on the landscape. The children radiated happiness. No one was crying. They were smiling, jumping full of happiness, praising God. There were toys of birds, dogs and other animals. Yes everything is perfect. A lot of these kids have died in accidents; others died of illness; many have been aborted and they have all landed in heaven. They were all radiant with happiness. One of them looked at me and said, “Tell our parents we are here; we are with God in the light and happiness. We are waiting for them here too.” I said that I will talk to them.
We decided to fly and float on this world of happiness when I watched the angel who was with me. I saw that he was wearing boots, a belt on his hip with a sword at the waist and I heard the sound of his sword. I asked, “Why do you wear boots?” He said to me, “Because I am a warrior angel accompanying you on this trip. I am also the angel who walks with you. I am always at your side from your birth. Remember that you will not be never alone on earth. Do you see me, do you know my presence?” I told him, “It's an honor to walk with you.”
It was that day that I encountered this angel that I understood that the Lord had deployed this angel for me and my ministry. He walks with me in my ministry. When I preach in church and wherever I am testifying he is with me. When I pray to God, he is with me. I am very happy to have this angel.
(Transcribed and translated from the Youtube video on Elisabeth Ferraz Anal and Oral Sex leads to Hell.)
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comebeforegod · 6 years ago
Find Way to Get Rid of Sin, Resolve Over 10 Years’ Confusion
By Chen Liang, United States
Editor’s note: How can we break free from the bondage of sin? I believe that many brothers and sisters in the Lord are troubled by this issue, and maybe you personally have tried many ways but have still failed to shake off the fetters of sin.
 The author of the following article once had the same trouble. But after seeking for many years, he finally found the root of his sin and learned the way of getting rid of it.
Being bound by sins, I felt perplexed and had nowhere to turn.
I was born in a Catholic family, and when I was thirteen years old I began to study the doctrines of Catholicism and received baptism. Later, I saw the faith of some of my church friends become colder and colder. They busied themselves with making money and followed the trends of the world, becoming ever more distant from the Lord. Seeing this, I felt that it was truly not easy to walk the path of the cross, and that without faith in the Lord it was impossible to enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, I resolved to consecrate myself to the Lord, and sought to become a priest in service of the Lord.
At the age of 22, I entered a monastery to study. Every day, I got up at 5:30 a.m., did meditation, prayed the Rosary and praised the Lord from 6 a.m., studied the Bible and the doctrines of Catholicism from 8 a.m., and prayed for over an hour at night. But after studying for a period of time, I didn’t feel that I was getting closer to the Lord, but on the contrary I felt that that kind of life was boring and tedious. Moreover, during that period, filthy and evil thoughts often appeared in my mind, and even though I confessed and repented to the Lord, these thoughts still popped up from time to time and I was unable to control myself. I once made a vow to the Lord that I would remain chaste, but now I wanted to break it. Was this not committing a sin and deceiving the Lord? Then how would I be able to enter the kingdom of heaven? Thus I constantly prayed to the Lord every day, asking Him to help me get rid of my sins and make me serve Him wholeheartedly. But this brought no changes, which made me suffer and feel anxious. After studying for ten years, I graduated from there. Then, in order to solve the problem of my desire to commit sins, I went to a secluded monastery in Indonesia for advanced study. But I still couldn’t help thinking about those unclean things. For this reason, I felt extremely discouraged and disheartened, and a year later I chose to return to the USA.
Later, the church arranged for me to go to Beijing for advanced study. During the time I studied there, I often recalled that over those years of believing in the Lord, I constantly prayed to Him and asked Him to change me, and I also continually sought to establish a close relationship with Him. But despite years of efforts, I still had no knowledge of the Lord and my sinful nature hadn’t been eliminated either. I thought: “How could I do a good job in leading my brothers and sisters in the church under such circumstances? If I become a priest, won’t I end up ruining them?” After I finished my studies, the bishop came to me and said that he wanted to consecrate me as a priest. It was the dream that I had pursued for many years, but by that time my previous passion and enthusiasm had gone. Therefore, I declined, and chose to be an ordinary believer. Afterward, I went back home and got married. After that, I committed sins more frequently, often losing my temper and quarreling with my wife over trivial things. I was just unable to put patience and acceptance into practice. Because of this, I often confessed my sins and repented to the Lord, but afterward I still sinned. Later, I tried to recover my relationship with the Lord by attending more gatherings; whenever there were gatherings or training classes in my church, I would put aside my work to attend them. But this still didn’t solve my problem. Due to the withering of my spirit and the pressure of work, I was exhausted, both physically and mentally. I felt very perplexed, and didn’t know how to continue on the road ahead. It was as if I had been thrown into the wilderness. There was an unspeakable disappointment and helplessness in my heart.
The news of the Lord’s return brought me hope.
Just when I had no more faith to go on, God’s salvation came upon me and led me out of misery. One day in January of 2018, after attending Mass, I met Brother Li by chance, and then through his introduction I got acquainted with Brother Liu. From then on, we talked about belief together whenever we had time. I felt that they both had unique insights into the Bible, so I enjoyed communicating with them. One time, when we were sharing our knowledge of the scriptures with each other, Brother Liu said: “A co-worker whom I got acquainted with in China was pious and good at preaching sermons, but he now believes in Eastern Lightning. Not long ago, two co-workers of mine, who had meetings with me in my church, also started to believe in it. What type of a church is Eastern Lightning? Why have so many brothers and sisters who pursue the truth converted to it?” Hearing that, I frowned slightly. I remembered that a devoted church trustee who I knew before had also converted to Eastern Lightning. I thought to myself: “What are they preaching in Eastern Lightning? Why is it able to attract so many devout Christians? I’ve heard that people in that church always talk about Revelation. Most people don’t dare to talk about Revelation, and even the priests seldom talk about it. Could it be that they have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit? Why don’t I go and listen to Eastern Lightning to see what’s so special about their sermons? Maybe they will be beneficial to my spiritual devotions and help me know the Lord.” Thinking like this, I became curious about that church, so I said to them: “Why don’t we go to investigate Eastern Lightning to see what’s different about it?” They all nodded in agreement. Later, Brother Liu contacted some brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God and scheduled a meeting with them.
At the appointed time, we got to the meeting place. As soon as we entered the door, the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God, who had arrived early, came up and greeted us very warmly. After introductions, a sister played a video The Origin and Development of The Church of Almighty God. After watching the video, I felt very surprised: Its content was all in line with the Bible and revealed the mysteries in Revelation. For example: The Bible says, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). Although I had read the Bible for years, I didn’t know what this scripture meant. Only when I watched the video did I understand that the verse has been fulfilled by the work of God incarnate of the last days. Later, a brother played for us a gospel movie The Bible and God. After watching the movie, my spirit was shaken to the core. It turned out that there are so many mysteries about the Bible. I felt that the truth fellowshiped in the movie couldn’t be uttered by any theologian or pastor in the world. I had read so many spiritual books and yet I had never seen anyone fellowship the production of the Bible and its essence so clearly and plainly. I really gained great provision from it.
Following that, the three of us listened to Brother Wang’s fellowshiping more carefully. When hearing that God is doing a step of judgment work in the last days, I was a bit suspicious and thought: “That’s not right. The Lord Jesus has already completed His work, so how could He become flesh to do the work of judgment? What’s this all about?” I became more interested in what Brother Wang was saying and wanted to know more about it to ascertain whether or not Almighty God was the returned Lord Jesus. However, it was already late. Thus we made an appointment with them for the next day so we could continue listening to their fellowshiping. On the way home, we were discussing what was fellowshiped in the videos and I said: “I understood a lot from today’s meeting. I feel that it has brought me closer to the Lord.” Saying this, I felt somewhat excited and thought: “If the Lord really has returned to be among us, then am I not like Peter, who also lived in the same age as the Lord? If so, then I am truly blessed! And I believe that the Lord will surely help to resolve my problems.” Thinking of this, I looked forward to the next day’s meeting even more.
My confusion was resolved and I understood the reason why God does judgment work and what the root of my sinfulness was.
The next day, I hurried to the meeting place as soon as I got off work. On arriving there, I saw the brothers and sisters were all waiting for me. I felt a little embarrassed, and rapidly walked forward and sat down. At that time, a sister who had met me the day before asked me with a smile: “How do you feel about our last meeting? If you have anything you still don’t understand, just say it. We can seek together through fellowshiping.” Hearing her invitation, I immediately asked: “Sister, yesterday you said that the Lord Jesus has already come and He is doing the work of judgment. But on the cross the Lord Jesus clearly said, ‘It is finished.’ Doesn’t this prove that God has completed His work? So why does He still need to do His work of judgment? What is really going on here?”
The sister said: “Brother, you think that when the Lord Jesus was crucified and said before He expired ‘It is finished,’ proves that God’s work of salvation was entirely done, and there would be no more work. But is this way of thinking really correct or not? Let’s fellowship about it. We all know, that ever since mankind was corrupted by Satan God has been doing the work to save mankind. He will thoroughly save us from Satan’s domain and let us recover our original sanctity. But now we are still living in a state of sinning and confessing our sins, and we haven’t attained sanctity. This proves that God’s work of salvation hasn’t been entirely completed. Actually, if we study the Bible closely, it’s not difficult to find that in it there are many prophecies about God’s work of judgment in the last days. For example, chapter 4, verse 17 in the First Epistle of Peter says: ‘For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.’ Chapter 14, verse 7 in Revelation says: ‘Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.’ And chapter 16, verses 12-13 in the Gospel of John says: ‘I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.’ From these verses, we can see that in the last days, God will do a step of judgment work and the Spirit of truth will guide us into truth. Let’s read some of Almighty God’s words so we can understand things better.”
Then the sister began to read Almighty God’s words, “For all that man may have been redeemed and forgiven of his sins, it can only be considered as God not remembering the transgressions of man and not treating man in accordance with his transgressions. However, when man, who lives in a body of flesh, has not been set free from sin, he can only continue to sin, endlessly revealing his corrupt satanic disposition. This is the life that man leads, an endless cycle of sinning and being forgiven. The majority of men sin in the day only to confess in the evening. This way, even if the sin offering is forever effective for man, it will not be able to save man from sin. Only half the work of salvation has been completed, for man still has a corrupt disposition.’ ‘By means of this work of judgment and chastisement, man will fully come to know the filthy and corrupt substance within his own self, and he will be able to change completely and become clean. Only in this way can man become worthy to return before the throne of God. All the work done this day is so that man can be made clean and be changed; through judgment and chastisement by the word, as well as through refinement, man can purge away his corruption and be made pure.”
After reading these words, the sister continued with her fellowshiping: “From Almighty God’s words, we can see that the Lord Jesus saying ‘It is finished’ meant that God’s work of redemption was finished; it did not mean that God’s work of saving all mankind was complete. It is written in the Bible, ‘For I am Jehovah your God: you shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy’ (Leviticus 11:44). ‘Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord’ (Hebrews 12:14). God is holy, so filthy and corrupt people are unfit to witness the face of God, nor fit to enter God’s kingdom. In believing in the Lord, we are merely forgiven of our sins; through coming before the Lord Jesus and confessing and repenting, we can enjoy grace and blessings from God, and He no longer sees us as sinners. But our satanic dispositions have not been pardoned by God, and our sinful nature still exists. We go on living cyclical lives of sinning in the daytime and confessing at night, with no way to shed the bonds of sin. For example, in order to protect our personal interests, we still lie and deceive God; when we see others doing things in a way not in keeping with our own thoughts, we often lose our temper and chide them; sometimes we cannot overcome the temptations of the evil trends of the world, and so we follow them and commit sins; when the work of God is not in line with our notions, we are still capable of judging and condemning God, and resisting His work according to our notions and imaginings. Therefore, we need God to do judgment work to purify and change our corrupt dispositions. Only when our corrupt dispositions are cleansed and we become people who truly revere, obey and love God will God’s work of saving mankind be completely finished. Almighty God’s work of judgment in the last days is built on the foundation of the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption in the Age of Grace. Because of the Lord Jesus’ redemption, we are qualified to come before God to receive His salvation, but if in believing in God we do not experience God’s judgment work in the last days, then we cannot truly arrive at salvation.”
The sister’s fellowshiping made me suddenly see the light. Before, I thought that we who believed in the Lord had been graced with salvation and that when the Lord came we would be directly raised into the heavenly kingdom. But now through the sister’s fellowshiping, I came to realize that my view was wrong. Our faith in the Lord brings us forgiveness of our sins, but our sinful nature still exists, so we need to accept God’s work of judgment of the last days. Only when our corrupt dispositions are purified and changed can we be brought by God into the kingdom of heaven. In retrospect, I studied in the monastery for ten years and then went into a religious order for advanced study, but I still couldn’t help but sin, and although I confessed my sins and repented to the Lord, later I repeated the same sins. My state showed I was indeed not a person who had been purified and that I was utterly unqualified to be raised into the kingdom of heaven. I also understood that it was because of my corrupt dispositions that I always lived in a cycle of committing sins and confessing them. Thanks be to the Lord! The sister’s fellowshiping was so good that it solved my confusion.
I finally found a way to cast off my corrupt dispositions.
Then, I asked the sister anxiously: “So, how does God purify us? How can my corrupt disposition be dispelled? I have always strived to restrain myself in order not to sin and have also prayed to the Lord, asking Him to help me. However, so many years have passed, yet I haven’t changed.” Hearing this, she smiled and fellowshiped with me patiently: “Brother, about this question, Almighty God’s words make it very clear. Let’s read a passage together.
