#legit did not know they were supposed to be chocolate flavored until I was well into high school
match-your-steps · 2 years
I've been thinking about this for a while but you know how European people (or I guess I've never seen this reaction in anyone other than people from Great Britain specifically, but I'm no expert) try American chocolate and are like DEAR GOODNESS HOW CAN ANYONE EAT THIS IT'S HARDLY CHOCOLATE yeah well I wonder how they would react to a tootsie roll
0 notes
purplesurveys · 4 years
surveys by lets-make-surveys 1 - What did you do to celebrate your last birthday? Did you get any decent gifts? Guh I honestly barely want to recognize my birthday this year because 2020 has been a huge waste of my time...but fine, I guess I’m 22. It had been during the peak of the quarantine/pandemic, so we had no choice but to stay home. I just played the Switch all morning, then I think I watched my dad play video games, and then Angela and Hans sent over a box of sushi to our place. Real chill day.
2 - What was the last “random act of kindness” you experienced? It was my first day at the office today and I had to go up and down the stairs several times to bring packages to delivery riders, since I had to send those out to certain people. A member of the maintenance staff in the area was super nice and offered to carry some of the boxes for me, since he saw how much I was struggling with the boxes.
3 - Have you ever “paid it forward” by putting money behind the counter somewhere so the next person can get a free coffee or similar? Not yet. I’d love to be able to do that soon.
4 - What caused the last injury that made you bleed? Was it a serious injury? I was trying to open a bottle of soju last night but the cap just would not budge. Next thing I knew my finger was already bleeding. Never got to drink my soju :(
5 - Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Are you close to that person at all? One of the delivery riders who took my package earlier. Bless his soul, he was very new to the delivering thing and I think I was his first-ever customer, and he kept asking for my help. I did my best for a while but eventually I had to tell him I genuinely did not know how to answer some of his questions as I wasn’t a driver myself.
6 - What was the last item you received in the mail? Something I had ordered online. It was the gift I’m planning to give my grandma for Christmas.
7 - When was the last time you received flowers? What kind were they? A year ago, I think. It was a single stem of a rose. We were saving up last year hahaha so I had gotten her a single stem as well.
8 - Are you a fan of salted caramel? What about other “odd” combinations like sea salt and chocolate or chilli and chocolate? Ooh, I didn’t know salted caramel was considered odd; it’s a pretty common flavor here and has even gotten more popular in the last few years. I like it as a flavor in desserts, like cupcakes with salted caramel frosting. When it comes to food, I’m generally open-minded and will try any combination that exists at least once; that said, chili and chocolate sound especially intriguing haha. I’ve only ever tried chili ice cream, which was delicious.
9 - Do you enjoy watching bloopers or outtakes from TV shows? If so, which series do you think has the funniest ones? Yes. Bloopers in general are great but it’s best when they come from shows that have a reputation for being more drama-heavy and serious - that said, Breaking Bad bloopers are the fucking best. ‘Bloopers’ from animated movies are hilarious too; they were always made so well too that as a kid, I legit thought the characters were actual actors as it never crossed my mind that animators would take the extra effort and time to make bloopers out of fictional characters and that they had to be real actors in some way lol.
10 - What’s your favourite dessert food? OMG macarons for the win. I’ve been craving them so much. Cheesecake is great too, and also cupcakes.
11 - Do you have any really dangerous wild animals where you live? Have you ever encountered any of them? Nope only stray dogs and cats, and probably some chickens somewhere.
12 - Have you ever dreamed of owning your own shop? What kind of thing would you like to sell? I’ve never dreamed of this; it’s never been a goal of mine and running a business doesn’t sound like my kind of thing.
13 - Are you a twin? If not, would you ever want to be a twin? If you are a twin, do you ever wish you weren’t? No. I’ve never really found myself wishing for it, either.
14 - Do you prefer wearing your hair straight or curly? Maybe just a little wavy. Definitely not in the extreme of either side of the spectrum.
15 - Would you ever want to go and visit the moon? If I had the chance and everything was paid for and stuff, hell yeah. It’d be cool to get to cross out one of my childhood bucket list items.
16 - What was the last hot drink you had? What about cold drink? Or alcoholic drink? My last hot drink was...probably the coffee I asked my mom to make last Friday, but I did wait it out until it was considerably cooler as I didn’t want to drink it hot. My last cold drink is the iced caramel macchiato I ordered tonight and still have with me at the moment. Then for alcoholic drink, I had soju mixed with Yakult about two weeks ago.
