#let them be Anya's adopted grandparents
renee-writer · 6 months
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He Didn't Have to Be Chapter 6
“Judah, this is Ned, our family’s barrister. He is going to help make you an official Fraser.”
He was a short man with brushy eyebrows and a genuine smile. At daddy’s  introduction, he bends down and shakes my hand. I shake it back like daddy has taught me, firmly, letting him let go first.
“It is a pleasure to meet you Judah. Now let me tell you how this works. We will go before the judge. She is a very nice lass so you needn’t worry. She will ask you if you wish Jamie to adopt you. You answer, “ Yes my lady.” It is how judges are addressed as Lady or Lord. She will talk some to Jamie and then sign a paper saying you are Judah Franklin Randall Fraser.”
“That is all? It is that easy?”
He smiles again and ruffles my curls. “Aye, as all of you wish it.”
They dress me in my first kilt for the occasion. Mum tames my curls back and places Anya in a pretty dress.
“All of our family will be there.” She told me. I feel a flutter in my wame. This is important. I let my breath out and stand even straighter then I had been.
Daddy beams at seeing me. “You look like a right Scot, so you do.”
“Aye daddy, I am ready to become one.”
We sit in the front row. Behind are my grandparents, aunt and uncle, cousins. Mum and daddy are on either side. Mum holds Anya.
I stood when they did, when the judge, my lady, I recall and repeat it to myself so I won’t mess up, enters. We sit back down.
“It is days like this that make what I do worthwhile,” She said, “I have a petition here for the legal adoption of Judah Franklin Randall by James Fraser. I see all parties and them some are present,” she smiled down at my family, “Is that correct Mr. Gowan?”
“Yes my lady.”
“Wonderful,” She turns to me, “Judah, I see you are six.”
I realize it is a question and answer like I was told too, “Aye my lady, almost seven.”
She smiles and I relax.
“Very good. Old enough to know your own mind. So, do you wish James Fraser to adopt you?”
“Aye my lady, with all my heart. He is already my daddy.”
She smiles hugely at me.
“Very glad to hear. I will need to talk to your daddy now.”
“Aye my lady.”
She turns to him. “James Fraser, you agree that you will be taken the child, Judah, to be your son? You will share in all the rights and responsibility’s of his raising? That he will be treated in fact and legally as a birth child, with all associated rights, including the right to inherit?”
“I fully understand, my lady. He is now and will forever remain, my son.”
“Claire Fraser, you agree to allow your son to be adopted by James Fraser and agree that his name will now and forever be, Judah Franklin Randall Fraser?”
“Yes my lady.”
“Wonderful. Then by the power granted me by Crown and county, I so do order it. Judah Franklin Randall is now the legal son of James Fraser and is named Judah Franklin Randall Fraser.”
She signs the paper and it is so.
A cheer raises from behind us and I am cuddled by all my family. Everyone is crying and I know they are happy tears. Uncle William lifts me up, laughing.
“Now I shall have to teach you Gaelic, my lad, as I did your daddy.”
Daddy laughs and lifts me out of his arms. “Dinna believe it mom mhac. It was your granda who taught us both.”
“As long as I learn it, it doesn’t matter, eh?” I am content. My last name is now the same as all my family’s,  except Auntie Jenny and Uncle Ian and their children. They are Frasers as well, in my eyes, just called Murray.
Mum weeps and grandma and Auntie Jenny, embrace her. Even knowing she is happy, I remember being concerned at seeing her cry.
“Dinna fash, the lasses get very emotional at such times.”
Uncle Ian slaps daddy on his back.
“Eh, and aren’t those tears in your eyes as well?”
He smiles at him. “It is my right. It isn’t everyday a man has a son.”
I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. “I love you too daddy.”
The whole lot of us head to Lallybroch to continue the celebration.
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nattikay · 5 years
Oops I made the mistake of drawing this right before bed and therefore going to sleep with the topic on my mind and nOW I HAVE A BUNCH OF HEADCANONS WHOOPSIE
(hmmm how do I organize this...)
So I imagine that adult!Jlaire raise a total of 7 children (2 biological and 5 adopted changeling familiars--a lot I know, but hey there’s like a thousand familiars that need raising so)
First some general headcanons about the familiars:
There’s no way Barbara and Strickler have the time nor resources to raise ~1000 babies simultaneously on their own, so I’m gonna assume that the Cradlestone keeps the babies in stasis the same way the Darklands nursery did, and they’re only dealing with 4-5 babies at a time (still a lot but not NEARLY as overwhelming lol)
 Once one group is old enough to go to school they release the next from the Stone
The first thing they did was try to track down the families of all familiars abducted recently enough to still have living parents, probably by posting ads and such online ( “hey uh did your kid just randomly turn into a troll? That’s what’s called a changeling, it’s a long story but here’s the info, we‘ve rescued the real one please come get him/her” … except obviously written more eloquently lol) 
 The ones whose families are long-gone they raised themselves
 They also recruited trusted friends to help raise some as well; the Nuñez’s took a few for example, especially after what happened with Enrique 
Also older!Enrique and NotEnrique are definitely bros
The first group of babies Barbara and Strickler raised included the real Strickler. This was a very interesting experience for changeling!Strickler.
