#leftovers coming wednesday the 20th
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batgirlzine · 1 year ago
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Hello, Batfans!
Mod Kye here.
First and foremost, thank you so much for your patience, and my sincerest apologies for how long this has all taken to wrangle together. I have a handful of long-awaited updates below on previous delays, digital copies today, wrap-up and leftover sales, so please read carefully!
To start, I'd like to issue an apology for the delays this project has suffered over the course of its run and offer a bit of transparency. This year was unexpectedly very hard personally and health-wise, and without going into detail about illness for the sake of sensitivity, took me out of contact on several weeks-long stretches and occasions, leaving my team in the dark without news—and by extension all of you. Such long radio silence and delays are not what you want in a project that deals with people's money, trust and time, and I know it's been frustrating, and for that I'm so sorry. My lack of communication was difficult and monumentally unfair for everyone involved, and I wanted to take a moment to thank Mods Ari and Michi, as well as Kait, for working behind the scenes to keep things running, to update all of you when they could, and for going above and beyond in ways there aren’t words for, when I was unable or unwilling to step up. If any readers are in the zine scene (as regular buyers, or as contributors yourselves) and see them on a project in the future, please check it out, because they’re a force like no other, and will make an amazing experience out of anything they run. They are, quite frankly, the only reason this project was started and finished, and deserve all the support you guys have sent and more for what they went through and accomplished despite the difficulties I caused them, our contributors, and our timeline to you, our customers.
Order Fulfillment
All customer orders were mailed out June 2nd. As I was unable to update BigCartel with tracking at the time, it meant that most of you were not notified. I’m incredibly sorry. I’ve spoken to a handful of folks about their packages this week, but from our internal shipping system, it appears everything was safely delivered. If you have not received your package, or have had any issues with your delivery, please touch base with me at [email protected] about your order!
Contributor bundles will be going out this weekend, which means it’s time for…
Digital Bundles
An email with a direct link to our wonderful digital bundles will follow this update that just went out in about an hour just to please email spam servers, so please keep your eyes peeled and on your inboxes if you're waiting on that! If you have any issues receiving it, make sure you check spam/junk folders first and then reach out so I can help ensure you receive it!
And Finally, Leftovers!
Last but certainly not least, a final announcement for anyone with a friend or loved one eagerly awaiting getting their hands on the cool book and wicked merch they saw you get recently. Our leftover sales will be opening Wednesday, September 20th! If you know someone who missed out on sales the first time around and would love to support this incredible project, please spread the word—or if you’d like to grab an extra keychain for your collection, we’ll see you then!
A separate post with a full announcement will be made tomorrow to circulate just so it doesn't get lost in the update here.
Thank you so much for reading this far, and for sticking with us and supporting this project.
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shizunzine · 2 years ago
🌸 Leftovers Open 🌸
Leftover sales for the Shizun Zine is now open! Come get your Shizuns today!!
‼️ For 18+ consumers only ‼️
🔗shizunzine.bigcartel.com 📅 Open until Wednesday, September 20th @ 11:59pm EDT
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fiftytwotwentythree · 1 year ago
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Wellness Wednesday:
Da Stats
Stats from 2023:
Meal Tracker:
Salads: 185
Bags of Popcorn: 182
Oranges: 165
Leftover Meals: 145
Cans of Soup: 110
Take Out: 0
Candy/Sweets: 0
* I can't believe I went an entire year without eating:
Ice Cream
Take Out
Eating Out
Completed the Most Workouts in December (46 Workouts)
February had the Fewest Only (29 Workouts)
- Friday, March 10th - Exhausted/Sleep
- Saturday, May 20th - Traveling
- Friday, June 24th - Exhausted/Sleep
- Thursday, August 25th - Sick
*Note: whenever a workout/day was missed - the following day was met with at least a double workout to make up for the prior day's loss
Jumping Jacks: 111,000
Push-Ups: 38,300
Glute Bridges: 35,300
Reverse Leg Lifts: 27,100
Leg Kickbacks: 27,100
Sit-Ups: 22,000
Assisted Push-Ups: 23,525
Squats: 4,850
Plank (mins): 1,221 minutes
Leg Lifts: 280
6 Inches (mins): 140
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): 297.6 lbs
Month with Most Amount Weight Loss: January (-22.0 lbs)
Month with Least Amount of Weight Loss: September (-1.0 lbs)
Total/Final Weight Loss: -106.6 lbs
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*** Roll That Beautiful Bean Footage ***
Total Movies Watched: 154
Favorite of the Year:
John Wick: Chapter 4
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Hours Watched: ~ 270
Favorite Show of the Year:
The Bear (Specifically Season 2)
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Books Completed: 7
Favorite Book of the Year:
Best. Movie. Year. Ever. by Brian Rafferty
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Comics Read: 22
Trades Read: 102
Favorite Comic/Trade of the Year:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin
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Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
I'm Done! Eff Yaas!
The Bad:
I going to reward myself with some Extra Sloppy Gas Station Nachos and Ice Cold Can of Arizona Tea's Mucho Mango - that's no joke - my favorite Nachos come from a Gas Station. May The Lord have mercy on my Bowels.
Also... said Gas Station with Heavenly Nachos is CLOSED on New Year's Day thus prolonging my sweet date of jubilation... I live but dang-a-rang.
The Ugly:
I know, I came so far - I worked hard and sacrificed - put myself through the ringer... What if the Nachos and Mucho Mango are a gateway to me Relapsing on my diet, exercise, and health... Yeah, I'm a tad worried.
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connor-sent-by-cyberlife · 3 years ago
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Ho Ho Ho - I bring prompts for you
Welcome to my sixth Detroit: Become Human Prompt Challenge. In celebration of December and all the winter holidays here is another whole month full of prompts that will hopefully inspire you to get creative.
It will take place from December 1st - 31st, 2021.
As always, I hope for lots of participants and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with this time. Let's get cozy and festive! Or use the prompts in any other way that comes to your mind ;). You know I'm simply happy to see them being used no matter how.
December 1st - Wednesday: snowman
December 2nd - Thursday: ice skating
December 3rd - Friday: childhood memories
December 4th - Saturday: holiday shopping
December 5th - Sunday: A Christmas Carol
December 6th - Monday: snowed in
December 7th - Tuesday: eggnog
December 8th - Wednesday: holiday traditions
December 9th - Thursday: sharing a blanket
December 10th - Friday: mittens
December 11th - Saturday: Christmas firsts
December 12th - Sunday: hot beverage
December 13th - Monday: mistletoe
December 14th - Tuesday: decoration
December 15th - Wednesday: winter wonderland
December 16th - Thursday: I'm not wearing that
December 17th - Friday: obligatory Christmas photo
December 18th - Saturday: scarf
December 19th - Sunday: Christmas tree
December 20th - Monday: nightmare before Christmas
December 21st - Tuesday: lonely
December 22nd - Wednesday: greeting card
December 23rd - Thursday: last Christmas
December 24th - Friday: Christmas Eve
December 25th - Saturday: Christmas morning
December 26th - Sunday: leftovers
December 27th - Monday: cozy
December 28th - Tuesday: when the lights go out
December 29th - Wednesday: fireworks
December 30th - Thursday: New Year's Eve/New Year
December 31st - Friday: New Year's resolutions
Information and Rules:
The tag for this challenge is #dbhcarolsandcircuits (thanks to @veilder who came up with the name when I struggled to find one). Please use this tag for any of your contributions and follow it in case you want to see what other people do with the prompts
Any kind of art or writing is most welcome
You’re free to choose any character or ship from the D:BH fandom (no OCs) you like
Show/Write what you want, but please make sure to tag your content correctly, so people who don’t want nsfw/gore/a specific ship/whatever on their dash don’t have to see it
Don’t bash anybody for their chosen ship or content!
You can contribute more than one piece per day
Of course you can pick single prompts from the list, you don’t have to do all of them if you don’t want to
If you can’t finish a submission in time, you can always post it belated
Not a rule, but I’d really appreciate if you’d tag me ( @connor-sent-by-cyberlife ) if you contribute something to this challenge
Reblogs to bring attention to this challenge would be highly appreciated
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask
Thank you for your interest and support!
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toddlazarski · 4 years ago
Last Suppers Vol. 4
Shepherd Express
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“And I try to wash my hands,
and I try to make amends,
and I try to count my friends...”
— Neil Young
I never realized how much white existed on a kitchen wall calendar until we flipped to last month. May 2020: like an endless sea of milk, spilt, all over ripening spring and coming summer and everything between now and the distant horizons sprawling in every direction. The Target-bought spiral-bound hope of organization and forward-thinking adulting now somehow resembles a hanging talisman of the old joke about how to make God laugh: “make a plan.” There it sits, sometimes taking on the sense of a mirror, the unsmudged kind, too well-lit, the Windex-ed type necessitating looking away, the seeking of distraction. And there it remains, post-dentist visit luminous, crisp, unfettered, yawning, as we’ve quieted the ceaseless streaking of Sharpie, the scribbling and jotting and plotting, the road signs of an appropriately lived, full life, like all of us were looking up at the professor, scrunching brows, nodding knowingly, doodling something in the margins to play at attention and appropriate labor. Something to look forward to is the key to happiness, an old adage of sorts, is a wise thing a smiling, knitting grandma would say from a rocking chair, indicating you should get moving, with the plan-cementing and the aspirations of nights out and days together. For now though it is but a march of indistinguishable blocks of vivid pale, a tiny number in the upper left corner of each that means approximately nothing. 