17 - Does anything on your body hurt or ache right now? My lower back, unsurprisingly. I also cut my right middle finger trying to open a soju bottle last week, andddd I gained a blister on my right foot today because of the shoes I picked to wear for work.
18 - When was the last time you struggled to get to sleep? Was there was a specific reason for that? I can’t remember exactly when, but it happened within the last week or the last two weeks. Sometimes I just drink too much coffee during the day that it affects how sleepy I’d ultimately feel at night.
19 - What three countries would you most like to visit? Morocco, India, and Thailand.
20 - Who’s your closest friend from another country? How did you come to meet this person? I don’t really have one anymore...I’ve grown apart from my internet friends from different countries a long time ago, and I also don’t tend to keep up friendships with my friends who’ve since migrated from the Philippines to another country. I suppose the one I’m on best terms with is Angel who migrated to Toronto around a decade ago; but I use ‘best’ very loosely as the most we do is comment on one another’s posts whenever we reach like a life accomplishment, like when we graduated college.
21 - When was the last time you had a cold? With everything going on in the news, did you worry that it was COVID? It’s been a while. I can’t remember; it was definitely pre-Covid.
22 - As of today (10th December, 2020) the COVID vaccine is being rolled out in the UK. Are you going to have it once it’s available to you (if it ever is)? A part of me is a little concerned because I know vaccines take years and sometimes even decades to be fully developed, but that doesn’t mean I don’t trust doctors and science. I very much do, of course. It’s just that I’d personally prefer to wait it out first to see if it’ll have any negative effects once rolled out on a massive scale.
23 - What are your favourite websites to browse when you’re bored? Wikipedia black holes are the way to go.
24 - Do you think people should have to pass a test in order to own pets? A local animal welfare NGO already does that; Nina had to go through several tests before she was allowed to adopt Arlee. There was a verbal interview, a written form she had to fill out, and a representative from the organization even visited our house to see if it was a suitable environment for Arlee; I’m sure there was a few more steps she was required to undergo. I certainly think it’s a good and responsible process. 
25 - When was the last time you fell asleep/had a nap during the day? Is this something that happens often? It’s been monthssssssssss. I don’t really take naps during the day anymore.
26 - Do you suffer/have you ever suffered with bad acne? What kind of things did you do to try and improve it? I’ve never had issues with acne and was always rather fortunate when it comes to my skin. I’ll have a pimple or two show up once or twice a year, but they go away within a week or so. Since I don’t want to jinx it, I just wash my face with water and I’ve never experimented with any skincare products ever.
27 - When you think about it, do you think it’s odd that we stop drinking human milk at a young age, but we happily drink milk from other species instead? Not really.
28 - How’s the weather where you are? Is this a good or a bad thing for you? These days it’s humid and hot during the day (as always), but now that it’s Christmas season the weather tends to plunge to like 24-26C during nighttime. I’d say the night part is good for me as I prefer being cold than hot, so I’m glad we’ll be having this weather until March at most.
29 - When was the last time you ate a pizza? What toppings did you get? Tuesday. Relatives came over then and my cousin got us pizzas. I don’t remember what toppings he got but both pizzas had stuffed crust in it.
30 - How often do you wear make-up? What kind of make-up do you wear? Wow, almost never. Gab used to put makeup on me but now that she’s gone, I don’t really see myself wearing makeup for the meantime as I definitely wouldn’t apply them onto myself. 
1 - If you have caffeine late in the day, does it cause you to struggle with your sleep? Eh, sometimes. Sometimes it’ll do what it’s supposed to and make me stay up for a while, but other times it doesn’t work and I’ll end up getting sleepy the same time I usually start feeling so.
2 - When you struggle to sleep, what do you do instead? Watching videos has eternally worked for me.
3 - Who was the last person you spoke to for the first time? How did you come to speak to this person? Hmm I met my co-workers Ysa and Bea for the first time today, if it counts. I’ve only ever talked to them through Viber since we’re on a WFH set-up, but we had to go to the office today to fix up some boxes that we needed to get delivered. But the last person that I really hadn’t met nor spoken to before was Jhomar, the company messenger who takes care of pickups for the day. 
