#ler wonka
ghostlyshylee · 1 year
Chocolate Factory Mischievous Adventures
[Author's Notes: This is an older fic I wrote around 2017 and posted on my old deviantart page, I don’t really use it anymore and a recent interaction made me feel inclined to post it here (as rough as it may be hehe). This fiction has been heavily revised from it's original and slimmed down. This is intended to be the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from the 1971 film! Word count: 1355] ------
"Quite stupendous, isn't it?" Asked Wonka
"Simply amazing, Mr.Wonka!" Charlie replied
Wonka had been chaperoning Charlie around the unseen sections of the factory and boy was there a lot! "I'd say we've covered nearly every room from the tallest to the smallest! I've gotten a bit famished during this wonderful tour." As if on que, Charlie's stomach let out a small growl.
"I see I'm not alone." Chuckled Wonka
"A bite would be nice." Said Charlie a bit sheepishly
"Splendid! I'll have the Umpa-lumpas prepare dinner right away!"
After some time had passed while trying to find their way through what seemed to be corridor after corridor, they finally came across a well furnished lounge. Equipped with a bubbly soda machine, a chocolate espresso dispenser, what seemed to be a raspberry licorice fireplace with an equally red fire and some red cushioned couches and chairs, fit for any aristocrat.
"Ah, this'll do nicely! We'll wait out the remainder of the time here until dinner is ready." Exclaimed Wonka while taking a liking to one of the rather large couches. Charlie not wanting to be rude, followed suit and sat close to Wonka on the same couch.
"So, is there anything you'd like to talk about while we wait for dinner? Well, anything we *haven't* already covered that is." Joked Wonka. Charlie thought for a moment and recalled a question he, at the time, thought it to be too personal to ask but now seemed perfect, having gotten to know the chocolate connoisseur personally.
"Actually, I was wondering what happened to your family." Asked Charlie nervously. This took Wonka back a bit by surprise, not really expecting a question so personal.
"That is an interesting question to ask, Charlie." Wonka replied, shifting a little in his seat.
"Sorry if it's too personal!" Charlie quickly replied, worried he touched a nerve.
"No, no. You have to the right to ask, my boy." Wonka assuring Charlie with a warm smile.
"Where do I even begin? Well, my father was a hard, good working man. Always managed to scrape us by with what little he had. My mother was a good, strong, caring woman. She always made sure we had something to eat and always loved us."
"What happened to them?" Charlie asked.
Wonka sighed a bit. "Well eventually one gets old and tuckered out from working as long as they have, eventually they retire and finally rest."
"Sorry for bringing it up." Charlie apologized, feeling he definitely overstepped. Wonka picked up on his change in body language and while he understood Charlie's embarrassment he didn't much care for the guilt written expression is protégé wore.
"It's alright, Charlie." Said Wonka, leaning in close to help ease the tension. "They were good people and loved their family very much and that love they left behind I intend to share with others." Wonka assured the boy, but Charlie could only look over his knees forlorn. Wonka noticing his upset demeanor, thought of a little "feel better" plan.
"Ye-yes?" Charlie stammered, snapping out of his daze.
"Why don't we play a game until dinner is ready?"
Charlie's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "What kind of game?" Asked Charlie, interest piqued.
"I think you'll enjoy this one! Now, all you have to do is close your eyes and put your hands on your head." Charlie blinked in confusion. "Don't worry the fun comes after you've begun. Are you ready?"
Charlie nodded in response, hands resting on head. "Ok then, close your eyes." As Charlie did as instructed, Wonka carefully got up from his seat and made his way behind where the young boy sat.
"Now count to ten." Wonka instructed, a hint of mischievousness while he spoke.
"One, two, three-eeheheh!" Charlie immediately tried cover his exposed sides but found his hands held together by a firm grip.
"Wha-hut, what?! Why? Hehehehehehehe!" Charlie squirming in his seat, was taken by surprise as the sensation of clawing fingers attacked his upper ribs.
"I just felt as though you needed a bit of cheering up." Smirked Mr.Wonka as he worked his way down the right side of Charlie's ribs. "No-ho-ho! Sto-ho-hop! Hehehehe! I-I'm heheheheheh all cheered up-hup now!”
Mr. Wonka simply sighed. "You can't fool me! I know you still feel bad and that's why I'm going to do *this*."
Before Charlie could reply, Mr.Wonka began to dig his fingers into his stomach all the while tickling the other side of his ribs with his new found free hand.
"AH-ahaha! N-no! Ahaha! Do-hon't! Plea-he-hease sto-ho-hop!" Charlie now desperate to get free, managed to wiggle himself out of his capture's tickly grasp causing him to land on his side, nearly face planting into the couch cushion.
"I see you've had enough?" Wonka chuckled.
Charlie, still catching his breath managed to prop himself up. "Ye...yeah-hah-ha... that was... a mean trick." He said still catching his breath.
