#lemonberry fanfics
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strawberrylemonz Ā· 5 months ago
Book three of my UncleInnit series has finally arrived to Ao3! Those of you who have read the original trilogy may know that I never finished the third book before taking it down. Don't worry, this one will finally have an ending! Until then, here's the first two chapters!
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moldygreenblue Ā· 4 months ago
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(Day seven prompt for Woevember, aka, Free Space Day, event created by @asouefanworkevent)
The places that he, Beatrice, and Bertrand used to go together are gone. Some still stand, but many are different now; be it a new business in its place, a change in decor, or just missing an element that makes it complete. Like the laughter. Like Beatrice reciting her favorite soliloquies. Or Bertrand singing his favorite showtunes. Or Lemony himself, snapping the moment on his camera, to keep it around forever. Lemony takes one more glace of the photograph. He didnā€™t take it, but itā€™s a photo he treasures. For Lemony knows Beatrice and Bertrand are never coming back anymore.
Or, an ASOUE Movie moodboard and drabble on why Lemony keeps a photograph of [what I assume is] Beatrice and Bertrand.
(Song to Listen To: Photograph by Ringo Starr, co-written with George Harrison)
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cupcraft Ā· 1 year ago
24, 25 and 27 fanfic ask game? :)) (no im not fishing for new fics hahahaha no wayyyyyyy)
happy nearly new years šŸŒŸ
[fic ask game]
These are alla bout fics i read this year and overall, i've been slacking on reading fics but I do have answers for you yes!
24:favorite fic you read this year
For FMAB, honestly it was this edling fic I didnt think id get into called A Crown with Gems and Gold by Kattythingz.
Of dsmp/osmp/mcyt fics, it would be Blood End by andthentherewere
25:a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
I have a lot of recs of this year one is my very good mutual and friend Tom Phantoids' dreamoire zine piece hunting for a power called blasphemy.
27:favorite fanfic author of the year
Idk how to pick ahhhh. One is my mutual Bonesandthebees who is always a delightful fic writer :]! Other fic writers (plus mutuals fics) i adore are: phantoids, areus-in-the-little-cave, lockergirl, clingyduoapologist, hopalongfairywren, zannolin, lemonberry-conda (if you like empires esp :)!), proudfreakmetarusonniku (esp for cprime), and many many more ahhh sorry if i missed people (you can look through the dsmp fanfic tag on my blog to see more ppls writing i like bc i rb a lot :D!)
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conarcoin Ā· 3 years ago
20, 21, 30 for fanfic ask game?
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
au all the way
21. Do you prefer writing chaptered fics or one-shots?
oneshots. atusily and af/fw are accidental plot bunnies i stumbled into and couldnā€™t detangle from my thoughts
30. How much do you edit your fics?Ā  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
oneshots tend to be a one and done thing, maybe i rework some portions before posting, but thatā€™s about it. atusily goes through several rewrites per chapter and gets checked over by a few friends of mine (notably @weepingalpacafuneral, @canopenersnotebook and @lemonberry-conda). af/fw so far got a few rewrites but no beta
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whoslaurapalmer Ā· 7 years ago
Goodness, I have.......so much fanfic hanging around on my laptopĀ 
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gellavonhamster Ā· 6 years ago
1, 4, 34, 45, 60 šŸ˜…
1. Where did you hide the body?
Why are you asking? Donā€™t you have a body on your own?
4. Answer this with a lyric from the first song that comes to your mind
A couple rebel top gun pilots / Flying with nowhere to be / Donā€™t know you super well / But I think that you might be the same as me / Behave abnormally
34. Whatā€™s going on in your head?Ā 
Worries, headcanons, song lyrics, sometimes work (shocking!), spontaneous fandom music videos to the songs that Iā€™m listening to, memories, fantasies, fears, had I mentioned worries, fanfics yet unwritten, mild panic, the feeling that Iā€™ve forgotten something but I donā€™t know what it was.
45. Why?
ā€œIt may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people.ā€ - Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett and Neil GaimanĀ 
60. Any questions you want people to ask you?
Why is your car called Dick Turpin?
Could you recommend some books about [insert description]?
Which places/landmarks in Riga do you recommend visiting?
Why should I read Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell?
Well, young lady, have you been good to your mother?
Would you like to share any headcanons, especially about the post-canon household of Hector, the Quagmires, and the Widdershins, or about R the Duchess of Winnipeg, or about lemonberry ice (particularly the explicit stuff), or about anything else?