4 - If you have a pet, have they ever embarrassed you in public or in front of friends or family members? What happened? Kimi is typically unfriendly towards strangers, so as cute and cuddly as he looks he would probably bite your finger off. I’ve had to explain that to guests who’ve felt puzzled about his demeanor. He’s my little baby though and I wouldn’t say he’s embarrassed me because of it. Cooper on the other hand is hyper-friendly to the point that he looks aggressive and it has scared some people away; in reality, he’s always SO pumped to meet anyone and everyone and can never contain his excitement haha. He’s literally the nicest dog.
5 - Do you leave the house every single day? I never leave the house, except if it’s to withdraw cash or go to the Starbucks drive through to pick up a coffee.
6 - Would you rather spend the day at the beach, or a day in the snow in the mountains? I would normally pick beach, but I think the mountains would be best for me at the moment.
7 - Do you prefer tops that are plain, or ones with patterns/logos/slogans? Plain.
8 - Are there any TV shows from your childhood that you still watch today? I’ll watch Spongebob every now and then. When I’m bored and have enough time on my hands I’ll sometimes watch other shows from my childhood just for that nostalgia wave, like Barney or Hannah Montana.
9 - How many texts would you say you send on an average day? Used to be hundreds, but now it’s probably like...5, on average. Sometimes I’ll need to text media for work and that’ll come up to around 15-20 texts but that happens only occasionally, like once every two weeks.
10 - Do you enjoy buying gifts for other people, or do you never know what to buy them? I never know what to buy for people. I like buying gifts for a significant other, though. I tend to spoil one to no end.
11 - Girls - if you get periods, do you suffer from period pain or any other horrible symptoms? I get the hormonal symptoms, but the physical symptoms are almost never there. My stomach will usually contract in a way that tells me it’s coming soon, but it never really aches. Most of the time, I just cry and mope a lot and that’s how I know it’s on its way, ha.
12 - The last time you were in a car, where you were travelling to? Were you the driver or a passenger? I was headed back home. but I came from the office. I was the driver as always.
13 - Who were you with the last time you went out for a meal? I took myself out on a date.
14 - What book do you wish they’d make into a film or TV series? The Septimus fucking Heap series, please. They’ve been trying to get it made into a movie series for years but as far as I know the talks have always fallen through.
15 - The age old question - do you prefer coke or pepsi? That’s a big ‘or’ for me. I don’t drink soda.
16 - What’s the last thing you watched on TV? Is this a programme you watch regularly? Bea took over the office TV earlier and she had it set to a BTS + Taylor Swift music video playlist so that we had background music while working. No, neither are my artists of choice, really.
17 - Do you have a favourite documentary subject (eg. nature, celebrities, history, crime)? Pro wrestling (a seriously underrated documentary subject) and crime. Documentaries on anthropological issues or discoveries are great as well. I do love history, but I prefer to absorb it in text/museum form.
18 - Do you prefer sweet or savoury snacks? What snack would you say is your overall favourite? Savoryyy. I get tired of sweet snacks pretty quickly. My current favorites to munch on are any salted egg flavored chips.
19 - Does having to wear a mask stop you from doing anything, just because you dislike them or find them uncomfortable? It can be harder to breathe and I get exhausted a lot faster with a mask on, but I keep it on because I would want to keep other people safe and because it’s so easy to keep a damn mask on.
20 - Do you prefer zip-up or overheard hoodies? Either is fine.
21 - If you have a yard or garden, how much time do you spend out there? I prefer the rooftop, and if I do go there I usually stay for a few hours during the evening just to have some time to myself. Being in a house with four adults can get pretty overwhelming and taxing sometimes.
22 - When was the last time someone bought you flowers? What was the occasion? I think it was for Valentine’s Day last year. If not, it was for the anniversary which was a week after Valentine’s Day.
23 - How often do you get takeaway? What’s your favourite thing to order? I don’t really do takeout. I usually dine-in or have food delivered to my place.
24 - Do you own a lot of clothing items in your favourite colour? What is your favourite colour, anyway? I don’t have a lot of clothes in pink. It’s not my best color, but I like it in everything else hahaha.
25 - When was the last time you stayed overnight away from home? Was this with friends, family or in a hotel somewhere? What was the occasion? Idk probably a sleepover at Gab’s place early this year.
26 - Would you ever be interested in seeing a live magic show? Sure. Magic shows are already a staple at kids’ birthday parties here, and I’ve always enjoyed them especially since magicians are quite the comedians too.
