#leehan is the best boy ever
uriwoos2 · 6 days
Baking with Leehan??? Like that would be the best thing everrrr
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another baking w bonedo thought 😞 I'm actually so soft and devastated w the cute scenarios that pop up in my head at these reqs PLEASE. but ok ok baking w leehanie ! <3
so firstly, I think the idea to bake together would come about really randomly! like when you're hanging out w him casually, watching a movie or eating together or sth, you'd mention how much you love chocolate brownies and he'd be like, then let's bake them U ´ᴥ` U ! <3 baby really is ready to do everything as long as it makes you happy :(
I think in leehan's case, he'd be the one following your instructions, simply bcuz he trusts you to do the hard stuff, but he'll help out too of course!! albeit a bit confused and tinsy bit clumsily but he'll be super careful not to make a mess :'( <3
he'll go extra quiet while concentrating and you would not want to disturb him while he's being so serious abt it but at the same time, I can imagine the irresistible adorable little pout he'd make. he's just so cute, I can't :(( </3
so because of that, right as he's done with his task you'd tickle his sides and u'll get to see that pretty pretty toothy smile of his ( っc ) along with the cutest giggles ever! but beware of his revenge! cuz he'll tickle u twice as much, AND pick u up to spin you around at the same time ૮ / / / ⍝ა I might actually just faint... he's the cutest <3
he'll also (not so) sneakily put some of the batter on ur nose and act all innocent afterwards. like... mister! there's no one else in the room, who else could be to blame !! <3 and then he'll just chuckle and peck the tip of your nose, after gently cleaning the batter off ૮ ˊ͈ . ˋ͈ ა
you best believe tho that he'll be at his fish tank the moment u put the tray in the oven to bake. he'll be looking at his fishies to pass the time, and you'd ask him to tell u abt them and then will listen to him cutely rant abt his babies in the softest voice filled with so much adoration <3 <3
he'd be the one taking the brownies out the oven once they're done of course! since he doesn't want u to touch it while it's hot. :(
and then you realize that you don't have any ice cream to put on the brownies, and your frustration would show on ur face. the second he finds out what ur displeased about he'll be running off to sort it out :(( </3 it has to be perfect, he wants you to enjoy the treat to the max!! ♡ˎˊ˗
and as you guys sit down to have the brownies, (that surprisingly came out so good!) his plate would be long forgotten as he'd just be staring at you with heart eyes the whole time, just watching you eat. he'd just tell you he loves to see you eating well :( :( :(
would definitely offer to bake w you again, seeing how much fun you had the last time.. like you'd be out on a date and he'll just drag u into the supermarket to get the ingredients on your way home. he'll just announce that you're baking cookies tonight all enthusiastically (ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ) loveliest baby boy just loves to see you happy, and will give u all the sweetest treats in the world ! ♡
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slytherinshua · 26 days
genre. fluff. headcanons. warnings. this is kind of a mess and disorganized cause i was just writing whatever came to mind ++ most of this is pretty sungho focused im ngl?? cause i wanted to focus on the dynamics and how it would be different from just dating leehan headcanons... pairing. leehan x fem!reader (reader is sungho's younger sister). wc. 966. request. requested by anon: I was wondering if you could do headcanons of what it would be like to be sungho’s younger sibling & you’re dating leehan a/n. this idea is rly cute :( and i wanted to do it earlier i swear and we are gonna pretend like this request isn't literally a year old IM SORRY 😞 bye its literally from last july that's embarrassing 😭 BUT IM GETTING TO IT NOW <3
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dating leehan when you're sungho's younger sister would be nerve-wracking as hell at the beginning of the relationship, specifically when you need to break the news to sungho
and more-so for leehan because you honestly don't care if sungho doesn't like that you're dating his friends, but you are a bit worried that it'll be awkward at first
whereas leehan is scared shitless because what if sungho suddenly hates him for it???
but sungho barely even blinks when you announce that leehan is your boyfriend because he knew that you had a crush on his friend and he also knew even more that leehan secretly liked you
he wouldn't have ever pictured you two together at first but once he sees how happy you both are, he's totally supportive of the relationship <3
but he does threaten you to never break up with leehan cause he doesn't want it to be awkward between him and his friend lol
sungho isn't particularly overprotective as a brother unless he needs to be, and then he is very protective of you
you two both have a very playful and close relationship, and more often than not you're just in a constant competition of who can annoy the other the most
and when you start dating leehan, sungho gets a massive upper hand in this game
because he knows your boyfriend better than you do at first, especially when it comes to leehan's habits
because leehan always tries to act as charming as he can in front of you
i mean, he's a boy in love, so of course he's always trying to put his best self forward <3
but it becomes quite hard to do that when sungho starts to randomly drop pieces of info about him just to piss you off lmao
poor leehan is caught in the middle of you two bickering and praying that sungho doesn't expose any awful secret to you or something 😭
another thing that would cause some frustration is trying to have any private time with your boyfriend :(
like i said, sungho doesn't strike me as overprotective but he absolutely will randomly open your door when he knows leehan and you are hanging out solely with the purpose of teasing you
does he get a pillow thrown at his head for this? yes.
