#lehon nhavareh
improvised-finish · 2 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Prompt #17 - Sally
Content Warnings: Lehon'a is referred to with he/him pronouns, as this takes place before her transition in Shadowbringers, but not in a transphobic way.
Spoiler Warnings: None
Summary: Can it really be called a 'happy nameday' if you're getting forced to leave your tribe? Asking for a Lehon'a Nhavareh.
Check it out below or on Ao3:
As the light of dawn began to slip into his rooms through the breaks in the shutters, Lehon'a awoke to a feeling of dread. Today was the day, after all.
In truth, he'd dreaded today's coming for some time, passing from willful ignorance to rage to a melancholy that he could never quite shake. Something about it felt wrong.
The day should've been one of celebration. It was his nameday, or at least the closest thing he'd had to one. The anniversary of the day his mother had taken him in from the road where he'd been abandoned. Eighteen years it had been, apparently. Supposedly, that made him an adult, a ‘man’ in the eyes of the tribe. 
He'd always hoped that that word would come to fit him, that he'd grow into it like an ill-fitting shirt handed down from an older family member. Yet today was the day, and he felt no more a man than any other day he could remember. 
Traditions left little room for feelings, no flexibility for confused youth or anyone who might dare to question why. 
And so, in the traditions of the Miqo'te he'd been raised with, his eighteenth nameday would be the day he was expected to leave the tribe.
He could return every so often, of course, and he certainly planned to. But the expectation was that he would go and see the world, meeting other tribes and gaining worldly experience until he one day found a mate. And that expectation was mutually exclusive with the strong bond he'd formed with his mother, not to mention his female peers who he would also be leaving behind.
It felt like dying, like leaving behind the person he was in search of some vague notion of cosmopolitan knowledge. And he didn't want to die.
His bag had already been packed the night before; he'd correctly guessed that he'd feel no motivation to do it in the morning. A freshly washed white and tan tunic hung from a hook and his reliable pair of thighboots sat near the door, waterproofed and ready for the road ahead. More reminders of the impending journey.
Maybe if I just don't move or make a noise, it'll just pass me by, Lehon'a thought, knowing full well such juvenile logic would never actually hold up in a situation like this. Anything to keep it from coming, to keep it from happening. He felt every single second pass in a silence he knew would break, sooner or later, and it was almost a form of torture. Instead of spending this time with his mother, cherishing the moments they had left, he was here, hiding away from everything in bed. 
Not long after these thoughts came a knock at the door.
“Lehon'a? Dearheart, are you awake?” his mother called through the door. He couldn't bring himself to remain silent, but his lethargic voice betrayed his emotions.
“Yeah, mom… I'm up.”
She noticed immediately. “Can I come in?”
Nothing seems to matter, so might as well, he thought. “Sure.”
The door opened slowly, and Lehon stepped through, carefully closing it behind her to avoid making more noise than necessary. She crossed the space between them and sat on the bed, at his side.
“I know this isn't what you wanted, and to be truthful, it’s not how I’d like to spend your nameday either. But I am determined to make the most of the morning before you go, so I made some breakfast for the both of us, and I’ve got something to give you before you go.” She paused for a second. “I’ll give you a bit more time on your own, but the food will get cold eventually, so the quicker you’re through that door, the better breakfast will be.” She gave him a kiss on the forehead, as she’d done many times before, and then got up to finish the cooking, leaving Lehon’a on his own once more.
After another moment in thought, he pushed himself up to a sitting position, let out a heavy exhale, and then kicked his feet out from under the covers and onto the floor.
It wasn’t much longer before he’d gotten dressed: undershirt, tunic, pants, boots, one after the other. Getting ready had a certain momentum to it, even under these circumstances, and he found it easier to keep moving forward once he’d started. After some quick checks of his pack, he stepped through the door and into the kitchen.
It was far from a panacea, but he would’ve been lying if he’d said the aroma of breakfast food didn’t improve his mood at all. It was all his favorite smells, wrapped into one: eggs with cheese and fresh vegetables from the garden, a tuna spread with lemon and herbs on toast, and a pitcher of La Noscean orange juice, which was a rare treat in this part of the Shroud.
