#let me know if you'd like someone else!
tinkrbell · 1 month
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"i'm only going to say this once: you're a fucking idiot." carter was at his limit with the niceties. he wasn't a very nice person to begin with, but when it came to them, he typically had all the patience in the world. / @fcxglove
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sacredkncwledge · 2 years
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“Nuh uh, nope, We’re not talking about it.” Cathy was sure she’d hidden those polaroids deep in her closet, never to see the light of day again. She set her glass aside, moving towards them and reaching out to grab the stack of photos. “Give those back to me.”
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sysig · 2 years
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Colour picking, palette teasing (Patreon)
#Doodles#Deltarune#Pink Addison#Blue Addison#Yellow Addison#I am feeling very normal about Addisons I am feeling so normal about them 👀#I'm definitely not thinking about them a lot I'm definitely not having more and More ideas#Very normal very usual#Okay I admit it I am no longer normal about them :/ Darn#Now that I've got time to just draw whatever and let my brain loose I keep getting new Add ideas òuo; They just keep sparking images!#It's gotten to the point where I've started rerouting my thoughts into character ideas - that's always a dangerous game#I know I always Vargas but that's what I've been doing with them for two years so it feels weird to do it with someone else lol#You'll never guess which one! So anyway- lol#I like how upon first seeing the Adds I was like ''Ooh big polyam QPR vibes from these guys nice'' and then I do stuff like this#I mean it still could be! Teasing your partner(s) is perfectly valid even if you'd never ever act on it - maybe even more valid lol#Blue's not in the mood to run with the ball rn tho lol he's busy being stressed#Yellow will play tho ♥#I think I've finally settled on a design for Yellow that I can reasonably replicate! Finally finally lol#I am gonna have to try my hand at the wing-ear design tho 'cause it's so cute agh#But little feather-fascinator-style floofs suits me well ♪#I also keep over-colouring him because the yellow is so hard to see IRL! It shows up incredibly intense on the scanner but I can't /see/ it#It doesn't look bad as such it's just a little inconsistent with the others#Okay you can guess now - it was the last one that I pulled a thought and put it into Pink lol#It's innocent I swear lol - I was just thinking about the perceived similarities between ''cheap'' and ''easy''#Specifically in reference to praise actually :0 Cheap praise implies you don't mean it but easy praise - to me - just implies practice!#It took me a long time to become ''good'' at giving compliments but now that I /can/ do it I like to do it a lot lol - easy but not cheap! ♥#And then since it was to do with monetary implication I gave it to him for obvious reasons lol#It sounds a lot less innocent coming from him lol he's a bitch ♥#Hhgg his expressions are really fun I wish he was less fun to draw lol
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solarisligatus · 1 year
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The city was rather new to Doll. Every building and landmark something they never thought they'd live to see. It felt like it had been a very long time since they'd gotten to explore like this. Even if it really hadn't, they merely didn't know any better. Had no real memory of their time before now.
And it would be on this little adventure that he came across a cafe. The inside seeming so inviting to someone who remembered so little about how the world worked. And so in they would go, looking around curiously as those sea green eyes landed on one of the servers. Head tilting slightly as they raised a hand in an attempt at a greeting.
"Excuse me-? Can I ask what...this place is exactly?"
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warsinmyhead · 11 months
CLOSED for @r3dblccd
[ SMS: ??? ] Sorry bout Mum. [ SMS: ??? ] She's overbearing cause I wandered off once during a school trip and she pulled the fire alarm in a panic. [ SMS: ??? ] Police weren't happy with her.
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thoroughfvre · 1 year
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" i feel good about who i am when i'm with you . i think that you make me better . "
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
i guess roxy being a pyromaniac has its perks, she keeps the pizzaplex up to date on building fire safety (like making sure the sprinkler systems and smoke alarms work properly)
Yup! The fire systems in the Raceway in particular are state of the art! Truly, the height of fire fighting technology!
All thanks to one wolf animatronic that really loves arson!
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latestghosts · 1 year
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ closed starter for @emeraldhazes based on stay by post malone.
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it wasn't unusual to find isaac at a party mingling with everybody. he was a social being and there was something about a party that brought out the best of him. he spoke with people he'd never met -- yet in front of him was the one person he found himself talk to more and more, even outside of social gatherings. it was a little out of his comfort zone, but he was enjoying getting to know them and trying to keep an open mind. "we gotta stop running into each other like this," he quipped, a smirk on his features and a red solo cup in his hand. "if i didn't know better, i'd say you were following me."
