#lemme just go crawl like a worm under a rock
roronoa-roro · 2 years
Fuck This
You were fuming.
And Wakatoshi knew it.
He knew not to ignore you when you were horny. But he ignored you anyway. You had pled so damn much, even getting on your knees before him.
But the bozo had just waved you away, picking up the laptop and locking himself up in his study. He needed to focus on the matches of his next opponents. And that would be difficult if you kept bugging him about it.
He definitely didn't realize the gravity of the situation. Or the depth of the grave he dug for himself.
And now, after eight hours of being flat-out ignored, Wakatoshi admits he was wrong. And as you pull the sheets over your head he sits in the living room on the couch occasionally tapping on his phone; probably googling 'how to calm an angry s/o' if you had to take a guess.
You feel the other side of the bed dip as he slips under the sheets. There's shuffling noises coming from his side and before you know he slides his dick between your thighs.
You scoff at his audacity and move to turn around but his words stop you. "I offer you a sausage to quell your anger. I'm sorry that I made you mad. It will happen again." The solemnity in his voice as if he's a priest preaching the bible and the way his dick is roc hard between your thighs makes you blink your eyes for a second and then wince.
"Toshi... You should stop taking suggestions from Tendo."
"Is it not working? Are you still mad at me?"
You sit up, shortly followed by him and your eyes immediately drop to his schlong almost kissing his belly button.
"Yes, I am!" You exclaim. No, you're not. Your cringing with the second-hand embarrassment you know your husband never felt. The embarrassment is so much you almost forgot you were angry at him.
And his erection is not helping either. Your eyes steal glances of his pretty cock and you struggle to maintain eye contact with him.
Ushijima hums, "You don't seem angry though. And you are not ignoring me either. I think it worked." There's that sly smile creeping up his face and you want to scratch at it; hopefully, peel a layer of that tough skin off and make him feel what embarrassment is.
"well, I am. And I'm still ignoring you!" You slip under the sheets again, turning away and huffing to yourself.
"Then I can do nothing but offer you the sausage again. It works."
You laugh this time. And as you feel him sliding his dick back between your warm thighs you bury your face into the pillows and mumble "Why are you like this, Toshi."
"You said this will happen again." You recall. Ushijima admits, "Tendo told me to be honest."
Aaaand Ushijima landed back at square one, oblivious as to what made you so angry again and pushing his dick deeper between your thighs hoping it will work this time.
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heartfucksmouth · 2 years
Science Tumblr or anyone who cares:
I made an eco-jar/biosphere one day from a local pond. Yes, I'm aware there is red algae, my last one did this and eventually settled with some adjustment and less sunlight and I cleaned it up and now I've just got some green algae going on and little sea-monkey shrimp, maybe detritus worms. I didn't have much for plants in that one though (although i have some tiny floating duckweed pads forming!), and clearly, these plants are not surviving. I do wonder what it says about the state of the ponds i collected from, or if its just a matter of my own errors. Not what I'm here to talk about!
I have a friend in this jar. I had found an earthworm in there the day i made it and thought he wouldnt enjoy living underwater forever, so I freed him in the yard. This particular friend didn't show themselves until a couple weeks later, and I've been watching them for over a week. I don't know what type of worm/nematode they are and I'm mainly fascinated but also slightly creeped out, haha. like I have an alien trapped in a jar.
Friend will come out every morning and do this little dance for a while. They swim around and hide under debris again. Then come out and dance some more. Sometimes they'll surface and stick their head out of the water! They suction onto the glass with their... butt, or sometimes hold onto the plant stalks (when they were fresh and sturdy) but I also saw them crawl INSIDE the stalk and def eat it. I believe they were eating the algae off the glass in the beginning, but it could have just been getting its bearings. I think they eat the tiny white swimmy things that I will simply call sea monkeys bc I don't have a microscope. So... omnivorous? opportunist?
My worm friend swims like a mermaid, undulating up and down with a flattened body, not side to side like an eel.
here they are right this second suctioned to the glass, sorry it's a 2 second gif:
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please have a morning dance session:
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So, um, yeah.
I want to clean this up! level it out more (too much sand/rocks) and maaaybe put a small snail or two (to help with algae and bc fish would be very sad in these) in here eventually and get a couple plants that would be happy.
But is this worm be parasitic and came from like, idk, goose poop? will it eat snails if I put them in there? will it climb out one night and eat me like in alien horror movies? is it actually helpful and eating the bad bacteria and i got extra lucky? if anyone has any guesses as to what it is - lemme know. friendly advice on biosphere/eco-jars also welcome, it was my friends idea from a tik tok and I was like "okay, science experiment" and I got way more into it than she did bc she kinda gave up once hers got the algae bloom. I refuse!
okay so I think just got a video of heem eating? slowed down to 1/2 time. turn your volume down bc the fan was going so it's just droning in the background. this has all been happening while trying to write this!
what a weirdo.
bless myles for tolerating my shit, honestly.