“I hope you’re hungry, ‘cause I might’ve gone a bit overboard,” Lehon said with a laugh.
“Smells great, mom.” Lehon’a stopped to set his pack down next to the table. “Thank you.”
Lehon quickly dished up a couple of plates while Lehon’a was busy pouring the juice, and they met at the table moments later.
“I know I was just making a big fuss about the food getting cold, but I’d rather do this sooner than later, on the off chance we run out of time eating,” Lehon began, fishing for something in a pocket of her apron. “I got you a proper gift for your nameday, and for the road ahead, too.” She extended her hand, which held a small box. Lehon’a took it and began to gently untie the ribbon that held the two halves together. He gingerly separated the lid from the base and set it down on the table as his mouth fell open in shock.
It was an earring, a crescent moon made of bronze inlaid with a small pearl that featured two thin crystals that dangled beneath it. The symbols of Menphina, he thought.
“Oh, it’s beautiful…”
“I’m glad you like it, dearheart. My hope was that it might remind you of me, of us, when you’re far away, and that you might walk under Her protection wherever your travels take you.”
Without missing a beat, Lehon’a took the earring out of the box and clipped it to his ear, subconsciously wiggling it a bit as he got used to the slight difference in weight.
“It really suits you,” she said as she got up from her seat and opened her arms for an embrace, which Lehon’a gladly accepted.
“Thank you,” Lehon’a replied, trying not to let the tears in his eyes escape.
“Save the tears for after breakfast, all right? I don’t think the eggs need any more salt.” The joke snapped the tension in the air, and they both let out a hearty laugh as they went back to their seats to start eating.
Lehon’a still was far from excited to be leaving home so soon, but even he had to admit that knowing he had Menphina watching over his travels made him feel a little better about venturing into the wide unknown of Eorzea.
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improvised-finish · 10 days
FFXIV Write 2024 - Prompt #9 - Lend an Ear
Content Warnings: None
Spoiler Warnings: General spoilers for the first half of Shadowbringers
Summary: Lehon'a Nhavareh returns home from the First with two items on her agenda: A commission, and perhaps more importantly, a homecoming.
Check it out below, or on Ao3:
Lehon'a took a deep breath.
Dreading a homecoming was a strange feeling, one she couldn't say she'd ever felt before. She knew it was likely temporary, but it sure didn't make knocking on the door any easier.
She'd been away for a long time, and not of her own volition. One G'raha Tia, posing as the Crystal Exarch, had whisked her, Ar'beunti, and the souls of the rest of her companions to the First without so much as a clue for those left behind. Fortunately, Feo Ul had helped maintain some semblance of contact across the rift, but she had to imagine that Tataru did not enjoy having to write a letter in the immediate aftermath that read:
“Dear Lehon,
Your child has disappeared suddenly and we don't know why or where they went.
Our apologies, The Scions”
Thankfully, it turned out that she alone had the ability to return via a portal in the Ocular, as she had been transported wholly instead of just as a soul, like her companions had. 
She'd been hesitant to return for a while, mostly agonizing over the one big thing that had happened while she'd been gone: she'd transitioned.
As much as Lehon'a did want to reassure her mother with her presence, seeing her mom wasn't the main impetus for this trip. She'd come out a while ago, first to Y'shtola in confidence, and then to the rest of the Scions shortly after. Her friends had been endlessly supportive, and before she knew it, Lehon'a had endless spare clothes and more gifted cosmetics than she knew what to do with.
She'd started making more changes in her day to day life; she wore a ribbon in her hair most days, and occasionally put on a skirt or a dress when the situation didn't immediately require battle garb. The next step, however, was a large one. Y'shtola had sat down with Lehon'a one afternoon and shared something she'd heard about during her studies at Sharlayan: a substance called Fantasia. If rumor was to be believed, it was a liquid that, if ingested, could change one's physical appearance into any form they desired. Phials were difficult to obtain, Y'shtola had said, but it seemed like it could be worth asking Tataru about, whenever she next found herself back to the Source.
