#les melia
ctmwidower · 9 months
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The Sister Veronica method of stalemate* resolution
*or, if you prefer it, an "entreched situation"
CtM S13E01
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lepetitdragonvert · 6 months
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Siren Song
Artist : Lia Melia
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risartblog · 4 months
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La nuit du Chat Noir
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rarougrougrou · 1 year
Du couuup!
Merlin/Elias car je fais ma propagande activement tout les jours
Luffy/Zoro car je relance la question of course
Et AaaaAAAAaaaA Parce-que pour le lol aussi fkrkdke
Melias jsuis vraiment tombé dedans alors que y'a 2 ans j'aurais déclenché une croisade contre ce ship cest insane
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Jaime/brienne on en a parlé qu'une fois et c'était vraiment la révélation pour moi
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Luffy/zoro les ambassadeurs du qpr
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Rien à dire sur aaAAAAaaA
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superiorkenshi · 1 year
Bon j'ai à nouveau des sentiments pour Elias de Kelliwic'h..
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mysunshinetemptress · 3 months
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Leah Williamson x Reader
Warnings: Mean sisters, Mean Leah
Natalie had popped out the shops leaving the older girls in  charge of you who still hadn't moved. Your older sisters had taken this as the perfect opportunity to wind you up, they started by hiding the house phones before watching as you ran around the house in a panic becoming more and more panicked as you searched furiously, your eyes began to fill with tears as you heard the phone ringing trying to navigate where it was coming from. Melia looked at Ellie and Charlotte before peaking around the corner watching as you picked up the phone and sighing in relief "Watch this." you pressed accept before you began talking "Hello." Melia tried not to laugh as she dropped the octave of her voice "Hello is Y/n Sterling there." The three girls tried not to laugh at the excitement in their younger sister "Yes this is she." "Oh excellent well I'm sorry to tell you but we aren't going to accept you to Arsenal." You looked down at the floor disappointed "oh..ehm  why." You felt your bottom lip start to tremble as the voice on the opposite side began to speak "well if I'm being honest you are the worst football player we have ever seen not even Man United would want you and in my professional opinion you should quite playing all together."
Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring the image of your sisters huddled in the doorway, barely containing their laughter. Your voice cracked as you stammered, "But... I practiced really hard. Leah says I'm getting better."
The voice boomed through the phone, "Leah? Leah Williamson! You will never be as good as her"
Tears began to run down your cheeks. Their giggles, though muffled, were a cruel counterpoint to the fake voice booming through the phone. Your voice, small and choked with emotion, came out barely above a whisper, "But... I want to be good like Leah."
Suddenly, the phone clicked and went dead. The fake voice, the disappointment, it was all too much. You slumped to the floor, a sob escaping your lips. The room was silent for a beat, then the sound of the front door opened and you ran out into the garden searching for the only person who could make you feel better.
You tried to stop crying as you knocked on Williamson's front door "Oh Y/n, Jacobs is at training he will be back in an hour." You looked up at Amanda as she shook her head "Is Leah home I need to talk to her." Amanda nodded stepping aside and telling you she was upstairs Amanda watched worriedly as you ran up the stairs bottom lip still trembling. you stopped knocking on Leah's door "What." you let out a breath trying to not cry "It's Y/n can I come in please Leah." Leah huffed "No leave me alone." You shook your head ignoring her "but I really need to talk to you." Leah didn't answer as you began to open the door before being knocked to the ground by the older girl you looked up at Leah "Why can't you just take no for an answer Y/n I don't want to talk to you I don't want to hang out with you your a baby for crying out loud who wants to  be seen with a baby."
You couldn't move not knowing what to say as you tried desperately not to cry again "I...... I." You couldn't form the words as Leah let out a groan "See you can't even talk properly." You tried not to let the tears that had weld up in your eyes fall but you were beginning to get tired of it all "I just wanted to talk to you." Leah let out a huff standing back from the girl and walking back towards her room "I told you I don't want to talk so leave." Leah slammed her door as you began to stand "what is going on up there." you made your way down the stairs head bent in defeat and you began to cry "I'm sorry, I annoyed her." Amanda didn't get a word in before you left out the front door back to your house. Ignoring your older sisters and racing up the stairs.
Your world felt like it had shattered around you. Tears streamed down your face, hot and relentless, even after you'd slammed your bedroom door shut. Leah's cruel words echoed in your mind, each one a fresh blow. "Baby," "annoyed her," "don't want to hang out with you." They were like thorns digging into your heart, twisting with every ragged sob.
