#leon is my self insert I just want to give hot spy lady a hug
adastra121 · 1 year
Been thinking. I do love Ada and Leon’s cat-and-mouse dynamic (very Batman vs Catwoman, very fun) and the small ways she protects and looks out for him. But what I really love is the idea of Leon making Ada lose her composure with just the most simple and straightforward acts of care. Like, flirtatious banter? That’s her forte, she’s not going to be the first to back out. Knife fight ending with the edge of the blade on her throat? Ooh, kinky~ It’s tough to fluster her with seduction or violence. She’s a spy — this is her home territory. Might even be the closest thing she can call a home.
The scenario I can’t get out of my head is Ada and Leon — maybe sometime after RE 4 and sometime before…Damnation? — meeting each other while she’s back from some secret solo mission — innocent people died. It wasn’t her job to save them, but she still did what she could without compromising her mission and it wasn’t enough, it usually isn’t, but she’s never quite gotten used to the disappointment — and she’s stressed and exhausted so she wouldn’t turn down a distraction, asking with a dangerous and seductive smirk, “You have me for the night, Leon. What do you want from me?” fully expecting them to finally arrive at the inevitable end of this whole song and dance, and do something about this sexual tension that’s been building between them.
But then Leon looks at her with this unreadable expression — and that’s not right, Leon is never hard to read, not for her — and then he asks if he can just…hold her. And she’s stunned, only semi-aware of her own awkward nod. His embrace is warm and comforting and certain and she…she’s a mess in comparison, she doesn’t know what to do with her hands, it takes a few seconds for her to return the hug as she realizes, oh.
Oh, he really meant just hugging.
He’s not kissing her or initiating anything either of them (most probably Ada) would sneak away from in the morning, which is. This really wasn’t what she expected to happen from their serendipitous meeting. But also, no one’s really simply hugged her before, and something about Leon’s arms encircling her like he’s trying to shield her from the world — better that than anymore bullets, she supposes — and voice whispering quiet affirmations into her hair like he knows feels more intimate than if they just fucked and she is weak. It’s a terrible idea, but she lets herself just be held and she feels like she’s supposed to do something more than clenching her fists on his back, but he doesn’t seem to expect anything from her in the moment. It’s been years and this former rookie never stops surprising her.
When they pull away, Ada is awkward and that’s a new one, Leon’s never seen her lose her cool — not even in the rare situations that she has lost control, like when her life is literally in danger. “No, you’re fine. It’s…me.” That’s the only explanation she offers. She hurriedly makes some excuse of having another job in the morning and leaves. And she’ll probably be embarrassed and frustrated with herself about it later, because she basically just…ran away. Because of a hug. How mortifying.
I don’t really know where to continue with that scenario, I just find the idea of Ada getting flustered by genuine care and affection funny. Maybe a few weeks — months? — pass before Leon sees or hears from Ada again after The Hug™️. That’s okay, because if knowing Ada has taught him anything, it’s to have patience.
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