And when she'd told Y'shtola about what the Exarch had said, that she alone might be able to freely come and go, Lehon’a started to notice Y’shtola slipping little reminders and nudges into a conversation here or there. Eventually, Y’shtola had worn her down. It can’t hurt to just ask, she’d said. 
So she’d done it. Had yet another awkward conversation with Tataru and Krile, who were not only understanding but also shockingly pragmatic. Tataru had had all the forms to get Lehon’a’s records changed in order and ready to go on her desk, as if she’d known in advance, somehow. She’d patiently listened as Lehon’a stammered through a description of Fantasia, taking notes the whole time, and Krile had filled in the gaps with her own knowledge. Tataru, ever the realist, had said she couldn’t promise anything except her best effort in finding some. It hadn’t been long after that when they’d said their goodbyes and parted ways, leaving Lehon’a with nothing else on her plate except for a visit home.
So there she stood, in front of her childhood home, where her mother still lived. As she raised her fist to knock, she realized that she’d missed an opportunity to wear something more feminine. She hesitated for another moment, having to stop and gather her resolve once more. A hair ribbon and form fitting pants will just have to be good enough, she thought as she pushed through the anxiety and knocked on the door.
“Coming!” Lehon’a heard a muffled yell that could only belong to her mother. The door swung open, and there she was.
“Oh! Lehon’a, it’s you! What a surprise, I… I’m so glad to see you again!” The words poured out of her, likely stockpiled since the last time they’d spoken. The flow was only temporarily halted as Lehon went in for a hug. “You look different! Better, I think. Is it the hair? It looks nice like that, it really does.” 
“Glad to see you too, mom,” Lehon’a replied, trying to keep the nerves at bay. “Listen, uh… could we talk? It’s… it’s important.”
Lehon paused for a moment, and Lehon’a could tell she understood the seriousness that her tone of voice had implied. “Sure, dearheart. Let’s go sit.”
Lehon’a followed her inside, and sat with her around the kitchen table, as they had many times before.
“So what is it you’d like to talk about?” Lehon began, cautious of touching a nerve.
“I…” Another pause. Why didn’t this get any easier? Lehon’a thought to herself. “I’ve been through a lot while I’ve been away. I’m not sure exactly how much of the specifics you’ve heard in the letters you may have gotten, but it’s been quite an ordeal.”
“All the more reason for me to be glad you’re here,” Lehon replied, putting a hand on top of her child’s.
Lehon’a smiled in return, trying to keep her conversational momentum moving forward. “I’ve met new people, and grown closer to old friends, but… but most of all, I’ve come to realize something about myself.” Lehon didn’t interject this time, content to let Lehon’a share. “I’ve realized that I…I’d be…” Lehon’a could feel the tears starting to form, but wanted to push through them. “That I’d be happier living my life as a woman.” 
The words hung in the air between them for a moment, and then Lehon grasped her daughter’s hands tightly in her own. “Oh, Lehon’a… my wonderful daughter.” They both began to cry, though these were tears of joy, not sorrow. “I couldn’t be happier, dearheart. And don’t worry, I’ll take the brunt of breaking the news to the tribe– unless you’d rather do it yourself.”
“No, no, you have my blessing. It’s one more awkward speech I don’t have to give.” Lehon’a replied with a nervous laugh.
They both stood up and embraced again, this time for quite a while longer. 
“Not to say that I knew ahead of time or anything, but… when you were a child, I always felt Menphina’s light shine a little more strongly on you than on any other boy in the tribe. Any time the sky was clear, you just seemed to gather all the moonlight in the room.”
“Oh, did I?”
Lehon looked at her daughter with a smile. “I guess now we know why.”
“I guess so, huh?”
Another beat of silence.
“I love you so much, Lehon’a. I always will. No matter what.”
“...Even if I drank a potion that made me look totally different?”
“Even if you drank a potion that made you look totally different. You’ll always be my beloved daughter.”