You clutched Leah's forgotten Arsenal jersey, the fabric a hollow reminder of the idol you so desperately wanted to be like. It felt like a betrayal, a cruel joke alongside Leah's harsh dismissal. All she'd wanted was a moment of comfort after the crushing disappointment of the phone call.
The memory of Leah shoving you to the ground sent a fresh wave of humiliation crashing over you. You felt small, insignificant, like a nuisance in Leah's life. The rejection stung worse than any scrape you'd ever gotten on the football pitch. Here, the pain wasn't physical, but it was a dull ache that threatened to consume her.
Natalie arrived a little while later looking into the sitting room at her three oldest girls "hi girls." The older lot didn't take there eyes of the tv muttering hellos from where they sat on the couch, Natalie looked around the room "where's Y/n." Charlotte waved off "in her room." Natalie sighed turning to walk up the stairs in order to retrieve her youngest daughter. Stopping outside the room Natalie knocked before entering only to see you wrapped in Leah's Arsenal jersey asleep tears streaks down your cheek, Natalies heart broke at the sight.
Natalie knelt down beside the bed, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, sweetheart," she said softly.
You stirred slightly, mumbling something incoherent before burying your face deeper into the fabric of the jersey.
Natalie sighed, her earlier annoyance with your sisters melting away completely. She gently nudged your shoulder. "Y/n, it's okay to wake up. I'm here."
Slowly, you peeked out from the jersey, your eyes red and puffy. Tears welled up again as you looked at your mom. "I got rejected from the Arsenal academy and Leah was mean," you croaked out, your voice thick with emotion.
Natalie sighed stroking your back "Darling, that phone call it wasn't real."
You blinked, confused. "What do you mean?" you mumbled, sniffling.
Natalie explained how your sisters had tricked you, their laughter echoing in your mind as you pictured the scene. A small, angry puff escaped your lips. You couldn't believe they would do something like that!
Natalie chuckled, wiping away a stray tear. "Those silly girls. They thought it would be funny, but look what they've done."
You snuggled closer to your mom, the anger giving way to a wave of relief. Leah hadn't rejected you, hadn't said those awful things. But then a new worry bloomed in your chest. "But what if I am rubbish? What if I never get good enough?"
Natalie squeezed your shoulder gently. "Sweetheart, you're only nine. You have so much time to learn and improve. And besides," she added with a wink, "Ronaldo wasn't trying out for premier league academy teams at nine was he?."
You shook your head before your eyes began to tear up again.
"But Leah..." you mumbled, clutching the jersey tighter. "She was horrible."
Natalie's smile softened. "Leah... well, Leah is growing up and things are becoming more complicated. That doesn't mean she had the right to be mean to you but she's going through things you can't see and won't know about for a few more years."
You sniffled. "But she doesn't want to be friends with me anymore."
Natalie pulled you into a hug. "Oh, honey, I'm sure that's not true. Leah just gets frustrated sometimes. Maybe you can try talking to her again tomorrow, after she's had some time to cool down."
The thought of facing Leah again made your stomach churn, but you nodded slowly. You just wanted things to be back to normal, the way they were before.
Natalie helped you get cleaned up and changed, then tucked you back into bed. As she kissed your forehead goodnight, she said, "Remember, Y/n, you're a brilliant footballer. And even if you don't make it into the Arsenal academy, there are plenty of other ways to achieve your dreams."
Her words brought a small spark of hope back to your eyes. Maybe she was right. Maybe Leah would apologize tomorrow. And maybe, just maybe, you could still find a way to be a great footballer, just like her.
The next day dawned, but the hope your mom had kindled flickered faintly. You ran next door to the Williamson's as soon as your homework was finished before being let in by Amanda, you approached Leah who was sitting out the back garden, heart hammering in your chest. Leah, surrounded by her group of friends, barely acknowledged you. Your stomach lurched, but you pressed on.
"Leah, can I talk to you?" you mumbled, picking at your school skirt.
Leah scoffed. "About what? You bothering me again?"
Tears pricked your eyes. "No, I... I just wanted to say sorry about yesterday."
"Ugh, seriously? You're still going on about that?" Leah rolled her eyes. Her friends snickered.
Shame burned in your cheeks. "But you were so mean! And the phone call..."
"The what?" Leah looked confused.