27 - What’s your favourite period to learn about in history? What got you interested in this particular era? I don’t have a favorite period per se but I’ve always had an affinity for the royalty. I like reading all about them, no matter what period they reigned or what house/country they’re from. Historians have kept impressive and super detailed accounts or records for most of them, so reading about their lives has also allowed me to learn more about the culture they lived through.
28 - Do you still use or carry cash, or do you pay for everything via card? I heavily rely on cash and I actually realized how behind I am just today, when Bea ordered lunch for the office. I paid her with cash and she looked at me all puzzled and was like, “Can you do bank transfer instead?” another big girl stuff I had to learn lol. Everyone in college used cash pls forgive me
29 - Are there any TV shows that remind you of your grandparents for some reason? Not really.
30 - Have you ever had to wear a tie for school or work? If not, do you know how to tie a tie without looking it up? I had a necktie as part of my uniform in my old school. I never knew how to tie it and always asked someone else to do it for me whenever it came loose.
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little-chimchim · 7 years
Don’t Let Go- Part 4
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Rating: R (Heeeere we go)
Word Count: 2669
Genre: Ice skating! au, fluff, supreme fluff, angst, brother! Hyungwon, severe angst, smut
Pairing: Wonho x Reader
A/N: Holy shit, two parts in a day! I’ve legit had nothing to do all day so I’ve been working on this baby like crazy. Also, this is the first smut I’ve ever written so if it is not the best I apologize in advance. I hope you all enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3   Part 5
He was different. Hoseok had not looked you in the eyes since that night. After a while you had believed that you had envisioned the entire thing; but every time he looked at you, he looked away promptly. He wouldn’t do this if he didn’t regret something.
The more you thought about this, the more you worried. Exactly what happened confused you just as much. You knew for certain that he was going in for a kiss, but why he pulled away and why he was so angry about it, is what perplexed you the most.
Your feelings towards your skating partner were unwavering and no matter how much you tried to push them aside, they stuck like glue.
Practices went on like normal. Nationals were in a few weeks and the routine was in full force. This time, it was made specifically for you and Hoseok. There were moments in the routine where he would bring your face close to his, creating a faux sense of sensuality that you both knew drove the judges mad.
But as the days went on, he had stopped bringing you so close, just enough to keep the effect, though not anywhere near what he had done before.
He was the same as he had ever been with the boys. He talked to them as normal, like nothing had happened. Though, when he saw you, it felt like you had never known him.
One Saturday morning, on one of your rare breaks from the rink, you got so caught up in your emotions that you called one of your oldest friends.
Lee Jooheon was the closest friend you had that wasn’t a skater. You had met during elementary school and the two of had been stuck with one another since. With the skating season in full bloom, the two of you hadn’t been able to talk much. He was also very busy with his music. He was an amatuer dj, but with his new gigs at a few of the newer clubs in the city, he had been getting some recognition.
But that would never keep him away from his best friend.
He arrived around noon, a coffee in hand and a bag of chocolate in the other. You leaned on the wall as he walked in, smiling wildly. “I’m not pmsing you know, you didn’t have to bring me chocolate.” You joked with him.
Jooheon shrugged his shoulders and pointed to the door “Well, I can go take them back to the store I gue…” You threw up your hand to silence him. You threw your arms around him and hugged him tightly. “God I missed you ‘Heon.” You told him.
Jooheon did his best to hug you back, his gifts still in his hands. “It’s only been a month Y/N” You pulled back and shot him a glare. He smiled cheekily and set the stuff down “But I suppose I missed you too.”
You chuckled happily and brought the gifts to the kitchen. He followed closely behind, feeling at home in your apartment. “Is Hyungwon home?” He asked you.
You shook your head, shuffling through the back of chocolates to find your favorite flavor. “No, he’s at the rink with the other guys. They’re prepping for Nationals so he’s over there supporting them” Jooheon looked to you, confused. “Why isn’t he skating?”
You rolled your eyes “Because he broke his arm. That’s why I had to start skating with Hoseok.” You reminded the man in front of you. Jooheon shook his head, laughing to himself. “And Hoseok is the one you’re madly in love with.” Jooheon guessed, though he was mostly poking fun at you.
You sighed, knowing full well that he was joking. “I’m not in love with him, I just hate having my emotions played with.” you grumbled, taking a bite out of the rich chocolate. “Riiight, tell me about what happened,”
And so you did.