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Sanders Sides Canon Divergence AU - fluff/angst - hurt/comfort - some intrigue - actually has a plot (side eyes my other fics) - largely Virgil centric - it’s about growth i guess idk
Words: 4,140 Warnings: Fire, Gross things, Fighting, Food, Teasing Characters: Virgil, Patton, Remus, Janus, Roman Universe: Storytime! Genre: Clingy Idiocy
Chapter 25: In Which They Opt to Burn Comic Books Instead of Self-Immolation
Virgil continues to be a clingy idiot tbh touch starved people rejoice
chapter 1 for new readers - ffn mirror
   Virgil woke to a gentle buzzing in his pocket. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and slowly looked around. He must have not been too deep asleep. He keeps his phone in a gentle setting so it wouldn’t startle him when D needed something. He was somehow still holding Patton on the couch. He was almost impressed with himself. Patton seemed to have woken up to the vibration under him as well, as he looked confused. Virgil gently kissed Patton’s Forehead and he smiled and seemed happy. He watched Patton yawn widely with no sound.
   “Lemme get this, Pat,” Virgil mumbled sleepily and dropped his hood, then fished his phone out of his hoodie pocket from under Patton’s legs. ‘The room is ready. Just shoot the duke a note when you leave. I will be working here alone until then.’ The message said. Attached was a map pin of the mind palace. Oh, he hoped it was Deceit’s study. Virgil loved that fireplace. He could walk right in it was so huge. Something about resting in front of a furnace of death really spoke to his inner goth. He slid his phone back into his hoodie pocket and went back to holding Patton tight.
   “Did you fall asleep with me, Pat?” He asked gently and rocked him.
   “I guess being that spooked wore me out,” Patton said with a little yawn again.
   “Believe me, I’ve been there. But I bet you’ve got other things to do today now that you’re all full up on cuddle power,” Virgil said with another gentle kiss.
   “I do, but it’s so warm and snuggly in here with you,” Patton said and nuzzled into Virgil’s chest.
   “Oh, I can fix that,” Virgil said with a laugh.
   “What do you mean ‘fix that’?” Patton asked apprehensively.
   “I can make it not warm anymore,” Virgil said and released a little chill of anxiety. Patton suddenly shivered and looked shocked.
   “Boo!” Patton whined in objection. “Wait, do you have ice powers like Elsa?” Patton asked with wide, curious eyes as he took the blanket and crawled out of Virgil’s now chilly lap.
   “I wish, but no,” Virgil said with a laugh and pulled Patton in and kissed his cheek. Virgil backed up and saluted Patton. “I’m just the boogeyman,” He said with a cackle and sunk out of the room leaving Patton wrapped in a fuzzy blanket and looking more confused than when he woke up with his hand holding his cheek.
   Virgil rose into the location Deceit sent and summoned his notepad and wrote ‘f u’ and sent it off to the Duke. It was Deceit’s study, after all, though heavily scaled back. Probably because it was near the edge of the Mind Palace. It was less of a library/study and had more empty space and empty walls. The desk and Deceit’s big wingback chair was still there, and so was Virgil’s favourite fireplace and rug. But Deceit added a black leather loveseat with side tables on either end. Virgil summoned a big, fluffy throw blanket to cover the chair, just in case the duke was nasty again. Virgil walked over to Deceit’s desk where he worked and waited. After a pause, Deceit looked up at Virgil.
   “The throw was a terrible call,” Deceit said casually. Virgil stepped around the desk and held open his arms expectantly, and Deceit nodded, sighing. Virgil came over and wrapped his arms around Deceit for a moment and kissed his scaled cheek, then rubbed his cheek to it.
   “Thanks for everything, D. I think you’re my favourite, too,” Virgil breathed and smirked at Deceit’s slight flush on the human half of his face.
   “Have you been a menace?” Deceit asked with a distracted cough.
   “The worst,” Virgil smirked. “I mostly took a nap with Pat,” Virgil added quietly. “But I think it’s nicer to sleep with something else cool-blooded,” Virgil said with a coquettish smile. “I’ll try not to rile up the duke, but I get it if you have to kick us out,” Virgil said with a nod and let Deceit go. Virgil summoned a little pile of comic books and two pairs of headphones as he walked over to the table and loveseat and dropped them on the table. He put the headphones in a splitter and hung a music player from the back of the big chair and laid back to enjoy some Batman.
   Remus landed so suddenly next to him in the loveseat that Virgil jumped up in surprise and hissed. He punched Remus in the arm who smiled widely and punched right back. A strong smell punched Virgil in the face, and he shook his head in confusion. Strawberries?
   “Ream, you chose something that smells good!” Virgil said in surprise and lowered his headphones. “Is that your way of flirting?” Virgil asked with a little breezy snicker.
