whitefoxedarchives · 6 years
Hi guys! I know I’ve been away for ages (yeeearrrs) and is a sucky rper (also I can’t mention some of you for some reason) - anyway, give me a headsup if you wanna continue the threads! Woooo threads from 2016~~~ Srsly tho, I miss some of our plots/ships/threads.
Also, in case you forgot who I am, it’s TECH013
@brokenshadowofloki  @drorah-walks ​@dvmonsx​ @exosevenfalcon @hawksvane @hydrasinnocent @imgonnashoottothrill @interstellarhoarder @leftsomescratches @keeperoftheliars @neverparted​ @nxtsoordinary @oncedeadliesmith @precise-desolation @prizrakzimy @snarkxindustries @telekineticmercenary @theagelesswanderer @theperditorian @thegreatwolf-fenris​ @wastefulselfobsession​ @what-truepower-is
Baes I haven’t tagged you cuz I know we'll continue YEEEAAAHHHH
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agentbrompton · 6 years
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Please, please, anyone I talk to, write with, trade memes with, feel free to come hit me up on Discord!  Even if this site doesn’t go down in flames, come chatter with me.  <3
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symbioteburnout · 7 years
@leftsomescratches started following you
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Mania was many things, she was a high school burnout, a night time vigilante, a girl with a demonic mark branded to her chest, a host to a clone of an alien symbiote, and, apparently, as of tonight, a bouncer at McGillin’s pub.
She grabbed the large man, who had started a bar fight, and threw him through a window. Well, what was she supposed to do now? She wasn’t even old enough to drink. “Uh, bill it to the Avengers.” She shrugs at the bar tender before chasing the large hairy man she’d just tossed into the streets. 
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fangedfirecracker · 7 years
ıllıllı { @leftsomescratches   | ℓιкε∂ ғσя α sтαятεя } ıllıllı
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        why did he always have the absolute worst timing to show up? when she was at a low point (those seemed way too frequent these days). or maybe he could just smell it on her, the way she could smell certain things on others. a scowl crossed her features as she steadied herself against the wall.  ❝ what do you want, creed? ❞
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kimikomasuda · 7 years
What’s Your Muse’s Love Style?
Your Love Style is Storge
For you, love and friendship are almost the same thing And your love tends to be the enduring, long lasting kind (You've been known to still have connections with ex's) But sometimes your love is not the most passionate Leap before you look, and you'll find that fire you crave
Tagged by: snagged from @mckaytriarchy
Tagging: @silvertongue-greeneyes @chupacabrasays @asmilelikegenocide @leftsomescratches @burnedwinter (brock) @the-fires-dead (Sebastion) @the-graves-twins(Ace) @maryjanewatsxn @squirreltailedgirl @thedoopster @mutantleaderinthemaking @mutantmasterofmagnetism @osuicidekingo @quiet-loudmouth
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originalbirdboy · 7 years
"Ah hell kid, ain't ya know how ta knock?" Creed stated as he picked back up the ripped and blood stained jeans he had on to hold over himself. "If it ain't obvious ta you now, I was about ta change into something less bloody."
Warren couldn’t quite process what Victor was saying because he couldn’t take his eyes away from the amount of blood that he seemed to be covered in. He wasn’t sure that he’d ever seen so much blood in his life, or at least, he’d not seen so much caked onto another person. “Right... yeah. I’ll go now.” He took a step back and let the door close in front of him.
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kineticajun-blog · 7 years
‘ i’ve got a person in my closet. ‘
old ass memes 
       “ da fuck, creed. why!? ”
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terrifiesall · 7 years
“What do you want, little boy?”
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aladysamurai · 7 years
leftsomescratches replied to your post: colleen’s only request if creed kills her is -...
If I marry the sword I’m technically family!
If you marry the sword there’s no family left because I’m DEAD. 
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fangedfirecracker · 7 years
ıllıllı { @leftsomescratches | ℓιкε∂ ғσя α sρσσρү sтαятεя } ıllıllı
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the scent caught her immediately, a shiver running down the curve of her spine in response. sabretooth. somehow she smelled him over the blood that was still wet on her face. she hadn’t been the aggressor, she swore up and down on it, but god if she hadn’t finished it. that sense of control not being nearly as strong as she’d hoped it was. a lot of things had let her down recently, why not add herself to the list? but he obviously caught her scent as well, or the scent of freshly spilled blood, what little of it had remained. and yet she remained coiled and small over the now dead body clutched in her arms, too shaken by what she’d done and who was approaching to move.
