#let them figure out that the *entire summer* they've been spending time with someone else and not even making the time to talk to your best
perdidit-vulpes · 2 years
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goosesttrpgblog · 5 days
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Osa Stormwind
Note; This post will be reblogged with updates and changes to the character as the campaign progresses. Everything below is strictly start of campaign information.
Pronouns: She/they Sexuality: Omnisexual, sapphic lean Origin: Half Beasthide Shifter (crocodillian)/Half Orc [mechanically, she and her brother are Shifters, their Orc heritage is entirely for flavor] Class: (Modified) Monk Age: 21 Height: 6'3
Current Goal: "I've already achieved my goal; get away from home. Now I'm just makin' sure Mik doesn't get himself killed." Whether she admits it or not, Osa is still trying to figure out who she is outside of home. They've been raised under the purview of their star obsessed mother, and Osa has only ever known themself in relation to how they regularly fail to meet their mother's expectations; or meets them in all the wrong ways. Personality: ✧ External: Resting “try me” face, standoffish, passive, aloof. Osa has a very live and let live attitude toward almost everything unless it directly affects her. She ignores anything she finds irritating until someone confronts her with it. The exception to this is Mik- he’s heard her talk shit, vent, and even get on his case for doing certain things. But she’s also notably gentler with him about it than anyone else. Now, that doesn’t mean she’s gentle. Just that she is gentler with her brother than other people.  Generally, she tries to approach life at a second-worst possible outcome view. Nothing is ever going to be world ending but she does believe it’s always going to suck. This has yet to prove itself to be a particularly optimistic worldview, but it’s certainly better than complete nihilism. 
✧ Internal: Uncertain, lost, hopeful. Osa tries to have this gritty, tough love realism about the world, generally. But she can’t help but want something to prove her wrong in that regard. That she can find something to make her more than just a small town ranch hand. She would never call it purpose, but she wishes she could at least feel like a person and not a body.  Osa’s biggest fear in life is that she won’t ever find a hobby outside of all of her self-destructive tendencies. That she will always be defined by her vices and coping mechanisms. And worst of all; that people will say it was always going to be that way because of fate or the stars or whatever metaphysical bullshit they believe in.  Favorite - Food: Cold desserts, specifically ones that feature fresh/seasonal fruits. Think something like Halo Halo, though also enjoys simpler desserts like seasonal fruits with plain yogurt. Color: Red. Anything from bright, fiery reds to pinky reds to brick reds to deep burgundies. Red is the color of some of her favorite alcohols, the color of good meat, the color of the late summer blooms by one of her favorite fishing spots. Music: Blues/Dark Country. Lots of twangy guitars and sad working class people getting their shit off their chest. Season: Fall. There's a massive rush of work at the end of harvest season, and there's almost always a bit of excess. Good food and a notable lack of boring, aimless days. Time of Day: Sunset. When she finally, officially clocks out after a long day of work and can spend her night socializing at a local bar or a friend's house till late and she can sneak into her house without having to speak to her mother. Least Favorite - Food: Technically not a food, but hot drinks. The absolute warmest a drink can be for Osa to be willing to drink it is room temp, any warmer than that and she's Uncomfortable. She runs hot and lives in a hot and humid environment, hot drinks are off the table. Color: Not a singular color, but that oily, iridescent purple to pink to green sheen that bad meat gets. Bad meat, bad water, bad whatever. Music: Anything super delicate or high pitched sounding. There's not any one genre that's prone to this, but rather just the higher note ranges of instruments like flutes, violins, etc. Season: Winter. Easily the time of year when there's the least amount of work to do. And when there's less work, there's more trouble to be made to distract Osa from the other shit going on in their life. Time of Day: Noon. Hottest hour of the day. They call it a lunch break but Osa often finds themself unable to eat when it's too hot outside, so they use it as an excuse to nap instead. Traits: - They are mildly allergic to both dust and horse dandruff. - She's far fonder of her brother than even he knows. She's not sure why either, as that's a feeling she's only become aware of since they left home together. - Osa, despite her preferences, is in fact trained with weapons. She has a short sword and darts, neither of which have seen much use. Her knuckles, however- - They get easily embarrassed when confronted with puzzles. They can help, but they get extremely nervous about appearing stupid. - When stuck in her head thinking about something, she will often interlace her hands and rub her thumb over her knuckles. So far, Mik is the only person who's been able to pick up on this habit of hers.