Almighty God says, ‘In the last days, Christ uses a variety of truths to teach man, expose the essence of man, and dissect his words and deeds. These words comprise various truths, such as man’s duty, how man should obey God, how man should be loyal to God, how man ought to live out the normal humanity, as well as the wisdom and the disposition of God, and so on. These words are all directed at the essence of man and his corrupt disposition. In particular, those words that expose how man spurns God are spoken in regard to how man is an embodiment of Satan and an enemy force against God. In undertaking His work of judgment, God does not simply make clear the nature of man with just a few words; He exposes, deals with, and prunes it over the long term. These methods of exposure, dealing, and pruning cannot be substituted with ordinary words, but with the truth that man does not possess at all. Only methods of this kind are deemed judgment; only through judgment of this kind can man be subdued and thoroughly convinced into submission to God, and moreover gain true knowledge of God. What the work of judgment brings about is man’s understanding of the true face of God and the truth about his own rebelliousness. The work of judgment allows man to gain much understanding of the will of God, of the purpose of God’s work, and of the mysteries that are incomprehensible to him. It also allows man to recognize and know his corrupt substance and the roots of his corruption, as well as to discover the ugliness of man. These effects are all brought about by the work of judgment, for the substance of this work is actually the work of opening up the truth, the way, and the life of God to all those who have faith in Him. This work is the work of judgment done by God.’
We can see from God’s words that in the last days, God judges and purifies our corrupt dispositions through expressing the truth. On the one hand, God uses His words to expose and dissect our nature and substance and the actual truth of how we have been corrupted by Satan so that we can truly know, in the judgment and chastisement of God’s words, that we are full of satanic disposition—arrogance and self-importance, crookedness and cunning, selfishness and baseness. We can also know that living on the basis of our corrupt dispositions, we do not have a reverent heart for God, we judge and resist Him in accordance with our own notions and imaginings, and we have completely become the people of Satan who rebel against God and oppose Him. On the other hand, God uses His words to tell us explicitly His will, demands and standards, as well as the proper ways of practice, thus giving us a path to follow. For instance, God tells us He likes honest people and loathes deceitful people, that only honest people can enter the heavenly kingdom, and also tells us how to cast aside our treacherous dispositions and be honest people. Meanwhile, God also arranges practical situations to try, refine, prune and deal with us. We have been corrupted by Satan for thousands of years, and the corrupt, satanic disposition is deeply rooted in us and can’t be changed all at once, so we need to accept the long-term judgment, chastisement, trials and refinement of God’s words, as well as the chastening and discipline from encountering reality. Only in this way can we clearly see our true corrupt nature, come to truly know and detest ourselves, regret our sinful actions, have true knowledge of God’s holy, righteous and good substance, and in the end develop a heart that reveres God and be willing to practice the truth to satisfy Him.”
Listening to the sister’s fellowshiping, I had a sudden flash of insight and said to her with delight: “Thank the Lord. In the past, to restrain myself to not sin, I studied the Bible hard and observed the monastic rules, but I still constantly sinned. Through your fellowshiping about God’s words, I’ve come to know that only the truth expressed by God in the last days can resolve my sinful behavior.” Brother Liu also said excitedly: “Thank the Lord! Now we’ve finally found the way to get rid of sin.” Hearing this, the sister nodded her head, smilingly. Then, she showed us a video of witnessing called The True Light Appears. The protagonist of this video used to be like me, living in the midst of sin and being extremely miserable, but later by experiencing the judgment and chastisement of God’s words, he came to know his corrupt disposition. After that, when he exposed his corruption, he would rely on God to forsake his flesh and act according to God’s words. Gradually, he was not so constrained by his corrupt disposition and lived out a bit of the likeness of a genuine human being. After watching this video, I saw more clearly that Almighty God’s words are so authoritative and powerful, and I believed that as long as I accepted and experienced the judgment and chastisement of God’s words, I would be able to gain knowledge of my corrupt disposition and gradually gain purification and transformation. Thank God! I had a clearer path to get rid of my sins.
I understood the truth and my spirit got released.
During the following meetings, the sister fellowshiped with me many truths to do with the inside story and essence of God’s three-stage work, the meaning of God’s names, the mysteries of God’s incarnation, and other aspects of the truth. After hearing all that, I had some new knowledge of God, felt that I was closer to God, and felt spiritually sated. I confirmed from my heart that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus, for only God can express the truth and reveal the mysteries in the Bible. I felt grateful to the Lord for letting me hear the voice of God and feast with the Lamb.
Hereafter, whenever I was free at home, I read Almighty God’s words and watched the gospel movies and dance and song videos produced by The Church of Almighty God. The more I watched them, the more I loved watching them and the more released my spirit was. In addition, I participated in church life at The Church of Almighty God. During meetings, we brothers and sisters shared with each other our knowledge of God’s words and experiences of undergoing the judgment of God’s words. After a while, I had some knowledge of God’s work as well as my corrupt nature, and I no longer treated people impatiently as before. When what my wife said was disagreeable to me, I would pray to God and seek His will. With the guidance of God’s words, I could put aside my ego and not treat her impatiently. Now my relationship with her is a bit better than it used to be. Thank God! Although I have believed in Almighty God for only a few months, I truly see that His words are truth and are indeed able to change my corrupt disposition. From now on, I am willing to experience more judgment and chastisement of God’s words so that I will be able to cast off my corrupt disposition earlier, live out the likeness of a genuine human being, and attain God’s salvation.
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What Can We Learn From Samaritan Woman?
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By Zhang Yiping
Presumably many of us believers are familiar with the story of the Samaritan woman recorded in the Bible. When she drew water, she met the Lord Jesus, who asked her for a drink. From her exchange with the Lord Jesus, she recognized that He was the Messiah foretold in the prophecies.
She was just an ordinary woman and didn’t have much Bible knowledge, but she was able to do so. This is really amazing. All of us know that, within those three and a half years that the Lord Jesus worked on earth, many people once contacted Him for a short time, and moreover, there were many who heard Him speak. However, there were too few who were able to recognize that He was the Messiah. Then, how did the Samaritan woman do it? Was it because of the Lord Jesus’ special grace? Or was there any secret behind it? Let’s read her story to look for answers to these questions together.
It is recorded in the Bible: “There comes a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus said to her, Give me to drink. (For his disciples were gone away to the city to buy meat.) Then said the woman of Samaria to him, How is it that you, being a Jew, ask drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that said to you, Give me to drink; you would have asked of him, and he would have given you living water. … Whoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. The woman said to him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come here to draw. Jesus said to her, Go, call your husband, and come here. The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said to her, You have well said, I have no husband: For you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband: in that said you truly. The woman said to him, Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and you say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship you know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. The woman said to him, I know that Messias comes, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus said to her, I that speak to you am he. … The woman then left her water pot, and went her way into the city, and said to the men, Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?” (John 4:7-10, 13-26, 28-29).
From the above scriptures we can see that there are two main reasons why the Samaritan woman was able to recognize that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah.
1. Recognizing God’s Voice in the Lord Jesus’ Utterance
At first, when the Lord Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for some water, she guarded against Him because He was a Jew, since the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans. But after the Lord Jesus spoke some words to her, she perceived that He was out of the ordinary, so she called Him Sir. When hearing the Lord Jesus said, “Whoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life,” she felt that His words had authority and power and couldn’t be said by ordinary people. Then, the Lord Jesus revealed her innermost secrets, saying, “For you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband.” She felt astonished at this because nobody knew the things she did in secret. But the Lord Jesus, who had never met her before, knew all about her. She was sure that that was unattainable by ordinary people, so she considered the Lord Jesus a prophet. Therefore, she spoke about her own confusion and asked Him whether to go to the mountain or to Jerusalem to worship God. The Lord Jesus said, “The hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.” He also clearly told her, “When the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him.” After hearing all this, she recognized that the Lord Jesus was the Messiah. It was because the Lord Jesus resolved her confusion with just a word, and also pointed out to her the path of practice to worship God. This allowed her to understand that when worshiping God, believers shouldn’t rigidly adhere to external formalities, but should worship God in spirit and in truth, and that only praying genuinely and sincerely is after God’s heart. Especially when hearing the Lord Jesus say, “I that speak to you am he,” she was rejoiced and became even more certain that He was the Messiah. Thus, she hurriedly went to the city and told the good news to the people there. Though the exchange between the Lord Jesus and her was short, the name by which she called Him changed very quickly. It was because she saw that the Lord’s words had authority and power, and He was able to reveal her innermost secrets and corruption, resolve her problem and confusion, and point out to her the clear way to practice. For this reason, she recognized that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah.
2. Putting Herself Aside and Humbly Seeking
As a matter of fact, the Samaritans had always been looked down upon by the Jews, and they had no dealings with each other. So, when hearing the Lord Jesus ask her for some water, she was very surprised. But she didn’t refuse to talk with the Lord because of it, but humbly listened to Him speak. When hearing that the Lord Jesus possessed the living water, she was able to put herself aside and ask Him to give her the water which could bring her everlasting life. When the Lord Jesus revealed her unspeakable secrets, though she wasn’t willing to mention them, this didn’t stop her from talking with Him and instead she continued to seek from Him. After the Lord Jesus resolved her confusion, and allowed her to understand how to worship God to be after God’s heart, she recognized that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah. From this we can see that the other reason why the Samaritan woman could receive salvation by grace was because she was able to humble herself to seek the truth. Thus, she received God’s grace, hearing God’s voice and welcoming the Messiah.
Now we are in the last days, the key moment when the Lord comes. Then, how should we absorb the strengths of the Samaritan woman so that we can welcome the Lord Jesus’ return?
1. Paying Attention to Hearing God’s Voice
The Lord Jesus said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (John 16:12-13). And it is prophesied many times in Revelation, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2-3). We can see from these words that when the Lord returns in the last days, He will speak again to tell us the truths we don’t understand. He requires us to be wise virgins and pay attention to hearing His voice. In this way, we can follow the footprints of the Lamb, go to the wedding feast, and receive God’s salvation in the last days. Therefore, if we want to welcome the Lord’s return, we need to actively seek the words the Holy Spirit speaks to all churches. When someone witnesses to us that the Lord has come to utter His word, we should follow the Samaritan woman’s example, and hear whether the word has authority and power, and whether it is able to reveal our corruptions that nobody knows, resolve our problems and difficulties, and point out to us the way to practice. I believe that upon hearing the words of the returned Lord, all who have a heart and a spirit will be able to hear that it is the voice of God. Just as the Lord Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).
2. Being Someone Who Is Poor in Spirit and Actively Seeks
The Lord Jesus said, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8). “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3).
Humbly seeking is the Lord’s requirement of us, and is also the key to whether we are able to welcome the Lord’s return. Now, in waiting for the Lord’s arrival most of us have many confusions and problems. For example, it was said that the Lord would return in 2000, but it’s 2019 now, so how come we have still not welcomed His return? Besides, the prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically all been fulfilled, so all those brothers and sisters who truly believe in the Lord feel that the Lord might have returned, wondering whether He has already appeared somewhere to work. So, shouldn’t we actively seek His footsteps? The Lord is faithful. He blesses the poor in spirit, and takes pity on those who thirst for the truth. If we can humbly seek, pray to the Lord more, and actively search for His footsteps, then God will surely lead and guide us, and allow us to welcome the Lord’s appearance in the last days.
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fear-god-shun-evil · 6 years ago
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Find Way to Get Rid of Sin, Resolve Over 10 Years’ Confusion 
Editor’s note: How can we break free from the bondage of sin? I believe that many brothers and sisters in the Lord are troubled by this issue, and maybe you personally have tried many ways but have still failed to shake off the fetters of sin. The author of the following article once had the same trouble. But after seeking for many years, he finally found the root of his sin and learned the way of getting rid of it.
Being bound by sins, I felt perplexed and had nowhere to turn.
I was born in a Catholic family, and when I was thirteen years old I began to study the doctrines of Catholicism and received baptism. Later, I saw the faith of some of my church friends become colder and colder. They busied themselves with making money and followed the trends of the world, becoming ever more distant from the Lord. Seeing this, I felt that it was truly not easy to walk the path of the cross, and that without faith in the Lord it was impossible to enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, I resolved to consecrate myself to the Lord, and sought to become a priest in service of the Lord.
At the age of 22, I entered a monastery to study. Every day, I got up at 5:30 a.m., did meditation, prayed the Rosary and praised the Lord from 6 a.m., studied the Bible and the doctrines of Catholicism from 8 a.m., and prayed for over an hour at night. But after studying for a period of time, I didn’t feel that I was getting closer to the Lord, but on the contrary I felt that that kind of life was boring and tedious. Moreover, during that period, filthy and evil thoughts often appeared in my mind, and even though I confessed and repented to the Lord, these thoughts still popped up from time to time and I was unable to control myself. I once made a vow to the Lord that I would remain chaste, but now I wanted to break it. Was this not committing a sin and deceiving the Lord? Then how would I be able to enter the kingdom of heaven? Thus I constantly prayed to the Lord every day, asking Him to help me get rid of my sins and make me serve Him wholeheartedly. But this brought no changes, which made me suffer and feel anxious. After studying for ten years, I graduated from there. Then, in order to solve the problem of my desire to commit sins, I went to a secluded monastery in Indonesia for advanced study. But I still couldn’t help thinking about those unclean things. For this reason, I felt extremely discouraged and disheartened, and a year later I chose to return to the USA.