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blushingbanshee · 7 years
The Night is Dark
Turns out, the kitty cat is right. The building tension wasn't just his nerves; there is something around the bend of the corner. Something new. Habit was in the middle of something. Harassing Vinny as always. Poor Vinny, the googly eyed fat guy. Though, he deserved it. Pushing his friend, Evan, to do that ritual that ultimately ruined his life-- just to get some answers. How selfish. Most of all, Evan is the more fragmented. Probably brain dead by now as a host. But, that's a story for another occasion. Habit let Vinny go, just to see who is rounding the corner. Besides, he can catch glasses man later. Turns out, Habit looks just like a man. Nothing special. A fedora topped on his head, a ghostly Pokémon T-shirt and blue jeans dawned his attire. Normally, Habit would wear some clothes that people would wear on a vacation. But, today he wanted to switch it up. The only thing that is unusual is black, unhealthy rings around his eyes. Clearly, he didn't get enough sleep-- the host, that is. Oh... he's impressed; the size of the dirty blond amused him. Perhaps he is going to succumb to be one of his rabbits? Opening his arms, greeting him dramatically, "How're ya? Doin' good, feelin' sassy?" He wanted to hold a friendly aura for him.
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thelostapprentice · 7 years
leftsomescratches liked your post: X
Casey had been at work since the previous night. The life of an E.R. nurse... aided with magic, or not, was exhausting. With a coffee in hand, her blue hair shifting in the wind, she made her way home. Most days, she drove or took the subway, but the idea of a crowded rail car or traffic was more than she felt like dealing with. 
Only a few blocks from the hospital, she heard a commotion ahead of her... it sounded like someone... or rather a number of people, were causing trouble. With a sigh, she took one last sip of her coffee before dropping into a trashcan along the side walk, and making a B-Line for the sound. “Sounds like a party back here, mind if I join?” To most, she wouldn’t look too threatening... A young woman, in her mid-to-late twenties, with short blue hair, barely standing five feet and two inches tall... But it was that exact miscalculation that made the sorceress so dangerous.
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brightica-a · 7 years
'I want the K'
1. Hot, Steamy, Kiss
           He was a monster. —But if there was anything she could appreciate about Victor Creed it was that he was himself and he didn’t seem to hide from the darker parts of himself. That was something that Ali had never achieved. When she did come in contact with those darker parts, she ended up going down a drug numbed and delirious path. However, being around Victor strangely made her embrace those things. Simply because it was fun to be without inhibitions and cares. His influence made her more impulsive yet more defensive than she had ever been. Is that what he wanted? She couldn’t tell. 
          There he was, on her bed again. Creed looked smug and confident, as if he were in his own home and she was the guest. Him constantly intruding made her angry sometimes, it frustrated her and made her want to burn him to a crisp as many times as she could. It made her feel powerless and helpless and like the frail little thing that he probably saw her as. —But she thought, “There are other ways to let anger go. “ What good would fighting him do? It wouldn’t stop him and it definitely wouldn’t prove anything. What was this about? This was about control. She could do control. 
         Ali entered the room, eyeing him down before taking a deep breath and disrobing right in front of him. When he spoke, she loudly shushed him and walked over to her own bed and straddled him.
 “ I want what I want and you want what you want. “ Before he could say anything, she silenced him with her glossed and moisturized lips. What was worse? That she was kissing Sabretooth or that she liked it and she wanted more? As she felt him getting rougher she broke the kiss and slid her hand down to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. “ You taste surprisingly good. “ The blond tilted her head and looked him dead in the eyes as she slipped her hand inside of the denim. 
“ Does all of you taste the same ? “ 
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bornathief-blog · 7 years
the bare clink of ice in a glass heard, the shifting of the mattress and the brief warmth of his lips on her skin — it was enough to stir her from her sleep after he left the room. slipping out of the bed, she padded on bare feet to the living room, where she found him sipping whiskey. ❛ hey. ❜ her voice still soft with sleep, as she sank down onto the couch next to him.