   “No, my way of flirting involves tentacle ooze and me and my date ending up on fire!” Remus said with a laugh and grabbed a volume of Deadpool.
   “Well, warn a side, so I can make myself a fire-and-ooze proof suit,” Virgil said and started to pull his headphones back on. “Hey, I don’t suppose you can summon food? I can only make drinks,” Virgil asked as he dropped his headphones midway. Remus laughed and held a plate of what looked like worms and bloody goose livers. “Oh god, send that off! That’s fucking gross,” Virgil said and sputtered slightly. “What do you want to drink?… And if it’s like expired pigs’ milk or something, I’m not fucking making it,” Virgil stuck his tongue out and grimaced in disgust.
   Remus rolled his eyes. “If I wanted to drink cornea juice, I’d summon it myself,” Remus said haughtily. Virgil shuttered at the concept of juicing eyeballs. “I’ll take a rum and coke,” He said, surprisingly reasonably. Virgil summoned a highball glass and tapped the side of the rim and it filled with skull ice cubes and the drink requested.
   “I can’t make, like top-shelf rum or anything, but it’s good enough for the likes of you,” Virgil said teasingly and handed the duke the glass. Virgil summoned himself a tea latte. He paused for a moment and then remembered to summon coasters, handing the duke one and placing one on his side table to put his latte on. “If we make a mess in here, we will get strung up, so please reign in that need till you get back to your room,” Virgil asked with exasperation. Remus unexpectedly just nodded and leaned up against Virgil and started reading. Virgil took a deep breath and settled down. He was a little baffled by the duke being reasonable for once, but maybe Deceit told him to be less of a shit head in here.
   Virgil put down his comic on the side table, seeing that Remus obviously wanted to cuddle again, and grabbed and yanked Remus closer on to him, and punched him in the arm. Remus smiled widely and punched back. They both laughed and started wrestling on the couch, the duke dropping his copy of Deadpool to the ground.
   A loud throat-clearing echoed across the room and they both froze. After a beat they chuckled nervously and Virgil ended up lying across the Duke’s lap and holding himself up on his elbows to read, and the duke sat up with his legs on the table. Virgil straightened the cord on headphones and handed Remus the other pair so he could listen if he wanted. Remus took it, and Virgil grabbed Deadpool off the floor for him and passed it up. Remus also liked his music, and it was one of the few things he never made fun of Virgil for, and it seemed like it was a safe assumption that he wanted to listen after all when he slid the headphones on. Virgil focused back upon his Batman comic and they read together, listening to screaming metal music.
   Virgil had gotten through 2 volumes of Detective Comics and yawned. He reached down and put the volume on the floor with the others and stretched across Remus’s lap.
   “Hey, don’t fall asleep, purple-pus,” Remus said and punched Virgil in the back. Virgil couldn’t really punch back at this angle, so he just groaned.
   “I won’t fall asleep, ooze-for-brains, just let me sit up and get my tea,” Virgil said with another little yawn. Remus punched him in the back again and left him pinned. “Don’t think I’m above freezing your ass. I will totally do it,” Virgil warned. Remus put his Elbows on Virgil’s back and hummed a nonsense tune. Virgil groaned. “You asked for it,” Virgil hissed and let out a powerful wave of anxious chill. Remus yelped and quickly lifted his arms to warm himself. Virgil took the chance and rolled off him to get his latte. He stood next to the couch and shuttered from his own cold.
   “You bitch,” Remus said and shivered, though he didn’t look upset in the least.
   “Takes one to know one,” Virgil said and took his latte to go sit down on the rug in front of the fireplace to warm up. Remus followed him and laid down facing the fire on his stomach, kicking his legs and entranced by watching the flames dance. “You can’t self-immolate in here, I asked,” Virgil said with a laugh and laid down facing up and Remus’s back. Remus groaned in disappointment.
   Virgil rolled to his side and laid lackadaisically across the duke’s back. He sighed and resisted the urge to reach up and jab Remus in the side. He knew they’d get out of hand and stopped himself. He saw Remus’s arm outstretched, and his hand twitched parallel to him and laughed.
   “Are you trying to resist the urge to fight, too?” Virgil asked quietly.
   “I’m innocent!” He blurted and pulled his arm back. “Wait, too?” Remus asked with a chuckle.
   “Yeah, your face is just so damn punchable,” Virgil said with a laugh. “I’m already kind of feeling your intrusive bullshit and it makes me antsy,” Virgil said and got up to grab the comics to move them over. “Hey, know what’s not self-immolation but involves burning stuff? We can chuck the volumes we finished in the fire,” Virgil said and placed the Deadpool stack in front of the duke. Virgil chucked one of the completed Detective Comics in the fire and they both watched it go up quickly, the ink staining the flames as it burned through the thin pages. Remus cheered and threw another one in. All the red in the pages lit up the fireplace.
