#leopald strauss
shitposttcentral · 4 months
how many shots would it take for me to hook up with the rdr2 men (im asexual btw)
Arthur Morgan - 1 shot for courage... and then a second shot also for courage because he intimidates me but i still want him John Marston - if he's silent 2 shots if not like 4 shots his voice would just be too distracting i can't Charles Smith - SOBER STONE COLD SOBER I WOULD WANT TO REMEMBER EVERY SECOND PICK ME I COULD ROCK YOUR WORLD Hosea Matthews - literally just 1 shot that's it he's actually so fine i can't Dutch Van Der Linde - like 3 shots yes he's cunty but his aura is just heinous plus i'm probably too old for him Micah Bell - all the alcohol that has ever been made and ever will be made wouldn't be enough Leopald Strauss - No. Bill Williamson - Also No. Javier Escuella - 3-4 shots unless he played me a song on the guitar then guess what 0 shots needed get my bed handsome Lenny Summers - he's my son so i cannot answer this question
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amorgansgal · 3 years
Hello, could you write some (gender neutral) headcanons about a reader, who speaks several languages? like they speak, german with Herr Strauss, and spanish with Javier.
Could you also make the camp react to them speaking another language, because they told nobody that they are a polyglot? and if you want, make them Arthur's S/O
Sorry if this request is weird and boring!!
There was no way this request was weird or boring. It was nice writing something a little light hearted and fun! I hope I did this ok, I can only speak the tiniest bit of German, so was not going to risk embarassing myself too much with attempting to write in a different language.
Javier is the first one who cottons on that you may understand different languages, when you snort with laughter after he calls Sean a ‘Stupid, ginger donkey’ in Spanish. He’s a little sneaky and tests you by shouting ‘Duck!’ and seeing you hit the deck confirms his suspicions.
But he only assumes that you can speak Spanish.
Javier likes having someone who can speak his language and speaks it well, he’s all too familiar with Arthur’s attempts of ‘Vamos’!
Arthur’s very impressed that you can speak more than one language. You do attempt to teach him some phrases in Spanish, but he can’t quite get to grips with them. It’s the r-rolling that foils him and actually remembering them properly.
Arthur accidentally calls Boaz a ‘Good Chicken’ which makes Javier laugh so much he ends up crying. Arthur swears never to attempt Spanish again.
‘I thought you said chicken was boy!’ ‘Chico, honey.’
The realisation that you can speak more than one language comes from overhearing Arthur agreeing to collect some debts on behalf of Herr Strauss. Unfortunately, Strauss decides it’s a good time to mutter a few insulting names and deride Arthur’s intelligence.
You might not speak Bavarian but you can certainly get your point across in German. Strauss has unwittingly unleashed hell and looks like he might piss his pants!
Arthur just kind of stands there watching you lay into Strauss. He’s both impressed, terrified and possibly a little bit turned on!
‘I didn’ know you could speak… whatever that was.’ ‘German, a little bit.’ ‘A little bit! I don’ think Strauss is gonna get out of his hole for the next couple o’ years.’
You prove to be very useful to the gang when you go to Saint Denis, though you might ham up the ignorant ‘I can barely speak my own language’ American just a touch. With many people gossiping in French and Spanish, you discover where Jack is being held a hell of a lot quicker.
The only slight downfall is when you’re invited to visit Angelo Bronte with Dutch, Arthur and John.
After you leave Dutch immediately turns to you and demands, ‘Well, what did he say?’ ‘Who? Bronte?’ ‘Yes, of course!’ ‘Oh, I have no idea, I don’t speak Italian.’
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neon-junkie · 4 years
A Fine Night of Debauchery
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Summary: Javier's trying his best at playing the guard role for this mission, but after defending you from a creep, the two of you end up hiding in one of the ferryboat's rooms and as always, one thing leads to another...
Pairing: Javier Escuella x f!Reader
Word Count: 4086
Rating: NSFW
Tags: Saint Denis, Ferryboat robbery, Poker, Flirting, Friends to lovers, Smut, First time.
Notes: finally, the ferryboat Javier fic that I've been wanting to write for so long!!
