#leon dompteur short story
aishangotome · 2 months
Leon Dompteur: Even If The World is Destroyed
From A Hidden Oath: King of the BEAST (2024 Election) - Collection Event
Thank you @dark-frosted-heart for providing the SE video!
One night, when I got out of the bath, Emma was sitting on the bed with a book in her hand, shedding large tears.
Emma: S-sob... It was such a wonderful story...
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Leon: You're so pure and cute to cry so much because you're so emotionally involved in the story.
Emma: It's embarrassing to be stared at like that.
Leon: It's okay, isn't it? Because I love you.
Chuckling, I wiped away her tears with my fingers, and her flushed eyes curved into a soft arc.
Emma: Thank you.
Leon: Yeah. Was that book such a tearjerker?
Emma: Yes, it's a love story set in a world that's being destroyed by natural disasters, and its not just sad, but the love between the characters is beautiful.
Leon: Can't the world be saved from destruction?
Emma: ... Right. The main focus is on how the two of them will spend the limited time they have until the world is destroyed.
Emma: Hey, Leon, what would you do if the world was going to end?
Leon: So it's not just this country, but the whole continent?
Emma lowered her eyes to the book on her lap.
Emma: I think one of the joys of reading is to imagine yourself as a character in the story and think about what you would do.
Emma: This time, it's such a grand story about the end of the world, so I was curious to hear what Leon would do.
Leon: I see. Thanks for letting me share in the joy of reading.
(––The world, huh?)
Those words brought to mind the smiling face of Emma in front of him.
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(When I was a slave, I was moved from place to place, so I didn't have a place I could call home.)
(The royal court is the same, this is Leon's place, not mine.)
(But after meeting Emma, for the first time, I had a place I could call my own.)
(You loved the real me… my "world" is right here with you.)
(If that were to be destroyed––)
I suddenly noticed Emma staring at me intently.
Emma's eyes were so full of expectation for my answer that I couldn't help but pull her arm and lie down on the bed, holding her close.
Emma: Leon, what's wrong all of a sudden?
Leon: I just wanted to touch you. We can imagine, talk, and even embrace each other, right?
Emma: Hehe, you're right. I like this better too.
Leon: You really do say such honest and cute things.
Emma: Because I love being held by Leon, it's warm and reassuring…
Leon: Yeah, me too.
Emma: I'm sure even if the world ends, the warmth and reassurance Leon gives me won't change.
(You're not only warm, but you also smell sweet and nice.)
As I held Emma tighter to better smell her scent, a certain feeling welled up in my chest.
(My world… this place we've built together, I won't lose it no matter what happens.)
I leaned over Emma and kissed a lock of her beautiful hair.
Leon: If there's a premise that there's no escape from destruction, I'll just keep loving you even after it's gone.
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Leon: Even if this world and our souls are destroyed, I'll be reborn over and over again.
Emma: Reborn...
I gently caressed Emma's cheek as she blinked her eyes in wonder.
Leon: Even if this world is destroyed, there might be another world somewhere else.
Leon: Or maybe the earth will gradually regenerate, and eventually new continents and countries will be born.
Leon: If that happens, it's possible that we'll be reborn in another world.
Emma: That's right! The idea of a new world being born, or living a new life, is very hopeful and wonderful.
Leon: Right?
Leon: And no matter where I'm born or what form I take, I'll definitely find you and come for you.
Leon: No matter how many times I'm reborn, I'll never forget you.
Leon: There's no way I could forget this love.
Emma: Hehe, you're so confident. But if it's Leon, I think you really could do it.
Emma: I'll never forget Leon either, and no matter how many times I'm reborn, I'll fall in love with you.
Emma: No, I think I definitely won't be able to help but fall in love with you.
Leon: I'll be reborn as a good man so you'll love me again.
Emma: I wonder if we'll ever be reborn as animals?
Leon: Ugh, it's possible. Even if I'm reborn as a lion and you're a rabbit, I'll still try to woo you.
Emma: I might be surprised and run away at first, but I'll be waiting.
Even in our playful banter, the feelings welling up in my chest felt hot and unwavering.
(No matter what happens, my home will never change, and I have no intention of losing it.)
(Even if the world is destroyed, I will continue to love you.)
I kissed Emma, who was smiling happily, as if to swear my feelings from the bottom of my heart.
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riveranova · 2 years
(A/N): Aaaaand mama's back! First of all, let me say how grateful I was and am to get so many messages from people sharing their stories and wishing me all the best - made me tear up multiple times not gonna lie. Thank you all so much and let's dive right back in. <3
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IkePri NSFW Headcanons x GN! Reader - Part 2
Warnings: Smut | minors DNI, would this really be a Nova original if there wasn't at least a lil bit crack?, Licht's getting a little sad
Characters: Chevalier, Luke, Yves, Jin, Licht, Leon, Ikemen Prince
Word count: 690
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Chevalier Michel
yk i had a thought for this one
obviously hes a top
but but, hear me out - what if he wasn't?