March 11th was a date, in hindsight, that stands out. A memorial-type night where, within the half hour it took to put a toddler to bed, the country froze and sought in vain for the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys on a foreign keyboard. The NBA season was suspended. Rudy Gobert was positive. Tom Hanks had it. An impossibly incongruous confluence: Forrest Gump and a tall French shot-blocker I target in every fantasy basketball draft existing together as the collective harbinger of societal doom. It felt like being in a movie, or the first episode of Leftovers, but the part that would pass as an emotional montage, and then move on. March 13th—Friday the 13th, but not soundtracked or jump-scaring, quiet, and directed by a Fincher or Polanski or Lars Von Trier—was where an unspoken contract was entered by sentient and capable-of-critical thought Americans, a day where laying low, taking it easy, became a gesture of care, an act of society. June 13th is a wedding we’ll attend this year. An idea, an event to schedule a haircut close to, a thing to cause ponder on the state of my black suit, something to look forward to that will have too many long-unseen friends and reunion fueled by an open bar. It was a wedding we would attend this year. It’s been moved to the fall. July 20th was once a road trip start date, years ago, the commitment steer-branded on my mind, I remember, because people would ask: “what are you doing this summer?” “When are you leaving?” “When will you be in New Orleans?” Everything else of the fruitful season seemed mere preamble, fun-enough filler before an apex, day-after-day of appetizer or salad, a mere whetting of appetite. A big day was coming, anticipation followed me like cartoon character stink lines. July 4th was a date I saw Tom Petty at Summerfest; June 28th was a date I saw Tom Petty at Summerfest; June 30th was a date I saw Tom Petty at Summerfest. These were constellations, a solid reading of the charts, the blipping beacon the control tower sends up when it is stormy and time to turn off autopilot. Now our plain is mostly like the map you see where dragons are fire-breathing around the edges. I remember the dates, like jersey numbers of favorite players, of all the Fridays in whichever is the upcoming month: aims of nocturnal revelry to make all the Tuesdays and Wednesdays and nothing days pay. This year, so far, May 26th meant something, for a while, and April 24th before that. The end, the other end, of Safer at Home. Instead the political panoply that is supposed to represent us sat at home and decided we don’t need that guidance, or a plan. Public safety is less important than dollars. Our Supreme Court sided with all those guys outside all the Capitol buildings with guns.  
So maybe it’s time to get back to this, with the togetherness, the glasses clinking, hugs and unprotected mouth-open laughs at sunny beer gardens, the days you circle on the calendar and hope will have no rain, all the times where there is no greater mark of the specialness of a day than the meal. Like when my mom took me to Max & Erma’s for my 8th grade graduation. I don’t recall where the rest of the family was, but I definitely remember the tortilla soup. I’m not sure where my parents took me after high school graduation, but I remember knee-bobbing antsiness, the polite nods at congratulatory mentions of the future, because I was distracted by the prospect of going to go get very, very drunk. I remember my college graduation, where mom, somehow, before Google maps or Yelp or my Milwaukee food yammering, procured profound reservations at long-lost white table cloth gourmet Mexican southside spot El Rey Sol. Of course, I also didn’t care that much, because it was mostly a pitstop on a day well-deserving of getting very, very drunk. 
The rest of my Milwaukee occasion-eating can likewise be charted like a sprawling pinned Google map of identity-carving. La Merenda is where I told my parents my novel would be published. Palomino is where we told my mother-in-law we were having a kid, over Bloody’s and Maria’s, piping curds goo-ing with expectation. It is also where I’ve told my wife everything, through the years, our spot of sanctuary, gut-growing comfort, fingers always slick with grease and cocktail condensation. I began my food writing ventures with a dinner at Braise. Vanguard was dad-rock-appropriate and rightly meaty for my first Father’s Day as a father. Von Trier was memorable for impossibly hard news scrubbing. A liquid yuletide dinner at Jamo’s is where I told a new friend that Die Hard 2 was my favorite Christmas movie, thus cementing an annual tradition, quick-contracting an adult life together of corner bars and such ridiculous conversational ping-ponging. I think of the spots and memories as a kind of incomplete Pinterest board, accomplished peak experiences that add up to an old man’s personality, the only truly prized collections of a weathered damaged person as he ambles down creaky basement stairs to be with his thoughts and his whiskey and his sad music. 
This is where I ponder them all these days, because, of course, we can’t congregate. Not fully. Not at any more than 25% capacity. Not yet. We must continue to backlog the graduation and retirement celebrations; the birthdays, the date nights, are heretofore banished to arrears. Zarletti has long been a favorite for such big deal days: something so classic in it’s brand of old-school, low-lit, cozy, big-ish city downtown class; a spot from the Billy Joel song, the one about the bottle of white and the bottle of red, that turns drastically halfway through, and always reminds, surprises, wow, Billy Joel is really good. The spot to bring parents, when they are in town, and making a night of it, destination-dining for before a Jerry Seinfeld show. Or James Taylor. Or maybe another Paul Cebar night. Something at Riverside or Pabst or Turner or one of the other venues we sometimes forget about downtown because we only go downtown a few times a year that aren’t Giannis-related, the kind deeming it appropriate to bring parental credit cards and parental-type wine knowledge and the from-out-of-town desire for every appetizer. It was a New Year’s Eve, frigid beyond reason, a reservation and a window seat gazing on Milwaukee Street’s exhibit of amateur night: illegal-looking mini-skirts scooting by, vehement disregard for jackets, everyone flying trashily against the indifferent wind, quick to get to wait in line, outside, at a place called Dick’s. It was a night where I realized all I wanted was to eat, eat more, chase and maintain a wine buzz, and go home to cozy pants and couch hibernation. I realized I’d turned nearly full adult. Zarletti is currently offering curbside, another step in this direction during our time of being grounded, suspended. It’s a bit of make-believe, like when I put a pinky up in the air while pretend-sipping from an impossibly small cup at a tea-party, playing at elegance, it can be a reason to take a shower, put on non-elasticized pants, and be in the world.     
Of course, it’s not as easy as it once was. In our DIY celebration experience there was an unexpected iIrritability over what to order across the homefront, unease, uncertainty about such a menu existing on my phone—phone menus generally more of the realm of pizza and tlayudas and short rib melts, the unrefined domain within which I thrive. But, it’s also this: I simply love asking a waiter what to have. The guidance, the expertise, a cultivated person who knows how to pronounce aglio e olio, one who has probably been to Italy more than once, who can do the whole wine presentation rigmarole with appropriate authoritative nonchalance while maintaining white shirt. I was reminded of the crisp, professional Zarletti service and all that our curbside culture leaves me wanting for. All of the plan and the know-how and the guidance that our political system leaves us all wanting for, too. I sought out the phone server’s recommendation, not knowing what to expect—-this is a person answering the phone, this is a person freaked out about job security, this is not your guidance counselor. And, still, there it was, a cheery, helpful rundown of appropriate Chianti’s, clear-voiced reassurance on precise pick-up time, an unabashed endorsement of the bolognese, lending conviction and a jarring reminder of days where you could talk to people who knew more than you, when you could be led, by a leader, united, when somebody in a place of esteem and prominence knew to steer with a gentle hand on back. As if you could talk to a favorite grandma again, count on the chief of your country to pretend to care or know how to think or speak in coherent grown-up sentences.  
Even the server seemed to take part, ushering our fare outside before my brakes could even squeal, everything in a crisp stapled bag. Donning a medical mask and gloves, he seemed to have my best interest at heart: “I was starting to worry about you,” he said, coyly indicating my tardiness. You and me both, bub, I thought, but didn’t say, because it’s the kind of banter that doesn’t quite translate that well through a mask. Also, I simply felt slow. My interaction-ability, my small talk, seemed to have grown rust, an attempt at rapport seemed foreign, even dangerous. The languor was likewise synonymous with the entirety of downtown around me, dreamily desolate, like an hour of a city where only criminals are out, it all sucking me down, sponging inertia and energy for big weekend night specialness. In the backseat my daughter didn’t care, she was insistent only on seeing the monstrous inflatable lobster or crab or whatever it is atop the Milwaukee Public Market. I obliged, willingingly, thinking, honestly, it was actually probably the hottest thing going in town at the moment.
By the time we cracked the bottle, lightly re-warmed polpette di carne, veal and beef meatballs in bright pomodoro sauce, started guzzling old unpronounceable grapes, began twirling linguine flecked with pecorino and chile flakes, lacquered with olive oil and garlic, began greedily sponging bolognese stew with torn bread pieces because the all-day-seeming simmer of beef and pork had too much heart for rigatoni-conveyance, everything was right, and, somehow nothing seemed quite right. It was not just the takeout containers, needing to be dumped into real bowls. Or the fact we couldn’t find a candle. Or the dimmer switch in our dining room that buzzes subtly when romantic-levels are sought. Or the presence of a baby monitor between us, where a candle should have been. Or that I had to sweep up my own crumbs, and I don’t even have one of those special server crumb-shovels. Or my Nespresso machine, usually seeming quite nice, adequate for after-dinner digestif-ing, was now somehow not noisy enough, not old enough, not machine enough, more of an espresso app, really, compared to any real Italian joint. Or that I still had white paint crusted on my hands, because I’m at that point in quarantine of wandering around the house, simply wondering what else I might give a coat to. Maybe it was that, mostly, being home after all, I didn’t feel particularly rude looking at my phone mid-meal, and thus ruined the moment like the obvious bad date guy in every Nora Ephron piece. The food could not have been better—and yet it underscored that I’ve never missed a restaurant so much. 
Of course I can just as much be a liability in a restaurant. My Clark’s always look too scuffed, I don’t know how or when to tuck in a shirt, when we go through the wine tasting, testing bit—so formal, a pretentious thing all our 18-year-old selves would loathe us for—I feel that I’m suddenly sitting in my father’s borrowed and oversized suit, that I’m about to be called out as a fraud, politely asked to leave the place, be told, “this is for the grown-ups.” But if anybody likes the whole charade more—the welcome of the owner, as Frankie Valli seemingly always hits overhead, who kind of puts out his arms like he’s been waiting, the accepting nod from the host when she finds my name, validates my existence in the tablecloth world, the cocktails at the bar stoking expectation, being handed a menu like a fresh Choose Your Own Adventure but after a two-Negroni buzz, the recitation of clandestine specials from the server like a def jam poetry flow where I feel like snapping fingers, the big night conversation so much more potent, charged, so much less small, the feel of spotting your waiter across the room, seeing his hands full, knowing this is it, your time is now—they have a serious problem. 
Places like Zarletti don’t exist solely for special occasions. Under now unimaginable normal circumstances, we could go on a random Wednesday. Or for lunch. But, looking back, what did we ever do to deserve that? Did we get good grades? Memorize enough things in school to progress, avoid the margins of society? Did we have all our vaccines as a tyke and eventually quit smoking and go to the doctor once a year-ish and the dentist twice-a-year, more or less? And so now, yes, we should be good, barring car accident or one of those freak early cancer diagnoses that only really happen to other people anyways? Or are we all, the ones here, now, looking forward to going back to a lifetime of memorable meals so numerous we barely notice them, just incomprehensibly lucky?  
