#let me have this moment of happiness? makes it very clear that when hormones aren't fucking with my meds they actually do work
stochastiz · 8 months
the fact that i was just able to respond to the thought of "that social experience was really great, it wouldn't matter if i died on the drive back because i won't have another experience like that in the foreseeable future" with "that's a fucking absurd thought stop it" was really nice. like in that moment i had the presence of mind to say yeah i'm going back to my depression-disaster of an apartment but i don't need to kill myself right now to "end on a high note" because that's a ridiculous idea in the first place. a week ago i don't think i would've been capable of that kind of response.
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zoeykallus · 3 years
Tech – Thank You For Loving Me 10 – Cared For
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Tech x Fem!Reader FF
Warnings: Mention And Description Of Intense Menstrual Pain/ Mention Of Menstrual Bleeding/Mention Of Hormonal Overflow And Hormonal Influenced Behavior
Author's Comment:
After another exhausting "month", I thought why not use and write about it. I don't know if anyone is feeling addressed, but I thought it would be cute to have the guys react to it, Tech in particular.
What Happened Before:
Nervous Flutter
Help Me To Let Go
Asking For Advice
The Explorer
You're The Best
Experimental (1/2)
Experimental (2/2) - Not Fully Functional
Not Alone
Part 10 - Cared For
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Still fairly early in the morning, first thing you did was sneak into the refresher to get cleaned up, while Tech tried as quietly as he could to change the stained sheets and bedding, which he immediately stuffed sneakily into a laundry bag to go wash at a laundromat later in the day. There was one not far from where the Marauder was landed.
After you finished in the refresher, Tech slipped in right after you to freshen up as well. The others still seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Meanwhile, you headed into town to get a few things for breakfast, you wanted to surprise the guys. It had been a while since they had had a decent breakfast and you were sick of protein bars.
When Tech came out of the refresher, Hunter was sitting in his bunk looking at him critically.
"Good morning," Tech said cautiously, sensing something was in the air.
As it turned out, it was indeed literal.
"Tech. We should have a talk," Hunter said meaningfully, getting up from his bunk and getting dressed.
"Sure. What about?" asked Tech innocently.
The look Hunter gave him was a mixture between reproachful and amused.
"Not here, in the cockpit, where we're undisturbed at the moment."
Tech nodded, he guessed what Hunter wanted to discuss, yesterday in the heat of the moment he hadn't thought about it, but in hindsight Hunter's hyper-sensitive senses had come back to his mind.
He finally followed Hunter into the cockpit, who closed the door behind them both and finally turned to him with a sigh.
"Listen, I'm glad you and Y/N have found each other and that you're finally coming out of your shell. She seems to be doing you good, you seem happier than I've ever seen you before," the sergeant explained.
"Thank you," Tech said "I am indeed happy, she makes me happy. However, I hear a but there."
Hunter nodded and sat down in the copilot's chair.
"It would be better if you guys weren't intimate with each other in the Marauder. Aside from the fact that one of us might catch you at it, the smell overwhelms my senses. As much as I hate to admit it, when I smell Y/N's arousal, even if it's just the remnants of last night, it's.... very distracting," he spoke quietly in a cautious tone.
"Oh," Tech uttered nervously "I um, well, last night I wasn't really thinking about it, I wasn't really thinking at all.... I uh was-"
"Horny?" asked Hunter dryly.
Tech cleared his throat awkwardly and finally nodded.
"Well...yes. I guess that's the term" he said, blushing.
Hunter chuckled, "Happens to the best of us."
Tech shrugged apologetically and tried to explain, "Our time at the hotel was great, but the end of our time there was.... bumpy, without going into details. I misbehaved afterwards and hurt Y/N in some ways, so I really just wanted to.... spend some time with her, hold her and such. I really didn't plan for it to turn into anything more last night."
Hunter nodded, well understanding his brother.
"I know and I know it seems unfair because we rarely ever aren't on the ship or have time for anything else. But it's probably better if you don't sleep in a bunk together."
Tech lowered his eyes and sighed.
"Then we will have to find another solution. I don't think a relationship can work that way. In such a small space, only a weekend in a hotel every few weeks or months," he finally said seriously.
Hunter looked at his brother, startled.
"You're not suggesting that you guys were going to leave us, are you, Tech?"
Tech shook his head.
"No, I don't think either of us want that, but I had an idea when I was in the refresher. I kept putting credits aside and saving some, as far as I know Y/N saved some credits too. I was thinking of buying a shuttle with Y/N that could be connected to the Marauder with a few modifications. This would give us privacy and.... your senses would be relieved"
" Will the Marauder still be mission capable then?" asked Hunter interested in the idea.
