#legacy: haywood
anttrait · 9 months
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Slightly belated Christmas with the Haywoods 🎄🎁 — PART II
-> poses by @simmerianne93 (x), thank you!
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thecruellestmonth · 4 months
We love Bruce's tragic ignorance of Sheila's role in Jason's death.
We love Jason never telling another soul what Sheila did, because he loves her, because he's grateful she showed him compassion as soon as it didn't cost her anything, because nobody needs to know.
We need to go further.
Jason's last act as Robin got an innocent woman killed. His own mother, a doctor who should've lived many more years making the world a better place.
Poor Doctor Haywood might've survived being forced to work for the Joker, but Jason dragged her into a dangerous confrontation instead.
It's obvious what happened: Jason was trying to show off. He wanted to impress his mother by revealing himself as Robin and taking down the Joker. Treating everything like a game, never considering the consequences.
And despite losing everything to his recklessness, Sheila still used her dying breath to praise him. It's a tragedy that such a sweet woman dedicated her life to caring for others, but her own son doomed her with his carelessness.
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melsie-sims · 4 months
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I've been really struggling lately to enjoy the game, specifically gameplay, so I've decided to start something fresh and finally try out the Horse Ranch content. I'm just going to play the game without any rules or restrictions whatsoever and see where it goes.
So with that out of the way...
I'd like to introduce you to Elise and Jamie Haywood, the new owners of an abandoned ranch in Chestnut Ridge.
It's going to require a lot of work before they can really call it their home, but it's a project they're so excited to tackle together!
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domaslut · 2 years
Starring: Merula Snyde x f!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff!
Plot: you have to pick a date for the incoming Ball and all of your friends seem to have suddenly picked an interest in you. No one, however, made you feel as alive as Merula did. After a tormented night spent wide awake in your bed, you finally confront and confess your feelings to the lovely brat you have fallen in love with.
Quote: “Last night, I laid in bed so blue 'Cause I realized the truth They can't love me like you I tried to find somebody new Baby, they ain't got a clue Can't love me like you”.
“Let me guess… You haven’t picked a date yet, have you?” Tonks quizzically inquired, plopping down on the empty seat next to you.
“Bingo” you shortly replied, fidgeting with the umpteenth note you had received since the beginning of the week. Where did all of these secret admirers come from? Further more, why did they not sign their gushing letters, if they desperately yearned to be your date for the Ball? You were officially done with them and the absurd situation they were putting you through.
Your pink-haired friend chuckled and propped her chin over her hand, her bright eyes scanning the Great Hall in search for a potential candidate to accompany you to the infamous Ball “What about Andre? He has declared countless times that you’re his muse… I wouldn’t be surprised, if one of these notes has been sent by him?” she observed, pursuing her lips at you.
You averted your droopy eyes from the note to your ravenclaw friend, who was currently showing a new, expensive fabric to a rather joyful Penny. Well, maybe Tonks was not wrong about Andre… But the blonde potioneer was probably one of the other anonymous senders. You thought you had recognized her calligraphy earlier and, judging by the languid glances she was directing to you from across the room, there was no doubt about it. Penny had a crush on you.
“You’re probably right, but I’m not interested in him… And, for what can matter, I’m not going to choose Penny either. – you said, folding your arms over your chest – She’s way too sweet and pure to be my perfect match” you clarified, lolling your head back in dispair.
At this point, you had almost given up on going to the Ball. If a romantic experince had to turn into a stressful loop of anxiety and dissatisfaction, you would have rather spent the night locked up in your dorm, cuddling your pets.
Tonks snickered and stood up, shooting a knowing look at you “Ouch, poor Penny... Well, then I guess I should probably let you know that Tulip heard Talbott and Badeea talking about you in the ravenclaw common room yesterday. – she casually informed you, stretching her arms over her head – Actually, they were arguing. I mean, isn’t it weird? They’re both so calm and rational, then again they’ve lost control over you!”.