"Mean trick? I barely even did anything!" Wonka feigning to sound hurt.
"Why, I could show you a mean trick." Wonka said while smiling mischievously. Charlie eyed his mentor, giddiness causing him to squirm and giggle as Wonka took a seat next to him.
"Now, I could do something .. like THIS!" Before Charlie could react, Wonka restrained him with his own weight, trapping the poor boy's lower body.
"Ah-hahah!" Laughed a surprised Charlie.
"And I could've done something like... this." Mr.Wonka lifted up Charlie's shirt to expose a soft abdomen. Wonka couldn't help but notice how malnourished  Charlie's body still looked, even after being a resident at the Chocolate Factory for roughly a month now. Honestly, this just strengthed his resolve in mentoring the poor boy.
Charlie chuckled nervously while trying to break free but this in turn caused Wonka to restrain his hands with one of his own.
"Please don't, I'm sorry!" He apologized in hopes to somehow diffuse the matter.
"Too late now." Wonka said in an exaggerated villain voice while sporting a seemingly "evil" grin.
"No, wait! Wai-hai-hait! AHA-haha-hahaha!
Mr.Wonka had begun scratching Charlie's stomach, quite similarly to scratching a dog.
"Gah-hahahahahah! No-hohohohah! AH-hahahah!" Wonka noticed a pitch increase when he moved near his belly-button.
"Oh-hoh! How interesting!" Following his intuition, Wonka began digging into Charlie's navel and in turn gave him a loud and squeaky laughter.
Wonka chuckled at the silly scene before him. As if he didn't find Charlie endearing enough, this just enhanced his cuteness in Wonka's eyes. Charlie's face started to flush quite a bit, signaling he definitely needed a break.
"Gah-hah, ha-ha... thanks for... for stopping." Charlie said as Wonka lifted off his small frame.
"You ok?" He said, voiced with a hint of concern. Charlie could only nod in response, still full of giggles.
"Sorry that I over did it there, champ." Wonka apologized while helping Charlie up. "It's ok. I had fun and you're right, I do feel cheered up." Charlie smiled warmly at the older man.
"But you DID almost kill me!" Charlie joked getting a chuckle from Wonka. A familiar chine interrupted their bonding, signaling it was the top of the hour.
"Well would you look at that! Time for dinner. We better get going, don't want to keep the folks waiting!" And with that, Wonka and Charlie continued down to the dining hall, both feeling just a bit closer.
[And that’s a wrap! It’s been a LONG time since I wrote last but honestly? Revising this and adjusting the dialogue a bit to more of my liking made me just smile while doing it. I honestly really miss this. And thank you, kind reader, for giving my fiction the time of day <3]
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bellringermal · 1 year
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Tumblr and I agreed only once (…ler) on who was to be crowned sexyman.
As if this blog couldn't get more cursed than it already is, now you know that not only I ship the forbidden Bloodborne ship but... I was also in the infamous Once-ler fandom :P. I never had an ask blog nor I was going around shipping 'oncest' (lmao, that surely was a time. Great art tho!) but there were so many cool AUs such as Truffula Flu, Camp Entre, Camp Weehawken et simili that I still think are pretty cool.
As for the others characters some are more obscure than others but you can definitely tell I always had a type. Well, maybe two types >:D.
I had a long day so it was nice to relax and doodle my creepy old guys <3
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Stop Laughing
Hello gigglers!
This can be read as a part 2 to my previous Wonka fic but can also stand on it's own. I hope you like it!
Fandom: Wonka
Characters: Noodle, Wonka
Warning: Tickle Fic
Summary: Noodle can't concentrate on her homework with Willy in such a silly mood, so she decides to take matters into her own hands.
It was a bright Monday afternoon, and Wonka was sitting against one of the chocolate trees in his factory reading a book. Noodle's mother was busy that afternoon, so he had his younger friend sitting on the opposite side of the tree, deeply concentrating on the math homework on her knee.
Seemingly out of nowhere, Wonka let out a goofy laugh. Noodle turned around, and saw that he was being heavily amused by the page he was reading. Noodle felt a bit guilty telling him to be quiet, because she was his guest and he didn't want to interrupt the hardworking young man from his clear delight, but, on the other hand, she couldn't work unless there was complete silence.
"Could you please quiet down a bit?"
"Mmm? Oh, sure".
A few more minutes passed, and Noodle was getting stumped by a particular equation. Than she heard a triumphant "aha!" from the other side of the tree. Noodle suspected that Willy's overenthusiasm for his books was just making up for all of those years that he couldn't read.
"Willy", she gently reminded him.
"Oh, sorry", Wonka responded, with not an inch of apology in his voice, followed by a short chuckle. Indeed, it was only a few moments later that the wavy-haired boy erupted into a trail of light chuckles. Noodle thumped her textbook against the grass in frustration, but when she turned around and saw the look on Willy's face, she knew she couldn't be too annoyed.