   They went back to reading, taking breaks to throw comics in the fireplace, and sometimes chatting and showing each other particularly brutal parts in the comics they were reading. Virgil knew Remus would want to see, and he assumed Remus did it because he wanted to see Virgil cringe. But he didn’t mind as long as Remus let him get in a good punch or kick for it.
   “Hey, 8-eyes, it wasn’t that scary, turn off the fucking A/C,” Remus whined as he pulled back his comic. Virgil was paralyzed on the spot. The darkness in the corners grew, and he involuntarily felt himself shake. “Deedee, Your pet spider is freaking the fuck out over here,” He could hear Remus distantly as a static sound overtaking his brain overwhelmed him. “Your pet spider also smells like it’s about to fucking electrocute me and I am pinned by it,” Remus called out again, sounding a little strangled and panicky. Virgil could feel a vague sensation pushing against him, but he couldn’t move. “Though, maybe it could be fun!” Remus’s distant cackling meshed with the voices that were even more overlapped and louder than before. He saw Deceit walk over and Virgil’s mouth was too dry to speak and tell him it started.
   Deceit reached down and placed a hand on Virgil, and his eyes widened. Virgil’s vision waned, and he grabbed his head, trying to block out the loud sounds in his ears. But no matter how hard he pushed, he could still hear their muddled voices just as loudly. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to breathe, but it didn’t feel like enough air came.
   “Virgil, look at my face,” He could make out a voice say. He peeked open one eye and saw Deceit sitting right in front of him. Virgil opened both eyes and glanced around, seeing he was in his own room and sitting on the floor. He couldn’t stop his eyes from looking around wildly and he felt a tight squeeze on his arm. “Virgil, look at my face,” Deceit said again, firmer. “You’re fine. You are not there anymore,” Virgil shivered and leaned into Deceit’s chest. Deceit pulled him in, and they laid back on the floor. Virgil’s breathing went back to normal when he realized the sound and the voices were gone again.
   “Thanks,” Virgil said with a shutter. He felt a tear run down his cheek. “D-do you know what that is?” Virgil asked nervously. 
   “I couldn’t hear anything,” Deceit said calmly. “I just felt the change in environment and saw the shadows,” Deceit said and stroked Virgil’s head. “I think you have about 2 hours you can safely be in there,” He added.
   “I didn’t hurt Remus, Did I?” Virgil asked quietly. There was an amused hiss.
   “He can sleep it off,” Deceit smiled with grim humor. Virgil laughed weakly. Crap, he was having a nice time with Remus and ruined it. And they both needed the break from all the stress Thomas has lately. Hopefully Remus wasn’t too mad at him for fucking it up. Thomas’s stress affects Remus almost as much as it does Virgil. He sighed and felt his stomach growl. 
   “I’m starving,” Virgil trailed off quietly.
   “I’ll summon you something,” Deceit said calmly and sat up to stand. He pulled Virgil with him and deposited Virgil at the table. “What do you want, darling?” Deceit sat next to him and placed his hand on Virgil’s back.
   “Something warm,” he said quietly as he sat down. Deceit summoned him a bowl of hearty stew and hot apple cider. Virgil looked up at Deceit’s face. It was very soft, but there was a pain in his eyes.
   “Will you eat with me?” Virgil asked quietly, dropping against the table, already anticipating his answer.
   “No,” Deceit said calmly and held his stomach.
   “Did I get you, too? I’m so sorry,” Virgil said and grabbed Deceit’s arm before he could protest and pulled as hard as he could. He felt a cold sweat break out on his brow.
   “I would have been fine,” Deceit said in exasperation. Virgil tried to take a deep breath, and a dead sounding laugh broke out of his chest. “It wasn’t very much. I just can’t stay,” Deceit said quietly.
   “Oh, right, my room,” Virgil said with disappointment heavy in his voice. “We could go to yours?” He asked, a little hope sparkling through.
   “I think that’s not the best idea, darling. You need to recover here for now. Eat and take a nap,” Deceit ordered resolutely. He summoned the fat snake plush Virgil left on his bed. “I’ll keep an eye on you,” He said, pointing at his snake eye and clearly trying to placate Virgil. What in the world did Virgil accidentally push on Deceit to make him act like this? Virgil nodded, and Deceit, raccoon eyes evident, sunk on the spot. Virgil reached out and grabbed the snake plush from the table and held it with one arm while he slowly ate with the other.
   Virgil woke up from the nap feeling much better than earlier. He was still fuzzy and weird, but it didn’t matter much as long as he had a better handle on himself. He yawned and stretched out and crawled off the couch. He was still hungry, so he summoned some fruit juice and downed it. It wasn’t the same. He threw the glass in frustration and it disappeared mid-air. It felt like it had been so long since he was last alone. Not knowing what to do with himself, Virgil flopped down and scrolled Tumblr on the couch. Seeing the cool fan art and the friendly comments were awesome. Virgil also liked to keep track of the mean comments. Just in case. While scrolling Tumblr, a red shield sticky note fell on his face.