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Trelawyns ferryboat robbery was well thought out and had a high potential of running smoothly, but this was the Van Der Linde gang and as always, something was going to go wrong. But Trelawny kept his positivity high, showering both you and Arthur in praise as the three of you went shopping. You'd picked out a nice dress for yourself and noticed the way both Arthur and Trelawny blushed when you came out of the dressing room, deciding that it'd be a perfect fit and hopefully, you'd be able to keep it undamaged after the mission. The barber that Arthur visited thankfully had a lady that helped do your hair and makeup; you came up with some bullshit excuse that you'd never dressed up before and wanted a locals advice on how to dress accordingly. They fell for it, and you were happy with the outcome, feeling rather confident and attractive in the last-minute outfit. Trelawny, the character that he is, had arranged a coach to take the three of you to the docks. Arthur had to leave his guns behind, but you'd planned ahead and put together a tight gunbelt that was strapped to your thigh, the gun not looking obvious through the layers of your dress. You thought Trelawny was going to protest, but instead, he said "good thinking, my dear. Smart of you to plan ahead, we can never be too careful, though I hope you won't have to use it!" 
So here you are, approaching the docks, grabbing onto Arthur's arm as your heel gets stuck between the gaps of the boardwalk. "You alright?" Arthur asks as he takes hold of your arm, watching you unwedge your heel. "Yeah, I should have worn thicker heels," you say as you shake your head, watching the floor as you walk to stop yourself from stepping on any more gaps. As the three of you come to a halt, you look up and accidentally catch eyes with the last person you'd expected to be on this mission, Javier. He definitely saw you stumble, and your cheeks turn rosy as you realize. He's far too handsome for his own good, a cigarette pressed to his lips as his eyes flick over to Trelawny whos going over the plan. He always dresses well, enough to make your stomach knot even when he's in his pajamas, but the suit he's wearing makes your chest go warm, and you wish it was you wiping the ash from his blazer as he finishes off his smoke. You try your best not to stare, nodding as Trelawny finishes up the plan and oh shit, you haven't listened to a word he's said. Oh well, you'll just wing it as always. You had a rough idea on what was going on, something about Arthur going for the jackpot whilst you linger around the outskirts and act as eye candy, distracting a few men whilst Trelawny pickpockets them. Strauss was going to... do whatever, help Arthur or something,  and Javier needed to find a guard uniform so when it came time to looting the safe, he could 'escort' them upstairs and act as a backup when it came to the robbery. Trelawny begins nattering away whilst going through the process of boarding the ferry, and before you know it, you're on board and ordering a glass of champagne with Trelawny by your side. Arthur has begun playing, and you finally figure out what Strauss is here for as he's taken his place around the outskirts. "Are you alright, my dear? You seem quiet," Trelawny asks you after taking a sip of his drink. "Hm? Oh, yes! I guess my heads in the clouds today," you respond. "Well, bring it back down to planet earth. If you'll excuse me, I need to pop to the restroom. How's about you go and mingle with the others, hm?" Trelawny suggests as he gets up from his seat. "I will do," you respond, getting up and slowly making your way around the outskirts of the room. You have a loose grip on your glass, sipping it every so often as your eyes brush over the crowd. A few men look over your way, but nobody's approached you yet. Such a shame, you didn't want to go back empty-handed, but you've only just arrived and hopefully, your time will come. "Madam, are you alright?" A familiar voice asks. You turn to see Javier stood by one of the doors, a gun in hand, his eyes on you from under the brim of his hat. "Oh, yes. I'm... just having a stroll," you respond, your face instantly going sour as you realize how odd that sounds. "A stroll? Around the room?" Javier responds, trying not to laugh. "You know, Miss, the upper deck would be much better for that, with a nice view and fresh air," he suggests. "Oh? Would you mind escorting me up there, Sir? I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with this ferry," you ask. "Of course. Right this way, Ma'am," Javier says as he begins to lead you to the upper deck, trying to play the part as strangers walk past the two of you. Surprisingly, Javier finds his way and thankfully, there's only one couple up here, leaning against the rails as they look out at the lake. Javier takes you the other way, overlooking Saint Denis as he lazily holds his gun in one hand, his hand resting on the railing. His eyes watch you as you come to a halt beside him, finishing off your drink and placing it on the floor for one of the workers to collect later. Javier looks over his shoulder and once confirming that the two of you are alone, he asks "are you alright?" "Yeah, why?" you question. "You don't seem it. You seem lost, maybe nervous?" "I guess I am, yeah," you pause for a brief second, realizing that you were a lot more nervous than you'd like to admit. "I've gone from wearing those smelly camp clothes to being fully dressed up, and I didn't even know I was going on this mission until this morning. I'm just struggling to focus on the task at hand, especially because I kinda... zoned out when Trelawny was going over