You explained about the fake phone call, your voice trembling. Leah's face paled. She whipped around, glaring at her friends who thought it was funny. They laughed hysterically, pretending not to notice.
Suddenly, Leah stood up staring at them, her anger a palpable force. You watched, heart pounding, as she confronted them, "Get out." One of them looked at her confused "What." Leah didn't move "I said get out."
Leah excused herself and her friends walking them to the door.
When Leah returned, her face stormy, she looked at you. "I... I had no idea. I would never say those things to you."
You didn't know what to believe. Relief warred with lingering hurt. "But you were horrible yesterday too."
Leah looked down at her shoes. "I was just... having a bad day. It wasn't about you."
The apology wasn't what you wanted, but it was something. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to mend things with Leah.
"Can we still be friends?" you asked hesitantly.
Leah looked at you her heart clenching "I don't ever want to not be your friend Y/n."
You smiled at her happy that she was still your friend before grabbing her hand "Can we practice before you go to training."
Leah smiled "I would love too."
As you passed the ball back and fourth laughing you failed to notice your Mum standing in the kitchen watching you both smiling
"Y/n hunny, five more minutes before you have to get changed, Arsenal under tens train at seven thirty."
You waved her off offering a small ok Mum but Leah stood frozen.
"You got in." you looked up from the ball at the older girl "I got in." you asked confused, before you realised what your mother said "Oh my god Leah I got in." Leah laughed picking you up before spinning you around "Congratulations, I knew you could do it."
For you
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pokefangamebrainrot · 2 months
XxxG34R4xxX- Geara
neved.hollows.11- Neved
DeltaTasia- Nastasia
Dazzlingdarling- Madelis
!Z3TT4!- Zetta
brokenheartedd- Sharon
Eli!Eli!- Eli
R0boRen- Ren
“Setting up the GC”
DeltaTasia: ok have we got everyone here?
neved.hollows.11: I am here, I asked Zetta to invite anyone else that needed it.
XxxG34R4xxX: neved what in the everloving hell is your user?????
neved.hollows.11: My name?
XxxG34R4xxX: thats not. what usernames are for
neved.hollows.11: Well how are people supposed to know that it’s me if I don’t make my user my name?
Dazzlingdarling: You make sure its obvious! Like I do! I mean who else is the dazzling darling of team xen?
XxxG34R4xxX: i didn’t know nastasia had an alt account.
Dazzlingdarling: Not funny >:((((((
!Z3TT4!: ok sharon and eli are joining now.
-> brokenheartedd has joined the group chat!
-> Eli!Eli! has joined the group chat!
brokenheartedd: hi, ty for letting me and eli join 🖤🖤
Eli!Eli!: bonjour, c'est tellement bon d'être ici!
brokenheartedd: eli no one understands what you’re saying…
Eli!Eli!: le clavier ne me permet pas de taper en anglais??
DeltaTasia: tu dois changer la langue de ton téléphone, eli, c'est facile, je t'enverrai un message privé comment
Eli!Eli!: mercí nastasia!!
!Z3TT4!: ok so we’ve got me, madelis, nastasia, geara, neved, sharon and eli. Is there anyone we’ve missed @everyone?
DeltaTasia: can someone invite ren? i’m helping eli with his keyboard so i can't right now. his user is @R0boRen, neved i gave you admin permissions so you can invite him @neved.hollows.11
neved.hollows.11: On it.
-> R0boRen has joined the group chat!
R0boRen: 👋👋
R0boRen: (Reply to @DeltaTasia) Nastasia I didn’t know you spoke Kalosian??
DeltaTasia: i’m a woman of many mysteries and many talents.
Dazzlingdarling: Omg twinning!! 💖✨
R0boRen: R u fluent? I tried to learn when I was younger but it was sooooooo hard…
DeltaTasia: nearly fluent, yes. my mother thought it would help me get into a good school, plus one of my friends spoke it so it wasn’t too hard. Ok @Eli!Eli! test your keyboard here
Eli!Eli!: hello everyone!
!Z3TT4!: does this mean i can finally understand what youre saying /lh
neved.hollows.11: /lh?
!Z3TT4!: light hearted. its a tone tag
DeltaTasia: yes, please use tone tags where appropriate.
neved.hollows.11: I will!
brokenheartedd: ah damn cassandra’s calling us, ttyl, tysm 4 inviting us 🖤
Eli!Eli!: goodbye!