What is so great aboutĀ Les MisĆ©rables, anyway?
How did your trip to the Czech Republic in spring go?
If there is nothing out there, then what was that noise?
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strawberrylemonz Ā· 5 months ago
My Old DSMP Fics
Hey guys! I've received some messages from people (on other platforms) regarding the old DSMP fics I deleted/discontinued.
I originally put these stories on hiatus after the unfortunate passing of Technoblade (I miss him every day). This changed when the allegations and actions of certain people came to light. I just felt uncomfortable having my work out after that, does that make sense?
Anywho, after speaking to these people who read and enjoyed my fanfics, I've decided to bring them back! I'm going back and going through the fanfics that I deleted or just never finished and am working to bring them back to life!
I will put a disclaimer that under no circumstances do I support any of the terrible people or the things that they did. I will simply be writing their dsmp characters. Even then, a lot of their character endings that I originally planned have been changed. I don't care how this makes me look, they're my works of writing.
I will be posting these stories on Ao3, but I will post the links to them on here!
Please let me know if you guys want me to start posting the stories on here like I used to do back then, lol. I'll definitely consider it if it's something you guys want!
Here are the fanfictions that I'll be bringing back!
-Double Dadza (Renamed Incombrehensible)
-UncleInnit Trilogy
-Into The Tommyverse
-Crowned Jewels
Don't see a fic that I used to write on the list? I've most likely just misplaced my document on it! Just let me know and I'll try and find it and bring it back! Even if just one of you guys ever found my stories entertaining or fun, I'll be very happy to bring it back to you all! The fact that a lot of these were Tommy centric will definitely help me feel more comfortable bringing them back!
My messages is always open, and I'll consider opening my inbox again soon (I was getting a lot of nsfw bots in there, sorry for closing it)
Until next time, this is Strawberry signing out!
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whoslaurapalmer Ā· 8 years ago
Alright I spent five days hammering out that weird eternal sunshine of the spotless mind crossover and now itā€™s DONE so I can GET BACK TO THE OTHER FANFIC Iā€™M SUPPOSED TO BE WRITING, THANK GOD
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whoslaurapalmer Ā· 5 years ago
1, 2, 4, 5, 13, 20?
thank you!!
1. who is thehardest character for you to write?
for peaks, itā€™sforever and ever and always cooper, I feel like I can never get him to do notonly what heā€™s supposed to but HOW heā€™s supposed to do it, likefinding the place to write from that will make him, in-character, with all that coop is, ishard. I think Iā€™ve gotten alittle better???? but???? if Iā€™ve stalled in a peaks fic itā€™s 100% because of this lil yahoo
for sad lemon man,jacques gives me some problems because writing him feels like tryingto stay balanced on a really thin line between extremes.cause thatā€™s how jacques is. like with coop, the more layers acharacter is operating under, the harder a time I have balancing thesheer denial and how tight the writing has to be. I also have zero (0) perceptions of the denouementswhich is why, I donā€™t typically, write themā€¦ā€¦.
2. who is theeasiest character for you to write?
for peaks, alwayslaura and albert, because I know where iā€™m coming at them from. donnais also fairly easy.
for sad lemon man,lemony, because Iā€™ve worked for so long to get his style right thatI usually donā€™t have many problems with him, and beatrice, since sheā€™s, always60% me (so the layers she has tend to not distract as much cause they are also. filtered through me)
4. Where do yourstory ideas come from?
either wanting toexplore a character at a certain point on their timeline to saysomething about who I think they are (which created fics like,welcome home, one day past the end of the world, time present andtime past), or from thinking through canon events and wondering howthings happened and trying to come up with an explanation that makessense to me (which created babybea, beaā€™s letter, an afternoon longago, i will get there (to an extent)). or just thinking, ā€œwellthatā€™d be fun.ā€ (all the lemonberry ice is me thinking ā€œsoundslike a good timeā€)
and movies. we wouldnot have beatrice or parent trap au without me latching onto likeevery movie Iā€™ve ever watched and going ā€˜I need to fic thatā€™,especially because two wips I have are also, based on, movies......