"Willyyyy", she whined, scooting beside him, "I can't concentrate Willy".
Wonka kept laughing, "I'm haha sohorry Noodle, it's just haha this is so fuhuhunny!" Noodle watched the chocolate maker face plant and role on to his side, collapsing in a puddle of giggles. Noodle raised an eyebrow, trying to look firm despite feeling Wonka's mood creeping up on her - "Have you got the sillies?"
"Yehehes!", he responded, nodding rapidly as he lay defeated on his side.
Noodle, having no idea what to do, let her eyes dart back and fourth as if the factory itself would give her a solution to this strange occurrence. Eying the top of a far off chocolate tree, she remembered how Wonka had refused to come down from up there a few days ago after their play flight, and grinned as a nice (and cheeky) idea dawned on her.
"Wonka, can you stop laughing please?" she asked innocently, leaning over a bit so that Wonka could see her playful facial expression. Hearing this request and seeing Noodle's face only made him laugh harder, just as Noodle had excepted it would.
"Hey! Your'e not listening to me! I said stop laughing", she said smugly, before launching her hands into his sides and wiggling and squeezing with all 10 of her fingers. This unexpected action made Wonka double over, his laughter pausing for a second before it resumed louder and more uncontrolled than before, alternating rapidly between high and low pitches as he tossed from side to side and kicked his legs.
"NO! Noohoodle! Hahaha! Stop it! Hahaha!"
Noodle just laughed, moving her hands to scribble at his belly.
"No! Noohoodle! Nohohot there! Noohooohoodle!"
Noodle grinned brightly at how cute Wonka was being, feeling her heart melt a bit.
"Wonka, why are you still laughing? Iv'e told you twice to stop now", she teased, trying to look as serious as she could through the cheeky twinkle in her eye, continuing to scuttle her fingers on his stomach.
"Ohoho yohohohohou!", Wonka laughed, his eyes locking on hers 'threateningly' as he tried to escape the tickles without hurting his best friend. Noodle wasn't pinning him down properly, but it seemed that everywhere he tossed those little fingers still followed him. Still, if he really tried, he could have easily maneuvered himself out of his clutches. Noodle knew this of course, and made sure it stayed that way, not wanting to cross any boundaries.
"Plehehehehease!", he begged, still tossing, "juhuhust a quihihick breheak!"
Noodle rolled her eyes and smiled, halting her fingers to let Wonka catch his breath.
"Wow, I guess you finally stopped laughing", she remarked cheerfully.
"Oh quack off you son of a wackadoodle", he responded, diverting his eye's from Noodle's to appear frustrated. Noodle, of course, wasn't buying it.
"Well", he muttered after a while, still not looking at her, "at least you didn't try under my arms".
Noodle's jaw dropped. Was he asking for her to keep tickling him? It sure did seem like it.
"What was that?" she teased.
Wonka's face went dark red- "H-huh?"
Noodle grinned, "what did you say Willy?"
Wonka gulped, "N-nothing?"
"Oh, you definately said something. Something about your'e underarms?" she prodded, quickly slipping her hands under his arms and gently wiggling her fingers. Wonka immediately squealed, his laughter growing ten times louder and desperate as Noolde picked up the pace of her fingers.
Wonka was squirming more violently now, Noodle having to hold him still as not to get hurt.
"Oh come on Willy, don't pretend like you didn't ask for this", she said, continuing her onslaught. Wonka had nothing to reply to that, his cheeks just went dark pink as he melted into hysterics.
"Well obviously", Noodle taunted.
Wonka just kept laughing and squirming, lost for words, only consumed by pure joy.
This lasted a few more moments, before Noodle. seeing that Willy's face was turning a bit purple, decided to stop.
This time, as soon as Wonka was let free, he sat up, heavily panting and coughing a bit, after-giggles still slipping from his lips. After he had recovered, he just smiled at her, "Well, that sure is one way to get rid of the sillies".
Noodle just nodded.
"Very smart kid, I'm impressed", Wonka continued, before standing up.
"H-hey", she chuckled, following him, "whehere are you going?"
"Just to the water fountain", he responded, "you should probably go get your'e homework done before your'e mom comes to get you".
"Oh, yeah", Noolde said sheepishly, "Gotta admit, I almost forgot about that".
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thatcheesyler · 8 months
Literacy Lessons
Summary: After the huge success of his new chocolate factory, Wonka finds himself struggling to create accurate price tags since he still can't read or write numbers yet. Luckily, Noodle is willing to teach him everything he needs to know...but, our beloved chocolatier is having issues focusing, he just can't stop thinking of new sweets to make!
A/N: This is a sfw Wonka tickle fic, if you do not like it, please dni. Enjoy! <3
The overwhelming smell of rainbow fizzy belts and salted caramel flooded Noodle's senses as she waltzed into the factory's main hall, pen and clipboard in-hand. Her temporary 'student' was currently perched on one of the giant marshmallows that bordered the chocolate river, sketching new designs for sweet wrappers that he could use to help advertise his confectionery.