-> brokenheartedd has gone offline
-> Eli!Eli! has gone offline
DeltaTasia: 👋
DeltaTasia: okay we should all get back to work. i’ll send over all my findings on melia & co in a bit when i have time. goodbye.
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kaitopedestrian · 1 month
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Take some MCyt x Pokemon Rejuvenation
This AU's only gonna consist of yt personas from Hermitcraft, Life Series, Empires, things like that
I currently only have Interceptor Pearl, Gem Melia, and Grian Geara so if anyone has anymore ideas I'll leave wikis for information right here
Hermitcraft: hermitcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Hermitcra…
Empires SMP: empires-smp.fandom.com/wiki/Empires_S…
Life Series: the-life-series.fandom.com/wiki/The_Life_…
Pokemon Rejuvenation: https://rejuvenation.wiki.gg/wiki/Characters
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carraways-son · 8 months
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Journée grise et froide, contrairement au chaud soleil et grand ciel bleu de la veille. Au bord de la Garonne, en pleine ville, cohabitaient sur quelques mètres carrés aigrettes garzettes, hérons cendrés, mouettes rieuses, goélands, canards colverts, et cormorans. Exilé loin de l'océan, j'aurais de la peine à vivre sans la présence du fleuve, de sa trouée lumineuse, ses échappées sur le ciel, son flot puissant. Je crois à cet instinct primitif qui nous pousse vers l'eau d'où un jour surgit en s'ébrouant la vie. Les chiens répondent au même appel. J'aime bien regarder le courant ou les vagues en leur compagnie.
Pour les amateurs de botanique, l'arbre ci-dessus est un margousier (Melia Azedarach).
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overdevelopedglasses · 10 months
Alright I'm trying to get over myself and actually start sharing my original stuff (le gasp!).
Welcome to Essence.
I'm writing it to be a video game series but it can easily be adapted into anything.
Essence is a world of energized spirits, fantastical powers, but with a story of found family and usurping destiny. The best way to describe it is: a mix of Xenoblade Chronicles and Yakuza/RGG.
Let's start at a good spot. The characters. I'll keep this post updated as they get updated
For today, let's introduce the main party of 6! Feel free to send asks about them, as this is the Very Bare Bones stuff.
Lily Carnell (she/her):
17-20 years old. Lily is the main protagonist of the series. She's a kind-hearted girl but also doesn't take shit from anyone. She is very clever, is a good leader, and adheres to her beliefs, but sometimes her emotions can get the better of her. She is really confident in herself, until things start becoming unclear, and then her doubts crawl in. She has a lot of self doubt in many aspects of herself, especially as she's assigned the role of the world's hero.
Background Inspirations: Shionne (tales of arise), Kazuma Kiryu (yakuza 5 specifically)
Personality Inspirations: Phoenix wright (aa3 specifically), Wonder-Red (The Wonderful 101), Noctis (post crystal dive, FFXV)
Character Songs: The Fighter, Superman, Stab Unjust
Battle Themes Inspo: My Own Style, Cornered, Hopes and Dreams
William Paladi (he/him):
19-22 years old. As Lily's older cousin, William is a stoic man, trying to play tough and emotionless. He wants to be a sturdy pillar for Lily to lean on. He shoulders a lot of burdens and emotions but bottles them up until they implode. Underneath it all, he cares for Lily and the rest of the team, but also yearns for his goals to be fulfilled.
Background Inspirations: Taiga Saejima, Dunban (Xenoblade)
Personality Inspirations: Dunban, Testu Tachibana, Gladious (FFXV), angy Roy Mustang
Character Songs: Shield of the King
Battle Theme Inspo: Unstoppable, The Blazing Tactician
Alex Russel (he/him):
17-19 years old. Alex is very smart, but also steadfast and honest. He's Lily's best friend, and is often her voice of reason. Despite his origins and newfound discoveries, he chooses to stand by the people he loves.
Background Inspirations: none as of yet....
Personality Inspirations: Prompto (FFXV), Reyn (Xenoblade), Apollo Justice (AA4 specific), Nanba (LaD)
Character Songs: Blood, Sound of My Heart
Battle Theme Inspo: In A Trance, Devil Trigger
Percival "Percy" Ignaza (he/him)
18-20 years old. Percival is a suave man, confident to a fault, almost. To those close to him, he's a big nerd and is very chaotic. His mysteries draw people in, and he quickly sees the world as a vain and hollow place. Selfish people is all he's known. That is, until he encounters Lily.