Your left eye twitched, your hand ripped up the note in your hand at the shocking revelation. When did she think it was the right time to let you know about it? Not that you were going to consider them as an option in the first place, but you would have surely avoided them down the corridors earlier. Any kind of interaction would have been detrimental in your desperate search for the right date.
“Tonks! – you whined, stomping your foot as a sign of irritation – Is there something else you wish to tell me?” you rhetorically asked her, palming your forehead.
She shook her head and turned her back at you “Nah, I’mma go to bed. And you should do the same!” she replied, ambling towards the exit calmly, as if she had not just dropped a bomb.
She was right. Maybe you were just too tired. And, maybe, you had already made up your mind. You knew who your heart desired, who you enjoyed sharing your meals, or butterbeers with. You had a fling with her. Nothing official, yet something important. You had not kissed many times. Actually, you had barely kissed. However, the way your lips brushed over hers, and the fact that the spark igniting your heart that very night was still vividly stuck in your mind were a clear sign that you were in love with her.
Dragging your feet along the floor, you made your way to your dorm and slipped under the covers without even changing into a proper attire. You were too stressed, too nervous and you struggled to fall asleep for hours. You tossed and turned continously, as you tried to make up your mind. You were conscious that, if you decided to pick her as your date for the ball, this time it would have been forever.
“Fuck it, alright?” you cussed, rolling on your back and staring at the ceiling.
Did anyone else make you feel the way she did? No. Was there someone else residing 24/7 in your mind? Of course no…
“Well… Maybe Barnaby? Argh, who am I kidding? He is always so sweet with me. Just stop, Y/N! I love her! There is no going back. I choose her” you said, maybe a little bit too loud, considering it was 2 o’ clock in the morning. One of your roommate groaned out in frustration and threw a pillow in your direction, that you easily dodged.
“Shut the hell up and ask her out. I wanna sleep...” she ranted, slithering back underneath the blankets to try to get some sleep.
The morning after, you met her at breakfast. You had a very hard time to approach her, especially when Ismelda shot daggers in your direction and seemed to be a minute away from jinx you. Your purple-eyed crush, on the other hand, had no troubles in glaring at her and making you the center of her attention.
“So, what’s the matter? Have you slept last night?” she commenced, cocking her head to the side.
You rolled your eyes at her and rubbed the back of your neck in distress “Please, Merula, don’t make things so damn complicated. – you complained, locking eyes with her – Be my date. I … I’d very much like it, if you just said yes” you blurted out, cheeks flushing up as she stared at you dumbfounded.
“Are you serious?” she asked, blinking skeptically at you.
“Yes, I am”.
“Prove it then” she challenged you, folding her arms against her chest.
You chewed on your lower lip in nervousness, fists clenched at your sides as you pondered her request. You were there, opening your heart to her, making the first step, and she had the audacity of teasing you? Was it not clear enough that you were serious about your proposal? Yet, that side of her personality, what most of your friends loathed about her, was exactly what drove you crazy.
“I love you” you simply quipped then, watching her lips parting in disbelief. Yet, you were done playing games. Sticking up to your intent to make your relatioship official, you cupped her heart-shaped visage in your hands and smashed your lips against her ones.
That was the kiss you had dreamt about for years. That was the kiss you craved and the one you could not wait up until midnight to finally steal from her. Merula was completely shocked, as if a lightning had struck her and she was left fuzzy and disoriented right after it.
“No one is quite like you” you breathed out, pressing your forehead against hers.
She blushed, pulling you in for another brief kiss “I get to have the last word, though. Don’t forget it” she joked, winking at you.
You chuckled and took a step back, bowing your head as a sign of resignation to her umpteenth declaration of her supremacy “See you tonight, miss Snyde”.
Hi there!