Once the first group of familiar babies reaches adulthood, many of them also take on the responsibility of raising the “younger” ones.
And some general headcanons about Jlaire’s biological children:
They do have both fangs and horns but said traits are short and stubby, even in adulthood
Their skin is thicker and tougher than a human’s but not quite stony like a troll’s. It’s very hard for them to get blisters let alone calluses (not that they really need the latter with how tough their skin already is).
They CAN go out in sunlight without immediately flinching away in pain, BUT they’re very sensitive to sunburn, not unlike a regular human with a severe, slightly faster-acting sunlight allergy (yes that’s a real thing). So they sill have to be careful and it’s generally advised that they always wear long sleeves, hats, etc. when going out in the sun regardless of season 
On a similar note, sunlight will NOT turn Jim to stone like it would a full troll but it will severely burn him and cause immediate excruciating pain, as we’ve seen
(assuming the trolls are still living in New Jersey; this could be counteracted in Wizards though so is subject to change) They still go to school in Arcadia, where trolls are A Thing that everyone knows about post-Gunmar, so no one questions their trollish features. They take the gyre to get there. Since the gyre can make the trip so quickly, they can easily make the commute daily, though sometimes they still sleep over in Arcadia with their grandparents.
Because they use the gyre so frequently, roller coasters Do Not Faze Them lol 
And now for the characters specifically!
The first was Jlaire’s biological daughter, Jamie. When Jamie was three years old, Barabra called them up like “yo y’all have baby experience now; think you could take on some of these changeling familiars??” and they were like “ok sure” and adopted their first three familiars:
Elizabeth “Lizzie” -- female, originally born in England in 1723 (the dates and places don’t really make a difference in behavior, language, etc. since they were just babies and don't really remember it; it’s just miscellaneous info). A bit tall for her age, pretty chill, mostly quiet unless you get her started on a topic she’s passionate about in which case she will absolutely talk your ears off
Fiona -- female, originally born in Scotland in 1592. Small for her age but you wouldn’t know it because she’s an absolute firecracker in pretty much every way.
Kevin -- male, originally born in America in 1994. Kevin is one of the familiars who should still have living family out there somewhere but Barbara and Stickler were unable to track them down. As such, he, more than his adopted siblings, is very interested in meeting his biological relatives one day (as well as his changeling counterpart, for that matter).
About 5 years after adopting the first three familiars Jlaire had their second biological child, a son named Drew (a more human-sounding version of Draal 👀), and another year or two after that they adopted their last two familiars, André (male, Mexico 1850) and Anya (female, Russia 1746).
that’s it those are my ridiculous headcanons, enjoy
I will do a draw at Later
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ali-the-thief · 7 years
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Challenge 22 - Sorting
What is your real, birth name? Any nicknames? When and where were you born? What is your ethnicity (their racial/cultural group) and nationality (what country were they born in)?
Ali Bashir. No nicknames--unless ‘charming’ counts. I’m half Indian on my dad’s side and was born in Bhuj, Indian, and raised just outside the border of Pakistan.
What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? (If you don’t know go here, this question is optional.)
What do you look like? (Include height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, apparent age, and distinguishing features)
5′10, brown eyes, black hair, charming face, and a dazzling personality.
In your opinion, what is your best feature?
Is it cheating to say all of them? If I had to pick, I’d say my hair.
What is/was your family structure like? (i.e. are you adopted, how many siblings, pets, etc.)
I’m an only child, so I’ve always been close to my parents.
Who was your father, and what was he like? Who was your mother, and what was she like? What was your parents marriage like? Were they married? Did they remain married?
My parents have been married since 1990 and were blessed with me in 1996. My mom is from America, my dad is from Indian, which is where they met in 1988. Years later, here I am.
Do you have any siblings? If so, what are/were your siblings names? What are/were they like?
No siblings, just me.
Who are your closest friend(s)? Describe them and how you relate to them. If not, do you wish you did? Is there anyone you wish they could build such a relationship with?
Anya Romanova, though friends is a lose term, because I’m sure she actually hates me.
Hiro Hamada is also one of my closest friends because of how similar we are.
What is your relationship status? If you’re not single, who are you with? Describe them and how you two met and what your relationship is like with them? If you have a crush, feel free to describe them as well.
I’m always single, always with someone. Let’s just assume that my relationship status is ‘having fun.’
