#ler!huening kai
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lunarisntlee · 14 days ago
TXT Ler Headcanons
Continuation of this post
—> Choi Yeonjun
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• Oh he is MERCILESS.
• He will not hesitate to pin you down for revenge tickles.
• "Aishh...you're gonna get it now!"
• Depending on the person, he might do light or rough tickles. Beomgyu gets the worst of it.
• Loves to mock playfully — “oh is the little lee here finally giving up? you’re weak ~”
• Will sit there with a stupid grin on his face while the lee he’s annihilating goes crazy over a really bad spot.
• He’ll give some light pokes and scribbles during cuddles if he’s in the mood. He likes to tease when he gets the chance.
• He counts ribs. And makes it excruciatingly slow.
• He usually only tickles his band mates, but might try to go for the members of BTS or Enhypen sometimes.
• He’s definitely more ler than lee, but he has his moments.
—> Choi Soobin
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• More on the sweet side, but can be mean.
• He likes seeing the lee all giggly and happy, it makes him all giddy.
• Isn’t much of a rough tickler.
• More lee than a ler, but he has his moments.
• He likes saying the classic ‘tickle tickle!’ if he isn’t in a lee mood.
• A little more brave with tickling Beomgyu and Kai, but he doesn’t tickle Yeonjun or Taehyun as much. (Retaliation)
• His favorite spot to tickle would be tummy. He just likes that spot.
• Very easy to get him out of a ler mood, he’s flustered easily.
—> Choi Beomgyu
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• He’s so mischievous about it, it’s stupid.
• He’s usually the one to start tickle fights.
• 100% uses raspberries
• More on the rough side, but can do softer.
• He wants to make the lee absolutely cackle, he’ll search for the worst spots.
• Annoying but in a funny way.
• He’s so cheesy when teasing.
• Sometimes he’ll sit on another member’s arms and go to town.
—> Kang Taehyun
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• He thinks it’s funny. He’s such a troll about it.
• Absolutely ruthless.
• He’s so strong, he can literally pin down any of the members and go wild.
• Is more of a fast scribbler than a squeezer. It’s his technique and it works every time.
• He isn’t much of a teaser, just gets straight to the point.
• He knows all of the member’s worst spots like the back of his hand.
• Doesn’t start it usually, it’s mostly in response to getting tickled first.
• How bad he tickles is how bad the person got him first.
• Just multiplied by two.
—> Huening Kai
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• A little shy with other people, but is a literal devil with his hyungs.
• He usually tickles to get someone to retaliate.
• Otherwise he’s genuinely in a ler mood.
• Makes silly noises when he’s tickling someone.
• Also isn’t much of a ler, but has his moments.
• He has this signature devilish look that I can’t really describe that well.
• I don’t have a lot of ler headcanons for him, he’s the biggest lee of txt.
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heavenlyoongi · 1 year ago
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verzweifeltcharlotte · 29 days ago
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Observando os pingos de suor caírem sobre o chão da sala de dança, Choi Soobin respirou fundo e fechou os olhos por alguns segundos. A hora de ir embora se aproximava cada vez mais, mas ele não estava ansioso para chegar no dormitório e, sim, para ver Kang Eunhoo pela empresa. Deitou-se, perdido nos pensamentos em torno de seu melhor amigo, que não via há um bom tempo. Ele sentiu uma mão em sua testa. Ao abrir os olhos, viu Choi Beomgyu sorrindo feito um convencido.
— Durei mais que você — provocou.
— Cala a boca — murmurou Soobin, levantando-se do chão com a ajuda dele.
Beomgyu deu uma risada curta, cruzando os braços enquanto observava o mais velho se recompor.
— Você anda distraído demais ultimamente. É o cansaço ou… outra coisa? — questionou, levantando uma sobrancelha de forma sugestiva.
Soobin rolou os olhos, mas seu rosto entregava o desconforto. Ele sabia exatamente onde Beomgyu queria chegar.
— Só ando pensando em umas coisas. Nada demais — respondeu, tentando soar casual.
Beomgyu não comprou a desculpa. Ele inclinou a cabeça, examinando o amigo como se pudesse ler seus pensamentos.
— Essas “coisas” têm nome, por acaso?
Soobin suspirou, passando a mão pelos cabelos molhados de suor.
— Você realmente não sabe quando parar, né?
Beomgyu abriu um sorriso travesso.
— Só estou curioso.
O mais velho franziu o cenho, olhando com certa desconfiança para ele.
— Curioso? Você é um fofoqueiro, isso sim. — Suspirou Soobin, como se não quisesse dizer, mas também não quisesse esconder. — Eu só tô com saudade do Eunhoo.
— Sabia que tinha a ver com ele! — Beomgyu apontou para ele, sorrindo.
— É, sempre tem a ver com ele — resmungou o mais velho.
— Tem a ver com quem? — perguntou Choi Yeonjun, cruzando os braços enquanto encarava Soobin.
— Com o Eunhoo — respondeu Beomgyu, sorrindo de canto.
— Eunhoo? Faz tanto tempo que não vejo ele por aqui —disse Yeonjun, olhando ao redor como se o simples fato de mencioná-lo pudesse fazê-lo aparecer.
Soobin suspirou, sentindo o peso de deixar claro o quanto sentia falta de Eunhoo. Não que fosse segredo, mas a maneira casual como Beomgyu falava sobre isso o deixava desconfortável, como se fosse normal eles ficarem tanto tempo assim sem se verem.
— Exatamente. Faz tempo demais, e é só isso — murmurou, tentando encerrar o assunto.
Yeonjun, no entanto, estreitou os olhos, analisando Soobin com um sorriso ligeiramente divertido. Ele tinha esse dom de captar nuances que ninguém mais percebia.
— Só isso mesmo? — provocou.
— Por que todo mundo aqui gosta tanto de se meter na minha vida? — resmungou Soobin, apertando o rosto entre as mãos.
Beomgyu deu uma gargalhada curta, e Yeonjun o acompanhou.
— Relaxa, Soobin. A gente só quer saber quando vai ter algo interessante pra fofocar — disse Beomgyu, piscando para ele e recebendo um olhar mortal do amigo.
Antes que ele pudesse responder, a porta do estúdio abriu, e um rosto familiar surgiu.
Huening Kai estava parado ali, a respiração levemente ofegante, como se tivesse corrido para chegar. Seus olhos varreram a sala até encontrarem os de Soobin, e um sorriso suave se formou em seus lábios.
— Vocês não sabem quem eu vi! — anunciou, segurando duas garrafas de água.
Soobin ergueu as sobrancelhas, endireitando a postura imediatamente.
— Quem você viu? — perguntou, tentando soar desinteressado, mas sua voz saiu levemente ansiosa.
Huening Kai deu alguns passos para dentro, entregando uma das garrafas para Beomgyu antes de continuar.
— O Eunhoo — disse, casualmente.