"Yes, hence the modifications. The ships should be able to use hyperspace connected to each other and also be able to dock and undock at any time within a few seconds. That's how I envision it, anyway. That's a lot of work, though, and would mean we'd have to stay on the ground for at least a week to make the necessary modifications to both ships," explained Tech, who was already drawing blueprints in his head.
Hunter smiled.
"We'll be able to handle a week. I like the idea if it really works," he said with relief, patting Tech on the back.
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You were on your way back when you noticed a tugging and twinge in your abdomen. Cursing softly, you stopped for a moment, the bag of pastries and fruit for breakfast in your right hand.
You had lost a little sense of time since traveling with the boys. Was it that time again? Apparently it was. Your menstrual period was starting. You had almost reached the Marauder. Usually you had always managed to withdraw at this time of the month under a pretense, until now none of the guys had noticed that you had quite a bit of pain and problems at this time of the month.
There were women who noticed almost nothing or only a slight discomfort, and then there were those like you who at this time of the month felt like someone was trying to tear your uterus out of your womb with a red-hot poker.
Gritting your teeth against the ever-increasing pain, you kept going. You could feel the color draining from your face, the pain making you a little nauseous.
Hastily, you entered the ship with a forced smile, put the bag in Echo's hand and said, "I got us breakfast, you guys get started, I'll be right there."
Tech looked at you with a smile but the smile froze on his face, he could tell by your posture and expression that something was wrong and Hunter of course sensed what was going on but said nothing for the moment.
You disappeared into the refresher with your toilet bag, prepped yourself so you wouldn't stain your clothes with blood, and fished out the bottle of painkillers.
It was empty. Disbelievingly, you shook the small bottle and cursed softly. You had forgotten that you had used up the last two pills last month.
Awkwardly in pain, you sat down on the closed toilet seat and tried to breathe evenly as it felt like your uterus was burning to push its way out of your body.
"Fuck," you growled softly.
There was a knock on the door.
It was Hunter.
"Yeah, I'll be right there, just a minute!" you called back.
Your hormones went crazy and forced you through a roller coaster of emotions and made you perceive and feel everything much more intensely than you wanted to. The thought that you might not have been able to hide your condition brought tears to your eyes.
"Y/N," Hunter said softly, "are you okay?"
"Yes, of course," you said, forcing yourself to adopt a relaxed, cheerful tone.
"Ad'ika you know I can sense what's going on? You also know I can sense when someone is in pain, don't you?"
Gritting your teeth, you snapped, "What are you getting at? Can't you leave me alone for five minutes?!"
You immediately regretted your tone and words. Hunter was worried, probably wanting to help you, but you were so on the edge you could barely respond rationally.
You heard him sigh, then he said, "Normally I wouldn't push you, but I know you're miserable, so no, I can't leave you alone."
"What's wrong?" you heard Tech's voice ask.
You suppressed an annoyed groan, you didn't want Tech to see you like this, so broken and not yourself.
Hunter hesitated but then answered, "Her body is releasing tons of hormones and she seems to be in a lot of pain, at least that's what my senses say."
"What, why?", Tech sounded concerned.
"Go away," you said pressed.
"Out of the question", Tech grumbled "Cyare, open the door".
You felt so sick from the mounting pain that you hardly dared open your mouth for fear you'd throw up at any moment.
When you didn't answer Tech said, "Y/N, sweetie, if you don't open the door I'm going to have to ask Wrecker to open it."
"I'm going to take a shower" you said "Sometimes a hot shower helps a little, after that I'll come out"
"Can you still let me in?" asked Tech softly "I don't like you being in there alone"
You knew he wouldn't budge so you struggled to the door and opened it. Tech immediately slipped into the small bathroom where you barely had room together, between the shower, sink and toilet bowl.
He closed the door behind him to prevent prying eyes from seeing you. He suspected that you were uncomfortable.
You lowered yourself back onto the toilet seat and groaned softly, suppressing a scream as a violent spasm jolted through your abdomen.
Tech frowned worriedly and squatted in front of you
"Since Hunter mentioned a hormonal change, I assume this is about your menstruation?"
You didn't dare open your mouth as the nausea came back, so you just nodded tentatively.
"I've never seen you like this before, it seems bad. Would you mind if I did a scan?" he asked cautiously, taking a small device from his belt.
You shook your head.
"It's not invasive, don't worry," he spoke calmly as he held the device in front of your abdomen.
It buzzed and a glowing mesh seemed to cover your body. You'd seen scans like this before, just never in such a small, handy form.