the plan," you admit. Javier can't help but let out a soft laugh. "Trelawny does go on, doesn't he? I zone out a lot, but you're doing fine. You were only brought on this mission as a distraction... as bad as that sounds. But hey, you look a lot prettier than you realize. It's nice to dress up sometimes, you know?" Javiers head turns to you as he speaks, and you weren't expecting him to brush his hand over your shoulder as he reassures you, but it's a warm touch that lingers on your skin as his hand moves away. "Thank you," you say with a smile. "It's a shame you can't wear your suit for this mission, you look good in it, though the guard uniform has potential," you say with a laugh. "I'm wearing it underneath," Javier tells you as he pulls down the collar of his uniform. "The guy I stole it from was a size bigger than me, so figured I'd keep it on for extra padding." "And because you wouldn't wanna risk losing such a nice suit?" "That too, though I only brought this one because it's my least favourite. I had a feeling I might lose it," Javier says with a shrug. "You have more than one? That explains why Susan always makes you load your own belongings onto the wagon, I dread to think how much clothing you own," you laugh. "Hey, I just want to look good, alright?" Javier laughs back, his smile lingering on his face. "Well, you always look good," you confess, the words just slipping from your mouth, but Javier can tell from the way your eyes go wide that you weren't meant to admit that. "You think so?" "Yeah," you respond, trying to sound a little more confident. "Hm, thank you. And you do too, even if you are wearing 'smelly camp clothes'," Javier quotes you from earlier, noticing the way your cheeks begin to blush. "But if they bother you that much, then let me take you shopping some time. My treat," he offers. "Oh, I couldn't let you pay for me!" You say with a blush. "Well, let me just come with you then?" "I'd love that," you smile, your eyes struggling to focus on Javiers as butterflies begin to circle around your stomach. "Good! Now, let's get back down there, hm? I don't want Trelawny down my ear for being too long," Javier says as he picks up his gun, holding it in both hands as he leads you back down to the heart of the ferry. As you return, Trelawny comes over to you, asking where you were and what took so long. He seems to understand when you say you just needed some air, and pulls you over to the bar for another drink whilst he quietly goes over some leads he might have found. A few more glasses later and you're feeling a lot more confident, chatting away to some strangers. You place your hand on the arm of this man, batting your lashes as you tell him some bullshit compliments. He's distracted enough for Trelawny to pick whatever was in his pocket, and you briefly excuse yourself, telling him you'll be right back after you go and powder your nose. You wander down the halls of the ferry, deciding you'll do a loop then head back. That sounds like enough time to powder your nose. You head a sudden thud from behind you and turn to see that man from earlier hitting the ground. Javier has just whacked him with the butt of his rifle, knocking the stranger out. Javiers eyes look up to see you approaching and checks over his shoulder again to make sure nobody is nearby. "He was following you," Javier explains. "That's a fair reason to knock him out, thank you," you respond. Javier passes you his gun as he picks the stranger up and begins to head down the hall, eventually finding a closet and dumping the unconscious man inside. Luckily there's rope in this closet, so Javier hogties the man and ties a fair amount of rope around his mouth, muffling whatever sounds he's going to make when he wakes up. As you shut the door, another stranger calls out as he begins marching down the hallway. "What are you doing, Madam?" he asks. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry!" you begin as you slur your words a little. "I've had a bit too much champagne and this guard was just helping me find my room," you explain, stumbling a little and reaching out to hold Javiers arm as you prop yourself back up. "Well, that's a closet, Madam. Not your room. Do you remember your room number?" he asks as he approaches. "No, but we'll find it! I left it unlocked, you see. This happens quite often," you say with a fake laugh. The man turns his attention over to Javier. "You'll report back to your post once you've helped this woman," he orders. "Yes, Sir," he responds. "Come on, Madam, let's find your room," Javier says as he turns his attention to you. The stranger shakes his head disapprovingly but turns heal and heads back to whenever he came from. Meanwhile, you begin to turn every handle in sight, hoping that at least one of them was unlocked so that if he did turn back around, you could inform him that you've found your room and head inside. Whatever superior being that may be in the sky had blessed you today, as you turned a handle and finally, a room opened. You peer in and thankfully, it's empty with no signs of luggage either, meaning this must have just been a spare room. "He's still looking," Javier quietly whispers. "You're a mess, Madam. Let me help you inside," Javier loudly says as he almost pushes you into the room, shutting the door behind him and locking it. Once inside, you turn to each other and let out a sigh. "That was close," you tell him. "Yeah, good thing this room is unlocked, huh?" Javier responds with a nod. "I should stay in here for a few minutes, make it look like I'm helping you still," he says as he props his rifle up against the wall, taking his hat off and wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. "Let's