Later, the church arranged for me to go to Beijing for advanced study. During the time I studied there, I often recalled that over those years of believing in the Lord, I constantly prayed to Him and asked Him to change me, and I also continually sought to establish a close relationship with Him. But despite years of efforts, I still had no knowledge of the Lord and my sinful nature hadn’t been eliminated either. I thought: “How could I do a good job in leading my brothers and sisters in the church under such circumstances? If I become a priest, won’t I end up ruining them?” After I finished my studies, the bishop came to me and said that he wanted to consecrate me as a priest. It was the dream that I had pursued for many years, but by that time my previous passion and enthusiasm had gone. Therefore, I declined, and chose to be an ordinary believer. Afterward, I went back home and got married. After that, I committed sins more frequently, often losing my temper and quarreling with my wife over trivial things. I was just unable to put patience and acceptance into practice. Because of this, I often confessed my sins and repented to the Lord, but afterward I still sinned. Later, I tried to recover my relationship with the Lord by attending more gatherings; whenever there were gatherings or training classes in my church, I would put aside my work to attend them. But this still didn’t solve my problem. Due to the withering of my spirit and the pressure of work, I was exhausted, both physically and mentally. I felt very perplexed, and didn’t know how to continue on the road ahead. It was as if I had been thrown into the wilderness. There was an unspeakable disappointment and helplessness in my heart.
The news of the Lord’s return brought me hope.
Just when I had no more faith to go on, God’s salvation came upon me and led me out of misery. One day in January of 2018, after attending Mass, I met Brother Li by chance, and then through his introduction I got acquainted with Brother Liu. From then on, we talked about belief together whenever we had time. I felt that they both had unique insights into the Bible, so I enjoyed communicating with them. One time, when we were sharing our knowledge of the scriptures with each other, Brother Liu said: “A co-worker whom I got acquainted with in China was pious and good at preaching sermons, but he now believes in Eastern Lightning. Not long ago, two co-workers of mine, who had meetings with me in my church, also started to believe in it. What type of a church is Eastern Lightning? Why have so many brothers and sisters who pursue the truth converted to it?” Hearing that, I frowned slightly. I remembered that a devoted church trustee who I knew before had also converted to Eastern Lightning. I thought to myself: “What are they preaching in Eastern Lightning? Why is it able to attract so many devout Christians? I’ve heard that people in that church always talk about Revelation. Most people don’t dare to talk about Revelation, and even the priests seldom talk about it. Could it be that they have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit? Why don’t I go and listen to Eastern Lightning to see what’s so special about their sermons? Maybe they will be beneficial to my spiritual devotions and help me know the Lord.” Thinking like this, I became curious about that church, so I said to them: “Why don’t we go to investigate Eastern Lightning to see what’s different about it?” They all nodded in agreement. Later, Brother Liu contacted some brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God and scheduled a meeting with them.
At the appointed time, we got to the meeting place. As soon as we entered the door, the brothers and sisters of The Church of Almighty God, who had arrived early, came up and greeted us very warmly. After introductions, a sister played a video The Origin and Development of The Church of Almighty God. After watching the video, I felt very surprised: Its content was all in line with the Bible and revealed the mysteries in Revelation. For example: The Bible says, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). Although I had read the Bible for years, I didn’t know what this scripture meant. Only when I watched the video did I understand that the verse has been fulfilled by the work of God incarnate of the last days. Later, a brother played for us a gospel movie The Bible and God. After watching the movie, my spirit was shaken to the core. It turned out that there are so many mysteries about the Bible. I felt that the truth fellowshiped in the movie couldn’t be uttered by any theologian or pastor in the world. I had read so many spiritual books and yet I had never seen anyone fellowship the production of the Bible and its essence so clearly and plainly. I really gained great provision from it.
Following that, the three of us listened to Brother Wang’s fellowshiping more carefully. When hearing that God is doing a step of judgment work in the last days, I was a bit suspicious and thought: “That’s not right. The Lord Jesus has already completed His work, so how could He become flesh to do the work of judgment? What’s this all about?” I became more interested in what Brother Wang was saying and wanted to know more about it to ascertain whether or not Almighty God was the returned Lord Jesus. However, it was already late. Thus we made an appointment with them for the next day so we could continue listening to their fellowshiping. On the way home, we were discussing what was fellowshiped in the videos and I said: “I understood a lot from today’s meeting. I feel that it has brought me closer to the Lord.” Saying this, I felt somewhat excited and thought: “If the Lord really has returned to be among us, then am I not like Peter, who also lived in the same age as the Lord? If so, then I am truly blessed! And I believe that the Lord will surely help to resolve my problems.” Thinking of this, I looked forward to the next day’s meeting even more.
My confusion was resolved and I understood the reason why God does judgment work and what the root of my sinfulness was.
The next day, I hurried to the meeting place as soon as I got off work. On arriving there, I saw the brothers and sisters were all waiting for me. I felt a little embarrassed, and rapidly walked forward and sat down. At that time, a sister who had met me the day before asked me with a smile: “How do you feel about our last meeting? If you have anything you still don’t understand, just say it. We can seek together through fellowshiping.” Hearing her invitation, I immediately asked: “Sister, yesterday you said that the Lord Jesus has already come and He is doing the work of judgment. But on the cross the Lord Jesus clearly said, ‘It is finished.’ Doesn’t this prove that God has completed His work? So why does He still need to do His work of judgment? What is really going on here?”
The sister said: “Brother, you think that when the Lord Jesus was crucified and said before He expired ‘It is finished,’ proves that God’s work of salvation was entirely done, and there would be no more work. But is this way of thinking really correct or not? Let’s fellowship about it. We all know, that ever since mankind was corrupted by Satan God has been doing the work to save mankind. He will thoroughly save us from Satan’s domain and let us recover our original sanctity. But now we are still living in a state of sinning and confessing our sins, and we haven’t attained sanctity. This proves that God’s work of salvation hasn’t been entirely completed. Actually, if we study the Bible closely, it’s not difficult to find that in it there are many prophecies about God’s work of judgment in the last days. For example, chapter 4, verse 17 in the First Epistle of Peter says: ‘For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.’ Chapter 14, verse 7 in Revelation says: ‘Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.’ And chapter 16, verses 12-13 in the Gospel of John says: ‘I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.’ From these verses, we can see that in the last days, God will do a step of judgment work and the Spirit of truth will guide us into truth. Let’s read some of Almighty God’s words so we can understand things better.”
Then the sister began to read Almighty God’s words, “For all that man may have been redeemed and forgiven of his sins, it can only be considered as God not remembering the transgressions of man and not treating man in accordance with his transgressions. However, when man, who lives in a body of flesh, has not been set free from sin, he can only continue to sin, endlessly revealing his corrupt satanic disposition. This is the life that man leads, an endless cycle of sinning and being forgiven. The majority of men sin in the day only to confess in the evening. This way, even if the sin offering is forever effective for man, it will not be able to save man from sin. Only half the work of salvation has been completed, for man still has a corrupt disposition.’ ‘By means of this work of judgment and chastisement, man will fully come to know the filthy and corrupt substance within his own self, and he will be able to change completely and become clean. Only in this way can man become worthy to return before the throne of God. All the work done this day is so that man can be made clean and be changed; through judgment and chastisement by the word, as well as through refinement, man can purge away his corruption and be made pure.”
After reading these words, the sister continued with her fellowshiping: “From Almighty God’s words, we can see that the Lord Jesus saying ‘It is finished’ meant that God’s work of redemption was finished; it did not mean that God’s work of saving all mankind was complete. It is written in the Bible, ‘For I am Jehovah your God: you shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy’ (Leviticus 11:44). ‘Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord’ (Hebrews 12:14). God is holy, so filthy and corrupt people are unfit to witness the face of God, nor fit to enter God’s kingdom. In believing in the Lord, we are merely forgiven of our sins; through coming before the Lord Jesus and confessing and repenting, we can enjoy grace and blessings from God, and He no longer sees us as sinners. But our satanic dispositions have not been pardoned by God, and our sinful nature still exists. We go on living cyclical lives of sinning in the daytime and confessing at night, with no way to shed the bonds of sin. For example, in order to protect our personal interests, we still lie and deceive God; when we see others doing things in a way not in keeping with our own thoughts, we often lose our temper and chide them; sometimes we cannot overcome the temptations of the evil trends of the world, and so we follow them and commit sins; when the work of God is not in line with our notions, we are still capable of judging and condemning God, and resisting His work according to our notions and imaginings. Therefore, we need God to do judgment work to purify and change our corrupt dispositions. Only when our corrupt dispositions are cleansed and we become people who truly revere, obey and love God will God’s work of saving mankind be completely finished. Almighty God’s work of judgment in the last days is built on the foundation of the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption in the Age of Grace. Because of the Lord Jesus’ redemption, we are qualified to come before God to receive His salvation, but if in believing in God we do not experience God’s judgment work in the last days, then we cannot truly arrive at salvation.”
The sister’s fellowshiping made me suddenly see the light. Before, I thought that we who believed in the Lord had been graced with salvation and that when the Lord came we would be directly raised into the heavenly kingdom. But now through the sister’s fellowshiping, I came to realize that my view was wrong. Our faith in the Lord brings us forgiveness of our sins, but our sinful nature still exists, so we need to accept God’s work of judgment of the last days. Only when our corrupt dispositions are purified and changed can we be brought by God into the kingdom of heaven. In retrospect, I studied in the monastery for ten years and then went into a religious order for advanced study, but I still couldn’t help but sin, and although I confessed my sins and repented to the Lord, later I repeated the same sins. My state showed I was indeed not a person who had been purified and that I was utterly unqualified to be raised into the kingdom of heaven. I also understood that it was because of my corrupt dispositions that I always lived in a cycle of committing sins and confessing them. Thanks be to the Lord! The sister’s fellowshiping was so good that it solved my confusion.
I finally found a way to cast off my corrupt dispositions.
Then, I asked the sister anxiously: “So, how does God purify us? How can my corrupt disposition be dispelled? I have always strived to restrain myself in order not to sin and have also prayed to the Lord, asking Him to help me. However, so many years have passed, yet I haven’t changed.” Hearing this, she smiled and fellowshiped with me patiently: “Brother, about this question, Almighty God’s words make it very clear. Let’s read a passage together.
Almighty God says, ‘In the last days, Christ uses a variety of truths to teach man, expose the essence of man, and dissect his words and deeds. These words comprise various truths, such as man’s duty, how man should obey God, how man should be loyal to God, how man ought to live out the normal humanity, as well as the wisdom and the disposition of God, and so on. These words are all directed at the essence of man and his corrupt disposition. In particular, those words that expose how man spurns God are spoken in regard to how man is an embodiment of Satan and an enemy force against God. In undertaking His work of judgment, God does not simply make clear the nature of man with just a few words; He exposes, deals with, and prunes it over the long term. These methods of exposure, dealing, and pruning cannot be substituted with ordinary words, but with the truth that man does not possess at all. Only methods of this kind are deemed judgment; only through judgment of this kind can man be subdued and thoroughly convinced into submission to God, and moreover gain true knowledge of God. What the work of judgment brings about is man’s understanding of the true face of God and the truth about his own rebelliousness. The work of judgment allows man to gain much understanding of the will of God, of the purpose of God’s work, and of the mysteries that are incomprehensible to him. It also allows man to recognize and know his corrupt substance and the roots of his corruption, as well as to discover the ugliness of man. These effects are all brought about by the work of judgment, for the substance of this work is actually the work of opening up the truth, the way, and the life of God to all those who have faith in Him. This work is the work of judgment done by God.’
We can see from God’s words that in the last days, God judges and purifies our corrupt dispositions through expressing the truth. On the one hand, God uses His words to expose and dissect our nature and substance and the actual truth of how we have been corrupted by Satan so that we can truly know, in the judgment and chastisement of God’s words, that we are full of satanic disposition—arrogance and self-importance, crookedness and cunning, selfishness and baseness. We can also know that living on the basis of our corrupt dispositions, we do not have a reverent heart for God, we judge and resist Him in accordance with our own notions and imaginings, and we have completely become the people of Satan who rebel against God and oppose Him. On the other hand, God uses His words to tell us explicitly His will, demands and standards, as well as the proper ways of practice, thus giving us a path to follow. For instance, God tells us He likes honest people and loathes deceitful people, that only honest people can enter the heavenly kingdom, and also tells us how to cast aside our treacherous dispositions and be honest people. Meanwhile, God also arranges practical situations to try, refine, prune and deal with us. We have been corrupted by Satan for thousands of years, and the corrupt, satanic disposition is deeply rooted in us and can’t be changed all at once, so we need to accept the long-term judgment, chastisement, trials and refinement of God’s words, as well as the chastening and discipline from encountering reality. Only in this way can we clearly see our true corrupt nature, come to truly know and detest ourselves, regret our sinful actions, have true knowledge of God’s holy, righteous and good substance, and in the end develop a heart that reveres God and be willing to practice the truth to satisfy Him.”
