#legos weren't up his alley
bluecoolr · 1 year
oh, does Darrell like Lego?
He likes the minifigures! Assembling the big sets bores him tho.
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digital-chess · 1 month
So ragatha. What is your honest opinion on Kinger, Queenie, Pomni and the other black and white pieces?
Ragatha: Er... my uh, "opinion" on everyone? Hoo-boy! That's a loaded question, haha- Alright. Let me think... B-BUT DON'T TELL THE OTHERS I TOLD YOU THIS! Okay, White Team: Jax? Ugh. He's a jerk. Always locking himself in his Bowling Alley, painting my face on bowling pins to blow up when I annoy him, heck- he does that with EVERYONE who annoys him. He's sarcastic, dry, often cruel in his remarks, and the fact he's Kinger and Queenies "Golden Child" is crazy. He's not a bad person... but he's adamant on making me think he is one... and I still don't know why. Zooble? They're a good friend and roommate. They used to live in the Tetris game, able to make a world of their own with the hundreds of block shapes. Kind of like Legos! I remember visiting their room and seeing the world they were able to build with their expertise for turning abstract shapes into art. But then they refused to go to one of the Chess rounds one week... and Kinger punished Zooble by collapsing and destroying their world. They managed to evacuate before the application deleted, and they've been...well, living here with me at Purble Palace ever since! We get along surprisingly well. Gangle? She's so sweet and kind. I don't know what Queenie keeps blabbing on about. She's adamant that Gangle's this... callous manipulative string-puller on Black Team? That somehow Gangle is this dual-faced crocodile-teared attention seeker. She's so sweet. She's gentle, kind, soft-spoken. Black Team bullied her relentlessly and Max would threaten to hurt her if she didn't do what he said. Queenie can't understand. Abuse takes time to recover from. So I'm going to be here for her... I know what it like to feel like nothing. ...I don't want anyone to feel like that. Caine? He's been here the longest. He's my oldest friend besides... Kaufmo. He inspires us when the team has no hope, and can bring everyone together with his speeches and strategies to make us feel like there's still a chance we can win. Sometimes Queenie mocks him, saying he'd be a better fit on Black Team because of his history, but is only with us because its "his punishment". ...I don't think he deserves to be treated the way he is. He doesn't hold himself together as easily anymore. ...Sometimes I catch him mumbling nonsense to his bubble wand, as if it was alive. ...I don't know how much longer he can take Kinger's torment. I'm worried about him. Pomni? I don't know much about her yet... and I'm still struggling to decide if i even want to... And Kaufmo...? ...he was the one person in this entire world of Kinger's who deserved to be free. To get his life back. To leave this game. ...To be happy. ...I just hope he's somewhere better now. Somewhere better than here.
Aaaaaand as for Black Team? How should I know. They're all murderers, psychopaths and thieves. I sometimes would catch that Bishop of theirs sitting on the chessboard afterhours with Kaufmo. He was probably trying to manipulate our friend or... cast a spell to force Kaufmo to betray us or something! I don't know why else he'd have been so consistent to meet Kaufmo there when rounds weren't active.
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alsofortheb0ys · 1 year
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I love angst and Homelander so I really wanted to write a series on it! I'm very sorry my writing is not very good cause English is hard and I'm not really used to writing long fics but I want to start so I'm sorry if it cuts off weirds. Also I didn't proofread so lol :) ENJOY!
Homelander never felt right. Like something was missing.
Well, there was so many things missing. Parents, family, childhood, normalcy, companionship, love.
Nothing could fill the feeling of gnawing emptiness.
There were moments that made him forget. But they were just that: calm for a moment.
Sex filled the void but once a quick high faded the emptiness returned. Deep down he knew that sex didn't mean love. That people slept with either cause they were too scared to say no or they did it to manipulate him.
Fame gave him a sense of worth but knew that his fans only loved his superficial self. They wouldn't love him if they knew how he truly was. Homelander wasn't a complete idiot, he knew he had done things that most would consider morally wrong.
Their cheers drowned out the feelings of painful lonely but once again it was short lived.
Scrolling through social media and seeing the outstanding amounts of praising comments made his happiness sky rocket but once he saw the single hate comments made it crash straight to the ground.
You did nothing wrong be wanted to be treated with love.
The human part of himself speaks. The other part, the one in the mirror calls him a child. Calls him needy.
You're weak. A pathetic excuse.
It whispers.
It's love that makes him weak.
He promised himself to get rid of the burdensome dreams of belonging but most nights he laid awake in his cold bed in his characterless room that felt more like a prison that his home. There was no decorations to his taste. Just an overwhelming coldness.
He layed tears streaming down his face. The other him looks down in disgust from the mirror above his bed that was too large for just him.
Again with the crying. It gets you NOWHERE!
