#lego berlin
feeder-of-rodents · 1 year
I downloaded Mr Beastify on my sister's computer while she was brushing her teeth
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be-the-news · 14 days
Ein Paradies für LEGO-Fans – »The Art of the Brick«
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Ein Paradies für LEGO-Fans – »The Art of the Brick« von Patrick Reinisch-Fahrland Die weltberühmte LEGO®-Ausstellung »The Art of the Brick« kommt nach Berlin! Beeindruckende Kunstwerke aus LEGO®-Steinen von Nathan Sawaya. Mehr lesen auf www.Be-The.News Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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let-kowski-alone · 3 months
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2017, for the "car interview".
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wildbeautifuldamned · 8 months
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Studio Uhlenhorst porcelain lid box Berlin candy makers fornasetti style H 12 cm- ebay objektcult
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legocities · 2 years
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Berlin, Germany
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unfoldingnarratives · 2 years
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Use the wings of the flying Universe, Dream with open eyes; See in darkness #DejanStojanovic #airport #goodbye #berlin #lego #captain #flight #return https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZOGzFsLif/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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allywthsr · 9 months
FIRST CHRISTMAS | (l.norris)
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summary: louis‘ first Christmas
wordcount: 1k words
pairing: dad!landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: kids
notes: I’m so sorry for not posting, I‘m currently in Berlin and hadn’t had the time to write or post, sorry🫶🏼
advent calendar
There are some things you‘ll never forget, with your firstborn, first tooth, first smile, first step, and definitely not the first Christmas. When Louis was born, it was the twelfth of December, so technically he already had his first Christmas, but all he did was sleep, eat, and poop to that time. He couldn’t open presents or take in the Christmas mood, but this year was different, with joy and shrieks he opened his car advent calendar every morning, the reindeer decoration was his favorite thing to play with at the moment, and when Lando and you put up the Christmas tree, he couldn’t stop but point at the green tree and ask his daddy to pick him up, touching the greens carefully.
Obviously with him only being one year old, he still couldn’t communicate much, he saw the lights and the tree but didn’t really understand it was time for Christmas. So next year was going to be even better, you read him stories about Santa, but next year he will fully understand that.
Lando was probably more excited than Louis was, constantly talking to Louis about Christmas, showing him the tree, or reading him Santa stories. When the first snow came, Lando was running outside with Louis on his arm, showing him the white powder. Baking cookies with Louis was fun too, his constant ‘dadadadadada‘, while he was pressing on top of your hand that was cutting the cookie, made Lando’s heart swell. Going to a mall, where a Santa was waiting, Louis was scared of the old man in red and the white beard, but on Lando‘s arm next to him, he was willing to take a picture, always needing his daddy close.
Christmas morning was nearing, and Lando was obsessing with getting way too many presents for Louis, the range went from cars to stuffed animals and Lego Duplos. You knew Louis would spend hours opening every single one, you tried to convince Lando to calm down, and not overwhelm him with presents, especially since he‘s young and still needs to understand Christmas. And that Christmas is not all about presents, but also about spending time with family and whatnot, yet, to your dismay, it was no use, he kept on buying small things here and there, getting the big presents a month before, so they wouldn’t be sold out.
When Christmas morning finally arrived, Louis woke up before the sun rose, he felt that something was different from the other days. Squealing around, until he laid between you and Lando in your bed, with a stuffed bunny in his hand, you cuddled him until knocks on your door were heard, and Savannah put her head through it, checking if you were awake because Mila and Athena were awake and ready to see the presents Santa brought.
Lando quickly changed Louis's nappy, after a while he got used to it, not gagging every time he had to do it, and then the three of you made your way downstairs, where the rest of the family was waiting in front of a closed door.
Mila was jumping up and down, while Athena and Louis were in their dad's arms, smiling and making happy sounds. Flo was tickling Louis‘ tummy, which made him laugh even harder, he was gurgling and squealing, and his brown curls, which he got from his dad, were slightly bouncing up and down, moving with every laugh.
