#lego batman? star trek figure? my little bratz guy?
filmcel · 8 months
Hi gamers,
I send this message out to u all. My cries and pleads. LEts just say.... i have an assignment due tomorrow morning. and by due tomorrow morning i mean i have to DO IT TOMORROW MORNING. as in PRESENT to my class! sounds fun right? WRONG! mY DUMBASS got busy with work....(AKA didnt work on it during my free time when i shouldve bc i got anxious and didnt want to committ suicide over it) and I ended up waiting til the night befor to get the rest of the info i needed (rlly not that much). But essentially.... im waiting on a text from someone who can give me the remaining DEETS i need to get this shit DONE! Will I Surive? Find out soon!
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