This time Lehon’a went in for the preemptive hug, pressing her forehead against her mother’s. “Thanks, mom. I love you, too. More than you know.”
“So… You’re in the market for potions that change your appearance now, huh?” Lehon walked over to the icebox and took a look inside. “Well… no transformation potions in here, I’m afraid, but I do have some lemon tea I brewed just this morning.”
“Sounds good to me,” Lehon’a replied, once again sitting down at the table. While her mother’s back was turned, she offered a silent prayer to Menphina, thanking her for such a caring mother and such a lovely day.
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improvised-finish · 4 months
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A ride in Bentbranch for Mother's Day!
Lehon'a is taking her mom (Lehon) somewhere nice in the Shroud for a Mother's Day picnic, but she didn't want to make her walk the entire way, so they saddled up Felicitas at the stables. Lehon is a bit out of practice riding chocobos, but her daughter is more than happy to help support and reassure her!
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improvised-finish · 3 months
25. what is your wol's relationship with their family? are they estranged? still very close? tense?
“I don’t exactly have a ton of family, but I love my mom to the ends of Eorzea! It’s honestly a bit hard to put into words.” A wide smile grows across her face. “I’m very glad for all the chances I’ve been given to see the world and protect all of those living on it, but being away from home for any significant amount of time has always been pretty tough for me. And for her too, honestly. I still remember how torn up I felt the day I left home for good. It was exciting to get to go to Gridania and try to help rebuild Eorzea a bit after the Calamity, but the thought of not seeing her again for a long time just gave it this sour aftertaste that took quite a while for me to shake. Thankfully, she kept in touch, even when things got really bad. I was really worried that if she believed the reports of what we’d done, that her letters might cease all together during our “exile” in Ishgard, but… somehow they made it through. Never did thank Edmont and Haurchefant enough for what they did to facilitate that. Those letters kept me going during some of the worst days.” “After we returned from Ishgard, I made more frequent visits home. I know it’s not technically proper, but being the big shot hero, no one in the tribe was going to say anything, at least not to my face. I just couldn’t bear the thought of going to some far-off place and leaving something unsaid. And besides, who else would I tell all of my wild stories to? Felicitas is a good listener, sure, but sometimes it's nice to get a real reply every now and then.” She laughs, thinking of her many days spent on the road, talking to her chocobo companion.
“I thought ending up on the First would be tough too, but thankfully Feo Ul dutifully bridged the gap while I was away. I distinctly remember Mom told me it was quite a shock the first time they showed up, but she quickly grew to look forward to their messages. Really, the worst of it was the mass temperings and the Final Days. So many times where I wished for nothing more than to be by her side so I could be there if something happened. It ended up resulting in some warding scales uh… going missing from Camp Broken Glass.” She looks down, a bit embarrassed to admit it. “The conversation with Lucia when I got back was not my proudest moment, but even so, it felt worth it in the end. That's how much she means to me.” (Thank you for the ask! Questions are here :3)
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improvised-finish · 5 months
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Lehon'a Nhavareh
Name: Lehon'a Nhavareh Nicknames: Occasionally got "Leo" earlier on in life, but it died down after transition, no other nicknames. Y'shtola calls her "dear" and G'raha calls her "my heart" (Lehon'a pretends she hates it but she actually lives for it) Age: Mid 20s, unsure of actual age Nameday: 23rd Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (day she was taken in) Race: Seeker of the Sun, raised in Keeper of the Moon culture Gender: Trans Female (MTF) Orientation: Extremely bisexual. (Takes her a while to figure it out) Profession: Conjurer/White Mage (ARR-Shadowbringers), Dancer (Current)
Hair: Silvery white with a dyed red streak Eyes: Lavender/lilac purple Skin: Tan with strong warm tones, especially compared to her mother Tattoos/scars: No notable tattoos/scars, but she has the marks of a Miqo'te and maintains small face paint markings on her cheeks (as is keeper tradition). Also noteworthy: she's around the average height for a male miqo'te, which she maintained after fantasia.