Homelander wishes he were like the man in the mirror, so numb to the pain. No tears ever touched his face. No emptiness that rips through his heart. No loneliness overtook him.
No part to feel human.
Homelander remembers when in a moment of weakness, he brought up to the Madelyn how he felt alone. She tried easing his mind by telling him that he was a god. That he had the whole of his devoted followers, Vought and her surrounding him.
Gods weren't lonely.
She than precedes to give him the quickest handjob he's ever had.
Once Homelander's head cleared he was all but he wasn't assured. That their love was only so deep. Sex, manipulation, control.
To try his best to achieve that, Homelander shoved every crippling emotion as deep down as he could.
Till it came back just to overwhelm him. To combat those feelings his brain would just shut off, making him numb. So numb, he'd sometimes blank. His memories fuzzy.
He always made the worse decisions when it happened. It was when he killed Madelyn or when he made that girl jump off a roof after he found out Stormfront took her own left.
Homelander, for the most part liked feeling the numbness. Made him feel nothing and that meant no pain. No loneliness. No anger.
Absolutely nothing.
But part of him had fear of what he could do if he blanked. He had no one he really cared for after Madelyn and Stormfront died so he had no one to worry about hurting.
Well, all but one person.
Ryan, his precious son.
Once, Homelander was sitting with Ryan by his side building a new Lego Star Wars set. He was happy just talking with him and enjoying their father son time.
Homelander became so overwhelmed thinking how his life would have been if Soldier Boy had been in his life. Would he have love him that same as Homelander did for Ryan?
Homelander's chest tightened. His breathing labored.
His mind went dark and the next thing he remembers is standing in an alley covered in blood but no bodies to be found. Fearing he had hurt Ryan, he flew quickly to Vought tower.
He felt his eyes prick up with tears and did nothing to stop them.
You hurt him didn't you?
The other him spoke.
Homelander flew as fast as he ever did but it was like time stopped.
As he step into his apartment, Homelander's heart beat quickened even more.
No sign of blood and he didn't smell any. Only the blood on his now soaked uniform. He quickly used his x-ray vision to scan the large floorplan.
Homelander breathed a sign of relief, seeing Ryan asleep in his bed. His chest slowly falling up and down, no signs of injury on him.
Homelander was unsure how his son was put to bed but at the moment it was the least of his cares.
He entered in Ryan's room, crying even more now just knowing he's safe. Homelander gentlely pulled the sleeping boy into his arms and into his lap.
Though Homelander was careful not to wake him, Ryan awoke to the sudden movement and the sound of his father sobbing.
"Dad, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, buddy. Dad loves you, you know that?"
Homelander let out a weak sob as his touched his son's cheek, double checking he didn't hurt him.
Though Ryan was confused, he saw the fear in his father's eyes and said nothing, only pulling him into a hug.
"I do. And I love you, dad."
With that Homelander began to sob even farther and soon crying himself to sleep with Ryan still in his arms.
The night Homelander fell asleep to a feeling that felt so unfamiliar. That time he let himself feel loved.
He knew it the feeling would fade in the morning but for now he let Ryan's steady breathing calm his mind.
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willowmccann · 6 months
the day has to start anyways || self para 001
who: willow mccann + sarah miller where: willow + sarah's apartment in greenwich village, new york
"Come on, Willow, we'll be late to 20th century and you know how Sullivan gets when we're late" The blonde heard her roommate shout through the door. Sarah was referring to 20th century architecture, the course they were both taking together as fourth year architecture students. Willow rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock. It was 6:45 in the morning. Their class started at 7:30, and they definitely needed at least 20 minutes to walk to the building where the class was held. The Urban Design and Architecture Studies building at NYU was a beautiful place, but not that early in the morning, and certainly not after a Los Angeles Kings game with the time difference.
Yes, she shouldn't have been watching that game...
No, she couldn't help herself.
Wyatt had been her best friend all through school, both middle school and high school. When nobody else had wanted to be her friend, ignoring the new transfer nerd who was taking AP math while everyone else struggled with basic derivatives, Wyatt had once seen her playing with a small lego fidget toy she'd built herself (basically a bunch of keychains with pieces that she interconnected to make random patterns). After that, once they'd grown up, they'd found each other in the back alley smoking after parties, and it wasn't many encounters like that that made them best friends. He shared his NHL dreams with her, and Willow told him her dream of becoming a world known architect and design sustainable skyscrapers all across the globe. What she never told him was how quickly she'd fallen in love with him, and the reason why she'd never tell him once he was drafted into the NHL even before they left their small suburb in Chicago, Illinois.
That was three years ago. When everyone thought Wy would get traded to the Blackhawks while Willow was touring NYU and getting all her pre-admissions done. And while she was drying her hair and absentmindedly listening to the draft on her phone, she heard Chicago Blackhawks followed by his name. Chicago or any New York team would've worked perfectly... But Los Angeles... That was never gonna work. A last minute trade that threw a bug in her plans to tell him how in love she'd been with her and that she was ready to work her ass off to make the train rides between New York and Chicago to be with him.