Tech read the data and raised his eyebrows in surprise. When he looked at you, he seemed concerned and surprised at the same time.
"The cramps you're having are close to contractions during childbirth. I don't know what that's related to, I don't have the appropriate knowledge, but I'll definitely acquire it in the next few days," he said, frowning.
"You don't have to, I don't want you to worry about it," you said reluctantly.
He grabbed the small scanner back to his belt and carefully took your hands in his.
"But I care about knowing how you are and what's going on with you. Is it like this every month?"
"Often, but not always. I usually take my pills and withdraw," you explained, pointing to the prescription bottle.
Tech reached out with one hand and shook the bottle.
" You don't have any left, that's why you're feeling so sick?"
You nodded, clenching your teeth against another spasm. Your hand automatically closed tighter around his without you noticing.
He looked at you searchingly.
"Another cramp?"
Shakily, you nodded and sighed in exhaustion as the spasm finally subsided for a moment, leaving a burning echo behind.
Tech looked at the prescription bottle again and said, "This is a very strong painkiller. Did a doctor recommend this to you?"
Again you nodded.
"Tech," you said softly, "Every little bit takes my strength, can we postpone this conversation?"
He sighed, but nodded. Tech opened the door of the tiny bathroom and took the bottle.
"I need a volunteer," you heard him say.
"What's wrong?" asked Hunter.
"I need a specific painkiller for Y/N."
Echo popped up from the other side and said, "Leave it to me."
Tech tossed him the empty prescription bottle, Echo deftly caught it as he passed and hurried off to get the pills.
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As Tech turned back to you, you pulled yourself straight up onto your unsteady legs, seeking balance at the sink. Your whole body felt achy.
"Let me take you to your bunk," Tech suggested.
"I can walk myself," you said quietly to which you earned a skeptical look.
"At least let me support you a little, if you don't want to be carried," he suggested, carefully reaching around your waist with one arm.
Slowly and patiently, Tech led you to your bunk and helped you lie down, removing your shoes, fluffing your pillow, and carefully tucking you in.
He sat on the edge of the bunk and looked at you examiningly.
"Will it be all right until Echo gets back?" he asked gently.
You smiled tiredly though you didn't feel like smiling.
"I'm not dying Tech, even if it feels like it," you joked.
Crosshair suddenly appeared beside you, bending down to you with a cup of hot tea. You were actually uncomfortable that everyone now knew something was wrong with you, but you were also incredibly touched that they cared and enjoyed the attention.
"Thanks Cross," you said with a touched smile and let Tech help you into a sitting position to sip your tea.
Hunter and Wrecker showed up as well and the hallway between the bunks got pretty crowded. Wrecker held out a plate of small cut fruit and some sweet cookies to you.
"Figured the vitamins in the fruit couldn't hurt," he said almost sheepishly, carefully placing the plate on your lap as if you were fragile.
"Indeed," Tech said "You need to eat and drink a little".
Gratefully you looked around and dutifully ate the small pieces of fruit slowly and carefully. Wrecker always saw you as a little flower, accordingly he had cut the fruit quite small, but that suited you just fine. That way you had to chew less, move less, less movement meant less pain and less nausea.
"You are so sweet," you said, feeling yourself almost on the verge of tears with gratitude. You couldn't remember anyone ever taking care of you like this before and now you had five men around you at once, caring for you and wanting to help you.
"You're family," Wrecker said, "It's only natural that we take care of you."
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Hunter said, "Tech, the comm system repairs can wait for now."
With a wave, Hunter told Crosshair and Wrecker to back off and followed them to give you some rest.
Tech carefully slid onto the bunk next to you.
No, it wasn't, yet you nodded, not wanting him to worry.
"Really?" he probed.
"A little," you said tentatively "Tech, can you tell me a story or something?"
Surprised, he raised his eyebrows.
"I could tell you a lot of things. Any requests?"
You lay down somewhat comfortably, trying to find a position where you could tolerate the pain to some extent, and finally said, "Whatever you'd like to tell me, I just want to hear your voice"
Tech smiled.
"When the pain subsides and you get tired, which is logical, pain is exhausting and tiring, especially the kind like yours, go ahead and accept the tiredness and try to sleep" he asked you gently and adjusted your blanket.
"Okay darling," you said with a grin.
As Tech began to tell you about flora and fauna on Kashyyyk, one of his hands slid to yours and held it gently, stroking the back of your hand in soothing circles with his thumb. You actually managed to relax little by little. You had to smile every time he gave you a scrutinizing look to see if you were all right.
Being cared for like this actually made the otherwise terrible situation bearable.
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