Cisca was opening the living room door and everyone let out a gasp, amazed by the lights and presents, the tree was lit and it almost seemed like it had a magic glow around it. Mila ran to the presents and Louis was not happy to be in his dad's arms, he was kicking Lando slightly and Lando understood what he wanted, Louis wasn’t that comfortable with walking yet, so he got carried to the tree and sat down next to his pile of presents. You figured it was easier if each kid had a little pile, that way the wrong presents wouldn’t be opened and no tears would be spilled. In the end, the kids won’t even notice they don’t have to search for the colorful wrapped boxes.
The adults sat on the couch, watching the three small children ripping the carefully wrapped presents, laughing at the antics.
Lando sat next to Louis, helping him with opening the presents, Louis didn’t know what to do at first, clearly stunned to move when he saw all the presents, but after Lando started to unwrap the first present, Louis was tearing the wrapping paper off. At first, it was little pieces of wrapping paper, which he happily showed Lando, every time he held something in his hands, Lando was chuckling at his son, Louis reminded him of himself, when he was a small child, obsessing over things, no one else obsessed about.
When the first present was unpacked, Louis's eyes widened, and he lifted the box of the tow truck in the air, wanting to show everyone his new truck, next, he opened a smaller present, it was a new stuffie. Louis loved stuffed animals, the emphasis on loved, he couldn’t get enough of them, always holding one close to his chest. Now he got a reindeer, you already knew this was going to be his favorite stuffie for a while, the way he was squeezing and cuddling it. Everyone was cooing at the image in front of you, in one hand, Louis was holding his reindeer and with the other, he tried to open the next present, but that wasn’t really working with one hand only, when Lando tried to take his reindeer away, just so he could open the presents faster, Louis almost cried, eyes were already wet before Lando quickly gave it back to him, now he was helping Louis with the unwrapping.
Pulling on the paper and letting Louis do the rest, his eyes lit up every time, and the way he had to show you everything he got, was adorable. His new car set? He got up and waddled to you, pointing at it, babbling and squealing.
When every present was unpacked and every new toy was played with for a few minutes it was time to eat breakfast, but before you could sit Louis in his high chair, he fell asleep, cuddling on Lando’s arm.
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hannyoontify · 1 year
[20:27] you restlessly tapped your fingers on the handle of your suitcase, looking around the vast, quiet hotel lobby. there was a handful of people, some lounging in the waiting area while others were aggressively tapping on their phones while looking around urgently. you could pick up on a few unintelligible mutters in german and you checked on your watch, for what seemed to be the 100th time that evening.
the hotel you were staying in was placed on the edge of a cliff that overlooked berlin, and while you were looking around, you caught a glimpse of the berlin night sky that was aglow with bright city lights. peering out the window, you found yourself wondering where jeonghan would be in the midst of the restless city.
you had flown out to berlin only shortly after he had–originally to surprise him for your upcoming 3 year anniversary–but after hearing about his delayed flight and the possibility of him being late to the show, you cancelled all reservations and planned on pampering jeonghan with all the love and affection you could physically muster out of your body.
while you were deep in thought, jeonghan pulled up to the hotel with the rest of his staff, exhausted from a long day of photoshoots and interviews. he was still dressed up, with the exception of the black heeled boots being replaced with his white, fluffy bunny slippers (ones that he brought from home–a matching couple gift from you).
when he stepped into the hotel lobby, the last person jeonghan was expecting to see was you, your pretty lips pulled into a small smile while you stared off into space. you looked up and jeonghan could see your eyes brighten as you yelled his name with a bright smile.
before jeonghan's brain could properly process what his tired, jet lagged body was doing, he dropped his duffel bag on the floor and threw himself into your open arms.
'you're here..' he mumbled into the fabric of your clothing. inhaling the scent of your fabric softener, the tension in jeonghan's body seemed to naturally dissipate. 'you're here, you're actually here'
your hand reached out to pat his head. 'of course i'm here, silly. did you think i would be on the other side of the world for our 3 year anniversary?'
jeonghan felt his stomach, heart, and the rest of his internal organs drop past his feet, into the deepest, darkest pits of hell. he pulled away from the hug and looked at you blown, panicked eyes.