It left Jooheon just as perplexed and pissed as you were.
Because of this, the two of you decided to watch movies on the couch, like you had always done before when you were younger. Eventually you both fell asleep, only to be woken up again by the sound of the boys coming home from the rink.
You perked your head up from Jooheon’s shoulder, waving hello to the boys as they walked loudly through the door. Hyungwon walked over to Jooheon as soon as he saw him on the couch. He smiled and stuck out his free hand. Jooheon took it and was pulled up by your brother. “Hey man, it’s been a while.” Hyungwon said.
Jooheon nodded his head and turned to Hyunwoo and MInhyuk, who, in turn came to hug him too.
“See Y/N, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen these sad sacks, they can be rightfully ecstatic to see me.” Jooheon preened jokingly. You scrunched your nose and mocked him. You saw Hoseok out of the corner of your eye, he stood by the door, waiting for the others to stop talking to Jooheon.
You got off the couch and walked over to him. He put his gaze to his feet, finding anything to look at that wasn’t you. “How was practice?” You asked, trying to strike a conversation with the man. Hoseok shrugged “It was fine I suppose, would have been better if my partner was there. But, she decided to skip to sleep all over some man.”
“Too bad my partner is a petty, confusing man who can’t seem to make up his mind.” You griped back quickly. For the first time in days, the two of you finally made eye contact. Hoseok had sent you a glare that sent an unpleasant shiver down your spine.
You could tell he was about to say something back, but Hyungwon and Jooheon interrupted him. “Hey, Y/N, Jooheon and the rest of us are getting drinks.” He said, pointing to the door as he grabbed his keys.
“Will you be alright for a few hours?” You nodded and waved him off. Your brother had always tried stealing your best friend away. Granted, they had always been very close, but you and Jooheon were always closer.
The rest of the boys quickly left, leaving you and Hoseok alone in the small apartment. Hoseok shook his head and started walking to the door. “I’ll see you at practice tomorrow,” He quietly murmured.
You walked to him and grabbed his sleeved, tugging it back so he would face you. “You’re not leaving until you tell me what’s up your ass, Hoseok.” You snapped, knowing full well what was about to come.
Hoseok ran a hand through his brown hair and sighed. “Nothi-”
“Don’t give me that bullshit, you won’t talk to me or look at me. You try to distance yourself from me at any chance you get. I want to know what’s wrong so you and I can actually get along before Nationals.”
Hoseok frowned but he looked at you sincerely in the eyes. He knew you were furious but he couldn’t help but to find it a little endearing. “I’m sorry” he whispered before taking your face into his hands and pulling you forward.
Your first kiss had been Hyunwoo. You were fifteen to his eighteen. You both were stupid drunk, having been drinking at a party both you and Hyungwon had hosted when your parents were out of town. You were young, and you knew full well what kind of parties these turned into. But you wanted nothing more than to feel older than you were. So, on the front porch of your house, at just around two in the morning, you grabbed Hyunwoo and kissed him.
Granted, nothing came of that, and you were more than happy that it didn’t. You saw him as a brother, much like your biological one. But that sloppy, drunken kiss could not compare to now.
His lips were gentle against yours, nothing like a peck, but nothing like the disgustingly harsh drunken kisses. He held your body close to his, his firm hand made his way to your back and pressed you against him. All of the anger you felt just moments prior and alleviated and the only thing you could concentrate on was the feeling of his lips against yours.
He pulled you back by your shoulders to put some space between the two of you. He reached down to grab to hem of his shirt and pulled it up above his head. You quickly glanced down at his chest. It wasn’t anything you hadn’t seen before. Skating outfits did not leave much to the imagination, but seeing his bare chest in it’s entirety left you wanting more.
Hoseok pushed you back to the wall, encasing your body within his arms and body. He leaned in to kiss you again, this time with more drive than before. You raked your fingers over his warm skin, causing him to softly groan into your mouth. Hoseok pulled his right hand from the wall and found his way to the base of your shirt. He pulled away again and stared at you, mouth hung open, still catching his breath from the kisses.
You gave him a quick nod of approval before he pulled the shirt over your head. He threw it behind him and continued to kiss you, his hands roaming all over your stomach and the top of your covered breasts. Eventually, his mouth wandered down your neck and over your collarbone. The adventurous side of him decided to begin sucking on your skin.