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footyleclerc · 3 years
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hello, since a few of my followers (and the lovely @whoopsallgone!) asked me to do a lestappen fic rec, here I am delivering to the masses! you may have seen a few of these fics in other recs but they’re just so good that they deserve as much appreciation as is humanly possible! so please do show them all some love if you haven’t already :)
lost in your current like a priceless wine • 10,211 w • by shybear_styles
"I might have accidentally told my mom that I have a boyfriend and now she's demanding that I bring you home with me for the New Year. Actually, she said Christmas and New Year, but I told her that you were spending Christmas with your own family..."
The ultimate fake dating fic, and it's set during Christmas! From roommates to lovers, the entire fic is adorable fluff. They've written a few bangers and this one is great too!
we're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love • 6,330 w • by maxverstappens (@pierlex)
Lando sets Max up on disastrous blind dates that end up with Max falling for the bartender who was the real set up all along.
One of my fave fics ever! The subtle flirting. Norstappen friendship. *BEAUTIFUL* Just really well written, would 100 percent recommend. Special shout out to 'pick apart the pieces of your heart', it's amazing!!
When Not If • multi-chapter • 5/5 • 11,448 w • by ayuxena
Max and Charles find themselves in quarantine together in the middle of the Swiss mountains. It was all destined to happened. It was just a matter of when and not if.
Such a cute read! The way they spend their time together and the little things they learn along the way, it's as Max would say "simply lovely".
The Grid: A Comprehensive Guide for Handling your Gay Racer Friends • 6,333 w • by inchidentsdeancas (@dumbass-ultimate)
A view into Charles and Max, in the style of The Office. Featuring a large number of baked goods.
Can't believe this is the author's first time writing. So much talent, it's such a fun read! This embodies the tag 'idiots in love'. Beautifully written. It's a comedic masterpiece!
take my hand, take my whole life too • 8,414 w • by  footysel (@footyleclerc)
Max is Lando's best man. Charles is Carlos' best man. They now have to plan a wedding together without killing each other.
A small self bump! Honestly, I think it's my best work and the amount of fluff it contains has become my source of comfort.
at the end of the line (it's always been you) • 6,034 w • by maxricciardo (@maxricciardo)
A glimpse into Charles and Max's relationship after they retire from formula one.
If you follow Gi, you know how wonderful her edits are. This fic rivals her editing skills. Post-retirement lestappen as they figure out their feelings. Brilliantly written!
i love the way your green eyes mix with that malibu indigo • 11,128 w • by altissimozucca (@altisssimozucca)
Max deals with a break up by spending some time at his Malibu summer home when he finds another distraction in Charles. Getting drunk by the beach, the two begin to catch feelings.
Literally all of Lana's fics are works of art but this one tops the list for me. (seriously, I could make a list just for her. read her lestappen fics, you won't regret it!) Immaculate vibes and great aesthetics. The build up and the angst, just wonderful.
Charles Leclerc vs Red Bull caps • 6,368 w • by  Ledger_m (@the-last-jedis)
Charles does God's work and tries his best to get Max to stop wearing those stupid Red Bull caps.
Literally what every Max fan would want to do; get rid of those caps and #unleashthehair. It's hilarious with Charles' crazy antics. Very well written and is a great cheer up!
On the outside, always looking in • 1,803 w • by bonotje (@sleepyverstappens)
The progression of Max and Charles' relationship through someone else's eyes.