Listening to the sister’s fellowshiping, I had a sudden flash of insight and said to her with delight: “Thank the Lord. In the past, to restrain myself to not sin, I studied the Bible hard and observed the monastic rules, but I still constantly sinned. Through your fellowshiping about God’s words, I’ve come to know that only the truth expressed by God in the last days can resolve my sinful behavior.” Brother Liu also said excitedly: “Thank the Lord! Now we’ve finally found the way to get rid of sin.” Hearing this, the sister nodded her head, smilingly. Then, she showed us a video of witnessing called The True Light Appears. The protagonist of this video used to be like me, living in the midst of sin and being extremely miserable, but later by experiencing the judgment and chastisement of God’s words, he came to know his corrupt disposition. After that, when he exposed his corruption, he would rely on God to forsake his flesh and act according to God’s words. Gradually, he was not so constrained by his corrupt disposition and lived out a bit of the likeness of a genuine human being. After watching this video, I saw more clearly that Almighty God’s words are so authoritative and powerful, and I believed that as long as I accepted and experienced the judgment and chastisement of God’s words, I would be able to gain knowledge of my corrupt disposition and gradually gain purification and transformation. Thank God! I had a clearer path to get rid of my sins.
I understood the truth and my spirit got released.
During the following meetings, the sister fellowshiped with me many truths to do with the inside story and essence of God’s three-stage work, the meaning of God’s names, the mysteries of God’s incarnation, and other aspects of the truth. After hearing all that, I had some new knowledge of God, felt that I was closer to God, and felt spiritually sated. I confirmed from my heart that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus, for only God can express the truth and reveal the mysteries in the Bible. I felt grateful to the Lord for letting me hear the voice of God and feast with the Lamb.
Hereafter, whenever I was free at home, I read Almighty God’s words and watched the gospel movies and dance and song videos produced by The Church of Almighty God. The more I watched them, the more I loved watching them and the more released my spirit was. In addition, I participated in church life at The Church of Almighty God. During meetings, we brothers and sisters shared with each other our knowledge of God’s words and experiences of undergoing the judgment of God’s words. After a while, I had some knowledge of God’s work as well as my corrupt nature, and I no longer treated people impatiently as before. When what my wife said was disagreeable to me, I would pray to God and seek His will. With the guidance of God’s words, I could put aside my ego and not treat her impatiently. Now my relationship with her is a bit better than it used to be. Thank God! Although I have believed in Almighty God for only a few months, I truly see that His words are truth and are indeed able to change my corrupt disposition. From now on, I am willing to experience more judgment and chastisement of God’s words so that I will be able to cast off my corrupt disposition earlier, live out the likeness of a genuine human being, and attain God’s salvation.
                                                                             By Chen Liang, United States
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years ago
12/30/2019 DAB Transcript
Malachi 1:1-2:17, Revelation 21:1-27, Psalms 149:1-9, Proverbs 31:10-24
Today is the 30th day of December. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is a pleasure and a joy to be here with you on New Year's Eve eve. And man, just, we are about to dock at shore, and we are about to complete another revolution around the sun, and another revolution through the Scriptures. And what a joy, what a joy its been. We’ve got these couple of days out in front of us. Let’s just pay close attention what the Scriptures are speaking to us as they draw themselves to a close. And that is going to bring us into the Old Testament today and the final book of the minor prophets and the final book in the Old Testament, which is called Malachi. And every time we encounter a new book, we sort of fly over it and talk about it and try to get some orientation and context for what we’re reading. And we’ll do that right now with Malachi. This is the last book we’re gonna encounter this year. This is the last time we’re gonna do this.
Introduction to the book of Malachi:
So, Malachi's obviously gonna last us two days, today and tomorrow, when we…when we complete our year together. And the name Malachi means my messenger, which is why biblical scholars have been debating about whether…whether Malachi is the name of the author or whether Malachi is the name of the book and it was written by somebody else. And the title is my messenger. But for our purposes, we’ll assume the author was a prophet of God named Malachi. And this book would make Malachi a likely contemporary of other prophets like Ezra and Nehemiah, but nothing is known about Malachi outside the book of Malachi, which is something we've grown accustomed to as we’ve moved through the minor prophets this year. So, we remember because we spent a lot of time working through the stories of exile. So, we remember that Babylon defeated the southern kingdom of Judah and conquered Jerusalem and took the people into exile. And then later, the Persian Empire defeated the Babylonian Empire and allowed Hebrew exiles to come back to their homeland. And, so, Malachi…Malachi lived about 100 years after the Persians defeated the Babylonians and it had been more than a half a century since the temple, spurred on by the prophetic voices of Haggai and Zechariah had been rebuilt, but the promises that the people were living into and hoping in, the promises of restoration and their return to prominence, those had remained unfulfilled. And, so, the people were in fact in their ancient homeland, they were the returned exiles, but the glory of their former days had not returned, and their homeland wasn't theirs, they were a part of an empire, and they were discouraged. And…and…and…as a part of the Persian Empire, they were just a little province far, far away from the capital. And, so, they were tiny and distant and felt forgotten. And because of…of these circumstances, the people lost their interest in the worship of God, like the passion for God even though God had brought them out of exile. We’re…we’re in the future now. So, we have new generations that never knew what happened. And, so, they lost their passion for God. And then we’ve seen this so many times in the Scriptures, then there is a moral decline in the culture as their spirits are declining and so it begins to come apart at the seams and disintegrate. So, like…like the Mosaic law demands that sacrifices that were offered to God were to be spotless and were to be without blemish, but the priests had begun to use blind, blemished animals for sacrifice. And the law was just becoming further and further into irrelevant as like the north star for the Hebrew culture. And, so, into all of that Malachi comes. And Malachi's probably the final prophetic writing of the Old Testament age. And he comes and he rebukes the doubt and speaks at their faithlessness and calls them to return to God, which is such a recurring theme in the Bible. And, so, after Malachi, after this was written, it would be four century's, 400 years before God would send another prophetic voice and that prophetic voice is found as we begin the New Testament, the voice of John the Baptist, which would mark the beginning of the new or what we would call the New Testament era. And it's like okay 400 years, like what happened? What happened between the Testaments? And if…if we want that…if we want to understand those stories that…that have been documented, in part, we can turn to what we know as the Apocrypha. So, in many…in many Christian traditions around the world, some of these books or all of these books are considered Scriptures. And then other people avoid them. Hey, I kind of grew up avoiding…like I didn’t know. I just knew there were these other ancient books, but I didn't…I didn’t know. I couldn’t…I couldn’t, as a kid even make sense of the Bible, so much less the Apocrypha. So, some people just like hold them suspect, or just like kind of stay away. And it’s interesting when you…when you open up a Bible because some…some printed Bibles have all of the…all the apocryphal books in them while other Bibles don't have them in there at all. And I’m not telling you one way or the other what you should or shouldn't read. I’m…I'm just saying, some of the material of the stories that took place between the Old and New Testament periods are found in the writings known as the apocryphal books and they definitely…I've read many of them and recorded many of them. You can find them in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. But many of them tell the stories that lead us between the Old and into the New Testament era and the coming of the Savior, but that's what happened between the Testaments and that's not exactly where we are. We are still entering the final book of the Old Testament's unknown is Malachi. And, so, we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. And today we’ll read Malachi, chapters 1 and 2.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for Your faithfulness to us. We thank You for Your long-suffering and patience with us. We thank You for Your kindness toward us. Oh Father, we don't deserve any of this, and yet You have bestowed it upon us freely. So, as we prepare Lord, one more day, one more day together on the journey of this decade, that we might feel Your presence strongly as we look back and feel Your guidance strongly as we look forward, and to feel the unspeakable presence of Your overwhelming love for us as we’re here, right now, in the present. We love You, Lord, and we thank You for all that You've spoken into our lives in all that You have yet to speak to us through Your word this year. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, of course, be mindful of that. Stay tuned. Stay connected in any way that you can.
Oh, my goodness friends, like land is in sight. We are gonna reach the shore tomorrow. I cannot believe that tomorrow is the last day of the year. So, this…this is a good day to…to reach out to your friends and family, those if you plan to take the journey next year, those that come to mind and come to heart that you would like to journey with, to take the journey with you in the coming year through…through the Bible and what that does in our lives in the course of a year, this is a good time to reach. It’s funny, we know the end of the year's coming, we know the end of the decade's coming and it’s like we should get to December 31st and then we should have like a few days there just to sit there and appreciate the time. But, you know, it just doesn't do that. The 31st will end and the first will begin just like every other day and we’ll set sail again. So, this a good time to invite those that you care about for the journey into the new year.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in these last hours of this year and decade then I thank you as I’ve said humbly, profoundly, gratefully, deeply. I am grateful that man, tomorrow, tomorrow will complete 14 years, seven days a week. That's…I’m gonna wait till tomorrow to think about that because it shakes me up inside and, yeah, then a flood of just so many memories begin to come back. I just can't believe it. But anyway, I am deeply, deeply, deeply, deeply grateful that we've been able to be in community and allow God's word to center us in a rhythm of life that has carried us in transformative ways this far and I'm glad that we can be on that journey together and I'm glad that we can do that together. So, there's a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or just press that Hotline button that's in the Daily Audio Bible app at the top. It just lives there. And, yeah, anytime no matter where you are, day or night you hit that button start talking because we’re in this together and that's the hotline. So, you can press that.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you hear tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey everybody it’s Margo from Liberia. I really want to thank Brian for something that happened a couple of months ago. I did phone in at the time, but my Hotline button wasn’t working so I was reminded of it this morning. I can’t remember the date, but one day at the mission hospital I spent quite a few hours helping to stabilize a newborn baby. He came in basically almost dead and we managed to resuscitate him, get his vital signs back to pretty much normal. And it was quite amazing, it seemed supernatural, and I remember feeling so happy and just quite victorious that day. And the next day I went in and discovered that he had died overnight. And I remember I was so devastated and I kind of just lost the plot and thought just, “you know what. I can’t do this” and I actually went home. I remember I cried all the way walking home and boy did I question God that day. You know, like, “God why did You bring me here to see these things?” Anyway, I put DAB on when I got home, and the Lord spoke to me so beautifully through Brian’s commentary that day and I felt so loved by God that he would speak to me that way. The timing was amazing. So, during the commentary Brian said, “when you feel crushed, overwhelmed, and opposed don’t mistake the challenge for abandonment”. And I just remember weeping, kneeling on my __ floor saying, “God I don’t understand but thank You that You have not abandoned me. I know that I’m not here alone.” So, thank you Brian for letting God use you that day and for all the other days that God uses the DAB. Okay. Love you all heaps. Bye.
Hi Daily Audio Bible this is Rebecca from Michigan December 23rd. I know the New Year’s is coming up, so I want to pray for you guys. Father God, I pray for everybody in DAB to have a wonderful new year day and that they’ll be safe driving to and from wherever they’re going. I pray that this year will be a special year. 2020 is the eye vision. So, I pray to have perfect vision this year and accomplish a lot of stuff this year. I pray I can continue to stay with DAB again for the next year and I maintain the whole year like I have been now, and that God has just totally changed my life through listening to His words and changed the life of the DAB people. I pray financially you would change my life, that you help me get my dad’s __ paid off and my student loan and my car paid off this year. And I pray you teach me on tithing and the importance of tithing to the church and helping other people out who are in need and giving to those who need food or shelter, clothing, and places to sleep and a job. I pray you provide all those needs and I pray you provide everybody here with mental health and emotional health and physical health and financial health and that you will bless them and give them more abundance. And I pray that they’ll be feeling God’s presence through the whole time on DAB. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. I pray for Brian and Jill and his…
Hi, this is Lawrence. I’m listening to the podcast of December 22nd and I just heard Mary’s call. Mary said her husband had died two days ago and that she really needed prayer at this time. Mary, I want to tell you, you are getting prayer for me and I’m sure you are getting it from everybody in the DAB community. God bless you in this very difficult time.
Good day my Daily Audio Bible family. I received my Christmas box today December 23rd and upon looking at the Christmas bulb with the word “maintain” it finally struck me what that word might mean for me. I’m always looking ahead, looking ahead at different situations, that when we get through this situation this will happen, and when we get beyond this crisis this might change. I think God wants me just to be still and maintain a sense of being in the moment, being in right now, being thankful for this very moment, quit looking ahead, quit thinking that the other side of the rainbow is going to be happier and better because it’s been a long, long journey and I’m tired. Thank you all for everything that you do for each other here on this beautiful line. Have a Merry Christmas. I love you all. Bye.
Hello family this is Lady of Victory calling from Illinois. I am a first-time caller and I am just blown away. Today is Monday, December 23rd and I was listening, again a new listener, and I was listening to both Beloved regarding the inappropriate sister…stepsister as well as a guy I believe from California about his son Kevin from getting out of jail and just felt prompted to want to call in. God, we lay our DAB family before You, God for stepsister who has been inappropriate to husbands and God Kevin. We are trusting You Lord God that You would give them the right things to say, the right attitude to have, the right behavior to display Lord God that will show Your presence God and not to give any airtime, if You will, to the enemy God but to let them know that You are with them God and that You are going before them to make every crooked place straight Gpd. We pray specifically for Kevin, that he will get rid of the anger Lord God, that when he comes out that he will be a Father to his 11-year-old son God, that he will be able to hear You and hear You well God. Prayerfully he has heard from You well while he has been in prison incarcerated God and You have gotten a hold of his heart and arrested his heart God to be the Father that he needs to be to Kevin. And as well as beloved God, help her to know that You said that marriage is sacred and that the marriage bed is undefiled. And, so, we come against the enemy and any attack that he is coming against our fellow DAB family in any way form or fashion. We come against it, Satan in the name of Jesus and we thank You for victory. And we look forward to hearing the report in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Hey DAB family this goes out to Carla Jean in Las Vegas concerning your adult children, Dakota Hazel concerning your newest grandson Liam, Alexis in Texas concerning Andrew, and Jerry from Duluth Minnesota concerning your son Stephen. [singing starts] It’s not in trying but in trusting. It’s not in running but in resting. It’s not in wondering but in praying that we find the strength of the Lord. Oh. It’s not in trying but in trusting. It’s not in running but in resting. It’s not in wondering but in praying that we find the strength of the Lord [singing ends]. Be encouraged family. Know that I’m praying for you and God is with you. Your 10-day-old brother, new brother in DAB, Kingdom Seeker Daniel from South Holland Illinois. God bless you guys. Love you.
