#leon x maceon
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"We are getting a little ahead of ourselves aren't we? You are asking me if I would leave my country in the event that you would take back your own, assuming of course Spain will keep you as its leader should the two sides of the country be reunited, all so that you can have free access to the woman who will become my wife." he said, speaking methodically, pragmatically like the soldier that he was as he reasoned with Maceon who from Leon's point of view, was running on hopes and dreams with little to no reality supporting his claims.
"It's a discussion that would be had in the event of all that coming to pass. She would be my wife, I will not be her captor. And if at that point in time she will want to be in Spain, I as her husband would consider it so that she didn't feel like she would have to escape and leave without a trace like the last time you two colluded to meet." he said, feeling entitled to speak to Maceon man to man despite their presumed differences in rank. "I will keep her safe and she will have a happy life as my wife, she will not want for anything. That much I can swear to you right now,"

Anyone who would meet Rose would understand quickly these qualities she held; such burning willpower, it's blaze was beautiful - but a headache for any who cared for her wellbeing. Lips echoed the sentiment by turning upwards, sad && hopeful combined into one disappointed expression. It would have been easier if the man was disagreeable towards the topic - if he had shown ill-will - but no.
It was as Maceon had expected. Leon cared; and regardless of the outcome, they were together on this wild ride of Rose's heart. " No, of course, no agreement should be made fully until Rose is with us to give her own voice. "
He wanted to marry Rose. He had promised her that she would be Queen of Spain, but as time went on, Maceon feared even he would never find such title in his grasp to give. And yet... if he could... " It is of no secret that Spain is in the middle of a revolution. " The topic switched suddenly, and Maceon leaned back, chin lifting && tone taking that of a rightful heir to an empire. " I could very well be killed in the following days, months. Spain could fall to ruin, be soured by war. Everyone I know could be taken from me. " Except Rose. He would have to trust in this - trust in Leon to do as he claimed. " Or... I may live yet to see Spain reunited. " And to see himself as King. This was left unsaid, as trust in Leon had not reached that level just yet.
" If that comes to pass, where Spain can be safe once more - I would want her close. Would you, as her husband, in a future I can only sit here and dream may come about - would you leave your home for her? What would it take? "
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Leon was not cruel, but he'd been pushed by their situation and he sighed, giving Maceon the gift of a semblance of privacy, not looking at the other man directly as he looked visibly plagued by the situation he found himself in too - a look that Leon understood well. "That's all well and good, doing what you thought was right for her, not marrying her when you could have - but if that is not what she wants, then this is all futile. We'll go around in circles and never reach a solution." he said, knowing that Rose wanted to marry Maceon and not him in a perfect world.
He had already come to the conclusion that the other was stating, knowing full well that even if they got married, Rose would never stop seeing Maceon, and there would be no way for him to deny her that if it was what she wanted. "She isn't exactly a woman who would take orders from anyone but herself, as I'm very quickly learning." he offered, chuckling a little and shaking his head. "It doesn't feel right for us to shake on this arrangement without Rose here as it is her life we are discussing," he said, drumming his fingers over the wood of the table before he looked at Maceon again. "I won't deny that I care for her. Before I knew you were in the picture I thought that we had the chance to be very happy together, and I'd do anything to keep her safe. As difficult as this is I wouldn't change her, or even attempt to. So if you can respect the fact that she would be my wife, and mine to protect and love as well, I will not deny her of anything that would make her happy... even if that is you."