The beautiful development is just wonderfully written. The small observations of the narrator are quirky, and it's overall very cute!
set my midnight sorrow free • 13,439 w • by  PrincessElectra (@princess-electra19)
A view of Charles and Max's relationship through the eyes of one Pierre Gasly, the man who's seen them from the very beginning.
This fic has probably popped up in everyone's fic recs but that's literally because it's such a masterpiece. The development you see. The heartache you feel. Just wonderful in every way! Part 2 is great as well.
thank you for indulging my choices and getting this far! if you have any more suggestions, let me know. if you know the blogs of the 2 untagged writers, please let me know!
hope you liked it :)
just a massive shout out to all the writers in this fandom, you're all extremely talented and brilliant! keep creating💙
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More Slytherin Sirius please? I was reading your last Slytherin Sirius fic, and suddenly I had this thought: Sirius saying, "since when did we start dating? Last time I checked, we’re barely even friends," and James answering, "when was the last time you checked?” and making Sirius realize they've actually been doing things couple do because of course what else could these two do? Please and thank you!
"-and I mean," James was saying, "we've been dating for long enough that you'd think the novelty would have worn off, y'know?" 
"We're dating?" Sirius asked, not really looking up from where he was doing his homework. James was supposedly doing the same, but so far all he'd managed was unpacking his books, parchment, quills, and ink; he's spent the rest of the time complaining about his various housemates. "Since when? No offense Jamie, but the last time I checked, we're barely even friends." 
"Yeah, and when was the last time you checked?" James asked in return, not overly bothered by Sirius's question. 
"It's been a while since I had to think about it since it's so obvious." 
"Uh-huh. That's why we, as complete and total not-friends, are doing our homework together in the library." 
Sirius started to nod, but he stopped and glared when it was clear that James wasn't agreeing with him. He expected-- read: hoped-- that James would stop there, but he kept giving examples. 
"It's also why we walk to our classes together." 
"We have the same classes," Sirius grumbled. Them having the same classes had been a calculated attempt to optimize the time they could annoy each other. 
"Yeah, that's why we hold hands and sometimes duck into empty corridors to snog. It totally explains why we go on dates every single Friday and sometimes have inter-House parties just so there's an excuse for us to get drunk and hang off each other when we're in public. It also explains why you got me chocolates for my birthday and kept sending me letters last summer." 
"You... wrote me first," he muttered petulantly. "We're rivals, that's all." 
James rolled his eyes, but it was completely fond instead of annoyed. That alone should've been enough for Sirius to realise he was wrong, but he kind of didn't want to give in now. Sure he'd been dating someone for over a year and not noticed, but he couldn't just admit that without James getting to tease him over it for the rest of their lives. That was hardly the first Sirius had thought of their relationship as lasting years into the future, but this was the first time he'd realised what it meant. Merlin, he really was an idiot. But he wasn't going to tell James that much. He had his image to think about, after all. "We're dating, Sirius, just admit it." The way James said it was nonjudgmental, but Sirius already had it in his head that he wasn't going to give in. 
"Nope. Nothing to admit because we aren't." 
James chuckled, expression more fond than ever. "Okay. Whatever helps you through the day, I suppose." 
"As much fun as this was," Sirius said drolly, "I have to go spend time with my actual friends. Maybe you'll be able to get that essay for McGonagall done without me distracting you." Sirius shoved everything haphazardly into his bag and ran away. 
He didn't have friends. James knew that. Which meant that now he had to go bother Regulus for a couple hours. James would probably guess that, but this whole thing was a matter of perception anyways. As long as Sirius didn't admit that that's what he was doing, it was fine. This was about saving face and- and... pretty much nothing else. Whatever. 
Unsurprisingly, Regulus was not happy to see him. Surprisingly, when he was trying to get rid of him so that he could focus on his coursework, he said, "Can't you go bother your boyfriend instead of me?" 
Regulus had never called James his boyfriend before. He knew that for a fact, because otherwise he would've been having this entire crisis earlier. Also because if Regulus had told him, then he wouldn't be trying to pretend like they weren't to James's face right now. "Since when is he my boyfriend?" 
