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444names · 9 months ago
Names generated from the names of USA presidents and vice-presidents, combined with the names of Roman emperors
Aacalucing Aball Aballexan Abasdos Abrideridge Abrius Adianius Adicher Adinus Adron Aelson Aember Agalius Agnus Albalentius Alballmonos Albilin Alerice Alison Allaroos Allmocalter Alvian Analeo Analey Androe Anian Anios Anius Annerry Antibent Antius Anuayloron Anuela Anust Aphow Aprenes Arcarford Ardidge Arrian Artios Augus Aviniam...
Ballai Bardian Barian Barin Basdos Bider Bidge Binus Blian Blield Brian Brius Bucheodrius Burelarius Burey Burius Burrebon Burtill Calagan Calbales Calber Calent Caleviand Callanas Candrianas Canovemius Carce Carding Cardius Caron Carry Chaembenew Challac Chamalevi Chard Chardius Cheron Chuberan Chuyley Cleran Cliancolfai Clidece Clison Colfairo Colius Commy Compkin Conaft Conalus Conian Coosephonio Curting Dalhon Dallaurew Damerius Dandro Dandromit Dawer Dawespiency Deckefedy Dence Denus Dicks Diderbersh Didge Diosius Diustus Dommonian Donan Donikeney Donry Dontin Dorey Dwigus Dwiliannion Dwillmon Elsonaft Faing Faire Faximilinus Ferahamitus Fientin Filison Fillmodonal Foretinroun Forius Fraite Frakinus Fraklon Fratillan Gabren Gabrin Galert Garcemin Garsono Geodust Getasianks Getrus Glybraklon Glyce Glyndrius Glyssenjan Goranianus Gordidge Goris Grakin Grakios Grald Granneley Grantian Granumer Gratingtont Gromp Hadanover Hadios Haemocleo Hamanuayles Hamardius Harcart Harce Harcus Harklonroe Haron Harougulin Hartobus Hayler Heelle Hemberius Hemicius Hemilicince Heodomales Heodord Heodus Heraphic Herillison Herius Hershamax Hershence Homulus Honry Hoodono Hooln Horanus Hougus Howas Howeran Humber Hurenrinton Irbaley Irber Isaarcius Isevel Jamaximick Jamenner Jamius Jannes Jantius Jimilla Jimius Jimmonalber Joanklever Joanuman Johns Johnst Jorew Jovelt Jovenustan Julagnus Julara Juliatinus Julidger Julight Julin Julint Julus Julybrius Kames Kefer Keffeder Kince Kincy Kinian Lenerbas Lenuel Leodos Leriantios Lerick Leveran Leves Lexan Lianton Lidemikos Linus Lischalban Liseptiscus Lycemius Macinike Macitus Mackiock Macksonson Madawer Madidge Madio Madlaur Madrinallin Majackios Majoanuayle Maley Malla Manius Marace Maratioses Marcinios Marfield Marler Marlexan Marley Marout Marreptinus Marson Martrus Masion Maugh Mauridge Maxen Maxenderma Maxennian Maxenton Maximicks Maxios Mcksonrius Mentograck Milian Minielson Mitus Mocard Modroolk Monannikos Monio Morebon Mortical Nalespastic Nalius Nanuary Natinus Neran Neratilic Nerianting Nerin Neroe Nibill Niken Niostack Nosil Nuarrelson Oballis Obarius Oburry Ocracalla Othower Otobasharus Pasil Penjan Penstin Petitus Philing Philla Phite Phoctor Phort Phout Phroclinus Phroe Piennius Pierterce Pikos Pikosius Porge Preck Preney Prent Prenus Priam Prianus Pubeney Puber Puberson Publa Publippike Pupient Pupierought Pupirbasius Pupiroma Quart Quary Quincolius Quingtogro Quiniatiate Quinus Relted Repting Robarcheeld Robenjan Robus Romilianord Rondorting Ronionike Roolk Rounalucius Scham Scump Scustabas Senew Sentonasius Sepupien Seven Sever Seves Sevitincy Spiel Stabam Stanius Stant Staureckson Tabrison Tacarcump Tasiancump Taudios Tayleo Thember Thembert Themiling Themilla Themon Thenton Theodomary Therian Theridge Threntonios Throno Thros Thublastan Thublincoln Thumens Thuyle Thuyler Ticard Ticemian Timmorecks Tinius Titushitus Traklexion Trobenerry Tronian Trustano Tylerian Tyley Tylore Tylos Ulaudius Ulielter Ulinus Ulush Unash Uniant Uniatilla Unikos Vacharsh Vackin Vacrius Valus Vanincy Venst Verforing Viter Walexan Waliand Wallippiel Warac Warincon Warklon Warson Warus Wasdon Wasius Wastancy Whertintin Whight Whilius Whillan Whinus Whitus Wight Willianus Woodus Wooliand Woovinus Zacian Zackeffel Zacks Zacril Zenus
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js1106 · 7 months ago
Lenuel Gulliver #kids #badtime #story #fairytales #fairy #baby #notti...