hope that guy doesn't wake up any time soon," you say as you lean back against the desk, resting your hands on the wooden surface. Javier places his hat down on the desk, brushing his hair back into place. "I hit him pretty hard, he should stay out for a while," he tells you as he cleans his appearance up. "But in the meantime, is there anything you need help with, Madam?" His comment makes you laugh, though there's a mix of both a jokey and a serious tone to his voice. "I'm serious," he adds. You turn to him, your head slightly tilted to the side like a confused puppy. "What are you offering?" you ask, unsure where this is going, but hopeful that it'll spiral the way you want it to, just like how it does in those silly romance novels. "Whatever you want," he says with a shrug, taking a slow step over to you. "I err... noticed the way you looked at me earlier when we were on the docks," Javier comments. Oh no. "You did? I mean, what look?" you question, your cheeks flourishing as you accidentally dig that hole even deeper. "Come on, you know what I'm talking about," Javier says with a small laugh. "At least when I admire someone, I do it secretly." "And who have you been admiring, Javier?" "You," Javier blankly states. He's stood in front of you, trapping you between his body and the desk that you're still leaning against. You stand upright, suddenly almost pressing your chest against Javiers, who can't help but smile as you get closer to him. "I didn't know you were sweet on me," you tell him. "Always have been," he says as he moves a gloved hand up to gently hold your chin, his thumb brushing over your lower lip. "I've been thinking about how to make a move for a while now, but this opportunity appeared and I just couldn't hold back anymore, especially when you're all dressed up." "It's a shame I only got to see you dressed up for those few minutes," you tell him. Your hands wander up to his chest, brushing over the thin fabric of his guard uniform. He did tell you earlier that he was still wearing the suit, so you begin to unbutton his uniform, taking your time to peel it from him. "We could always dress up when I take you shopping. Gotta look the part if we're walking around Saint Denis," Javier tells you as he shrugs the uniform off his shoulders, dumping the shirt on the desk. "And I wanna look good if I take you out to dinner," Javier adds. "Oh, you're taking me out to dinner as well? Spoiling me, aren't we?" you say with a soft laugh. "You deserve it," Javier responds. Javiers patience finally runs thin as he dips his head to introduce his lips to yours, moving his hand to rest on your jawline, stealing a well-needed kiss from you. Your hands move from his chest, relaxing around his neck, the short hairs of his ponytail brushing over your arm. He's an excellent kisser, his lips gliding perfectly against yours, his moustache not tickling your upper lip as much as you thought it would. Javier briefly breaks the kiss to dip down, wrapping his arms around your hips as he lifts you up, placing you on the desk. His hands are on your thighs as he returns to the kiss, sliding your legs apart and finding his way between them, though the thick layers of your skirt prevent him from pressing his crotch against yours, a feeling that you've always longed for. It seems Javier has the same urge as he begins bunching up your skirt, lifting the hem to settle around your thighs, exposing your legs to him. He quickly pulls off his gloves, chucking them to who knows where so his soft palms can stroke along your thighs. Javier finally notices the firearm strapped to your thigh; he pulls it out of the holster, placing it on the desk as his expression changes from confused to intrigued. "Always two steps ahead, aren't you? I'm not surprised that you managed to sneak that in," Javier smirks. "Better safe than sorry, hm?" you shrug. Javier nods in agreement then turns his attention back to your thighs. His hands soon find their way under your skirt, grabbing onto your undergarments and sliding them down as you lift yourself up, helping him peel them off. Javier moves from between your legs and watches as you kick them off onto the floor, he grins at the sight as he settles back between your legs, only this time, he's dropping onto his knees and pulling your thighs over his shoulders, scooting your hips forward until you're on the edge of the desk. Before you can say anything, Javiers began by licking a firm stripe across your cunt, finally discovering the flavour of you. He does it again, over and over, until his tongue decides to settle on your clit, lapping the bud with firm circles. You can't help but whimper and moan, one hand brushing along his hair, holding those few loose strands off his face whilst your other hand holds your weight up. Javier has a hungry grip on your thighs, often kneading and massaging them whilst his tongue preps you. He moves one hand off your thighs to dip between your legs, slowly inserting a finger into you, his tongue brushing back and forth over your clit. You can't help but let out a moan, admiring the way Javier curls his fingers. "So pretty," he compliments, "and so sweet," he adds on. Another finger joins the one already inside of you, and you peek your eyes open to see Javier moving his hand off your thigh so he can begin to unbutton his blazer, managing to do most of it with just one hand. His fingers slip out of you and as he stands, he pulls his coat off, chucking it to the floor, revealing a dark grey waistcoat that he wears underneath. Javier keeps his eyes on you as he unbuttons his pants, slipping out his cock, solid and throbbing. He pumps his shaft a few times as