A small moaned escaped your lips. Hoseok looked up to you and smirked. He grabbed your legs and lifted you up. He grabbed onto your ass, leaving you room to wrap your legs around his torso.
Hoseok walked through the hall before carrying you into your room. He set you on the bed softly before letting you go from his hold. Hoseok looked down to you, hesitating before going any further. “Are you sure?” He whispered.
You nodded your head in response. “I need to hear you say it”
“Hoseok, I want you to fuck me.” You saw the satisfaction on his face as the words left your lips. “I am not going easy on you this time.” He grunted, unzipping his pants. He threw his pants to the side, revealing his semi hard erection poking through his underwear.
He latched his fingers on the belt loops of your jeans and pulled them down. Hoseok smiled smugly to himself the second he saw exactly just how wet you were. He pressed his thumb roughly against your heated core. You twitched from the sudden pressure. You tried pressing your legs together to subdue the discomfort you felt between them but Hoseok was already on top of that. He rubbed his thumb against your clothed heat, testing to see if you were wet enough for him to step in.
He pulled his thumb back to lick it, he pulled his hand away from his mouth and nodded in satisfaction. “Fuck” was all he whispered. He slid your panties down your legs and did the same with his own. He tossed them aside and held his cock in his hand, stroking it so he would become fully hard.
He rubbed the tip of his cock along your folds. You hated the teasing, in any other circumstance you would have loved it, but you wanted him; now. “Hoseok!” You snapped. He nodded his brunette head and eased his way into you.
“Why do you feel so tight, Y/N?” He groaned as he began moving in and out of you, making sure you were well adjusted to his size. He stretched you pleasingly, it was enough to be extremely satisfying, but not enough to the point where it hurt.
His pace started to pick up and you couldn’t help but to throw your head back and arch your back, engulfed in the pleasure. Not long after, he was pounding into you quickly and roughly. Your pants eventually turned to loud moans. Hoseok groaned, still pounding into you. He held onto your shoulders tightly, finding any part of your body to hold onto and keep steady with.
“Hoseok, I’m going to cum!” You moaned. Hoseok nodded “Cum for me babe, so am I.” You both yelled as the two of you reached your climaxes. Hoseok leaned down to you, placing his head upon yours, still inside of you.
You waited until both of you had come down from your highs. He pulled out of you and lied down on the bed. He stared up at the ceiling and stared at it in silence. You did the same, waiting for him to say something. After about a minute or so, you realized you were the one who was going to have to do it.
You turned on your side and stared at him until he did the same. “Now are you going to tell me why you were so pissed at me?” You finally asked him. Hoseok reached over and pulled your body to his. Hoseok sighed, he held you to his bare body and traced small patterns on your back.
This in it’s entirety was so comforting that you wanted to stay there for days.
“I wasn’t mad at you, not even close. I was more mad at myself than anything.” He admitted. You looked up to him, watching as his features changed from happy to saddened in just a few seconds.
“When I was training with Palminov, I had started in partner skating, an event that I stayed in for quite a while. My partner was a girl named Mariana. She was a talented girl, beautiful and kind. I fell hopelessly in love with her.” He paused only to hold you more firmly to him. “Eventually, we were going out. I was too young to think about love, but I didn’t care. That girl was my life. We dated for a few years, and when I was twenty, I found out that she had cheated on me the majority of our relationship. I found out when I found her and Kihyun in bed together.”
You looked up to him quickly. The same man that you had met during regionals. “But you seemed so friendly with him,” you said, confused by the two men’s relationship.
Hoseok nodded “With Madame Palminov’s students, there was a strict rule that had been set in place the moment we began training with her. No dating amongst students. So Mariana and I kept our relationship a secret for years. Turns out she was keeping that secret with Kihyun too, and Lim Changkyun. That poor sap still is with her, even on the rink.” He sighed but continued on.
“I was so devastated that I changed my event a couple of months before the first competition of the season. A few years later, look where I am.” He went quiet. He stopped the patterns on your back and moved to your hair, playing with it gently.
“I wanted to kiss you that night, I really did, but I was so afraid of doing anything once I realized my feelings towards you. I was afraid of falling in love with my partner again.” He admitted.
This time it was your turn to hold on to him. You hugged him and burrowed your head deeply into his neck. “Please don’t be afraid of that. Allow yourself to have feelings for me, I’m not Mariana. I’m Y/N, and I know that I won’t hurt you.” Your words came out in a whisper, but you knew he heard them.