'[name], love, i don't know if i can-'
you smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to his soft lips. 'don't worry about it. we're spending our 3 year anniversary in your hotel room, drinking flutes of sparkly champagne and building legos. i brought a couple sets and we can always order more'
'did i ever tell you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me?'
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a/n : i honestly wanted to write more but i thought it was getting a little out of hand so i stopped here hehe i wanted to write this after hearing abt his delayed flights and his sweet messages on weverse telling carats not to worry and he seemed super nonchalant about the entire thing so i wasn't too worried but i had this lingering thought/worry about how exhausted he probably is, waiting at the airport for 13 hours while his flights kept getting delayed so this was kinda self indulgent in a way where i comfort myself by comforting him 🥲 HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED YSL BERLIN JEONGHAN TOOK MY LIVING BREATH AWAY HE'S SO GORGEOUS I'M IN LOVEEEE
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Over 30 Years Old
Words: 795
“We’ll meet back here at 4:30,” Sirius said to the crowd of teenagers. “If you’re not back then, we’ll leave you to fend for yourself in Berlin forever and we all know your German isn’t good enough for that.”
Remus shook his head, “What Mr Black means is, be here for 4:15 to be safe. We have a flight to catch and we can’t be late.”
“Same difference,” Sirius said under his breath.
“Ok, you’re free to go. Bis später!” Remus had barely finished his sentence before the students dispersed noisily. He turned to Sirius, “I take issue with your assessment of their German skills.”
“You would say that. You teach them.” Sirius shrugged with a smug smile. “You think they’d be able to fend for themselves?”
“Oh, fuck no. But I’m allowed to say it. You’re not.” He looked down the street, “What are your plans for the day?”
“Are you asking me on a date, Mr Lupin?”
“I was thinking more, ‘Where should I avoid?’,” Remus chuckled as Sirius’ face dropped. “I was planning on going to the Museum der Dinge, the Museum of Things. They have all sorts of cool stuff.” He shrugged, “And then I was thinking I’d go over to the Tiergarten to the Denkmal für die im Nationalsozialismus verfolgten Homosexuellen.” He paused as Sirius looked baffled. “It’s a memorial for the gay people persecuted by the Nazis.”
Sirius’ brain had been letting him down frequently on this trip. Every time Remus spoke German his mind just went blank, and as Remus was a German teacher currently leading a school trip in Germany, he was spending a lot of time willing his brain to just do something. “Mind if I join you?”
“Worried about your ability to fend for yourself here?” He looked at Sirius fondly.
“Ja.” Sirius muttered, defeated.
“I’ll translate for you in the museum if you find me a decent cup of tea.” Remus said, “But you have to order it in German.”
Sirius blanched, “I never even took German at school, this is unfair.”
“I’ll teach you on the way, come on.” He pressed his hand to Sirius’ lower back, and Sirius was sure he'd melt into a puddle or disappear into a puff of smoke, some kind of state change for sure, until Remus guided them towards a small café down a sidestreet.
“Uh, Hallo.” Sirius started, knowing that Remus probably couldn’t hear him, but determined to do this. “Haben Sie Earl Grey?”
“Ja, eine Tasse oder eine Kanne?” The barista spoke slowly.
“Um, eine Tasse? Bitte?” He frowned, “Und ein großer Americano, bitte. Danke.”
He paid and grabbed milk and sugar for Remus. When he sat down the other man was smiling at him and the whole awkward transaction was suddenly worth it.
“I didn’t think you’d do it.”
“I like a challenge,” Sirius said, with a glint in his eye.
“Evidently.” Remus held his gaze. “What possessed you to chaperone this trip when you don’t speak German?”
“The drama trips are always so… dramatic.” He laughed, “So much teen angst. Plus, the other arts teachers are fairly dull.”
“And I’m not?”
“No, you’re fascinating.” Sirius wasn’t sure who was blushing more. “I mean— Oh, shit. I mean that I think you’re an interesting person.” Remus tilted his head, willing him to say more. “And you’re, y’know…” He gestured at Remus.
“A single, bisexual man in his thirties who wears oversized jumpers so he can pull the sleeves over his hands?” Remus grinned, “A grown-ass man who collects Lego?”
“You collect Lego?” Sirius laughed, “Why aren’t we going to the Lego Store then?”