is it leehan or you who throws it? who knows...
he also loves to make overdramatic gagging noises and disgusted faces whenever you show even an ounce of pda
even if it’s just hugging, sungho will act like it's the most disgusting thing he's ever seen
kissing is a whole other level like he'll deadass tell you two to get a room 😭
leehan originally thought that sungho must know everything about you given that he's literally your brother
but he's extremely disappointed when he realizes that he far surpasses sungho in y/n-knowledge 
leehan picks up on everything about you to the point that sungho is the one asking him things 😭
because when your birthday comes around, leehan has a whole list of possible things to get you and do for you
and sungho doesn't even know what your current obsession is
but something that sungho finds really wholesome about your relationship with leehan from an older brother perspective is how you match his interests :(
you'll absolutely do anything with leehan and engage in all of his obsessions, just like he does with you
and sungho likes watching that happen cause he does truly adore both of you 
and he learns to adore both of you together more than separate
he hates when he has to be a bridge between you two whenever you get into an argument though
he'll have to hear both sides of it before deciding which side he's on
because while he'd love to pick your side every time and put family first, he knows that sometimes you get into stupid fights over nothing
and leehan is usually pretty reasonable
when it is actually leehan's fault, sungho is pissed though
and if leehan didn't already feel awful about fighting with you, he now has to hear sungho give him an earful on how he better not make you cry ever again 
basically when you are happy and leehan is happy, sungho is happy too
except when he's forced to be a third-wheel, then he's questioning why he ever allowed this relationship to exist
yk that question of like "if you had to introduce your sister to one of the members, who would it be?" yeah sungho had always hated that question
but after months of leehan and you dating, he realizes that it's a lot better that you're dating one of his members than a random guy he's never met
because he knows leehan is a good person and wouldn't play with your heart or treat you badly ever and it makes him really excited that two of the people closest to him are in love :( it's wholesome
i rambled a lot about sungho so let me talk a bit about leehan <3
he always finds it funny when he sees pieces of sungho in you and he always points it out
any mannerism or preference that you have that is similar to sungho's, leehan finds it so interesting!!
he loves to play into sungho's disgust at pda by giving you a kiss whenever he enters the room 
or when you steal his hoodie and sungho catches onto it, leehan just wears the biggest most proud smile ever :( he's so in love with you and wants to show you off everywhere he goes
overall dating leehan as sungho's little sister just means a whole lot of extra teasing and your brother being utterly disgusted but secretly endeared at your relationship at every turn
↳ boynextdoor taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @rizzshimura,, @captivq,, @icyminghao,, @eternalgyu,, @metalchick529,,
@schmocolateschmchip,, @kpoprhia,, @candewlsy,, @weird-bookworm,, @blossominghunnie,,
@kangtaehyunzzz,, @snowflakemoon3,, @lovialy,, @lecheugo,, @okshu,,
@wccycc,, @seunghancore,, @ujisworld,, @sobun1est,, @emmylksblog,,
@talkingsaxy,, @talking-saxy
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000-pawz · 23 days
OKAY OKAY (more under the cut cause i got carried away HELP) also this is my new universe guys so if u see more dad bnd posts, THIS IS THE REFERENCE I LOVE DAD BND
⭐ sungho girl dad agenda! no arguments!!! i also think sungho would have the most kids for some reason??? maybe 3? elementary age twins and then a baby (i will hold on to this for as long as i live)
⭐ he always wears the baby harness everywhere he goes
⭐ brings all the snacks to every single game. he's the cooler dad with all the caprisuns and cheese sticks
⭐ wakes up super early to make breakfast for everyone and pack lunches
⭐ helps his kids with all their homework and art projects. if his daughter shows up in your doorway in the middle of the night saying they forgot they had a project due tomorrow, he will run to the store at 1 am to buy glue sticks and cardstock to make sure his baby has a project to show for tomorrow
⭐ can be a little overprotective, but he just wants his babies to be safe!!! always reminds his kids that he'll come running whenever they need him
⭐ i think riwoo would be a toddler boy dad!!! literally like an even minier riwoo
⭐ when his son was a newborn, he spent most of his time doing skin to skin contact, just soaking up the new feelings of being a father
⭐ supports his kid through EVERYTHING like if he wants to dress up as a pretty princess, he'd buying two tutus on his way home
⭐ very gentle with his disciplining. if his son draws on the wall, he'll show him how to clean it up and then softly explain why it's bad!
⭐ has a hard time saying no and WILL give his kid cake for breakfast if he asks
⭐ loves loves loves cuddling while watching animated movies, sharing a big blanket and snacks with his baby <333
⭐ girl dad to two girls!!! they're a year or two apart
⭐ #1 family guy and the leader of the neighborhood dad group chat
⭐ spoils them so so so so much!!! you literally have to tell him to stop buying them new clothes every other day because you're running out of closet space ><
⭐ shows off his kids to EVERYONE and always adds "they look just like their mama <3" with the biggest smile on his face
⭐ organizes all the barbeques and picnics, invites all the kids in the neighborhood (yes, even sungho's gremlin twins)
⭐ cries every time his kids make him a gift and gives them the biggest hug ever
⭐ also cries on every single birthday because why are they growing up so fast!!!!