he pulls your legs around his waist, then ruts his cock against your folds, slicking himself up with your own juices. "Javier," you sigh as you watch him rut his cock against your pussy. "So impatient," he says with a soft laugh. "But I can't deny you," Javier tells you, sliding down your pussy one last time and pushing the tip of his cock into you, slowly sheathing himself fully. Javier holds himself inside of you for a brief moment before slowly sliding out. This time, he slams his cock into you, smiling at the sound you make as the air is pushed from your lungs. He begins to slowly fuck you, slowly rolling his hips, clearly trying to tease you. His lips find your neck and he begins to tenderly kiss along your skin, his facial hair brushing oh-so-perfectly against you. Javier seems to distract himself with the kissing as his thrusts come to a halt, his cock pushed deep inside of you. "Javier," you whine, catching his attention. His head peeks up so he can look at you, stealing a kiss from you before apologizing. "I'm sorry, amor," Javier says as he begins thrusting into you again, picking up the pace this time. Your head rolls back against the wall as you let out a chorus of moans. Javier has a firm grip on your hips, his eyes flicking between watching his cock slide inside of you, to admiring the pretty faces you pull. He's in love with the fact that he's making you feel this way - he's the one making your chest rise and fall heavily as you gently rub your clit, whimpering and moaning for him. Javier decides to make you more comfortable, questioning if your bum had begun going numb from sitting on the wooden desk. He pushes his cock deep inside of you as he pulls your legs around his waist. Before you can question his change of pace, he's already picked you up, his arms tight around your waist as he moves you over to the bed. His cock surprisingly doesn't slip from you, but you feel it go even deeper as he pins you down against the covers, towering over you. A tender kiss is placed on your cheek before Javier begins sensually fucking you, though there's a feral roughness to his thrusts. Your hand moves back down to your clit but Javier quickly snatches it away, moving your hand above your head. He moves your other one above you, eventually pinning your wrists together and keeping them firmly pressed against the bed. "Here, let me," Javier says with a soft purr, moving his other hand down your body. His fingertips press against your stomach whilst the pad of his thumb finds your clit, flicking over the bud, making your thigh muscles shake as your orgasm begins building. Javiers own orgasm begins nearing, and you can tell from the way his eyes begin to scrunch shut and his moans become louder. His cock twitches inside of you, brushing against your g-spot with every thrust. A few more flicks of Javiers thumb over your clit and you're cumming, your walls clenching tightly around Javiers cock. Javier manages to pull out just in time, quickly lifting your dress up so he can spill his load on your stomach. He lets out a long moan, panting heavily and admiring the sight of his seed against your skin. A handkerchief is pulled from his pants pockets and he cleans you up, like the gentleman that he is. Once you're clean, Javier tucks the cloth away and begins to re-dress himself. "The others are going to wonder where we've been," you tell him as you sit upright, sliding on your undergarments after Javier passes them to you. "Yep. We'll just tell them the truth but leave out the sex part," Javier says as he begins fasting up his blazer. "Do you think Arthurs already won that pot?" you question. "I doubt it. He seemed to just be playing a few standard games. He's not the best at poker so he'll be testing out the water before jumping into the deep end," Javier replies. "Let's hope so," you reply as you stand, neatening your dress and fixing your hair in the mirror. Javier finishes putting his guard uniform on and picks up the rifle. He opens the door slowly, peeking out into the corridor and letting you know that thankfully, the coast is clear. He escorts you back to the main room, his head turning to talk to you as you both enter. "Do you feel any better, Ma'am? I hope the fresh air helped," Javier questions, putting his guard act back on. "It did, thank you for escorting me, Sir," you reply. "No problem," Javier says with a small nod, returning to his post. You wander back over to the bar once you spot Trelawny sitting there, giving you a funny look as you trail into his line of sight. "Where have you been?" Trelawny asks as you take a seat beside him. "For some fresh air," you tell him, your voice raised slightly so the strangers nearby assume nothing. "I'll tell you about it later," you tell him in a hushed tone. Trelawny gives you a small nod. "How's he doing?" you ask, noticing that Arthur had finally moved up to the main table. "He's... well, he's Arthur, you know?" Trelawny says with a soft laugh. "Well, I guess this is going to be a long night."  
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a-dora-ble-outlaw · 5 years
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meowdymista · 4 years
I went to collect the debt from Catfish Jackson's about 11am, and got really drunk to see if it would change it up. The marker moved from the house onto the shoreline but I figured it was the drink so ran around until I sobered up.
Turns out theres a way more pleasant way to calmly collect the debt than to burst into the house, kill the guy whilst he's drinking on the sofa and then ravage the building for money
It actually felt a lot more High Honour Arthur despite me having a middle honour arthur this time to full honour.