5. Do you tell thepeople in your life that you write fics?
TECHNICALLY, YES,but, also, no
my mom and mybrother know, because I talk (and stress.) about it all the time,because itā€™s what Iā€™m usually doing, but itā€™s not a fact that Itypically give out. Iā€™ve been writing it for so long that Idistinctly remember the days where you had to try and explain fanficto people who just Werenā€™t Getting It, and to people who got reallyshitty about it because they just HAD to tell you that you werenā€™tgoing to make money writing fic. even though. thatā€™s not. why I didit. (and thatā€™s not why I write in the FIRST PLACE EITHER)so thereā€™s still something very embarrassing about me telling likemy irl friends about it, especially when they arenā€™t as invested infandoms to the level that I am. so itā€™s weird. but if they ask whatIā€™ve been writing, because they all know I write, then I will NotLie and I will say Iā€™m writing fic (because I mean it IS what Iā€™vebeen doing.) and then hope they donā€™t ask follow-up questions. someof them have asked to read it and you know how like you can bare yoursoul on tumblr and in writing to complete strangers or internetfriends and itā€™s good and fine because somehow they get it butsomeone you know, irl, personally, who can look you in the eye,reading your writing, that can sometimes have such terrible deeppersonal shit in it that in fact ahahahaha your irl friends donā€™tknow, so they donā€™t get it, and how terrifying that is??????I try and change the subject fast after that and hope they forgetthey asked.
(how did I make itthrough writing workshops, then??? because you start the semester notknowing anyone and just diving deep into writing anyway so by the endof the semester they know your terrible soul and you as aperson. so it works out.)
13. How do you comeup with your titles?
they are pretty muchjust song lyrics, poetry, or relevant quotes from the source materialin question or the fic itself. i still wind up stressing a lot about them though!! titles can really stick in peopleā€™s heads so you want it to be GOOD but THEMATICALLY RELEVANT but also MEMORABLE and that can be a lot. some fics have cycled through different lines from the same song or completely different songs if i didnā€™t think the whole song vibed enough.Ā 
20. What story thatyou have written makes you the happiest to re-read?
parent trap au!!!!!it still regularly delights me. I wrote it to make me laugh, so it still makes me laugh, and I am just, always so excited that I got to makeother people laugh too. you donā€™t always know how your humor isgoing to read to other people. I was so worried it was going to come offas, really stupid. like itā€™s easy to write something heartbreaking and have that connect, because people pick up on those emotions, we all have that place where something sad hits, but itā€™s harder to write something funny and have that connect in the same way because humor isĀ so subjective so it doesnā€™t hit like that. so knowing that not only did it work for me, but it really really worked for other people, makes me the happiest.Ā 
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whoslaurapalmer Ā· 5 years ago
L, R, M, and N!!
L: Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging towrite?
and Iā€™vewritten pages upon pages trying to rid you from my bones had mein regular agony for the month I was writing it. constant. constantanxiety. to try and get intothat mindset of someone breaking up with someone they love so muchbecause of Just How Life (And Spy-Adjacent Stuff) Happens Sometimesand the details about all the love and heartbreak, ithurt!! I was also thinking of my own ill-fated romance-relatedwriting that I did in high school while listening to that particulardecemberists song, so there was. old background emotion going on,too.
anytime I write laura is also emotionally challenging, just by thenature of writing laura??? like. thereā€™s a lot of my brain in laurabut thereā€™s also so much about laura that isnā€™tin my life and to get through all that, to keep in mind everythingabout her, itā€™s a bigweight. not a bad weight but just, youā€™re dealing with heavy thingsand trying to get it right.
R: Which writers(fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on youand your writing?
renā€™s meta and thepeaks chat in general has helped inform a lotof the way that I view peaks. like there are certainly thoughts of myown that Iā€™ve stuck to, because I look down on my own analysissometimes and I shouldnā€™t because some of it was fine!, and Istarted watching it knowing that I was getting involved in somethingthat was really heavy, but it took a while for certain things toclick and to understand all of the vulnerability being asked and someof the character or theme nuances that I didnā€™t get right away. andreading all that helped but sometimes I worry that I rely on it toomuch and I donā€™t think about the series enough myself, but, thatā€™s,an entirely different problem, but something that I am also consciousof here
in sad lemon man, Idefinitely would not ship lemonberry ice without having seen it onsaraā€™s blog, also reasonably positive that some tiny headcanons Ihave like beatrice wearing glasses and kit getting the family intovfd are from her, and just in terms of like top-notch content thatlined up with how I saw the series and expanded on things I wasalready thinking, 100% sara. anytime sara or ren reblog somethingfrom me I still get so thrilled. I feel like Iā€™ve made itā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.
non-fanfic wise,leigh bardugo and danhan are writers that I greatly admire and that Itry to glean worldbuilding/backstory and deep gutting emotion from,respectively, because those are the things I think they do the bestand what I respect in their work. and no one writes ā€˜I will workthrough trauma and by god I will be okay!!!!!!!!!!ā€™ like natsukitakaya. fruits basket is ingrained in my soul and pops up in mywriting when I least expect it.