As of this writing June doesn’t look much better than May, and July—who knows? I notice a chiropractor appointment has sprouted like a weed in an innocuous white cube a few rows from now, making me wonder how the quarantine time warp has trapezed us into our late middle ages. But otherwise there is certainly space to contemplate, reckon, know and grow expectant of how the Sharpie will be ready—so unused, so hard-up—as to come out in those satisfying soaks where you have to write fast to keep from bleeding out, and then keep going, on to the next weekend. For now, out of nostalgia, out of caution, also out of reasonable hopefulness, I’m setting sights again on New Year’s. There will be reservations, and Milwaukee Street a-twinkle with clamorous revelry and mini-skirts like glorified handkerchiefs going by, the biggest fears of everyone just catching a cold, all of us ready to burn 2020 to the ground, dance on the ashes, drunkenly, irresponsibly, appreciatively clinking glasses, and here will come the waiter, expectant of all my wishes, eager to help, ready to hold my hand. 
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vincentpennington · 6 years ago
Skinnytaste Meal Plan (August 19-August 25)
A free 7-day flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and Weight Watchers SmartPoints®.
This week we have Lighter Eggplant Parmesan, Food Cart-Style Chicken Salad with White Sauce, and Madison’s Favorite Beef Tacos on the meal plan, to name a few. Also don’t miss the Skinnytaste by Vremi Air Fryer and Air Fryer Cookbook giveaway on Instagram this week. Ends August 20th.
If you’re new to my meal plans, I’ve been sharing these free, 7-day flexible healthy meal plans (you can see my previous meal plans here) that are meant as a guide, with plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food, coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc or swap recipes out for meals you prefer, you can search for recipes by course in the index. You should aim for around 1500 calories* per day.
There’s also a precise, organized grocery list that will make grocery shopping so much easier and much less stressful. Save you money and time. You’ll dine out less often, waste less food and you’ll have everything you need on hand to help keep you on track.
Lastly, if you’re on Facebook join my Skinnytaste Facebook Community where everyone’s sharing photos of recipes they are making, you can join here. I’m loving all the ideas everyone’s sharing! If you wish to get on the email list, you can subscribe here so you never miss a meal plan!
Also, if you don’t have the Skinnytaste Meal Planner, now would be a great time to get one to get organized for 2019! There was a print error last year, but it’s perfect now! You can order it here!
Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday, are designed to serve 1 while dinners and all meals on Saturday and Sunday are designed to serve a family of 4. Some recipes make enough leftovers for two nights or lunch the next day. While we truly believe there is no one size fits all meal plan, we did our best to come up with something that appeals to a wide range of individuals. Everything is Weight Watchers friendly, I included the updated Weight Watcher Freestyle Points for your convenience, feel free to swap out any recipes you wish or just use this for inspiration!
The grocery list is comprehensive and includes everything you need to make all meals on the plan. I’ve even included brand recommendations of products I love and use often. Cross check your cabinets because many condiments you’ll notice I use often, so you may already have a lot of them.
And last, but certainly not least, this meal plan is flexible and realistic. There’s plenty of wiggle room for cocktails, healthy snacks, dessert and dinner out. And if necessary, you can move some things around to make it work with your schedule. Please let me know if you’re using these plans, this will help me decide if I should continue sharing them!
MONDAY (8/19) B: 2 hard-boiled eggs (0) and 1 cup strawberries (0) L: Food Cart-Style Chicken Salad with White Sauce* (8) D: Lighter Eggplant Parmesan (4) (½ recipe) with 1 ½ wedges Vegan Caesar Salad (5) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 17, Calories 986**
TUESDAY (8/20) B: 6 ounces nonfat plain Greek yogurt (0) with a sliced peach (0), 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts (3) and 1 teaspoon honey (1) L: Food Cart-Style Chicken Salad with White Sauce (8) D: Madison’s Favorite Beef Tacos (9)
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 21, Calories 1,003**
WEDNESDAY (8/21) B: 2 hard-boiled eggs (0) and 1 cup strawberries (0) L: Food Cart-Style Chicken Salad with White Sauce (8) D: LEFTOVER Madison’s Favorite Beef Tacos***(6) over 2 cups Romaine (0) with Zesty Avocado Cilantro Buttermilk Dressing (2)
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 16, Calories 863**
THURSDAY (8/22) B: 6 ounces nonfat plain Greek yogurt (0) with a sliced peach (0), 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts (3) and 1 teaspoon honey (1) L: Food Cart-Style Chicken Salad with White Sauce (8) D: Chicken and Zucchini Stir Fry (3) with ¾ cup brown rice (5)
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 20, Calories 1,026**
FRIDAY (8/23) B: 2 scrambled eggs (0) with 1 ounce avocado (1) and 1 piece whole grain toast (3) L: Chicken Club Lettuce Wrap Sandwich (5) and an apple (0) D: Tuna Noodle Casserole (7)
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 16, Calories 985**
SATURDAY (8/24) B: Easy Bagel (3) (recipe x 2) with 2 tablespoons light cream cheese (3) and an orange (0) L: Barbeque Chicken Quesadilla (5) (recipe x 4) D: DINNER OUT!
Totals: Freestyle™ SP 11, Calories 599**
SUNDAY (8/25) B: Easy Bagel (3) with 2 strips bacon (2), 1 egg (0) and an orange (0) L: Summer Corn, Tomato and Avocado Salad with Creamy Buttermilk Dijon Dressing (3) D: Sloppy Joes (2) on a whole wheat bun (3) and Quick Cabbage Slaw (2) Totals: Freestyle™ SP 15, Calories 803**
*Prep Sunday night, if desired.
**This is just a guide, women should aim for around 1500 calories per day. Here’s a helpful calculator to estimate your calorie needs. I’ve left plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food such as coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc. ***Omit taco shells.
The post Skinnytaste Meal Plan (August 19-August 25) appeared first on Skinnytaste.
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connor-sent-by-cyberlife · 3 years ago
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Only two more weeks to go!!!
Ho Ho Ho - I bring prompts for you
Welcome to my sixth Detroit: Become Human Prompt Challenge. In celebration of December and all the winter holidays here is another whole month full of prompts that will hopefully inspire you to get creative.
It will take place from December 1st - 31st, 2021.
As always, I hope for lots of participants and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with this time. Let's get cozy and festive! Or use the prompts in any other way that comes to your mind ;). You know I'm simply happy to see them being used no matter how.
December 1st - Wednesday: snowman
December 2nd - Thursday: ice skating
December 3rd - Friday: childhood memories
December 4th - Saturday: holiday shopping
December 5th - Sunday: A Christmas Carol
December 6th - Monday: snowed in
December 7th - Tuesday: eggnog
December 8th - Wednesday: holiday traditions
December 9th - Thursday: sharing a blanket
December 10th - Friday: mittens
December 11th - Saturday: Christmas firsts
December 12th - Sunday: hot beverage
December 13th - Monday: mistletoe
December 14th - Tuesday: decoration
December 15th - Wednesday: winter wonderland
December 16th - Thursday: I'm not wearing that
December 17th - Friday: obligatory Christmas photo
December 18th - Saturday: scarf
December 19th - Sunday: Christmas tree
December 20th - Monday: nightmare before Christmas
December 21st - Tuesday: lonely
December 22nd - Wednesday: greeting card
December 23rd - Thursday: last Christmas
December 24th - Friday: Christmas Eve
December 25th - Saturday: Christmas morning
December 26th - Sunday: leftovers
December 27th - Monday: cozy
December 28th - Tuesday: when the lights go out
December 29th - Wednesday: fireworks
December 30th - Thursday: New Year's Eve/New Year
December 31st - Friday: New Year's resolutions
Information and Rules:
The tag for this challenge is #dbhcarolsandcircuits (thanks to @veilder who came up with the name when I struggled to find one). Please use this tag for any of your contributions and follow it in case you want to see what other people do with the prompts
Any kind of art or writing is most welcome
You’re free to choose any character or ship from the D:BH fandom (no OCs) you like
Show/Write what you want, but please make sure to tag your content correctly, so people who don’t want nsfw/gore/a specific ship/whatever on their dash don’t have to see it
Don’t bash anybody for their chosen ship or content!
You can contribute more than one piece per day
Of course you can pick single prompts from the list, you don’t have to do all of them if you don’t want to
If you can’t finish a submission in time, you can always post it belated
Not a rule, but I’d really appreciate if you’d tag me ( @connor-sent-by-cyberlife ) if you contribute something to this challenge
Reblogs to bring attention to this challenge would be highly appreciated
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask
Thank you for your interest and support!
Please also check out my #dbh advent calendar project. I'm still looking for a few more participants to make it happen.
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sentrava · 6 years ago
What’s On in Stockholm: January 2019
Who needs New Year’s resolutions when you can be inspired by all that is going on in Stockholm? This January you could invest in a museum pass, pick up your old ice skates again, or find your new favorite music spot.
Let us show you all the possibilities that this month, and the beginning of 2019, can provide. We hope to see you out and about!
Here are the best events in Stockholm this January:
Tuesday 1st January
New Year’s Day Charity Swim at Ängbybadet
Brave the cold and help support victims of domestic violence. And if you don’t want to swim, the swimmers would welcome your support and cheers!
  Wednesday 2nd – Sunday 6th January
The Moderna Exhibition at Moderna Museet
Joa Ljungberg and Santiago Mostyn have curated work from nearly forty artists connected to the Swedish art scene. Admission is 150 SEK, and includes admission to the Warhol 1968 exhibit. Admission for students and seniors is 120 SEK.
  The Wonderful World of Disney on Ice at Ericsson Globe
The nostalgic songs, the classic characters; it’s a perfect evening of fun for kids and kids-at-heart! Everyone from Mickey Mouse to Rapunzel to Olaf will be there. Tickets for this Disney festivity range from 215 to 490 SEK.
  Saturday 5th January
Fire & Ice Evening at Kungsbro Strand 21
Skate your way along the fire-lit track! There will be a grill near the track so that you can refuel with hot dogs. The instructions will be in English, a meal is included (hot dog and soup), and the full tour is about 3 hours long. Pricing is 890 SEK for adults, 490 SEK for youth (8-17), and free for children. Missed this Saturday? You can catch the same tour on the 12th, 19th, and 26th of January.