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daedaluscried · 2 years
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“ Well... “ Behind a pale veil - intended partially to obscure facial figures, but also for the general aesthetic - a young woman smiled softly, “ I suppose this meeting comes with purpose? Or I should hope so. But I’m afraid my brother did not tell me of it before he went on his hunting party. Would you care to tell me more? “
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butleroftoast · 2 years
[Under the read more: rant about work which got out of hand. My apologies, ignore me.]
Background: work has been absolutely exhausting lately. I haven’t had a lunchbreak in several weeks because it’s been too busy, I’m coming in early and leaving late (mostly unpaid), we’ve had extra stuff going on on top of already relentless days, and on the rare chance I get a day off I am literally so tired I’m shaking and unable to do much. The stress is making me actually, physically ill. I convinced senior management to let us have an extra person for the festive period but it was like pulling teeth, and is still barely enough. Managing my section on top of this is nigh-on impossible because I do not have time to do anything, let alone admin, but I’m giving it my best.
There’s a special event happening today which requires us to close early and help out with something new. It’s totally unnecessary and used to be held elsewhere on-site (which didn’t require shutting down a whole section), but whatever, we’re flexible, we’re game, we’ll do it (also we don’t have a choice because senior management made the decision without discussing it with us, as usual).
Despite not having enough time to feed myself, let alone talk to colleagues, I’ve passed on all the information I can to my team, bearing in mind that we’ve never done this before. I’ve given said information verbally multiple times and also in writing. My team know they can always message me if they have further questions. The final thing I did on my last shift was leave a prominent message explaining what was going to happen, who was going where, and what they would be doing there. I was so tired I could barely lift the pen, but I knew if I didn’t do it someone would moan about not being told anything.
This morning - one of those rare days off for me - I was woken up by a message from (who else) X, warning me that senior management was about to phone. Apparently they asked X what was happening, and X told them they had no idea what was going on today and hadn’t heard anything from me.
Senior management are now of the opinion that I’ve got zero communication and organisational skills. My one saving grace is that I do have the written proof of telling X what was happening, but by my next shift senior management will have assumed I’m incompetent and lost interest, because it never occurs to them to support or encourage their staff. All they ever do is criticise and then move on.
(Tangent: way back in the spring, we had a review of my start as a supervisor. With absolutely no training, I’d brought my section back after an entire year of being closed due to covid and losing all of our experienced staff. “How do you think it’s gone, Tozby?” “I think we’ve done reasonably well, considering the problems we’ve faced, and all of the new staff are working really hard.” “I disagree.” Why did management disagree? Because I hadn’t put a fruit bowl on the counter, and one morning three weeks prior we were so busy that senior management had to wait for their coffee while we served customers (senior management don’t allow us a coffee break, by the way).)
I am so tired. I am tired of this field, I am tired of X’s bullshit, and I am tired physically. Every time my phone pings I want to throw it at a wall, because it’s always, always, X starting drama over nothing. I would quit, but I need money and what else can I do? My only qualifications are in the arts, my only experience is in this work I’m so burnt out by, my mental health is atrocious, and there are no job opportunities in my area.
Anyway. Merry Christmas.
Yours sincerely, Someone in the Retail, Hospitality and Catering Sector
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desirespeaks · 2 years
@mieczlw​​ sent a sentence starter ( accepting. )
❛ do you mind if i sleep here tonight? ❜ / throw anyone you want at him!
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“ ‘course not, ” the alpha replied.  “ i was actually going to ask if you wanted to stay over anyway... ”
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commanderfreddy · 2 years
i never know what to Do with myself socially in these situations (im like the only person i know whos done This twice and i gotta tell you the experience does NOT help) so i just wanted to say im probably gonna go back to normal posting soon, but also occasionally be talking about the infinite abyss of loss and all the paperwork involved
the funeral's on wednesday (it's monday morning here)
if i go post jokey shit you're welcome to join in - i promise i only post shit that im willing for people to engage with (and worst case if you reply in a way thats well meaning but just doesnt click with my fucked up brain i will just ignore it and we can interact as normal later. its fine.)
and thanks everyone i havent had the energy to reply to one on one for all your love and kindness, it really does mean so much in terms of keeping the psychological lights on
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supraxstcllas · 1 month
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it had taken some time for him to reach this point; lots of reassuring and swearing to keep his teeth to himself, but he'd gained the trust of the league enough to permit him to leave quarantine. he still needed a chaperone, but he understood that. as ridiculous as it was. most of the time, this world's Superman would accompany him from place to place, keeping the other leaguers comfortable with his presence.
on rare occasions, this world's Batman would visit, but it never lasted very long past some testing or questions. overall, he liked Superman more. he'd been kind enough to supply him with animal blood to keep his hunger under control, which he appreciated immensely, despite his notable lack of expression.
