mellosdrawings · 3 months
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Chapter 6 hit so many spots and, yeah, rare pairs are fun sometimes.
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deezneezz · 4 months
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HI EVERYONE, I'm excited to announce that I'm planning on doing a Leojami week in June!!! I hope you will join me in this fun little exchange!! <3
You can tag all your works with Leojamiweek and Leojamiweek2024 (Both on tumblr and on AO3)!!
Let's have fun! 🙌
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The sweltering heat was a lot.
The sun was baking in heat in any and all forms of life from above.
Night Raven Students hurry to shades or run to class to hopefully get some cool air in their systems within the stone walls.
But alas, one student stood out from the rest on this hot day, leaning by one of the stones with closed eyes as one hand held firm his leather bound bag while the other rubs his sore meaty neck as people walk by is Leona Kingscholar waiting for something to happen it seems.
Come on you sneak, I won’t ignore you ditching me. He thought to himself in a scowl, a yawn showing off his fangs erupts his form as he cracked his neck.
His feline ears twitch at a certain sound.
His beautiful gem greens of eyes open a crack and look up.
His handsome face broke in a smirk.
Walking up to the wall is Jamil Viper wearing a short sleeved button up and a sweater vest to work well with the heat on the school grounds.
Well, guess you’re worth a wait…
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A few birds chirp afar, a distance ballad melody for prying ears to hear and enjoy or loath as they wander about this fine summer day.
The breeze was now just picking up and getting a bit cooler as if the Gods finally answered the pleads of many to come and settle down this blazing heat.
Tucked away in a beautiful green house of grass, hidden away with the scent of floral and soil, behind the soft shadows of large leaves and tall plants around, hushed away by the gentle flow of the stream two souls connect as two lips press against each other in sweet open mouth kisses.
The prince snakes an arm around the thin waste on top of him as the Viper’s son rubs his fingers through dense black hair.
A small growl leaves the kissing as a finger gently tugs at a hidden knot.
Jamil pulls away, cole eye staring at emeralds. “Maybe if you take better hygiene you wouldn’t be so knotted up.” He scolded lightly, ignoring the would be scolding of the lion undoing his updo but leaves the braids.
Leona rolls his eyes in response and merely leans back up to meet Jamil’s soft lips again, momentarily silencing the servant boy. Jamil hums softly in the kiss, pushing back to add pressure as their mouths open and they kiss with much more space and care for, their lips and tongue exploring and tasting this dish they’re both so familiar with already yet are trying new ways still.
It’s hard to pinpoint when this began with the two, when the barely edged line in the sand of schoolmates turned partners in kissing was crossed, but they can know when the first time their lips met in such a personal way. . .
“Hey, you wanna go to town sometime?”
Jamil looked up at the Savannaclaw dorm head and sigh, bag being fixed around his shoulders, he harbored his voice up to the surface in the sea of noise, “Again? Why are you so hooked on taking me to town someday?”
Leona shrugs and walks with him, “Cause I want to.”
“You ask me almost every day now…”
“I’m what some people call…persistence.”
Jamil rolls his cole eyes under his eyelids. Cole gray, like a fireplace burning down low with soft embers on a cold winter’s night, eyes that are cold to the glare yet have a deep rooted warmth hidden away.
Leona smirks, “What’s the matter, worried I might kiss ya?”
Jamil freezes as he stares up at Leona in shock that such words left those royal lips.
And there is it~
The hunger of new knowledge Leona craves for plenty.
The yearn to lick his teeth in thirst as he gets new information.
He has always been curious about his school chum in Scarabia since the first day he arrived. So isolating and cold, a perfect little snake hidden away in the grass blending in. But even small snakes can pack a mighty lethal bite, and Jamil was no exception after all as proven when the live feed of him trying to mind control Azul Ashengrotto was shown on his phone during winter break and his overblot right after.
This was the start of the journey Leona was aching for new things to learn in his boring school life and Jamil was just so beyond perfect to learn. 
Leona watches as Jamil looks away, smirking at the obvious warm glow on the younger’s cheeks. He bends his torso a touch as he gets close to the ear of his little prey, “If I were, I would gladly make your first kiss special~” 
Jamil blinks, “What?”
Leona tilts his head, “Huh?”
Jamil turns his head and stares at his upperclassman, his perfect eyebrows curved in a forever curious motion as he stares at him so intensely.
“Kalim was my first kiss.”
Leona’s ears turn down in a flat motion as he stares at Jamil in shock. Did I hear that right? He thought with eyes wide open.
He can’t possibly imagine those two faces merging together in any context or meaning of those translations!
He watches as Jamil walks ahead in the hall, away from Leona’s side, to the bright eyed little sunshine that steals all of his attention.
Images of their faces growing close and locking in broad daylight sneaks up in Leona’s mind.
Flashing imagery of Kalim’s arms wrapping around Jamil’s thin neck right there in the damn hallway burns Leona’s eyes with each blink.
Sicking sounds of their mouths moving and making gentle sounds hit his ears with his mind’s own personal record player on loop as he pictures Kalim’s face attached to Jamil’s.
Kalim’s eyes open as his tongue roams the mouth of his servant.
Kalim’s little smirk of victory as he so publicly claimed Jamil in front of him.
“Uh, Leona, you’re gonna stand there forever or–”
Leona pauses.
Leona looks to his side and sees Ruggie standing there confused.
Leona blinks for a second and looks back to the halls, seeing Jamil and Kalim walking away talking in clear imbalance.