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years ago
10/20/2019 DAB Transcript
Jeremiah 35:1-36:32, 1 Timothy 5:1-25, Psalms 89:14-37, Proverbs 25:25-27
Today is the 20th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It's great to be here with you today as we do what we do every beginning of each new week. We walk into the threshold and see that it's all sparkly and shiny and just waiting for us. Nothing has gone wrong. Nothing has gone right. The week is here for us to make the decisions and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and how well we do that will determine how this week goes. And one of the ways we do this is this rhythm that we have. We continue to allow God's word to speak to us each and every day. And, so, off we go into this brand-new week. We’ll read from the English Standard Version this week and continue our journey through the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. Today we’ll read chapters 35 and 36.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us here into this brand-new week as we continue our journey forward. We thank You for Your faithfulness. We thank You for Your steadfast love. We thank You for Your mercy and Your kindness and that You have adopted us into Your family and that we are Your children. It's unspeakably good news but it's also mind blowing when we slow down enough to understand who we are on this planet because of You and what that means to how this week should be lift. So, come Holy Spirit into that and lead us into all truth, lead us on the narrow path that leads to life. Illuminate our steps we pray in the name of Jesus as we trust in You. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is the website, it is certainly where you find out what is going on around here. Initiatives, resources, Prayer Wall, connections on social media, all these things can be found at dailyaudiobible.com. So, be sure to check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if what is happening here brings light and good news into your life and encouragement for your days each and every day, if this rhythm matters to you, then thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be able to do this if we didn't do this together. So, there is a link on the homepage. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, you can press the Hotline button, the little red button at the top in the app and just start talking or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi guys this is Cherry from Oklahoma. Suicide keeps coming to the forefront it seems. I want to share a story. Back last February I found out we had a water leak here and I had a job, was only home two times a year. I traveled 48 weeks out of the year. So, trying to fix that from afar, I spoke to a man that works with the water company and during that phone call he shared that his wife had just told him, his wife of 26 years had just told him she wanted a divorce. And then rolling forward from that point about four months down the line from February, he was heavy on my heart one night and I felt like I needed to call him, but I wrestled with it for a quite a while but then I finally did. __ And when he answered he was very distant and cold and just, you know, a touch of rude and I didn’t understand but I still told him what God put on my heart and then a couple weeks ago, I’m back home now because I quit the job, and there’s another water leak. Thankfully it’s on their side. So, they come out. A guy comes to my door. He introduces himself. It’s him. And he apologized for being rude and then he takes his sunglasses off and he looks me deep in the eyes and he said, “I want to thank you for saving my life.” And then tears started streaming down his face and he explained how he was sitting there by the lake when my call came through, 26 Zanex in his hand getting ready to pop them in his mouth. And he said, “if you had not called me, I would be dead right now.” And he goes, “I am so thankful.” He said, “that was his darkest moment in my life, and I would be dead if and I didn’t…I don’t want to die.” And he’s like, “I realized after you hung up God wanted me to live.” So, hey guys there’s a joy in the morning. Don’t give up. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Hi this is Victoria Soldier just calling tonight to pray with some of the DABbers. I wanted to pray for Shay for the UAU workers who are on strike today. I also want to pray for my brother Aaron from Oklahoma. I want to pray for Leslie from Washington. She’s dealing with some concerns. And I want to pray for Melissa and our children and their purity and their concerns with Christ. Gracious Father, I praise You today Lord. I magnify Your name. I glorify Your name. I first want to lift my heart out to Aaron. Aaron my heart goes out to You. Nothing is worse than…than the seeing and knowing things of this nature. And God is the one who revealed it and he reveals it for a reason. And I thank God that You have a heart like I did where You wanted to come back together. Lord, You touch him Lord. You touch that wife and that wife’s heart. Oh Lord and let her see what she is missing Lord because sometimes the enemy wants us to turn from what we have is good because we know what we have is good, just something that looks like it might be edible. Oh Lord You have Your way. You open up her eyes Lord. You deliver her soul Lord. In the name of Jesus, You deliver her soul and You touch Aaron Lord. You give them the desires of his heart. You give them what You would have for him Lord and let him know regardless of the incident that God always has something else for You. Oh Lord You have Your way. In the name of Jesus, I ask You to touch those going through this…this layoff Lord or this picketing. Lord I ask that You come in the midst Lord and You have Your way. You give them exceedingly above or more of what You can ask or think. Oh Lord we ask that You touch our children Lord…
This is Candace from Oregon. I would like everyone who’s listening please pray with me in Jesus’ name on behalf of Tom who called in on October 8. Lord we thank You for our dear brother Tom and we join with him in a desperate plea Lord to ask You to intervene and let his wife return to full health, his 66-year-old wife. Lord, we know that You can do anything. So, cover him and his dear wife totally in Your peace, drenched and in Your love and please heal and restore her Lord. We ask this along with Tom in Jesus’ name. Encourage him, encourage them both. Lord, I pray that You would encourage my son Micah. I pray that he would no longer have any panic attacks. I pray that he would be able to do his job search with renewed confidence and that You will, in Your grace and mercy, go with him every step of the way in Jesus’ name I ask it. Thank you, my Daily Audio Bible friends. I love you all so much. Candace from Oregon.
Good morning this is Heidi Daniels calling from California Central Coast. I am asking for prayer for my family. We have four grandkids that are little, two seven-year-olds a six-year-old and a three-year-old that have moved in with us and the last two that we just added has causes, you know, some adjustment period and we just discovered that one of them has sexually and appropriately touched the three-year-old. Oh my God… And we need to know what type of response for his sake. Oh my God, oh my God Jesus…Jesus Jesus…Jesus Jesus Jesus…Jesus Jesus Jesus…
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years ago
04/30/2019 DAB Transcript
Judges 11:1-12:15, John 1:1-28, Psalms 101:1-8, Proverbs 14:13-14
Today is the 30th day of April, which means it is the last day of the month of April. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It is great to be here with you on this last day of April, this last of the fourth month of the year and the 120th day of the year and the 100…well…this would be the 121st step of 365 steps that we take every year and leads us through the entire Bible. So, it’s exciting to be here with you at this threshold…well...I’m not sure it’s a threshold but it's a necessary ending for us to move forward in our year. And, so, it’s exciting be here with you. We’ve been reading from the book of Judges for a bit here, learning of the different judges, the generations of leaders that followed Moses and Joshua and what became of the people during those generations. And, so, we’ll pick up there and then when we get to the New Testament we will begin a new book, the gospel of John, but we'll talk about that when we get there. First, we’re reading from the Common English Bible this week. Judges chapter 11 and 12.
Introduction to the book of John:
Okay. So, as we mentioned yesterday we finished the synoptic Gospels when we concluded the gospel of Luke. And, so, as we end our fourth month on this adventure through the Bible this year we’ll begin the gospel of John, which is the final narrative describing Jesus earthly life and ministry. And, so, by way of reminder, the first Gospels, the first three – Matthew, Mark and Luke - are the synoptic Gospels because, although they were written to different audiences, they share many of the same stories. And John's gospel has a completely different tone, a completely different texture than the other Gospels do. In fact, it's about 90% different from the other Gospels, which gives us a different context, a different perspective for Jesus life and ministry. John was one of the disciples who walked with Jesus, who actually saw His ministry firsthand. So, he knew that the stories had already been written because he was actually there. And, so, rather than telling the same story he essentially wrote the rest of the story, at least from his perspective. And this is important because while the other Gospels were meant to offer the story of Jesus, along with a compelling reason to believe, John wrote this gospel, the gospel of John to those who already believed. He wrote it to strengthen and deepen the faith of those who were already following Jesus. So, in truth that probably includes most of us. Most of us probably do follow Jesus and believe. And, so, let’s drink deeply from this gospel written from an old saint who walked with Jesus and let it speak to us John 1:1-28.
Okay. So, it's exciting to get to the book of John, it’s exciting to realize that we have reached in our year the final gospel. Although that's also kind of a sad thing. We move through the gospel of John and that's, you know, once we move out of the gospel of John we’ll be moving into the story that happens after Jesus ministry. So, we certainly never leave Jesus behind but in the Bible, we’ll be leaving the narratives of His earthly ministry life behind. And, so, let's drink deep, pay attention, and just allow the gospel of John to really be a friend as we move through it.
And then, of course, we are learning in the book of Judges of the leaders of people who’ve kinda guided and ruled after Joshua and we can see that there are very, for the most part, very different than either Moses or Joshua. And as we read these stories, we can see the kind of time that it was, sort of the wild frontier, everybody does what they think is right in their own eyes kind of place with all kinds of clan warfare going on. So, it's not the most peaceful time. And we come across the story of the judge Jephthah today who makes this vow before God that whatever comes out of his front door is what he's going to sacrifice to God as long as God will give him the victory. Of course, this is a very, very different way of consulting the Lord in making vows and promises before the Lord then anything that Moses or Joshua laid out or instilled in the people. So, we can see like, that this is not in the law, “when you go to battle with your enemy make a vow before me that whatever comes out of your door, whether animal or human should be sacrificed to me and I will receive it as a sweet smelling aroma”. Like, that's not in the law, that's not in the Bible other than the retelling that Jephthah did this, right? We don't have any place in this story where an angel came Jephthah or some prophet came to Jephthah and said, “here's what you need to do to find victory. Vow that whatever comes out your door you'll sacrifice to God”. This is something Jephthah did, right? And this is the kind of story that we come across and we’re like turned sideways by them because they touch us on a human level and we cannot fathom it, right? So, it's his daughter that comes out of the door and as soon as it's realized what's going on she asks for a couple of months to lament basically that her life isn’t gonna go on. She’s not gonna be a mother. And then she comes back and the Bible says, Jephthah promises what he did. I’ve heard so many people try to explain this away, “like that's not what happened. No, no, no, there had to be another way.” I don't know. I'm just doing a straight reading and the Bible says she came back, she didn’t run away, she could've took off, got a two month head start, she could've took off but she came back and Jephthah did what he said. That's horrible. That's an unspeakable thing. You can't even possibly imagine it. It's pretty fresh in my mind, because I have a daughter that just got married a couple days ago. So, I don't…I can't really put myself in the story…can't even imagine. I also cannot imagine the tribal warfare and the violence of the time, the anarchy of the time with raiding parties and warlords and all of this stuff. I have  no way to relate to that. The thing is that we must remember is that we are reading what happened between Joshua's leadership and the conquest of the of the promised land and then the season of the monarchy where kings were put in place because things were disintegrating completely and utterly. I cannot imagine making a vow to God that I would sacrifice a human being that was of my offspring if that's what walked out the door. No grid whatsoever to understand that. God didn't ask for that in this story. In fact, if we will remember when the children of Israel were coming into the promised land, God said, “that's what the people of the land of Canaan are doing, they’re sacrificing their children to their gods something I had not even thought of in my own mind.” That's what God says about that act. Was one of the reasons God was willing to displace the people that were in the promised land. So, God didn't ask Jephthah to do this. He just thought about it on his own and saw it through. Do we see greatness and blessing, and overwhelming power come to Jephthah because of this? No. He dies a few years later and that's the end of the story. I bring this up because it's these kinds of stories as we move through the Old Testament when we do not contextualize them that turn our hearts and estrange us from God because we don't understand why a story like that would be in the Bible. When we encounter stories like this we have to look for where God is in the story. I don't see any commands in the story to do what Jephthah did. It's simply a retelling of what happened next, because we’re reading the book of Judges and we’re reading how things began to completely fall apart for the children of Israel after Joshua.
Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for bringing us to the gospel of John and we will drink deeply. We look forward to this final stroll, this walk through these stories as we understand Your personality, as we understand Your ministry here on earth Jesus, as we get to know You better and draw near to You. And we also acknowledge that moving through some pretty rough territory in the book of Judges because things were falling apart. And, so, it's very easy for us to read things, to read our personal convictions or are biases into this story or into these stories without stepping back and just understanding this is the pathway that the children of Israel took. And because of the choices that they made this is the kinds of things that it led them to do. When we take a step back, we can understand that we systematically make our own choices that lead us to do all kinds of things that we have no business doing. And trying to include You or invoke You into those things and You're not going to be in them because You are not in them. So, help us to find ourselves even in some of these more grisly or dark stories because we certainly can find ourselves. Come Holy Spirit we pray. Lead us forward as we continue our journey through the Scriptures. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay connected in any way that you can, any way that you desire.
All kinds of connection points are available on social media, you can find that in the Community section of the website. The Prayer Wall is there. Of course, all of these things are available in the Daily Audio Bible app as well. And the Prayer Wall is a wonderful place to reach out and connect.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link, it’s on the homepage. I thank you profoundly and humbly for your partnership. We, none of us, we wouldn't be here doing any of this if we didn't do this together. So, thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good evening everyone, it’s Charlotte from England and this message is for Max Madison. Cast your burdens on Jesus __ for you. And we all know how it goes. If you cast your cares on the Lord, He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous be shaken. Just a quick reminder and I pray that’s relevant to you today and I pray __ in everything. Bless you. I love you.