⭐ i see taesan as a girl dad tbh </3 he'd probably only have one daughter too
⭐ reads his kid the most outrageous bedtime stories like why are you reading "1984" by george orwell to a four-year-old
⭐ would let his daughter record a silly intro for one of his songs and show her how he makes music
⭐ takes soooo many pictures of his daughter, like half of his camera roll is his daughter and the other half is you
⭐ his daughter always has the best outfits!!! would love matching outfits too
⭐ i think his daughter would subtly adopt his opinionated nature and then he would be confused as to why she's so sassy and opinionated >< the apple doesn't fall far from the tree taesan
⭐ boy and girl dada!!! <333 i think the girl would be older too?
⭐ is super annoying during drop-off and probably yells out the window how much he loves them just to embarrass them a bit
⭐ lets his kids do the most random things to his hair... you'll come home and leehan will have a head full of bows, cars, and stickers (you have to help him get the knots out later that night)
⭐ the easiest dad to talk to ever. never gets upset at his kids for confiding in him and always gives them the best advice
⭐ falls asleep in one of the kid's beds every night because putting them to bed is the most exhausting task ever
⭐ teaches his kids how to care for fish and lets them redecorate the take every now and then
⭐ takes his kids on random trips to aquariums, parks, museums (and no, he never asks for permission from you so you always find out in the most random ways, like your son showing you his new shark plushie from the gift shop)
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0310s · 30 days
wiping something off their lips (jaehyun ver.) 𓉞⋆。˚☁︎。⋆
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members: boynextdoor legal line x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers, they have a crush on u waaah >_<!!!
wc: 1.6k
a/n: this was supposed to be 600 words... something insane happened in my brain and i churned out 1.6k in an hour. let me know if you liked this <3
as the #1 messiest eater in boynextdoor, this scenario is most likely to happen to him… have you seen the multiple videos of riwoo wiping food off his lips… also aside from being #1 messiest eater he is also #1 babiest baby boy of boynextdoor.
when you’re both walking along the streets of seoul and spot a vendor selling cream-filled pastries, jaehyun rushes forward to purchase two—one for him, and one for you. he’s so excited that he gobbles down his pastry and makes an entire mess. there’s cream all over his lips, and he looks like one of those happy babies with food smeared all over their mouth (although not to that extent… but almost lmfao)!!! he doesn’t notice the mess he’s made until you grip his chin and tell him to “stay still.” you pull out a wet wipe from your bag and carefully dab at his lips. 
with your eyes still trained on his mouth, jaehyun takes this moment to stare at you. he’s always known you were pretty, but something about you being this near him is making him feel utterly lightheaded. your perfume is sweet and comforting, and your fingers on his lips feel so gentle. whether it be your scent or your voice or your presence, he likes everything about you… wait, like?
“all done! you gotta be more careful next time,” you lament, disposing the wipe in a nearby trashcan. “anyway, those creampuffs were the best thing i’ve ever tasted since the tiramisu we ate last month…” at his lack of response, you realize jaehyun’s not walking beside you, and you swivel around to see him standing stock still in the middle of the street. his expression looks like he’s come to some sort of realization. “jaehyun?” you bound over to him and wave your hand in front of his face, and he snaps out of his little daze.
“yeah? no, yeah, sorry, i just… let’s go,” jaehyun starts walking, and you trail after him, confused. what was that about?
“so i actually like like them,” jaehyun announces back at the dorm. “i thought it was normal that i found them cute and everything, because anyone with eyes can see that! i didn’t think that it was deeper than that. but i realized that it wasn’t just about their looks… i just. really enjoy their presence and how i can be myself in front of them, like, really myself you know???” taesan and leehan share a look before shaking their heads in unison. “hey!” jaehyun protests. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“we know,” taesan bemoans. “you talk about them your every waking moment, and whenever you spend time with us, you always talk about how you wish they were here.”
“taesan’s right,” leehan adds. “you look at them like they hung the stars. i think it’s obvious to everyone except you, honestly. and them too, because they think you flirt like that with everyone.”
jaehyun groans in response, messing up his hair in frustration. “so… what am i gonna do? it’s not like they like me back. this is driving me crazy... how am i supposed to act around them now that i know i like them?!” his friends share another look. “don’t do that!”