  Frank Martini’s Party of the Century at Nalen
Begin this New Year by celebrating the good ole years of the roaring twenties! Nalen is transformed into a speakeasy, with live music and the DecaVita Sisters as dancers. Tickets are 295 SEK, and they’re selling fast!
  Sunday 6th January
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh Concert at St. Jacob’s Church
This classical concert follows the story of the three wise men and the gifts they brought to Christ: gold, incense, and myrrh. Tickets are 80 – 250 SEK.
  Winter Cinema at Brunkebergstorg
Bundle up in your warmest clothes and head to Brunkebergstorg for a free movie night. In true Swedish fashion, some blankets will be available. First Sunday of the month to the last, these are the movies that will be shown: Frozen River (6th Jan), Where The Wild Things Are (13th Jan), Into The Wild (20th Jan), and The Shining (27th Jan).
  Wednesday 9th January
CEV European Championship Qualification at Eriksdalshallen
Both the women’s and men’s volleyball teams play their final match of the qualification process. The men will play Azerbaijan, followed by the women’s match against Czech Republic. Tickets are 150 SEK for adults, and 65 SEK for children (4-17).
  Thursday 10th January
Organ Matinée at Koserthuset
Organist Mathias Kjellgren performs a rich program, including works from Mozart and Bach, as well as the piece Lux Aeterna, a work that Karin Höghielm dedicated to Kjellgren in 2017. Tickets are 60 SEK.
  Monday 14th January
Free Solo at Skandiabiografen
Jimmy Chin co-directs the beautifully done film of Alex Honnold’s free solo ascent of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. Honnold’s feat of free soloing this renowned climb has captured global attention.
  Thursday 17th – Sunday 27th January
Emerging Sensation at Reaktorhallen R1, KTH Campus
Enter and become part of this art installati by Malin Bobeck Tadaa. She has created a world underground with smart textiles that change color and respond to touch, with the use of sensors, LEDs, electronics, and astounding creativity. Early bird tickets are 100 SEK; regular tickets are 180 SEK.
  Thursday 17th January
TEDxKTH: Non Nobis Solum at Nymble
In this TEDx talk, the speakers will inspire the audience to be the change they want to see. One of the speakers will be Elin Mohlander, an entrepreneur who has co-founded Residus, a company with a focus on creating long-lasting clothes with leftover fabric. Moving away from quick trends in favor of sustainable fashion, her company produces clothes that are both sustainable and chic. Tickets to this TEDx event are 250 SEK for students, and 400 SEK for general admission.
  Saturday 19th January
Women’s Wave
On the Women’s March anniversary, this year’s theme is ending violence against women. According to WHO, 1 out of 3 women are subjected to violence during their lifetime. Consider making a sign, joining the march, and supporting women.
  Grand Opening Party at Stockholm Brewing Co.
Stockholm Brewing Co. are opening their doors and offering a cellar tour. Included at the new location is the FARM Restaurant and Bar, offering local and organic food to go with the brews.
  Tuesday 22nd January
Ella Mai at Berns Salonger
Ella Mai performed on The X Factor in 2014 as part of a trio. The group broke up soon afterward, and Ella Mai started writing and singing on her own. DJ Mustard found Mai’s talent through Instagram clips, and now her song “Boo’d Up” has reached the Billboard Hot 100. Tickets are 380 SEK.
  Saturday 26th January
GORE-TEX Winter Run at Skansen
This event is both for people who have already discovered the joy of running in the winter, and those who want to check it out. The event will be fun, with contests (who has the best light up costume), and two different courses (5 KM and 10 KM). The earlier you sign up for this event, the cheaper it is.
  Free Photographer’s Branch Opening at Kulturhuset
For the third year, Kulturhuset will present photographs from 50 people, ranging from professional photographers to beginners. The exhibit opens Saturday 26th January, and closes Sunday 17th February. The opening event is free and features a DJ. Ordinary price to the exhibit is 40 SEK; the exhibit is always free on Mondays.
  Chelsea Cutler at Nalen
This singer/songwriter started out by blending songs from different genres and releasing her covers on Soundcloud. She went on a national tour supporting Quinn XCII, and is now on a tour of her own. Tickets are 220 SEK.
  Sunday 27th January
Schindler’s List at Bio & Bistro Capitol
On the Holocaust Memorial Day, Steven Spielberg’s film Schindler’s List (1993) will be shown. It is in English with Swedish subtitles. Tickets range from 160 to 210 SEK.
  Thursday 31st January
Aminé at Debaser Strand
The American rapper who had the hit song “Caroline” is on world tour, with one night in Sweden! Tickets are 270 SEK.
    Ongoing in January
Cirkus Cirkör: Epifónima at Dansens Hus
In this piece, with a title originating from the Greek word for exclamation, seven female circus artists perform pieces that they have created together. The seven women originate from Greece, Canada, Palestine, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland. Tickets range from 275 to 440 SEK.
  Instagram Tour
Whether you’re visiting Stockholm, or just want to get the perfect picture, this tour will take you to the trendy spots, the hidden gems, and picturesque places so you can get professional-style photographs. The tours are in English and guided by a professional Instagram influencer. Tickets are 600 SEK.
  The Last Testament at Fotografiska
Magnum photographer Jonas Bendiksen followed seven different men, who all consider themselves to be the Second Coming of Christ, for this photography project. Tickets to Fotografiska are 155 SEK.
  Dora Garcia: I Always Tell the Truth at Bonniers Konsthall
Garcia’s exhibit highlights her interest in performance, psychoanalysis, and politics. Garcia uses film, drawing, text, and performance to explore the questions “What is truth?” and “Who is telling the truth?” Regular admission is 100 SEK, and free for everyone on Fridays.
  Jenny Nyström at Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum
Jenny Nyström was a pioneer in Sweden. She made her profession in children’s book illustrations; one of the first to do so. In this exhibit, about 100 works of Nyström’s appear, ranging from her time at the Academy to some of her last illustrations. This exhibit closes mid-February. General admission to Sven-Harrys is 120 SEK.
  The Great Gatsby Cruise
Hop on the Tallink Silja Serenade ship from downtown Stockholm and head to Helsinki in Gatsby style! Tickets are 120 SEK per person.
  If you’re a business or organisation that would like us to add your event to next month’s calendar, please contact us at hello [@] scandinaviastandard [dot] com. Thank you!
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  What’s On in Stockholm: January 2019 published first on https://medium.com/@OCEANDREAMCHARTERS
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giacintodenmark · 6 years ago
Weeks 2 - 3, I’ve already done so much! and I (somewhat) remembered to take photos!!
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The second Sunday since my arrival, the first full weekend. In the morning Hans and I went for a run through the lakeside forest, the beauty of the trails makes the running tolerable.
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Sunday evening, Hans and I went to an FC Copenhagen game. We played a Danish team from Southern Jutland and won 3-2 if I can remember. I can’t consider myself a sports fan, but I recommend attending one of these games if the opportunity presents itself. Being amongst the crowd of rowdy Copenhageners is a lot of fun. If you really want to get into it, figure out what the cheers are before going… and if you’re feeling confident, maybe book a seat in the rowdy section.
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Another view of the stadium, rowdy section pictured to the right. They seem to have a great time swaying, jumping, chanting, shouting, and cheering to the beat of the drummer for the duration of the game.
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I spent the beginning of Week 2 working on the two old bikes my family had in the side yard in preparation for biking to my first field study on Wednesday. The black one had a frayed gear cable and the grey one had two broken tires, a broken tire-lock, and a broken front-brake. I replaced the broken grey bike parts with the black bike parts and removed the front brake of the grey bike entirely. I really had no idea what I was doing, what seemed simple at first became a two-day project (a tiny handsaw and a hammer were involved in the operation, I lacked finesse and turned to forcing my will upon the old and rusty bike parts).
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The next three photos are from my first field study with the Urban Ecology course. We traveled to four areas within the city: a shore-side seating area at Sankt Jorgen Sø, Axel Hedes Gade, a small park between some apartments near Axel Hedes Gade, and on a dock in Island Brygge. The field study served as an introduction to the Field Journal assignment we will work on for the entire semester.
Our professor simply asked us to fill the journal with any content relating to our observations of the environments we find ourselves in over our time abroad. Notes, sketches, photos, field samples, anything... we just need to mindfully observe each space. We focus particularly on 3 topics when assessing an environment: (1) Its pros and cons as a habitat for non-human organisms. (2) Pros and cons as a space for human beings. (3) Pros and cons as a space that influences biogeochemical cycles of the city and greater area.
Here is a sample of the garbage scattered around the shore of Sankt Jorgen Sø. I also found broken glass, old clothing, wrappers, bits of plastic, etc. I was also curious about the effect shoreline-type (concrete vs. vegetation) has on the presence of birds. 
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Axel Hedes Gade, the 2nd area that we met at. Our 3rd area is around the apartment buildings off in the distance. This road runs with many others through this very large field I believe to be part of Amager Vest.
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The dock within Islands Brygge we finished our field study at. 
Going North (photo taken facing south) up the dock would take you to the Islands Brygge Harbor Baths, one of my favorite spots in the city (Be sure to go during the first 2-3 weeks if you’re here for Winter Semester, its only going to get colder and darker outside! WoOOo!)
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I visited the Danish Architecture Museum with my 20th and 21st Century Danish Architecture class. We had an hour to be toured through the current exhibition “Welcome Home,” a historical survey of the Danish home. 
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I cooked a meal for my host family on the Friday of the 2nd full weekend. I picked up pretty much everything at Torvehallerne, the rest was stuff from home.
Trout stuffed with lemon, red onion, dill, and garlic... basted with a sauce made from butter, dark beer, and leftover stuffing. Artichokes filed with one of the many kinds of cheese I found in the fridge and garlic. I also made some caprese salad.
It was simple and delicious, my host family loved it... there were barely any leftovers between just three of us.
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Saturday of full weekend #2. Stopped at the National Museum of Denmark for a few hours. If you really love museums, make this an all-day event... 4 hours only gave me enough time to somewhat thoroughly go through the 1st floor (there are 5 if I can remember).