   Virgil rose into Roman’s room right away and immediately tackled Roman where he stood. He was glad he didn’t have to sit alone any longer after this afternoon's debacle. 
   “I missed you,” Virgil whined and rubbed his face against Roman’s tunic and squeezed Roman’s arms to his side, trapping him. Roman chuckled awkwardly and slightly tried to shift under his arms.
   “It hasn’t been that long, panic station,” Roman said with a soft laugh. “Are you going to let me out?”
   “If I let you go, you might leave,” Virgil groaned.
   “You’re in my room!” Roman said with a laugh and struggled under Virgil’s arms again. Virgil groaned and squeezed again. “C’mon, Virge, this hurts,” Roman winced. Virgil let go of him and rolled off of him, lying flat on the floor and whining incoherently while Roman sat up and took a deep breath. Roman leaned over Virgil’s face and smiled sardonically. Virgil stopped and stared up at him in confusion. Then Roman punched him hard, right in the face.
   “What the fuck?” Virgil said, holding his cheek and glaring at Roman’s smug smile.
   “I win. Come on, you clingy weirdo, couch,” Roman commanded with a chuckle. “And that’s an order,” Roman added with a wink and laughed. Virgil chuckled with a little embarrassment and followed Roman over. Roman yanked Virgil in when he got close and Virgil latched on.
   “What are we up to then, Sir?” Virgil said with a catty smirk. Roman flushed slightly. Virgil made a face. That wasn’t enough payback for the teasing or the guerilla victory. He’d have to come up with something else.
   “First, why don’t you tell me why you’re being a little extra crazy today?” Roman asked and brushed Virgil’s hair out of his face. Virgil shook his head, and the bangs came back.
   “Excuse me, I was informed in the past that I needed that to be an emo nightmare,” Virgil said and tried to smack Roman in the arm, but Roman caught him. “I’m still mad you got the drop on me again,” Virgil whined. “Let me punch you back,”
   “I refuse. I already won,” Roman chided light-heartedly. “Though, I’m not convinced you couldn’t just throw me across the room if you really tried,” He mused.
   Virgil pulled his lips into a thin line and looked away. “I’m not supposed to,” He mumbled.
   “What do you mean you’re not supposed to?” Roman asked inquisitively.
   “Woah, when did Logan get here,” Virgil said and rolled his eyes. Roman huffed and made a face.
   “How dare- That's off subject," Roman quickly caught himself in his righteous indignation and settled back down. “Well, then, what else are you not supposed to do?” Roman asked.
   “I’m too hungry for this,” Virgil whined. “And full of blood lust!” Virgil laughed and tried to punch Roman again but he stopped him once more.
   “Quit trying to attack me and I’ll summon you some tacos,” Roman offered and rolled his eyes dramatically.
   “Oh, yeah. Deal,” Virgil conceded quickly.
   “So tell me why you’re being a little weirdo,” Roman said and held up his hand, a silver platter appearing on top of it.
   “I am the weirdo, Mister,” Virgil semi-quoted The Craft and reached up for the tacos, but Roman pinned him with his other arm. Roman just raised his eyebrow. “Come on, I’m starving,” Virgil whined and reached for the platter again.
   “I can send this away,” Roman said punitively. Virgil moaned in objection.
   “My prince is letting me wither to nothing,” Virgil said and curled up on himself in Roman’s lap.
   “You don’t need food, disaster emo,” Roman said with a bit of frustration.
   “I do,” Virgil whined. “I’m wasting away. You know I can’t tell you,” Virgil said, rolling his eyes.
   “I don’t know what,” Roman said, raising his eyebrows again.
   “You’d be mad at me,” Virgil said quietly.
   “Well, now I have to know,” Roman said with curiosity in his voice.
   “Other than the stress of all the work eating away at me?” Virgil asked hesitantly. Roman nodded, and Virgil groaned. “I, uh, I went back to the mind palace,” Virgil said, trying to sound as dismissive as possible.
   “What, you went there again? After last time?” Roman said and held his arms and wouldn’t let him cross them.
   “See?” Virgil frowned and drooped his shoulders.
   “Well, you got out. You won’t, like, puke or whatever the heck that was again, will you?” Roman eyed Virgil suspiciously.
   “No, I’m fine. Maybe,” Virgil shrugged. “Other than my acute lack-of-taco-itis,” Virgil whined and reached again for the platter. Roman groaned and lowered the platter for him. There were a few tacos with little wax paper wraps on each. Virgil greedily grabbed for one and Roman laid the platter on the back of the couch and grabbed one for himself. Virgil finished one and yawned heavily, rubbing his head against Roman’s chest again.
   “What are you, a cat?” Roman asked humorously with a lop-sided smirk.
   “Yes, I require pets and I know I’m better than you,” Virgil said and reached out for another taco. Roman stopped him.