Also I noticed Arthur beginning to cough when Strauss gave him Chapter 4s debt list and it made me sad because I had somehow convinced myself that the TB would have remained inactive if it weren't for Guarma
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saxonspud · 5 years
Masterlist - Updated
Outlaw - Born and Bred - [Complete] - Wattpad - A03
Casie Mallard is 12 years old. She’s only ever know the life of an Outlaw with her Father. When her Father is Hung by the Sheriff in Valentine who holds a grudge. She has to try and make it on her own. Her first mistake is to try and rob the Van Der Linde Gang.
Beware of the big bad wolf - A03
Kidnapped by the O'Driscolls after a Robbery gone wrong, She is rescued by members of the Van Der Linde Gang, only to go out of the frying pan and into the fire…
Annabelle’s Revenge - A03
When the Van Der Linde Gang attack Colm O'Driscolls camp in the Grizzlies, to retrieve the plans for robbing the train. The lone rider that Arthur Morgan goes after and captures, is not a young boy, but none other than Colm O'Driscolls niece. The Daughter of his brother, who was killed by Dutch Van Der Linde. The problem is, she looks nothing like an O'Driscoll.
Every Last One - A03 - Wattpad
A dying woman, a desperate child. But the Doctor in Valentine, doesn’t give credit. Especially when he stands little or no chance of getting paid. Leopald Strauss on the other hand, does. He preys on the desperate, and then sends Arthur Morgan to collect, in whatever way he can.
Innocence Lost - [Complete] - A03 - Wattpad
Whilst in the Grizzlies, Dutch Van Der Linde comes across a young girl half beaten to death by the O'Driscoll gang. Can he save her and make her his own by any means possible, and will he be able to untangle the secret of how she ended up there.
Just in Time - A03 - Wattpad
A freak accident with Francis Sinclair’s time travelling device,  causes Dutch Van Der Linde, Arthur Morgan and Micah Bell to be catapulted in time to 2019. How will the three 19th century cowboys cope with life in the 21st Century. Will they be able to return the their proper timeline. Everything becomes more complicated, when Dutch is convinced that he has found his beloved Annabelle.
Reckless Hearts - [Complete] - A03 - Wattpad
Dutch Van Der Linde finds Kara Finlay in a saloon in Blackwater. She is young and pretty. A talented poker player, and pickpocket. After recruiting her to the gang, he finds she is also talented with a gun, if not a little reckless. An Ideal addition to the gang or is she a disaster waiting to happen.
The Fire Inside - [Complete] - A03 - Wattpad
When Dutch sends Arthur and Charles to buy Jake Adler they find a young woman trying to defend the property. Blair Adler is the daughter of Jake Adler, however Sadie is not her mother. The two women have an intense Hatred of each other. How will having these two women in the gang affect it. Will they side with one woman or the other, or spend most of the time trying to stop them from killing each other
Trust is a Dangerous Game - A03 - Wattpad
Amy Macintosh was raised by her mother. She never knew her father. Her mother just said he was a good man. On her fourteenth birthday, Amy and her mother are surprised when her father turns up out of the blue. Her mother reveals in that he never wanted either of them. Amy’s life is suddenly torn apart, who should she believe her mother, or her father who now wants to be a part of her life.
Bulletproof - A03 - Wattpad
Jesse Maddox lives with her daddy, looking after him and trying to keep him off the bottle since her mama died. Her daddy doesn’t do much apart from sit around the house and drink since his wife died. Bringing the money in is left to Jesse. She has a little scam going with the saloon owner in Valentine. She robs the strangers passing through, and he turns a blind eye, for a cut of the take. One night she robs a group of strangers, only to find out later that the man she robs is Dutch Van Der Linde. He doesn’t take kindly to being robbed, he will stop at nothing to get his valuables back.
Remember Me - A03 - Wattpad
Stumbling into a home robbery gone wrong, Arthur Dutch and Hosea find a mother and baby. The mother is dead, the baby is just a few days old, and very much alive. But there is something different about this baby…
Bloody Outlaws - A03 - Wattpad
Everyone heard the rumours of the vampire of St. Denis. The citizens never went out at night, safe in there homes. But that was St. Denis. Not Valentine. Why would the citizens of Valentine worry about vampires. They were more concerned about Outlaws. Outlaws that despite having a huge bounty, were never caught.
I know why they're never caught. Because they're too fast, too strong, unkillable.
Be afraid citizens of Valentine, because the Outlaws that walk among you. They're not human. They're vampires!