“I don’t think I’m afraid for you.” He said back, kissing the top of your head.
He hummed in response, closing his tired eyes “Please don’t let go of me, I want to stay here.”
He smiled “I wouldn’t dare.” he whispered before the two of you fell asleep.
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the-connection · 6 years
If you're someone who grew up in the '9 0s, "youre supposed to" tend to wax poetic when it is necessary to describing your childhood.
We had Beanie Babies! And Tamagotchis! And the Scholastic Book Fair!
div >
But let's be honest. Some concepts from the '9 0s were actually thoroughly whack.
I know. It's hard to accept.
But it's true. It's time to admit it.
These pencils were legit the worst.
via: Reddit
As soon as you lost one little patch( which happened approximately 2.5 instants after you took it out of your desk ), the part pencil was completely useless.
But that didn't stop you from craving one, did it?
This ice cream perceived like scrap :P TAGEND
Or perhaps you're just thinking about the bit of grove you used to eat it.
Admit it: You retain what that lodge savoured like more than you recollect the ice cream, don't you?
Remember Catherine O'Hara in Home Alone ?
Well, Macaulay Culkin is currently older than she was when she dallied his mom.
Yeah. Cause that one sink in. You are old.
You perhaps think you loved playgrounds like these, right?
via: Reddit
They ever had bees in them. Too? Splinters.
This next one might be a little controversial.
"Cup of Dirt" is not as good as you think, either.
Oreos? Good. Chocolate pudding? Good.
But the add-on of fruit-flavored gummy insects ?! No. That was a bad move.
These candies perfectly ruined your mouth.
via: Reddit
Your mouth is irrigating just thinking about them, huh?
Well, really don't forget how much they hurt you.
Trix cereal doesn't look like this anymore :P TAGEND
And it most probably never will again.
( If you haven't seen Trix lately, all the parts are simply spherical. No enjoyable fruit shapes .)
And recollect Froot Loops?
They're all the same spice .
Your entire life is a lie.
These occasions were really fun...
via: Reddit
For about 10 throws. After that, the Velcro stopped succeeding and the dance exactly rebounded off your hands, rendering the entire toy completely useless.
Next up is some bad news about what you review are members of your favorite activities at school.
You possibly looked forward to playing with these pattern blocks.
via: Reddit
But think it is right it. What did you actually do with them?
Were we are really entertaining?
Or is it perhaps possible that you only review the latter are chill because they are a indication of your ever-increasingly distant infancy?
Take a good look at this rug.
via: Reddit
You possibly had this carpet in your chamber. Everyone had this rug in their room.
But I'm willing to bet you never played with it.
This map your professors always referenced?
via: Reddit
Yeah, it's pretty darn out-of-date these days.
Since its first year 1990, 34 new countries have been created!
You never acquired this recreation :P TAGEND
via: Reddit
Because no one ever earned this game.
Because this tournament was impossible.
These gym class pinnies?
via: Reddit
They were never washed.
Ever. Not even once. And you wore them often .
Speaking of gym class...
These acts were serious death traps :P TAGEND
via: Reddit
Do all gym teaches naturally hate kids?
I can't really think of a reason to raising these reeling finger torment manoeuvres out unless that's the case.
You're perhaps convinced that you could have completed the monkey bronze on Legends of the Hidden Temple .
via: Reddit
But frankly?
You probably would not have been able to do that.
These imbibe bottles was ever* entirely* clean.
via: Reddit
Put apple juice in them once , and every beverage you put in them until the end of experience would have a distinct apple flavor.
Your family likely either had these chairs or the lounger edition :P TAGEND
via: Reddit
Either way, if it rained even one time the whole summertime, these chairs were soggy for the rest of the season.
And if you did have the lounger version, you know the struggle of finding ways to* click* the back into the exact right prestige simply to have it perfectly breakdown on you as soon as you leaned against it.
These sand art circumstances ever looked really cool.
via: Reddit
For about 12 minutes. After that, they came mixed up and seemed terrible.
Share this list with someone who remembers the struggles of has become a' 90 s girl!
Read more: http :// twentytwowords.com /
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mylymedlife · 7 years
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When The Baggies Come Out, We Are Headed Out.