"Willy! I'm here! Sorry I was late, my mum needed me to clean a few plates before I left." Noodle explained, approaching his hunched over figure and sitting herself down on an enlarged gumdrop while adding to her speech, "Are you ready for your lesson?"
To which the enthusiastic chocolatier looked up from his drawing with a signature smile and gave an approving nod, setting his sketches to the side for now.
"Of course! Y'know, I was actually thinking we could start with a funny number, like 123,456! Imagine if I managed to read that perfectly.." Wonka commented, the sparkle in his eyes never faltering, even as Noodle sighed and shook her head with a 'seriously?' look, the corners of her lips curling upwards despite herself. She then wrote down the number '1' on her clipboard, turning it around and showing him what she had written.
"Okay Willy, what is this number?" She questioned with a patient expression, watching as her friend studied the simple few lines of ink with a slightly tilted head and squinted eyes. "Hmm, is iiit...seven?" He answered with half confidence. Well, technically a '1' does kind of look like a '7', but unfortunately that wasn't correct. The little girl shook her head once more, jotting down a little '7' at the bottom of the page as a reminder of the differences between both of those numbers.
"Incorrect. Would you like to try again? Or move on to the next number?" She inquired with a tiny smile, as sad as it was that he couldn't read or write numbers, it was also quite the entertainment for his younger friend. But the man in question wasn't really listening to her, instead continuing to draw small details on the wrapper sketch next to him, adding little polka dots to it. To which Noodle frowned, now feeling slightly hurt because of his oblivious ignorance. "Willy?..Willy! You need to focus, please!" She exclaimed with a tinge of frustration laced into her tone, this lesson wasn't going to get anywhere with his constant doodling.
The abrupt raise in tone snapped Mr. Wonka out of his creative trance, and he allowed a sheepish grin to play at his lips.
"Sorry Noodle, you're right, I should pay attention." He answered, now providing his almost full attention to her literature session, with the occasional glance towards his sketches. Unfortunately this continued on for a while, Noodle would be struggling to keep her patience as she presented the differences and slightly different ways of writing each number, and Willy would just be doodling away every five minutes. Now, Noodle wasn't really known to be an even-tempered person, it was now the fourth time that he had completely disregarded her teaching, and she did not care for it.
Oh, and he also somehow gained the audacity to interrupt her, saying something like, "Hey Noodle, do you think polka dots or stripes would suit me more?" and boy would it make her blood boil. She didn't want to be mad at him, he was just energetic, but she couldn't contain her annoyance for any longer.
"Willy." The young girl announced firmly. "You have ten freaking seconds to run." R.I.P Willy Wonka, he didn't even have a clue what she was mad about. But the look on her face was hard to miss, the suddenness of it making him instinctively scramble up from his seat and bolt towards the nearest candy tree, clambering up onto a high sturdy branch. Noodle followed close behind, not quite as skilled at climbing, but managing to pull herself up onto a different branch near his, keeping one hand on the tree trunk for support.
The young man felt a bit fearful now, he couldn't tell why she was angry, but her determination made him question things, a few nervous chuckles bubbling from his throat.
"I have a feeling that I did something wrong...I don't want you to be mad, but could you please tell me why you are?.." Wonka inquired, losing his balance for a few seconds as a hand suddenly swiped at his torso. "Because you kept ignoring me when I tried to teach you numbers, and you blatantly interrupted me multiple times!..Look, I don't want to be frustrated like this, but you have dug your own grave by now." Noodle responded quite loudly, continuing her attempts at reaching out to grab his maroon coloured coat.
This got a little "oh." out of her older friend as he realised his mistakes, now feeling more guilty than scared. The fear was very much still there though, because he was actively backing away towards the end of his branch while she progressively inched closer at the same time.
And then...snap!
Willy had put so much of his weight onto the branch, that the narrow piece he was standing on broke off, and the poor chocolatier went plummeting down to the sugary grass below, landing on his back a little harshly. "Oh- ffffferrero rocher that hurt..oww." He croaked out, not moving for a few seconds as the pain slowly but surely subsided. A concerned gasp was audible from the girl, and she clumsily weaved back through the stripy maze of branches below her, racing over to him as soon as her shoes touched the ground.
"Willy! Willy are you okay?!" She exclaimed worriedly, kneeling down beside him with a now concerned expression as the chocolate-maker inhaled through gritted teeth, disoriented for a moment. But as he came to his wits and regained his senses (sum1 pls get the ref), he couldn't help the remorseful frown that spread as he remembered that she was probably still annoyed with him. "Yeah, I'll be fine..I'm sorry Noodle, I wasn't taking your feelings into consideration and I just ended up making you upset. I'm sorry, again."