Os olhos de Soobin se arregalaram, e ele quase deixou a garrafa que segurava cair.
— Onde? — perguntou, um pouco mais alto do que pretendia.
— Vi ele indo para o banheiro. Acho que tá indo embora, porque tava com mochila e tudo.
Soobin sentiu o coração disparar no peito. Era agora ou nunca. A oportunidade que ele estava esperando. Ele precisava falar com Eunhoo, mesmo que fosse só para trocar algumas palavras rápidas.
— Eu volto já! — exclamou, saindo em disparada em direção à porta.
— Ei, cuidado! — gritou Yeonjun, mas era tarde demais.
Soobin correu pelo corredor como se sua vida dependesse disso, quase derrubando um staff que carregava uma pilha de folhas. Ele se desculpou apressadamente antes de continuar, o coração batendo mais rápido a cada passo.
Ao chegar perto do banheiro, parou por um momento, tentando recuperar o fôlego. Passou a mão pelos cabelos e ajeitou a camisa antes de entrar.
E lá estava ele. Eunhoo lavava as mãos, o reflexo no espelho capturando sua expressão tranquila. Soobin sentiu o nervosismo crescer, mas rapidamente entrou no banheiro, certificando-se de que ninguém os seguisse.
— Eunhoo! — chamou, a voz um pouco trêmula.
Eunhoo se virou, surpreso. Um sorriso leve surgiu em seus lábios ao reconhecer o mais novo. Então, foi envolvido pelos braços de Soobin, que o apertava sem limites. Soobin aproximou o nariz do pescoço do menor, sentindo o cheiro do perfume familiar que fazia seu coração bater mais rápido.
— Soobin? Aconteceu alguma coisa? — perguntou Eunhoo, retribuindo o abraço sem hesitar. — Faz um tempo que não nos abraçamos.
Soobin não respondeu. Ele queria parar o tempo e continuar abraçando o amigo sem que ninguém os interrompesse.
— Eunhoo, eu amo você. — Soobin afastou-se do abraço, segurando o rosto dele com as mãos e aproximando o seu. — Você sabe que eu te amo desde sempre, não sabe?
— Eu sei. Mas eu amo mais. — Eunhoo sorriu. Então, aproximou seus lábios e o beijou, hesitante.
— Ei, cuidado… — Soobin sorriu, envergonhado. — E se alguém nos ver?
— Eu precisava fazer isso, Bin. — Eunhoo afastou-se, sorrindo.
— Sim, mas tem outro motivo pra eu querer tanto ver você. — Soobin desviou o olhar, tímido.
— E que motivo é esse? — Eunhoo arqueou uma das sobrancelhas e cruzou os braços.
— Você… quer dormir no dormitório hoje? — o maior soltou de uma vez, olhando para ele com uma mistura de expectativa e apreensão.
— É claro que eu quero! — o menor sorriu, abraçando-o com força. — Mas os outros sabem disso?
— Vão saber quando eu contar. — Soobin acariciou a cabeça dele. — A gente já tá indo embora. Você espera a gente?
— Espero sim. Aliás, posso ir até lá contigo? — Eunhoo soltou-o.
— Vamos lá! Os meninos vão gostar de ver você. — O maior abriu um enorme sorriso.
A vontade de segurar a mão de Eunhoo era grande, mas o medo de serem pegos era maior. Mesmo que Soobin fosse apaixonado por ele desde sempre, ainda assim existia uma insegurança em ser visto ao lado dele. Não era vergonha, era medo. Os dois saíram do banheiro e caminharam em direção à sala de dança onde estavam os outros.
Seus passos ecoavam pelo corredor, junto ao silêncio entre eles e pela empresa inteira. O clima estava estranho, diferente… vergonhoso. Soobin percebeu o olhar de relance do mais velho e sorriu timidamente, sem conseguir esconder que estava sem graça com o clima entre os dois.
— Não sei por que me sinto assim — riu Soobin, olhando para ele.
— Não nos vemos há um bom tempo, Soobin. — Ele olhou de volta, sorrindo também.
— É, mas… — Soobin foi interrompido antes que terminasse.
— Pegamos tua mochila. — Kang Taehyun sorriu, entregando-a para ele.
— Oi, Eunhoo! — exclamou Beomgyu, aproximando-se dos dois.
— Oi, gente. Quanto tempo, né!? — Ele olhou para eles, sorrindo sinceramente.
— Por que não acompanha a gente? — Yeonjun apoiou a mão no ombro do mais novo.
— Eu chamei ele pra dormir lá no dormitório hoje. — disse Soobin, sorridente.
— Sério? Hoje vai ser divertido, então. — afirmou Kai, animado.
— Vamos antes que apareça algum staff pedindo pra ficarmos. ��� Eunhoo começou a andar em direção à saída.
Os seis saíram animados da empresa, conversando sobre o que comprariam para curtir a noite juntos. Eunhoo parecia um pouco tímido depois de tanto tempo sem se misturar com o grupo, mas Soobin ficou ao seu lado, sorrindo e fazendo de tudo para que ele se sentisse à vontade. Ele estava sempre com os olhos fixados no mais velho, como se algo sempre o atraísse para ele — completamente hipnotizado.
— Acho que precisamos de coisas básicas, como doces, biscoitos e refrigerante. — sugeriu Beomgyu, com um brilho travesso no olhar. — E suco pro Eunhoo.
— E não pode faltar miojo! — acrescentou Soobin.
— Eunhoo, você gosta de algum doce específico? — perguntou Kai, tentando incluí-lo na conversa.
— Hum… fini de banana e talvez marshmallows? — respondeu ele, meio envergonhado.
— Ótima escolha! Vamos comprar isso. — Yeonjun falou de forma animada.
O mais velho liderou o grupo até um mercado próximo, onde passaram bons minutos discutindo quais guloseimas seriam as melhores para a noite. Beomgyu insistiu em pegar algumas batatas fritas que nunca haviam experimentado antes, enquanto Soobin fez questão de ajudar Eunhoo a escolher um sabor novo de suco. Enquanto os outros se preocupavam em comprar diversas coisas para comerem, tudo o que o maior queria era ficar ao lado de seu melhor amigo, como se tivesse medo de que ele sumisse repentinamente — não que isso fosse acontecer.
Depois de saírem do mercado, carregados de sacolas, seguiram para o dormitório. Assim que entraram, a animação tomou conta. A sala logo foi transformada no epicentro da noite. Kai e Yeonjun foram buscar os colchões, arrastando-os do quarto para a sala, enquanto Beomgyu organizava as sacolas de compras na mesa.
— Eunhoo, ajuda aqui a ajeitar os colchões? — pediu Soobin, que já estava com um travesseiro na mão.
— Claro! — Ele se abaixou para ajudar.