“calm down, jaehyun.” leehan comfortingly pats his friend on the shoulder. “why don’t you treat them as a friend first while you’re unsure about what to do next? after all, you like them as a friend too. i’m sure your dynamic wouldn’t change that quickly.” jaehyun nods in agreement, swearing to do exactly that.
taesan laughs at this. “well, i think jaehyun’s going to fuck this up by being very awkward and obvious.” 
leehan shoots taesan a glare. “don’t mind him, jaehyun. we’re both on your side.” taesan huffs but doesn’t disagree. okay, jaehyun. just be normal. how difficult can it be? 
it proves to be extremely difficult, actually. the next time you hang out together, jaehyun thinks everything is going well, and both of you are talking and laughing like normal. half an hour later, you and jaehyun are snacking on bunggeopang on the side of the road. the streets are empty today save for a few high school students milling about. jaehyun, unaware of how messy an eater he is, is too enthusiastic about his pastry. he’s gesticulating wildly, reenacting a funny story that happened to him days ago, and doesn’t notice until you firmly grip his chin between your fingers. “jaehyun, stop moving for a second.” oh fuck. be normal, be normal, be normal…
expecting to feel cool cloth on his face, jaehyun all but freezes when you use your thumb instead to wipe off the pastry filling on the corner of his mouth. oh god. oh fuck. oh fuck fuck fucking god fuckity fuck fuck. “sorry, don’t have wipes with me this time,” your tone is regretful. jaehyun feels like his heart is about to jump out of his chest. he attempts to wriggle out of your hold, but you grip him even harder. “stay, jaehyun.” oh god, that made me feel some sort of way. fuck, wait! be normal, be normal, don’t say anything… “i’m not done. there’s still some on your…” 
to make it worse (or better, jaehyun can’t tell at this point), you trail your thumb over his bottom lip several times, nodding when you’re sure there are no more smears. “there! all clean,” you declare, finally letting go of jaehyun. he feels his knees go weak as you suck your thumb into your mouth, releasing it with a pop. you’re wearing a very pretty lip gloss. oh fuck. “ooh, custard filling, my favorite! i should have gotten that flavor… maybe next time,” you sigh forlornly. “anyway, jaehyun, should we get going?”
“uhhhhhhhhhhh,” is the only thing jaehyun can respond with. his brain is malfunctioning and he can’t do words anymore. “uhhhhhhhhhhh.” 
you frown in concern and put a hand on his shoulder. “jaehyun? is something wrong-”
jaehyun can’t do this anymore. “ilikeyousomuchihaveacrushonyou,” he blurts out all in one breath, hiding his face in his hands out of mortification. “i’m sorry. i thought i could pretend and act like things were normal between us, but ever since you wiped my mouth last week and you were so close to me, i couldn’t stop thinking about you. and how i feel so nervous around you now that my heart is just going insane. i just had to be honest with you, i don’t think i can keep it a secret. i tried but i failed and. i. i…” 
at your lack of response, jaehyun peeks at you through his fingers. you’re stone-still, and he can’t tell what you’re thinking. oh fuck. he suddenly recalls his promise with leehan and taesan to treat you as a friend first and realizes how badly he’s fucked up. a fresh wave of fear overcomes him, not just at the thought of you rejecting him, but at the notion of losing your friendship. oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck… 
jaehyun’s trying his best not to cry, but he feels so miserable. “i’m sorry, you can ignore that, i don’t want to lose our friendship, i promise that i won’t let my feelings affect our friendship, please, i still want us to be friends.” maybe if he rambles long enough, he thinks, he can suppress the impulse to wail like a little child. 
“wait, jaehyun, i… you like like me?” he nods. “like, more than friends?” he nods again. “like… romantically?”
“yeah,” jaehyun lets out an exhale. “‘m sorry i confessed all of a sudden. i just. couldn’t keep it in anymore. i just have all these feelings for you that i didn’t know where to put them. but i swear,” he pleads, “we don’t have to talk about this. we can just move on from this and i won’t bother you with my feelings ever again. i, i really care for you and still want to be your friend…” 
“what if…” you whisper, “i don’t want to?” 
jaehyun’s face falls, and it takes everything in him not to sob. he’s never even considered the possibility you might not want to be friends anymore. “oh. i. i mean that’s totally understandable. i respect that, yeah. i must have made you uncomfortable. i’m sorry. i won’t bother you anymore.” don’t cry in front of them, jaehyun, don’t cry…
but before jaehyun can turn to leave, you grip his hand tightly so he can’t escape.“no, jaehyun. i mean… what if i didn’t want to move on? what if… i want us to be more than friends too?” 
jaehyun can’t believe what he’s hearing. “wait. are you serious?” a feeling akin to hope blooms inside him. 
you nod, your expression growing shyer by the minute. “you’re always so kind and attentive to me. you listen to me whether i’m feeling good or shitty, and you never mock me. and… you’re also really cute,” you giggle. “i honestly thought you saw me as a friend because you flirt with literally everyone… until you confessed, now. i really like you too, jaehyun, if you’ll have me…?” you still haven’t let go of his hand, and you’re idly playing with his fingers while waiting for his response. 