Hello Brian and China and the Daily Audio Bible family, my name is Bridget from New Jersey and I just want to say a prayer for China for today’s a special day of holy matrimony. May the Lord guide you and protect you and your new husband. May He fulfill you and bless you with goodness, love, hope, charity, peace. May He always be around you, __ within you, upon you, surround you and your husband and may He always give His love and hope always of each and every day that is anew, that we are under His mercy. God bless you. I love you Daily Audio Bible, I love you Brian, Hardin family. Thank you so much for this podcast. For 14 years I have been listening every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Good morning is April 27, 2019, this is Shirley in southeastern Washington. Today is China’s wedding day and I just want to say, happy wedding day China to you and Ben and God bless you both as you start your new life together. And I just want to say, God bless you. Bye.
Yes, this is Chris Ann in South Carolina, I’ve called in several times and I just want to call in and ask for prayer again for my marriage and for my family, for my marriage to be stored, for my family to be restored. It’s been six years since we’ve been separated, we’re still separated. And not only that, I’m also praying that my husband will just turn his heart back over to the Lord as well, just praying for reconciliation, for restoration and for the restoration of my family. We have one son and I just…I pray for him as well. Things just have not turned out like I thought they would, and my husband left for another woman and thought for several years that we are going to reconcile it just hasn’t turned out that way but which is still just separated and not divorced and I’m just asking for guidance and that the Lord would reveal to me just what I am to do next. I’m just…I’m really struggling. I just thank you. I thank you for this podcast and for Brian and his family and yeah thank you and God bless.
Hi Daily Audio Bible family my name is Krista, I’m out in New Hampshire, I’m a new listener to DAB and it has blessed my heart so much. Thank you so much what you’re doing with this program, with this app, it’s wonderful and it’s changing a lot of lives. So, I want to get to my prayer request. I work for an amazing Christian humanitarian organization. We work with war affected girls in Uganda and Nigeria in South Sudan and we had a tragedy last Friday. Where we work in a refugee camp, the tents where our staff stay all burned down. Evidently there was a short in the neighboring organizations camp and it jumped to ours and it took out all our tents and it’s a real loss for us. But first of all, there was a praise. All of the staff that were there, they were all at a different location getting a training. So, no one was hurt. So, praise God for that - no one was there, no one was hurt. But we have 16 staff members that work on site there were these girls in the refugee camp and now they have nowhere to stay. And, so, just your prayers for us as we try to figure out what to do, the wisdom of our staff to come up with a contingency plan, and just pray for these refugee girls that we’re serving there, that this wouldn’t impede in any way the work we’re doing with them towards their growth and transformation. We know God is working there but we also feel that the enemy is trying to take down the things that we’re doing for good, but we know that this fire was meant for evil, but God can turn it into something good. So, please be praying for us as we try to take care of this situation. And thanks again for just this global family that’s listening to the Bible. It’s been so much.
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comebeforegod · 6 years ago
What Can We Learn From Samaritan Woman?
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By Zhang Yiping
Presumably many of us believers are familiar with the story of the Samaritan woman recorded in the Bible. When she drew water, she met the Lord Jesus, who asked her for a drink. From her exchange with the Lord Jesus, she recognized that He was the Messiah foretold in the prophecies.
She was just an ordinary woman and didn’t have much Bible knowledge, but she was able to do so. This is really amazing. All of us know that, within those three and a half years that the Lord Jesus worked on earth, many people once contacted Him for a short time, and moreover, there were many who heard Him speak. However, there were too few who were able to recognize that He was the Messiah. Then, how did the Samaritan woman do it? Was it because of the Lord Jesus’ special grace? Or was there any secret behind it? Let’s read her story to look for answers to these questions together.
It is recorded in the Bible: “There comes a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus said to her, Give me to drink. (For his disciples were gone away to the city to buy meat.) Then said the woman of Samaria to him, How is it that you, being a Jew, ask drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that said to you, Give me to drink; you would have asked of him, and he would have given you living water. … Whoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. The woman said to him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come here to draw. Jesus said to her, Go, call your husband, and come here. The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said to her, You have well said, I have no husband: For you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband: in that said you truly. The woman said to him, Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and you say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship you know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. The woman said to him, I know that Messias comes, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus said to her, I that speak to you am he. … The woman then left her water pot, and went her way into the city, and said to the men, Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?” (John 4:7-10, 13-26, 28-29).
From the above scriptures we can see that there are two main reasons why the Samaritan woman was able to recognize that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah.
1. Recognizing God’s Voice in the Lord Jesus’ Utterance
At first, when the Lord Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for some water, she guarded against Him because He was a Jew, since the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans. But after the Lord Jesus spoke some words to her, she perceived that He was out of the ordinary, so she called Him Sir. When hearing the Lord Jesus said, “Whoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life,” she felt that His words had authority and power and couldn’t be said by ordinary people. Then, the Lord Jesus revealed her innermost secrets, saying, “For you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband.” She felt astonished at this because nobody knew the things she did in secret. But the Lord Jesus, who had never met her before, knew all about her. She was sure that that was unattainable by ordinary people, so she considered the Lord Jesus a prophet. Therefore, she spoke about her own confusion and asked Him whether to go to the mountain or to Jerusalem to worship God. The Lord Jesus said, “The hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.” He also clearly told her, “When the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him.” After hearing all this, she recognized that the Lord Jesus was the Messiah. It was because the Lord Jesus resolved her confusion with just a word, and also pointed out to her the path of practice to worship God. This allowed her to understand that when worshiping God, believers shouldn’t rigidly adhere to external formalities, but should worship God in spirit and in truth, and that only praying genuinely and sincerely is after God’s heart. Especially when hearing the Lord Jesus say, “I that speak to you am he,” she was rejoiced and became even more certain that He was the Messiah. Thus, she hurriedly went to the city and told the good news to the people there. Though the exchange between the Lord Jesus and her was short, the name by which she called Him changed very quickly. It was because she saw that the Lord’s words had authority and power, and He was able to reveal her innermost secrets and corruption, resolve her problem and confusion, and point out to her the clear way to practice. For this reason, she recognized that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah.
2. Putting Herself Aside and Humbly Seeking
As a matter of fact, the Samaritans had always been looked down upon by the Jews, and they had no dealings with each other. So, when hearing the Lord Jesus ask her for some water, she was very surprised. But she didn’t refuse to talk with the Lord because of it, but humbly listened to Him speak. When hearing that the Lord Jesus possessed the living water, she was able to put herself aside and ask Him to give her the water which could bring her everlasting life. When the Lord Jesus revealed her unspeakable secrets, though she wasn’t willing to mention them, this didn’t stop her from talking with Him and instead she continued to seek from Him. After the Lord Jesus resolved her confusion, and allowed her to understand how to worship God to be after God’s heart, she recognized that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah. From this we can see that the other reason why the Samaritan woman could receive salvation by grace was because she was able to humble herself to seek the truth. Thus, she received God’s grace, hearing God’s voice and welcoming the Messiah.
Now we are in the last days, the key moment when the Lord comes. Then, how should we absorb the strengths of the Samaritan woman so that we can welcome the Lord Jesus’ return?
1. Paying Attention to Hearing God’s Voice
The Lord Jesus said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (John 16:12-13). And it is prophesied many times in Revelation, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2-3). We can see from these words that when the Lord returns in the last days, He will speak again to tell us the truths we don’t understand. He requires us to be wise virgins and pay attention to hearing His voice. In this way, we can follow the footprints of the Lamb, go to the wedding feast, and receive God’s salvation in the last days. Therefore, if we want to welcome the Lord’s return, we need to actively seek the words the Holy Spirit speaks to all churches. When someone witnesses to us that the Lord has come to utter His word, we should follow the Samaritan woman’s example, and hear whether the word has authority and power, and whether it is able to reveal our corruptions that nobody knows, resolve our problems and difficulties, and point out to us the way to practice. I believe that upon hearing the words of the returned Lord, all who have a heart and a spirit will be able to hear that it is the voice of God. Just as the Lord Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).
2. Being Someone Who Is Poor in Spirit and Actively Seeks
The Lord Jesus said, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8). “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3).
Humbly seeking is the Lord’s requirement of us, and is also the key to whether we are able to welcome the Lord’s return. Now, in waiting for the Lord’s arrival most of us have many confusions and problems. For example, it was said that the Lord would return in 2000, but it’s 2019 now, so how come we have still not welcomed His return? Besides, the prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically all been fulfilled, so all those brothers and sisters who truly believe in the Lord feel that the Lord might have returned, wondering whether He has already appeared somewhere to work. So, shouldn’t we actively seek His footsteps? The Lord is faithful. He blesses the poor in spirit, and takes pity on those who thirst for the truth. If we can humbly seek, pray to the Lord more, and actively search for His footsteps, then God will surely lead and guide us, and allow us to welcome the Lord’s appearance in the last days.
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fear-god-shun-evil · 6 years ago
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The Key Points of the Samaritan Woman Recognizing the Lord Jesus Was the Messiah
By Zhang Yiping
Presumably many of us believers are familiar with the story of the Samaritan woman recorded in the Bible. When she drew water, she met the Lord Jesus, who asked her for a drink. From her exchange with the Lord Jesus, she recognized that He was the Messiah foretold in the prophecies.
She was just an ordinary woman and didn’t have much Bible knowledge, but she was able to do so. This is really amazing. All of us know that, within those three and a half years that the Lord Jesus worked on earth, many people once contacted Him for a short time, and moreover, there were many who heard Him speak. However, there were too few who were able to recognize that He was the Messiah. Then, how did the Samaritan woman do it? Was it because of the Lord Jesus’ special grace? Or was there any secret behind it? Let’s read her story to look for answers to these questions together.
It is recorded in the Bible: “There comes a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus said to her, Give me to drink. (For his disciples were gone away to the city to buy meat.) Then said the woman of Samaria to him, How is it that you, being a Jew, ask drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that said to you, Give me to drink; you would have asked of him, and he would have given you living water. … Whoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. The woman said to him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come here to draw. Jesus said to her, Go, call your husband, and come here. The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said to her, You have well said, I have no husband: For you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband: in that said you truly. The woman said to him, Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and you say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship you know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. The woman said to him, I know that Messias comes, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus said to her, I that speak to you am he. … The woman then left her water pot, and went her way into the city, and said to the men, Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?” (John 4:7-10, 13-26, 28-29).
From the above scriptures we can see that there are two main reasons why the Samaritan woman was able to recognize that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah.
Recognizing God’s Voice in the Lord Jesus’ Utterance At first, when the Lord Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for some water, she guarded against Him because He was a Jew, since the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans. But after the Lord Jesus spoke some words to her, she perceived that He was out of the ordinary, so she called Him Sir. When hearing the Lord Jesus said, “Whoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life,” she felt that His words had authority and power and couldn’t be said by ordinary people. Then, the Lord Jesus revealed her innermost secrets, saying, “For you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband.” She felt astonished at this because nobody knew the things she did in secret. But the Lord Jesus, who had never met her before, knew all about her. She was sure that that was unattainable by ordinary people, so she considered the Lord Jesus a prophet. Therefore, she spoke about her own confusion and asked Him whether to go to the mountain or to Jerusalem to worship God. The Lord Jesus said, “The hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.” He also clearly told her, “When the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him.” After hearing all this, she recognized that the Lord Jesus was the Messiah. It was because the Lord Jesus resolved her confusion with just a word, and also pointed out to her the path of practice to worship God. This allowed her to understand that when worshiping God, believers shouldn’t rigidly adhere to external formalities, but should worship God in spirit and in truth, and that only praying genuinely and sincerely is after God’s heart. Especially when hearing the Lord Jesus say, “I that speak to you am he,” she was rejoiced and became even more certain that He was the Messiah. Thus, she hurriedly went to the city and told the good news to the people there. Though the exchange between the Lord Jesus and her was short, the name by which she called Him changed very quickly. It was because she saw that the Lord’s words had authority and power, and He was able to reveal her innermost secrets and corruption, resolve her problem and confusion, and point out to her the clear way to practice. For this reason, she recognized that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah.
Putting Herself Aside and Humbly Seeking As a matter of fact, the Samaritans had always been looked down upon by the Jews, and they had no dealings with each other. So, when hearing the Lord Jesus ask her for some water, she was very surprised. But she didn’t refuse to talk with the Lord because of it, but humbly listened to Him speak. When hearing that the Lord Jesus possessed the living water, she was able to put herself aside and ask Him to give her the water which could bring her everlasting life. When the Lord Jesus revealed her unspeakable secrets, though she wasn’t willing to mention them, this didn’t stop her from talking with Him and instead she continued to seek from Him. After the Lord Jesus resolved her confusion, and allowed her to understand how to worship God to be after God’s heart, she recognized that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah. From this we can see that the other reason why the Samaritan woman could receive salvation by grace was because she was able to humble herself to seek the truth. Thus, she received God’s grace, hearing God’s voice and welcoming the Messiah.
Now we are in the last days, the key moment when the Lord comes. Then, how should we absorb the strengths of the Samaritan woman so that we can welcome the Lord Jesus’ return?
Paying Attention to Hearing God’s Voice The Lord Jesus said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (John 16:12-13). And it is prophesied many times in Revelation, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2-3). We can see from these words that when the Lord returns in the last days, He will speak again to tell us the truths we don’t understand. He requires us to be wise virgins and pay attention to hearing His voice. In this way, we can follow the footprints of the Lamb, go to the wedding feast, and receive God’s salvation in the last days. Therefore, if we want to welcome the Lord’s return, we need to actively seek the words the Holy Spirit speaks to all churches. When someone witnesses to us that the Lord has come to utter His word, we should follow the Samaritan woman’s example, and hear whether the word has authority and power, and whether it is able to reveal our corruptions that nobody knows, resolve our problems and difficulties, and point out to us the way to practice. I believe that upon hearing the words of the returned Lord, all who have a heart and a spirit will be able to hear that it is the voice of God. Just as the Lord Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).
