trashyswitch · 2 years
Letting Go
Shang Chi has now spent years trying to understand and perfect his mother's martial art technique. His aunt Ying helps him learn. But even after years of perfecting...Shang still struggles to relax. So, Ying decides to help him...
This fanfic has been in my folder, which I called 'Fanfics I probably will never upload' since October 30, 2021. But...Then I got back into 'Shang Chi And The L.O.T.T.R.'. I rediscovered its fighting scenes, its beauty, and it's generally complicated storyline. So...I finally worked up the courage to upload this fanfic.
I hope you enjoy. And perhaps...I will look into uploading Marvel Fanfics in the future. Ant Man happens to be my favorite superhero from Marvel. So...We'll see.
Shang Chi was fighting Ying Nan in training for a while to try and master the art of his mother. The arts his mother had mastered so many years ago, had finally found Shang, and he was starting to get really good at it. However, one single problem remains: 
“You are still tense, Shang.” Ying told him. 
“I...I am? I don’t feel tense.” He told her. 
“is specially designed to counteract the traditional movements of a fighter. They require you to let go of your strength and let your instincts take over.” Ying told him. 
“This is the least tense I’ve been in years.” He told her, feeling the wind. 
“Admire how the wind moves about without a care.” 
Suddenly, wind from all around him started picking up leaves and began whooshing by Shang. 
“Admire how the wind picks you up, like you are nothing.” Ying was quickly swept up by the wind and was carried to Shang. “You see?” 
Shang was left in awe at the sight of the wind. “I…”
Ying smiled and tilted her head. “I see what you lack.” She told him. 
Shang looked up at her. 
“You lack fun in your life.” She told him. 
Shang looked down and nodded. She had a really good point. “I used to live in San Francisco. I used to have fun there before my father found me and took me back.” Shang told her. “Before then...I never knew fun ever since my mother died.” 
“I see…” Ying said. She hopped off the wind that was carrying her, and placed a hand onto his shoulder. “Take off your shirt.” She told him. 
“I...Really?” Shang asked. 
“Unless you don’t feel comfortable doing so.” She told him. 
“I’m fine with it. I just...didn’t expect this.” He took off his shirt, folded it and placed it down onto the ground. 
“Now: Close your eyes, and be one with the wind.” She allowed as much of the wind to overtake him, and lift him up.
Shang opened his eyes and yelped as he saw he was floating! Well, being carried. It felt weird being carried by just the wind. 
“Feel weightless yet?” Ying teased. 
“ihi...Yes!” He reacted. 
“How about now?” the wind began to lift him up higher, and started to sit him up. 
“Whohohoa!” Shang reacted. 
Soon, even more wind with leaves within, started to fly between Shang’s body. Around his arms, against his back, past his chest, and past the hairs on his legs. He felt completely weightless. 
And extra sensitive too...Because the leaves that flew past Shang began to touch his skin and flutter against his sides and back. 
A few of the leaves made him wanna giggle, and a few more leaves finally made Shang clamp his arms against his sides. “HAhahaha! Sohorry.” 
“Is something the matter?” She asked curiously. 
“No…” He admitted. 
“You grew tense again.” She told him. 
“Just for a split second.” He replied. 
“Something made you tense up…” She teased. 
“Nooo, I was just...chilly!” He replied. 
“Sure…” She replied. “But you be careful, Shang, the wind knows.” She teased. 
Shang’s face went pale the moment he heard that. 
“Uh oh…” He muttered. 
Suddenly, more leaves started to tickle and flutter through the wind and against his belly and sides.
“Hehehehehe! HAhahahaha! Ohohokahay, Ihihit tihickles.” He laughed. 
“Ohhh, I see…” She reacted calmly. “I can see why you have tensed up now. It’s because you’re ticklish and you don’t know how to react.” She explained to herself. 
Shang began trying to cover up his ticklish spots. But the wind only went for his back and his lower spots too. A few of them even went for his feet. 
“Nohohoho! Stahahap thahahahat!” He begged.
“Feels strange, I presume?” She joked. 
“Yohohou tryhy beheheheihing tihihihicklehed by the wihihind!” He reacted. 
“Oh, I have had my turn plenty of times. It is your turn now.” She replied. 
The wind seemed to be able to find every ticklish spot on Shang’s body. Shang quickly tried to cover up the spots, but the wind moved to his exposed tickle spots like his neck, to continue tickling him. There was just no getting out of this without being tickled to pieces. 
“Ahahahahahaunt Jiahahahang! Hehehehehelp mehehehehe!” He begged. 
“Hm…I prefer to watch.” She replied casually. “Besides: You need some fun.” 
“Ihihi dohohon’t!” He laughed. 
“Indeed you do. In fact:” She ordered the wind and the leaves to stop and give him a break. Sure enough, the wind listened to her request.
Shang took in breaths of relief and took the free time to recuperate his breathing. 
“Enjoy your break for the time being…” She told him. 
“Hehehe...Hehe...H-huh?” Shang muttered. 
Suddenly, a girl walked behind Shang and showed herself to Ying. “Whoooaaa...This is awesome!” She reacted, not quite able to grasp how the wind was carrying Shang. 
“Katy...A pleasure to see you again.” She reacted kindly. 