imagine his cold, blue eyes that normally resemble a frozen lake
well that thick ice is now shattered as he's pressing his head into his pillow, trying not to wake up his annoying brothers (Clavis) while you suck him off
hes a lil bit embarrassed about the way his fists and thighs are clenched together because hes Chevalier Michel, no one makes him this weak
well, exept for you of course
but no one is allowed to find out
i think that hes a little bit bratty as a bottom
like, you want to make him beg? well beg for it.
its kind of a back and forth
but just threaten him to stop and its like a different man lies before you
just imagine him beg for you to get him off in that deep voice
Luke Randolph
i'm a huge suporter of the 'luke only cuddlefucks' theory that a great researcher (me) brought to life
i mean that man sleeps the entire day so why not, right?
he gets horny really fast, just like Gilbert
hes also big, and i dont only mean his body
big boy, gimme a big booooy-
strong hands hold you in place - in front of him, holding you against his chest while slowly fucking you from behind
100% whispers sleepy shit into your ear
honestly so sweet
idk why this is so funny to me but imagine him just falling asleep mid-sex
you're just laying there like '...uh''
lucky for you, this man is into sleep play, so just finish the job yourself~
Yves Kloss
honestly? i think hes one of those really cute and soft tops
soft tops are the best, are they not
but i don't think hes really focused on the sex part
hes a big aftercare guy
he honestly just wants to spoil you and make sure you're all pretty for him
150 step korean skincare routine after every single session without fail
bathing together with him is the most normal thing in the world
hums into your ear while massaging your shoulders
praise praise praise
i honestly think that Yves would be so fucking obsessed with you - in a non-weird way tho
if youre comfortable then he is too <3
Jin Grandet
alright, heres my completely objective take on him
god i love this man so much
crush me with those honke- okay, sorry
i think hes the kind of guy who doesn't want to have one big session but like short ones scattered across the day
lil quickies yk
hes also shameless
so he just pulls you away whenever he wants to and you know what he wants
he has these 'please im so horny its not cool anymore' eyes
and if youre like me then fuck it, leggo
gives zero fucks about how loud you are
castle staff hates it when he does that but as i said
shameless (hot) asshole
Licht Klein
grumpy ass bottom
not even bratty, just grumpy as fuck
but i think thats what makes the entire thing so thrilling for him
yeah so what if he doesnt care what you do? what are you gonna do about it?
okay maybe hes a little bratty
not the guy that makes a lot of sounds while having sex
he kinda just lays there enjoying the attention hes getting from you - the sex is just a lil bonus
tries to take control on very impatient days
but nuh- uh, his moody ass is staying down
100% sure that he has these 'pls humiliate me' days
theyre rare, yeah, but getting told hes the 'bad sibling' his entire life fucked a little with his brain
pls give him aftercare
Leon Dompteur
i swear i need three tries to get his last name right every single fucking time
anyways, this mans obviously a top
he treats you like youre the deity hes praying to every single day
literally worthsips you so much
i think hes a big vanilla boi
no choking or bondage, just sweet sweet vanilla sex
his hands are huge and everywhere, like a blanket that just never ends
big praise guy too
loves to give it and absolutely thrives off of getting some back
please tell him that hes doing a good job, tell him how good his cock is making you feel
hes a big cuddler too, so get ready for some cozy aftercare <3
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nightghoul381 · 1 year
Spur of the Moment~ Leon x Reader
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Day 6 of @aquagirl1978 and @violettduchess's challenge
Prompt: Road Trip Pairing: Leon Dompteur x Reader Genre: Fluff WC: 918 A/N: @leonscape ~ Here's a Leon fic as promised (it is not alone, more to come)
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“Whew! The sun’s barely up and it’s already a hot one!” Leon’s cheery voice woke you from your sleep.
You freed yourself from your bedsheets to notice that he was staring out your window, allowing the faint morning rays to flood the room. The pale light framed his unkempt mane of hair in a soft golden hue and you couldn’t help but stare at how majestic he looked.
“Hey, what do you say to going on a trip today?” Leon spun around and strode over to the bed. Sitting up, you reach out and pull him into a tight hug, which he eagerly returned.
“Where to?” you ask. You pull back to look into his warm amber eyes and he leans in and captures your lips in a quick kiss, chasing away the last remnants of sleep that still clung to your brain.
“No clue, we’ll make it a road trip. Hop in the carriage and stop whenever we feel like it.” Leon’s excitement was contagious and you begin to imagine various activities you might be able to do together.
“Sure, let’s do it!” You reply, Leon’s beaming grin sent a ripple of warmth through your chest.
“Awesome! You go ahead and get yourself ready and I’ll be waiting at the gate with a carriage.”
After settling on a gauzy dress, you made your way out to the gates. Just as promised, Leon was waiting with a carriage. He held out his hand and helped you inside before hopping in behind you.
With a soft jolt the carriage began moving and before long you had arrived at a small village.
“Ooh, can we stop here and check out that bakery?” You ask, noticing a delicious smell wafting through the air.
“Of course,” Leon chuckled, signaling to the driver to stop.
The smell of freshly baked pastries greeted the two of you as you entered the building.
“Oh, Hello there! I don’t believe I’ve seen you two around here before? What can I get for you? We have a wonderful strawberry pastry available for the season if you’re interested?” A short woman behind the counter offered with a vibrant smile.