M: Whatā€™s theweirdest AU scenario youā€™ve ever come up with? Did it turn into astory?
parent trap au.hands-down. and if you count ā€˜I posted the 22k outlineā€™ as ā€˜itturned into a storyā€™ then HELL YEAH
other than that, myAU ideas are kind of??? chill????? not really weird??? mostly justrole reversals or modern AUs or what if I combined this book and thismovie or this book and that book, most of which are notas wild as parent trap au. I try to keep it. reasonable. over here.especially after all the weird AUs I wrote in middle school. I reinmyself in a lot. (although I still did once say ā€˜arthur + sugarbowl genā€™ but admitted arthur was already a really modern AU ofthem anyway and went no further.)
living a quietexistence, deep in my laptop, is theā€¦.almost 100-page outline/notesof my gravity falls/peaks AU. (not that thatā€™s necessarily weird,because of all the similarities, but, also kind ofweird? as sailorleo once said, ā€˜donā€™t think about it too hard.ā€™)thereā€™s some great, great stuff in there but I justā€¦.the older Igot, the more I looked at it, the less okay I was with some of thestuff Iā€™d written??? it originated in like the end of the ā€˜causedipper pines a decent amount of pain and suffering, honestly morethan he experienced in canon in the first placeā€™ era of tumblr,even if in the outline it was very subconscious and not on purposeand I did try to make it flow well, and when I thought aboutit after graduating college and gravity falls was over, I just didnā€™tlike it and couldnā€™t commit to another way to write it (although Idid have quite a few scenarios, I just, didnā€™t.). a lot of goodnotes, though. I still think about certain scenes. some of the themesI did manage to hit pretty well.
this is sure aStatement to make, but relevant to the question, but that AU wasactually how i will get there came to be and I will have to beasked specifically for thatbackground story to reveal it
N: Any fic ideasbrewing that youā€™d care to share?
beyond my current active wips (laura fic, and like idk seven sadlemon man ones what is time or life) ā€“
-thismay actually fall under ā€˜weird AUā€™ but I want to write. for sadlemon man. and I have brought this up afew times before Iā€™m justvery excited for it. gustav sebaldfound footage AU. I knowlikeā€¦.40% of how itā€™ll go. I need to do some foundfootage/horror-ish research but I know EXACTLY thekind of stuff I want for it,I just havenā€™t had the time to get into it. andhorror is not my natural vibe at ALL, notby ANY MEANS, but it issomething Iā€™ve been trying to figure out.
-youknow those two teenage cashiers when sarah palmer buys the vodka ins3???? I want to write about them. Iwant to write about them so bad. theyhave names!!! theyā€™re on their nametags!!! they arenā€™t in thecredits, though!!!! their names are oscar and victoria and I hopetheyā€™re okay!!!!! ifI was like, up on my tulpa game I would write it like that becauseof how much they look like coop and laura but my notes are reallyjust about them living in town.
-thisisnā€™t brewing necessarily but sometimes I want to write 1944 laurashenanigans but sam I actually still have your fic on my desk and youhit allthe themesI would want to write about and I love it
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whoslaurapalmer Ā· 5 years ago
sometimes I have so many intertwined thoughts that i have to number them, it's one of those nights!!
1) I feel like half of my life is me reading something about writing and going 'fuck, do I do that???? am I writing that right'
2) and sometimes that is IMPORTANT to think and has made me rethink plot points or add lines to make something more clear, which is good
3) but sometimes it just makes me overthink my work and that's a problem given the amount of overthinking I do about it in general
4) and I'm talking like, today I saw a tweet about 'that part in the movie where characters suddenly argue for no reason' / 'that plot point of a misunderstanding that can be resolved by people taking like actual adults but don't do it because drama' is bad writing
5) and, hard agree. It 100% is.