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Lur Horns
Nordic wind instruments. They were used to create an atmospheric background sound for Bronze Age rituals. All of these lurs were found in bogs and are from 1200 - 700 B.C.
This might be what they sound like. 
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Tirsted (10th century AD)
The plate beside the stone lays out an attempt to translate the inscriptions.
“Asråd and Hildvig raised this stone in memory of Frede, their kinsman. And he was then (the terror of men) and he died in Svitjod (Sweden) and was (the foremost of Frigge’s host); and then: all Vikings.”
Doesn’t make much sense, but this room was one of my favorite in the entire museum. About a dozen of these stones are laid out in the room. I read that when these were first erected they were fully painted in bright color. I find the way the words are etched and stained to be fascinating. 
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The woman of Himlingøje
From the 1st half of the 3rd century AD. 40-50-year-old woman. Within the woman’s mouth is a piece of gold, called a Charon’s coin. The piece was meant to pay for passage to the realm of the dead. Jewels, beads, bangles, rings, a comb, earthenware vessels, a bronze pail, a dish, ladle and sieve, glass cups, and a silver coin were laid among her. (Information from plaque)
This room and a number of others were filled with remains and the variety of items that were placed beside them at the grave.
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After the museum visit, I had dinner at BÆST, a restaurant that's whipping out freshly fired pizza, fresh veggies, and carefully crafted charcuterie and cheeses. A majority of the ingredients they use come from the eastern Farm of Ideas, a farm founded by Christian F. Puglisi, the lead of BÆST and others like Ralæ, Manfreds, Mirabelle... etc.
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Swiss chard, Russian kale, grilled fennel, dried olives, and really really good ricotta. Some GOOD sourdough bread.
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Margherita. Tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil. (This was good, but I’d get something with their charcuterie on it if I go another time.)
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The view of Peblinge Sø from the bridge of Nørrebrogade. On a weekend night, get together some friends, grab something to go from the great variety of food stops nearby and head on over to the many spots that border these lakes. 
I took a stop here after my dinner at BÆST, on my way back to Nørreport Station.
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On my Sunday morning run, I found an apple orchard near my house. Off in the distance is a bunch of beehive boxes, some of which contain colonies. 
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Aarstiderne Farm Harvest Market. A nice festival with food stands to showcase their fresh produce; tours of the farm; local artisans crafting things like chocolate, sea-buckthorn jam, charcuterie, clothing, coffee, etc; a produce market; and general good vibes. Its a bit quite a ways north but was really awesome, I recommend checking in this event and ones like it during your time here.
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A stand near one of the produce fields. Showcasing some of the freshly picked produce.
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A view of the crowd amongst flowers and produce. This photo and the one below show two different farm areas, both containing pretty much the same vegetation. In this photo they are planting everything together. In the other, they are planting uniformly in rows... perhaps they are testing to see the two different methods effect on how well the plants do.
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Ørstedparken a nice park near Torvehallerne. We went here for an Urban Ecology session, continuing our exploration of urban environments as a habitat, a human space, and an influencer of urban biogeochemical cycling.
This is one of many parks that were originally a part of the old defense fortification ring decommissioned in the 1870s. A section of the mote has become the lake and bastions have become small hills within the landscape. 
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The second field study, this time with my 20th and 21st Century Danish Architecture Course. This is Grundtvigs Kirke, dedicated to N.F.S. Grundtvig, built from 1927 to 1940. The architect is Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint... His son and his grandson were involved in the work as well. The church is a centerpiece of a village of similarly styled residential buildings and small storefronts. The style is a mix of Expressionist and Gothic architecture.
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The glowing interior of Grundtvig's Kirke.
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Bagsværd Kirke. Architect: Jørn Utzon (you know him, Sydney Opera House). We were to compare and contrast this church with Grundtvigs despite their great contextual and stylistic differences.
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The greatest part of the interior is the vaulting, a sprawling wall of concrete curved into a smooth wave of linen-like white that softly carries light downwards into the room.
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The natural lighting works really well with materials and colors. There is a cool, cloud-like softness to the otherwise clean-cut and industrial structure.
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Last Saturday night, I decided to try my hand at making pasta from scratch. It was fairly easy, just 400 grams of wheat flour, 4 eggs, salt, and olive oil for the dough. I let it sit, rolled it out, and then cut it into strips. The small meatballs, or pallotine, are just beef, salt, pepper, olive oil. This was my inspiration, I am far from it.
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Everything coming together. Pasta’s cooking in salted water, the red sauce has been cooking for around 3 hours, and the meatballs are frying in olive oil.
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It’s not beautiful, but it was quite delicious. I’ll be ready for next time!
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Prolog Coffee Bar over in Kødbyens District, the best coffee I have had in Copenhagen so far. 2-3 workers serving up stupid good coffee in the small alley-like interior amongst a number of other really cool food stops. I HIGHLY recommend coming here to get a cup and check out the other spots nearby.
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This is it. A cortado.
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I did not get my own photo of this place, La Banchina, my current favorite spot in Copenhagen. The place serves up a variety of natural wine, beer, baked goods, snacks, and really good, creative meals out of this unusually wonderful place (the kitchen is in a mini greenhouse building). Take a dip into the harbor water, jump into their sauna (50 Kroner), and make some friends. I hope to find myself here many more times, even as the days become dark and damp. (This place is in its full glory during the summertime).
The surrounding area of Refshalevej is worth checking out on its own, I’ll be back to revisit the place in a post sometime later on.
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Everyone gathered around for some Snobrød, a Danish tradition of baking bread on a stick. This was available to everyone that stopped by, you just had to find your own stick... this beats roasting marshmallows.
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Cabbage, roasted buckwheat, cured egg, fresh creme, chives, and a couple other things. I started eating it before I remembered that I should take a photo of it.
There is never a set menu, they decide what to serve based on what's available and what's on their mind.
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Sunset on Vejilesø near my train stop at Holte.
I’ll be posting about Core Course week next!
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jonnyopinion · 8 years ago
The Cost of Living: 15th-21st July 2017
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I've nothing particular to say this week on the subject of my living costs.  That's mainly because this is the week in the month in which most of my 'unavoidable' expenses are paid, and as they're monthly expenses, it's fairly meaningless to include them in a post about my expenses over the course of seven days.  Anyway, that's what I've decided to do, so there you go.  Time to crunch the numbers:
Saturday 15th
Breakfast: Baked potatoes with spring onions, basil, pea shoots and cherry tomatoes.  All the non-potato items were home-grown.  Pretty pleased about that.  The potatoes were reduced the night before at the Co-op to 71p for 4.  I bought two packets.  A most satisfactory breakfast.
Lunch: Burger and a beer (my only alcoholic drink this month) at the legendary V Rev in Manchester.  And well deserving of its legendary status it is.  Everything it serves is 100% vegan.  Somewhere to take a sceptical meat eater if you want to impress them with how yummy vegan food can be.  £11.45 well spent.
Tea: pasta and sauce.  It was a very carb-heavy day.  I slept well.
Bought some new plants at the Flourish stall on Tib Street:  £13
Here's my little indoor "forest" -
Food shopping (Pasta, sauce, oil, tinned peas) - £7.05  I bought olive oil again.  Olive oil is very expensive now.  I really shouldn't buy it anymore.  The forecasts were correct.  Sometimes I forget.
Also bought some more dried peas and beans to grown into microgreens.  And some other household things, from Tesco.  £13.39
Today was also Council Tax day.  So there goes £82.
Day total: £126.89
Not exactly the most frugal day of my life.  Then again, hard to say anything I paid for money today was really "unnecessary", whatever that means.
Sunday 16th
Brunch:  A soup made of scraps (version 2)
Tea: At Sarah and Jon's.  Sarah made pasta with lots of veg, and we made pesto, using some home grown ingredients from the garden.  Sarah very kindly gave me some pesto to take home.  I ate it almost as soon as I walked in the door.  It was yummy. Bought a couple of hand towels and suction hooks to hand them on from a local pound shop.  Towels were actual £2 each.  False advertising.  £5 Rent day today: £350  
Day total: £355
That's the way it is.  Living rent free would be nice, but there you are.  £350 a month isn't half bad though.  People sometimes say it's "amazing" I found somewhere that cheap to live.  It's not amazing.  It's just quite good.  £3.50 a month - now that would be amazing.
Monday 17th
Brunch: Baked potatoes with rambo radish microgreens.  This one tray has gone a long way.
Tea: Fried rice with onions. Plant pot: £10 Food: £6.39 Monthly broadband bill: £19.50 Day total: £35.89
Tuesday 18th
Breakfast: Lukewarm porridge with cinnamon
Lunch: Rice with spices
Tea: Bread and pickles  £3.70 from Bury market Tickets for the RHS Flower Show: £29  I'll get round to posting about this next week.  It was quite good.  Here are some pictures I took:
Look at the size of these fucking cabbages
Some kind of outdoor office space
An LGBT friendly bus stop.
Carnivorous plants.  Do not stick your cock in one of these, if that's what you were thinking.  Which you were, don't lie.
An enormous wicker wasp for some reason.
Normal people behaving normally.
More pictures here. Day total: £32.70
Wednesday 19th
Breakfast: porridge
Lunch: Fried rice
Tea: Linda McCartney veggie sausages.  These come in a cardboard box, making them zero waste.  They are also vegan.  Well done, Linda McCartney.
Food shopping: £4.95  They finally wore me down, did the Co-op.  That assistant who asks me every single time I shop there "are you interested in becoming a member?" has won.  I now have a Co-op card. Bastards.  You get money back when you spend money, like with a Tesco clubcard or whatever.  Thinking about it, as frugal enthusiast, "couponing" is something I should look into more.
Income from book sold on amazon last week: £13.68
Day total: +£8.78
Thursday 20th
Brunch:  Rice, spinach and peas
Tea: Bagel and coffee at Infamous £6.45
Dinner: Fried rice with spinach and peas, plus an onion (leftovers from this morning).
Day total: £6.45
Friday 21st
Breakfast: Coffee and porridge.
Lunch: Lentils with home grown green things.
Tea: Roasted chick peas.