“I figured students would be more likely to go there than a museum and a park.” Remus said quietly, “I figured you’d be tagging along.”
“You didn’t want students to see us together?” Sirius was slowly piecing things together but felt like he was maybe misreading, “I hate to tell you, but I think they know that we’re both on the trip.”
Remus shot him a withering look. “Arschgeige…”
Sirius suspected that wasn’t a compliment. “We could go to the Lego Store first and be super professional and then we can go to your museum and park, but…” He reached across the table, pulled back Remus’ sleeve, and put his hand over his, “You might need to hold my hand so you don’t lose me in the museum.”
Remus pressed his lips together, suppressing a laugh, willing his heart to stop pounding in his chest, “Smooth.” He laced his fingers into Sirius’, “That sounds nice. I’d like that.”
They hadn’t clocked the small group of Year 11 students sat in a booth, two of whom groaned as they reached for their phones to transfer money to the other two.
Translations 😬😬 they’re maybe right 😂
Bis später - See you later
Denkmal für die im Nationalsozialismus verfolgten Homosexuellen - Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism
Haben Sie Earl Grey? - Do you have Earl Grey?
Ja, eine Tasse oder eine Kanne? - Yes, a cup or a pot?
Um, eine Tasse? Bitte? Und ein großer Americano, bitte. Danke. - Um, a cup? Please? And a large Americano, please. Thanks.
Arschgeige - Arse violin
If you saw this before I deleted and reposted because I realised that Remus would never teach Sirius the informal way to ask for tea, no you didn’t. 🥲🥲🥲
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barelysleepyy · 9 months
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" Newton!! stop terrorizing my Berlin Lego set!! "
Said Lego set is the 21027 Lego Architecture Berlin set. Which is a 'retired' ( discontinued ) product and thus quite expensive.
I keep forgetting my ideas but I did remember this one. Yay!
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Members of Devo, Joey Ramone & Lars Frederiksen, 1996.
When Devo joined the 1996 Lollapalooza as one of the „Mystery Acts“, they made sure to bring a fair amount of their legendary „Energy Dome“ hats - so their fellow tour pals could walk around with a flashy red helmet.
Here‘s Rancid singer/guitarist Lars Frederiksen receiving his, backstage at the George Amphitheatre, Washington, July 30, 1996.
When asked about the origin of the „Energy Dome“ hat, lead singer Mark Mothersbaugh stated:
„We designed them, Jerry and I. We were influenced both by German Bauhaus movement and geometric fashion, and Aztec temples. We just liked the look. It looked good, and it didn’t look like any other bands out there. We weren’t interested in wearing groovy hats or groovy clothing. We kind of looked like Lego toys or something by the time we got those on our heads, and that was a positive thing.“
📸Tim Mosenfelder
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thanksforthedinosaur · 8 months
february 2024
katy kirby - drop dead
raffaella - fcking smiling
sophie cates - i don’t see you (how i used to)
luna shadows - little rituals
phoebe go - something you were trying
madi diaz - everything almost
abigail osborn - in case of emergency
ivers - best behavior
allie kelly - gunshy
pomplamoose - nuclear kittens (ça devient chaud)
padma - time back
marika hackman - no caffeine
etta marcus - skin parade
sophie may - no more birthdays
rosie tucker - all my exes live in vortexes
ash the ghost - achy bones
lutalo - running
haley blais - coolest fucking bitch in town
tyzo bloom - an apocalypse
brimheim - brand new woman
teen jesus and the jean teasers - salt
miette hope - bubblewrap
frankie cosmos - uncrossed path
waterbaby - 911
jana horn - energy go
sarah jarosz - days can turn around
lighthearted - wasted 2
devon gabriella - older
eee gee - she-rex
lølø - snow in berlin
neriah - cause of death
nina cobham - effort in
moon panda - current
brand new legs - hug slut
gayle - orange peel
sad alex - airbag
fletcher - lead me on
jessia - without you
girli - be with me
leah kate - liar
similar kind - face to face
between friends - really good cry
faye webster - lego ring
charlotte sands - pity
chloe adams - take me to hell
agnes hartwich - cult leader (golden retriever)
jades goudreault - jet like bennie
emeline - feelings
cloudy june - retail therapy
g flip - kevin
bump of chicken - souvenir
jyocho - guide and devote
elephant gym - adventure
bearwear - shibuya
verandah - not bad
wisp - your face
boilermaker - shepherd
pile - exits blocked
well kept things - older
hannah grae - time of your life
vial - falling short
sleater-kinney - needlessly wild
the veronicas - detox