Happy Valentine’s Day, guys! This is the first request I had got from my “Valentine’s Day Event”. I will publish the other ones in the next few days. I hope you have enjoyed this drabble♥️
And, if you cannot find me online on tumblr, just text me on my wattpad account: Domaslut! I hang on that platform quite a bit❤️
x o x o
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smthcoolgoeshere · 1 month
People I’m curious, I haven’t played Hogwarts Mystery since 2018 I think… is the game still going ??? Did we finally finish year 5 ??? Did we meet Oliver Wood? Did Bill leave ?? Did the game let us “grow up” or are we still the same height as year 1??? Did we find Jacob ? What.happened.?? (I do know what happened to Rowan I found out but idk the context)
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𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛!!
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Hi, hello luvies! Ahhh, it's been a long time since I've been actively here and I apologize! But this year had been hard for me, with college exam and stress over all, but now that I'm free, or at least about to be... I wanted to thank all the 1.5K people who loves my works and this blog!
Since summer had come, I wanted to celebrate both my newly-found freedom and reaching 1.5K, so for the duration of all summer, this even will continue!
Go to the links below, choose whatever character you want from my list and any prompts or AUs you want, and send a request!
There is no limit to the prompts and AUs, and no limit to requests! You can send whatever request you want and I'll do my best with writing!
ೃ⁀➷What I Won't Accept
Racist request
Dark content reguests
Yandere themes
ೃ⁀➷Fandoms I'll Accept
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen
Harry Potter
Call of Duty, Modern Warfare
The Last of Us
Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Mystery
Criminal Minds
P.S: Any characters are okay from each fandom!!
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Kissing Prompts( 2, 3, 4)
Sweet Words Prompts
Taking Care of A Lover's Injury Prompts
Angel Numbers
Lana Del Rey Prompts
Poly Prompts
Reconciliation Prompts
Considerate Prompts
Spring Prompts
First Date Prompts
Flower Language Prompts
Movie Prompts
Compliment Prompts
Make-Up Prompts
Hug Prompts
Friends to Lovers Prompts
Height Difference Prompts
Touch-Starved Prompts
Soulmate AU( Because I'm a sucker for it. These are some of my personal favourites.)
ೃ⁀➷ It is impossible to lie to your destined soulmate.
-Whatever music that is stuck in your soulmate’s head is stuck in yours too.
-Each others’ names on their wrist/palm/etc
-Each other’s initials on their wrist/palm/etc
-Each others’ first words to one another
-A timer for when they shall first meet
-See colour for the first time when you meet, fades away when they die
-Get the same injuries as your soulmate does
-Write something on your own skin, appears on the other’s skin as well
-You can send one item to your soulmate every year
-When you meet your soulmate for the first time, you get a flashback/relive their entire lives
-Similar to above, except you get glimpses of their future
-Will only see shades of your soulmate’s eye colour until you meet
-Every night you receive a message about a random sentence your soulmate has said that day.
-Receive piece of cloth with soulmate’s scent
-You can sense when your soulmate is in distress
-You can’t harm your soulmate
-Taste the things your soulmate is eating/drinking.
-Everyone has memories of their soulmate in their past life.
-The first time you touch your soulmate, you’re forced to relive their best day and/or worst day of their lives (past or future).
-The most frequent thing your soulmate says to you is written on you.
-If you haven’t met your soulmate but have been in the same vicinity of each other (like passing each other on a street or in the same building), that day will keep repeating until you find each other.
-All the nicknames your soulmate is called by is written on you.
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sca3a · 1 month
Jealousy - Hogwarts Legacy: OC x OC
Note: I do NOT support the hate towards the transgender or LGBTQIA+ community. JKR has made her stance very clear, and I could not disagree or be disgusted with her more. These pictures, as well as future ones and fics will pertain to the character(s) from Hogwarts Legacy, and as far as I've been able to gather, JKR has had no hand in it. I was gifted the game, but if you're still mad or disgusted that I play the game/write fics, please, just continue to scroll. Thank you.
The incessant chatter was giving him a headache. They were sitting by the stairs in the DADA tower, near the self-playing instruments and the topics of discussion had already ranged from Crossed Wands to Professor Ronen's homework to their next excursion to Hogsmeade.
