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livinginvictory · 4 years ago
Les Feldick - Through The Bible - Bk 54-1-2 Program 2003-06 | James 4:4 ...
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danwilliereview · 6 years ago
Creation of Adam
Creation of Adam 1-1-2 Genesis 1:6-23
Timeline Now- Click photo to Zoom in.
Dan’s Outline of Key Points
God restores everything operational order
Furnament -atmosphere
Divide water move above as a vapor belt
3 Heavens atmosphere, space, gods abode
Makes dry land and sea
Greenhouse affect Typical from pole to Pole
One Temperature
God saw it was Good
Grass fruit all…
https://pray4usa2day.com/creation-of-adam/">View On WordPress
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talmidimblogging · 4 years ago
Abraham, Lot, and Melchizedek (2)
Genesis 12-14 by Thomas Bass | LesFeldick We are on a trek through the Scriptures from Genesis all the way through (if The Lord tarries), Revelation. We are presently in the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis Chapter 12), which is divided dormantly (they don’t all come out at once) into the promise of a nation; the promise of […]Abraham, Lot, and Melchizedek (2)
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christianworldf · 6 years ago
New Post has been published on Christian Worldview Institute
New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/jewish-feasts/spring-feasts/feast-of-pentecost/469-les-feldick-bible-study-lesson-1-part-1-book-40-fellowship-in-resurrection-power/
469 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 1 Part 1 Book 40 - Fellowship In Resurrection Power
Through the Bible with Les Feldick LESSON 1 * PART 1 * BOOK 40 Fellowship In Resurrection Power We trust the Lord will just open the Scriptures to everyone’s understanding as we teach. We realize that there’s so much confusion out there today, and people are hungry for the Word. For maybe new listeners I always try to emphasize Paul’s apostleship to the non-Jews. So Philippians is one of Paul’s prison epistles. Paul is dealing primarily now with these letters with “our position in Christ, and what are we in the Body of Christ.” Be skilled in the Word of God. Philippians 3:1a “Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord….” Now remember the circumstances that Paul is writing in. Now here comes a word of warning. Philippians 3:2 Now of course the concision there that he was making reference to were the Judaisers, and their constant promotion of the circumcision of the flesh, to Paul’s little congregation of Grace Age believers. Now with that in mind let’s read verse 3. “For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” So Paul alone deals with that old Adam or as we call it that old sin nature. So Paul says, “Beware of those things, because we’re not concerned about circumcision in the flesh, but rather we’re concerned about the spiritual circumcision which is something only God can do. Now let’s move on into new ground in verse 4. The flesh. So looking at verse 4 again. As a good Jew, remember, and here Paul gives seven reasons again why he could boast in the flesh. Philippians 3:4b-6 Circumcised the eight day, (that’s number one) of the stock of Israel,(that’s number 2) of the tribe of Benjamin, (that’s 3) an Hebrew of the Hebrews; (that’s 4) as touching the law, a Pharisee; (that’s number 5) 6. Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; (or that assembly of believers up there in Jerusalem. Philippians 3:4 If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: “…of the tribe of Benjamin,…” It’s back in the Book of Genesis chapter 49. Now keep Saul of Tarsus and the kind of a man that he was as a great religious persecutor of Israel. Now look at this verse as Jacob looks down the halls of time. Wasn’t that old Saul of Tarsus? We’ll be continuing on in verse 5. Now let’s look at another verse where he says much the same thing over in II Corinthians chapter 11. Some said, “Well we’re not going to follow that guy Paul, but rather we follow Christ’s earthly ministry teaching only.” Now back to Philippians. chapter 3. “…an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, (and remember the law was fleshly. a Pharisee;” Philippians 3:6a “Concerning Zeal, persecuting the church;…” The word church here is so unfortunate, it should be persecuting the assembly. I’ve taught this over and over the last 9 years on television, that the word Church is not always the same group of people. Ecclesia is always translated Church, or in a place in Acts it is translated I think correctly, as an assembly, but see this assembly was a group of Ephesians rioters. They were pagans, so they certainly weren’t Church. So the word Church, “Ecclesia really the true definition is, “a called out assembly.” Let’s look at Acts chapter 7 to show you what I’m talking about. Don’t just take the word Church and consider it as the same group. It was God the Son, it was Christ, and here it’s so evident. Look at verse 37 again. Acts 7:37 “This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear.” So it’s always the personality of God the Son who is speaking. It’s a called out assembly to be sure, but of what kind of people? Jews. So this assembly that was called out of Egypt is the nation of Israel under Moses’ leadership, and here the word Ecclesia, instead of being translated Church should have been translated a called out assembly, because that’s what Israel was. We can look at another one in Acts chapter 2, and this one also is so often interchanged with what Paul calls “the Church which is His Body”. Now here in Acts chapter 2 we have the Jewish feast day of Pentecost, and let’s look at verse 47. Remember these were all Jewish believers. Acts 2:47 “Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” It would have been so much better if the translator would have used “a called out assembly” here rather than Church. These Jews were called out from the masses of Jews who had rejected Jesus of Nazareth. Now verse 30) And when Paul would have entered in unto the people, the disciples (his followers, certainly not the twelve) suffered him not. It would be no more obnoxious as the called out Jews from Egypt or the called out Jews at Pentecost.