Eles começaram a arrumar a sala juntos. Os colchões foram alinhados no chão, enquanto cobertores e travesseiros coloridos eram colocados de forma casual, mas aconchegante. Beomgyu se ajoelhou no meio da sala, abrindo pacotes de biscoitos e colocando-os em tigelas improvisadas, enquanto Kai voltava com um último colchão. Pouco tempo depois, a sala estava irreconhecível.
— Tá parecendo aquelas cabanas de férias. — comentou Yeonjun, observando a organização.
— Agora só falta todo mundo tomar banho antes de começarmos a aproveitar de verdade. — lembrou Taehyun, apontando para o corredor. — Sem desculpas pra tomar banho, gente.
Um a um, eles começaram a revezar no banheiro. Enquanto isso, Eunhoo e Soobin ficaram encarregados de escolher o filme. Soobin pegou o controle remoto, passando pelos títulos disponíveis, enquanto Eunhoo dava sugestões.
— O que acha desse? Parece engraçado. — sugeriu Eunhoo, apontando para uma comédia romântica.
— Deve ser bom. — respondeu Soobin, sorrindo, antes de clicar no título.
Quando o filme começou, os dois se acomodaram lado a lado em um dos colchões. A iluminação baixa da sala, com apenas a luz suave da TV, criava uma atmosfera tranquila. O som das risadas e brincadeiras dos outros ecoava ao fundo, mas Eunhoo parecia focado apenas em Soobin. O mais velho segurou a mão dele, sorridente, sentindo-se mais confortável ao lado do mais novo.
— Tá mais confortável aqui? — perguntou Soobin, virando-se um pouco para ele.
— Tô, sim. Valeu por me convidar. — respondeu Eunhoo, olhando-o de volta com um sorriso tímido.
Soobin se inclinou ligeiramente, aproximando seus lábios do menor. Eunhoo assustou-se com o movimento rápido de seu melhor amigo, mas logo sorriu ao perceber que ele não faria nada muito surpreendente.
— Fico feliz que tenha vindo.
Eunhoo corou levemente, mas não afastou seu rosto. Pelo contrário, aproximou ainda mais o seu rosto do dele, tocando seus lábios com uma delicadeza que ambos não sentiam há muito tempo. O mais velho não queria nada desesperado, apenas sentir sua boca colada na de Soobin. O filme seguia, mas parecia que, para os dois, o tempo havia desacelerado, e aquele momento simples era tudo o que importava.
O maior segurou o rosto do menor com firmeza, iniciando um beijo mais intenso, carregado de paixão e ternura. O protagonista sorriu por alguns segundos durante o beijo, feliz pela ação, e continuou a beijá-lo de uma forma que parecia transmitir todos os seus sentimentos.
Enquanto isso, os outros estavam ocupados com suas próprias atividades. Kai e Yeonjun começaram uma competição para ver quem conseguia empilhar mais biscoitos na boca, arrancando gargalhadas de Taehyun e Beomgyu, que gravavam tudo no celular. Mesmo estando próximos do casal, achavam a situação mais fofa do que desconfortável.
Eunhoo parou de beijá-lo, um pouco envergonhado ao perceber que todos haviam visto. Soobin, por outro lado, não ligou e apenas ficou sorrindo timidamente, quase de uma forma convencida.
— Não precisa parar aí, não… — disse Beomgyu, desviando o olhar. — Podem até continuar. Vou gravar e postar num site suspeito aí.
— Fica quieto, Beomgyu. — reclamou Soobin, com um semblante raivoso.
— Deixa ele… — sorriu Eunhoo, acariciando o rosto do mais novo. — Continua me dando atenção.
Eunhoo sorriu de canto ao ver a reação do maior — ele sabia que Soobin havia gostado ao perceber seu sorriso bobo; aquele sorriso que fazia algo além do seu coração pulsar. Soobin abraçou o mais velho com firmeza, subindo em seu colo e apoiando o rosto no ombro dele. O protagonista levou a mão até o topo da cabeça do mais novo, acariciando-o com ternura enquanto dava alguns beijos em sua bochecha.
— Que bom que você aceitou vir pra cá. — sussurrou Soobin.
— Eu também penso isso. Imagina se eu tivesse recusado… — Eunhoo riu sem graça. — Nós não estaríamos aqui agora.
— Não quero nem pensar em como eu ficaria passando mais alguns dias sem ver você. — comentou o mais novo, afastando-se um pouco para olhar para o rosto dele.
— Nem eu. — Um sorriso genuíno surgiu no rosto do mais velho, enquanto seus dedos tocavam a pele de Soobin. — Conversar com você por mensagem ou ligação nunca vai ser o suficiente pra mim. Gosto de sentir você, Binnie.
— Eu vou chorar se você continuar falando essas coisas. — Ele fez um biquinho, como se estivesse prestes a chorar.
— Mas é verdade. — Riu Eunhoo.
— Eu também gosto de sentir você, Eunnie. — Soobin riu, um pouco sem graça, talvez de forma apaixonada também.
Eles ficaram se olhando por alguns segundos, sem dizer mais nada, como se o olhar de Soobin já dissesse tudo o que Eunhoo precisava saber. O protagonista sorriu apaixonadamente, admirando a beleza do maior enquanto encarava seus olhos.
— O que foi? — perguntou Soobin, com uma expressão confusa no rosto.
— Só tô vendo o quanto você é bonito. — Eunhoo sorriu sem mostrar os dentes e falou em um tom suave.
— Você também é. Sempre foi. — Ele tocou a ponta dos dedos no rosto de Eunhoo, sorrindo.
— Obrigado. — O mais velho deu um selinho nele.
— Ah, eu nem perguntei como foi o seu dia, né? Como foi hoje lá na empresa? — Soobin perguntou, em um tom animado misturado com curiosidade.
— Não fiz nada além de preparar as coisas para o conceito do meu debut… Eu fiquei planejando com a Haeun como vai ser o álbum e as fotos. — respondeu Eunhoo, falando como se já fizesse parte da rotina. — E você? Como foi na empresa?
— Aconteceu tanta coisa que eu nem quero dizer. Mas foi cansativo. — O mais novo deitou a cabeça no colo dele, fechando os olhos. — Tô ficando com sono.
— Então dorme… — Eunhoo começou a fazer cafuné nele, sorrindo de uma forma que fazia suas bochechas doerem, mas era impossível parar.
Soobin não respondeu, apenas se cobriu e continuou deitado, com um sorriso discreto descansando em seu rosto. Eunhoo continuou a fazer carinho, passando os dedos por entre as mechas do cabelo dele, sentindo que poderia estar ali para sempre: brincando com os fios do mais novo.
O protagonista parecia cada vez mais confortável ao lado de Soobin, mesmo estando na sala junto dos outros integrantes. Nenhum deles parecia se importar, todos praticamente quase caindo de sono. O coração de Eunhoo batia forte, como se nunca fosse capaz de se acostumar com o fato de que agora podia finalmente beijar e dizer o quanto amava alguém que sempre quis. Seu sorriso ia até as orelhas, mostrando o quanto ele era feliz ao lado de seu melhor amigo.