Background Inspirations: Percival De Rolo (CR), Miles Edgeworth
Personality Inspirations: Ignis (FFXV), Akiyama (Yakuza 4-6), Han Solo (OG Star Wars)
Character Songs: Bang!, Darkness before the Dawn, Traveler's Song
Battle Theme Inspo: I need to find one soon ack
Robin Vasili (she/her)
18-20 years old. Robin is the heir to the throne of a nation-state. She's well-respected, but doesn't fancy herself in the role of ruler. She considers herself too hot-headed and improper for that role. In fact, she's a bit confused that she's the chosen heir, when her older sibling is right there and is more than willing to lead. So she runs to get a taste of life away from her duties, and crosses paths with the team.
Background Inspirations: Melia (Xenoblade), Dohalim (Tales of Arise)
Personality Inspirations: Saeko (LaD), Katara (A:TLA)
Character Songs: none yet...
Battle Theme Inspo: The Flower of Chivalry, Fatal Blooms in the Moonlight
Enzo Wilson (they/them)
16-18 years old. Outwardly, Enzo is very quiet and their appearance is very intimidating. Spend some time with them however, and you'll find they're a huge softie. Taking after their older brother, they act like papa bear to the rest of the cast. But, they still have their grudges, and their issues...
Background Inspirations: Higashi (Judgment)
Personality Inspirations: Ichiban (LaD), Sig (Puyo Puyo), Caduceus Clay (CR)
Character Songs: Brokenbrow, A Reason to Fight
Battle Theme Inspo: also doesn't have any yet
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wengenn · 1 year
En tant que premier post wowincroyable de ce compte, je vous propose un ✨Merlin appreciation post✨ (ou melias parce que ces deux là sont incroyables et que je vais aborder le sujet d'Elias aussi évidemment), avec toutes les raisons pour lesquelles c'est mon personnage préféré dans Kaamelott ! *(+ Une petite review d'une fanfic sur ce pairing qui m'a consumé de l'intérieur)
Merlin, c'est l'enchanteur officiel de Kaamelott. En fait non, il est druide. Enfin de base il est druide. Mais le con a tellement foi en Arthur qu'il s'est forcé pendant des dizaines d'années à être quelque chose qu'il n'est absolument pas fait pour, à savoir rester enfermé toute la journée. Rien que ça, même si c'est très professionnel, est un choix très con en termes de santé mentale.
Et c'est principalement ce que j'aime à propos de Merlin : le mec a 884 ans. Il a l'expérience de centaines de vies humaines, donc on s'imagine qu'il serait hyper sage et qu'il aurait cracké tous les life hacks possibles et inimaginables, mais non. Merlin c'est un gosse. Un gosse de bientôt neuf cent ans, mais un gosse quand même. Il a vécu tellement longtemps et il est tellement pas prêt de s'arrêter qu'il en a finit par vivre pour les autres le con. Il a tendance à faire le choix de ce qui serait le plus moral -à la différence d'Elias qui fait les choses pour son bien personnel-, quitte à devoir rattrapper sa faute par la suite. Parce que de toute façon, il a encore le temps de le faire.
Et pourtant, dans les derniers livres, il prend un peu d'assurance, tient tête a Arthur. Évidemment pas bien longtemps, c'est quand même son boss, mais il le fait ; notamment en rappelant assez souvent qu'il n'a pas besoin de lui pour survivre, remarque qu'il refera à Elias avant de quitter kaamelott, puis à Karadoc et Perceval dans la "chambre" à la taverne. C'est assez étrange, quand on y pense. Parce que personnellement j'y crois, au fait que Merlin soit capable de vivre seul dans la nature. Mais c'est précisément quand il fait ces remarques là qu'il n'y est pas : Il reste fidèle à Arthur, puis lorsqu'il s'en va ENFIN de Kaamelott, il retourne se fourrer dans un clan aux cotés de gens qui étaient, y'a pas si longtemps, de Kaamelott. C'est d'ailleurs selon moi une décision absolument débile et incompréhensible : le mec a enfin sa liberté, il a enfin tout envoyé chier pour retourner à la base de la vie, dans la nature, il s'émancipe ENFIN, mais à la première occasion il régresse. Évidemment, c'est grâce au fait qu'il soit resté avec les semi croustillants qu'il a pu survivre pendant la tyrannie de Lancelot, il aurait certainement été le premier à être exécuté de par son lien à Arthur. Mais quand même, Merlin a été con sur ce point là. Et c'est encore une démonstration du gars qui prends des décisions sans trop y réfléchir, puisqu'il a vécu et vivra assez longtemps pour ne pas trop se soucier de si il perd quelques dizaines d'années dans les souterrains et entouré de débiles à longueur de journée.