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livinginvictory · 4 years ago
Les Feldick - Through The Bible - Bk 54-1-1 Program 2003-05 | James 3:7 ...
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livinginvictory · 4 years ago
Les Feldick - Through The Bible - Book 53-3-3 Program 2003-03 | James 2:...
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livinginvictory · 4 years ago
Les Feldick - Through The Bible - Bk 53-3-2 Program 2003-02 | James 1:27...
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livinginvictory · 4 years ago
Les Feldick - Through The Bible - Bk 53-3-4 Program 2003-04 | James 2:18...
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christianworldf · 6 years ago
New Post has been published on Christian Worldview Institute
New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/jewish-feasts/spring-feasts/feast-of-first-fruit/197-les-feldick-bible-study-lesson-2-part-1-book-17-acts-chapters-1-2/
197 - Les Feldick Bible Study Lesson 2 - Part 1 - Book 17 - Acts Chapters 1 & 2
Through the Bible with Les Feldick LESSON 2 * PART 1 * BOOK 17 ACTS CHAPTERS 1 & 2 Now Acts Chapter 1, where the disciples had seen The Lord ascend out of their midst from the Mount of Olives. The disciples return to Jerusalem and are meeting in an upper room. Now verse 15: Acts 1:15 We know there were women also, but of the men there were 120. Now Peter realizes that since Jesus had left them with the idea that the Kingdom was at hand (He hasn’t told them that it’s going to postponed for some 1900 + years) and since the Kingdom is going to be ruled by Christ with the Twelve ruling the Twelve tribes of Israel, then they need twelve men rather than eleven. “Men and brethren, this Scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus. For he (Judas) was numbered with us, and had obtained part of this ministry.” Jesus knew everything about him and what he would eventually do. A lot of people will say Judas never had a chance. God had already created him to be the betrayer. No Judas wasn’t put in that situation. Judas had a choice just like you and I have a choice. But God in His foreknowledge knew what Judas would do when he was given the opportunity. So prophecy foretold it. Before Judas betrayed Jesus in the Garden, who actually entered into him? Satan did. Because one point of Scripture says Judas was hung. Scripture doesn’t lie so how are you going to reconcile the two? I think as a result of this catapulting action of Satan himself as he leaves Judas’ body, it caused Judas to be flung onto a low tree branch or fence post. Now verse 19: Because it had been purchased with blood money. “For it is written in the book of Psalms, `Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick (his office as one of the twelve) let another take.’ I’m sure most of you have heard teaching that Peter was being presumptuous here, and that he should have waited for the Apostle Paul seven years later to fill this twelfth slot. Paul wouldn’t have fit. Paul was an opposer of Christ at that time. And so evidently there were only two men that fit those qualifications out of the 120 men gathered there – Barsabas and Matthias. In the Old Testament God would use two stones called the Urim and Thummim for the priest arrive at certain decisions. They were evidently two little gem stones that went into a pouch behind the ephod, and when a decision of yes or no was needed the priest would use these two stones. In choosing Matthias, I don’t think they took a vote of the 120 men, but they get God’s decision by choosing between these two men. Acts 1:26 “And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias (some people say this doesn’t really tell us that Matthias was God’s choice. Well what are you going to do with the last part of the verse? In Chapter 2, it’s the day of Pentecost. We find this in Leviticus Chapter 23. Pentecost is not a Church day, but a Jewish feast day. It’s one of the seven feasts of Jehovah listed in Leviticus Chapter 23. In verse 5 we have the Passover and in verse 6 the Feast of Unleavened Bread. In verses 9-14 we have the Feast of First Fruits and in verse 15 we have the next feast. Leviticus 23:15 “And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete:” The word Pentecost arrives from that. Pente means 50. Christ has just been crucified at the time of Passover. They were waiting that 50 days till Pentecost. Remember, Jews would come to Jerusalem from the whole then-known world (predominantly Roman Empire) for these seven Jewish feast days. The Temple in Jerusalem is still operating. No one has told these Jewish believers to cast aside Temple worship, these feast days or the Law. Ever since the Tower of Babel there have been all kinds of dialects and languages. These Jews didn’t all speak Hebrew. They had been living in Gentile nations and had picked up that language. “And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews (notice we are not dealing with Gentiles), devout men, out of every nation under heaven.” The other important word in this verse is `devout.’ What kind of Jews would spend the money and take the time to come back to Jerusalem for a feast day? Only the devout ones. Now verse 6: The disciples were from that part of Israel. Northern Israel was more rural than the southern part, and not as highly educated. They were mostly farmers, shepherds, fishermen and carpenters. Evidently these 12 men showed they were not from that cultured area of Jerusalem.
