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blahhhhhhhohmigosh 1 year ago
For the christmas tickles.. Maybe Lee Mikey and Ler Big bro squad? (My nickname for Leo, Raph and Donnie trio)
Day 4, The Lair Grinch.
Summary: Mikey made some Christmas foods for the weekend, but when he found out the older brothers ate the food he made, he whanted to avenge himself by stealing their food and acting like a grinch when he saw his brothers reactions, well let's say in the end his smile came back.
Lee: Mikey.
Ler: Donnie, Raph and Leo.
Warnings: Just some tickle Fluff, if that's not your thing you may scroll down! Anyways Enjoy!!
The box turtle yelled through the halls of their lair as the amizing scent of Mikets favorite food started fading from the fridge that was now empty with only crumbs in it. Mikey looked around the halls to see if anyone was watching him and he quickly checked the others rooms, there were plates and crumbs of his dishes he prepared with love for his foods and care, Mikey groaned, his mood turning into a slightly Grumpy one as he had a petty plan to get back at them, he opened the cabinets to search for his brothers favorite things to eat/ drink, he found Leo's favorite Jupiter Jim chips, Donnies favorite coffe chocolate and Raph's favorite ghost-scream of agony (ghostbears sponsored icecream) and hid them somewhere in his room.
Donnie came back from the "trash hunting" (he was searching in the trash for any metal parts) mean while Raph and Leo came back from their training, they all whanted to munch on their favorite foods, but they were all gone, the brothers did rebuild their stash before they went away so they knew that they didn't eat it and started blaming each other from begin hangry.
馃挋:Ugghhh Raph! Did you are my Jupiter Jim chili cheese moon Chips from Jupter Jim "the trip to the moon"?!
鉂わ笍:Leo. I was right there with you the entire time.
馃挋: right right I forgot-
Donnie glared at Leo wich with Leo responded.
馃挋:I was with RAPH!! Okay so who could it be...?
At the exact moment there was a boxturtle walking by with a smirk, Leo knew that Mikey only smoker when he did something he was either proud or amused of. So he quickly connected the dots and when Mikey left the room Leo pointed towards the direction Mikey went and turned his head as he looked at Raph and Donnie as Leo said.
馃挏:OH PLEASE Nardo why whould MIKEY eat our food? He woudnt do that- why whould Angelo do that anyway?
鉂わ笍: Did you guys forgot we ate some fresh dishes? Wasn't it Mikeys favorite??
馃挋: Yea but it's not OUR falut the pizza was declined or lost! Besides how could we know that it was his??
Donnie yelled as he took a few steps towards the location of his lil brothers room. Leo took his shoulder and stopped Donnie before he could go any longer.
馃挋: No whait- I have a beter idea...
The 2 others looked at Leo confused while he smirked, meanwhile Mikey was sitting in his room as he drew on papper listening to rap music before the music got turned off by Leo that stood next to the radio with a serious face.
馃挋:Heeey brother! Hru???
馃А:OH me? I'm good~
Mikey answered not looking up from the papper he drew on as he continued drawing before Donnie appeared out of nowhere and slammed his hand onto the desk.
Donnie said frowning as Leo looked shocked at Donnies reaction, a bit straddled by the fact he suddenly appeared. The boxer shrugged as he answered.
馃А:Maybe~ Maybe not~ *chuckle* but what whould you do anyway if I infact DID do that?
Mikey said with a shit eating grin as he looked up at them before both of the twins got a smirk on their faces and Donnie answered.
馃挏:You'll see brother! You'll see...
Before suddenly Mikey got picked up from the chair as Raph had a grip holding him in the air as the box turtle squirmed and whined.
馃挋:OH really?~ cause well we have something that WILL make you laugh brother.
Leo said before walking up to hid squirming little brother and took of his knee pads before scratching behind his knees, Mikey immidietly stopped squirming and whining before he started kicking his legs more while he tried holding his giggles as he giggled out.
馃А:Leheheo sthohop ihihit-
Donnie then joined in by scribbling Mikey's sides which made Mikey burst out into giggles as he squirmed and kicked while his brothers teased him.
馃挏:OH Angelo somethings wrong?? Too much caffeine? You seem a bit squirmy today...
This continued till Mikey yelled.
Mikey giggled out ad the brothers stopped tickling him, put him down, made sure he was okay while they runned to the mini-fridge in splinters room. Mikey just was giggling the left over giggles before he said.
馃А: They should NOT eat my food agian!
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh 1 year ago
Lee Leo?
DAY 19, GIFT switcheroo
Summary: Leo whanted to prank Donnie when they all had secret Santa, he gave him a prank box but then the tables have turned...
A/n: RUSHED, AGIAN, IM SO SORRY. GOSH I'm going back to Poland soon, this constant travelling got me EXHAUSTED:-;. Anyways soon this series is ending soo yh I hope you'll enjoy!! T-CESTERS AND PRO-SHIPPERS DNI.
Lee: Leo.
Ler: Donnie.
Warrning: might bring LFLS flash backs. tickles and Fluff, enjoy!
It was the day secret Santa was supposed to be given out! Everyone had gotten a person to trade with. Even Splinter! He got one from Draxum. But no one knew what was about to come...