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camilitaaa24 · 6 years ago
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la-musica-latina · 6 years ago
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Lenuel, Carlitos Rossy - Llevarte⠀ ⠀ 🎧 Escúchalo en Telegram ⠀ 🔗 https://t.me/la_musica_latina/2764⠀ ⠀ #MusicaLatina #LatinPop #LatinUrban #MusicaUrbana #LatinTrap #TrapLatino #Reggaeton #Telegram #Lenuel #CarlitosRossy https://www.instagram.com/p/ByHAoCoH0o6/?igshid=wqqnxinuf2fc
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lentijalenueljireh · 4 years ago
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Hello everyone! My name is Lenuel Jireh D. Lentija but you can call me Jireh, 16 years of age. A Grade 12 Student at UPHSD. I’m here to express my thoughts, my experiences, what I want to do or plans and especially lessons in life that I’ll bring in the rest of my journey. Hope you’ll enjoy and learn something from it!
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I’m a daughter, a servant of God and a girl who has a lot of dreams to my family.
When I was 3 years old, my father died because of asthma. I’m proud of my mother because she is a strong person, even though my father died, her love, support and care for us is unconditional. My mom is a great person, she gives us what we need, she is happy when we are happy. Her corny jokes make us laugh because we need something from her, just kidding hehehe.
I’m a member of the Praise & Worship Team in our church, praising and giving Glory to Him is such a privilege to me. I’m not perfect but He is perfect. We are more than blessed because we have Him and He cares for us. Being a servant of God is such a rollercoaster ride for me. It is not easy but He promised that until the end we have Him and He will always be there for us. Many retreats, Youth Camp, Activities in the church is equals to life lessons and testimonies that I will treasure forever. You are wonderfully made, so be a Blessing to all the people around you.
My dream is to become a Doctor, my father is my inspiration to become one. I want to serve other people, especially those who live in rural areas. Most of people say It is not easy but for me It is worth it. You have to be prepared holistically, be flexible and have a heart to help other people.
It is important that you know your goals and vision in life so that everything will follows, and always do it for the Glory of God. Spread purple hearts everyone! Have a Goodnight!
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makkatsuki · 8 years ago
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Fandom: RWBY Raza: Humano. Fecha de nacimiento: 25 de Enero - Acuario. Edad: 17 años. Altura: 1'90 Peso: 67kgs Orientación sexual: Heterosexual. Ocupación: Estudiante. Academia: Haven. Alusión: Houjuu Nue (Touhou). Accesorios: Bolsa, estuches para cartuchos de balas y tinta.  Lateralidad: Ambidiestro. Colores: Negro, violeta, rojo, azul.  Semblanza: Kanji (Su semblanza es algo especial. Tiene la capacidad de controlar los cuatro elementos principales: Agua, fuego, viento y tierra, pero sólo escribe en sus manos el kanji de cada elemento con tinta. No puede utilizar dos elementos al mismo tiempo y después de escrito el kanji, puede usar ese elemento durante una hora, con un intervalo de más o menos quince minutos antes de poder volver a utilizarlo). Arma: E.T (Una lanza electrificada). Color del aura: Roja.  Team: KLVR (Clover) @fakeredshoes @lifeinthehole @heishimare Compañero: ??? Ship: Con @fakeredshoes  Brotps: Oh, pero bienvenidas. Face claim: Nozaki Umetarou (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun).  
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es-una-locura-amar · 4 years ago
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lyrical-proses-blog · 5 years ago
By Lenuel Galve
Am I real? Or am I just an illusion?
When I look in a mirror I see myself wondering whether if it’s true or not.
According to the information that I've gathered in the internet mirroring is the concept that everything around you reflects back information about you.
When someone look in a mirror they will see their perfect center and only see the mangled truth, but they are always in the wrong place wondering what’s wrong with them, they’ve always hurt those people around them
If someone look at the mirror it doesn’t ever tell who really they are. When someone look in a mirror they only see their body, they can’t even see their worth, flows and their imperfections, but they can only see their physical characteristics.
Based on the information that I've gathered through the internet, spiritual concept mirror symbolizes carries of truth and reflect what our truth is.
When a mirror broke, you will see your reflection with a distorted face and a shattered heart.
Those tears fallen from your eyes reflects that you were really broke inside.
Mirror is just like a person, they are just devastated according to their situation. When mirror fell, it broke but when a person get hurts it also broke.
Sometimes mirror lie, it makes you think that you are really worthy. It depends on yourself whether you trust a mirror or not.
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jeanetteimpiapro · 7 years ago
Lenuel - Desnudate (Remix) Ft. Alex Rose, Carlitos Rossy & Dalex (Video ...
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khryzzelleanna · 13 years ago
Boyfriend dati. Bestfriends nalang ngayon :)
ayoko ng EX .. ang panget .. haha
kaya best tawagan namin ! BEST <3 :D
sabi ko nga sakanya , secrets are secrets ,
Promises were Broken </3 but Love will still linger ..
haha handrama teh ! xD were good naman :)
god really know whats better and i know na pinadaan siya sa buhay ko for experience and to LEARN :) <3 still Love him though ..
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