Sa relation avec Elias est super intéressante. À la base, c'est clair que "Le grand enchanteur du Nord", c'était un personnage créé pour être le total opposé de Merlin -et il l'est. Il y a un détail important de son personnage, si on le considère d'abord comme le contraire de son collaborateur, c'est sa facilité à retourner sa veste. Elias n'a pas d'attaches, il n'a pas non plus de convictions politiques, du moment qu'il de l'argent. Ça voudrait dire que Merlin, lui, il en a des convictions, et qu'il est pas avec Arthur par pure gentillesse. Le caractère d'Elias donne de la profondeur au personnage de Merlin, et ça j'aime bien.
En plus de son caractère, leurs intéractions sont une grande partie de leur personnalité. Et ça paraît évident, comme l'un et l'autre ne doivent apparaître que maximum 20-30 minutes dans toute la série, et que leurs apparitions se font sont souvent ensemble. Ce temps d'apparition est assez élevé pour donner une bonne caractérisation du personnage, mais en même temps assez bas pour laisser place à l'interprétation et pouvoir le développer sans être trop ooc. Comme dans les fanfics, par exemple.
En parlant des fanfic ! Parce que oui, pour moi, elles ont beaucoup contribué à mon appréciation du personnage. Une en particulier, celle de TrueRed sur Ao3 : Un Premier Pas, Le Reste Suivra. Elle explore la relation entre Merlin et Elias après KV1 : ils recollent les morceaux après 10 ans lorsque le roi leur fait une demande un peu spéciale. J'en dis pas plus ! Je vous invite à la lire, même si je sais que 40 chapitres et un peu plus de 300k mots c'est pas ce qui y'a de plus attrayant. J'ai rarement lu de fanfiction dans laquelle l'histoire est aussi bien racontée, et j'ai vraiment très vite attaché au style d'écriture. Les personnages sont pas ooc du tout, ou en tout cas juste assez pour que ça colle bien à leurs caractères. Le problème maintenant c'est que j'aurais du mal à reprendre Kaamelott, ou même KV2 autrement que comme ils sont décrits dans la fic ! Ces 307,340 mots recèlent une histoire incroyable. Et je suis super triste que le fandom soit pas plus actif que ça.
Voilà quelques raisons pourquoi Merlin, ce grand con au grand coeur, est mon personnage préféré de Kaamelott !
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enchantedtm · 1 year
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answering  for  both  faces  and  characters!
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faceclaims:  priscilla  quintana,  melia  asli  pamuk,  monica  barbaro,  jessica  chastain,  seychelle  gabriel,  sujaya  dasgupta,  frida  gustavsson,  emma  rigby,  ellen  barkin,  sofia  vergara,  camila  queiroz,  hunter  schafer,  cynthia  adai-robinson,  jessica  henwick,  tilly  keeper,  willa  fitzgerald,  zoey  deutch,  nathalie  kelley,  kita  kana,  alisha  wainwright,  grace  van  dien,  prajakta  koli,  maggie  q,  chae  soo  bin,  tati  gabrielle,  charithra  chandran,  jessica  parker  kennedy,  emily  alyn  lind,  daniela  nieves,  christina  ricci,  shay  mitchell,  annabelle  wallis,  zendaya  coleman,  mikey  madison,  olivia  rose  keegan,  maya  hawke,  pelin  uluksar,  ayca  aysin  turan,  laura  berlin,  lizeth  selene,  suki  waterhouse,  melisa  dongel,  madison  bailey,  greta  onieogou,  alba  baptista,  natalee  linez,  bua  nalinthip,  olivia  cooke,  alicia  vikander,  brianne  howey,  naomi  scott,  cleopatra  coleman,  sofia  carson,  mia  goth,  margot  robbie,  hande  ercel.
characters:  ozma,  maleficent,  nimue,  gueneviere,  morgan  le  fay,  mrs  potts,  drizella,  anna,  elsa,  gretel,  tinker  bell,  the  daughters  of  triton,  wicked  witch,  maid  marian,  titania,  mother  gothel,  hera,  the  wicked  stepmother,  mulan,  aurora,  the  white  queen,  mama  bear,  little  red  riding  hood,  the  miller's  daughter,  ella  of  frell,  sophie  hatter,  buttercup,  clara  stahlbaum,  lucy  pevensie,  susan  pevensie,  lucy  westenra,  christine  daae,  odette,  odile,  ursula.