rosemary fairweather - same thing
varsity - souvenirs
packs - honey
eyedress - a room up in the sky
bullion - rare
avalon emerson - astrology poisoning
twen - seastar
nabihah iqbal - this world couldn’t see us
jako diaz - breathe
edapollo - favourite place
four tet - loved
braids - evolution
glen check - nevada
the aces - suburban blues
tigerstate - soltar pra fora
r. missing - spellbound
yör - badekar
(g)i-dle - wife
4s4ki - rolo
celeina ann - cho nemui
wisue - come into my dream
silly silky - 4d
pallas - puppy luv
nanna.b - cumlaude-dodi
lunadira - crying over nothing (wah wah)
so wylie - in the now
katie mcbride - hideaway
vtss - steady pace
kali uchis - me pongo loca
yaffle - boomerang
r.a.p. ferreira - 47 rockets taped to my chair (for dr. refaat alareer)
logic - intergalactic icons
tame one - molly
lil nas x - j christ
mista sinista - september (remember)
the park - always good
meltycanon - constellations
umi - show me out
iamddb - cry baby
aryeè the gem - flights
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ninety-two-bees · 8 months
people i want to get to know better!
thank you for the tag @theapocryphaofantares <3
last song: ‘cold water swimming’ by quiet houses
favourite colour: probably green or orange?? i like earthy tones
last film/show: last film was lego batman (best batman movie) and last show was percy jackson
sweet/savoury/spicy: idk honestly?? i don’t really have a preference
relationship status: single!! working on fully becoming comfortable with being a lesbian (we love catholic guilt)
last thing i googled: sleeper trains between berlin and stockholm!! i wanna travel again but i’m sick of airports
current obsession: batman & his kids and how terribly fucked up they all are
last book: i reread ‘the foxhole court’ a little while ago
looking forward to: going back to university in person!! taking a year to do remote research was the best option for my mental health but i miss studying
no pressure tags!! @heartshiii @dahlliiances @my-chemical-l0ser and anyone else who sees this!!
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souly · 1 year
It’s still so strange not to be here as often as I used to a couple years ago. I want to, trust me, but life has other plans for me, I guess.
With all those crazy new laws in Germany, certain people over here are in extreme demand - and it’s hell. I’m currently working on several hydronic balancing projects at once, because our government had this crazy idea to make this mandatory for every homeowner until the end of the year, which is insane considering the lack of people who are actually able to do this. Until last year, it was still allowed to use the simple method for the heating load. Now though, we have to calculate it for every single room in detail - and that requires software-based calculations and more. But sure, let’s suddenly force everybody to do this in such a short time, while also demanding people to install new heating systems without fossile energy sources. I swear, they’ve all collectively lost their minds over here. Don’t get me wrong, I know that this is important, but I also know that it can’t be all done this quickly. Hydronic balancing for one building with several apartments takes me about a week, which includes having to draw the blueprints myself, because hardly anybody here has a real blueprint of their house nowadays. It’s fun to do all this, but it’s also driving me crazy currently. There are moments where I just want to crawl into my bed and cry. Not that it would help much with my work…
As if that wasn’t enough to drive me insane, I got some news about an old family friend of my parents having died a few days ago. I felt numb for a bit then, because I grew up with him having been to our place at least every weekend during my childhood. And when I had my internship during my university years, he worked at the same office. Knowing that I won’t randomly run into him anymore at random restaurants here in Berlin is making me incredibly sad. I honestly can’t deal with death…
Apart from that, I’m trying to stay as sane as possible with different hobbies. I’m at the zoo at least once a month, I rediscovered my love for LEGO, I do random art projects - all these little things that make me happy. And it works. I might have the occasional headache when everything gets too much for me, but my happy places always cheer me up pretty quickly, and I’m so glad for that! I just wish I had more time for my fandoms and being on here again, but sadly, I haven’t managed to do this so far. Let’s hope life will eventually quiet down again, so that I can finally post a lot again! 😊
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15 questions, 15 people
Tagged by @nitrateglow!