Somewhere in the middle, had Draven zoned out. His gaze was fixated on the ginger Gryffindor boy coming down the stairs, together with his constant companions - the twins that were twins in name only.
Draven felt a pang of jealousy in his chest as he watched two girls approach the Gryffindor, giggling a little as they spoke with him. The smile he gave them was so similar to the smile he used to give Draven, those times they sneaked out of the castle at night and stargazed by the lake.
He would never be good enough for him, would he? He would never live up to the standards he lived after, would he? Maybe it was better to just let these feeling dwelling in his chest die - even if the thought of it made him swallow bile.
Draven felt a sharp elbow connect with his ribs and blinked disoriented a couple of times, unsure where he was.
“Just go talk to him.”
He glanced to his right, seeing Sebastian’s freckled visage stare back at him. His chocolate colored eyes met his gently as he nudged him again.
“There’s no need,” Draven drawled in frustration. “I just need to realize Roan is too good for me.”
This earned a smack to the back of his head and the attention of the others too.
“Merlin’s beard,” he heard Rowan snicker. “You're just as stubborn as a fairy.”
“Careful, darling,” Ominis replied wryly, “we might soon need to preen him, too.”
Draven scoffed. Gosh, they annoyed him sometimes - but maybe they were right? One of them had to confess their feelings, and it might as well be him, right? The worst thing that could happen was that Roan didn't feel the same.
Pushing off the sofa, he smoothed imaginary creases from his robe and took a deep breath. Finally striding to the foot of the stairs just as Roan and his friends reached the bottom.
As Roan’s eyes landed on him, a soft smile spread across his lips. He subconsciously ran his hands down his pants, as if he was nervous. Was he nervous?
“Hey, Dre.” The nickname hinted at a familiarity that Draven could only dream of. But the softness in his eyes always gave him a false hope.
“Roan,” he replied as calmly as he could. “We need to talk.”
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softerpixels · 1 year
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doing nothing but working and practicing her craft has left ava with some major party withdrawals so she hit up the warehouse with her girls francesca and bria. it's not a night out if ava doesn't end up cuddled up with her longtime friend and dealer max, tho. she's... not that into him but he's very into her and this girl's gotta afford her vices somehow!
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caw4brandon · 1 year
The Magic of Potterverse Games
As a child who grew up watching the Harry Potter films. There's always this interest in wanting to be a part of the Potterverse. Something about the whimsical world that entrances us all to one day, join the hallowed halls and leave a mark on the universe and on Hogwarts itself.
So, with that said. Let's explore a more immersive side to the franchise that allows one to coexist in the universe with familiar faces to guide us as we navigate the world of Muggles and Wizardkind.
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- There Once Was a Boy -
Destined to be a Star ~
Back when the movies came out, game developers tackled the interesting concept of doing magic like Harry Potter through the Harry Potter film-based games.
To make it short, see [Flatlife's - Evolution of Harry Potter Games] The games were made in a variety of ways. You play as Harry Potter, traversing around the grounds of Hogwarts. Solving puzzles, going to classes, and combat various foes.
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Despite the fact that the graphics are simple and often seen as horrendous. The games as a whole, were considered a success. It laid the foundation for the desire to learn the skills of a wizard/witch and explore the school grounds. Applying the lessons in combat and winning the day as Harry Potter. But that left the question;
What if, instead of playing as Harry Potter. We play as our own self-insert character?
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The good news is, becoming a Hogwarts student seems a lot more accessible with the mobile game <Harry Potter: Magic Awakened>
Of course, this isn't the first attempt in the Potterverse's history of self-insert games. In 2018, another mobile game <Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery> was released to the public as well as the highly anticipated console game <Hogwarts Legacy> released in 2023.
I think it's worth mentioning, regardless of your opinion towards JKR's views. The lasting effect of this franchise has raised a generation of fans and their love for magic.