6) but it also got me thinking, 'fuck, do I have spots in any of my wips where something like that occurs and is the rest of the plot of that story THAT flimsy as well?????'
7) which led me to reread my notes for (this is literally what the outline is called.) 'not-christmas in not-connecticut' which is a lemonberry ice outline I've been trying to pull together for an ungodly two years (not consistently. I have clearly been writing other things in the meantime), and involves a lot of stuff re: bea I haven't really gotten to put in another fic, and I was tentatively thinking I'd work on it next after The Other Fic Commitments
8) and I thought 'does any of this make sense??? like I based it so loosely on that movie that it's not that movie but the movie pretty much holds up but does the fic hold up???? is the vague outline too flimsy??? is that a flimsy-ness I can fix or is it just not going to work out at all???????'
9) this then led me to, I miss workshopping and being able to ask questions about my work to other people while it was still like, not necessarily Unfinished because we were turning things in for a grade, but had the acknowledgement that it wasn't Perfect, and was still close enough to a draft that other thoughts mattered but was still, a good piece, and hitting publish on a fic does not give me that same sense that it's still malleable, when I hit publish I do not look back (except to fix a grammar or spelling error.)
10) and sometimes I kind of wish I could ask someone to do that with my fic????? But that's also highly terrifying because I never (ever.) (never.) had a beta or someone like that in fic writing because it had to be someone that I liked and trusted otherwise that wasn't just for writing, I guess, and I never wanted to ask or felt comfortable asking or actually had anyone to ask that was in the same fandom (and to the constant depth that I was) that we could bounce ideas off each other
11) I also like keeping my fic a secret to surprise people although when you're writing fic, in a fandom, around canon events, that everyone knows, and is aware of, there really is no surprise, I have just been writing fanfic for so long with knowing only I would read it that it's a habit now to still mostly keep quiet about it (so the past two years of people actively reading my fic has been delightful and terrifying!)
12) anyway it's not the ONLY long lemonberry ice wip I have kicking around but i had to axe one that said a lot about lemony's character that I couldn't reproduce without that specific plot, and I really don't want to do that with this one!!!!! I want to get those ideas out there and I hate it when I overthink them!!!!!! because that's what this boils down to!!!!!!!!! and I have so many ideas!!!!!!!!!!!
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whoslaurapalmer Ā· 6 years ago
pretty much whenever i write lemonberry ice i am writing in an assumed au/canon divergence where everything works out for them and they all get to be happy, but for this fanfic 1) there was no way i couldnā€™t write it as lemonberry ice 2) there was also no way it was going to end happily because iā€™m actually adhering to a very specific canon event 3) iā€™m very upset about this 4) Iā€™M DOING IT ANYWAYĀ 
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whoslaurapalmer Ā· 6 years ago
itā€™s, time for, the monthly fanfic update, which has no rhyme or reason or schedule but is mostly me hoping i will get my ass in gear to get shit done if i post about itĀ 
-LAST MONTH I POSTED THAT FANFIC WHICH MEANS I AM FREE FROM RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!!Ā  -sadly no it does not. -i am not free. from my wips.Ā  -laura fic has returned to number one priority.Ā  -after that itā€™ll probably be elvis and then ellington, or ellington and then elvis, i donā€™t know, what is time???? i just recently realized that i started thinking about elvis fic in november 2018. ellington fic was originally planned in october 2018.Ā  -where am i. -then i will be free from responsibility.Ā  -and then decide if i want to tackle one of the many (so many.) lemonberry ice longfics i have laying around, for lemonyā€™s pov of babybea, or the olaf fic, which has, for the record, been hanging around since october 2017 which is a terrifying thought.Ā  -might also contend with some of the little bits i have hanging around for some other (short!!!!) peaks ficĀ  -also have to figure out which lemonberry ice wips areĀ ā€˜longficsā€™ and which ones areĀ ā€˜hey this would be cool to writeā€™ andĀ ā€˜donā€™t you know you could write that shorter???????ā€™ andĀ ā€˜FIGURE OUT IF THIS IS EVEN WORTH PURSUING, DAMMITā€™ -fuck!!!! somewhere in here i will also deal with the apprenticeship ficĀ Ā 
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whoslaurapalmer Ā· 6 years ago
so i got one (1???? 1!!!!) fanfic posted out of the four (4????????????) i intended to post in june, which is.......honestly, sort of an improvement on my time management, not necessarily what i wanted to happen but at least i posted ONE OF THEMĀ 
-i do intend to finish elvis fic.............this monthĀ  -iā€™m being less ambitious and going with the vagueĀ ā€˜well a month is at least some sort of fixture of time, what is time?????ā€™Ā  -and hopefully the ellington fic??? -god iā€™d better get the ellington fic done.Ā  -forget i ever mentioned apprentice fic. for right now. forget that one.Ā  -once i make a timeline and sort out some ideas about what happened when, i will write lemonyā€™s POV of babybeaĀ  -i am haunted by the giant lemonberry ice fics that i have planned but. barely written. i am haunted by an enormous amount of unfinished fanfic. i am but one woman with too many fic documents open, just doing her best, which in fact could be a little better if she obtained time management again. maybe. sometime. this year. i will. get one of those done............................