Nickname: Trace or Rob - almost nobody calls me Rob, but I don't mind that people do
Sign: Capricorn
Height: 6'1", 6'2" on a bad hair day
Last Thing I Googled: "lego hokusai the great wave"
Song Stuck in My Head: "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin
Amount of Sleep: I take what I can get, 5-7 hours
Dream Job: Writer/director
Wearing: black Levi's and a hoodie jacket I got for Christmas
Movies/books That Summarize You: movies - Spider Man 2, The Life Aquatic, Apollo 13; books - Zen in the Martial Arts, Everyone Loves You When You're Dead, some stuff by Dave Eggers
Favorite Song: currently it's BOC's "Then Came the Last Days of May"
Instrument: eh, piano I guess
Aesthetic: blue jeans, dark tees, and jackets
Favorite Author: I like David McCullough, Walter Isaacson, and Tom Clancy
Random Fun Fact: the root of my last name is "Schlesser," which is German for "owner of many castles." Where are my castles at? Rent's expensive!
tagging @eyes-of-the-fox @qveenofthefullmoon @virescent-phosphor @mad-prophet-of-the-airwaves @vidibit @thewaifupillow
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This day in history
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Tonight (June 5) at 7:15PM, I’m in London at the British Library with my novel Red Team Blues, hosted by Baroness Martha Lane Fox.
Tomorrow (June 6), I’m on a Rightscon panel about interoperability.
On Wednesday (June 7), I’m keynoting the Re:publica conference in Berlin.
On Thursday (June 8) at 8PM, I’m at Otherland Books in Berlin.
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#20yrsago An idea for email clients https://memex.craphound.com/2003/06/06/an-idea-for-email-clients/
#15yrsago Patching ancient walls with legos https://www.designboom.com/art/jan-vormann-dispatchwork/
#15yrsago Security guard: no photography in Union Station; Congresswoman: Oh yes there is! https://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2008/06/union-station-p.html
#10yrsago Scary Russian business-man insists he isn’t scary: “you are in no possible danger of being murdered if you come to Moscow!” https://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/06/vrublevsky-arrested-for-witness-intimidation/
#10yrsago Doonesbury’s transvaginal ultrasound/Republican state house strips https://web.archive.org/web/20130606125228/https://imgur.com/aS3Tcm9
#10yrsago DHS on border laptop searches: we can’t tell you why this is legal, and we won’t limit searches to reasonable suspicion https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/06/feds-say-they-can-search-your-laptop-at-the-border-but-wont-say-why/
#10yrsago New York Senate makes it a felony to annoy a police officer https://web.archive.org/web/20130608230026/http://www.nysenate.gov/press-release/senate-passes-bill-creating-crime-aggravated-harassment-police-officer</a.
#10yrsago Picture Day: wry, superb coming-of-age movie https://memex.craphound.com/2013/06/06/picture-day-wry-superb-coming-of-age-movie/
#10yrsago Leaked top-secret court order shows that NSA engages in bulk, sustained, warrantless surveillance of Americans https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/06/nsa-phone-records-verizon-court-order
#10yrsago Time for total war on patent trolls https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/how-to-make-war-on-patent-trolls
#5yrsago UPS Teamsters ready to stage America’s biggest strike since 1997, with solidarity as the main sticking point https://money.cnn.com/2018/06/05/news/companies/ups-teamsters-negotiations/index.html
#5yrsago Judge to EPA: you are legally required to turn over Pruitt’s documentary evidence for climate denial https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/06/judge-orders-epa-to-disclose-any-science-backing-up-pruitts-climate-claims/
#1yrago MBAs and wage stagnation: Going to business school makes you a dick https://pluralistic.net/2022/06/06/fortress-mentality/#mbas
#1yrago Against Cozy Catastrophes https://pluralistic.net/2022/06/06/fortress-mentality/#everyones-problem
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in London and Berlin!
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