No entanto, eles permaneceram juntos no canto, compartilhando aquele momento tranquilo enquanto o filme terminava. A noite seguiu, e, aos poucos, Eunhoo sentiu o sono vencê-lo. Seus olhos piscavam mais devagar, até que, finalmente, não pôde mais resistir.
🗓️𓈒ㅤㅤㅤㅤ゙ㅤㅤㅤ— 23/08/2022.
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jeonginsdiary · 2 years ago
can I request for a lee!hueningkai and lee!Yeonjun with the rest of the members as lers? So I had an idea yesterday, imagine that one of them gets tickled lightly by only 1 ler, while the other lee gets wreck by the 2 other lers.
only the one getting lightly tickled can say “switch”, which will have the one getting lightly tickled by one ler, get wrecked by the 2 other lers and vice versa
it’s kinda like a loyalty game, the lee that’s only getting lightly tickled could just leave the other to get wrecked and never say “switch”, and then the one getting wrecked could inspire pity and the three lers just gang up on the betrayer and the scenarios are endless XD
ofc, you can change the roles for each members, and if there are too many characters then you’re free to change the request <3
thank you!
Okay so I think I understand the concept of this one!
I apologize if what I wrote wasn’t the plot you were expecting but i’ll try to write it based off of what I think you mean!
[I’m literally writing the first half of this on my way to dance class HAHAHA]
Lee: Huening Kai
Lee: Yeonjun
Ler: TxT
Fun and Games
It had been a hectic day for TxT.. They had a break from performing and they were definitely using that to there advantage. The members were spending ALL day playing games with each other as they bonded. The majority of their games were just stuff that came to mind like hide and seek, tag, board games, etc. Eventually, the members felt like they had played it all. The group sat slumped on the couch, unsure of what they should do next. “Ugh, i’m so bored!” Said a frustrated Yeonjun, who playfully laid his whole body on top of Soobin. “Yah! Get off of me!” grumbled a frustrated yet evil Soobin as he poked Yeonjun’s sides. “Wahahait stohop!” Yeonjun giggled as he fell off of the younger. “You know, hasn’t Yeonjun been annoying us for like a week straight now?” Soobin said while mercilessly squeezing his hyungs stomach, resulting in screams mixed with laughs as Yeonjun desperately tried to escape.
These kind of things happened so much between the members that the rest of them already knew what Soobin was implying. “Hmm, I suppose so..” Replied a smiley Beomgyu who climbed on top of the struggling Yeonjun while Soobin yanked the others arms up, completely exposing his torso. “WAIT WAIT GUYS!” Yelled a distressed Yeonjun who attempted pulling his arms down only to be met with teases of how he “couldn’t get away”. “AHH DON’T!” Screamed the poor boy as he watched Taehyun stretch his fingers towards his upper ribs, a pretty bad spot for Yeonjun. Taehyun being as evil as he is, slowed his fingers down so he was reaching towards the olders ribs ever so slowly. Yeonjun tried wiggling his body the other way, failing miserably as Taehyun’s hands just came closer and closer. All three of them just laughed at Yeonjuns begging before Taehyun buried his hands deep into the olders upper ribs, resulting in a loud scream from the older who was now laughing hysterically. “STAHAHAP! HEHELP MEHE HYUKA!” Begged the boy as he directed his eyes towards the maknae. Huening Kai just sat there, a million thoughts going through his head. Should he help Yeonjun? Or should he help his hyungs wreck Yeonjun? “Come on Kai~ Help us!” Said an overjoyed Beomgyu as he wiggled his fingers on the olders stomach. “NOHO HELP MEHEHE!” Yeonjun retorted, hoping that he sounded at least a bit intimidating.
Eventually, the maknae decided to help Yeonjun. Why? Because he had been tickled well over a thousand times by his hyungs and he knew how bad it was. Hyuka still sat frozen on the couch, thinking of his master plan. He settled on a classic scheme, trying to tickle another member to get them to fall off of Yeonjun. He went with Soobin, who was pretty ticklish, making Hyuka believe it would be more effective. Kai then proceeded to stand up and walk over to the group, pretending like he was gonna attack Yeonjun with them. Instead, he stuck his fingers into Soobin’s exposed armpits, pulling a yelp from the older. To the maknaes dismay, Taehyun saw that coming, grabbing Kai’s sides and squeezing them full force, causing Huening Kai to let go of Soobin as he tried breaking loose from Taehyun’s grip. “AHAHAHA WAHAHAIT! IHIHI’M SOHORRY!” The younger laughed out as he twisted his body in every direction. “He tried to betray us!” Beomgyu said while finding the whole situation way too funny. He was still seated on Yeonjun, making it impossible for the older to escape. Soobin had moved back to holding the others arms up as Gyu had now switched to kneading the olders lower sides, causing Yeonjun to arch his back as he shook his head back and forth.
Taehyun on the other hand, had pinned down Huening Kai, scribbling only lightly on the youngers sides. Taehyun wasn’t gonna wreck the maknae solely because he knew how ticklish the poor boy was. There were now two boys, pinned to the ground. One screaming and laughing his head off and the other softly giggling. Soobin had wanted to have some fun with the older too, scribbling his fingers into each of Yeonjun’s armpits. The boy screamed, falling into helpless laughter soon after that. “GUHUHUYS NAHAHAHA!” Laughed Yeonjun who had the biggest smile stuck to his lips. “Aww look how cute you look~” Teased Beomgyu, who had started scooting down to sit on his hyungs thighs. Yeonjun just blushed as he now bucked his hips, not being able to before due to Beomgyu’s weight on them. “Hey hyung! I have a question!” A jubilant Gyu said as he paused his tickling. “Whahahat?” Replied a giggling Yeonjun who only had to focus on Soobin’s fingers which were roaming around his neck, not a very sensitive spot for the older but it still got him laughing and scrunching his shoulders. “I’ll tell you but you have to answer honestly.” Said an intent Beomgyu who watched the olders cute smile. “Okahahay juhust tell mehe!” Yeonjun replied, barely being able to take the anticipation anymore. “Okay..” Answered Beomgyu, purposely dramatizing the situation. “Are your..” He started his question, causing Yeonjun’s ears to perk up, still giggling hysterically along with Kai who was now having small shapes traced onto his bare tummy.
Beomgyu finally finished his sentence.. “Are your hips ticklish?” He questioned, drilling into the olders hips right after the sentence escaped his lips. “Wha- NOHOHOHO GYUHU STAHAHAHA-” Yeonjun screamed out as he was thrusted into silent laughter. “They are!” Soobin happily responded, knowing full well that this was the olders weak spot. Yeonjun thrashed his body around as he attempted to remove the youngers hands off of his hips by bucking up and forcefully yanking at his hands. He pulled so hard that Soobin had to stop tickling his neck in order to sit on the olders hands so he for sure couldn’t escape.