Birthday present: £7.68 Food shopping: £2.05 Monthly mobile phone bill: £51.46 Day total: £61.19 Salary: +£255.70 Total outgoings this week (minus non-salary income) £609.34 Total outgoings not including rent and bills: £106.38 WEEK END BALANCE: -£353.64 Running total for the month so far IN: £799.73  OUT: £829.80 BALANCE: -£30.07
So that's that. Sometimes life costs money.  I wish I didn't, but it does.  Still waiting for Utopia.  Should be any day now. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Follow @apossibleworld  Subscribe to RSS ****** Please consider disabling your adblockers when reading this site.  I make every effort to ensure no inappropriate, rubbish or offensive advertising appears here, and nothing that is contrary to the spirit of this blog.  So it's really nothing to be afraid of.  Cheers. from Blogger http://ift.tt/2gS89bs via IFTTT
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kansascityhappenings · 5 years ago
Crossroads residents, KCPD discover piles of trash left by food truck used to feed homeless
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Crossroads District had a big mess on its hands.
Police said they found trash everywhere around the bridge at 20th and Oak streets on Wednesday morning.
A spokesperson for Kansas City police said it’s leftover food rubbish — styrofoam plates, cups and rotting food — provided to homeless people by a Salvation Army truck on Tuesday. That truck, according to the Salvation Army, delivers meals to that location three nights per week.
A nearby business operator said messes like this happen often.
“The trash from them eating was left, and it’s blowing all over the neighborhood,” said Jeff Owens, Crossroads Community Association vice-president.
Owens said residents and merchants complain frequently about well-intended nonprofits that deliver meals, but fail to clean up after their homeless clients. Police and city inspectors said they weren’t sure if the Salvation Army and other nonprofits could be cited for doing this.
“There’s plenty of places, brick and mortar, where the homeless can go and eat and keep everything controlled. When you come out to the public right-of-way and feed folks, there’s no accountability for the trash or anything,” Owens said.
Kansas City Police Officer Andy Hamil, a community interaction specialist in the neighborhood, said he’s never seen such litter from a food truck. Hamil added that business owners feel powerless to prevent this kind of trouble.
“I understand their passion and their motivation for what they do. I respect it, but you can’t leave this. This is absolutely ridiculous,” Hamil said.
Doug Donahoo, a spokesperson for the Salvation Army, said that truck makes 8-10 stops per evening, including 20th and Oak. In a statement sent to FOX4, Donahoo said the nonprofit aims to be a good neighbor while providing relief to people in need.
“We leave a trash bag at each stop and encourage people to clean up after they`re done eating. We have offered and returned to pick up trash bags and provide additional assistance cleaning up when contacted by the community,” Donahoo said in a statement via email.
Sure enough, late in the afternoon, our FOX4 cameras spotted a Salvation Army employee who’d been sent to 20th and Oak to clean up. Donahoo said that man collected eight bags of trash.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/11/20/crossroads-residents-kcpd-discover-piles-of-trash-left-by-food-truck-used-to-feed-homeless/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/11/21/crossroads-residents-kcpd-discover-piles-of-trash-left-by-food-truck-used-to-feed-homeless/
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mrlylerouse · 8 years ago
April 13, 2017
Community Bulletin
School News
Dear Concordia Community,
Spring break is over and we are on the home stretch for the 2016 – 2017 academic year! It's hard to believe that our conversations are turning towards the upcoming High School musical, end of the year celebrations and graduations! It is a wonderful time of the year!
While these events are meaningful and exciting, I wanted to invite you to attend the upcoming Easter Assembly on Monday, April 17th at 2:15 PM. We will join as a community in the PC Ford Gym to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and rejoice together in that victory! The meaning of that event lasts for an eternity. I hope you will be able to attend!
Sharing Easter Joy!
Dr. Mary Scott
Head of School
» The Concordia High School Theatre Program Proudly Announces the 2017 Spring Musical
'OKLAHOMA!' by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein
"The road to true love is anything but smooth, but there is no doubt that Curley and Laurey will succeed in making a new life together, in a brand-new state; O K L A H O M A!"
Tickets are on sale from April 11th through April 19th in the Phoenix Center Commons: 11:30 AM to 1 PM and 3:30 to 4:15 PM
Adult–100 RMB
Student–75 RMB
It is anticipated that this show will sell out. Buy your tickets early.
Show dates/times...
April 20, 21 & 22, 2017 at 7 PM
April 22, 2017 at 1:30 PM
Oklahoma! is presented, with special arrangements via R&H Theatricals of New York City, in the Rittmann Fine Arts Center on the Concordia International School - Shanghai campus.
About Oklahoma!
Oklahoma! tells the story of young lovers growing up in Indian Territory at the turn of the 20th century. When Laurey, an independent farm girl, falls for a charming cowboy named Curly, their romance is threatened by Jud, the sinister farmhand who claims Laurey as his date for the town social and, ultimately, as his possession.
Meanwhile, the flirtatious Ado Annie considers marriage with two suitors, one a Persian peddler named Ali Hakim and the other a longtime love interest, Will.
As the town prepares to auction off dates at the box social in celebration of a school-house raising, tension rises within the love triangles. Dreams — and nightmares — present themselves, but there's no telling which will become reality. Will the couples part ways forever or will they unite in the light of their brand-new state? OKLAHOMA!
The 2017 high school music and theatre programs of thirty actors, fifteen crew members, thirty-three instrumentalists, four faculty directors,designers and dozens of parent volunteers began working on this classic American musical five months ago and are itch'n to present the show to our international community. More information about the show can be discovered here: http://ift.tt/2oaaOQr
» MAP, AAPPL, and AP testing will soon begin in Grades 3-12.
You will receive more information about these tests soon. For your reference, below are the dates for the tests by division:
Elementary School
MAP (Grades 3/4): May 22-26
Middle School
AAPPL (Mandarin/Spanish): April 11-May 5
MAP (Grades 7/8): May 8-12
MAP (Grades 5/6): May 15-19
High School
AAPPL (Mandarin/Spanish): April 17-21
AP (Grades 9-12): May 1-19
MAP (Grades 9/10): May 22-23
» Time to Win an Apple Watch! Here's How!
Enter the 2017 #ConcordiaLive Video Contest and show us life at Concordia through your eyes. The contest is open to all in the Concordia community (student, staff and parents). Individual or group/class submissions welcome. Videos accepted from now until May 1.
See guidelines below.
Please submit videos either through the social media channels below or directly to the Marketing Department. To be considered for the photo contest you must submit the original video to the Marketing Department. Once submitted all video submissions will be considered property of the Marketing Department and we will not be able to attribute videos given due to the venue.
Individual: Apple Watch
Group/Class: Pizza & Slushie Party
Video Length:
Minimum: 15 seconds
Maximum: 5 minutes
May 1, 2017
Suggested areas to cover in your video:
Fine Arts
Classroom experiences
CCAs & Clubs
Suggested highlight:
Concordia name (uniforms including sports uniforms)
School Spirit
Teamwork (in classrooms and on the field)
Community connections (fun with friends in a school activity, parent engagement, teacher student interaction)
Mentoring (younger students interacting with older students)
Teachers teaching
Study groups
If submitting to Social Media you must connect to Concordia through our official sites using the handles below and use #ConcordiaLive.
Facebook - @ConcordiaSHOfficial
Twitter - @ConcordiaSH
Instagram - @ConcordiaSH
What we don't need:
Videos of personal things
Selfies videos (unless in uniform or on school trips doing something)
Videos of students gaming
What we can't use:
Videos with foul language
Videos making fun or belittling others
Note: if videos are considered inappropriate by Marketing, they will not be used, and person submitting will not be eligible for any prizes
*Ownership of the underlying intellectual property of the project remains with the entrant, with the following exceptions:
Entrants grant Concordia the right to use their names, photographs, statements, quotes, testimonials, and video submissions for advertising, publicity, and promotional purposes without notification or further compensation.
Concordia maintains the right to reproduce, reprint, distribute, perform, display, or exhibit the project for advertising, publicity, and promotional purposes on their website, at conferences, or at any other venues.
No copyrighted materials (music, images, etc.) may be used for this contest unless you own the copyright or have a license to use the material. Written permission must be obtained and provided upon request for all copyrighted materials.
» Celebrate with Concordia Seniors: College and University Acceptances
It's that time of the school year when our seniors are hearing back from the colleges and universities. As the acceptances continue to come in throughout the spring months we'll keep you posted weekly with an updated list so you can join the movement and celebrate with our seniors! Complete list as of April 13, 2016.
» Phoenix Shop
Phoenix Shop-Welcome the Year of the Rooster with our new coffee mugs. The mug looks fantastic and can be customized with your name. We also have a beautiful collection of hand made Ceramics, by our own Concordia parent, Helene Miller. The ceramics are wonderful great keepsake, with an Asian theme. They also would be great for our children's future home stays, like APAC.
New gift item in stock-"Ayi in Training" laundry bag. This has been resigned and quite big for children heading off to University.
Currently working on a newly designed, sling backpack, that will be available with in the coming weeks. We are also working on getting in-stock some of our missing hoodies and crew sweatshirts.
The Phoenix shop is open every lunchtime from 11:30 AM-1 PM, and Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 PM.
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» Second Clothing Swap of The Year! Clean out Your Closets Now to Help Celebrate Earth Week!
The HS Environmental Committee is hosting our second clothing swap of the school year. Students, Parents, Faculty and Staff from all divisions (ES, MS,HS) are invited.
Step 1- Drop off your SLIGHTLY WORN clothing outside Mrs. Molloy's room (H429) between Monday, April 17th- Thursday, April 20th. (Clothing drop offs will not be accepted outside those dates). All gently used clothes and accessories, excluding socks, undergarments and shoes will be accepted during the clothing swap.
Step 2- Come to H429 on Thursday, April 20th between 3:20 -5 PM and scour for wonderful new pieces to add to your wardrobe. If you just want to donate clothes, but cannot attend the Clothing Swap, no problem! All donations are welcome.