“Sounds fantastic!” Leon replied, gratefully accepting the steaming dish.
Taking a seat at one of the small tables set up outside, you accepted a forkful of the sweet pastry that hovered in front of your mouth. The sudden burst of tartness flooded your senses and a smile crept across your lips.
“That is delicious.” You sigh, offering a bite to Leon. The two of you exchange bites and the pastry is quickly finished off.
Leon’s soft chuckle draws your attention.
“What is it?”
“You’re adorable.” He states, reaching his thumb out to swipe a drop of the filling from the corner of your mouth. You can feel your face flush as he brings his thumb to his lips, licking the filling off with a smirk.
You cover your face in your hands to hide your embarrassment and he lets out a roar of laughter.
“Like I said, adorable.” He grabs your hand and leads you back to the carriage where you set out once again.
Throughout the day, the two of you find several small places that pique your interest: A small bookstore with stories written by a local author, an old antique shop where you find adorable glass animal figurines, and an impromptu musical performance where you enjoyed dancing under the summer sky.
The sun had nearly completed its descent by the time you started to head home. Leon’s arm was wrapped around your shoulders, your head resting on his chest.
“That was really fun,” you murmur, the tone of your voice betraying how tired you had become.
“Hey, hey. Don’t tell me you’re ready to call it a night already? I still have one more stop in mind.” Leon playfully ruffles your hair before pressing a soft kiss on the top of your head.
The teasing lilt to Leon’s question seemed to revive some of your energy, a fresh wave of anticipation coursing through your veins. You stare eagerly out the carriage window as you enter a large forested area. The last glimmers of sunlight vanished as the carriage disappeared under the canopy, the lanterns hung around the carriage the only remaining source of illumination.
The loud chirping of crickets echoed off the trees as the carriage comes to a gentle stop along the edge of a small clearing. Following Leon out into the open, you spot a large blanket laid out, candles flickering gently over a basket brimming with fruits and sweets.
Your heart is suddenly overwhelmed with feelings of affection, warmth radiating through every part of your body. How could this man be so sweet and thoughtful, always seeming to know just what to do, just what to say, to melt your heart even more than he already has.
Turning back to your lover, you see the pleased smile on his face and throw yourself into his arms.
“Whoa! I take it you like the surprise?” He chuckles, wrapping his arms around you, hoisting you up and carrying you over to the waiting blanket.
“I love it! I love you! So, so much.” You state, nuzzling your face into his neck as he lowers the two of you down.
“I love you too, so, so much.” Leon whispers in your ear, squeezing you closer to him.
Nothing could be more perfect than this moment, wrapped in your lover’s arms under the starlit summer sky.
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not-krys · 2 years
Fictober 2022: Name
Prompt #31: I'm not alone and neither are you
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Rating: General
Characters: Leon Dompteur, Emma
Summary: Leon tells his daughter the story behind her name
Notes: Spoilers for Leon's route, a different take on the Fourth Prince, Family AU, pregnancy
Word Count: 1,785
Also on ao3!
My Masterlist
"Why's my name on that tree, Papa?"
"Well, there's a special story behind that. Do you wanna hear it?"
"Yes, please!" her black pigtails bounced as she nodded her head, "just make sure you don't fall asleep while telling it like you do when you read to me."
Leon laughed, "No mercy for your papa, huh?"
"At this rate, I'll read better than you can by the time I'm six!"
"Well, lucky for you this particular story isn't in any book. I know it by heart."
"No book means Papa won't fall asleep on you."
"Yeah, I promise."
The sky above Leon's head was the brightest blue he had ever seen it, only a few puffy white clouds leisurely rolled in the sky, giving moments of shade from the sun. A little girl with black hair that matched his own had taken to twirling in the flowers. His beloved Emma was smiling and glowing to rival the sun's brilliance too much to notice the increasing number of grass stains on their daughter's dress each time she fell down.
Much as he wanted to spend every moment of the beautiful day with his favorite girls, however, Leon was on a mission today. He was dressed plainly, grey shirt and black slacks, his sword ever present at his hip. In his hands was a bouquet of white rosebuds and light pink roses wrapped with a red ribbon.
He ambled a little ways away, finding himself at a familiar tree, blooming graciously in the late spring. Kneeling in front of the exposed roots, he gently laid down his bouquet, running his calloused fingers over the almost faded scratchings in the bark, undeniably made with a small, unsteady hand with a large knife that barely fit inside it at the time. He had a sad smile, his eyes traveling up into the leaves.
"L … E….O…N… A. That's my name!" a tiny voice called out beside him, pushing her head under his arm so she could see better.
"Yeah, that's right," Leon said, pulling the little girl beside him closer, rubbing cheeks with her. "It certainly is your name."
"Why's my name on that tree, Papa?"
"Well, there's a special story behind that. Do you wanna hear it?"
"Yes, please!" her black pigtails bounced as she nodded her head, "just make sure you don't fall asleep while telling it like you do when you read to me."
Leon laughed, "No mercy for your papa, huh?"
"At this rate, I'll read better than you can by the time I'm six!"