- Welcome to the Dueling Room! -
As a film-only based fan of the franchise, I find that; NetEase, Avalanche, and Jam City managed to capture the wonders of using magic and being in Hogwarts. Due to the nature of the universe's magic system, the games used several ways to tackle the issue of using magic.
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In Magic Awakened, the game uses a mana-point system that limits spell casting. The game also uses a Card Game base in which players can mix and match card types and upgrade for significant effects.
The cards come in a variety of references. From summons of popular magical creatures, famous props, and the spells themselves.
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In Hogwarts Legacy, your spells are limited to what I like to call, a Hotkey Shortcut. By limiting the slots to four different abilities. Players can combine a limited set of spells in combat to deal with the more fast-paced nature of the game.
The game emphasizes the importance of using potions for that quick boost and custom clothes as additional cover. Because the game has a special condition/ finishers called "Ancient Magic" the player is encouraged to travel around and find unique upgrades to improve and build resilience. It's simple, quick, and also the most fun game to use magic.
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In Hogwarts Mystery, the combat style is a lot slower and has a two-punch effect. The first part of the duel is decided by Aggressive, Defensive, and Sneaky moves. Similar to the Rock, Paper, and Scissors game. Which when won, allows the first strike.
After that, the player is given a list of spells with various effects. The spells can sometimes cause massive damage and sometimes even stun/skip opponents for one turn. Because Hogwarts Mystery is a decision-making game, it's often regarded as the weakest attempt at magic.
- Do you Like My Scarf? -
Magic spells aside, The game's respective story is awfully predictable and bland. From the little that I personally played and hear from the folks of the community. The three games did the safe thing by doing the <Fantastic Beasts> route.
They distance themselves to different eras of the Wizarding world's history. By the game's own description, Hogwarts Legacy is set decades before Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. Following a special witch/wizard who enrolled at Hogwarts as a fifth year.
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Hogwarts Mystery is set roughly a generation before Harry Potter. Making them seniors who just graduated when Harry just entered. Meanwhile, Magic Awakened is set after Harry Potter. Close to around the time when Harry, Ron, and Hermione's kids started their year at Hogwarts.
Each year deals with its own type danger. From a dark magic rebellion to a cursed student of a deranged sibling to whatever Magic Awakened was trying to do. (I'm a bit slow to that game)
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My issue with these games is, there seems to be this tendency to make the MC a center piece to the story. While it is, after all surrounding the MC's life. I couldn't help but feel that as far as developments go. Nothing is interesting about the MC's canonical story.
The games are also wasted with issues of telling via dialogue but not showing via action. The drama of the story didn't feel as impactful. While the player's decisions can sometimes change the outcome. It is far from being as big of an influence as I thought it would.
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As far as playing the game itself goes, I only played Hogwarts Mystery till year 4 and stopped out of boredom.
I am enjoying Magic Awakened so far since it doesn't make the MC take center stage but rather uses the side characters to put weight to the story and to the playable cards. Granted, I'm not as active.
That said, I am still looking at a lot of its interesting parts from an outside perspective. So I would very much like to hear a rebuttal.
- Return to Hogwarts, Join My Dorm! -
Back when I was still playing the game, I came across a few users who interact on social media as their own MCs. They would use screenshots of their characters and write a treasure trove's worth of lore and developments. Discuss their favorite crushes and build more lore upon their OCs.
Seeing the encouragement and love between users and their OCs, got me to start uprooting my HPHM character; Sadie mac Lir and interact with quite a few names in this community outside of the games.
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But after realizing that the story is just not as rich as I'd imagine, Sadie transferred into the world of <Murder The Crow> following Hector Dagger, the story's original character, and was later added with Jamie Robyn who is now a placeholder in Magic Awakened.
In spite of the situation with JKR and some of the whispers of this fandom's dark side. The fandom is still going strong as ever. While I have distanced myself, I still linger with the friends I made along the way. Most come from an artistic perspective with their OCs and art in general. Some of them are just good conversationalists.