Step 3- Feel good about having participated in a green initiative, found a new home for that favorite top you could no longer wear and scored some awesome clothes for free! Any leftover garments will be donated to The Shanghai Community Center's River of Hearts charity. http://ift.tt/2o4AYnR
Athletics & Arts
» Follow along with our APAC sports teams this week. Join us for the opening Track and Field Ceremony on Thursday in the PC gym 8:15am
APAC Boys Soccer http://ift.tt/2o8k83a
APAC Girls Soccer http://ift.tt/2o8wU1w/
APAC Badminton http://ift.tt/2cdlcBk
APAC Softball http://ift.tt/2o8rTpN
APAC Track and Field http://ift.tt/2o8iFd0/
» 2017 Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Time to honor our 'Shining Star' Teachers and Staff. Please help us make them feel like VIP Celebrities on Wednesday, April 26th. SIGN UP (you can also copy and paste this link on your browser: http://ift.tt/2o8v7cV) to bring food or volunteer to help serve.
Food drop off begins at 7:45 to 10:30 AM at the Middle School (MS) Gym.
Lunch begins at 11:00
We need YOU to provide food
To make this event a success we need YOU to make dishes such as appetizers, mains, salads, desserts, etc. With a staff of over 200 we need many dishes. Please let us know what you can donate to say a huge 'thank you' to our Concordia Staff.
» PSO Spring Used Book Sale
The PSO Used Books Sale is next week during the ES and MS conferences from Thursday to Friday. We need your help. Please SIGN UP (you can also copy and paste this link on your browser: http://ift.tt/2oZzGLy... to help with the sale on Thursday and Friday. Packing up the remaining books on Friday just before lunch. Bring your kids ! We look forward to seeing you there.
Have questions? Send an email to PSO Used Books at [email protected].
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO.
Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
» Open positions for the 2017-18 School Year
Please find attached the article (Introducing New Faulty for 2017) and the NT-Introducing New Teachers.
MS Humanities
Support Staff openings:
Cashier (PRC only)
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Transportation Coordinator (PRC national)
For details on how to apply go to http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
» Morning Spinning Class
Are you looking to workout in the morning? Here at Concordia we would like to start offering to our families a 5:30 AM spinning class on Mondays and Wednesdays. The donation is 50 RMB per class to benefit our wellness program. You don't have to commit to every session as you will pay as you go. If you are interested, please email Tina at [email protected] so you can be added to the weekly email list. As always, TO YOUR HEATLH!
» YEP Charity Dinner at the Truck Stop Grill!
On April 21 from 5 -10 PM, Concordia's YEP program is partnering with the Truck Stop Grill to offer an opportunity to try this great new American Diner food restaurant and support our high school students who will travel to Yunnan in the fall to construct a clean water system for a rural village.
The Truck Stop Grill is located in the Hall of the Moon Mall at 188 Ruihong Lu, near Tianhong Lu in the Hongkou district of Puxi.
280 RMB Dinner with Free Flow Alcohol
180 RMB Dinner with Free Flow Soft Drinks
12% of revenue will be donated to the YEP Water project being completed by Concordia HS students in September.
Please contact Rebekah House ([email protected]) for more information or visit
http://ift.tt/2nEVD1k to RSVP.
» InnerFIT 360 2nd Annual Girl Power! Seminar
Please check the details here.
» Service Opportunity Hosting families "Service Through Friendship"
This program offers the opportunity to be a "Big Brother" to two of WILL Foundation boys for one or two nights. The boys will be paired. They're between the ages five and twelve. They could share a bed or enjoy camping-out on a rug. (Sleeping bags available.) But, be warned, they eat like bears Contact [email protected] Click here for more information. Thank you. Looking for host families for the following dates:
Friday April 28, 2017 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday May 6, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Saturday May 20, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball-registration has started! » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Shanghai Griffins Basketball Training Camp » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source) » Danceworks Shanghai
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Moms In Prayer International
Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope by lifting up our children, teachers, staff and community with thanksgiving. Join other moms who meet twice a month on campus to seek guidance and wisdom for our children, our school and the Concordia community. Friendly to women of all languages. Please contact Michelle Wu if you have any question.
Check back next time!
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
Check back next time!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» Health Office Information
Concordia's Health Office has put together this useful list of emergency telephone numbers and addresses in both Chinese and English. Click here for the list or contact the Health Office for more information. Flu Shots For information on Flu shots, contact the Health Office. Contact Jenny or Yukki directly.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications.
<p><p> <p> from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2nEMllR
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connor-sent-by-cyberlife · 3 years ago
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Only one more week to go!!!
Ho Ho Ho - I bring prompts for you
Welcome to my sixth Detroit: Become Human Prompt Challenge. In celebration of December and all the winter holidays here is another whole month full of prompts that will hopefully inspire you to get creative.
It will take place from December 1st - 31st, 2021.
As always, I hope for lots of participants and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with this time. Let's get cozy and festive! Or use the prompts in any other way that comes to your mind ;). You know I'm simply happy to see them being used no matter how.
December 1st - Wednesday: snowman
December 2nd - Thursday: ice skating
December 3rd - Friday: childhood memories
December 4th - Saturday: holiday shopping
December 5th - Sunday: A Christmas Carol
December 6th - Monday: snowed in
December 7th - Tuesday: eggnog
December 8th - Wednesday: holiday traditions
December 9th - Thursday: sharing a blanket
December 10th - Friday: mittens
December 11th - Saturday: Christmas firsts
December 12th - Sunday: hot beverage
December 13th - Monday: mistletoe
December 14th - Tuesday: decoration
December 15th - Wednesday: winter wonderland
December 16th - Thursday: I'm not wearing that
December 17th - Friday: obligatory Christmas photo
December 18th - Saturday: scarf
December 19th - Sunday: Christmas tree
December 20th - Monday: nightmare before Christmas
December 21st - Tuesday: lonely
December 22nd - Wednesday: greeting card
December 23rd - Thursday: last Christmas
December 24th - Friday: Christmas Eve
December 25th - Saturday: Christmas morning
December 26th - Sunday: leftovers
December 27th - Monday: cozy
December 28th - Tuesday: when the lights go out
December 29th - Wednesday: fireworks
December 30th - Thursday: New Year's Eve/New Year
December 31st - Friday: New Year's resolutions
Information and Rules:
The tag for this challenge is #dbhcarolsandcircuits (thanks to @veilder who came up with the name when I struggled to find one). Please use this tag for any of your contributions and follow it in case you want to see what other people do with the prompts
Any kind of art or writing is most welcome
You’re free to choose any character or ship from the D:BH fandom (no OCs) you like
Show/Write what you want, but please make sure to tag your content correctly, so people who don’t want nsfw/gore/a specific ship/whatever on their dash don’t have to see it
Don’t bash anybody for their chosen ship or content!
You can contribute more than one piece per day
Of course you can pick single prompts from the list, you don’t have to do all of them if you don’t want to
If you can’t finish a submission in time, you can always post it belated
Not a rule, but I’d really appreciate if you’d tag me ( @connor-sent-by-cyberlife ) if you contribute something to this challenge
Reblogs to bring attention to this challenge would be highly appreciated
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask
Thank you for your interest and support!
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iammorethanapples · 8 years ago
mommy & me
norovirus // lactation 
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One of my favorite pictures of us. 
First, is how I had my first touch with a food-borne pathogen. 
Monday 2:30pm, Jan 16th: I’m at my weekly meeting with the other Sustainability & Nutrition Office coordinators as well as our boss, Linda Adams. Linda is a Registered Dietitian working with the UCD Dining Commons and as she likes to say, she has done all the jobs under the roof of Food Service Management that you can think of. Having been involved with food safety for a number of years, Linda always starts off our meetings with a talk on food safety, and this week picked something called Norovirus. I am not well-versed on food-borne food hazards, but instead of listening more intently, I kind of drift off and only remember hearing her emphasize washing hands. When the meeting ends, I go about my day. 
Wednesday 12pm, Jan 18th: I finally get home and it’ss lunch time. I heat up leftovers and I cannot remember if I washed my hands or not. But come on, I wasn’t directly touching my food...(misconception)
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The Invisible Challenge: This is what a typical leftover of mine looks like. You trust broccoli to be healthy, but you just never know what source bacteria could be attacking you from.
A little less than an hour later, the first symptom hits me: nausea. I was simply feeling extremely nauseous and soon after, my head started hurting. Too bad, I had to grind back to school for class. I did not think much of how terrible I was feeling because my stomach has always been sensitive. 
In class, however, not only was I still wanting to throw up, but my stomach also started gurgling periodically- loud gurgles. You can imagine my embarrassment above the physical discomfort. 
The next couple days consisted of me trying to figure out what was wrong with me, and figuring out what foods I can eat without experiencing symptoms. The BRAT diet worked out nicely and was the only foods I consumed that week. I deviated once and ate a sweet potato with cinnamon but my stomach quickly rejected spices of any kind. 
Friday 5:30pm, Jan 20th: Overall, because I was strictly following a BRAT diet, I was feeling better, just in time for my dinner plans with two good friends. They always try to accommodate my dietary needs so we found a gluten free, dairy free, restaurant in Downtown Davis called Farmer’s Kitchen Cafe.
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Their description: “Food prepared as plat du jour, entirely in-house, with freshest local and organic ingredients, wild and pastured seafood and meats, (No Gluten, Casein, or Refined Sugar)”. It was a magnificent dining experience that I highly recommend all Davis locals to check out!
We decided to share our entrees and mind you, I was not aware of the virus I was inflicted with yet. 
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Minestrone soup, fresh salad with beets, and chicken polenta. All delicious. 
Viruses can be transported by food, which serves as a vehicle from one person to the other. It took about 2 weeks for me to fully recover and unsurprisingly while I was recovering, one of the friends who shared dinner with me got the virus while the other was fine. I am just thankful I didn’t start a massive “UC Davis Norovirus Outbreak” like the notorious Hawaii cruise. 
And how did I realize the source of my sickness? My mom started sending me a bunch of links on the virus when I told her how sick I got. She has always been the greatest source of help and love in my life. 
Mommy & Me
Up until this day, my mom loves to bring up the fact that she spent 13 months breastfeeding me and how much it hurt her but she pushed through for the sake of my health. It was common knowledge that breastmilk was beneficial for infants to consume and in recent years, lactation has been extensively studied. The quality of milk has been shown to affect infant behavioral dispositions, with higher quality of milk helping the infant turn out to be more confident, more playful, more curious, less anxious, among other characteristics.
Lactation is a hugely positive selective component because it increases the fitness of the infant. How exactly does milk protect babies if it is full of un-digestible matter?