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whoslaurapalmer Ā· 7 years ago
The babybea fic is 11,136 words and Iā€™m still not done!!!! Iā€™m still!!!! not done!!!! I am almost done though. For sure.Ā  Mostly this is just EXCITING because I havenā€™t written something long but still short enough to finish in a reasonable amount of time in a while and ugggg am I looking forward to posting this wonderful mess of.......stuffĀ 
and thereā€™s honestly so much stuff Iā€™ve been working on that Iā€™m so excited to post if I can actually get them done, theyā€™re just so........fucking longĀ  but I have it sort of worked out what Iā€™m going to get done after this????? the olaf fic is probably next because I need to get that done so bad but it needs a lot more work first, and then itā€™s just..........so much lemonberry ice, like, I canā€™t even give an accurate estimation of just how manyĀ lemonberry ice fics I have sitting around waiting to be written/planned more so I can write them
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whoslaurapalmer Ā· 7 years ago
What fic/s are you working on right now?
oh no, so manybut the ones iā€™msuper committed to that honestly, genuinely look that they willbe finished within the foreseeable future, somewhere, or the onesthat I will be devastated if I do not eventually finish cause I lovethem so much and I really, really want people to read them ā€“
a million (it sure feels like a million, I never stop thinking of this pairing) lemonberryice fanfics (lemony/beatrice/bertrand)-the singin inthe rain fic-the design forliving fic-the wedding fic
I donā€™t ALWAYSbase (or loosely base, those two are really loosely based) myfics off of movies but sometimes you just see The Right Movie and yougotta try and do the thing. (the wedding fic isnā€™t based on a movieitā€™s just straight-up wedding shenanigans. I didnā€™t know if Iwould write it at first but then I was like, ā€˜nope, gotta see thisone through, too good an opportunity to pass up,ā€™ so the file titleon my laptop is literally ā€˜the silly thingā€™)
a fic about moxiemallahan, light of my life, intrepid reporter extraordinaire, sort offighting vfd and definitely being a badass
a fic that is justbeatrice/bertrand having some great sort-of noir adventures(with subtle angst!), itā€™s not high on my list of priorities but Ihave a lot of good thoughts for itĀ 
the sequel (of sorts, i feel weird calling it a sequel) to ā€˜iwill get there,ā€™ which involves a lot more donna cause youcanā€™t talk about laura without talking about donna (and vice versa!and thereā€™s a million sad things about cooper in this one too.)(this one will probably take the longest to finish just because iā€™mso. careful. with this fanfic. and I have a. bit of a dilemma about aplot point. that iā€™m still trying to figure out.)
if youā€™ve beenfollowing me for a while you probably saw me mention ā€˜giant fanfic1ā€™ and ā€˜giant fanfic 2ā€™ back in the summer and ā€˜giant fanfic2ā€™ is the wedding fic, but ā€˜giant fanfic 1ā€™ is the firstlemonberry ice fic I seriously planned and like, I have planned thatfanfic over and over and over again within an inch of its life and ISTILL have problems with it, and then Iā€¦.started pulling bits fromit for other fanfics that I felt better about (namely. singin in therain), so while it, thematically, has things iā€™m fucking WILDabout, and good serious consideration of lemonyā€™s flaws and thebiggest vfd-related fuckup I ever came up with, that I would love towrite, thereā€™s something about it that just. stalls on me. so thatoneā€™s there, on the back-burner, as a million charts with a millionnotes crammed into my fanfic notebook, and hopefully. I can work thatone out. one of these days.
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