As you know, I am on a liquid diet due to severe Chronic Lyme-related GI issues. Pre-liquid diet, travel was highly stressful because it was difficult to find food I could tolerate. As a result I lost weight EVERY time we went somewhere, and often did not feel well. So really, it was double stress. Stress about finding the right food, and stress about losing weight. All while doing something that’s supposed to be fun. 
In that light, the liquid diet is a blessing when we travel. It’s a relief to know I will feel well and won’t lose weight while on vacation. 
My liquid diet also makes travel more enjoyable for my family, who are capable digesters. They have much more freedom to eat when and where they want, since they don’t have to work around my digestive handicap anymore. And that makes me happy. 
Logistically, I have the whole thing down to a system. If we are going to be gone four days or less, I pre-scoop my protein powder into little baggies. One baggie for each meal. Then I group the baggies for each day into a bigger baggie, which leaves me with one bag per day. Simple. (see second photo). For extra protection, I put the daily baggies into a bigger baggie. So, I basically have three layers of baggies. And for extra, extra protection, I pack a scoop. So, if there is a total catastrophe, and my triple bag system gets breached somewhere, I can always just dump it all in a bowl and re-scoop. (I’ve never had to do that.)
Maybe that all sounds a little anal, but this is my nutrition for the duration of our trip, so I need to be sure it’s protected. I usually carry one day of meals with me, put the rest in my suitcase, and cross my fingers for good baggage handling.
For longer trips, I pre-ship the protein powder to our destination, and simply scoop directly out of the tub, as I would at home.
There are advantages to both systems. Pre-scooping is a pain and I actually hate doing it, but once at our destination everything is so simple. Since we tend to be out and about a lot when traveling, it’s very easy to just grab the appropriate baggies before we leave for the day. Shipping the tubs is easier up front, but then I’m often making up “to go” baggies while at our destination. Pay me now, or pay me later.
I’ve mentioned this before, but the protein powder I use is called Absorb Plus. It is considered an elemental protein powder, which means it is broken down as far as food can be broken down. Thus, no work for the digestive tract. I have tried numerous other protein powders, but this is the only one I have been able to tolerate. It has helped me gain about 20 pounds, and my GI symptoms have dramatically decreased since I started using it. I used to have stomach pain, nausea, heaviness and a feeling of fullness pretty much 24/7. No more. As it turns out, giving up chewing is a small price to pay for the results I have achieved. 
I should note that when I transitioned to the liquid diet, I made a decision to still eat real food for dinner. I thought it would be good for my well being to chew at least once per day, and I wanted to keep my digestive tract acquainted with real food.
So far, it has been a good system. History proved there is no possible way I can consume enough calories of food to gain, or even maintain weight, so the way I see it, I have the best of both worlds. I’m gaining weight, I’m feeling better, AND I still get to eat food once a day. 
I hope to transition back to a full food diet one day, but I don’t dwell on that. Instead, I rejoice when I grow out of my clothing, I smile when I don’t lose weight on vacation, and I am grateful my stomach doesn’t hurt all the time.
One day maybe all those things can be true without a liquid diet, but today is not that day, and that’s OK.
Time to go. I have a plane to catch.
P.S. If you or somebody you know would benefit from an easily digestible protein powder, here is the scoop on my shake. No, I am not a paid spokesperson. In fact, Absorb Plus has HORRIBLE customer service, and serious inventory management issues. If I could find another product that works as well as theirs, I would switch, but I can’t, so I’m stuck with them. Good product. Bad management. Now, you know my recommendation is legit.
OK, here’s the deal:
Click here to find Absorb Plus. I use Unsweetened Vanilla because I do not tolerate sugar well. 
You need to add 1 tablespoon of oil to each shake in order to increase the calories. I use this MCT oil because it is easy to digest. 
4 scoops Absorb Plus + 1 tablespoon oil + 1 cup water = a whopping 500 calorie, easily digestible shake. More than I could ever eat in a sitting if it were food.
Now, the annoying part. Absorb Plus used to taste just fine as it came, but then they tinkered with the formula, and the taste changed, and frankly, it got gross. This was a crisis for me until I found all natural flavoring powders that I add to each shake. I do about 1/4 flavoring powder per shake. Click here for the flavoring powders. This adds extra hassle, but the upside is I get to have different flavors throughout the day. My favorites: french vanilla, banana smoothie, mocha, chocolate fudge brownie. Now that’s living, right?
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