#lenina kiel
concord-and-cliches · 5 years
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i did a few tarot cards with my ocs! never ended up finishing the whole set, though
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violentlydefending · 8 years
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Damn it! I hate being surrounded by a bunch of hormonal teenagers!
rough sketchy thing of the main cast of Falling Together, which is.. by far. the Biggest. i hate this. i finished this last night actually but i got tired and really lazy about it as time went on lmao
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concord-and-cliches · 6 years
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returning to this blog with a redraw of my icon! i sorta like how my old one has full colours, though.. and it’s not like you can see how bad it is from how small it is (also this redraw isn’t square b/c i never thumbnail/sketch and i should)
anyway! this is p much all my protagonists! names and their associated stories under the cut anyway love you 
starting from the orange girl with the peace sign in the middle, going clockwise (some stories are fully written or have fully written segments, check the (x)’s if you fancy!):
Sammy Baxa - Concord - Sammy Baxa has found a magical necklace that can transport her to the mystical and fantastical world of Theia! Unfortunately, she can't quite figure out how to get herself back home. Good thing she's got a new dysfunctional group of friends to help! Concord is an upbeat and hopeful story about finding meaning, making your mark, and moving on. 
Mia Olivia - Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back: Progress is Slow -  Severa has been experimenting on sentients for years, and she doesn't plan to stop. Her experiments have to make the best of living in isolation, but when an opportunity for freedom presents itself, the experiments can only wonder... What's next? Progress is Slow is a story about shared trauma and doing your best to find where you belong.
Joshua Mustafa - Only Chosen One - Joshua Mustafa has been the chosen one of Castrutria for....  a few hundred years now. Needless to say, they're getting sick of it. Only Chosen One is a story about novelty and puppet strings.
Lydia Atkins - Controvert - Lydia Atkins is bored with regular old farm life. Her life gets about 86% more interesting when she finds an abandoned robot in her haystack. It gets 92% more interesting when the robot offers her a chance to help save the planet. Controvert is about the cruelty of death.
Natalia Ng - Whispering Dreams - A small town deals with the mysteries surrounding a four-year long missing persons case.  Whispering Dreams is a story about guilt and regret.
Mitra Lam - it may be the end - It's the end of the world. Humans and animals are dropping off, one by one, as marked by the dates on their bodies. Humanity is on its final year, and, in one small town, four people marked with the final day deal with the last days of their lives. it may be the end is about coping with death and its inevitability.
Xantys - Endings - The world was going to end five years ago. It was inevitable. Except, five years ago, it didn't. And now everyone must deal with a life they weren't prepared to continue, and with everything they were planning to leave behind. Endings is about what happens when you have to live for longer than you expected.
Eden Leorst - Gardens of Time (x) - Rewinding time to find solutions often brings its own troubles. Eden Leorst learns this the hard way. Gardens of Time is a story about breaking away from routine and moving on.
Aiden N - Torn Down - Aiden N., a bullied Nephilim, takes up an exorcism job that nobody else will, because all the Angels believe that there's no way demons still roam the earth! Except they do, and Aiden can't exorcise. Torn Down is a story about believing in yourself!
Dragoness - Typicality (x) -  A hero and a villain fall in love. This can't end well. Typicality is a story about grabbing every strand of fate that you can.
You - to be forgotten (x) - You've lost someone, recently. You try to remember them. You try, and you try, and you try, but... Your memory isn't perfect. And, one day, won't you fade, too? to be forgotten is a story about forgetting, meaninglessness, and how it's all okay.
Aria Valeu - Prequel - ...
Cynthia Elias - Six Simple Steps (x) - Cynthia Elias has the lofty goal of becoming a protagonist! Isaiah is a self-proclaimed angel that wants to help. Chris Hunter is there, too. Together, they sort of try to enact tropes in REAL LIFE! Six Simple Steps is about individuality and being okay with not being important.
Tatiol Versere - Hindsight 20/20 (x) - There's an old, abandoned house on the corner of Libitina and Lasciare. Tatiol Versere is a suicidal blind kid with a mission to die within its walls. Fortunately, his attempt gets foiled. Unfortunately, it was foiled by an annoying, self-righteous ghost.  Hindsight Not Always 20/20 is a story about learning to live and learning to move on.
Evan Cliffe - No More Chasing Ghosts - Evan Cliffe is supernatural. He hates that. There are at least six other supernatural hormonal teenagers in the town of Ava Ray. The only way this could get worse is if Evan had to fight for his life every night. Wait, he does? No More Chasing Ghosts is an upbeat deconstruction reconstruction of children fighting for causes that were never their own, and is about coping, responsibility, taking initiative, and changing the world one step at a time.
Lenina Kiel - Falling Together - Lenina Kiel is a teacher without a license at the small 'everyone knows everyone' Ava Ray High School. She does her best not to get too involved in the lives of her students, but... Falling Together is a story about how everyone struggles, and how there are always ways we can keep helping one another.
Charlie Weave - n/a (x) - Charlie Weave is a merchant with a firey past that he'd rather not remember. The Cloaked Lady is a vagrant who thinks he should remember. Needless to say, they do not get along. n/a is a story about trauma and how it can change you. (And how change is okay.)
Sion - just another wandering soul - Beyond the rifts, there is another earth... A fun, super-cool, urban casual fantasy earth! Vampires that work the graveyard shift, laboratories to study the effects of magic, fines for accidentally cursing people... Sounds like a fun time! But the rifts, once infrequent and dangerous locations where people would go missing, have been popping up more and more... just another wandering soul is about slowing down and getting to know yourself and others.