Outcast -  A03 - Wattpad - Tumblr Chapters 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 -  8 - 9 -  10  - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 -17 -18
This is the story of Nizhoni, a native american who has been abandoned by her tribe. The Van Der Linde gang find her at Colter, where she is taking shelter from the storm. Will they accept her, or will she cause a storm in the gang.
Kidnapped - A03 - Wattpad - Tumblr Chapters 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12
Emmeline McKenzie lives with her parents in a large house in the outskirts of St. Denis. Her father is a rich businessman. She lives a life of luxury, until one night several men break into the house. The men lead by none other that Dutch Van Der Linde, kidnap her. Her father has only three days to pay the ransom. What will happen once the three days are up?
The Outlaw and the Treasure Hunter [Complete] -  A03 - Wattpad
Tumblr Chapters 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 -26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 -33 - 34 - 35 & Epilogue
Arthur Morgan is an Outlaw, rugged, handsome and vicious. He is prepared to do anything to bring in the money. He'll even resort to murder, kidnapping, and extortion, in order to get what he wants. Especially if it involves a pretty, young treasure hunter. Even the leader of his gang, wouldn't stoop that low. But he enjoys the money that Arthur brings in. But will Arthur's behaviour, be a step too far, Even for the notorious Dutch Van Der Linde. He will have to decide, which is more important, Money, or Morals.
Scars - A03 - Wattpad
Tumbler Chapters 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Some scars are visible, others aren't. You carry a lot of scars. You also have a secret. If any of the O'Driscolls discover what it is, you're as good as dead. Living on a knife edge, everything changes when you're is captured in the Grizzlies by the Van Der Linde Gang.  you expect the same treatment from Dutch Van Der Linde as you would get from Colm O'Driscoll once they discover who you are. But Dutch Van Der Linde isn't Colm O'Driscoll. It might just be possible that the Van Der Linde gang can help heal those scars.
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tibbygetsrekt · 5 years
RDR2 Sweeney
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     Sweeney came over from Ireland and made a name for himself as a brawler almost immediately stepping off the boat. Tossed in and out of jails all along the north east, he eventually caught wind of the promise of wilder lands to the west. Unable to resist, he played and swindled his way across the country before settling in a small cabin south of Strawberry. While he wasn’t a half bad hunter, the pelts and meat he brought in to the butchers weren’t enough to support him.
     So he turned to offering his fists for sale, and found quite a profit to be made from collecting debts for other people. Not a fantastic tracker, he was unusually lucky, could find just the right people to talk to, or charm someone into giving him directions. More often than not he left the debtors alone, but sometimes it just wasn’t possible.
     He met Tiberius on the shore of Flat Iron Lake, the young woman shivering among the rocks and coughing up what looked like half the lake itself. She was a runaway slave from Lemoyne, despite the fact that the Civil War had been over for decades. Some areas of the country liked to pretend it hadn’t happened, and were tucked deep enough into the swamp land and woods to have their own little kingdom.
     While not normally prone to altruistic acts, he gave her his coat and a few dollars. Sharing a meal with her, Sweeney couldn’t help being amused by her less than tactful way of speaking, going so far as to allow her to ride with him as he made his way into Blackwater as he had business there. His business was with Leopald Strauss, a german lender in the Van der Linde gang who’s base of operations was in the area. A debtor was currently holed up with a few of his lawmen friends in an attempt to avoid paying back what he’d borrowed.
     The subsequent visit by Sweeney left him with knife wounds, and a concussion that almost had him caught by the local law, if not for Tiberius trailing him to repay his generosity. She managed to get him out of the house, and to a local nurse who she offered a slew of favors in return if only the woman would save his life. Luck, as it happens, was on their side, Luna stitching up the Irishman and sending them to the nearby camp where the Van der Linde gang was holed up. While he recovered, Tiberius made friends with Karen, and the other girls, despite Miss Crenshaw’s lack of enthusiasm at the runaway slave’s presence.
     Tiberius took over a few of the debt collections in return for their letting them stay. And while Strauss was doubtful she would be capable of procuring the debts, he could not argue the results. Sweeney, under the care of the girls, Tilly especially having a warm spot for him after Tiberius explained how they met, soon was back in good health. Better than before given the care provided, and soon joined Tiberius collecting debts for the gang. Once from an O’Driscoll gang member who had been trying to use the loan to get Arthur alone to kidnap. The two barely escaping with their lives, they took the money they’d made, and hid out in the Sweeney’s cabin until the O’Driscolls found someone else to attempt to get revenge on.