Kai, who was still softly giggling, watched in anxiousness as Yeonjun was put through torture. He knew how much it sucked when you were silently laughing and couldn’t to anything to get the attackers to stop. Soobin looked over at Hyuka, noticing how anxious he looked for his hyung. “Look Hyuka, if you really wanna save him just say ‘switch’ and we’ll only tickle him lightly, you’ll have to get wrecked instead though.” Soobin said while having the time of his life. What kind of offer was that? Why would Kai willingly get wrecked like that? Well.. in all honesty, Yeonjun did look like he was about to die.. Huening Kai did feel pretty bad for his hyung and after all he was pretty used to getting wrecked. It wouldn’t be that bad if it happened again, right? Wrong. The maknae didn’t even know how he survived all the tickle attacks coming from his hyungs. “So..?” Taehyun impatiently asked, waiting for an answer from the younger and disrupting the maknaes internal thoughts. “The longer you wait, the longer Yeonjun gets wrecked for~” Teased Beomgyu who was still torturing the older. Kai watched as Yeonjun arched his back up, bucked his hips, and attempted to beg, even though no sound came out of his mouth. Taehyun had now stopped tickling the maknae, eagerly waiting for a response. “Alright alright fine.. ‘switch..’” Huening Kai said hesitantly.
In the blink of an eye, Soobin and Beomgyu had climbed off of Yeonjun and on top of Hyuka, Beomgyu sitting on his thighs while Soobin sat on his arms just as they had done to Yeonjun. Taehyun immediately scrambled onto Yeonjun’s hips while he was still weak enough to not fight back. The olders face was completely red as he gasped for breath, rubbing his hips in attempts to get rid of the leftover tingly feeling. Unfortunately for the boy, he was stopped by Taehyun who took his weak arms, pinning them with his knees. “Ughh Taehyuhun!” Giggled the boy as Taehyun begun lightly poking his sides and stomach. “Hyung, you should be thanking Hyuka, he’s about to get wrecked!” Stated the younger boy matter of factly. Yeonjun shifted his eyes over to Kai and sure enough, the maknae was about to be put through torture. Beomgyu was carefully lifting the youngers shirt up, ignoring the maknaes pleas. Both Yeonjun and Taehyun were startled by a sudden scream as they looked over, watching Beomgyu as he suddenly blew a raspberry on the top of Hyuka’s stomach. The younger let out a loud scream, laughing hysterically as Beomgyu kept up his attack, giving the boy long raspberries all over his stomach, only coming up for air for a split second before lowering his head back down and blowing another one. “HYUHUHUNG AHAHANYTHIHING BUHUT THAT!” Screamed the maknae as he viciously jolted with every raspberry. “It’s your loss Kai, you shouldn’t have said ‘switch.’” Replied Soobin who was wiggling his pointer fingers into the boys lower ribs. “NAHAHA GUHUHUYS I CAHAN’T TAHAKE IHIT!” The vulnerable boy begged as Beomgyu placed as many raspberries as he could manage onto the boys exposed tummy. Huening Kai attempted to jerk his body upwards, but was met with a lengthy raspberry to his bellybutton in punishment for trying to escape, resulting in the highest pitched scream the maknae could muster. “Ow, Kai you’re hurting our ears!” Taehyun whined while he pinched Yeonjun’s sides and ribs, ignoring the boys giggly begging. “THEHEHEN TEHELL HYUHUNG TO STOHOP!” Screamed Kai who was a shrieking mess at this point. “Hmm, should I stop?” Questioned Beomgyu who had momentarily stopped his raspberry session. “Yeah maybe you should stop, I think his thighs would be a better place~” Teased Soobin, satisfied with how the younger begged them not to. “Wait hyung I have an idea..” Beomgyu told Soobin as he eyed the maknae. At this point, both of them had stopped tickling hyuka as they decided where to wreck him next. “W-what ihis it..?” Asked Huening Kai in suspense. Seeing the look in their eyes, Kai knew that this would not turn out good for him.
Taehyun had now stopped his light tickles with Yeonjun as he was now cuddling with his hyung. “Hmmm..” Beomgyu thought aloud, causing everyone’s in the rooms eyes to be on the mischievous boy. “I wonder..” Continued the boy. “Gyu just hurry up and finish your sentence.” Demanded an impatient Yeonjun. The rest of the members besides Taehyun, turned to Yeonjun after hearing his voice. “Ah, Taehyun’s done with you? How did you like it~” Questioned a devilish Soobin. “Tsk be quiet” Replied the oldest boy, ears turning red from the question. “Anyways, I wonder if..” Beomgyu said as all eyes were back on him. “You’re just like Yeonjun hyung..”
“What is that supposed to AH-” Before the maknae could even finish his sentence, he was caught in an endless fit of laughter. The evil Gyu made his way into the very hollow of the boys hips, pressing down with his thumbs and massaging in deep. The younger tried letting out a scream. Unfortunately for him, it was way too sensitive for the boy that all he could get out of his mouth was an “AH” before he was swallowed in the loudest laughter he’s ever produced. Besides when they tickle his thighs.. But we all know that, don’t we? “NONONO STOHOP STOHO-” The defenseless Hyuka could only scream out a few of his pleas until, just like Yeonjun, he too was thrown into endless silent laughter. “He is just like Yeonjun!” Beomgyu stated happily as he continued his attack. The worst part was that Kai couldn’t even try and pull his arms down. Soobin was still seated on his wrists, outstretching the younger boy and making it impossible for him to fight back! Now Huening Kai had gotten absolutely wrecked by his hyungs way too many times and he knew full well that tugging at his wrists, arching his back, and bucking his hips up never worked.. But it’s still worth a shot, right? The younger fought as much as he could but just couldn’t escape. Well that plan flopped.
After seeing how much Kai was dying, they stopped their torture, leaving a panting maknae on the ground who rubbed his hips just like Yeonjun had done. “Dohon’t do thahat again!” The younger boy said tiredly as he focused his eyes on Beomgyu. “Hey, you’re the one who tried saving Yeonjun hyung!” Retorted the boy who helped the maknae onto the couch. “Yeah, I think we’re all done with games today, aren’t we?” Said Soobin as he draped a nearby blanket on Huening Kai’s body. The rest of the members just laughed as they all climbed onto the couch, cuddling as they one by one fell asleep to each other’s warm touches.
Oh how much they loved their troublesome Yeonjun and Hyuka..
Wait I actually had so much fun writing this HAHAHA
I don’t know if this is just me but the beginning paragraphs feel different to how I normally write..? Did anyone else notice that??
I normally put a semi-long beginning to the story before the tk part but for this one I just got straight to it.. I hope you don’t mind!
Stay healthy <3
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lunarisntlee · 1 month ago
TXT Lee Headcanons
—> Choi Yeonjun
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• He HATES admitting he’s ticklish.