Mel - Layered Reality - Mel falls asleep, alone, waiting at a bus stop while snow piles up around them. They wake up somewhere else. Layered Reality is about escapism, dealing with cruel realities, and finding your own truth in what makes you happy.
Lorca Quiric - don’t hate the reaper - Emily Sarinta and Lorca Quiric are locked in a battle of attrition. Lorca, a newbie reaper, wants Emily dead. And Emily just won't die! don't hate the reaper is about the fairness of death.
Lila Zylpha - Sonder - A failed adventurer, a lost princess, a lone survivor, and a recently awoken coma patient all band together to save the world! Or, at least, the lost princess' life, which is about the same as the world in her eyes. Sonder is a story about the individuality of lifestyles and experiences
Alden Cardinal - Heroic? As If! - Alden Cardinal and their merry crew of heroes have a mission: to wipe out the demon race!! Ashton, the rival, has other plans. Mination, the villain behind it all, has motives more human than one would think, and... now what!? A plot-relevant amnesiac!? Heroic? As if! is a story about rules and choice.
Keith - Imposter - Keith, Angelien Lao, and Edmond Karsae are an adventuring trio! Sure, sometimes they fight, but all in all, they get along and have found a comfortable dynamic. Unfortunately, someone from the past has returned, dredging up old grudges in their return. Imposter is a story about leaving the past behind.
Silas Arronax - not all who wander (x) - Three adventurers wander the land. One seeks healing, one seeks escape, and one seeks glory. There's not much similar about them, but they have more in common than they think. not all who wander is a story about running away.
Charie Lu - The Clichés of Saving the World - Faladia is a world of prophecy. Individuals with particularly lofty prophecies get tutored in the way of life they're supposed to pursue. But just what is the deal with all the prophecies in the first place? The Clichés of Saving the World is a story about fate.
Max Clarke - From the Ground, Up - A serial killer is loose! Neki Shiks and Maxwell Clarke, detectives extraordinaire, are on the case! Except they can't stop butting heads, and... what? A second serial killer after the first one is caught? From the Ground, Up is a fun murder mystery about how murder is bad.
Lily March - Hustler’s Love - Lily March is in love with her sous chef, Brian Goodwill! Unfortunately, she's a terrible person, and he's not interested. Hustler's Love is a zany romcom deconstruction reconstruction about self-improvement and the necessity of love (...or not!).
Angie Mao - Untitled - Angie Mao, Noah Dham, Mary Ng, and Nathan Larise make up the absolute worst adventuring team known to Theia! No, really. They're the worst. Untitled is a story about the inevitabilities of having to accept your position and place, and how there are things that matter more.
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concord-and-cliches · 7 years
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more oc collection!!!
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concord-and-cliches · 7 years
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life is just so crazy sometimes haha <3
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concord-and-cliches · 7 years
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decided to mash together all my main characters into one image (for ensemble cast stories i just chose the main viewpoint character/the first one that came to mind)
(flipped versions)
who’s who under the cut
starting from brown-haired orange necklace wearing pink shirt girl, going clockwise:
Sammy Baxa (Concord) 15-16, she/her, bi, main viewpoint in an ensemble cast
Mia Olivia (TSF, TSB: Progress is Slow) 22-23, she/her, ace, main viewpoint in an ensemble cast
Joshua Mustafa (Only Chosen One) ???, doesn’t care, ace, main character
Lydia Atkins (Controvert) 28-29, she/her, bi, main character
Natalia Ng (Whispering Dreams) 28-29, she/her, aroace, first one to come to mind in an ensemble cast
Mitra Lam (it may be the end) 25-26, she/her, lesbian, first one to come to mind in an ensemble cast
Xantys (endings) 17-18, he/him, gay, first one to come to mind in an ensemble cast
Charie Lu (The Cliches of Saving the World) 54-55, she/her, straight, first one to come to mind in an ensemble cast
Aiden N. (Torn Down) 20-21, he/him, aroace, main character
Lucy (Typicality) 26-27, she/her, lesbian, first one to come to mind in an ensemble cast
“You” (Layered Reality) ???, ???, ???, main character
Charlie Weave (RLUD: Spirits) 25-26, he/him, gay, main character
Tatiol Versere (Hindsight Not Always 20/20) 16-17, genderfluid, ace, main character
Evan Cliffe (Magical Hokum) 15-16, he/him, gay, main viewpoint in an ensemble cast
Lenina Kiel (Falling Together) 34-35, she/her, bi, main character
Cynthia Elias (Six Simple Steps to Successfully Becoming [...]) 17-18, she/her, pan, main character
??? (Prequel) ???, ???, ???, main character
Aika Everhack (Gardens of Time) 26-27, she/her, bi, main character
Lorca Quiric (don’t hate the reaper) 13-14, he/him, aroace, first one to come to mind in an ensemble cast
Lila Zylpha (Sonder) 29-30, she/her, pan, main viewpoint in an ensemble cast
Alden Cardinal (Heroic? As if!) 26-27, they/them, ace, main character
Keith (Imposter) 22-23, he/him, bi, main viewpoint in an ensemble cast
Silas Arronax (not all who wander) 25-26, he/him or they/them, bi, first one to come to mind in an ensemble cast
Max Clarke (From the Ground, Up) 41-42, he/him, straight, first one to come to mind in an ensemble cast
Lily March (Hustler’s Love) 26-27, she/her, pan, main character
Angie Mao (untitled) 24-25, she/her, bi, first one to come to mind in an ensemble cast
there’s very little meaning in the order and structure of all the characters with a few exceptions, most notably the characters in the centre of their respective sides star in the longest/most developed stories i have. there’s some others but they’re minor and spoilers and dumb
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