   “Ah-ah, I need another fact for another taco,” Roman said with a rising inflection. Virgil pouted and crossed his arms.
   “About what, exactly?” Virgil asked cautiously, leaning back. “I’m taking my killer recipe for nightmare bacon to the grave,” Virgil joked airily. Roman laughed, and that made Virgil smile in satisfaction.
   “Something interesting about yourself,” Roman said temptingly, raising his eyebrows and the taco plate higher.
   “I’m starting to think you’re very cute when you’re stubborn,” Virgil teased and leaned up to kiss Roman’s cheek. Roman flushed and the arm holding up the tacos wavered. That’s better. Now they were even. “Luckily for me, that’s almost all the time,” Virgil added with a chuckle.
   “That’s not the kind of fact I’m talking about. And I’m not always stubborn,” He objected with a slight pout.
   “Oh, no! You’re getting cuter by the second! I’ve never stood a chance! You’ve basically got a giant bow on your head!” Virgil cried in mock distress and angled his head up to nuzzle Roman’s neck. Roman shivered, and the tacos lowered, but Virgil didn’t care much about them anymore. He had some food and now required cuddles. Maybe he was a cat. Virgil tittered to himself.
   “Virgil, quit being mean,” Roman said with a flush, pushing Virgil away slightly.
   “I’m not being mean, I’m being a cuddle monster who wants more contact,” Virgil said, waiting patiently at the distance Roman pushed him away, though crossing his arms. Roman looked at him, confused for a moment before he slowly lowered the tacos to the table. Virgil waited for Roman to finish his dramatics.
   “Why do you suddenly not care about the tacos? You said you were starving,” Roman asked carefully.
   “This is better than food,” Virgil purred and smiled mischievously at him.
   “You want-” Roman started.
   “Can I come back to the cuddle or not, Princey?” Virgil asked with a pout. Roman just nodded wide-eyed and Virgil quickly latched on around his neck, pulling Roman in. Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil. Virgil said softly and ran his hand through Roman’s perfect hair, messing it up just to pay him back for messing with his. Virgil gave him a toothy grin and Roman rolled his eyes at him and the remote flew into his hand. Roman flipped through the options and held on to Virgil with the other. He seemed a little annoyed, but the hug didn’t end. That just meant Virgil won in the end.
   Virgil angled to watch the TV when Roman finally picked a movie and summoned his bucket of popcorn. He offered Virgil a piece and tossed it into Virgil’s open mouth. Roman hummed with satisfaction when the popcorn landed in Virgil's mouth. They focused on the TV and relaxed, finally. Virgil didn’t even realize he needed this until he felt himself slowly loosen up. Virgil nuzzled against Roman and he rubbed Virgil's back in return but didn't take his eyes off the movie. Virgil sighed in relief and stole a piece of popcorn out of habit as he watched the colorful nonsense on the TV.
tags: @itsaamood-33 @elizabutgayer
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
May 24 Blurr’s Horror Stream - The Host (2006 film)
Prowl wasn’t there. Not a whole lot happened. Film was pretty good though.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. Scorponock: [ he is settled in the middle of the floor, gears turning in circles in his back ] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave trudges in and sits a little to one side of his usual spot. He doesn't know if Prowl will show in the state he's in, but if he does, Soundwave means to obey the "nothing".* Scorponock: [ clicks claws at Soundwave in greeting. Chitters ] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble and Frenzy trudge in tiredly after. The birds are absent getting repaints and everyone else is working.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods hello to Scorponok.* Scorponock: [ blinks all four optics. Huddles back on the floor. ] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Back again?]] Scorponock: [ looks around. Blinks] Me? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nod.* Scorponock: Yez. Scorponock: I ztay with Blurr, yeez. Whirl: *trots on in and makes his way for the hammock* Hey, Scorp. Where ya been? Scorponock: Deeging for mateeerialz ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave twitches at this song. If looks could kill, he would be thinking about murdering someone right now.* Bevel: *trundles in finally* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Memories of that human who connected it to Jazz all the time. Bah.* Scorponock: [ taps claws on the ground ] But had to ztop deeging... Whirl: *flops back and gets settled* Teach's got you on mining duty? Lame. Scorponock: ... [tips helm this way and then that ] Nooo. I like to deeg! [ happy chitter] But Captain zaid no more! Whirl: *shrugs with one arm* Suit yourself. What're you lot up to, now? Scorponock: Zitting... not allowed to leeave zhe zhip! Scorponock: Part of deal. Scorponock: [ curves tail upward and then flexes it back down. Swish swish side to side ] Scorponock: (( lemme know when yall are ready. ) Whirl: ((i am!)) Bevel: [[ready ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ready)) FakeProwl: ((ye)) Scorponock: [ wiggles a little closer to Soundwave's pedes. Going to settle here and chitter ] Whirl: *sticks one leg out to push himself, rocking the hammock idly* Scorponock: Thankz for comeeng to moovie. Iz fun, yeez? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Will rest his fingertips on Scorponock's back. The twins make their way over to the hammock and knock on Whirl's back from below. Mind?* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. A good break from work.]] Scorponock: [ chitters and rolls helm under the fingertips for pets ] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pets he will get.* Whirl: Sure thing, Scorp. *sticks his neck over the edge of the hammock and nods at the twins, shifting to make room for them. Scorponock: [ yes good. He might huddle closer ] ItsyBitsySpyers: *They hop in and get comfy, each giving a tired punch hello.* Whirl: *snorts and returns the gesture with his claws* You two look whooped. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Jus' a li'l.// Rumble lifts his head and squints. //Yo, Big Bit.// Scorponock: ( a perfect representation of me falling )) Bevel: Hey, Lil' Bit. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sticks his tongue out at her and blows a raspberry* Whirl: *gonna swivel his helm in Bevel's direction as she's indicated and bob it at her in greeting* Bevel: *returns the gesture and waves to Whirl* Scorponock: [ climbs onto the couchand wiggles to Soundwave suddenly. Yes good. This sneak attack is going well. ] Scorponock: [ no one suspects athing ] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Can see Scorponock doing this. Doesn't mind.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Always wanted to try that scrap.// Whirl: Alcohol? Or archery? Scorponock: [ half crawls on Soundwave and chitters at for nuzzles ] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\PFFFT.\\ //Archerin'. I had plenty of booze before, ptch.// FakeProwl: ((it's gorgeous and i love it)) Scorponock: (( yas! )) Whirl: *snickers* I was more referring to HUMAN high-grade. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave doesn't nuzzle, but he'll rest his arm on Scorponock in a half-afted not-quite-hug and scritch.* Whirl: And, hey, I know a guy. *pauses. ...Whirl's dispoisition towards Atomizer has gotten complicated recently* Whirl: I could /probably/ snag ya something. Scorponock: [ he will take this hug and whatever he can ] Whirl: ((the beb)) Whirl: ...holy damn, look at it. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It's disgusting.]] Whirl: Kinda reminds me of Killer, in a weird way. Scorponock: [ chitters and wiggles claws ] Is monzteer! Scorponock: eet lookz cool! ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah? Like what?// Whirl: I think it's the face. That sort of unfolding... beaky thing. Whirl: I dig it. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\LOOKS LIKE THEM TREMOR WORMS.\\ FakeProwl: ((lmao what is this guy, a captain america knock off)) Whirl: Aww, what a face! Scorponock: (( he sure was )) FakeProwl: ((stupidly strong american heroic dude in a tight shirt)) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\KID'S DEAD.\\ Bevel: Oh no. Whirl: What a graceful leap! Scorponock: [ crawling more onto Soundwave to snuggle on him. Yes good ] Scorponock: I kneew feesh like deez. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oof. Okay. Well. Not so much unlike Zori.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They ate humans?]] Scorponock: I keeled them! But not eat. That waz more of dee otherz jobz. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Nasty. Who wants t' eat fleshies?// Bevel: Lots of things. :( ItsyBitsySpyers: ((is this a horror or a comedy))' Bevel: [[I'm not sure at this point Scorponock: (( both )) Scorponock: Zhe Fallen keeled lotz of deez humanz. Scorponock: Not zhure if hee ate zem. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HE AIN'T EATIN' 'EM NO MORE.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: //Not without a face, heh.// Scorponock: He eez dead! [ clicks claws ] I deedn't like heem anyway Scorponock: (( me )) Scorponock: (( thats me )) Whirl: Yeah, Optimus relived him of that burden, didn't he? *dryly* Scorponock: Yeez... [ pouty tone ] He ruinz everyzhing. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\DUNNO. HE GOT DYIN' RIGHT.\\ Scorponock: No, hee came back. [pouts more ] Whirl: Need help killing him again? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\OURS AIN'T. PROBABLY ON ACCOUNT OF YA CAN'T BRING BACK SCRAP EARTHQUAKES SMASHED.\\ Scorponock: No... [huff] Scorponock: I leev wizh Blurr now. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble gives Frenzy a solid punch in the jaw and points at Bevel with a hiss* ItsyBitsySpyers: *For once, Frenzy shuts up.* Scorponock: Beezidez.... wee might be in trouble. Scorponock: [ clicks claws and chitters at Soundwave ] Bevel: *very obviously trying to pretend she didn't hear that* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Let him guess. The bounty.]] Scorponock: [ shakes helm ] Landed on wrong planeet. FakeProwl: ((pet humans)) Scorponock: I don't zhink zhey know about zhe bountee. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Then why trouble?]] Scorponock: Captain eez de... dee [chitters and hisses in his Cybertronian. Clicks and whirrs and screeches] Deetained. Whirl: *tilts his head* By who? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's free hand rubs at his temple. Of course Blurr got detained. Starscream's going to be upset.* Scorponock: [ clicks claws and looks at Whirl ] I zheenk he can talk heez way out. Scorponock: Blue mech took heem away. Whirl: That doesn't answer my question. Scorponock: He hazn't come back. Whirl: Blue mech? Scorponock: [ taps claws and chitters ] I recognize... but hee lookz deeferent. Scorponock: Zhey call heem Dreeft now. Whirl: Drift. Like--the one from your dimension? Scorponock: Zimilar, but not mine. Scorponock: Zame verze, deeferent deemenzion Whirl: *nods* Whirl: Well, I guess if he needs a rescue, he'll say something. Probably. Scorponock: Heez commz don't work.But hee can talk heez way out. Scorponock: [ snickering ] Hee made zhe Prime very mad! Make Capteen very exzited! Whirl: *snickers back* Hell, I'll BET. Maybe he'll get stepped on, like he always wanted. Scorponock: Maybee! Whirl: ((I like this movie but it's been mostly a slideshow urgh, and it's getting late)) Whirl: ((I'm gonna duck out, but assume Whirl stays, at least; he'll conk out on the hammock)) FakeProwl: ((man, don't kill it. eave it alive so you can follow it back to the girl)) FakeProwl: ((*leave)) Bevel: [[Seriously Bevel: [[I still don't get this monster's motivations. Is it keeping people for food? FakeProwl: ((that's my best guess)) FakeProwl: ((... if there's no virus then why are they cutting him up.)) FakeProwl: ((like, what is the benefit and who is benefitting from spreading a fiction about a virus)) Scorponock: Maybe it'll seem like less of a mistake? That guy poured that crap down the drain so that's probs the cause )) Bevel: [[...to keep him from telling anyone? Bevel: [[I want to know how these kids haven't starved tbh FakeProwl: ((was HE the guy that poured crap down the drain?)) Bevel: [[Maybe??? Scorponock: (( I don't know. The guy had like the mask on so I didn't really see his face)) FakeProwl: ((even so, tho, pretending that there's a virus doesn't cover up the fact that there's a mutant monster running around?)) Scorponock: (( mmm true )) FakeProwl: ((and also, who cares if he tells people that there's a virus? it wouldn't matter if he told people there's not a virus if they hadn't said there was a virus when there wasn't in the first place)) FakeProwl: ((**that there's NOT a virus)) Bevel: [[Ok so it is eating them. FakeProwl: ((apparently!)) Bevel: [[I thought they lobotomized him? FakeProwl: ((maybe he actually HAS been mutated and they just don't know that it's for real yet)) FakeProwl: ((he also didn't respond to anesthesia right)) Bevel: [[The dad did say he'd been, I guess addled or something that's probably not the right word at all, so maybe that impacted him somehow? FakeProwl: ((you would think that being brain damaged as a kid would, yknow, make things worse if he gets lobotomized as an adult. not cancel it out.)) Bevel: [[Just a little yeah FakeProwl: ((~fuzzy movie psychology~)) Bevel: [[Is Agent Yellow a joke on Agent Orange because this movie's been pretty anti-American with all the horrible US people and I would buy it FakeProwl: ((probably yeah)) Bevel: [[the blond guy at the beginning throwing the stone like a disc is still my favorite Scorponock: (( you mean mini Captain America? )) Bevel: [[yes FakeProwl: ((Private America)) Bevel: [[this whole family is a bunch of superheroes or something like wtf they're just sitting in the agent yellow cloud just fine while a bunch of other people are like vomiting blood Scorponock: (( right ? )) FakeProwl: ((i think the brother was vomiting too?)) Scorponock: (( I dig this guy throwing these endless cocktails )) FakeProwl: ((and he's bleeding out his ears)) Scorponock: (( it's like he has an inventory )) Bevel: [[isn't that the brother throwing cocktails? FakeProwl: ((yeah but wasn't he also bleeding earlier)) Scorponock: i believe so )) Scorponock: he is bleeding out his ears )) Bevel: [[Oh so he was Bevel: [[I missed that. It's skipping a bit Bevel: [[Aw yes archer to save the day FakeProwl: ((mmmm. barbecued mutant)) Scorponock: (( its probably gonna drop in a minute )) Bevel: [[I'm so proud of this *** up family avenging the little girl and the dad Scorponock: Right? )) Bevel: [[Sucks the kid died tho like dang way to break movie rules as I know them FakeProwl: ((maybe get the kids out of the cloud before trying to wake them up)) Scorponock: (( He's a cute kid )) Bevel: [[and they killed river monsters happily ever after Scorponock: (( yee )) Bevel: [[That was genuinely enjoyable Bevel: [[Not what I was expecting but still really fun FakeProwl: ((I liked it.)) Scorponock: It was fun )) Bevel: [[Thanks so much for streaming! Scorponock: Sure! ))
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