With such a heartfelt apology, how could she stay angry? Well, she still wanted revenge for his accidental ignorance, plus he was sad now. "..I forgive you...but, I still want to make up for all that lost time trying to teach you."
A wry smirk built up as she cracked her knuckles, bending her fingers into makeshift claws and wiggling them simultaneously at him, presenting him with an obvious hint as to what she meant by that. In response to the 'threat', Wonka tensed up and a couple fearful chuckles slipped through his newfound wobbly grin, immediately attempting to roll away from the deviant young tickle monster beside him. Sadly, he didn't get very far before Noodle had yanked him back by the arm and plunged 4 fingers (and a thumb) into his briefly exposed abdomen.
To which, of course, a loud squeak that bordered on a screech elicited from her friend as he instantly curled in on himself, giggling like a madman. "ACK! Nohohoodlehe, stahahahapp-! Ihihit tihihicklehes hehehe!" The chocolatier cried throughout his bouts of high pitched laughter, gently swatting at her hand even though he had no intentions of fighting back.
"Well duh, of course it does, silly Willy! Say, why didn't you tell me you were capable of such adorable giggles? (Not a ship.) It's like you've transformed into a little boy!" Noodle teased, allowing a few content chuckles of her own to drift out while she continued to scribble her fingers all over Willy's clothed stomach. An unmistakable blush tinted his cheeks at her words, causing his arms to confuse themselves, half of him wanting to cover his face in shame and the other trying to protect his sensitive midsection.
"Nohohoooo! No tehehahasihing, yohohu're beheing mehehehan!!" He squeaked, his legs uselessly writhing and kicking simultaneously as his friend spidered her nails briefly over his ribs before gliding back town to his tummy. "Mean?! Why I never! I am simply distracting you from the way you hurt yourself earlier! Hmph, and here I thought you never jumped to conclusions." Noodle complained, feigning offense and taking the opportunity to lightly squeeze both his sides as a small 'punishment' for calling her mean. Which, of course, elicited a lovely squeal from our adorable little man, a constant battle in his limbs on whether he should defend his oh so ticklish body or just give up entirely (personally I'm rooting for the latter 🤭).
"Eek! I'm sahaharry fohor assuhuhumihing, buhuhut ihit's stihihill mehehean!" With that one final smidge of effort he had left, he forced himself onto his stomach, pushing Noodle's hands safely out of the way during the process so that she didn't get hurt. Practically gluing his arms to the sides of his torso, a cocky little smile tugged the corners of his mouth upwards as he looked to the girl at his side. "Hah! Try and tickle me now, Apple Stroodle!"
But with his arms clamped down, Noodle still had access to his entire back, and she fought back a shit-eating grin of her own as her nails proceeded to skitter gently along the thin fabric on his back. Sadly, only a few titters formed in result, and slight disappointment washed over the cheeky spark in her eyes.
"Sorry Nohoodle, buhut my back just ihisn't that sensitihive." Willy pointed out quite smugly, basically not even reacting to her efforts and shrugging. But that very same shrug gave her an idea, her skillful hands trailing up towards the back of his neck, but then stopping abrubtly at his shoulder blades. As if testing the waters, one finger scratched gently in the dip between one shoulder blade and the backside of his ribcage. Oops, looks like a certain someone was telling porkies, a short girly scream erupted from the chocolatier and now it was all over for him.
"Hah, liar." Noodle chuckled gleefully, experimenting just how far she could take this by tracing patterns with both index fingers along the inner edge of his shoulder blades and gauging his every reaction. "NONONONONO NOODLE PLEHEHEHAHASE! NAHAHAT THEHEHERREEE!! I PROHOMIHISE I'LL PAHAHAY ATTEHENTIOHON TOHOHO YOUR LEHESSON, PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAPP!!"
His back arched involuntarily and both hands flew out to cover the sensitive spot from Noodle's devious behaviour, helpless cackles pouring from his upturned mouth as he struggled fruitlessly. Luckily, while the young girl thrived on her disobedient attitude, she reluctantly complied to his desperate pleas, her tickle attack demoting down to a few feathery brushes along the skin on the back of his neck. "Say you're sorry and I'll stop completely."
Frantic laughter fizzling into a jumbled up giggle fit, Wonka mashed together an apology that sounded mostly like tickle-drunk gibberish. "Ihihihi..I'm reheheally ssohorryhyhy, it wohon't happehehehen agahahain..." Good enough, right? Well, thankfully Noodle thought so, fully letting up and giving a few reassuring pats on the back to her older friend. Just as expected, he devoted his undivided attention towards her next attempt at teaching him numbers, and well, he did pretty okay in the end.
Wow, I have not managed to complete a fanfic in forEVER, I honestly feel good about this one, unlike some others. Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed this sappy story and have a wonderful day/night! <33
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iiboronii · 4 months
i think that i might've posted about it before but i <3 all the little -ler blogs on here. i'm being so fr. nothing clears my skin more than seeing a -ler blog answering questions. i love you guys please keep making silly little -lers.