Pleased to be met with a mind of facts && of tactic, such as his own was geared towards, Maceon couldn't help his heart also dropping at Leon's precise estimation of the circumstances. Of he was aware who was at fault, of who was the danger. He knew it was all on his own shoulder's - Rose would be wed by now, had he not sabotaged every betrothal. Her heart would not be broken, and she would not be in a precarious position if it were not for him. Lips thinned into a straight, pressed line, and Maceon's eyes fell to the floor with an overwhelming sense of guilt and responsibility.
" Of course I realize, " Maceon answered, some of the kindness left from his voice, but not angry. Just sad, defeated. He could not even take fault in Leon's clarity, nor could he blame the man for taking such a stance. Even so, Maceon had no intention of leaving Rose's life... he may try, but he would always fail. When it came to the Minister, he was weak; all men were. Leon was proof of that. " I could have married her, while we were away at sea. " While you searched for her, while she was with me... he felt bad, now, another object of guilt weighing him down. Maceon couldn't meet the other's eyes, hating how raw he felt, heart bleeding open to a stranger. " But would that make her? A wife to a man of nothing - no title, no stability, not even a true name to claim as her own. Rose deserves more. So much more. "
She deserved Leon. It was a fact that did not boil Maceon's blood, nor did it inspire jealousy... instead, it only saddened him. " I would not dare try to make orders of another woman's husband, but understand this - I can not stop seeing her. " Now Maceon did look back to Leon, guilt in the apprehension as he spoke. " Even if I were to try, I would fold immediately, and she will never release me from her grasp. If she could, she would have already. " It was a bold move, to tell a betrothed man that he would not stop taking space in bed beside his wife-to-be, but Maceon did not falter as he continued. " But that weakness of mine does not render me a fool. I see you, Commander. I see what you offer. I see Rose's future with you, moreso than a future with me, a future in a broken Spain. I also see now... you do care. You are better for Rose. " Oh, how Maceon desired to cut out his own tongue, cheeks red now with the comfortability of having to give voice to such horrible thoughts.
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Leaning back into his chair, he let the other man speak, holding his drink a little tighter in his hand as he listened to what Maceon had to say, glad to be hearing it from the other person involved in what had been happening with Rose because he'd already heard her side of the story. "Do you realize..." Leon started, scoffing a little as he looked at the other man - clearly in a difficult position and one that was made even more complicated by the death of his sister and the political instability that brought with it, "-- that everything about what is happening with your country and your hopes of claiming the throne are what is putting Rose in danger?" he asked, leaving out emotion and speaking as someone well versed in the tactics of war and the political side to it as well.
"Rose has made it abundantly clear in her actions that she will do as she pleases... your meeting up with her and being complicit in her disappearance proves that tenfold." he added, taking another sip of his drink. "But... when I make a commitment I stick to it, I've always cared for Rose - I did not stop searching for her when she was gone and would have continued to do so until I knew she was safe and I would protect her with my life, especially if she is to truly be my wife." he confirmed, because it was the truth as much as he wished that it wasn't. "But I also need to make it clear to you that if we marry, she will be my wife and I will be her husband, not just a hired guard to safeguard her whenever it pleases you. Respectfully, I do not take orders from you, your grace."

...well, they were off to a good start already, as far as Maceon was concerned, the recognition of your highness landing well upon his ego. Once in the estate room, Maceon realized he'd only really planned up as far as this moment; he'd thought just getting in the door would prove to be harder.
After a hesitation, a quick glance around, and Maceon agreed, taking a seat but staying forward upon his knees. There would be no relaxing until he'd finished this, even as his heart began to sink before a word even left his lips.
" Let me cut to the chase. " He wet his lips, steadying his thoughts, focusing on Rose. " We are both, I would hope to assume, men of some understanding and wisdom. In my particular position... anyone who is close to me is at increased risk. " Said like a true tactician; hopefully, to appeal if not to Leon's sensitive side, his commanding one. Now, his tone changed - now, spoken as a man, not a wayward Prince. " I need to know Rose is safe. She is the love of my life and I will not stand to see her harmed because of me. Tell me you care, tell me you share this priority. " He could recognize that in the current climate of the world's political game, he was the worst option for Rose.
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Leon saw Maceon hovering close to the entrance of the estate room from several paces away, bracing himself for this conversation as the many conversations he'd had with Rose had given him enough insight to know what to expect, at the very least this was happening when he would not be blindsided, and for that the military man in hom was grateful. Standing to attention and stopping as he was approached by the other man he gave a polite nod, respecting Maceon's noble blood while he did not know enough about him to respect him as a man. "I'm well aware of who you are, your highness," he greeted, "please accept my condolences for the tragedy that occured on the Nagler." he added, opening the door for him figuring there would be no escape or reprieve for the conversation that needed to be had.
Once inside the room and assured of the privacy that came with it, he turned back to the Prince, "We certainly have one glaringly clear shared interest, and I've heard all of it from her perspective but I think it's in everyone's best interest to hear it from you as well. Please," he said, his hand gesturing towards the chair opposite his own, "We have a lot to discuss,"
status -> closed starter for @thcrnedthrones {leon}
setting -> one of the first few days in brazil - just outside of leon's estate room in the morning, after breakfast

sleep was fitful, if it came at all, in the nights following the murder of his sister. even an argument with rose, which came with enough passion to soften even the strongest will, had done little to budge maceon's perception of the matter. two vials. there had been two vials found on the assassin; and he couldn't help but feel one was designated for him.
for all of rose's beautiful fury && insistence of her wish fulfillment, maceon knew of only one thing worse than rose's wrath. should it be his mission, his quest that became her demise... no, the lost prince would never recover it.
and so he leaned against the wall, awaiting the captain of the guard. with any luck, they'd share the same concern; the same priority. " captain schulze, buen día. i wanted to speak with you, and finally get the chance to make your acquaintance. maceon bonaparte- " he gave a pause, then drove directly on. " i believe we share a common interest. may i come in? " each word delivered with the eloquence and confidence of a rightful prince, though rightful of much, maceon was not.
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