"Well, lucky for you this particular story isn't in any book. I know it by heart."
"No book means Papa won't fall asleep on you."
"Yeah, I promise."
Leon sat on the soft grass, the tiny ball of energy he called his daughter leaping into his lap like a little lioness lunging for her prey. Only years of battling kept the Rhodolite's king from wincing too noticeably. Once he had her settled, he looked up at the tree again, getting lost in the pink petals and green leaves.
"A long time ago, when I wasn't much older than you are now, I met a little girl that would forever change my life."
"Not your mama, no. I met her much later on than when this story takes place.” Leon looked over at Emma as she used his arm and shoulder to settle onto the ground beside them, taking a calming breath when she was settled. He pulled her closer, his arm resting against her back to steady her, his fingers brushing her stomach. She twined her fingers with his, her other hand rubbing between his shoulders affectionately.
"This little girl…" Leon continued. "She had black hair like yours and mine, but it was always cut short. She hated it for all the time I knew her, but her mama always insisted on keeping it short. She always wanted to have pigtails or braids like your mama does for your hair, but her mama never let her grow her hair out."
"Why's that?"
"Well," Leon's hand clenched tighter, "it was supposed to be a secret that she was a little girl. No one was supposed to know the truth."
"The truth?" Leona's eyes, so much like his beloved Emma's, looked up at him curiously.
"That little girl," He smiled bitterly, "her real name was Leon Dompteur, Fourth 'Prince' of Rhodolite."
Leona gasped in surprise.
"But that's…that's your name!"
"It is. It's my name now."
"But, why do you have her name? What happened to yours?"
"I didn't have one. I didn't have a mama and papa to give me one, like your mama and I gave to you. Unless you count 'worthless brat' and 'smelly rock urchin' as names." Leon chuckled dryly.
"Then, she gave you her name?" Leona asked curiously.
"In a way, yeah. Along with keeping the secret that she was really a girl, she was really sick on top of it. Her heart and lungs acted funny sometimes, so she couldn't go outside and play very often. She liked looking at the sky like I do though. And she liked looking out at this tree, especially when it was blooming. It was like her best friend."
"She sounded …lonely."
"She was. No brothers or other kids to play with, not to mention she couldn't really do girly things, like wear cute dresses and have tea parties with some friends. She had to learn boy manners and act like a boy whenever anyone visited her. She hated it, having to hide her true self away."
"Why did she have to hide that she was really a girl?"
Leon paused, wondering how to best parse this part of the story.
"Her mama… well, she wasn't as nice as your mama is. Very much not so."
Leon looked skyward again.
"In the past, at least in Rhodolite, only male heirs could be considered for kingship while any daughters couldn't. So the fact that her mama had a little girl angered her, thinking she had lost her spot for power. Until she had the 'brilliant idea' of disguising her daughter as a boy, changing court records and documents to say she really had a son, and silencing anyone that said otherwise."
"That's awful."
"Story doesn't get much better, I'm afraid."
"Why's that?"
"Because …then I was brought into their lives." Leon held tighter to his daughter, taking a breath.
"Remember when I said she was real sick?"
"Uh huh."
"That's why I was brought to the palace. I was… a slave boy, before being brought before Leona's mama. By some miracle of fate, Leona and I looked like mirrors of each other. Not just siblings or even twins like your Uncles Licht and Nokto. It was like you almost couldn't tell who was who, even if we were standing side by side."
"I was… her replacement." Leon sighed. "She passed away with no one else knowing about her, save for me. It’s why we’re here today. We met in late spring and she left my life in the spring after that one.”
“Because she was sick?”
Leona looked up at the tree again, looking more closely at the scratchings in the bark.
“So, we’re honoring her memory?”
Leon nodded.
“Her mama didn’t even give her a proper burial, thinking the risk of her secret was too great to leave proof that Leona had ever lived at all. This is the only marker for her. I made it for her.”
"Me and Mama know about her now," Leona patted her father's cheeks to comfort him and snuggled into his chest. "Now you're not alone in knowing about her."
Leon smiled and ruffled her hair.
"You're right, I'm not alone anymore." He gazed at the knife scratchings fondly. "And neither are you, Princess Leona. You've got two more people now that know and care about you."
"Then, Leona is where my name came from, Papa?"
"Yeah," he looked over at Emma, their gazes warm. "I asked your mama when you were inside of her, if we could name you after her. It's what she wanted to be called, even with everyone else around her calling her Leon."
"Did you call her Leona then, because she liked it better?"
"I did. She picked out the name herself. Would've felt rude not to. Got smacked a few times for calling her that though. Her mama didn't like me calling her Leona."
"But it didn't stop you from doing so."
"Nope." Leon smirked mischievously. "Seeing her face light up when she was called what she wanted to be called… It was precious to her, her new name. To hear the name she chose for herself spoken by another person, it was the happiest she probably ever was in her life."
"I like her name, too."
"Because it's also yours?" Leon chuckled.
"No, because it's what she wanted to be called." Leona raised an eyebrow, "if I wanted to change my name, could I?"
"Much as I like your name now, your mama and I won't stop you, if that's what you want."