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seiexe · 1 year
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La taberna y los locales de comida muestran sus mejores platos sobre las mesas y en carta. Mientras que el puente de entrada a la gran urbe se encuentra decorada de flores amarillas, rosas y blancas; en espera de celebrar la nueva bajada de Meliae. 
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El vino y cerveza artesanal no faltan, tampoco la sidra. En esta parte del continente se encuentra el mejor trago de toda Seirai. Todo tipo de queso, carne a la parrilla, fruta fresca y deliciosas fragancias se vuelven parte de la puesta en escena. 
Podrás moverte entre las calles de Dharma con libertad, conocer a los lugareños y participar en la búsqueda del trébol de ¡seis hojas! una verdadera anomalía. 
Las puertas de los lugareños se encuentran adornadas con coronas de flores, y dicen que las plantas han florecido como nunca este año. Las sonrisas animadas en sus rostros serán tu bienvenida, mientras que el escenario en la zona más alta de la ciudad volverá realidad tu primer acercamiento a dragones. 
Las costumbres en Dharma son la libertad, el arte y la creatividad; decora tu cabello con flores o tus prendas con los lazos de colores. Sé libre. Este es el lugar en el que podrás experimentar vivir sin ataduras. 
En medio de la noche, cerca del hotel en el que se alojarán, se puede escuchar un poco de ruido del mercado local. Por las ventanas entra la tenue iluminación de las guirnaldas que cuelgas de lado a lado entre las calles. Reciben la energía del sol durante toda la jornada, para perpetuar su existencia una vez que la luna es ama y señora. 
Por ahora te mantendrás en los límites de asfalto, los guardabosques no dejarán que les visitantes vayan sin supervisión a los terrenos del bosque. Pero descuida, ¡podrás hacerlo en un futuro! Mientras, disfruta de los juegos y las actividades que los lugareños anhelan compartir contigo. 
¡Bienvenide a Dharma, la ciudad de las artes y la naturaleza! 
aclaraciones ooc.
la primera actividad tendrá una duración de diez días, siendo hoy 14 de abril y finalizando el 24 de abril.
el rol se desarrollará a través de starters libres, que podrán dar reblog en nuestro blog dedicado a ello @seiraist ¡no olviden sacarlo cuando crean tener las notas suficientes! en instantes subiremos las opciones de juegos disponibles y cuáles podrás utilizarse para rol y cuáles serán desarrollados por nuestro canal de discord con el sistema de dados. estén atentes.
recordatorios importantes.
para iniciar el juego, y que tengan un poco más de contexto, sus personajes pusieron en su cabeza el casco de realidad virtual que les proporcionó la empresa unisoft. les jugadores son incapaces de quitárselos. a no ser que ocurran inclemencias en el mundo real que pueda activar sus sentidos, entonces el casco se apagará automáticamente y no podrán volver a iniciar una simulación hasta el próximo encuentro.
el tiempo en seirai pasa más rápido que en el mundo real. por ende, lo que sería un día o unas horas de conexión, en dharma serán varios días ¡unos diez, para ser exactos!
los personajes aún son avatares que crearon al entrar al juego, eso es lo que verán. por lo que no conocen su verdadera apariencia ni tampoco su verdadero nombre, solo el de usuario. al ser una inmersión total, es básicamente como si estuviesen viviendo y sintiendo el mundo de dharma como si fuera real.
en la beta de seirai se trabajará con un sistema de equipos. quien gane la mayor cantidad de puntos durante el parche de dharma, obtendrá una bonificación monetaria que se verá reflejada en el primer pago de la plataforma. por lo mismo, se ha desbloqueado la opción de equipos, los cuales podrán encontrarlos en nuestro canal de discord > actualización. pueden hablar por allí libremente.
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Marseille. Une balade en bus jusqu’à Callelongue, avec le Rocher des Goudes en dessus.
L’arbre est, après recherche !, un Margousier (Melia azedarach)
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superiorkenshi · 1 year
SuperiorKenshi qui poste du Melias content en 2023 comme quoi tout est possible !
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latribune · 8 days
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