#actually can someone make a silly-ler#i guess that's just canon onceler...#anyways. i can't remember who said this but they were like “y'know someone should make a chocolatier-ler” AND.#hoo boy let me tell you#i've been listening to you've never had chocolate like this from Wonka (2023) a lot recently#(it started out as a joke and is no longer a joke)#and. every day i beg for chocolatier-ler to become real#i thought about doing it myself#op said to take the idea and RUN#but the issue is. i cannot draw#and i do not cosplay#so. how would i run a -ler blog.#so anyways if whoever came up with the chocolatier-ler idea is reading this THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE I THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME#uhmm anyways this post was inspired by bigger-ler#i love all -lers equally but some are more equal than others or whatever that line from animal farm is#uhmmm i have my own -ler ideas bouncing around but once again. i do not know. how i would go about creating that#i remember the sock puppet -ler and i think that was crazy creative#shoutout to sock-ler i miss you#ALSO I'M SCARED OF INTERACTING WITH OTHER -LERS YOU ALL SCARE ME...#like. i have no business being a -ler owner#i am genuinely so afraid of collaborative activities because what if i do it WRONG#like what if i roleplay WRONG y'know????#anyways. this post is dedicated to all the -ler blogs out there and their mods#please i litchrally love the -lers so much idk what else to call them#i feel like there's a term that my elders would know#bc i see reoccuring tags like “lerkimpails” AND I'M LIKE WHAT IS A LERKIMPAIL... WHAT DOES THAT REFER TO I'M SORRY I JUST GOT HERE#i need someone to gently hold my hand and explain some lore to me i feel like#idk what this turned into#ANYWAYS#-ler mods keep doing your thing i'm your biggest supporter
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rabbit-eclipsed · 1 year
I had a vision
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pikfluff · 2 years
There seems to be a theme for tumblr sexymen.
Mandatory top hat
A tailcoat or eccentric Victorian eqsue outfit
Is somehow traumatised and/or messed up in a “funny” way
(Nearly) kills someone, traumatises someone or almost ruins the world by accident or ignorance/innocence
Sings at least once
Has a companion somehow
This could literally become a formula for a tumblr sexyman machine. What could the world become.
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anxious-lee · 4 months
everyone talks about the new Wonka being a lee and that is 100% true...
but are we forgetting that he would be the kindest and funniest ler?
not only would you be laughing from the tingly sensations, but from the sweet silliness of it all that he would bring
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crosspunzel · 7 days
Oooh can you tell what your familial crossovers are? That sounds so sweet!
Of course anon!
-lucythan/Jonacy (Jonathan and lucy wilde) [siblings]
-HiroMei/Meiro (Hiro hamada and Meilin Lee) [cousins]
-Metalake (Metal sonic and obake/Bob Aken) [father and son]
-chaosake (Chaos sonic and obake/Bob Aken) [Father and son]
-Metal sonic/chaos sonic and all obake children [siblings]
-Felony carl, Mr sparkles and big Jack horner [parents and son]
-Vangogo (Vanellope von schweetz and gogo tomago) [Sisters]
-Vanarian/Varellope/Varianellope (Vanellope von schweetz and Varian) [Siblings]
-varianogo/gogorian (gogo tomago and Varian) [Siblings]
-Jameszilla (Frederick Flamarion Frederickson IV and James Team rocket) [Brothers]
-Vanellope, gogo, varian and the once-ler [Father and children]
-Stewie griffin and Maggie Simpson [siblings]
-Felix,wonka and the Onceler [parents and son]
-Sun Wukong/Monkey King and son goku [Dad and son]
-Pigsy and Oolong [Dad and son]
-Oolong and MK [Adoptive siblings]
-Kobeni Higashiyama, Peppino spaghetti and Pomni [Father, daughter and couple (peppino and pomni)]
-Bulma briefs and Tony stark [father and daughter]
-Eduardo Pérez, Antonio Pérez and human scootaloo [father and siblings]
-Jean Descole/Desmond sycamore, dru gru and anya forger [Daughter and fathers]
In general they are:"now they are father and son, or they are siblings hehe" something basic jsjsjs
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sparklecareheadcanons · 7 months
soob likes characters that dress like her [the once-ler, the warden, willy wonka etc] - soob
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partywithponies · 2 years
Characters from movies that I think would've become tumblr sexymen if that movie had come out in the 2010s, and why:
Withnail (Withnail & I) - tall, pale, dark haired, a bit of a bastard but also a bit sad, absolutely unhinged, owner of a posh English accent
Mr. Mistoffelees (the 1998 version of Cats) - if there ever was a feline version of a twink, he's it. he's sweet and quiet but also confident and charismatic. Plus he can do magic! And being a tuxedo cat is also the feline equivalent of being skinny, pale, and dark haired I'm pretty sure
J.D. (Heathers) - this one is self-explanatory. you've all seen the Heathers the Musical fandom, now imagine that but for a more mainstream and giffable piece of media that just recently released
Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, 1971) - he's weird. he's eccentric. he wears funny clothes and a top hat. he's played by an attractive man. he can be both sweet and cuddly and absolutely terrifying, sometimes both within the same scene. he even sings. tumblr wouldn't stand a CHANCE
Scorpan (My Little Pony: Rescue at Midnight Castle) - doll and toy collecting fandoms are and always have been insane, I have no doubt that if the internet had existed when the first ever animated MLP contented released, people would've gone nuts. And come on, he's a scary looking monster man who works for the main villain but secretly has a tragic backstory and is secretly really protective and fatherly to the cute kid character. Like come on
Cat R. Waul (An American Tail: Fievel Goes West) - he's an evil villainous capitalist businessman. he's skinny. he has a posh English accent. he has brief occasional moments of showing weakness or emotion but ultimately can't be saved or reasoned with. his downfall comes when he's betrayed by the one good guy he sort of had a soft spot for. he wears a top hat. Need I say more?