"Hmm… I'll have to think about it. Just keep calling me Leona, for now."
Leon laughed while Emma smiled, lightly giggling at their daughter's antics.
"Well, in your quest to discover your new perfect name," Emma said, settling her hand on her slightly swollen abdomen, "maybe you can help Papa and I pick out a name for your new baby sibling."
Leona's eyes lit up, squirming out of Leon's lap to place her tiny hands against her mama's belly.
"I'll help, I'll help!"
Leon chuckled. "Maybe we should call this one Leona too."
"Leon, that would get too confusing."
"They can have my name, if they want!"
"When they're older, maybe." Leon laughed. "Since you want to get a new name and all."
"M-maybe as a backup option," Emma snickered, pulling her daughter into her arms. "When we get back home, let's go to the library and look up names we like, for both of you."
"Papa might fall asleep trying to help though."
Leon pouted while Emma laughed, nuzzling his nose and kissing his lips lightly.
"Well, you did get to choose Leona's name. I want to choose this time."
Leon conceded with a smile. "Alright, I'm counting on both of you. I know you'll choose some great names."
Leona giggled and smiled, pulling Emma's hand as she stood up with Leon's help, pulling her in the direction of the castle. Leon was a little slower to follow, staring up at the tree once again.
"I still think it was a great name," he said to himself quietly. "You gave me something as precious as your name and you got to have a choice for once in your life. Thank you, Princess Leona, Fourth Princess of Rhodolite. Your memory lives on in my heart and now my family's hearts. I'm glad that I got to share you with them."
He then heard Leona's high voice calling for him in the distance, saying she and Emma would leave him behind if he walked any slower. Leon chuckled and turned his back to the flowering tree, the white rose buds and pink roses fluttering in the gentle breeze.
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yanderelucy2 · 2 years
Let's get into motion then. You're going on a date with your fiance. Every date will be different to correctly match the prince's personality a little bit better. This will only be Leon's faction so that my laptop doesn't absolutely explode! These all have a theme and that is the fact that it all ends at night with the stars, Yves' is the shortest story because his is the only route I haven't finished.
Please note: my writing abilities are absolute shit lol!
Leon Dompteur
After Leon proposed to you, it felt lonely. He was always so busy with being the king that you guys barely had time for each other. It was almost as if you guys weren't even together, but you both missed each other at heart.
You finally decide that you guys should go on a date. You quietly knock on the faction's door and see your fiance's beautiful face, the way his hair perfectly falls, and seeing his face so focused on the work. Since you entered so quietly, he didn't notice you, so to get his attention you walk over to his desk and just grab his hand gently. When he felt your soft warm hand on him he looked up with the softest smile and asked what you needed.
"I've been thinking... we haven't really been together in a while, so how about a date?" After you said this, his eyes seemed to light up. His voice is almost like a purr as he says yes.
"Let me just finish this pile of work and then we can go wherever you'd like." You can't possibly object, but you see the pile he has to finish and you're not sure how long he will take, so you run off to go get ready.
You have a cute outfit planned out and some simple makeup, but you can't figure out how you're going to do your hair so that it compliments your outfit. You decide to look for Yves so he could help you with your hair, but he's nowhere to be found, you looked in the garden, his room, the faction room, the round table, and even the kitchen yet he's nowhere to be found. Right when you're about to give up you see him, seems he was on a short mission.
"Ah! Yves! There you are, where were you?"
"Hmm? Oh Y/N. I was on a short mission, why?" Ever since you became the king's fiance you and Yves have been becoming better friends, he really was a sweet boy.
"Can you help with my hair? I don't know how to style it with my outfit... I'm going on a date with Leon soon so please help." With your pleading eyes, you don't know how much time has passed so you are in a slight panic. Luckily Yves can tell and drags you to his room, he sits you in front of his mirror and stares at you for a bit until he grabs your hair gently and puts it in a half up half down hair. It looks so simple yet gentle and elegant, it's absolutely perfect. You thank Yves quickly and run off again this time in search of Leon, you look into the faction room, but he's not there. You hear footsteps coming from behind you and then a hand on your shoulder. He seemed to have finished and got changed into comfortable clothing.
"You finally ready? You took a while so I got changed." Although his words were teasing his tone was so gentle you could melt in them. You stare at him for a bit before he offers his hand and you two walk to town. It's afternoon time by then and there are so many places you want to go, it's a little overwhelming so you drag him around to every place. There was a new cafe that a friend of yours opened in town, so you just had to go there. He barely looked at where he was going, he was in a daze looking at your excited face and your slight mannerisms.
When you enter the cafe there are a good amount people, only about 2 tables left. When your friend sees you they immediately come to greet you, give you a hug, and compliment you. Sadly, after Leon became king there has been more attention to him before you could tell your friend to not greet him as the king she does. She bows to him and says welcome to the king, all eyes are now on him and people quiet down and sit up straight. The effect of a king. You can't help, but apologize to him, and you teasingly scold your friend. He could never be mad at you though, his gentle head pat and words immediately calm you down. Now plenty of people are looking your way and chatting amongst themselves.