Parents: Has no knowledge of her biological parents, who abandoned her in The Shroud when she was too small to remember. Mother (Adoptive): Lehon Nhavareh - An unmarried keeper of the moon Miqo'te without children who finds Lehon'a as a very young kit on a road near her home. She raises Lehon'a in the traditions of Keepers of the Moon, and is fiercely defensive of her child from those in her tribe who resent Lehon'a for being an outsider. She worships the goddess Menphina with the tribe, and she makes sure to involve Lehon'a to develop her musical talent. As is tradition for male keepers of age, Lehon sends Lehon'a out to roam Eorzea, which eventually leads to her learning conjury and joining the Scions. Siblings: No siblings (the fact she had no children was a big reason why Lehon took her in). Grandparents: None living. Lehon occasionally talks about her own mother who passed away before Lehon'a was adopted (but I haven't really thought about her yet). In-laws and Other: Not strictly biological family, but Ar'beunti Nuva is effectively a sister and friend to Lehon'a, accompanying Lehon'a on the events of the MSQ as a second Warrior of Light. Ar'beunti (or Beau, as she likes to be called) joined up with the Scions after growing up in Ul'dah, at which point she met Lehon'a and they became close. Pets: Felicitas (chocobo, her pride and joy), and a small dodo who follows her around that she simply refers to as "he" when prompted.
Abilities: Originally began as a conjurer/white mage, and specialized in healing magic. She ended up teaching Ar'beunti white magic to enable her to utilize both it and black magic to become a red mage. After traveling to the first and growing closer with Lyna, Lyna taught her the art of Dancing, which is her primary skillset. She learned how to wield a gunblade during her time in Bozja after returning from the First, and Y'shtola managed to teach her just enough black magic that she can cosplay a red mage in a pinch. Outside of combat, she has a very strong and innate sense of rhythm, and is prone to drumming on any surface or breaking out into dance at the sound of any music she hears. Hobbies: Playing percussion and dancing, bird/beast watching, being really really bad at every kind of game she plays, chocobo care, storytelling (mostly to her mom)
Most Positive Trait: She always strives to resolve conflicts with as little violence as possible, and would rather make an enemy into a friend than kill them, if given the choice. This has been tempered with experience over time, but she prides herself on a reputation of mercy over bloodshed. Most Negative Trait: She often struggles to put herself first, even in situations where ignoring her own needs or limits can do lasting harm to herself or others. (As an example, she put aside her own feelings about gender during the entirety of Heavensward, as all of her focus was spent trying to convince Ar'beunti off the path of laying waste to the dragons.)
Colors: midnight blue, royal purple, gold, dark red, sky blue, teal Smells: baking spices, petrichor, rosemary, cooked meat, citrus Textures: chocobo feathers, broken in leather, polished steel Drinks: fruit juice, hot tea, ginger beer (especially with alcohol)
Smokes: Tried it once, never felt the urge to try again. the smell of smoke isn't really appealing to her. Drinks: Fairly often, though mostly socially. she's got a surprising tolerance for alcohol. Drugs: Has been offered many varieties, but has turned them down (Her life is already wild enough without them). Mount Issuance: She met Felicitas at Bentbranch Meadows as a youth, and bonded with her instantly, visiting semi-regularly to care for her. As soon as she left home, she immediately inquired with the stable about having Felicitas as her companion, and knowing how well Lehon'a cared for her, they agreed. Once she joined the Order of the Twin Adder, she got Felicitas registered in lieu of an assigned company chocobo. Been Arrested: outside of the events of the MSQ, surprisingly not.
Spotted this going around on a couple people's blogs and it was too good not to steal borrow! I wanna say @ishgard and @zylphiacrowley were the two places I can remember seeing it, but I know it's been going around!
I'll leave this open to anyone who sees it and hasn't done it yet, cause I know I'm a bit late to the party (I just wanna see more about your characters :D)
More general blog info below the cut:
Universe tags: WoL universe - warrior of light; civilian universe - keeper of the cadence
Blog organizing stuff: ama - questions asked to Lehon'a; wol writes - questions answered in character; my writing - out of character writing/fic; tag game or ask game - for memes/games going around
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