Rant about that’s eating you up
Not much to rant about, honestly, but I am kind of mad at how much girls expect after a night. I make it clear what I’m looking for and they still expect a date? Surely my reputation precedes me?
What would/would’ve make you drop college/university?
If my parents really needed me, I would, but I don’t see that happening in the near future.
Are humans better at creation or destruction?
A little bit of both. Creation, destruction, it’s all a balance.
If you could sum up humans in 3 words, what would they be?
Self-absorbed, fun, talented--oh wait that’s just me.
Are some lives more valuable than others?
I think if you treat other people like trash, your value goes down.
Do you believe there is good in everybody?
That’s a tough thing to ask someone like me. Somebody would say that there isn’t good in me, but who really knows what someone else is going through. 
Would you ever turn on someone you just met in order to save themselves?
Most likely, though it depends on the scenario more than anything. Am I in danger of failing a class? Of course I would.
Which of the seven deadly sins do you most embody?
Greed. Let’s just say I tend to...find things that aren’t mine.
If you were omnipotent for just one day, what change would you make in the world?
I’d try to help the people that struggle putting food on the table each day.
What is your biggest fear and why?
Disappointing my parents after all they’ve given me.
What makes you really angry? Be honest.
People that only see you for your skin tone.
What is something unforgivable that could destroy a relationship?
I’m gonna say that stealing from them could be one.
What’s one experience you had that made you very afraid?
Getting caught stealing food as a kid was enough to make me a bit cautious.
What does it take to make you cry?
I haven’t been pushed that far--that I remember. I guess that’s something I’ll have to figure out in the future.
Would society call you a good guy or a bad guy? What would you say you are?
Society would say I’m a bad guy, but I’m just having fun.
Have you ever committed a crime, or something you felt was wrong? What was it?
Have i committed a crime? Yes. Was it something I felt was wrong? No. Stealing food when I was younger, a few pick pockets here and there, but never stealing identities. I have a line.
Do you hold grudges?
Nah. That only makes people look ugly.
Does you have a deep and/or dark secret? If so, what is it?
I usually don’t publicize how I grew up. People look at you different if you do. I wasn’t very fortunate when I was young, but people don’t have to know that to know me.
Do you like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
Do people normally like that? I don’t enjoy seeing people suffering, no.
Are you more physically or emotionally strong? Why do you believe so?
Physically strong. have to keep up my good looks, don’t I?
Have you ever lost a loved one? What happened to them, and are you the same as you were before you lost them?
Unfortunately, I lost my grandparent when I was younger, but I don’t remember the heartbreak, so I can’t say I’ve changed much. Thankfully my parents are still alive and well.
What do you want to be remembered for after you die?
Living life to the fullest.
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badedramay · 6 years
Hello! I have been thinking that if Altamash was to fall in love with Izza and take a stand for her, that might be the catalyst for Areesh realising he made a mistake? I mean Altamash also owes a lot to that family (not to mention his sister would probably be married into it by that time) and a relationship with Izza would be a lot more offensive than one with Daneen nahi? I’m worried about Anya’s future too. Idk just speculation on where this might be going :)
Hmmm..I don’t think so. Altamash may owe Dadi Sahab a lot as she did essentially adopt Anya and does genuinely love her. But Altamash and Anya have a separate identity. Dadi Sahab and Dada are brother and sister whereas Altamash’s grandfather was their cousin. Which make Altamash and Anya kinda distant-er relatives to Daneen, Areesh, and Izza who are all more closely connected
(Daneen and Izza are first cousins; Areesh’s father is Daneen’s father’s first cousin which make Areesh and Daneen second cousins. Altamash and Izza’s grandparents were first cousins. Which means Altamash and Izza’s parents were second cousins. That makes Altmash and Anya as third cousins to Izza, Daneen, and Areesh)
Dadi Sahab may not like Daneen a lot but her feelings are flexible enough that she did agree for Daneen to marry Areesh because she loves her grandson enough to let go, somewhat, of the past. It is Ghazanfar (Areesh’s father) who is all rigid in his hatred. Like he is okay with Daneen befriending Anya but doesn’t want her near Nashwa, his own daughter (episode3)
So, when ultimately Altamash does decide to propose to Izza..there’s no one stopping him. He is not financially or emotionally dependent on Dadi Sahab like that. Sure, his sister may get married in the family but Anya has always been in the family. DS already considers her a part of the family. Her marriage to Areesh would only legitimize her status that is already informally acknowledged. Otherwise Altamash has every right and means to take his sister away from them as he IS her sole legal guardian. Altamash respects DS and I am sure he will take her feelings into consideration but I don’t think that it is in his character to put his own feelings at the back just to please others. Like when he knew Izza’s real identity he still kept it a secret and even kinda helped her meet her Nana. Besides..DS immediately took a liking to Izza. She has all the “values” that DS wants from a khandaani ladki..everything that Daneen lacks.
