Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kino Dark [09]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Kou: Oh come on! Now isn’t the time to sleep, is it, Shuu-kun? Wakey, wakey~!
Shuu: Haah...Shut up. You two again...? What do you want today?
Subaru: ...The same crap again?
I thought we made ourselves clear that we don’t give a damn ‘bout who becomes Adam at this point in time? 
Ruki: About that, the four of us actually sat down one more time to discuss the matter. 
And we believe that there must be a good reason why that man decided to pass down his powers to Ayato. 
Kou: In other words~ If some other random guy suddenly appears to try and take those away from Ayato... 
It means that something bad must be waiting to happen, no? 
Reiji: ...I see. So you have come to the conclusion that we should attempt to rescue those two as soon as possible? 
Ruki: Well, I suppose that’s what it comes down to. 
Kou: As to be expected of Reiji-kun! You’re quick to understand! Anyway, the four us did a bit of investigating. 
And we believe that Ayato-kun and M-neko-chan are most likely at the manor of this guy named Kino.
Shuu: Kino...? So he’s the aforementioned...? 
Ruki: Yes. The guy who claims himself to be your brother. 
Laito: Hmm, Kino-kun...huh? Then shouldn’t we head over there quickly to go save those two?
According to what you told us the other day, this Resistance Group going by the name of ‘Raven’ consists entirely of Ghouls aside from Kino-kun, right? And not Vampires? 
Subaru: Hah! It’d be a piece of cake then! We should be able to wrap them up before mornin’ comes.
Ruki: Well...If things go according to plan, at least.
Reiji: ...Is there anything? 
Ruki: ...No, it’s nothing. Well then, let us be on our way.
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Kino’s manor
Laito: So this is the place? 
Kou: That’s what our Familiars told us but...
Shuu: ...What’s this? It’s suspiciously quiet. 
Laito: They’re probably asleep? Come on, let’s get this over with nice and quick. 
ー They enter the manor
Kanato: Nobody’s...around.
Subaru: Oi, Kou! I thought you did your proper research!? 
Kou: Eeh~!? You’re putting the blame on me!? How could you, Subaru-kun!
Ruki: Sh! Be quiet! I believe I heard something just no...Guh!? 
Kou: ...! Ruki-kun!?
Ruki: ...! So it was a trap after all!
ー They are suddenly surrounded
??? A: So you fell for it, Vampires! We shall settle the score here once and for all!
??? B: We shall get rid of all of you and bring true peace to this World...!
Shuu: ...These guys...Vampire Hunters...!? 
Laito: Vampire Hunters!? Why would they be here...!? 
Shuu: We can think about that later! Here they come!
Kanato: Why...How did this happen!? 
Kou: Ruki-kun, are you alright...!? Hang in there...!
Ruki: Yes, I’m fine. Don’t worr...Ugh...
Reiji: Anyway, it would be dangerous to stay here in the human world any longer. Well then, let us go!
Shuu: ...A Vampire is working together with the Church...?
Who on earth is that Kino guy...?
ー They pass through the gate to the Demon World
Right before we left the manor,
I found an opening to talk to Ayato-kun. 
Ayato-kun told me that for now,
we should do as Kino-kun says
and wait out the situation. 
I shared this opinion. 
Kino-kun had put a pair of handcuffs,
on Ayato-kun beforehand.
Apparently these handcuffs were special,
as they would keep his magic suppressed. 
I am not doing this,
because Yuuri-san warned me not to resist,
but if I don’t approach this the right way,
I will only have to face the painful consequences. 
I did try to ask him,
where exactly we were headed,
but just as I thought,
Kino-kun showed me an ambiguous smile in response, refusing to tell me. 
While this would not be my first time,
visiting the Demon World,
when I would look at the area around me,
I felt as if we were headed,
somewhere I had never been before. 
Time passes slowly over here. 
So I have lost track of what day it is,
and for how long exactly,
our journey has been going on.
Then one day,
Kino-kun abruptly spoke up. 
Yui: Eh? What was that...?
Kino: ...Like I said, Rotigenberg. You wanted to know about it, no?
Our destination. The Cursed Wastelands of the Demon World...
Ayato: Tsk...
Yui: ...?
( I’m pretty sure Ayato-kun’s expression changed just now... )
→ Check up on Kino-kun (<3)
Yui: ( I’m curious but Kino-kun has forbidden me from talking with Ayato-kun, period... )
Kino: ...Hm? Is something the matter? Ah, are you curious about Rotigenberg, perhaps?
Yui: ...Yeah.
Kino: Well, I guess that’s something to look forward to for when we get there. Fufu...
Yui: ( That only gets me even more curious...! )
→ Check up on Ayato-kun
Ayato: ...
Yui: ( ...? Huh? Did I just imagine it? )
( Either way, I’m forbidden from talking to Ayato-kun. )
( I’m a little curious though... )
Yuuri: Kino, we will have to cross the mountains once we get out of the forest, so let us rest up right here.
Kino: Good idea. 
Well then...The usual, okay?
Yui: ...
Ever since we left on this journey,
Kino-kun would always use handcuffs to tie our hands together,
whenever we went to bed. 
Of course, I’m not thrilled about it,
but after going this process time after time,
I’ve finally come to the point where I can get a few hours of sleep. 
Kino: Well then, goodnight.
Yui: ...
Ayato: ...
Yuuri: ...
Yui: ( Even when Kino-kun is asleep, Yuuri-san is always keeping an eye on us... )
( I guess I won’t get a chance to talk to Ayato-kun after all. )
( I’m kind of exhausted. I suppose I’ll get some shut-eye as well... )
ー Yui closes her eyes
Yui: ...
Kino: ...Uu...Aah...
ー She opens her eyes again
Yui: ( ...What was that just now...? )
Kino: Haah...Kuh...Stop...Why...I...
Yui: Kino-kun...?
Kino: No...I was...chosen! ...You’re wrong...No!
Yui: ( What’s happening...!? )
Kino-kun!? What on ear...
Yuuri: Wait, please.
Yui: ...Yuuri-san...? But Kino-kun is...
Yuuri: ...He is fine. So please, be quiet.
Yui: ...
Yuuri: Please do not let it bother you and get some sleep. We have a long journey ahead of us after all...
Yui: Okay. Goodnight...
Kino: ...Haah...Nn...
Yui: ( Is it really okay...? He’s suffering so much... )
( But the way Yuuri-san reacted...It’s almost as if he’s used to it... )
( ...I wonder if there’s something to this...? )
I decided not to let it bother me,
as I forced myself to close my eyes. 
Kino-kun continued to mumble,
as he kept on denying (否定) something,
again and again. 
I wonder what exactly it means? 
While pondering over that,
and before I had realized,
I once again drifted off to sleep (眠り). 
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