“OH MY GOD YES! i mean, yes! me too! please! i would. like. yes. i want. to be your boyfriend, oh my god, sorry, i keep stumbling over my words like an idiot,” jaehyun babbles. he feels his hand grow sweaty with nerves and tries to twist out of your grasp. instead, you beam, pull him in with your intertwined hands, and peck his cheek. oh my god, they just kissed me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“well… at least you can be my idiot. now let’s go!” you don’t let go of his hand, and jaehyun has a dopey, lovestruck grin on his face all the way back.
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wonton4rang · 13 days
....thinking so many pussy drunk taesan thoughts i'm going crazy .... .. the drabble u wrote about it is just So Correct i fear
warnings: +18, smut, pussy eating, pet names (slut)
note: ty for giving me the chance!! i loved the thought and would love to hear more of yours <33
and i'm afraid that we are under the same circumstances... taesan gives me those vibes of someone who's not into sex but the way he carries himself makes me believe he's the biggest simp and pussy drunk baby boy to ever exist. it's different from leehan tho, leehan gives me vibes of pussy drunk but more into this controlling/ rough approach. taesan is just one to lay down and cry over how good you ride his face, his tongue lapping your cunt like a mad man and his arms practically hugging your thighs on each side of his head, he would practically make out with your pussy over and over, drool dropping of his mouth and his dick so hard inside his pants he could cum by himself, no touching needed.
he is the type to beg you to let him eat you out when he's feeling horny, i can even see him dropping on his own knees on the living room while you sat at the couch, looking into your eyes while pleading for you. he would get so excited when you finally open your legs and let him see what he's been starving all day for but his excitement quickly goes away because you were mad at the poor boy and his punishment was a pussy diet :((
taesan is like a puppy, big shiny eyes looking at you and expecting for a sign for him to finally devour your lips, his hand always, and i mean ALWAYS, finding its way under your lower part clothes, could be shorts, pants, a skirt or even a dress but his fingers were already playing with your pussy while he moaned into the kiss like a slut. you could even feel the way his heartbeat started to get faster and how sloppy his tongue kiss was getting.
the best present you could ever give him was allowing him to eat you out, there was nothing else that he cared about. i've said this a thousand times but i'll say it again, he is NOT into sex (at least not as of now) but that doesn't means he doesn't get horny or doesn't enjoy it, it's just not his first choice or his biggest craving (that could change tho). so his favorite part is to eat you out and then fuck your soaked cunt in missionary while the wet sounds filled his ears, his lips against yours while his eyes were fixed on you, his dick going so deep inside that you physically shaked.
he was the best at making you cum and then fucking your pussy so good you ended up cumming over and over again :((
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byeuijoo · 7 months
crush on you 𐀔 boynextdoor
genre : fluff ⋆ warnings : none ⋆ word count : 0,5k
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⭒ park sungho
when sungho realized he'd developed a crush on you, he began to act like a gentleman. hold the doors for you, gives you his umbrella, make you dinner.. all these little attentions to try and tip you off. and even if you notice that he acts differently with you than with other people, you don't immediately understand that he's crushing on you. it's only when he lets the words “ i like you ” escape his mouth on the other side of the phone, that you finally understand why he was like that.
⭒ lee riwoo
riwoo is a little shy, so he started dropping love letters in your locker to express his love for you. obviously, he didn't sign the letters with his name.. but he tries to make you understand that it comes from him by smiling at you when he cross paths with you in the school's corridors. after a while, he finally dares to approach you, trying to hide the smile itching his lips and the reddened tips of his ears.
⭒ myung jaehyun
if jaehyun has a crush on you, he'll suddenly become the clingiest boy you'll ever know. he will sometimes act timidly, especially when you are alone together — in front of his friends, he possesses a certain self-confidence that instantly disappears when your eyes meet his. his hand is often close to yours, innocently brushing against it, and the smile that paints his lips is different from his usual one : more flamboyant, more charming.
⭒ han taesan
taesan is a shy boy : he prefers to watch you from afar and imagine all sorts of scenarios in his little head rather than approach you boldly. so for weeks on end, he watches you silently, trying to find the best way to attract your attention without making a fool of himself. then one day, when he finds himself working with you on a musical project, he sees it as a sign of destiny — and decides to leave clues here and there about his hidden love for you.
⭒ kim leehan
i think when leehan has a crush on you, he won't hesitate to tell you. one day after school, he just stood in front of you and smiled as he said he liked you, without worrying about the answer you'll give him. who are you to resist and reject him anyway? after that, he becomes the perfect gentleman, makes sure you get enough to eat and sleep, helps you with lessons and takes care of you when you're not feeling well.
⭒ kim woonhak
to show you that he's got a crush on you, woonhak will leave little love notes and chocolate milk on your school desk. every morning when you arrive at school, you see a note on your desk — and day after day, something is added. a flower, a drawing, a packet of sweets.. until you decide to come early to surprise your mysterious secret admirer. and when woonhak enters the classroom, and sees you sitting in your chair, your gaze locked in his. he can swear his heart has never beaten as fast as it did then.
reblogs & feedbacks are highly appreciated !
taglist ౨ৎ @leehanist @wtfhyuck @florainnie @dazzlingligth @yuma-is-mine
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starryriize · 9 days
hiiii i love ur writing and i love leehan so i was wondering if you could write a tending to wounds fic under close proximity so there’s like lots of tension n stuff..!! thank u :):)
close enough | leehan
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〔 pairing 〕 patient! leehan and nurse! reader
〔 author’s note 〕 i am so very sorry this is late, love!! tyyy for liking my writing 🫶🏼 i hope i did your ask justice!!