Haan. Altamash CAN marry Nashwa like DS wishes as a sort of leverage over Areesh to make sure he doesn’t mistreat Anya. Cuz the only person Altamash cares for more than himself is Anya, not DS. If there’s anyone who can influence his decisions it’s only his sister.                
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chovihanni · 7 years
hi, i'm a bit confused because your pietro says in his rules that his writer doesn't support/condone incest in real life? but they know you're descended from such a relationship and that you support it so i find it quite odd that you'd be writing with them if they feel that way. i'm not trying to start drama so sorry if i come off that way, i just don't understand what their actual views are.
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I’m going to preface this by stating this outright: in thewake of all the childish nonsense the other day, I am still prickly as hell. Inall likelihood this response is going to come across waaaaay bitchier than itnormally would—because, let’s face it, aggressive, outspoken bitch is prettymuch my default mode on the best of days. Perhaps I am misunderstanding thequestions in and of themselves, and if that is the case, then I apologize inadvance for my overall tone of tired irritation.
One must question why you sent this to me  as opposed to sending it to Pietro’s mun, if—infact— ‘not starting drama’ was your true intent. I mean, who better to explainthan the person it is about? Pietro’s mun would undoubtedly be able to explainthe situation far better than I can, and in a far friendlier manner, since sheis the nice one, but what the hell, I’ll give it a shot.
Under a read more due to length—(come on guys, by now you should realize I am wordy af)
Pietro’s mun is my very best friend and has been for  years—infact, those words are far too insignificant for the bond we share. She is mysoul sister, and has been unofficially adopted as a member of my family. Shehas known about my lineage practically from the beginning of our friendshipsince it’s not something I hide and I’m certainly not ashamed of the fact thattwo generations ago my great grandparents—who happened to be cousins—fell inlove. It is something we discussed openly on numerous occasions—and in order tounderstand why she wrote that back in May of 2015, you’ll have to know thebackstory, or as I like to call it, the ‘pre-maxicest’ days.
Many years ago, Kate and I had two Original Characters whowere siblings—Ivan and Anya Belikov; we began receiving ask messages frompeople who shipped them together—these people created a ship name for them, sentconfessions into confession blogs about how much they shipped them, ran polls to tally how many people wanted them together,  made fan art, etc etc etc  and  begged us to make it happen.  Kate and I discussed what was going on and shetold me outright that she wasn’t comfortable with shipping them, explaining herreasons—she was a protective older sister of a younger brother and the thoughtof siblings crossing that boundary bothered her. I understood, and respectedher feelings, though I did ask if she would mind my writing a few drabbles/ficsto appease the shippers, and she had no problem with it.
^^Did you catch that? She personally wasn’t comfortable withit, but she didn’t try and stop me. She respected my right to my thoughts onthe issue, the same way I respected hers.
I  don’t expect every single person in my life toshare my acceptance of consanguinamory—but I  doexpect them to accept my right to myopinion.
I don’t have some rabid agenda regarding my views onconsanguinamory. Would I like everyone to acknowledge and accept thatconsenting adults have the right to love whomever they want, regardless ofsex/race/religion/blood? Of course—I mean, giving people basic human rights isthe decent thing to do—but I’m not going to attempt to force anyone to share myviews.  That would be an exercise infutility, and I have better things to do with my time. That’s not to say I won’tattempt to educate  people about the differencebetween consensual adult consanguinamory and molestation/rape—too many peoplehear ‘incest’ and their brain automatically removes ‘consensual adult’ from theequation, locking in on things that have absolutely nothing to do  with such relationships, (which is quite frankly why I am so adamant about using a less stigmatic word for such pairings).
Knowing her views, Icontinued to write with her because we mutually respected each others opinions.
Fast forward to April/May of 2015—we revisited ourdiscussion on sibling relationships. She’d seen AOU and the way the twins relationship was portrayed really got to her—she actually called me right after seeing the movie and said the twins reminded her of the super close, symbiotic relationship Ivan and Anya had. A muse had instantly formed in her head and was demanding attention, and while she still didn’t know if she would be comfortable with the situation, she waswilling to try.
As they say… the rest is history.  Wanda and Pietro became the first sibling shipof what is quickly becoming a fucking fleet.
[ As for Anya and Ivan? Shortly after we created Wanda and Pietro, the Belikov siblings became a couple—then their relationship evolved even more. They are now in a committed, loving polyamorous relationship with their cousin Issac Ivashkov and they’ve lived happily ever after—and they are eternally grateful to the Maximoffs for making it all possible. ]
In summary:
Pietro’s mun haschanged her views on consanguinamory since that was written in May of 2015—shejust hasn’t updated her information on the blog.
There ya go. I suggest you direct any further questions regarding Pietro Mun’s views directly to the source.
Namaste, SWS
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