#let bucky be lavishly doted upon 2k21
marvelousescapism · 3 years
idc if this is a popular opinion but i think The best dynamic for stucky in the present day is like bucky just fully embracing hedonism as part of his recovery and just going "ok i am now a housewife princess and i dont have to do shit" and letting steve spoil the fuck out of him both in general life and sexually. like let him just prance around in designer bathrobes and eat pastries and bonbons and read magazines all day and get some good dick in the evening that's what he deserves
oh but nonny you are SO right, Bucky being hedonistic af is glorious!!
When Steve gets up early to go for a run (he'll always leave a little note by the bed when he does) Bucky will stay in bed til noon just lounging around
At this point, their bed is more of a fluffy blanket pile than a bed because Bucky will buy every fluffy blanket he sets his eyes on, and also Steve now buys any blanket he sees that he thinks Bucky will like
He used to be nervous about making frivolous purchases and would ask Steve's permission every time at first, until Steve figured out what was happening and assured Bucky that he didn't need permission and he was allowed to just do things and buy things and own his own things just because he felt like it
(After that, most of Bucky's money has been going into steadily funding the little Jewish bakery down the block because it reminds him of his Ma's food)
(Also Steve will get Bucky whatever he wants when they go shopping; Bucky is.. basically Steve’s sugar baby.)
("Steeeve~" "Yeah baby?" "You seen this fancy underwear..? Bet my ass would look reeeal nice in this pretty lace.. whaddaya think~?" "I think you oughta put em in the basket, Buck. No, two. Put two in the basket. I don’t trust myself not to rip the first pair off’a ya soon as you get em on.")
Steve hand feeds Bucky sweet treats allllll the time, just has Bucky lay his head on his lap and pets his hair as he dips strawberries into cream and sugar for Bucky and lets him slowly eat from his hand and lick his fingers clean
Bucky naps a lot; he turns into a cat when he finds a spot of sunlight; he'll just lay down on the floor and fall asleep on the carpet because who's gonna judge him?? If anything, he'll wake up with Steve's arms around him and that's always the best way to wake up
Bucky does not lift a finger at all at bath time (and it's always bath time, not shower time, because Bucky likes the warmth and the bubbles and the bath bombs and the bath salts and the scented candles around the tub and whatever Bucky wants he's sure as hell getting it); Steve will wash his hair and kiss down his neck and shoulders until Bucky's just turns to goo in his arms
Bucky just has to look at Steve a certain way in bed or call his name in a certain tone and Steve is rushing to go down on his pillow princess and give him whatever he wants
(Bucky hardly ever does any of the work during sex)
He wakes up to Steve lazily fucking him or sucking him off under the sheets so many times that it's basically the norm at this point
Basically, Bucky is living the high life and Steve pampers the fuck out of him - to the point the others always tease Steve for having a 'kept boy'
(And Steve just shrugs and smiles to himself because he can't exactly deny it... and he also kinda likes it 😌)
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