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alverlanche · 7 years
leftsomescratches replied to your post “m’kay but like….this new ‘neck grabbing’ thing that guys do??? i’m so...”
Why is that a thing in public? I guess unless you're in that fetish/kink group it wouldn't make much more sense. Could be a primal thing. Kinda like putting a hand on your knee, taking possession or promising protection.
yeah - its just - really...i dont know. it just in like, crowded areas around shops and it’s just started to replace like, hand holding in my city??? which i so dont like. it feels very dominating tbh - my friends boyfriend tried to do it with her and she just straight up shot that idea down. 
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welookoutforourown · 7 years
It was one of those occasions where the Brotherhood and the junior X-men put aside our differences to have fun and it was the typical type of fun that one would expect of teenagers. Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle and 7 minutes in Heaven. Maddy had dreaded 7 minutes in Heaven int required kissing someone! Was she even ready to be kissed or kiss someone in return? What if something more happened? Everything could happen in the dark when it was two teenagers alone. She had taken a look around just to be sure Isaak wasn’t attending the party. Good thing, she didn’t fully trust being put alone in the closet with her ‘boyfriend’.
It felt like everything had happened so fast. Her name had been drawn and she was guided to the closet with closed eyes. The door had been shut behind her and her eyes saw nothing but darkness when she opened them. A thin sliver of light from the tv lounge crept underneath the door and offered hardly any visibility at all. She put her ear to the door. In reality, she was supposed to stand away from the door, keep her eyes closed so that the boy who was placed in the closet was a secret. It was an ‘upgraded’ version of the original game. Would make things more excited they claimed but inside Maddy’s chest, her heart was pounding! Who wouldn’t she mind kissing? Her mind instantly raced to Lance. Oh gosh if it was Lance then she truly would be 7 minutes in heaven, and honestly, Todd wouldn’t be bad too... Or Kurt... She inhaled deeply trying to calm down her nerves. This would be it, this would be the first kiss! Her cheeks blushed. Her first kiss!!
Content hereafter might be triggering to some. Continue at your own risk.
A sound behind her caught her interest. Was the boy already in here? With what little light there was she tried to single out a frame which proved itself to be nearly impossible. The closet wasn’t the biggest but it wasn’t exactly a broom closet either. Carefully moving forward she listened intently. There was someone in here! Her powers caught onto something. An emotion. He seemed to be enjoying himself. She could hear breathing but not a heavy nervous one like her own.
     -”Hello?”She called out hoping to hear a familiar voice. Maybe it was Spyke? He would love a game like this. All about the ladies. She reached out her hands as there was no return of her hello. She touched something it was large and... solid? It couldn’t be Fred he would probably not even be able to come in here let alone be interested in this game but he was soft. This felt like muscles. Her heart rate increased as she realised it wasn’t anyone she knew. Before really being able to react, two massive hands grabbed her with a tremendous strength. There was a strong musk in the air as a pair of lips pressed hard against hers. Trying to pull away the forceful kiss turned more intimate and intimidating as the assaulter forced their tongue in. Whatever it was it wasn’t a teenager! He was much too mature to be a teenager. Gruffy, strong, stubbles and a heavy smell of tobacco and alcohol. The rough skin on his hands, almost like leathery paw pads grinded against her as the assailant grunted, pulling her closer for a deeper kiss.
Maddy pulled, trying to force her head away from whomever it was that was physically assaulting her. She felt anxious, panic rushed through her entire body as she did her best to push herself away from the man. Whoever it was he was strong and held her there for seconds that to her felt like ages! And just like that he pulled away with a chuckle, giving her bruised lips a licious lick before he hurried past her and burst open the door. There were screams and sounds of terror as the monster of a man hurried out of the building, leaving a trembling and sobbing Maddy behind. She had fallen to her knees. Her entire body was shaking as his smell still seemed to hang heavily around her. She was lost in her own blank mind. All she felt was nauseous and anxious as she sobbed heavily, heaving for air. As soon as a person put a blanket and comforting arm around her, she curled up to them and wept loudly.
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