Rattigan (The Great Mouse Detective) - this guy already had his day in the sun as a sexyman on certain other websites. given the chance he would've taken tumblr too
Ebenezer Scrooge (Muppet Christmas Carol) - okay this one might be a stretch but listen. What is Ebenezer Scrooge if not the original poor little meow meow? Throw in a charismatic performance and some catchy songs and there you go
And of course:
The Once-ler (The Lorax, 1972) - same backstory as the 2012 Lorax, plus a very nice voice, but this time he doesn't even have a face. You get to design your own sexyman. Tumblr loves doing that.
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otomiyaa · 10 months
Since I saw the movie as well and Wonka himself? He got some major ler energy that's waiting to be released.
absolutely right, but I definitely felt some very strong lee energy as well ❤️👀
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rhyliethecaterfly · 2 months
Mirabel And The Marshmallow Factory
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Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto) As Charlie Bucket
Alma Madrigal (Encanto) As Grandpa Joe
The Once-ler (The Lorax) As Willy Wonka
Bar-ba-loots (The Lorax) As The Oompa Loompas
Steven Universe (Steven Universe) As Augustus Gloop
Diane Foxington (The Bad Guys) As Veruca Salt
Nick Wilde (Zootopia) As Violet Beauregarde
Lightning Mcqueen (Cars) As Mike Teavee
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Noodle's Questions
Hey gigglers! I haven't written a tickle fic in foreverrr, but here is a little something I whipped up. I hope you enjoy! (Teases inspired by @just-a-fluffy-knight)
Fandom: Wonka
Characters: Willy, Noodle
Summary: There is a lot that Noodle doesn't know, and a lot that Wonka can teach her.
Note: This is a tickle fic. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling.
"Willy, I have a question", Noodle posed, sitting up straight. She and Wonka had been lying down next to each other on the candy-grass of Wonka's factory, recovering from the effects of tens of different magical chocolates.
"Yeah?" Wonka responded absent-mindedly, still lying down in a half-doze.
"Well you know how chocolate is brown because of the coco. Well where does white chocolate come from?"
Wonka snickered, "That is a very good question young lady. I guess I'll show you". However, Wonka was making no effort to sit up. Noodle, after patiently waiting for the demonstration for about ten seconds and receiving nothing, poked Wonka's stomach in an attempt to get his attention.
"EEP! Yes?"
Noodle chuckled at Wonka's response before rolling her eyes. Honestly, Willy could be so weird sometimes. "Willy, the demonstration?"
"Oh, yes", Willy said sheepishly, sitting up, taking off his hat and reaching inside it, pulling out a square of regular milk chocolate and a small jar with what looked like a bee inside. Incredibly confused, Noodle watched as Wonka opened the jar and released the bug.
"Watch this", he said with a grin as the bug flew around the chocolate, sprinkling a kind of dust which, after a few moments, turned it white. Noodle's eyes widened in realization, "Ohhhh! That's so cool Willy!"
Wonka smiled, "your welcome", before lying back down.
A few minutes passed before Noodle's inquisitiveness returned.
"What did you see earlier?"
"You know, earlier when you squeaked. What did you see? Should I be concerned?"
"Ohhh", Wonka said in realization, his cheeks going a little pink. "Nothing Noodle, don't worry about it".
Noodle rolled her eyes, poking him in the stomach again, "Wonkaaaaa".
Willy squeaked just as he had before, causing Noodle to instinctively jump and look up at the sky, trying to find the source of her friend's fright.
Wonka sat up abruptly, "Ok Noodle, you know that curiosity killed the cat"
"What cat?" Noodle asked. Having grown up at Scrubbit's and with no family, there were a lot of things that Noodle didn't know. She could read and write and do mathematics just fine, but had never done anything like play or sing or eat sweets or use silly phrases until she had met Wonka.