You feel slightly nervous with all the eyes on you, but he simply takes your hand and guides you to an open table. He doesn't seem to be bothered at all, his calm aura calms you slightly and people's gazes slowly begin to go back to what they were doing. You two simply talk and don't really do much other than eat and compliment each other. At times the two of you were just silent and sitting there across from each other, but being in each other's presence was all you guys needed. Your friend comes back and apologizes to both of you informing you that the cafe was closing for the night.
When you two walk out of the cafe the town was beautifully lit up and the stars are in perfect order.
"Hey... Y/N I have a special place I want to show you." His voice as smooth as honey was almost like a spell, you couldn't help but comply and take his hand. He said it was kind of a far place so you two needed to go in a carriage.
When you two arrived he assisted you out of the carriage. The sight in front of you was so beautiful you could say it took your breath away. You could perfectly see how the town lit up at night, not only the stars shining beautifully, the smell of the cool night breeze, and the tree right beside you. The most beautiful sight of all was your fiance next to you, the way the moonlight complimented his mesmerizing face.
"What are you staring at?" His soft chuckle and smile.
"Just admiring. That's all."
"You're looking at me though, the sight to admire is there." His finger pointed out his hard work for the town.
He gets closer to you and puts an arm across your shoulder giving you a kiss on your forehead. You can't help, but give him a hug back and admire the view with him. You both sit on the grass admiring it, but eventually, you get sleepy and dose off to sleep in his arms. His view was you, and he admired your beauty as if it was the most important piece of art in his life.
Jin Grandet
After Jin proposed to you the two of you have been seeing each other more and more. He comes home after doing his royal duties you two get dressed talk about your day and that's it. You were getting bored, and Jin noticed.
One day randomly Jin came home like he normally did, but instead of just going to greet you he goes to your shared bedroom and gets changed. When he gets out all dressed you simply raise an eyebrow at him.
"Let's go on a date." He grabs your hand and drags you out the door and picks you up, putting you into the carriage.
"Wait! I'm not even dressed properly! Jin! You didn't even tell me." You can't help but scold him. For not telling you anything.
"What do you mean? You look great to me and that's good enough." His sudden compliment stunned you so much you practically immediately shut up. His eyes gazing at you so sweetly. You can't even be mad at him, I mean he IS taking you out on a date.
While waiting in the carriage for the two of you to arrive at the unknown destination you decide to take a nap since the library you work at was quite busy today. Eventually, the carriage stops and you open your eyes when you feel Jin's warm hand on your cheek. You two hadn't arrived yet although it was getting really dark outside, that's when Jin simply told you to go back to sleep and he'll tell you when you need to wake up.
The carriage finally stops and it's almost dusk. When you step out of the carriage you realize that you're not in Rhodolite anymore. The carriage ride took so long because you guys were going to Benitoite. Jin's smile as he sees your surprised face was the cutest, he was so excited that you simply sigh and hold his hand as he leads you to the place the two fo you will be staying.
The place you're staying seems to be very expensive given the fact that the majority of the things were made of expensive products like silk sheets, a lot of gold too. You can't even think of an estimate how much everything cost, but he simply guided you in the room and gave you a dress.
"Here. You seemed SO very angry at me earlier, so I got a dress specifically for you." You are in such a daze because of the situation and scenery that you can't even begin to express any emotion other than joy. You simply smiled at him and took the dress while making your way to the bathroom.
When you walk out he simply stares at you in admiration. He quickly walks towards you and puts an arm around your waist, he rushes you out the door. He better have the best surprise in the world to be rushing you this way.
He seems slightly impatient, so he picks you up bridal style and takes you to a restaurant. It was a beautiful restaurant, but it was empty not a single person in sight other than the workers. The place had huge windows showing the night sky beautifully, but instead of seeing more land it was the ocean. You forgot that the ocean view is a thing in Benitoite. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen, the star and moon both shining on the ocean waves. You turn to look at Jin to see him staring at you.
"Do you like it? I asked the first prince to arrange this for me." You know that the first prince of Benitoite is the kind of man that wouldn't do anything without getting something in return, yet that didn't bother you as much as it would've because he did it for you. You can't help but to just hug him and give him kisses all over his face. His smile was more beautiful than any view at that moment. You two eat dinner together in the restaurant and watch the view.
Yves Kloss
You and Yves do the same thing every week. Drink tea in the garden with Licht. You loved it and you know he did to, his new treats he'd make to make sure you're not bored. The way that he would make sure your hair isn't in your face while you're about to take a bite of your food.
You guys go on dates every now and then, but they were all very similar, going to a cafe and shopping. There was nothing wrong with them, but you wanted a little something more. Without even realizing you accidentally complain to Yves about how repetitive your dates are, you felt guilty after mentioning it but he didn't seem annoyed or anything. Instead he says that the two of you will be going on another date in two days.
The two days passed and you were immediately woken up by Yves. He chose your makeup, hair and outfit, it was all very noble clothing though. You were expecting him to take you to a dance or ball, but he didn't. He grabbed your hand and took you to a library. You felt out of place, but with him by your side it was a great feeling.