• Doesn’t lee as often as other members, but is still quite ticklish. (needs to lee more >:( )
• The cutest :(((
• He snorts and it’s the cutest thing ever.
• Will probably try to fight the ler playfully. Purposely will lose if in a lee mood.
• He has been ganged up on before by the other members.
• Can’t stand tickles at his hips or ribs.
• Will call the ler names to try to avoid just getting flustered. And maybe scream some profanities.
• Giggles at first but his laugh can get very loud depending on what spot is being attacked.
• Resilient to some teases, but the classic ‘Kitchy Kitchy koo’ will get him every time.
—> Choi Soobin
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• A very shy lee.
• Rough tickles work better, but he isn’t so strong to soft tickles either
• Well depending on the spot since he seems to possess this ability to hold back well.
• But underarms? Goner
• Has such a cute laugh bro have you heard it?
• He’ll curl up, but towards the ler instead of trying to get away
• His underarms are most likely his worst spot.
• Ribs are also probably really bad for him.
• Only says stop when he truly wants it to stop. otherwise he’ll lay there giggling up a storm
• Sometimes the leader needs some destressing with tickles!
—> Choi Beomgyu
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• We already know this boy is ticklish as all hell.
• Screams bloody murder when being tickled.
• He’s a walking tickle spot, I don’t even know what his worst spot would be.
• He’s literally so squirmy it’s insane.
• May accidentally kick the ler multiple times.
• Acts like he’s being murdered.
• Similar laugh to Soobin’s except much louder
• Soft tickles absolutely destroy him.
• Gets tickled a lot along with Kai
—> Kang Taehyun
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• He doesn’t get tickled as often and is probably the least ticklish
• Still ticklish though
• His thighs are pretty bad as seen in that one to-do episode
• His feet are also decently bad
• Basically his lower body is more ticklish than his upper body
• He has this yelp-ish kinda laugh that’s kinda hard to describe but if you know what I’m talking about then yay :,)
• His smile is literally so cute what do you mean he’s not a teddy bear
• Thigh squeezes = death
• He’s a whiny lee
• Doesn’t squirm as much as Beomgyu but still kinda squirms
—> Huening Kai
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• Oh boy, he’s DEATHLY ticklish
• Also screams bloody murder when being tickled
• Probably the most ticklish in txt
• His hyungs like to bully him with it sometimes
• Doesn’t have a death spot, he is a death spot
• Screams more than Beomgyu does
• His laugh is mostly just him screaming
• Soft tickles? rough tickles? Poor boy can’t take either
• The resident lee of the group
• Still confuses me how he didn’t react at all to tickles from others but he reacts so strongly to his member’s tickles
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lunarisntlee · 1 year ago
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Lee: Soobin
Lers: The rest of txt
Soobin looked at the clock and sighed. It was already way past midnight and he was still working on their next song. He had to admit, being a leader was hard work sometimes. He was trying to focus on his work, but there was always something that came up and distracted him from what he was doing. He really wanted to go to bed, but he didn't want to leave his work unfinished.
As Soobin's mind continued to drift off, he started to notice how tense his body was. He was starting to realize how long he had been sitting in the same position without moving, and he realized how exhausted he had become. As he thought more and more about it, the more he felt the need to just be able to relax and not worry about anything.
He sat back into his chair and tried to focus on his work once again, but he couldn't stop thinking about how tired and stressed he was feeling. The longer he worked, the more exhausted he became. Without realizing it, he felt his eyes starting to close and his head was beginning to droop down to the desk.
Soobin struggled to keep his eyes open, but he couldn't hold them up anymore. He knew that if he kept trying, he was just going to waste his time and accomplish nothing. He was feeling extremely tired and exhausted, and he didn't want to stay awake anymore. As his eyes closed and his head drooped down to the desk, he let out a long, quiet sigh. He was starting to get comfortable in his chair, and he was just going to rest for a bit to refresh himself.
While Soobin was resting his eyes and relaxing in his chair, he could feel the exhaustion and stress of being the leader starting to slowly melt away. He was starting to forget about all of his responsibilities and just letting his body rest and relax. He could hear his breathing becoming deeper and slower as he slowly fell into a deep sleep.
Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Huening Kai were all sitting around in their dorm room, talking and joking around with each other. They had gotten done with their schedules for the day and were just enjoying the rest of their free time together. They were talking about how it had been a busy day and how they were looking forward to getting to relax and have some fun.
As the other members of txt were chatting and joking around with each other, they were all wondering where Soobin was. He had been working so hard the last few days, and they knew he was bound to get tired eventually.
They knew that Soobin would eventually reach this point, and his members were starting to worry about him. They had seen how much he worked, and his exhaustion was starting to worry them. The last thing they wanted was for him to overwork himself to the point of collapsing. So they were starting to think about ways that they could help him decompress and relax.
As the four members walked into Soobin's room, they were surprised to find him sleeping in his chair. He did not move or respond to them, showing just how deep he had fallen into sleep. It was clear that he had been working way too hard in his duties as the leader, and they wanted to find a way to wake him up and distract him from all of his worries and burdens.
"Soobin?" As Yeonjun gently nudged Soobin, he started to stir and slowly begin to wake up. He groggily opened his eyes and looked around the room at his fellow members. He looked like he was still trying to process everything that was going on, and he was still feeling very tired.
"Y..yeah?" Soobin slowly replied, his voice still sounding a bit sleepy and lethargic. He was still half-asleep and was starting to realize that his fellow members were in his room with him.
"You've been under stress for way too long, you need a break." Taehyun comments worriedly. "I...yeah..I guess you're right" Soobin agreed. He was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed again from the mention of his stress and his responsibilities as the leader. Now that he was starting to wake up, he was feeling all of the exhaustion and fatigue setting in once again.
"How do you plan to help me?..." Soobin questions in a drowsy tone. "Well...we know you've been feeling really exhausted and stressed out lately...And you've been working so hard.." Yeonjun says.
"So...we thought what you needed was to just...relax...have some fun..and distract you from your worries..to help you take your mind off of things..." Taehyun continues.
"Yeah...we know it's been really tough for you lately..." Beomgyu says. "So, we just thought maybe we could lighten the mood with some good ol' fashion tickling?" He says with a cheeky grin.
"Mmm...wait, what?!" Soobin exclaims, suddenly sitting up straighter in his chair. He was caught off guard by the idea of them tickling him, and his cheeks flushed bright red as he realized what they were planning to do. 
"Yeah, you're looking quite stressed lately..." Huening Kai adds. "We found the perfect solution to help you relax...~" He says with a cheeky grin, as all four of the members begin to approach Soobin.
At that very moment is when he starts to feel the first contact at his sides. Soobin's body jolts at the touch of the other members' fingers. His body flinches instinctively, the tickles creeping in quickly. He is taken off guard by the sudden attack and can't help but laugh at it, his body squirming and writhing in his chair as his members continue to touch his sides.