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christianworldf · 6 years ago
New Post has been published on Christian Worldview Institute
New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/bible-prophecies/end-time-events/book-of-daniel/daniel-9-70-weeks/969-les-feldick-bible-study-lesson-3-part-1-book-81-daniels-prayer-and-prophecy-1/
969 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 3 Part 1 Book 81 - Daniel's Prayer and Prophecy - 1
Through the Bible with Les Fedick LESSON 3 * PART 1 * BOOK 81 DANIEL’S PRAYER AND PROPHECY – 1 Daniel 9:3–24 Okay, it’s good to have everyone in today as we begin the third part of Book 81. For those of you out in television, again we just want to welcome you to our Bible study. And I have to take the time to thank you out there for your letters. My, how we enjoy mail time, don’t we, Honey? We still manage to read them all. We may not all get them the same day they come, but sooner or later we get every letter read. So don’t ever hold back from dropping us a note. And again, I have to emphasize: please don’t write two, three, or four pages; because then we can’t get every letter read. But we do appreciate your letters, your gifts, and your prayers—everything that has made this such a blessing to so many. For those of you here in the studio—we appreciate your coming in. Many of you have traveled a good distance here today, and we realize that. Before we begin the lesson, I want to again let our audience know we still have this question and answer book available. We just got a whole semi-load again the other day. It’s the one and only book we’ve ever had, and they are still going out by the hundreds. They are available, and if you’d like a copy just call the office and we’ll get them out to you. Probably the best $11 you’ll ever spend. They also make wonderful gifts. Okay, now we’re going to get right into the Book, and we’re going to pick up where we left off after our last taping. For those here in the studio, that’s over a month ago. For those of you out in television, it was yesterday or last week, whatever the case may be. We’re going to come back to where we left off in Daniel chapter 9. We made rather a hurried commentary on the first two verses. I didn’t really get to finish it like I’d like to, so I’m going to go back and touch on those for just a moment before we drop into verse 3. So, let’s start at verse 1. All right, in chapter 9 verse 1, remember now that poor old Daniel is about 87 or 88 years of age, having been kidnapped out of Jerusalem when he was probably 12 or 14, which tells you how long he has now been out there in the area of Babylon and Shushan. Well over the 70 years that he knew the captivity was to be. So what’s in the old fellow’s mind? Well, we should be getting back to Jerusalem one of these days. The seventy years of captivity has run its course. It’s over. And I think that’s why back even in a previous verse in chapter 8—if you want to look at it a minute, in verse 27—I think the old fellow was getting so anxious for the opportunity to go back home to Jerusalem; which, as far as we know, he never did. But look what he says in verse 27. Daniel 8:27A “And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king’s business; and I was astonished at the vision,…” Well, I think what he was really sick at was that he had spent all these years throughout that seventy years that was promised in prophecy and there was still no sign of going back to Jerusalem. Anyway, in chapter 9 verse 1: Daniel 9:1 “In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes,…” Now you remember I pointed out in the last taping that we are already past the Babylonian K ingdom. And by the miracle-working power of God old Daniel moves from Baghdad, or Babylon, up to Shushan which is the capital of the Medes and Persians. Unbelievable that here this Jew survives the whole Babylonian time and now moves up into the Mede and Syrian Empire and is still in a place of authority. It’s just unbelievable, except that God is in it. Now verse 2: Daniel 9:2 “In the first year of his reign (That is of Darius the son of Ahasuerus.) I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, (Well, what number of years is he talking about? The seventy. The seventy years should be fulfilled by now and we should be ready to go back home. All right, we’re looking at it in just a moment, but let’s finish the verse.) whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish (or fulfill) seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.” Now Jeremiah prophesied it—but you’ve got to know your history, and you’ve got to know your time. Jeremiah was writing about the time that Daniel was the little lad being carried out to Babylon. So Daniel knew Jeremiah at least by name if not personally, and he’s referring to his prophecy. But before we look at Jeremiah’s prophecy, let’s go all the way back—and I love to do this to show the scornful world that this Book is like no other book. Nothing compares to this Book.