“Thank you.” She replied. “I was going to get Xialing, however you will do quite nicely.” She walked up to Katy. “Tell me: Is Shang sensitive by any chance?” 
Katy tilted her head. “I wouldn’t see Shang as the sensitive type...Though I have seen him cry once…” She admitted. 
“...Oh…” She replied awkwardly. “I meant...ticklish.” Ying told her. 
Shang verbally groaned. 
“Ooooh!” She responded, giggling. “You wanna know THAT!” Katy reacted. 
“Yes, I do.” She replied. 
“No...No she doesn’t.” Shang tried to fight it.
“Well, THAT I can offer that, no problem!” Katy promised. 
Shang groaned and tried to push her away. But the leaves formed into cuffs that quickly held each hand out of the way for Katy. 
“Ooooh! Well that’s helpful…” Katy teased, tickling his wrists before moving onto everything else. “Now where to start...It’s like being given a piano! What note do I start on?!” She joked. 
Ying couldn’t help but laugh at that comparison. 
“The hips are the WORST for him. He gets so spazzy-” She started tweaking his hips, earning a grunt and a muffled squeak. 
“Uh huh...I see!” Ying looked quite interested. 
“He’s also ticklish on his back, to an extent…” Katy started spidering up his back, earning her an arched back with plenty of giggles.
“I see…” She responded. 
“Now, I haven’t quite hit my favorite spot, which is the big buff sides!” She started squeezing and skittering her fingers on Shang’s sides, earning them both some cackles and laughter. “He’s as ticklish as you can get, Ms. Nan!” She replied. 
“I will keep this under consideration.” She told her. 
“And don’t forget to use your hands too! Being the cause for someone’s laughter is always a fun thing! And the fun things you can do with your hands!” She teased, wiggling her fingers in his face. 
“Stahahap that! AAH! KAHAHATY!” Shang begged. 
“Stop what? I’m not doing anything! I’m not even touching you! So what on earth could you mean by ‘stop that’?” Katy teased in a teasy baby voice. 
“Yohohou’re mehehean!” Shang fought. 
“Not as mean as me, sweet nephew...I’m about to overwhelm your nerves with enough tickles to last a lifetime.” She teased. 
“Oooh! Join me in!” Katy declared. 
“NO! NOT TWO OF YOU!” Shang begged. 
“Ohoho, yes two of us!” Ying teased as she started tickling Shang’s sides, while Katy started tickling Shang’s back. 
“NOHOHOHO- HAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP!” Shang laughed, wiggling around like a worm. 
“And why would we do that?” Ying asked. 
Katy gasped. “That’s right! We do love you!” Katy reacted. 
But then, she started blowing raspberries on his back. “We are doing this out of love.” She told him. 
“We are!” Ying added. 
Shang often switched between laughing and giggling, thanks to where the two of them were tickling Shang. Shang found it really hard to hold still, despite still having the leaf cuffs on him. The leaf cuffs only did so much to keep him in the one spot for a while. And while the leaves didn’t cut into his skin, they did limit his movement. 
“Hey…” Someone said behind them. Ying and Katy turned around and paused their tickle attack. 
“Hello Xialing.” 
Xialing was smirking...That ain’t good. 
“I’m hurt that you didn’t invite me to the little party.” Xialing teased. 
“No...Not you...not you too…” Shang begged. 
“You can tickle him if you like. I’m gonna give myself a break from the tickling.” She decided. 
“Very well.” She cracked her knuckles and wiggled her fingers, to make Shang nervous. And boy, did his nervousness go up! 
“Feeling nervous, Shang?” Xialing asked. 
“I bet you feel like running away!” Katy teased. “But I bet you couldn’t run away...Not with those stylish leaf cuffs.” Xialing teased. 
“Yeah!” Katy declared. 
Xialing walked up to his ribs and started skittering her fingers on them. “It’s been too long since we’ve done this…” 
Shang giggled and wiggled around as his sister attacked his lower and upper ribs. “Dohohohohon’t! Hahahahahaha!” 
Xialing giggled and wiggled her fingers at him. “I am hungry for giggles. And I think a special dragon could really feed on your laughter right about now~” Xialing teased. 
Shang squealed and tensed up, waiting for the tickles to come to him. 
And before even Shang could prepare for it, tickles could be felt on his vulnerable feet.
“Sorry, Shawn! Help is not on the way for you!” Katy teased. 
And that’s how Shang got utterly wrecked by both his friend, his aunt, his sister and even the wind! It had been almost several decades since he had been tickled like that. 
Though Aunt Ying was right…Perhaps he did need to learn to have fun…and just let loose for once. All his life, he had been trained to stay tense and ready for anything. And though Katy had helped him let loose a little bit, he still remained tense. But now…Just this once…he finally had the chance to be himself and just laugh all his worries away…if only for a little bit. 
Shang was soon given a break. Shang was offered his own water bottle, and patted on the back by Katy. 
Ying gently placed her hand on Shang’s shoulders, and gave them a little massage. “You are relaxed.” Ying said with a smile. Shang couldn’t help but smile at her in response. 
And I just realized I reached 300 fanfics! WOOO! I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for almost 3 years! It’s incredible! Thank you to everyone for the support, and for being there for me through this whole journey! 💜💜💜
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