It felt like being in school again. To learn from one another, socialize among fellow housemates and discuss plans for the future and have fun little interactions. Being in cliques and enjoying the other bit of magic that is not in the games, friendship.
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In conclusion, I think it's been a wonderful journey for Harry Potter's gaming side of the fandom. The games went from being Harry to becoming your own Harry. To forge your own path in a world that is rich with possibilities and build friendships in-game and out of the game that might last lifetimes.
For a fandom as big and equally as problematic as Harry Potter. The Potterverse games have proven that it truly is not our abilities that show who we truly are. But rather, it's our choices that make the significant change.
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Thanks for Reading
- Caw4B -
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anttrait · 9 months
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Slightly belated Christmas with the Haywoods 🎄🎁 — PART III
-> poses by @simmerianne93 (x) and @subiesims (x), thank you!
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princessconsuela120 · 2 months
Character Profile
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(In game Paddy)
Series masterlist
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full name: Patrick “Paddy” Haywood
birthday: august 16, 1875
nationality: English 
blood status: half blood
house: Hufflepuff 
wand: ebony wood, dragon core, 12”, quote flexible
patronus: stag
pets: ginger cat names Scruffy
boggart: his friends dying
Best class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Favorite class: Defense Against the dark arts
Worst class: herbology
Least favorite class: divination
Love interest: Ophelia Weasley
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Traits: goofy, sarcastic, witty, charming, funny
Likes: Ophelia, flowers, butterbeer
Dislikes: chocolate, being bored (def has undiagnosed adhd)
Hobbies: rugby, quidditch chaser
Fears: his friends dying 
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Height: 5’7
Eyes: gray
Hair: brown
Scars: across the bridge of his nose (from the war)
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alteredpixels · 1 year
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Finally, Greta and Emmett tied the knot! They had a relatively small ceremony at the rec center in San Sequoia.
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catohphm · 1 year
So I'm gonna be taking a break from doing new HL, MA and HM projects (big stuff like new fanfics) but I don't mind working with small headcanons and interactions with other people's OCs with those developing naturally into bigger things! These help me get through college and work week-by-week.
You can send me asks and DMs about any headcanon or OC interaction ideas you have with my three boys, Danny, Brian and Cato. I'm also happy to discuss the lore of the games and the Wizarding World in my asks and DMs. Anything in general I'm open to! ☺️
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melsie-sims · 4 months
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While Elise plants the last crops and starts to scavenge around the property for things to sell, Jamie decides to start woodworking.
She has zero skill so it's going to be a long process, but if they're going to rebuild an entire ranch from the ground up, it's probably good for her to know her way around tools.
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domaslut · 2 years
Could you write a one-shot with Merula x female reader pleaseee! Maybe at a common room/hogwarts party where they have their first kiss :)
AUTHOR NOTE: aww, thank you so much for the request! I hope you are going to enjoy the reading. I love Merula from the bottom of my heart. I am sorry it took longer than I had originally planned, but I got really busy. Can’t wait to work on the other three I have got :)
Pairing: Merula x f!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Prompt: in which you share your first kiss with Merula at a party, while she rants about muggle music.
When Ben invited you over for a party, you expected baloons, food and your friends to sing along the new song released by “The Weird Sisters”, but apparently you were wrong. While the atmosphere was pretty cheerful, most of your friends were silently listening to muggle music, gulping down butterbeer and shrugging casually at the lyrics. It was a disaster.
You blinked skeptically, as you took a deep breath, made your way to Ben and greeted him with a soft smile “I thought we had agreed to boost out some good music for the night… – you started, eyeing your friend expectantly from behind your long eyelashes – Don’t you think we should switch it up on stuff they are used to?” you suggested, before involving him into a warm hug. Your friend chuckled and hugged you back, patting on the leather fabric of your black jacket.