You see. Leo got Donnie last year as a secret Santa, so he decided to put in bouncing rubber beachballs into the box making them bounce around the lair making Donnie shriek. Though this time. It will be else. You see. Donnie was working on a suit the ENTIRE YEAR. And ragged the system to make him give Leo a suit...a special suit... When Leo saw it he SHRIEKED from joy, he hugged his twin and rushed to his room to put the suit on just to reget that later... The entire time Donnie TRIED not to smirk around Leo, but when Leo rushed to put the suit on he smirked a mischievous grin before excusing himself and going to his twins room.
There was Leo. Putting the suit on. Donnie smirked as he tapped on his wrist pad a combination before pressing the button "enter". Suddenly the suit started vibrating. And electroshocking him, at first Leo thought that the shocks whould be like those and that collar back in the day they meet meatsweats. But then he realized. This suit was making him ticklish. Making him explode into giggled while pulling the suit trying to take it off as he triped and fell onto his butt making him squirm on his floor while laughing hysterically, it didn't help that Donnie came in and started teasing him.
馃挏:What, Nardo? Don't you like what you dish out? Awww~ mocking chuckle.
馃挏:I'm sorry brother but I think that's not gonna help cause I'm joining this fun!
Donnie said walking over to him before starting wreck-tickling his side making Leo just burst out in more laughter, squinting his eyes he rolled on the ground like a worm as Donnie wached in satisfaction, he did it, he avenged himself.
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh 1 year ago
Day 22. An Icy Accident.
Summary: Donnies Turtle tank got destroyed, since Donnie is burned out Raph is trying to chill him out.
A/n: MY mom was complaining to Mt dad to not drive too fast otherwise we whould crash so yh this idea came from the statement. And yes its rushed so instead I just thought this will be a mini series since it's just dumb for me that it's rushed and the next day rush it again. T-CESTERS AND PROSHIPPERS DNI!! Enjoy!!
Lee: Donnie.
Ler: Raph.
Warrnings: just some steaming, a mention of a small accident and tickle Fluff so yh!
Yelled Donnie as he kicked a gear box just for it to hurt and making him whine in pain a bit and rubb his foot while Raph was watching his younger brother fix the turtle tank. The hood/ front of it was smashed. Well who whould expect that ghost bear whould apear out of nowhere and destroy the front making the tank lose control and crash into a pole??
Raph was geniuely worried for his younger brother as he walked in and said with a comforting and concerned voice.
鉂わ笍:Heeey D! Uh- are you okay there bud-
馃挏:IM FINE!!
Yelled Donnie cutting his older brother off before turning around and calming down a bit at the sight if his brother as he sighed and took a French wrench before saying.
馃挏:Like I said I'm Fine Raph.
And continuing fixing the hood, it's been 6 hours and he is still fixing it...
Raph sighed, he knew Donnie was stubborn to his machines, so if he whanted to make him chill out he needed a plan.
鉂わ笍:Are you sure-
Raphs worried gaze turned into a serious one as he picked Donnie up and started tickling his armpits before he layed the squirming soft shell down on the ground.
鉂わ笍: Nuh uh.
Shriek Donnatello trying to wiggle his way out of there while Raph continued tickling him with no remorse/ mercy. Making Donnie laugh even more. After 10 minutes Raph stopped tickling Donnie and layed the soft shell on the floor letting him rest as Raph went for some water for his younger brother.
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh 1 year ago
Day 11, the elf on the shelf. (Part 3)
Summary: Donnie lost in a battle with Raph cause he used tickles, well now it was his turn with small help.
A/n: THIS MIGHT be rushed, cause I need to go to sleep, but yea I whanted to finish this so tomorow I don't need to do more then 1 post and concentrate on it. T-CESTERS AND PRO SHIPPERS DNI. ANYWAYS ENJOY!!!
Lee: Donnie, Raph.
Ler: Raph, Elf (a.k.a donnie)
Warrninf: just Fluff a.k.a tickles! Enjoy!
It was supposed to be a calm day, well "supposed" cause the oldest brother made Donnie go training cause "he was in his lab enough". ISNT THAT RIDICULOUS?? Well Donnie and Raph were training with their gear, while Leo and Mikey went to buy some Pizza. Donnie was really concentrated and whanted to get this over with, but his oldest brother had other plans, when Donnie jumped into the air and raised his bo-staff Raph grabbed it and pulled his brother close into a hug before chuckling.
鉂わ笍:Got'cha Don~
Before starting to tickle his ribs. Donnie shrieked as he tried to pull away but coudnt as he protested.
馃挏:RahahaAph RahaHaph NoHoHO!!
Trying to get out of his oldest brother's grip, but he coudnt. He was stuck. Then he got another idea, he typed something on his wrist pad which made Raph confused while still tickling Donnie, suddenly Raph tripped and Donnie used it as a escape to his room.
鉂わ笍:Wah!- Aw D, what the-
The oldest brother was confused before suddenly he felt something tickling his Armpits as he shrieked a girly squeal and sat down on the floor as he started to giggle trying to find out what's tickling him.
鉂わ笍:WhHahah TheHehe-
He giggled, soon he felt something and grabbed it pulling it out. It was the elf, it was and understatement that Raph was confused but then he found something written on Elfs foot. It said "Donnatello". He then tried to read it out loud.
鉂わ笍:D-dounutelo?- D-dola- OH WHAIT DONNATELLO?- D?!
Thats where D got busted by his own signature.
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