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“The best I can do right now is bandage you, but i'll be back later to check your arm.”
The boy in front of you nodded quietly, inwardly cursing himself for being klutzy around you. He tripped going up the stairs because he saw you at the top of the steps, and to make it worse, he already had a broken arm.
Ever since you were assigned to be his nurse, he began developing a sort of crush on you. How could he not? You were beautiful, and especially pretty when focused on your job. Not to mention your empathetic personality, full of charisma and kindness.
You take out an alcohol pad, warning him that it will sting his wound. Again, he nods. A small smile graces your face as you laugh. "Are you nervous, Leehan? Don't worry, the sting won't last long."
You were so cute. He hears you mutter a countdown before he feels the sting. Immediately after, he feels a cold air. Looking towards his wound, his eyes widen seeing you blow gently to make the sting less painful. He watched your lips open, mentally noting how glossy they were. Was it normal to feel this way? Most likely not, but there was nothing he wanted more than to kiss you.
As you look towards the boy currently sitting on the bed, you wonder why he has not called anyone to let them know that he is in the clinic. You analyze his features, the way his eyes crinkled at the creases, everything about him was stunning. It would be wrong to fall for someone you're treating. At the same time...
You snap back to reality, putting the first aid kid back in the cabinet. You had 5 more hours before your shift ended and you didn't really want another talking to from your boss. "I'll just put a bandaid on your wound and then I have to get back to work."
He smiles, "Thank you by the way." Maybe it was the way your eyes sparkled or something in the air but Leehan felt his heart rate rise. You had such a gentle presence as you applied a bandaid to his scrape. Undeniably, there was a tension between you and Leehan, but you had work to finish. Shrugging your shoulders, you let out a sigh as you took a seat next to the boy.
“Listen Leehan-“ you started. He locks his eyes on you, not wishing to miss a word you say. Before you continue, he interrupts you, "You...you know about my crush, don't you?"
This time, it’s your turn to nod quietly. The air is quiet, a comfortable silence between the two of you as Leehan suddenly begins to laugh. You giggle hearing his laugh- it was contagious. Of course you knew about his crush. It didn’t take rocket science to see that he had a crush on you. Over time, you started to admire his personality, falling for him too.
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rikisniffles · 9 days
chapter four [西村力] my first love was a boy ✧ NISHIMURA RIKI (NI-KI) X M!READER
SYNOPSIS — l/n y/n is a member of boynextdoor under hybe/koz. being an idol has always been y/n's dream, and ever since it became true he has been more than happy. despite being an idol, he doesn't know many other idols outside his group. when he runs into his seniors, a seemingly never-ending spiral of embarrassing moments occurs.
disclaimer !! : every idol in my stories is a character and does not always reflect the actual person (i do my best but for entertainment purposes, it may be off)
— fic masterlist / info
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chapter four - the ice cream shop incident
warning : written part halfway through
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The ice cream shop was small, and luckily unpacked. You and Woonhak wore matching black masks, keeping your hoods up to avoid unwanted attention.
“Should we get something for the rest of our hyungs?” Woonhak asks after placing his order, looking down at the glass container.
“I got Riwoo hyung something, but I don’t know what the rest would like.” You say, scanning the flavors.
“I think Leehan would like this one.” Woonhak points, leaving a fingerprint on the glass. Real professional. “I’ll text them, hold onー” He pulls out his phone and types away.
While you wait for your cups of ice cream, and for Woonhak to receive a message, the store door chimes. In walks three other men, similarly to you, they wore their hoods up. You recognize them immediately. You pull down your mask and wave to them. The blond one flashes you a cute smile, while the taller one takes a step behind his hyung. Woonhak doesn’t notice yet, too engrossed in his phone. He looks up for a second at you, “Jaehyun says he wantsー What are youー?”
“Nice to see you again.” Woonhak greets, bowing his head. You follow suit. The both of you are too shy for this. Woonhak goes back to order for your hyungs, leaving you with the three members of enhypen.
“I don’t know if you know me, but I’m Sunoo!” The blonde greets. He was adorable.
You nod, “Yeah, we haven’t met but I’ve heard of you!” You sound like a creep. “I’m Y/n and that’s Woonhak.” You point.
“Nice to meet you.” He smiles again, pulling out his phone to write a text message. He looked up at the menu, then back at his phone to take a picture of it. He must be getting someone’s order.
You turn to the one you know as Jake, who stands in front of Ni-ki. You met Jake once, but it was brief before you all were shoved into making videos for your TikToks.
“Congrats on the new comeback,” Jake nods, “I meant to say that last time we met, but I didn’t get to talk to you long.”