Being Someone Who Is Poor in Spirit and Actively Seeks The Lord Jesus said, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8). “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3).
Humbly seeking is the Lord’s requirement of us, and is also the key to whether we are able to welcome the Lord’s return. Now, in waiting for the Lord’s arrival most of us have many confusions and problems. For example, it was said that the Lord would return in 2000, but it’s 2019 now, so how come we have still not welcomed His return? Besides, the prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically all been fulfilled, so all those brothers and sisters who truly believe in the Lord feel that the Lord might have returned, wondering whether He has already appeared somewhere to work. So, shouldn’t we actively seek His footsteps? The Lord is faithful. He blesses the poor in spirit, and takes pity on those who thirst for the truth. If we can humbly seek, pray to the Lord more, and actively search for His footsteps, then God will surely lead and guide us, and allow us to welcome the Lord’s appearance in the last days. Give me to drink.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years ago
05/31/2021 DAB Transcript
2 Samuel 17:1-29, John 19:23-42, Psalms 119:129-152, Proverbs 16:12-13
Today is May 31st welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it's wonderful every day to be here including today. We’ll begin our work week, even as we and the month. This the final day of the fifth month of the year. We are five four months into our journey, and we’ll just keep going and step-by-step we’ll…we’ll conclude our journey but tomorrow we’ll be stepping into month numbers six, but that's tomorrow. And, so, today we’re going to finish well the fifth month, which will lead us back into the book of second Samuel, and this major coup attempt it's happening. Absalom the son, the prince, but the son of King David is…is in the process of…of taking over Jerusalem. David has fled the city. Absalom and his people have moved in. So, let's pick up the story second Samuel chapter 17 today.
Okay. So, here on the final day of the fifth month of the year we, for the final time this year fully experience the crucifixion and death of Jesus and burial of Jesus and. And the details in the gospel of John. It’s just a horrible, horrible scene and you’ve got these executioners who have stripped Jesus and their gambling for his cloths, who gets to have the dead man's cloths. You have Jesus, mother at the cross. O…can you…I mean…I'm not a mother, I’m a father, right, but still, I don't…I don't know how you can imagine that kind of suffering and pain. But we see Jesus’ compassion, we see Him taking care of His mother as He dies, as He…as He’s in agony that you can't even comprehend that he takes care of His mother. And then because they need to get these bodies…like they’re on a time schedule here. And I don’t suppose they had watches and stuff but they’re on a time schedule here. And we need to get these bodies off the cross, so we need to get these people dead. So, they ask for the legs to be broken, which is a way of speeding up the death because when you’re being crucified, and you’re suspended there you need to…well…basically you need to push down on the nails in your feet to suspend your body to get enough strength to get breath but then when you can't do that because of the pain you’ve gotta suspend yourself on your hands and it's just exhausting and eventually they die, but if you break the person's legs then they have no support anymore and so they suffocate and that's what happened to those two criminals crucified on either side of Jesus, which just thinking about not alone, that's so gruesome, that's so barbaric, it's so horrible. Jesus was already dead, so they don’t break His legs. They just stabbed Him with a spear instead and blood and water flowed. There was that and then there's this skirmish to get His body down from the cross and so they ask for permission and they get His body, and they have 75 pounds of spices to…to stave off the stench of human decay after a person has died because it’s Passover now, it’s Sabbath. And. so, they wrap Him up and they put Him in this tomb. It’s like an available tomb. They need to get this body down. They need to get this body protected and then…and then observe the Sabbath and Passover and then deal with this when that's over with. And, so, He's in this tomb for now and they'll figure it out later. Jesus isn't going to need anything, but that borrowed tomb for you know…for…for…for a couple days, but there’s all this scurrying around. I mean if you don't know the end of this story this is a tough story. If you’ve fallen…if you’ve fallen in love with Jesus and you didn't know…even though Jesus told His friends how this would go they did not understand it and so this is a very, very tough time for the people who remain. And they've got a go into Sabbath, and this is all they're going to be thinking about. And, so, maybe it's worthy. I mean we’ve mentioned in all four Gospels but maybe it's worthy of thinking about, maybe this is the thing that we think about today, this…this kind of love, but also the capability of this kind of injustice. This is the “created” attempting to destroy and kill the “Creator”. That that is even a category of possibility requires us to think about it and meditate upon it. How can we be seduced away into a mob mentality? How can we remain in the darkness squirming when the light comes because we don't want to be exposed? There is so much here when we look at the cross, so much more than an innocent person being executed. And as I've communicated many times this is…this is the last time through this story this year. And, so, we need to seal this in our hearts and in our minds as we continue forward because everything that we’ll read in the New Testament that comes next is because of this story. And, so, let's meditate upon it today again.
Holy Spirit we invite You to help us to be somber today, to be…not be depressed or sad but to move through this day reverently, that this is the thing that we keep coming back to, the unspeakable love of Jesus on our behalf that gives us life abundantly. Once again, may we consider deeply that this is a costly gift. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base and its where you find out what's going on around here. It's where the Global Campfire is. It's the origination of all of this. So, stay tuned and stay connected there.
Especially be familiar with the Prayer Wall. That's in the Community section.
Be familiar with the Daily Audio Bible Shop and the resources that are there for the journey that we are on through this year together. Be familiar with that.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission, and now we are at the last day of the fifth month so we’re five full months into our year, seven days a week, every single day, if the mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and delivered to anyone who will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm of daily interaction with the Scriptures, if that is life-giving, if that has made a difference than thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be here doing this mission if this wasn't a collective mission that we were in together and a journey that we were on together. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, little red button up at the top the looks like a hotline button and share from there anywhere in the world or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today and that's it for our first five months. Tomorrow we we’ll begin the sixth month of the year together and I look forward to that very, very much. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi there, it's Hallie Hart calling in to pray and praise some DABbers. I'll start with my praise for Renzo following God's call for him to street ministry. Renzo may God bless you and keep you safe while out trying to harvest and sow seeds for the future. Father God please find a partner for Renzo to go out in spread Your word. He wants to follow Your calling but would like someone with a solid foundation in Christ to help strengthen him and allow him to reach those he would not otherwise. Also Father God please allow him to get the scholarships he needs for his education and make his parents realize the importance and quickly deal with their obligation in the matter. You have a choir of angels cheering you on Renzo. Also, as a mom I'm guilty of this with my daughter in college as well and you spurred me to get it done really quickly this year. Also, Rick from North Carolina who called in on his marriage. Dear God please help create a path of reconciliation for them. Help Rick and his wife overcome what they're lacking right now and let it strengthen their marriage for the future. Also, I am continuing...continually praying for many dabbers but for husband of the wife Jess sitting in the hospital as she nears her ascension. Your prayers linger with me day after day. I'm continually praying for both of you, and I hope that you can feel the presence of the Lord and that He brings you peace. We love you. Amen.
Good morning family this is Anonymous I've called a couple of different times to talk about this situation, that I took my eyes off God and found myself in a pickle. And, so, I've been working really hard to, you know, be in His will and to talk to Him and to hear His voice and it's come to my attention that I am a sex and love addict, so I've been attending meetings for that and I…I just need your prayers friends. This world distorts how we feel about ourselves and how we think we should be able to relate to others and I just…I'm reaching out in my addiction to ask for prayer for others like me. I know you're out there and I’ve heard some calls recently of other people who are struggling with addictions and whatnot. But family just lift those of us who have been distorted by the society in this world to think that there can be anything more important than a relationship than God. And I ask specifically that you would speak in a very clear and open way to my heart to tell me my next steps do the next right thing. So, thank you family I love you. Thank you Brian and Jill I'm excited for Ben in China and their little girl Reagan. And I'm just in general so thankful, so thankful to be God’s girl. Alright, love you family have a great, great day.
This is Eltalee Maxwell in Colorado Springs Abiding in Jesus of 9:07 AM on the 27th and I just heard that dear man that wants God to mold him and feels called to be a pastor. I just want to praise God for this young man, and I just pray that you would just mold him Lord into who You want him to be. Help him to get all the support he needs and if Your will, lead him to a godly wife that has the same calling. And we ask this in Jesus name. Amen.
Heavenly Father King of Kings, Lord of Lords, I just heard the prayer requests of two husbands. Both their wives have cancer and both of them are in very, very great need of Your hand, Your fingerprints upon their life, Your guidance, Your healing in so many ways. Lord please may they be able to see Your presence and their wives be able to sense Your presence. May they have a great wisdom about themselves. May it not be all about just finding answers but being able to share the beauty of each day each moment as they have been given and that they would find that together in You. Lord, please bless the community around them with a wisdom and a love and compassion and a presence of heart and mind and soul of demonstrating Your love to them. Lord, please do an incredible work within their lives. Thank You, Lord for Your generous love and each day that You have given to us in Jesus’…
This is Doctor John in Illinois. I just want to respond to…to the folks that I heard on the 28th of May. Number one the brother that his wife is suffering. Found, I guess the diagnosis of cancer maybe on her phenol organs. Brother I just want to tell you that my wife six years ago was diagnosed with breast cancer, very aggressive. They give us a 20% chance to live in two years and by infinite mercy and the grace of Christ she's doing wonderful. Every time we go back her scans, her blood work is great. So, every day we depend on Christ. Every day we have a day to rejoice and be glad. So, brother hold…hold onto your trust and believe. Every day God is healing, every day he's doing miraculous wonders. It reminds us there are things that He's doing that we don't know anything about. But He's faithful. And the other brother, Daniel Johnson Junior called about his dad who once was a minister. And instantly the story came to mind when Christ describes the shepherd that had the 100 sheep and 99 were in the fold and he’s last one, but did he not go out and do everything he could to retrieve the one? So, brother I'd say to you…you've…look of all the things that you've been through…I've heard your name so many times and God is always faithful. And would He not go out, would He not retrieve the one? So, brother hold up your head and have faith and you have a whole host of brothers and sisters standing in faith with you.
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godfoundation · 5 years ago
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I affirm on behalf of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that these revelations are faithful and true. My name is Elisabeth and I am a Servant of God serving many years in intercession in a church founded in 1999 by order of Almighty God. I had a lot of experience with God in my personal life and in the work of God.
I will try to summarize the experience when God led me to heaven and hell. I would like to thank first the Lord God of Israel. I thank you for this opportunity. I ask that your blessing fill the heart of each person who hears this testimony from the Lord Jesus.
Before talking about what I saw in the heavenly world I want to quote some biblical references because of the revelations that I had were beyond the natural senses. I will quote some references that speak about experiences beyond the senses.
Act 10:19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
2Co 12:1-4 1 It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) 4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
God is true and there are many passages in the Bible that mentioned hell and heaven even describing the streets of gold.
I am going to read the first part of the revelation I had in heaven. On an ordinary night when I was on my knees praying, I felt my breath coming out of my heart. I crawled and laid down with difficulty. When I looked at the ceiling of my house, I saw it was broken.
Although I could hear everything around me, when I tried to look again, I saw two spirit beings in white robes who had so much glory and they floated and stopped at my feet and told me, “It is necessary that you come with us because the Lord Jesus wants to talk to you about something very important. Jesus Christ whom you serve, who is come in the flesh, was dead and risen and is sitting at the right of the Father.”
The angels held me and we went up. I saw my body lying on the floor. I found I was in a garment whiter than snow. It is my spiritual body and is glorified. Finally, the angels said to me, “Now we have to hurry and go faster.” We started to fly at an incredible speed and we passed the clouds and the blue sky. We went beyond the stars and I saw the planets of our solar system. Then we arrived at a beautiful green landscape. Here on earth, there is no such landscape similar to that of heaven. Heaven was beautiful. It was a land with trees and plants having perfect flowers. I saw animals passing by. All paradise is perfect. I sat on the green grasses and took the time to contemplate and admire this heavenly landscape and the angels.
I heard and saw the happy saints of heaven. The children were singing happily and they were in happiness. I met a group under the beautiful trees of paradise. They sang songs of praise. They quoted passages from the Bible. They smiled. I testify that there were no cripples nor any disabled patients nor any people with sad faces. The Bible says in Rev 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
I was sitting on the grass of paradise when the two angels who were with me said, “Elizabeth we have to leave.” So we crossed the transparent golden street and soon after I saw the rivers of living water like crystal coming out of the throne of God and the Lamb and came down in cascades. The angel told me this is the river of life. Suddenly the angel of the Lord leaned and splashed the crystal clear water on my face and told me this verse.
Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Then we continued to float in the glory of heaven.
I contemplated a great clock on the wall and next to it were two angels holding two trumpets and waiting for the order of God to blow the trumpets. The angel told me to observe this clock. When I looked at the hands, they were minutes before midnight. I said to myself, “As soon as the hands of this clock come together, in God's time, the trumpet will sound and Jesus will come back to look for His church. Then this change will lead to the infinite table of the wedding hall of the Lamb.” The table was miles in length and was covered with an ornate white towel and its golden embroidery was made by the angels themselves.
Finally the angel told me go to the throne of the Father, “He wants to talk to you.” As soon as we arrived before the throne there were people around the throne who have been caught up in the Spirit like me to heaven. They were saying goodbye to Jesus. The angels were there waiting for my turn to come.