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christianworldf · 7 years ago
New Post has been published on Christian Worldview Institute
New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/bible-prophecies/end-time-events/book-of-revelation/white-horse-rider/161-les-feldick-bible-study-lesson-2-part-1-book-14-revelation-21-22/
161 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 2 Part 1 Book 14 - REVELATION 21 & 22
We will review more or less what we covered in the Book of Revelation up to these final two Chapters. I know reviewing is a way to help you grasp more readily the things you have learned. I would like to point out some of the aspects of these 1007 years. We have been coming out of the Church Age, and we know that the Church is the Body of Christ. That is the way the Apostle Paul usually refers to it. He says, “The Church which is His Body.” And that is what counts. It doesn’t matter whether we are a member of a particular denomination, bur rather what counts is, “Are we a member of the Body of Christ! Have we experienced His salvation!”
Remember that the Book of Daniel, Matthew Chapter 24, and the Book of Revelation have to do primarily with prophecy, and everything concerning prophecy is primarily connected to and directed to the Nation of Israel. There is nothing in prophecy concerning the Church. Consequently, the Church Age has been more or less a parenthetical period of time that was slipped in. It interrupted the 490 years that was prophesied by God on the Nation of Israel in Daniel 9:24. The Church Age is Gentile in nature, and most, if not all, of the basic Church Age doctrines come from the pen of the Apostle Paul. Since Grace and Law can’t mix, we know that the Body of Christ has to be removed before God picks up again with the prophetic program concerning Israel.
Many people write concerning the Rapture, and the first thing I know is that they have no comprehension of the fact that the Church is strictly a Pauline revelation from the risen Lord. In other words, you can find nothing concerning the Church in the Old Testament. You can find nothing concerning the Body of Christ in the four Gospels. And it isn’t until the Apostle Paul comes on the scene, and has this great revelation from the ascended and glorified Lord, that the Body of Christ has its beginning. Now since Israel has rejected and crucified her Messiah, and has rejected the King and the Kingdom, and the opportunity to evangelize the nations (there are many Scripture references for this in the Old Testament), which was theirs if they had not rejected their King and Kingdom, God then sets the Nation of Israel aside, and He puts her out in a dispersion that has lasted the past 1900 + years.
He then turned to the Gentiles completely without the Nation of Israel. That is a concept very few people seem to understand. That the Body of Christ is predominately Gentile in nature, and is not associated with prophecy, nor associated with the promises given to the Nation of Israel. But it is that unique outpouring of the Grace of God upon the Gentile masses, whereby they can experience salvation, and become a child of God by virtue of “Faith + Faith alone in the Gospel, as presented by the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 15:1-4.”Whereby we become members then of the Body of Christ.
Israel, in the meantime, has now spent the last 1900 + years (according to the Old Testament, as well as according to Paul), in spiritual blindness. Which is still in effect even today. And even though they may seem religious in their practices of Old Testament Judaism, yet basically, they are blind to so much spiritual truth especially concerning their Messiah, the Christ. I know I have Jewish people watching and I say this very kindly with that in mind. They are blinded according to Romans 11:8 and they cannot see and comprehend these things, unless the Spirit opens their understanding. During this Church Age, the Body of Christ is strictly a Pauline revelation, and you won’t find it anywhere else except in the letters of Paul. So Paul talks about a mystery in I Corinthians 51. Now a mystery in Scripture is a secret. Which up until this time had been kept secret in the mind of God, and we will be looking at all of that in future programs. We can show it so clearly from Scripture, that these things were kept secret in the mind of God, until He saw fit to reveal it to Apostle Paul, the Apostle to the Gentile world.
I Corinthians 15:51
“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.”
In other words, when the Body of Christ is finally finished and the last one has been brought in, there is going to be an outcalling of those who are alive and remain, by virtue of a change from this body to the new glorified body. All of those who have died in Christ during this Church Age will be resurrected with their new bodies. And we call that the Rapture of the Church.
After that happens, we find God picking up where He left off with the Nation of Israel. Remember, out of the 490 years that had been determined on the Nation of Israel, 483 of those years ended at the Crucifixion of Christ. Daniel 9:26. That left seven more years to make the prophecy complete.
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