“Oh, well, judging by your daring look, you were really hoping on some magical rock music, weren’t you?” Ben noted, checking your outfit out rather patently. To that, you simply smiled proudly and twirled around to show off your impeccable choice of clothes. You really had a good taste, but you were certain that your friendship with the Ravenclaw stylist, Andre, had increased your self-esteem and highened your standards in picking the perfect outfit for each event.
“Seriously, though, you should consider something everyone can easily enjoy. – you insisted, once you made eye-contact with him again – Maybe, later on. The night is young and I think people are more invested into food rather than dancing right now…Speaking of which, as a matter of fact, I’m pretty hungry too. See you around!” you added, your eyes now focused on the large table decorated in candles, techicolor baloons and delicious trays of food. Before you could even hear Ben babbling out a proper response, you had already made your way to the table and now, empty plate in hand, you were pondering which canapé you should have tried first.
“Oh, there you are! You are in late. That is so unusual of you. Yet, I could not expect less from the star that you are” a familiar voice pierced your ears, earning a eye-roll from you. Although you had somehow mutually stopped holding a grudge and your relationship had gradually turned into a more lively and good one, Merula Snyde could never miss her chance to tease you. You had even been out on a few dates together in past. Yet, sadly, none of you two had decided to take your relationship on another level.
“It’s good to see you too, Merula. – you started, filling your plate up quickly with some random appetizers – Are you enjoying the party? I guess you are. Well, at least, now. I’m pretty sure were bored… Eager to see me, weren’t you?” you teased her back, flashing a lovely smile at your former rival.
The purple-eyed witch grinned and took a sip of her butterbeer “Woah, guess what, you might be right for once! This music is revolting. It’s hurting my ears. Is that the obnoxious genre muggles listen to? Because, honestly, it sucks” she blurted out, the tone of her voice dripping sarcasm and annoyance.
You giggled, gesturing for her to take a seat with you and share your food “Well, I have already asked Ben to switch it up at some point. Let’s just enjoy food and the fact that we are no longer at each others throats, shall we?” you joked, earning a side-eye from your crush. You were glad she had decided to come too. You did not get to see her much during summer and you were truly longing for more contact with her. You craved her presence. You cared about Merula, about your bond, even after everything she had put your through durimg your first years at Hogwarts.
“I heard that sharing food is something people do not particularly like to do, unless they actually care about someone… Should I feel flattered?” the brunette noted, slumping down into the soft, red couch in the corner of your friend’s living room.
You chuckled and took a small bite of a sandwitch “Yeah, you definitely should. I tend not to share” you mumbled casually, glacing briefly at her. She smirked and winked at you, a faint blush tinging her cheeks of a dark shade of red “Really? That sounds good. I don’t share either, keep that in mind” she said, emphasizing the negative of her sentence.
Your lips parted, as you frowned and started processing the meaning of her flirtatious actions and the coquettish words that had fallen from her lips. You were about to say something, when your own words resounded in your head and your breath itched. You had not realized how indefinite and equivocal your words had been until she had boldly decided to give them a meaning you actually did not mind her choosing.
“What’s wrong with you? I haven’t jinxed you, have I?” she joked, snapping you out of your stream of consciousness.
You shook your head and grabbed her hand, squeezing it reassuringly “It’s okay, I guess. – you paused, your eyes softening as your gaze trailed up to her face – It’s just… Uhm, you know, I have missed you” you confessed, clearing your throat in nervousness. She looked gorgeous, as she had always been. You had grown up together, you had blossomed into two beautiful, indipendent and strong witches. Maybe two stubborn witches.
Merula stared at you, her gaze lingering on your hand holding her one. It felt good. She was not used to kindness and affection. She was not used to love. She had only experienced it with you and she would have been a liar, if she had said she had not missed you, missed the sneaky glances and the hugs you shared, or the way you always had her back. She was in love with you and it was frightening. You were her greatest weakness.
“Did you?” she whispered, her rough tone long forgotten as she gulped down nervously.