Kirk had just finished a bag of cow blood as he continued his tinkering with his fake plasma recipe, when the man of steel appeared, the doors to Kirk's room sliding open with a soft hiss. the vampire turns, expression as blank as ever,
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" Another tour? " he asks, setting down his beakers and test tubes to give Superman his full attention, " Or are we doing something new today? "
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@yieldingdreams liked for a starter!
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medicinemane · 3 months
Sometimes you have something that you could say, that you think about saying, that you more or less know how you'd phrase it... but it's just not fucking worth it cause you know for a fact that people don't fucking listen
I don't know, I try to stay... if not optimistic then at least with a mind set of "doesn't matter, we've got no choice but to try and make things better"
Truthfully though I think I'm extremely pessimistic when it comes to the chances of anyone actually listening to what I say
I'm not sure if I'm just bad with words but... it seems impossible to convey even simple thoughts to people so... truthfully I've more or less given up and have just stopped trying. Especially if I don't at least know people well
So there it is
#like I could have said this; and I could have said that; and... hmm... I just don't think I would have succeeded in conveying that like...#I'm actually on your side man; I'm in your corner on this#I think you might be tilting at windmills here#but it's not fucking worth it anymore cause history shows me I'd either get no response or one that missed every word I said#and... I just give up... with everything#I don't want to say no one listens because that goes too far; but even with people I like very few people feel like they listen#people I adore where it's like... I'm not sure how you don't get that I can't 'move out' of my house cause... it's my house; like I own it#it's a question of telling someone else they have to leave; but like... I ain't leaving my home... this is mine#and... I don't understand how... this is like the 3rd or 4th time I've had to explain this; and it doesn't add up to me#cause this is someone that's brilliant that I know cares about me#...so I'm mostly confused... and a bit sad and hurt... but mostly I just don't get what I'm doing wrong in communicating#but if that's how I feel about someone I'm close to; how do you think I feel about strangers?#I don't understand what it takes to get people to listen#and like... there's a chance they would have; there's a chance they would have been super receptive#it's just... it's no longer worth the effort to me#it's not worth the effort on a chance; and perhaps I do them a real disservice; and perhaps I do the next person one too#but... there's too many people I run into these days where I'm right and so... I don't know; kinda am closed off at this point#or something; fuck it; doesn't matter#also you people worry too much about me just saying what's on my mind#whatever the fuck I may say here... ain't I cleaning and shit; whatever... hmm...#you'd fucking hate Eeyore; you say you'd like him; but I'm telling you that people can't fucking accept someone being a bit morose#you'd bother him to cheer up; you say you'd accept him; but I'm saying you wouldn't#and I'm saying you wouldn't cause no one can just let me say shit that's on my mind without making a big deal out of it#like at what point do I earn the right to not have to fix myself on top of all the other shit I'm trying to fix?#at what point does taking practical actions to try and improve my situation make up for me saying gloomy shit sometimes?#whatever... doesn't matter#if there's one thing I've learned in life it's that people care very much; and they're fucking horrible at actually supporting people#most people want to very much and suck very badly at it; in part cause they can't just sit with someone; they're always trying to fix thing#mm tag so i can find things later
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queenhells · 7 months
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❝ make me an offer. ❞ she gestures with wide arms to the various papers scattered across her desk, one in particular coming across far too many times. she reclines, elbows on the arms and fingers tenting together. a brow perks into the air, staring intently at the other, unamused under it all. ❝ what will it be? ❞
@hotelbitches' velvette attended a showing! ⤷ playground, bea miller.
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ayoungeststark · 7 months
If there was one thing Logan simply hated, it was fighting with Morgan. He tried to be a good brother, he loved his little sister more than anything in the world. However, she still pissed him off sometimes, either by doing something that annoyed him when he wasn't in a good mood or something like that. Normal siblings behavior, he knew, but he hated it anyway.
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An hour had passed since their most recent fight, and Logan thought it was time to go sort it out. She was too quiet, and he didn't like that. He gently knocked on his sister's bedroom door and waited a few seconds before opening it. “Hey—can I come in ?”
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@leschanceux ❤'d for a starter !
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