mysteriouslee · 1 year
(DAY 7)
lee!Rose ler!Makenna
Rose took in deep breaths, trying to keep herself calm. She had a a blinfold on her face and sweat rolling down her cheek. She was tied to a metal pole standing up.Eric would come soon she hoped. Suddentlg she felt light touches tracing her arms. She started giggling, she couldn't help it if she had ticklish arms.
"Rose Amba, I believ we have unifinished business" whispered a voice in Rose's left ear, causing Rose to twitch and shudder. It was Makenna, on of Sparrow's nemesis
"I get that buhut can we reschudle by any chance, I have work" said Rose with a nervous smile.
"I believe you'll go when I dismiss you" said Makenna pausing her hands, and then taking her right index finger and tracing a line down the middle of Rose's stomach. The fabric did a little to help so Rose could stand it. Suddenly the finger made it under Rose's shirt and scribbling on Rose's bare tummy.
"Let's begin shall we" said Makenna.
Makenna's hands made it under Rose's shirts and began scribbling the sharp nails on Rose's tummy.
"Eek!HOHOLY SHIHIT STAHAP"Rose couldnt take it. One of the nails made it in Rose's belly button and Rose shrieked and threw her head back, hitting her head on the pole she was tied to. The touches were admittedly kinda of flustering for Rose. Rose felt her blindfold becoming undone from her thrashing and she looked down after it came down, she looked down at Makenna's eyes staring back. Makenna was kneeling down to Rose's stomach
Makenna blew raspberries on Rose stomach and Rose snorted so weirdly,her face was redder than before.
"Cute" said Makenna subconsciouly "shit" she screamed in her mind..
Rose'a laughter became louder at the compliment. Rose got a good look at her torturer and don't tell Eric but she was totally cute and beautiful.
"Oh no she's hot" went through Rose' mind.
No wonder Dror fancies this one, she lights up a room with her sickeningly bright aura.
"Oh, I'm gonna have some fun with you" teased Makenna.
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