Human milk has been found to contain oligosaccharides. Bifidobacterium Infantis grows on the oligosaccharides as well as glucose. They break the glycosidic bonds to release glucose. So the function of the oligosaccharides are to feed B. Infactis! According to Global Healing Center, this is a beneficial strain of gut bacteria because it aids digestion and supports your immune system against unwanted bacterial growth. Because we are constantly exposed to environmental toxins, processed foods, and antibiotics, it is important to compensate with probiotics. 
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In the modern day, getting prescribed antibiotics is very common for a variety of issues. Because why not, it is definitely a simple and relatively quick fix. But antibiotics have also been linked to the possibility of contracting obesity due to a change in gut microbes, as explained in the article, “Are Antibiotics Making People Larger?” from The Atlantic. A woman took an antibiotic for an infection, which went away but the antibiotic caused a new infection. She took yet another antibiotic as treatment and this cycle went on for two additional antibiotics. With her intestinal flora pretty messed up at this point, doctors transplanted feces from her daughter who was obese and had a healthy intestinal flora.
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 While the patient’s gut microbome finally balanced, she began to gain weight and became obese. This has potentially revolutionary implications, as we have been drastically increasing our use of antibiotics. The USDA has found the antibiotics sold annually for use in food animals increased to 33,860,000 pounds over the past year. 
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Antibiotic use in agriculture will only grow to accommodate the growing population size. And as eager as farmers are to inject antibiotiocs into livestock, patients themselves are as eager to receive them from doctors. I remember when I was younger and started getting pimples, I went to a dermatologist with the sole hope of walking away with antibiotics. But since decreasing our nation’s use of antibiotics will require a lot of time and work against meat and dairy industries (again, we come across the trend of money-incentivized industries), it is currently just up to the consumer to make informed decisions. Antibiotic-free meat might be more expensive, but it very well might pay off in the long term. When buying meat, beware of misleading labels. “Natural” does not mean antibiotics were not used, only labels that say “USDA Process Verified” are 100% credible.  
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Despite these antibiotic issues, if you were able to drink high quality milk from your mom, you at least have a better starting point. This is not the case for babies born by C-sections because bacteria isn’t transferred the same way as though live birth. Evolution did not account for childbirth through surgery opening up the mother’s stomach. This lack of early childhood exposure to infectious agents increases susceptibility to allergic diseases by suppressing the natural development of the immune system. Essentially, the modern world is too clean. We are susceptible to a host of Microbial-related illnesses, including:
Bacillus cereus. Forms spores in food that causes flu-like illness. Prevention: don’t prepare foods too far in advance. And don’t eat food that’s been kept in your backpack for too long. Seems to be targeting the college student demographic...
0 notes
Friday 17th February
15 minute meditation warm up with Rebecca
Tech team and tech staff  set up the 4 speakers and microphone and learn how to use it - took longer than expected and didn’t quite work as the tech team would have liked - action: to speak to staff in the production meeting on Monday 20th February
Small group catch ups: Production Team - rang Sophie as not present on Friday
Sophie - to create safe working practices guide
Lydia - keep uploading schedules to Facebook - reinforce timings/health and safety and rules etc. 
Jenny - create 5 marketing concepts to present in Monday (20th February’s session)
Company catch-up: Overall discussions:
Technical team feedback:
From setting up speakers in the morning: 4 different stereo sets making surround sound. However they have four different inputs. Could use splitters to make one device play our of more than one speakers. Terri and Daisy going to speak to Jess and see if stage@leeds have q lab on any computer.
Padlet design plans
Design team are going to work around what writers say, not the other way around.
We could have walls that move around, create structure if we need it but also could move.
Want the space as open as possible until we want it smaller. Don’t want to waste the volume of the space. Use of the gantry, etc.
Starting the audience off in the Clegg (Barbaric&Wild), which would be brighter, then move through into stage one into darkness. Play around with different lighting, fairy lights etc.
More about lighting and sound than set – minimal set.
Use of mirrors in the performance, trickery, changing how the space looks, lights will reflect from mirrors. Design team to play around with mirror ideas. Walls could be mirrors also? This idea gained much approval from the group.
Manipulating senses as our ‘set’. Not actual ‘set’.
The speakers are from tech team’s office so we have to set them up every day. Think we should only do so on Monday’s and Friday’s to make the best use of our time.
Betzy has similar speakers from home, can bring them in Monday 27th .February. Terri could also bring speakers for Monday 20th February.
Could move lighting desk onto control room, not sound though.
Daisy and Terri to talk to Ian about emergency exit boxes for in stage one and get the key from Jess to access the store cupboard in 203 so we can keep equipment.
Terri to book out all technical equipment from now on.
 Writing team feedback
 Have compiled all themes from the 5 minute performances and made a list of the strongest themes.
 Main themes:
Philosophical & cosmological
Fictional, personal, theatrical
Sound: live vs recording, speaker movement, “sound choreography” 
Light: start in light, make familiar with space, then go dark. Projections from bodies, not in actual space, so as not to give away how big the space is. However, projector will cause light. Instead of projection: shadow puppetry? Custom made gels in lights to use as projectors. Intensity of light – leftover light, Jonny’s performance, book absorbed the light.
“Set”; lighting represent set.
Unpredictability. Audience interacting without us being there.
Avoiding: blindness, mental illness as difficult to convey
Light as oppression/authority, darkness as a positive thing – implies freedom.
The simpler the better.
Production team feedback:
Jenny is bringing in 5 poster ideas. Always in black & white.
Jumpers – black or white? 
If we use blackout poems at all, keep the theme away from mental illness.
Everybody bring in a piece of text (article, poem, list, story etc). Then we swap with other members of the company, who black them out.
“School trip” - Cave, stargazing, planetarium, camping.
Everyone to fill out poll for extended rehearsals. 
Everyone to ensure they read the minutes from production meetings.
Social – Lydia to make poll.
Writers: concept theme finished by end of next week (24th)
Writers need to go away and write lots of material
Storyboard ideas.
Casting: writers can write with people in mind. But try and keep it level. Writers delegate responsibility to people.
Keep up the NDA.
Play around with costume, textures. Costume will react to lights/writing rather than the other way around. Can use hair, makeup, jewellery as well as clothing. Costume as a part of the set.
Working in this order: Concept, performance technique, costume.
Very rough pitches of 3 set designs for Monday 20th. Feedback from group, alter for Wednesday. Then Yes/No answer on those.
Budget costs: Mirrors can be expensive. Mostof the budget will go on design. Need to check if the school trip will come out of the budget. - Sophie to look into.
Are we planning on coming back early from Easter? Clothworkers is shut but are the union rooms open? Lydia to investigate.
Self-Directed Task: 
Work in 3′s to explore the transition between light and dark and the methods we could use - the threshold of light. 
Initial Ideas: things looking like they aren’t when in the dark, shadows, perception etc. Use of senses/smells.
Idea of creating atmospheres and locations outside the space or in opposition to the object shown on stage. Came up with interesting concepts - eg. Balloon wrapped in fairy lights and the sound of a bubble popping instead of the usual bang as it bursts
Throwing a ball into a bucket and it making the sound of falling into the well.
Tipping a bucket upside down and straw falls out - would expect to see water, especially after hearing the sound of water.
Paper aeroplane being thrown and the sound of a car crash.
A female face under the spotlight speaking with the light on but the sound of a male being heard.
Planned to gather objects over the weekend and arrive at 8.30am on Monday to practice with the sounds and objects. 
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connor-sent-by-cyberlife · 3 years ago
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Three more weeks to go!
Ho Ho Ho - I bring prompts for you
Welcome to my sixth Detroit: Become Human Prompt Challenge. In celebration of December and all the winter holidays here is another whole month full of prompts that will hopefully inspire you to get creative.
It will take place from December 1st - 31st, 2021.
As always, I hope for lots of participants and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with this time. Let's get cozy and festive! Or use the prompts in any other way that comes to your mind ;). You know I'm simply happy to see them being used no matter how.
December 1st - Wednesday: snowman
December 2nd - Thursday: ice skating
December 3rd - Friday: childhood memories
December 4th - Saturday: holiday shopping
December 5th - Sunday: A Christmas Carol
December 6th - Monday: snowed in
December 7th - Tuesday: eggnog
December 8th - Wednesday: holiday traditions
December 9th - Thursday: sharing a blanket
December 10th - Friday: mittens
December 11th - Saturday: Christmas firsts
December 12th - Sunday: hot beverage
December 13th - Monday: mistletoe
December 14th - Tuesday: decoration
December 15th - Wednesday: winter wonderland
December 16th - Thursday: I'm not wearing that
December 17th - Friday: obligatory Christmas photo
December 18th - Saturday: scarf
December 19th - Sunday: Christmas tree
December 20th - Monday: nightmare before Christmas
December 21st - Tuesday: lonely
December 22nd - Wednesday: greeting card
December 23rd - Thursday: last Christmas
December 24th - Friday: Christmas Eve
December 25th - Saturday: Christmas morning
December 26th - Sunday: leftovers
December 27th - Monday: cozy
December 28th - Tuesday: when the lights go out
December 29th - Wednesday: fireworks
December 30th - Thursday: New Year's Eve/New Year
December 31st - Friday: New Year's resolutions
Information and Rules:
The tag for this challenge is #dbhcarolsandcircuits (thanks to @veilder who came up with the name when I struggled to find one). Please use this tag for any of your contributions and follow it in case you want to see what other people do with the prompts
Any kind of art or writing is most welcome
You’re free to choose any character or ship from the D:BH fandom (no OCs) you like
Show/Write what you want, but please make sure to tag your content correctly, so people who don’t want nsfw/gore/a specific ship/whatever on their dash don’t have to see it
Don’t bash anybody for their chosen ship or content!
You can contribute more than one piece per day
Of course you can pick single prompts from the list, you don’t have to do all of them if you don’t want to
If you can’t finish a submission in time, you can always post it belated
Not a rule, but I’d really appreciate if you’d tag me ( @connor-sent-by-cyberlife ) if you contribute something to this challenge
Reblogs to bring attention to this challenge would be highly appreciated
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask
Thank you for your interest and support!
Please also check out my #dbh advent calendar project. I'm still looking for a few more participants to make it happen.
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