"pfFtaaHhaAhhaaHaa n-nohohohhohoooho wAhahaihiHit-!!"
Soobin laughs, his body squirming violently as he tries to resist the tickling. He is instantly filled with laughter and is writhing around in his seat, trying his best to get away from their fingers and their ticklish attacks. Truth be told however, he did secretly enjoy this and adored that the members were putting in effort to make him happy.
"Awh hyungs, I think he enjoys it!~" Kai excitedly exclaims. Upon hearing his comment, it causes him to blush.
"nyEhhEehhheehh heeeEhhheehheh d-dooohhohont cahhahahaAhhall mehe ouHuhut-!"
Soobin continues to laugh and squirm in his seat as the tickles grow more intense. He secretly enjoys the feeling of the tickling, and he is starting to feel refreshed and relaxed. As he thinks about his members' kind and thoughtful gestures in wanting to make him happy and help him feel less stressed, he starts to feel a wave of warmth and affection for them. 
"Look at how red he's turning!" Yeonjun coos. The tickles are making him feel good, and he is starting to let his worries disappear. He lets out some light laughs as his laughter grows into full-blown giggles, and his cheeks are starting to turn red from the stimulation. He is feeling so relaxed and refreshed as his members keep up their playful tickles. 
Soobin's cheeks turn a bright shade of red as the tickles grow stronger and his laughter grows more intense. The members continue to touch his sides, working their way upwards and moving in towards his armpits. He is completely at their mercy, his body writhing in the chair as he tries to get away from their fingers and their intense tickles.
"pFFT eeeehEeHeheEEk nOOhOohot thEhehehRe-!!"
Soon after another few minutes of a ticklish assault, the other four members eventually stop. As the other four members eventually stop, Soobin's laughter slowly starts to settle down. He slowly comes down from his fit of giggles, and after a few seconds, he is finally able to take a deep breath. The laughter slowly dies down, and he closes his eyes and sighs. He was feeling incredibly refreshed and relaxed, and he was incredibly grateful to his members for taking the time to entertain him and make him feel better.
"Feeling better?" Taehyun asks. "Y..yeah..." Soobin replies, his breathing still a bit heavy and his cheeks still flushed red from the laughing. However, he is feeling alot better. Not only was the laughter causing an endorphin release in his brain, but the touch of his members' hands was also causing a release of oxytocin which was making him feel more connected to his members and bringing him much needed relief and relaxation.
"Thanks for this...." Soobin adds. A bit of a blush still on his cheeks, he smiles at his members. "I..I never would have thought that tickling would work as an effective way to destress." He chuckles, his giggles still present but much more subdued now.
Later that day, the members made sure to stop Soobin from overworking himself and keep him from losing his mind.
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jeonginsdiary · 3 years ago
- prompt list
Tickletober 2023
Mini fics m.list
Massage Time - Lee: Felix | Ler: Lee Know
Sweet Revenge - Lee: Seungmin | Ler: Felix
Reversed Roles - Lee: Chan | Ler: Stray Kids
Caffeine - Lee: Jisung | Ler: Chan & Changbin
Attacking the Troublemaker - Lee: Minho | Ler : Chan, Felix, Seungmin & I.N
Maknae Torture - Lee: I.N | Ler: Minho
Comments - Lee: Changbin | Ler: Stray Kids
Punishment - Lee: Seungmin | Ler: Minho, Hyunjin, Felix, I.N
Stretching - Lee: Minho | Ler: Changbin & Seungmin
Games - Lee: Jisung | Ler: Felix
A Bunny’s Vengeance - Lee: Seungmin | Ler: Minho
Bratty - Lee: Minho | Ler: Chan
Unfair (mini fic) - Lee: Seungmin | Ler: Jeongin
Ruthless - Switch: Minho & Seungmin
Honorifics - Lee: Changbin | Ler: Minho
Jokes - Lee: Minho | Ler: Chan
Weak (mini fic) - Lee: Changbin | Lers: Minho & Seungmin
Aging - Lee: Seungmin | Ler: Chan
Birthday - Lee: Minho | Ler: Chan
Twister - Lee: Jisung | Ler: Jeongin
Debut (sana special) - Lee: Hyunjin | Ler: Minho
Backstage - Lee: Seungmin | Ler: Jeongin
Upcoming (24)
Prank Time is Over - Lee: Huening Kai & Beomgyu | Ler: TxT
Fun and Games - Lee: Huening Kai & Yeonjun | Ler: TxT
Upcoming (7)
Shy - Lee: Junhan | Ler: Jooyeon
Weakness - Lee: Junhan | Ler: O.de
Upcoming (1)
Upcoming (2)
Upcoming (2)
Introduction Post
Requests are open!
I read all requests! If you’ve sent one in I have most definitely read it and will be getting to it! I don’t have an order in writing fics, it’s just whatever one i have an idea for! But, rest assured, your request will be written.
[Please read the introduction post so you know what kind of requests I will and will not do!]
Requests will still be open when my school starts [August 24th] but it will take me longer to finish them! [School is like 8 hours long 😭]
Current requests - 60??
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jeonginsdiary · 2 years ago
Can I request a lee!beomgyu and lee!hueningkai fic with the others members as lers? If that’s way too many people, then just lee!beomgyu and the lers of your choice <3!
Yes ofc!
I’m sorry I kept you waiting so long I’ve been unmotivated again
Please forgive me :D
Lee: Beomgyu
Lee: Huening Kai
Ler: TxT
Prank Time is Over
Would it really be TxT without pointless tickle fights? Of course not! It was yet another day of TxT messing around in their dorm. At first it had started with Huening Kai pulling pranks on the rest of the members like stealing their blankets while they were napping or even hiding in their closet to jump out and scare them when they went to change clothes. Hyuka being the menace he was decided to bribe Beomgyu into joining him with his pranks. Of course Beomgyu agreed and the duo went around pranking their members all day long. That was until the prank victims were fed up with their trickery. After Beomgyu and Kai had just finished another prank everyone was officially fed up.
They all huddled around and begun to thinking of a plan to get revenge on the two boys. “We could steal their snacks” suggested Yeonjun. That idea was quickly turned down as they had already done it multiple times and the duo would definitely see it coming. After some time of thinking an idea came to Soobin’s mind. “What if we tickled them?” the boy said with a mischievous smirk. The rest of the members agreed (obviously) and they headed off to go find their victims. After they checked what felt like the whole dorm they finally found the two in one of the bedrooms. They were whispering what seemed like to be another prank but this time the other members were not having it. While Yeonjun and Taehyun restrained Beomgyu, Soobin restrained Huening Kai. Yeonjun and Taehyun had the easiest job as it was the two of them against one Beomgyu. “Wait guys! Stop!” yelled out a confused Beomgyu as Taehyun held his arms up and Yeonjun sat on his upper thighs. As he looked over, Soobin was currently fighting with Kai trying to get the upper hand. Everyone knew that the maknae could be pretty persistent with things and he sure was putting up a good fight with Soobin. That was until the older began to poke up and down Huening Kai’s sides and lower ribs causing the maknae to collapse, allowing Soobin to make his way onto the youngers hips and hold his arms down with his knees. “HYUNG PLEASE DON’T!” Oh Hyuka already knew what the members were up to and he already felt defeated.