You sighed, your grip on her hand softening “Quite terribly, truth to be told” you murmured, searching for her eyes. Did she feel what you did? She had flirted with you, even though she was not aware of your real intentions. She was not slapping your hand away and she had not left the party, that was true, indeed. Still, why nor you, neither her did not take their chances to make the next step?
A drink, you needed a drink.
“I’ll be right back, alright? I need something refreshing to drink” you declared then, letting gently go of her hand as you stood up.
You glanced over your shoulder, before leaving, spotting Merula staring up at you with a thin-lipped smile and rounded eyes boring holes in your back. Was she panicking? However, you did not investigate her expression further and walked over the hall to get yourself a glass of water.
Were you just feeling too much love for her that you had ended up allucinating things?
It was just when you had reached the middle of the room, among a crowd of people attempting to dance, that you heard her calling out your name. You stopped in your tracks, turning around slowly to face your interlocutor. She was standing a few feet away from you, her hands gripping her black skirt, clenching the fabric carelessly, and her eyes were sparkling in joy.
“I was thinking that, yes, I hate muggle music. But I have been listening to it for two hours straight now, even before you joined the party. – she began, taking a step towards you – It seems like Copper likes ‘love songs’ and… Bloody hell, what I am trying to say is that I’ve had enough time to think about you and about us. I like you a lot, okay? Those stupid songs have helped me to realise that I no longer want to spend my days dreaming about us. I want us to be a thing. We can have what other people have too” she quipped out, dropping her mask and swallowing her pride.
You were speechless, your head was spinning and all you could focus on was her, in the middle of the room, sorrounded by dozens of murmuring people. Merula Snyde hated talking about feelings, especially when it was her feeling she was talking about. She had changed. Something had changed between you two.
“Merula…” you breathed out, timidly approaching her. Nothing mattered anymore. Your vision was blurry, except for her face.
She rubbed the back of her neck in distress, her eyes daggers on your friends waiting for your next move “Could you stop staring, you freaks?!” she barked out, earning a heartfelt laughter from you. Mere inches were now standing between you two. You had never been this close before, at least, not with your heart racing into your chest and a wide smile curling your lips. You had never been happier.
“I hate muggle music too” you just said, making her smile weakly. In your peripheral, you saw Ben rolling his eyes at your statement and you chuckled. Merula rarely smiled, yet you loved when she let herself care and feel something.
“Wanna give your friends something to talk about for weeks? Because, you know, a wonderful idea has just popped in my mind and you should trust the most powerful witch–…” you cut her off, but not the way you did when you used to be kids fighting over childish stuff. You did it the way ‘adults did’, just like you two were in a movie. Your lips were dancing over hers, eliciting a gasp from that rogue of a witch you had fallen madly in love with.
Your bravery had once again made you take the leap. She smiled against your lips, her chapped ones moving in sync with yours and her unexperienced fingers running through your hair. Although you were keeping your eyes shut, you felt people’s gaze on you.
However, not only you were used to the feeling of being on the spotlight, but unlike the other occasions you felt oddly comfortable in being the center of people’s attention this time. You were not alone. You were celebrating love, a pure feeling generating happiness. There were no monsters to fight back, no curses to break or dark wizards to defeat: it was just Merula and you and a warm feeling enveloping your stomach.
When you finally parted, you took a deep breath and pressed your forehead against her one. She was panting too, her cheeks rosy and she smiled at you oh so brightly.
“I love you, L/N” she breathed out. Your heart skipped a beat and a tear fell from your lashes as you nodded and pecked her lips once again.
“It took you long enough, Merula”.
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
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Day 7: Celebrate!! | HP Pride Extravaganza by @gaygryffindorgal
Bisexual + Edmund Kennedy, Camila Valdez, Sophie Pembroke, Paddy MacKade, & Penny Haywood
Demisexual + Minerva Kennedy & Finn MacKade
Pansexual + Sawyer Fitzgerald
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