“Oh, thanks!” Your recent comeback has been quite a hit recently, you just hope that it was good enough to win some awards. Your group mates deserve a win. You open your mouth to continue small talk but your order was placed on the counter, distracting you. A brown paper bag held the small cups of ice cream, one for each of your members.
Woonhak grabs the bag, handing it to you to carry, “Thanks for working with us, you guys definitely helped us get out there a little more.” He smiles, putting his card away. You hadn’t realized he paid for it already, otherwise you would’ve offered. You all would pay each other back later anyway.
Ni-ki shuffles behind Jake, looking around awkwardly as Sunoo starts his order. Woonhak and Jake keep up the conversation, leaving you and Ni-ki to look around the room.
You meet eyes at some point, and you smile politely. His face twitches and his mouth forms a quick awkward smile before looking away from you quickly.
Did you do something wrong? Maybe he didn’t like you. Or the trending video made him uncomfortable. Or maybe because you hit him with that door…
“Hey,” You’re not usually confrontational like this, but you didn’t want your seniors to dislike you. “Soー”
“Do you want to order next Ni-ki?” Sunoo cuts you off unknowingly, creating a stiff air between you and Ni-ki. Kill me now.
“Uh, Yeah okay.” He pushes past you and begins ordering what he wants.
You curse yourself silently, pulling up your mask to cover your red face. You just wanted one interaction with your seniors that wasn’t painfully awkward. Maybe it was your fault.
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— koki's note ★ ; i missed two days of posting oopsies, I graduated highschool 👍👍 and I have been really busy. i opened a taglist for this work too since some people asked (to those who asked I already tagged you, just lmk if u wanna be taken off).
taglist (OPEN) : @conwunder @sol3chu @bubblztaro
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lunicho · 3 months
600 YIPPEEE!!!! Bunny 600 party I’ll bring cookies !!! You deserve all the love 🥺❤️❤️
Thank you for lowkey keeping Lunétumblr alive🫡 I know you don’t write big stuff a lot but all of the drabbles and even agreeing with anon thoughts means a lot to me and I’m sure it means a lot to other Lunés too 🥺
Wishing the best for u as a person and for the blog too 🙏🙏 if things ever get slow don’t worry there’s no rush we’ll always be here 🫡❤️
Would you be ok sharing the story behind how/why u started stanning all the groups you do? Like how you got into BND,RIIZE, etc? Some Bunny lore would be cute 😋
600 PARTY LETS GO!!! tysm pookie, you've been here supporting the blog soso much and it means the world to me. i look forward to seeing u around on my blog all the time. i love u so so much!! also what kind of cookies are you bringing!! :o ALSO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I TALK SO FUCKING MUCH 😭
i'm so glad im able to contribute to lunéblr, i genuinely have had so so much fun with all of the teamies anons on here like u guys are hilarious 😭 u guys are also so so consistent here and it means soo much to me seriously <3
i'm wishing the best for you as well, i hope that whatever you decide to do in this world goes well and i hope life treats u well always!
BUNNY LORE!! i love talking so yes, i stan like 89 million groups so i'll do the ones i write for and then u can ask abt other groups i didn't mention if you're curious! also prewarning that literally every group i stan started with me trying not to stan them LMAODGSJ
bnd - i didn't stan them when they first debuted cuz for some reason i always try to stop stanning groups knowing im an addict smh. i also like to give groups a bit to Marinate before i stan so i held off! then in like august last year i started getting funnextdoor tik toks abt leehan and his fishtank and i decided i wanted to watch it for funsies cuz leehan was sooo pretty and so cute so i was curious and uh... yeah that was my first mistake 😭 i full on thought leehan was gonna be my bias but then taesan walked in and snatched me up and bnd is just so addictive i just had to stan. i stuck with bnd because they genuinely make me so happy, they're so fun and they remind me of all the best things about kpop, like i just love them so bad 😖😖 but i officially started stanning them the week after but sometimes came out cuz that song had me hooked 😭 omg i just remembered that their videos kept coming up on my youtube too like the universe was trying to get me to stan since like july 😭
riize - i didn't even attempt to not stan them actually 😭 sungtaro were my nct biases when they debuted so i really really wanted to support them on their new endeavors so i already had plans to at least become acquainted with riize but siren had me MOVINGGGGG 😭😭😭 like i haddd to get in on that like i was Hooked. i couldn't even give them the time to marinate cuz of sungtaro so i just hopped right in 😞 and then my sister started biasing wonbin QUICK and i started biasing anton for like a week and then seunghan collected me 😖 and riize gives me heavy nostalgia so like idk i just love them a lot
&team - i've been supporting them since debut bc enha are one of my ults and ive been familiar with kei since then (i didn't watch iland i just knew abt kei and was familiar with some of the other boys names) and i was so obsessed with under the skin but i didn't end up fully stanning them for a while. i started to learn their names just so i'd know who they were when i see them around and things like that. i didn't start to stan them more until like july last year when i watched more of their content and then i fell off again until like october i think and they quickly became one of my top groups cuz they're so fun idk
zb1 - um i fully wasn't supposed to stan cuz wanna one and jbj disbanding hurted bad enough but while bp was going on i kept seeing clips and THEY HAD ME ROLLINGGG 😭😭 but i was having self restraint ☝🏾🤨 but then sol (adoresol go follow her and send her asks) she told me to watch zb1 content on july 12th 2023 ☝🏾😌 im able to see it in our ig messages LMAODGSJ but i started watching them and learning their names that day, i even told her i liked jiwoong 😖 but yeah then they stuck after that day cuz they make me laugh and they're so fun idk
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lqfiles · 6 months
NAURR WAYYY I'M ON NCITY TWT TOO!?!? and you're so right if hell exists it's ncity twt 😭 like I'm on the caratland twt too but it's less... unhinged than whatever tf is ncity twt
YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT THE DUOS OMG i think my fav has to be mark and Johnny like their friendship is something else and Jaemin and jeno's friendship is so adorable too I need friends like that fr btw you're so real for biasing jungwoo i love jungwoo biased creatures <3
No cause I feel so old with all these 5th gen idols AND I'M NOT EVEN IN MY 20S YET but ig that's how all 3rd gen fans are feeling rn 😭 so far Riize and bnd are the 5th gen group I'm following the most and I listen to newjeans very casually I had a zb1 phase too hao was my bias 😭 bnd bias line is taesan and leehan!