She wasn't gonna steal the experience from him. If they weren't going to be together, she didn't wanna be the boring best friend who he'd have to travel every time he could to New York to see because she'd be buried in sketches and exam papers... And she certainly wasn't gonna burden him with the thought that she'd been madly in love with him this whole time.
So for now, Willow just admired him from a far. They'd lost touch, thankfully, because from all the light stalking she did from burner accounts, Willow could tell he had a girlfriend. Having to meet said girlfriend if they'd stayed friends would've been the biggest sucker punch in the planet. So distance worked. She could focus on school, and Wyatt could... Focus on whatever he wanted to focus.
Three years had gone like this, and it wasn't gonna start changing now.
"Willow, if I don't hear you opening this door in two minutes, I'm leaving wito-" "Oh come on, Sarah, you know I always make it and you never leave me... Can you make my latte for me? I don't want us to be late" Willow joked, giving her best friend a hug.
She probably knew why she was so tired and looked sad. The Kings had lost. Sarah didn't care about that, but she cared about her friends' heart...
Oh well, the day had to start anyways, right?
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morri--frecklebwrry · 2 years
An: This fic doesn't have a name yet and it's not finished but I'm stopping wok on it until I come up with good ideas for this story so enjoy
Tommy had been on his way back home from his job at the Lego store when he found himself in a dark alleyway. He had followed some shrieking noises coming from the dark alley , and he found two scrawny cats. One with a golden pelt, and another , slightly bigger brown cat with him. Getting slowly closer, he noticed that the older of the cats had a leg injury. He had seriously debated in his head whether or not to take the felines with him. Are cats even allowed at my apartment? In the end he decided that he would rather take care of the two fluffy creatures and get kicked out , then leave them here where they would surely die. And now, as he sat on his couch, he thought it had been a ridiculous idea to take the cats. When he woke up the next morning, the cats were nowhere to be seen. Later, he found that he had (for some foolish reason) left his window open. A million thoughts raced through Tommy's head. Were the cats okay? Would they survive? The golden cat seemed like he desperately needed help. Tommy usually looked forward to his days off, but now it just felt like the whole day he would be going through worst case scenarios about what would happen to the two friends he had found. Maybe I can sleep this feeling off tommy thought. When the golden haired boy woke up, he opened his eyes to the sight of two- no three cats staring down at him. It was the two cats he had brought to his apartment last night, and it looked to Tommy that they had left to bring a friend. A slightly pink looking medium sized cat. "What the fuck?" Tommy whispered. The eyes of the three cats seemed to stare into his soul, if not right through him. " I thought you guys left me!" Tommy knew the cats probably couldn't understand him but part of him also felt it was necessary to explain what he had felt to the trio."I should really name you guys instead of calling you 'the cats' " tommy looked at each one of the cats and it wasn't long before he had come up with names that perfectly suited the cats. At least in Tommy's opinion."You're Phil," he pointed at the yellow cat "you're Wilbur," he pointed at the brown cat " and you're techno." He said pointing at the last cat.Techno blinked in response, Phil started to wash his paws, and Wilbur brushed his head against Tommy's leg."Awww you're so cute" tommy bent down to pat the brown cat's head. "As for you," tommy looked up to stare at the yellow cat "we're going to the vet." ****************************************************Without a carrier, it has been hard to transport philza to the veterinarian. Tommy had just wrapped the fluff ball in a blanket, during the wrapping, tommy had earned multiple scratches. The vet had told tommy that it was a minor injury but that he should make sure that Phil (the vet insisted on using philza's regular, unfun name) had everything he needed where it was accessible so he wouldn't need to jump while his leg was healing.****************************************************"Tubbo tubbo tubbo! I'm songlad you picked up I have something to tell you" tommy yelled into the phone's speaker"You didn't sell a kid another 'human anatomy' Lego set right?" Tubbo said"No no no. Im better than that now tubbo. I've learned from my mistakes. I found these two cats in an alley way and took them home and they escaped this morning but they came back with a friend!! :)""That's cool tommy , but are you sure they don't have rabies? Or other diseases ?""Yes tubbo I'm sure" nope I didnt check was waht tommy wanted to say but he was never going to get tubbo to come over and meet his cats if tubbo knew he wasn't sure they weren't desease ridden."You and ranboo just get over here quick. The cats are so cute d'you want to know what I named them??!" "Sure! " "Ok ok, so the yellow one's name is Phil or philza, I honestly think philza is better. And then the brown one is Wilbur and then pinkish one is techno."Tommy and tubbo talked about the cat for what seemed like hours and tubbo finally sounded excited to meet Tommy's cats.
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