Soon, Ruggie’s snickering takes him out of his entranced space, “Daydreaming much? That’s dangerous Leona~”
Leona frowns as his feet start walking. Stupid Viper, why did he have to spring that on me?! He growls silently as he ignores his friend’s calls out as he tries to keep up, his mind thinking back on the conversation just a few minutes ago.
How can he say something so matter-of-factly!?
Jamil glances over his shoulder as he crosses the mirror to Scarabia with Kalim, who is talking about whatever, watching as the lion prince of the Savannah walks into his mirror with a scowl on his face. His angry, handsome, face.
Jamil lets out a sigh as he accepts the different heat he’s used to in his dorm
Great, what was that all about anyways?
Leona watches Jamil’s face closely, watching how he breaths and how his face twitches some in emotions. Jamil’s hands dig deep into the fabric of his shirt as he cuddles close.
It was only a week since that hallway conversation when the two met up in this way, buried away in the back of an empty locker room after their club activities lips locked. 
All Leona had to do was be angry from that conversation for Jamil to be curious.
All Jamil had to do was bump into Leona for him to crack and crash their faces together in a lip bruising memory.
All they had to do was be so frustrated in their own curiosity they end up in this situation. 
Leona smirks as he hears Jamil’s voice gasp in a hitch as he rubs his ear shell as their lips meet in the kiss, keeping a mental note of the noise and what causes it.
Feeling annoyed he’s the only one shaking, Jamil shoves his tongue into Leona’s mouth without much warning. He smirks to himself as he felt and heard Leona be taken aback from the sensation and focused on this.
This is just like speaking, yes? Just focus on your Rs… He thought as he acted as if he’s taking a special conversation lacking sound but with lots of R related words to draw out.
Leona’s tongue lightly bumps onto his, the rough feeling startling Jamil some, both obviously curious and eager of the organs in their mouths. 
It takes so much of the other to not melt to the sensation of this kiss and seem weak in front of their momentary partner.
It takes so much not to grab and cling onto the body in front of them.
It takes so much not to let their vocal cords work freely at the warm feeling around them.
The two pull away, gasping for air.
Emerald greens stare deep into cole black.
Animal fangs gleaming in labored breaths matching the others’ less fanging canines.
One way of messy knots of black vines stands in comparison to the one that grew messy in the moment. 
They stare at each other, lips swollen and glittering in sweat from the intense kisses, hands on each other to keep balance but also to not let go. 
“From now on, I’m learning all your firsts, got that?”
True to his word, since then Leona learned new things about Jamil.
Jamil’s first move mark was made by Leona behind a pillar after the final class period.
Jamil’s first mature touch was given by Leona after a joint P.E. class.
Jamil’s first time touching someone else in such a personal way was thanks to Leona convincing him to swim in the watering hole in Savannaclaw’s lounge late on a school night. 
Despite the intense heat that oozes out of the two in their casual affair that’s what it was: 
Jamil doesn’t know when Leona will randomly appear in front of him.
Jamil doesn’t know when Leona will randomly kiss him again.
Jamil doesn’t know when Leona will suddenly take even more firsts.
Jamil doesn’t know anything and it’s killing him!
So now here they are, in the green house, locking lips when they should be in their final classes of their day, with Jamil sitting on the dorm leader’s legs. 
Leona rubs circles on the vice’s back as Jamil’s head lays on his chest, both of their lips reddish from their nibbles and puckering sucks.
Jamil’s eyes are closed, listening to the sound of Leona’s lungs and hearts make music under the hardened flesh of his chest, his body collecting and settling his breathing carefully.
Jamil’s eyebrow quirks slightly.
What is that-
Jamil sat up fast, cranking his neck to look up at Leona who looked at him confused in return.
“You purr??”
Leona’s ears flatten and he looks away to the side, his expression not fitting his words, “No-”
Jamil smirks victoriously as he feels the soft vibrations of a purr in Leona’s chest still.
“Oh hush up!”
The snake lets out a mighty laugh as Leona growls, cheeks flushed in exposed embarrassment. 
The two calmed down and stayed still after a moment, bodies close.
“So,” Leona started, “How was your first time ditching class?”
Jamil pressed his cheek against the bicep under him, so relaxed with the warm solid body holding him with the purrs. “Honestly, nerve wrecking…” He admitted, his eyes slowly fluttering to a close. “But at the same time, it’s calming…”
“Well obviously, you’ve been overworking so much you deserve to step back for a while.”
“. . . Are you falling asleep on me?”
Leona looks down and pauses.
He watches Jamil’s steady breathing.
He admires how the light through the glass and plants form lovely light beams and shadows across Jamil’s smooth dark olive skin and flowing silky black hair.
He looks peaceful…
Slowly, he raises a hand and places the palm against the younger man’s head.
Jamil hums softly and seems to openly accept the touch.
Leona smiles to himself, leaning his head back into the grass as his own tired eyes close and accept the warmth as well.
Maybe this heat isn’t so bad?
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I may miss some days of LeoJami Week 2024, my computer broke-
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deezneezz · 4 months
hello hello!! i'm a writer but i love love love leojami (and your art, thank you for the food 🥹🥹🥹💖💖) i was wondering if writers could take part in the leojami week too? all the promts are so nice ;-; (i'll tag you as well if you like!!)
-🍋 (if not taken)
Absolutely!! Leojami week is for everyone. Art, Fic, etc. I'm so glad you're interested, in fact please join, it would make me very happy! <3
Thank you so much!! You may tag me and use the leojamiweek and leojamiweek2024 tags if you like to make sure your work is seen! :D
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