Your extravagant clothes and the huge architectural library, it all felt almost like a fairy tale for some reason. Like something you'd read out of one of your books. It was a fun day. When night came he took you to a rose field, it wasn't the royal garden but just a field of roses. He made a little area to sit and just smell the roses and cuddle under the stars. It was so simplistic yet so perfect. Before sitting down he put his hand out.
"Care to dance with me?" It was kind of embarrassing to hear him say this, but no one was watching and in your heart you could only say yes. You took his hand and danced under the stars with no one watching. His soft gaze and the way his hair flowed under the moonlight, you couldn't be happier.
Licht Klein
Licht always showed you off to everyone he could. You two were rarely on dates since he was often on duty out in town and you were busy working at the library. Every now and then though some of Jin's soldiers would tease him about dates and he realized there hasn't been a date that the two of you had that would really make people go "That's so romantic!" This gave Licht an idea. When you two are about to go to bed while he's in your arms he suggests going on a date. Your eyes go wide and you look at him, is he being serious? He simply give a soft smile and says that once he's done with his royal duties that he'll get you to go.
It was the next morning and you didn't have work that day, so you woke up later than usual. It was barely the afternoon when you woke up, but you immediately started getting ready because you don't know when Licht will be done with his work.
After getting ready you head to the kitchen to have some food before you go. You find Yves in the kitchen and he gives you the snacks he was making, he gives you some extra to give to Licht too.
"Wait, where is Licht right now?"
"Uhm... I think he's training his soldiers, he said he had plans though so he's rushing his training today."
"Ahh thank you! Bye!" You run off before Yves gets time to even say goodbye and you head to the training grounds. When you arrive, you and Licht make eye contact, he rushes his soldiers and starts saying training is over and makes his way over to you.
"I said I was going to go get you, what're you doing here?" His cheeks were slightly red from seeing you in your cute outfit, but boy was he the cutest when his cheeks were in that slight pink. You explain how you didn't know whether he was going to your room or not since you had left and went to eat. You said it all quite quickly so hearing him let out a little chuckle made you slow down, but that chuckle made your heart almost beat out of your chest.
He tells you to go wait for him at the castle doors while he wraps things up. When you're heading there he suddenly runs into you putting his hands on your waist, after he does this he says that the two of you will be riding on horses.
He grabs your hand leading you to the horse pens and when you two arrive he lets you pick whichever horse you want. Once you pick he tells you to just follow his lead.
You get on your horse and follow him until he leads you to some beautiful vast plains. It was early evening by the time you guys had arrived there and the sun was just starting to set. The orange hues slowly coming into view were a mesmerizing sight to see.
Licht suddenly got off his horse and signaled you to get off yours too, you didn't notice earlier but he brought picnic supplies. He set it all up efficiently and quickly and you were slightly worried because he was just letting the horses roam around the land with nothing keeping them from just running away.
"What about the horses..."
"Huh? Oh! They'll be fine they're trained to come back to my whistle." His soft smile while he watches them run around playing together melts your heart. He pats on the floor next to him to make you sit next to him, he then pulls out some of Yves' treats you can feel the saliva in your mouth just develop. When Licht grabs one of the treats, while he's about to put it in your mouth you steal it and take a bite out of it. He looks at you with a pout and you can't help but just say sorry and finish it.
After a while of just finishing your food and laughing together you look to your left and see your horse and his horse just laying there together sleeping. The sun is almost gone at that point and you can see the stars start to appear clearly, you look towards Licht after feeling some weight go on your shoulder and you see him falling asleep. His lashes, lips and breathing all so mesmerizing. He's so beautiful, your heart can't help but hurt.
WHY IS IT SO BADLY WRITTEN. Also sorry for posting it kind of late I've been really busy. Can you tell that I like the thought of a date at night just staring at the stars?
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🎀... crushes !
(warning: 150+ crushes)
Edward Hyde – Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( book + musical )
Holden Caulfield – The Catcher in the Rye
Košečkin Toporkov – Čekhov’s short stories
雨村 (Yucun) – Dream of the Red Chamber
🎀films/series/tv shows
Akutarō Shindo – Bucchigiri?!
Alador Blight + Darius Diamonne (poly) – The Owl House
Bandit Heeler – Bluey
Basil – The Great Mouse Detective
Captain Harlock – Captain Harlock ( anime + film (2013) )
CatRat – Gabby’s Dollhouse
Charles Bingley + Fitzwilliam Darcy – Pride and Prejudice (2005)
David – Camp Camp
Debra5000 + Eric – The Mitchells vs the Machines
Dragon King – The Monkey King
Ebisu – Nuragami
Eda Clawthorne – The Owl House
Edric Blight – The Owl House
Emile Petit + Francœur + Raoul – Un Monstre à Paris
Ezra – Captain Harlock (2013)
Father – Codename: Kids Next Door
Fukuo – Kiki’s Delivery Service
Gramorr – LoliRock
Guido – Luca
Hans – Frozen
Ichabod Crane – Sleepy Hollow (2013-2017)
Ichiya – Bucchigiri?!
John Darling + Slightly – Disney’s Peter Pan
Kabal – Mortal Kombat
Kakeru Zabu – Bucchigiri?!