Wonka sighed in an exaggerated way - "If you must know, Noodle, I'm just a bit ticklish there"
Noodle raised an eyebrow, "Your what?"
Wonka's cheeks went dark red, "Ya know, ticklish". He perched his knees up before his torso, looking away and pretending to be distracted by something in the distance.
"Ticklish? That doesn't ring a bell". Wonka looked aside at her face for one second, catching that she was dead serious, before turning away again. How could he explain tickling?
"W-well", he stuttered, once again looking away, "It means I'm sensative. Like, if you touch my tummy I might react like that. It's nothing".
Catching on to Wonka's embarrassment, Noodle smirked and thought she might have a little fun.
"Oh, like this?" She poked his stomach again, and he let out and even louder squeak than before, and, in a swift motion, he tackled her over so that she was lying on the grass below him. She screamed from his surprise outburst, but giggled as she saw him sitting above her, looking down at her with the most flushed look she had ever seen.
"Oh, okay, you want to have some fun huh?". Just than, he scribbled all ten of his fingers into Noodle's sides, and, in an instant, she burst into high pitched giggles.
"Willy!", she cried, scrunching up her face and slightly kicking her legs.
"Wo-hoa-hoa", Wonka said, scuttering his fingers across her belly, "I thought you would be ticklish, but this ticklish?"
Noodle giggles got higher pitched as Wonka moved spots, her swatting away lightly at his hands to protect her belly.
"Are you ok with this Noodle?", Wonka asked, wanting to make sure he wasn't crossing any boundaries. Noodle nodded as she continued giggling, before turning onto her side, trapping Willy's hand.
"Hey!", he said, "Get back here Apple Stroodle!". Noodle chuckled at the nickname, before Willy flipped her over again and started gently squeezing her knees. Noodle immediately collapsed into full on belly laughs, rocking back and fourth.
"Ahaha! Willyhyhyhyhy!"
Wonka looked down at her with an evil smirk, "Well well well, looks like I hit a bad spot huh Noodle?"
Noodle's cheeks went red. This was her first time being tickled, and she'd be lying if she said it wasn't fun. She felt completely carefree, as if she was eating one of Wonka's calm musical chocolates, although the accompaniment was her shrieks of laughter. Wonka moved on to reaching under her arms experimentally, and her chest sunk down a bit as her laughter lightened steadily into a trail of giggles. All the while Willy was smiling down at her, the girl's joy infectious, and feeling as happy as can be to see her in such a state.
After a few more seconds, Wonka stopped, afraid she would suffocate otherwise. She continued to giggle with phantom tickles and, once they wore off, she just chuckled, sat up and smiled at Wonka. Than, as if like a lion jumping at her pray, she jumped in to hug him, and this time Wonka's squeak was one of fright. The gesture was unexcepted, but Wonka rubbed her back gently.
When she separated from him, Noodle smiled, "I felt so loved. So connected. So bubbly! Thanks for teaching me about this Wonka, I'll have to tell my mum to do it with me sometime".
Wonka looked away once again, his embarrassment returning to him.
"It was such a silly sensation", she said with a laugh, before lying back down, gesturing Wonka to lie beside her. The older boy leaned back, putting his hands under his head like a pillow.
"Didn't you say you were also ticklish?"
Wonka's eyes widened, and he immediately jumped in the air, running across the candy forest of his factory.
"Hey! Get back here Willy!", Noodle called out, standing up to run after him.
"You can't catch me!", Wonka teased, grabbing a chocolate tree branch and swinging himself up. Noodle ran up to the tree, standing at the bottom as Wonka sat triumphantly on a branch above her.
"Haha, nice try Noodle!"
Noodle rolled her eyes again and smiled, "I'll get you next time Willy!"
"Nu-uh", he responded, "there won't be a next time - I'm staying up in this tree for the rest of my life, I can make chocolate just fine from up here".
Noodle chuckled and rolled her eyes again, "Ok, whatever you say Willy". She knew he would have to come down eventually.
That's it! Thanks for reading (: Hope you liked it.
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oncemod · 1 year
watched the Barbie movie (my personality is rewiring itself as we speak) n there was an ad for wonka do we really not have a Willy Wonka Onceler? a chocolatier-ler????
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simplovestoship · 1 year
So, I couldn't decide from these three on which I like more. Honestly, the third one is the best for me because he looks so...weird . THE EYES.
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The eyes. The EYES. He looks almost human. Almost.
I would honestly see Mabel falling for him with the way he looks. He could just wear glasses so she won't see his eyes. But even if she does see his eyes, I doubt she wouldn't take interest in him.
He honestly look like the new willy wonka a bit with the hair and the outfit. What if Bill Cipher is just Willy Wonka but yellow.
This is what happens when you reference Mad Hatter to the Once-ler. wskcnwkwdnv
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