#lego monkie kid white petal au
starrclown · 3 months
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Okay, I swear I tried to line and color this. I originally went into this wanting this to be a fully colored peice so it would be more visually pleasing but I just COULDN'T. My body wouldn't do it yall. I might come back to this sketch and atcually try and make it look good but today is NOT that day.
Okay onto the atcual au. (Warning: this is LONG cause I wanna talk.)
This is basically a Hanahaki Disease au. Ya know, that flower unrequited love thing? Yeah it's that.
In this au the Hanahaki Disease is not exactly a common thing, but it's kinda like a more serious illness.
In this au Wukong catches the disease. It was slow at first, barely noticeable, but one day he was at Pigsys and he threw up a white petal. Tang diagnosed this as the Hanahaki Disease.
The strange part is that the petals are white.
Normally when you catch the disease, the flower petals will be the color of your crushes favorite color. (I got this from fanfiction. Usually in fanfiction the color of the petals are the other person's color.)
At first everyone thought it had to be someone in Wukongs past that White was their color. (Much to Macaque's annoyance.)
No one, especially Wukong, can think of who it is. It has to be someone alive and that Wukong would have some kind if feeling for.
You can also catch the disease I'd your love in unrequited. So you can catch it if your crush is inlive with another or if they don't love you back. So Wukong could be inlive with someone who loves him, or someone who doesn't, it's hard to tell.
Wukong's condition slowly would get worse. Since he doesn't know who it is (he genuinely doesn't know) he doesn't know what to do.
The disease is alot slower because Wukongs body is trying to heal itself but is being taken over by the disease, it's killing him slowly.
Mk is PANICKING. He's trying to figure out who Wukong could possibly love, someone that's alive. Usually you would go off the petal color but now they can't do that.
Macaque is panicking in his own way. He's both upset that Wukong is dying and that he doesn't know WHO Wukong is inlove with. Macaque is inlive with Wukong (obviously) and figured he could be the one to heal Wukong.
But since the petal is white and not purple, it obviously can't be Macaque.
Okay that's it. I'm gonna try and make this au more solid cause here I'm kinda spitballing.
Feel free to ask questions :)
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starrclown · 3 months
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A colored sketch this time!
Eventually Wukong would realize what’s happening when the colors begin to match up. He now knows how many petals are gonna be there and who they represent. He is NOT happy about it.
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Not all of Wukongs petals is romantic love. Actually only about 2 of them all. Most are platonic or familiar. This helps him because it makes him less sick but it also makes it much harder because he has to go theough a much more complicated procedure than just confessing his feelings.
Yeah he’s gonna go through ALOT in this au.
He kinda has to bring up all the issues with people he’s never talked about if he wants to get better. It’s a hard knock life man.
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starrclown · 3 months
For the white petal au, is it for Ao Lie? I mean he is the WHITE horse dragon and he's the only one I can imagine Wukong would be both close to and is shown to be white
Imma clarify this here because I think I have a solid idea that won’t change.
The petals aren’t supposed to represent anyone. Why they don’t represent a single person is because Wukong isn’t suffering love or unrequited love for one person.
In this Au, you can catch Hanahaki in a platonic or familiar way. As long as there’s love.
I’m trying to be creative here but I don’t know if I am.
Basically if you catch Hanahaki in a familiar or platonic way, it’s different than romantic. Romance is pretty cut and dry: Confess or die basically.
Platonic and Familiar are a bit different. Someone catches Hanahaki in those ways mostly because of feelings that were never addressed. Maybe someone was hurt by a brother or family member so they now have the Hanahaki until they either die or address the hurt and feelings.
If you catch it for a dead person, it’s because you aren’t grieving. You have to be able to let go of those feelings and except their gone or again, die.
So you are technically correct. Wukong will cough up a greenish white petal for Ao Lie. (He’ll do this when he coughs up the petals for the rest of the pilgrims)
Why he’s doing this is because he’s not grieving Ao Lies death well. He’s still tearing himself up about the fire and Ao Lies death and he’s still blaming himself. (Even tho I think to believe Ao Lie doesn’t blame him.)
So yay! You’re kinda right :D
(I hope I explained this well. I also hope this is creative. Like I wanted to put my own spin on it.)
It’s kinda complicated lol.
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starrclown · 3 months
Omg are the petals going to change color at some point? Also this must be heart shattering for macaque
I’m being very dead serious, you are correct.
When I make more art of this au, you’ll notice how the petals change more into different colors. I called it the White Petal Au cause they start out white then change.
Believe it or not, he’s more upset that Wukong is in pain than him not being in-love with him (as far as he knows). Like he would rather them be best friends or Wukong be with someone else then Wukong be in excruciating agony because of some stupid disease.
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starrclown · 3 months
Is the person wukong caught hanahaki from(??) Someone he has known since his younger years or has he only met them recently? Like in the current show time kind of recent
He’s been around them both recently and in the past. It’s a little complicated.
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starrclown · 2 months
in regards to the white petal au, are the first batch of petals, the white ones, more of a 'call of the storm' sorta thing? For example, they don't stand for anyone in particular but hold Wukong's feelings for everyone.
Sorry if this makes absolutely no sense it's past 1am for me
Yeah! They are basically a warning for what’s to come. When they eventually turn colors is when Wukong gets ALOT more sick because then it is about all his types of love.
Basically my idea is that he’ll have three sick days kinda. Like my idea is that you basically have 9 months and every three months you’ll throw up 3 full flowers unless you’re cured. Wukong gets white petals, then colored, and he has to face his past traumas and rejection of love and then it moves on in a cycle till he is feeling better.
It’s obviously more complicated than that but you are correct.
Fun fact, it’s 6 am here and I didn’t sleep. Don’t know why, I just didn’t.
You are nailing this stuff dude, it’s crazy people like my silly aus.
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starrclown · 3 months
Oooh! So the petals are a result of Wukong’s complicated feelings for Macaque?
Not just Macque but his feelings for him definitely play a part
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starrclown · 3 months
ok so for the white petal AU I was thinking: maybe Tripitaka/Xuanzang? I know he is a reincarnation of the golden cicala so technically the petal should be golden but it could also be white.
Other guess - since Tripitaka isn't alive, then it's Macaque. The petal is white because Macaque's fur is actually white and not dark black/purple. I've just realized now-
You’re actually half right in a sense? Not in the sense Wukong is inlove with Tripitaka, absolutely not. But the petals can be for previous people.
I should clarify here that info can change cause this au is in early development so if things change that’s why.
Also, the love doesn’t have to be romantic, that’s very important.
I really should make a master post about this au when I get all the details together. But no, it’s not Tripitaka.
No it’s not Macaque (yet)
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starrclown · 3 months
Is the person Wukong’s in love with the mayor?
No, good guess tho! I’d see it if Wukong was inlove with him it would be like an icy blue color.
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starrclown · 3 months
Is it Tang? Or would those be red petals?
Not Tang either! I think those would be a golden color!
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