     Having not only slaughtered over a dozen O’Driscolls, but also inadvertently saving Arthur, and several other members who might have lost their lives going in after him, the two are fast friends with the Van der Linde gang and are always willing to ride with them when called upon.
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a-dora-ble-outlaw · 5 years
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It be like that sometimes...
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saxonspud · 5 years
Master List
@stphz087 has asked for a master list. Not sure if this is how you do one, but here goes anyway. All of my stuff is on A03 and some of it is on Wattpad so I’ve added links for both. Please be aware, that most of these have chapters that are NSFW/NSFT I havent tagged individual chapters so if your not into that then probably best not to read them. Also please note that in my stories Dutch tends to like very young women which is kind of canon for the era in which rdr2 is set.
Also some of the stories are still wip, but a little bit stalled after I lost interest, and started something new. They may or maynot get finished (although I have had requests to finish them). Please leave kudos (A03) or vote (wattpad) any comments also gratefully received, including constructive criticism.
Enough jabbering on, here is the list.
Outlaw - Born and Bred  - Wattpad - A03
Casie Mallard is 12 years old. She's only ever know the life of an Outlaw with her Father. When her Father is Hung by the Sheriff in Valentine who holds a grudge. She has to try and make it on her own. Her first mistake is to try and rob the Van Der Linde Gang.
Beware of the big bad wolf - A03
Kidnapped by the O'Driscolls after a Robbery gone wrong, She is rescued by members of the Van Der Linde Gang, only to go out of the frying pan and into the fire... 
Annabelle’s Revenge - A03
When the Van Der Linde Gang attack Colm O'Driscolls camp in the Grizzlies, to retrieve the plans for robbing the train. The lone rider that Arthur Morgan goes after and captures, is not a young boy, but none other than Colm O'Driscolls niece. The Daughter of his brother, who was killed by Dutch Van Der Linde. The problem is, she looks nothing like an O'Driscoll.
Every Last One - A03 - Wattpad
A dying woman, a desperate child. But the Doctor in Valentine, doesn't give credit. Especially when he stands little or no chance of getting paid. Leopald Strauss on the other hand, does. He preys on the desperate, and then sends Arthur Morgan to collect, in whatever way he can. 
Innocence Lost - A03 - Wattpad
Whilst in the Grizzlies, Dutch Van Der Linde comes across a young girl half beaten to death by the O'Driscoll gang. Can he save her and make her his own by any means possible, and will he be able to untangle the secret of how she ended up there. 
Just in Time - A03 - Wattpad
A freak accident with Francis Sinclair's time travelling device,  causes Dutch Van Der Linde, Arthur Morgan and Micah Bell to be catapulted in time to 2019. How will the three 19th century cowboys cope with life in the 21st Century. Will they be able to return the their proper timeline. Everything becomes more complicated, when Dutch is convinced that he has found his beloved Annabelle.
Reckless Hearts - A03 - Wattpad
Dutch Van Der Linde finds Kara Finlay in a saloon in Blackwater. She is young and pretty. A talented poker player, and pickpocket. After recruiting her to the gang, he finds she is also talented with a gun, if not a little reckless. An Ideal addition to the gang or is she a disaster waiting to happen.
The Fire Inside - A03 - Wattpad
When Dutch sends Arthur and Charles to buy Jake Adler they find a young woman trying to defend the property. Blair Adler is the daughter of Jake Adler, however Sadie is not her mother. The two women have an intense Hatred of each other. How will having these two women in the gang affect it. Will they side with one woman or the other, or spend most of the time trying to stop them from killing each other
Trust is a Dangerous Game - A03 - Wattpad
Amy Macintosh was raised by her mother. She never knew her father. Her mother just said he was a good man. On her fourteenth birthday, Amy and her mother are surprised when her father turns up out of the blue. Her mother reveals in that he never wanted either of them. Amy's life is suddenly torn apart, who should she believe her mother, or her father who now wants to be a part of her life.
Bulletproof - A03 - Wattpad
Jesse Maddox lives with her daddy, looking after him and trying to keep him off the bottle since her mama died. Her daddy doesn't do much apart from sit around the house and drink since his wife died. Bringing the money in is left to Jesse. She has a little scam going with the saloon owner in Valentine. She robs the strangers passing through, and he turns a blind eye, for a cut of the take. One night she robs a group of strangers, only to find out later that the man she robs is Dutch Van Der Linde. He doesn't take kindly to being robbed, he will stop at nothing to get his valuables back.
Remember Me - A03 - Wattpad
Stumbling into a home robbery gone wrong, Arthur Dutch and Hosea find a mother and baby. The mother is dead, the baby is just a few days old, and very much alive. But there is something different about this baby...
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