"Isn't he?" Regulus asked, forehead scrunched as he looked over his book at him. "I thought I'd seen you holding hands last week." 
Last week... right, when Sirius had done it as part of joke, but it had felt nice so he didn't let go as soon as he might have under normal circumstances. "You did." 
"Then why are you asking me about when you got together? Which, I can't believe you didn't tell me. Not telling me when you started shagging is perfectly fine because I don't want to hear about that, but dating? I'm your only friend, and you didn't tell me. No wonder you're so grumpy all the time; you never gossip." 
"You're not my only friend," Sirius lied. "You're just my best friend." And they gossiped together plenty. Most of it was family drama but still. 
Regulus, who knew perfectly well that he was his brother's only friend, scoffed. "Right. Why don't you go bother some of your lesser friends so that your best friend doesn't fail his classes?" 
"You're not going to fail anything, you dramatic little bugger." 
"Go away," he said, hunching down so that all Sirius could see over the top of his book were a few strands of black hair. 
Since Sirius didn't actually want him to have issues in his classes, he left, but not without ruffling Regulus's hair to piss him off. If Reg wasn't going to support him in this, then he should double down. Get James something really nice to say that he acknowledged they were together and he liked it. 
"So not that I'm complaining," James started out, his words carefully chosen and his tone measured, "but is there a purpose to the entire garden that is now taking up my dormitory? Or the three necklaces? Or the twenty different boxes of chocolates?" 
Sirius blinked. "Too much?" he guessed. 
"A tad." 
"Hmph." Sirius had only meant to get him like, two of those things, but he didn't want to get him the wrong gift. At first, he bought James yellow tulips because he'd heard James saw they were pretty before. Then he'd added on red roses because James was a romantic, and red roses equaled romance. Then he'd seen blue hyacinths and added them on, and with three different colors and none of them being certain, it had felt safer to do a full rainbow or varieties. 
After all that confusion, he'd felt like he had to get him something else since none of the bouquets were guaranteed to be his favourite. The first necklace he'd chosen was red and gold, but it occurred to him that he didn't know if that was James's actual colour preference or if it was because he was in Gryffindor. Sirius added on a silver band in case he didn't like gold, then he did a necklace all in black because fuck it, if he didn't know what James would like, he was at least going to get him something that Sirius would like to see on him. 
He was pretty sure that there weren't twenty boxes of chocolates. It should've been more like a dozen. Because he didn't know if James would like the flowers or any of the necklaces, but everyone liked chocolates. Unfortunately, he had no idea what James's favourite was for that either, so he'd snuck out to Honeydukes to place an order. Browsing the shelves did him no good, so he'd shoved a handful of galleons at the person behind the counter and asked for them to send as many to James's room as that money would buy, preferably in a variety of their most popular products. 
"It's not a bad thing," James tried, but Sirius just glared at him. James cracked a smile, sitting down next to him. "What happened to denying that we're dating? I thought that was pretty entertaining for the whole minute that it lasted." 
"Yeah, well when Regulus thought we were dating too, I figured I should give you something to let you know that I like that I'm dating you." 
"One bouquet would've done that." 
"I didn't know which kind were your favourites," he muttered petulantly. 
"I like all flowers," he said immediately. "Anything they sell at a florist, I will like." 
"Hmph," Sirius said again. "Which necklace did you like?" 
"All of them." 
Sirius had to wrestle down the urge to hit him with a Stinging Hex. "Which one did you like best?" 
"Does it matter?" 
James leaned over and kissed his cheek, then coaxed him into a real kiss. "I love them all. Fair warning, I'm sharing the chocolates with my dorm mates so they don't riot." 
"Aw, do you not like me sharing your gifts?" 
He didn't much care one way or the other, so he kissed James again. "Shut it." 
Clearly, James took that as a yes to his question, because he grinned. "Aw, sweetheart, it's like-" 
"Shut it," he said again, and this time he made the kiss long enough that James would have to put his brain back together if he wanted to tease him. 
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