“We need to teach you guys a lesson for all of your pranking~” teased the oldest in the room who abruptly drilled his fingers into Beomgyu’s ribs. Beomgyu let out a loud scream which signaled Soobin to start with his torture too. He placed his thumbs onto Huening Kai’s neck and rubbed small circles causing the younger to scrunch his head into his shoulder and laugh hysterically.
(Kai is normal text and Beomgyu is bold text)
As you can see the two were pretty much going insane. Taehyun had now joined in and was spidering his fingers into Gyu’s armpits while Yeonjun was now squeezing his sides nonstop. Beomgyu was screaming and bucking as much as he could, not sure how much more of this torture he could take. Soobin being evil decided to scoot down onto the maknae’s legs and massage his lower thigh, around where his knee joined his thigh, with his thumbs. The younger nearly died. He screamed, arched his back, threw his head around, bucked his hips, kicked his legs, and anything else he could think of to try and dislodge his hyung’s hands from his thighs. “HYUHUHUNG I CAHAH- STOHOHO-” The little sense of sanity the maknae still had was long gone as he was thrown into silent laughter. “Aww is Hyuka ticklish on his thighs?” Soobin teased watching as Kai’s face turned bright red. Beomgyu on the other hand was trying to use the last of his voice to beg the other members. Yeonjun had went back to drilling into the youngers upper ribs as he found it was the most effective while Taehyun was still demolishing his hyung’s armpits. “PLEHEHEASE! WHEHEHE’RE SOHORRY!” Beomgyu begged while tugging at his arms. Taehyun had a bit of difficulty keeping the others arms raised but luckily Yeonjun was weakening Beomgyu so much that he only had the strength to lightly tug. “Hmm I don’t know.. should we stop?” questioned Taehyun who was now noticing how out of breath the duo looked. “Oh come on just a bit more” insisted the playful Soobin who was still wrecking Hyuka’s thighs, emitting high pitched screams from the boy.
Soobin stuck to his word and, eventually, after wrecking Kai and Beomgyu for a bit longer, they let up. The duo were extremely out of breath as they barely had the energy to open their eyes. All of the members slowly climbed off of them resulting in the two quickly bringing their arms down to rub at their previously attacked spots. “You guys have learned your lessons right.. or do we have to do this all over again” teased Yeonjun who was watching as his dongsaengs panted and tried hiding their reddening faces. “Hyuhung noho we’ve lehearned” giggled out the tired Hyuka who had discovered that his partner in crime, Beomgyu, had already passed out onto Taehyun’s lap. Huening Kai’s giggles began to die down as he too began to drift off onto Soobin. His drowsiness was soon interrupted by a quick poke to his side. “AH! W-what doho you want now” the maknae whined out as he scratched his tingly side. “I want you to apologize on yours and Gyu’s behalf” the oldest of them all blurted out. Now Huening Kai being Huening Kai was dreading the idea of having to admit his defeat and apologize to his hyungs. “No! Why would I do that! Make Beomgyu hyung do it!” the younger argued knowing his hyungs wouldn’t give up. “He’s already sleeping Hyuka” Soobin smugly replied to the other as all four of them listened intently to Beomgyu’s soft snores. “Ugh! No. I’m not apologizing on me or hyungs behalf!” the maknae insisted. “Your loss” Soobin cheekily responded as he pressed and vibrated all ten of his fingers into Kai’s inner thighs. The helpless maknae went insane. “HYUHUHUNG AHAHAH-” loud and hysterical laughter escaped his lips as he swung his head from left to right, trying to distract himself from the ticklish feeling. He tried pushing his legs together in a weak attempt to dislodge his hyungs hands. After that plan failed he tried viciously kicking his legs. His strategy was working quite well as Soobin’s grip had begun to weaken. Unfortunately for the maknae, at the sight of this, Taehyun decided to be evil and hold the youngests legs apart from each other. Not without help from his Yeonjun hyung of course.
The betrayal!
Now Hyuka couldn’t kick his legs AND they were stretched apart. His entire leg was completely exposed and he knew Soobin would use that to his advantage. Just as he had thought Soobin had placed his hands in the exact same position they were in before except this time he went higher up! [Not higher up as in too high but higher up where it tickles more ya know] That was it. The maknae knew he was done for. All that he could do now was try and beg which never got him anywhere. “PLEASE DON’T HYUNG!” begged the boy as he watched in horror as his hyungs hand completely stilled on his inner thigh. “Oh come on Kai, you’re only begging now because you know you won’t be able to take it~” Yeonjun teased as he and Taehyun were still holding Huening Kai’s legs apart. “NONONO! PLEHEHEA-” before the maknae could finish his sentence, Soobin pressed his fingers into the younger boys inner thigh and massaged it in an extremely ticklish way. “AGH! STAHAHAHA-” the poor Hyuka had little to no sanity left and no matter how persistent he was he knew he was too ticklish to endure this. Soon enough, the youngers voice ran out and nothing but silent laughter and gasps for breath escaped his colored lips. The maknae resorted to violently shaking his head and arching his back as high as it would go. “Do you think he’s sorry now?” Taehyun laughed out, receiving teasing murmurs of thought in return. Huening Kai was about to die here! He didn’t have time for their teases! After a few more seconds of Soobin pretending to think as he continuously wrecked Kai’s thighs, Hyuka began to panic. He still hadn’t regained his voice yet and his hyung wasn’t letting up. Luckily for the maknae, the members stopped after noticing how out of breath the younger looked and how hard he was trying to escape their grip.
“Now apologize Huening Kai” Yeonjun yet again demanded with a playful glint in his eyes. The rest of the members, besides Beomgyu, who had somehow managed to sleep through all the commotion, knew that they could for sure get the words they wanted to hear from the maknae after their torture session. “Okahay! Me and Gyu hyuhung are sohorry!” the younger stated shortly after he had regained his voice again. His pleas were finally accepted by the older members and he was let go, this time successfully collapsing into Soobin’s lap and drifting off due to mere exhaustion.
Huening Kai and Beomgyu did not learn their lesson.. this scene repeated again and again and again and again.. and so on. But at the end of the day they’re all having fun and that’s what matters! Right?
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Wohoo I finished!
I continued writing this fic at around 9:45 P.M and it’s already midnight HAHAHA
Again sorry for being semi-inactive! I’ll try to write fics more often!
Stay healthy <3
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