King Dice – The Cuphead Show!
King Magnifico – Wish
Kristoff – Frozen
Kuzko – The Emperor’s New Groove
Loid + Yor Forger (poly) – SpyxFamily
Louis – UglyDolls
Louis Mérante – Ballerina
Marito Jin – Bucchigiri?!
Mephisto – LoliRock
Metro-spider – Spiderman: Across the Spider-verse
Morton – The Owl House
Nicholas Wolfwood – Trigun ( anime + manga )
Nico – Rio duology
Ozzie – Over the Hedge
Prince Naveen + Tiana (poly) – Disney’s The Princess and the Frog
Ryan – Sing 2
Sandman – Rise of the Guardians
Scientist (nnic) – Spiderman: Across the Spider-verse
Silencer + Truth – Miraculous: les Aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir
Spike Spiegel – Cowboy Bebop
Suki – Sing 2
Tarrant Hightopp – Alice in Wonderland (2010-2016)
Ted Shackleford – Curious George
Travis Maddox – Beautiful Disaster
Valentino – Wish
Victor – Ballerina
Waymond Wang – Everything Everywhere All at Once
William Dalton – Les Dalton (2010-2015)
Achilles – Alchemy Stars
Adras – Alchemy Stars
Angus Ciprianni – That’s Not My Neighbour
Arlecchino – Genshin Impact
Baizhu – Genshin Impact
Beretta – Alchemy Stars
Beverly – Alchemy Stars
Boothill – Honkai Star Rail
Brock – Alchemy Stars
Caleb – Alchemy Stars
Casta – Alchemy Stars
Chenya – Twisted Wonderland
Chevalier Michel – Ikemen Prince
Clavis Lelouch – Ikemen Prince
Comte de Saint-Germaine – Ikemen Vampire
Corax – Alchemy Stars
Cuscuta – Alchemy Stars
Diavolo – Obey Me! duology
Divus Crewel – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Fleur – Alchemy Stars
Francis Mosses – That’s Not My Neighbour
Genevieve – Alchemy Stars
Jack Howl – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Jamil Viper – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Jean d’Arc – Ikemen Vampire
Joselyn – Alchemy Stars
Kleken – Alchemy Stars
Leon Dompteur – Ikemen Prince
Leona Kingscholar – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Leonardo Da Vinci – Ikemen Vampire
Licht + Nokto Klein – Ikemen Prince
Lilia Vanrouge – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Ludovico – The Arcana
Malleus Draconia – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Mephistopheles – Obey Me! duology
Michael – Alchemy Stars
Minos – Alchemy Stars
Mozus Trein – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Nails – Alchemy Stars
Napoleon Bonaparte – Ikemen Vampire
Naroxel – Alchemy Stars
Nazali Satrinava – The Arcana
Neuvillette – Genshin Impact
Pantalone – Genshin Impact
Pittman – Alchemy Stars
Praetor Vlastomil – The Arcana
Pyro – Team Fortress 2
Quaestor Valdemar – The Arcana
Nadia Satrinava + Portia Devorak (poly) – The Arcana
Rebecca – Alchemy Stars
Rui Kamishiro – Project Sekai
Sam – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Sebek Zigvolt – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Silver – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Taki – Alchemy Stars
Theodorus van Gogh – Ikemen Vampire
Toya Aoyagi – Project Sekai
Tsukasa Tenma – Project Sekai
Vic – Alchemy Stars
Vil Schönheit – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Welt Yang – Honkai Impact 3rd
William Shakespeare – Ikemen Vampire
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Ikemen Vampire
Zandik – Genshin Impact
🎀other type of source
Ace – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Andrealphus – Hellaverse
Astr0 – Felix’s OC (his name has his social linked!)
Beelzebub – Hellaverse
Ben Solo / Kylo Ren – Star Wars universe
Black Cat + Witch Bunny – Witch Bunny
Carlos + Cecil Gershwin Palmer (poly) – Welcome to Night Vale
Chūya Nakahara – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Daredevil – Marvel universe
Denver – So Not My Type ( webtoon by @ prollycarmen )
Ezekiel Sims / Spider-therapist – Marvel universe
General Grievous – Star Wars universe
Graziano – The Merchant of Venice
Kowalski + Rico – Madagascar universe
Lewis Pepper – Mystery Skulls Animated
Marchese di Forlipopoli – La Locandiera
Meta Knight – Nintendo universe
Miles Edgeworth – The Great Ace Attorney universe
Mr. Mistoffelees – Cats ( musical )
Mungojerrie – Cats ( musical )
Munkustrap – Cats ( musical )
Mushitarō Oguri – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Paimon – Hellaverse
Projectile dysfunction bloke – Projectile Dysfunction
Shadow – Sonic universe
Shōta Aizawa – Boku No Hero Academia ( manga + anime )
Shylock – The Merchant of Venice
Sigma – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Sin-eater – Marvel universe
Skimbleshanks – Cats ( musical )
Tayama Iida – Boku No Hero Academia ( manga + anime )
Turning a Sphere Outside In bloke – Turning a Sphere Outside In
Wally Wackford – Hellaverse
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