As soon as Jesus looked at me, He came towards me. I ran towards Him like a child and I kissed at His feet. I asked for forgiveness and mercy. I was moved as I kissed His feet. Jesus is beautiful and full of sweetness. His eyes were like flames of fire and had so much love and mercy. I saw holes in His feet and scars on His hands and wrists. He turned around and showed me the side where He had been pierced. The garment of the Lord was glorious and was pearly white. It was brighter than the sun. He touched my mouth and put His hand on my head and said, “You'll be a watchman and you will prophesy. Tell the earth that those who accept you have accepted Me; those who reject you have rejected Me. From now on, you have a special covenant with Me.”
Jesus looked at His Father who was sitting on a big throne of gold and silver and much glory emanated from Him. The wickedness of the earth had gone up before Him and the smell of sin rising from the earth had reached His nostrils. But Jesus interceded with His Father who was about to take some measures against the land because the sin of the world had risen up before His throne.
Jesus said, “Father, wait a little longer for the sake of the Elect.” The Father answered, “I will wait a little longer because of the Elect.”
Beloved, the Father is waiting a little more time. That's why we have to clean our garments and purify them. And then Jesus looked at me and said, “Elisabeth, warn My church on the earth. Many who come to church do not see and do not listen and do not understand that My return is imminent. Get ready as a beloved church.”
I could not see the face of God. God says no man has seen God but I was in contemplation of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was with Him personally. I asked for forgiveness with tears and I was delighted when two angels brought me to heaven. They came to bring me back on a golden chariot with two beautiful white horses. These horses were perfect and whiter than snow. I have never seen horses so beautiful in all my life. I joined the angel of God in his chariot. The angel was pressing on golden buttons to start the heavenly chariot and we traveled the heavens, We got into our galaxy. I contemplated the universe, the stars, the planets revolving around our system. Everything was very beautiful.
I said to the angel that I was a bit cold and asked if he could close the windows of the chariot. The angel closed the crystal windows of the celestial chariot whose glass was pure. The celestial chariot was moving at an incredible speed and we stopped at the roof of my house. I did not want to go out but the angel told me, “It is necessary that you can return to your body because Jesus has need of your testimony on earth. You would come back to heaven because heaven has a particular affinity with you and your golden house that is decorated with pearls is waiting for you.”
I saw my body and finally, I went back into my body. I looked up to say goodbye to them and they smiled at me and told me, “Stay in peace.”
I will tell you a revelation about the hell I got. After midnight a powerful angel came to see me. He was dazzlingly white, whiter than snow. He had a golden belt around the waist and was wearing a golden helmet with a sword around him and he had a supernatural glory.
He told me, “Let's go to hell. Many Lord's servants have been there visiting and it is necessary for you to go out there and to testify on earth. Fear not because the demons will not touch you.”
Immediately we got high in space and then we are descended beyond the sea to inside the earth. There was a black hole through which we entered the earth and I saw a terrifying tunnel under the earth. There was sulfur from the swarms of demons in the form of insects. They were hovering and shouting mocking words in shrill voices. They wanted to destroy lives on the earth. When I was in hell, I looked at the floor. It was full of lizards, animals, caterpillars, scorpions, spiders, snakes and rats and all kinds of infernal animals but they could not touch me.
I looked and I saw a wide wooden door. I saw demons around the door of hell. They were monsters of all sizes. On the portal, it was written in red and black letters, “Welcome to the kingdom of hell.” The demons and monsters looked at me in a threatening way. They were eager to capture me. The angel raised his sword against them and they opened the door and we entered.
As soon as we entered hell, the smell was terrible. I saw a lot of gray smoke. There were fires on the ground and there were people inside the fire. They were chained. I heard a lot of moans and cries of terror. Around the door, there were horrible demons full of hatred and smoke flowing from their nostrils. They kept guard over this part of hell and were not happy with my visit. The angel told him that this visit is a divine order.
I looked around and I saw priests and nuns and people who worshipped images of idol sculptures on earth. They were tormented and were crucified on musty rocks . The demons had fun with them with terrible tortures. A lot of those priests in hell were homosexual and had sex with children. There was a room where the demons sodomize the homosexuals and pedophiles on the floor. At this place, the demons have fun with them but this torture was terrible
When we left this section we arrived in a room where there was a big dusty table on which were different objects and articles. In fact there were magazines of Eastern cult religions and leaflets of satanic heretics. I saw a magazine about spiritualism. There were also pornographic magazines. I then saw magazines featuring aliens.
I saw big shelves devoted to new technologies on which were found DVDs and TVs. I saw advanced technology that was about to go out on the earth.
Then we moved further on in another big room where there was an exhibition with showcases. This was the industrial and manufacturing complex of hell. In this exhibition of objects which was to be put into circulation on earth, I saw snake rings, necklaces, chains with skull and crossbones. They were the symbols to the worship of the New Age in hell.
I saw women devils with their hair cut short and the men devils had tattooed necks with Satanist symbols. The diabolical tattoos were also on their legs, shoulders, and arms. They were on the belly and other body parts. These lady devils wore half-naked clothes showing the belly and the intimate parts. I saw men tattooed on every part of their bodies, even on their fingers, hands, noses, belly buttons, ears and tongues.
In the dense industrial complex of hell, I saw bands of colorful bracelets with rings. I saw artificial hair of a certain style that will be put into circulation in Brazil. Legions of demons were attached to them and dwell in these objects made in hell. They incite people to have sex contrary to the Word of God.
Then I went into the third room and I saw the fashion that will be put into circulation on the earth. I saw the transparent clothes. I saw the jewels that will be consecrated in India and in Egypt. I saw clothing woven by two popular brands on Earth and they were dedicated to the devil for the mass consumption of customers on Earth.
I saw cartoons for children. I saw some movies and children's series. I saw a horror movie with vampires and werewolves, idolatrous novels with images of saints. I saw women dressed in clothes for men.
Now I want to talk and draw your attention to poisoned foods. As Christians we have a habit of praying for the food. When we want to eat and drink something we thank God. Indeed in hell, I saw a big kitchen where the walls were black and the demons prepare poisons to put them on processed foods we eat on the surface. This place looks like a chemical plant in the kitchen where the demons make the poison and on the ground, there was formal hydrogen peroxide sugar sodium flavored in this kitchen in hell.
I saw demons from hell throwing gray smoke on vegetables and fruits that we buy in the supermarkets and in shops. They did the same thing with drugs that we buy in some pharmacies. I will not go deeper because I am not a doctor. In this field, I do not want to report what God showed me in the revelation. If you are a true Christian you can buy anything you want but remember to ask God to purify the food you want to eat.
I saw a glass showcase with wedding rings broken in half with rusty petals. We were in this exposure when suddenly a demon manifested before us. He was a very handsome man in the form of a mannequin. He said, “My work is to break marriages. I have already destroyed many marriages just at the wedding party and I am going to destroy more marriages on the earth. I will continue to make people commit adultery. I will make women love other women and men love other men.”
In his room was assembled his aphrodisiacs, seductive products, and erotic clothes and objects. Most of the erotic objects and costumes are designed and made in hell.
I saw the mermaid, Jezebel and the Egyptian goddess. I want to talk about the spirit of Jezebel. A lot of people think that the Jezebel demon only incites women to use beauty products and makeup but this is only one of her functions. She has an even more evil function because she is a very strong principality and satan has assigned her against peoples and churches that are not prepared for spiritual warfare and has destroyed those churches whose shepherds are ignorant of the tactics of this principality. She gives false revelations and false prophecies in the name of Jesus but it's not Jesus, it's the devil.
As soon as this mermaid appeared in hell she told us, “Look what I am doing personally in the evangelical churches on earth.” I looked and saw a woman. She looked like a pastor and she prophesied and revealed deceptions that divided and was destroying a church. Many churches on the earth were demolished by the prophetic revelations of this woman yet she seemed to be spiritual. Afterward the lady became a mermaid. This principality of false prophecies is also a goddess from Egypt. She told me, “I have already closed many churches and I will close many other evangelical churches on earth. I want them to disappear because I am Jezebel.” The work of this terrible demon amazed me.
Anal and oral sex is an abomination. In hell, the tortures are terrible especially for women who have practiced abortion. I saw the suffering of those who also practiced oral and anal sex. They endured terrible tortures. I saw a demon snake the size of an anaconda from Brazil. These snakes entered the intimate parts of people to tear them up. Their screams were horrible. I cried. I want to tell people who practice this type of sex to stop. Married people and even Christians practice anal and oral sex. These practices are abominations and lead to a terrible punishment in hell. Many married men marry their women to do abominable things. They say it's not a sin because they are married but they are all sinning in front of God and all these kinds of sexual positions do not please the Lord God.
In hell I saw a demon which was actually a gelatinous giant worm and when he opened his mouth there were people in him who were tortured by smaller ones. Demons bring him the lost souls. These people were lined up and chained and they were tortured inside this voluminous worm. There was a strong smell inside this worm. I saw souls lost in the belly of this giant worm.
I suddenly saw a big screen as in the cinema. A scene was projected on the screen. When I watched I saw that it was actually a gathering. Inside a room, I saw a great black platform and various authorities and heads of states were gathered in this spacious room. I first saw the pope and his bishops but also cardinals, political ministers from around the world, famous Hollywood actors and all kinds of important personalities of the earth. Then a character got up and the man was very handsome. He was perfect, a handsome man of European beauty. When he started to speak his face and his body became half monster. Then all the celebrities and political leaders were turned into monsters and demonic forms. They were terrible and became a people without legs, without a hand, without eyes and without mouths. The angelic character of the devil became a monster. He told them, “We must the destroy; we have to stop these true Christians who are resisting us because our time is short. We have to destroy Christianity because it is I who reign; the power and the reign of the earth is mine.” While the devil continued his speech to the world elite, suddenly the angel of the Lord took me to a hospital on the earth.
I saw a nurse with an injection and inside this injection was a yellow liquid. The angel told me, “Look again.” I looked at it and I saw several syringes with mosquitoes. The angel said, “This is a biological weapon. These mosquitoes that you see and what is in this syringe are bacteria and viruses that will be injected into people to exterminate them. This was the global government program. After days these people will feel the effects and will die from tumors that are diseases caused by these vaccines.” The angel informed me that future vaccines will be dangerous but they will be put in circulation by the authorities.
After this vision I went to search the internet and I saw the case of girl who were vaccinated and had a seizure of epilepsy after that vaccination. She spent two days without speaking. She did not know this terrible reaction would be produced by this vaccination. This is a warning for humanity.
Then I saw people in positions within the churches but who were adorned with excessive makeup to the point of disrupting their fellowship with God. There are vanities that are needed, for example, when you wear a watch to see the time or a mobile phone or a car.
Then the angel who was with me took me to a throne but it was not where the Lord Jesus Christ is. The Lord told me, “This is the spirit of the antichrist that dominates over Earth. Observe the world trade, the economy, world humanism, the laws, the politics, the materialism, the technologies etc. They are contrary to My Word. Ask My people to pray. I will be with them and they will have to live in My presence because I'll be back soon.”
On the 17th April 2014 while lying down an angel of God came in and I held his hand. He told me, “Servant of God, the Father told me to show you some things. He is happy with you because you have kept your body, soul, and spirit in holiness.”
Suddenly we flew at an incredible speed and we arrived in the land of happiness and beauty. I looked at and I saw a green crystal and shining gold three-story building which was in the middle of other buildings, in the center of the heavenly city. It shone more than the others.
The angel told me, “Look at this building.”
I told him, “What a beautiful building. It is shining more than the others.”
The angel told me, “This house is yours. It's your house. You will live here if you hold good if you fight and overcome.” The angel told me, “I am just going to show you the elevator in the living room and part of the kitchen and some rooms.”
Without delay we entered the elevator of crystal that climbed automatically without having to press a button and then we went into a very beautiful place. The curtains were gold, the sofa was gold and all the furniture was in pure gold. The kitchen was also gold. I liked the cutlery. The windows there were beautiful too.
The angel said, “Let's go visit the city.”
Then we left and we flew over the city. I saw the river of life; the flowers and the birds; everything was alive in the eternal city including flowers. I saw a group of children playing in a garden of paradise. Some were sitting on the landscape. The children radiated happiness. No one was crying. They were smiling, jumping full of happiness, praising God. There were toys of birds, dogs and other animals. Yes everything is perfect. A lot of these kids have died in accidents; others died of illness; many have been aborted and they have all landed in heaven. They were all radiant with happiness. One of them looked at me and said, “Tell our parents we are here; we are with God in the light and happiness. We are waiting for them here too.” I said that I will talk to them.
We decided to fly and float on this world of happiness when I watched the angel who was with me. I saw that he was wearing boots, a belt on his hip with a sword at the waist and I heard the sound of his sword. I asked, “Why do you wear boots?” He said to me, “Because I am a warrior angel accompanying you on this trip. I am also the angel who walks with you. I am always at your side from your birth. Remember that you will not be never alone on earth. Do you see me, do you know my presence?” I told him, “It's an honor to walk with you.”
It was that day that I encountered this angel that I understood that the Lord had deployed this angel for me and my ministry. He walks with me in my ministry. When I preach in church and wherever I am testifying he is with me. When I pray to God, he is with me. I am very happy to have this angel.
(Transcribed and translated from the Youtube video on Elisabeth Ferraz Anal and Oral Sex leads to Hell.)
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