I'm ngl I'm low-key (high-key) a "I miss 3rd gen" type of person too 😭 but like i got into k-pop when 3rd gen was still fresh and new sooo can anyone really blame me for missing it? I bet in a few months these 4th gen Stans would also be like "i miss 4th gen 🥺"
i used to be on carattwt too, those people don’t know how to take jokes but at least they’re peaceful.. ncity twt is like being put in a in the middle of a war field 🫤 it’s hard to avoid the mistreatment olympics that are always going on not to mention the mahae custody battles…
JOHNMARK THE REAL BROTHERS DUO OF KPOP like i’ve never seen a duo that radiates more sibling energy then they do. i remember i saw this thread on reddit that was talking about how nomin’s friendship is like the best ever and it has stuck with me ever since they’re soulmates kinda 😭😭😭 and i’m actually a jungwoo ult AND shooter like i really do not play about him at ALL.
I FEEL YOU LIKE RHESE 5TH GEN GROUPS GOT ME SPEAKING ABOUT “back in the day” meanwhile it’s a group that debuted in 2016 😭😭 hao is really cute and just funny as hell you could never make me hate him honestly, and idk nothing about bnd but my twitter mutual loves leehan and taesan too so i’ve heard of those BUT i like that jaehyun boy he is cutieful
SHSJDJSSJD RHEY PROBABLY WILL BE i can imagine the 4th gen stans going “no one wants to respect 4th gen idols anymore” and start an argument on twt about it loll but i just love 3rd gen music especially 2017-19 like that was PEAK music
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Since we're on the topic of other artists, ever since you've mentioned BoyNextDoor I've become ✨ obsessed ✨ BPP. Thank you so much for having this blog. I've learned about so many cool k-singers. Do you have a bias in BND?
Not a problem!
Like I said, I honestly love their sound and energy. And I've not really watched them too closely, but the members that stand out for me so far are: Taesan, Jaehyun, and Woonhak. Riwoo gives me a very peculiar energy that I like but feel more content to observe from some distance, a bit similar to how I felt about Jimin in 2013 before I fully got into BTS. Leehan and Sungho are also outstanding in their own ways but especially in their vocals, in my opinion.
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From left to right: Leehan, Sungho, Riwoo, Woonhak, Jaehyun, and Taesan.
So, if I were to pick a bias it would be Taesan, with Jaehyun and Woonhak as bias wreckers, or maybe I'll become triple biased again. Who knows?
I've been listening to their album a fair bit in the last couple of weeks. And I take back what I said about Crying being the 'almost skip' in the album. I was unenlightened when I said that, I hadn't yet watched the stage live.
I now think Crying is the best song on the album.
(They're phenomenal)
In terms of vocals they're all outstanding. Easily some of the best in 4th and 5th gen boy groups and their trove of live performances prove it. I can't even pick a favourite vocalist. They're all so good.
They appear to be fairly solid dancers and rappers too, especially Jaehyun and Taesan. They're all very animated so their expressions change naturally and frequently on stage. They all know how to give a performance.
In terms of visuals, it's Taesan for me all the way. I mean...
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...like, look at that. It's a done and dusted deal for visuals in BND and 4th gen boy groups for me.
Anyway, thanks for giving me another chance to talk about them. I've been enjoying their music and performance stages between streaming for BTS. It's been fun and I'm genuinely looking forward to their next albums.
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wonik1ss · 11 months
JAY & Y/n | entry 3 : oh fuck + half written
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SYNOPSIS : two people with complete different life’s learn about each other with the help of a small little read book
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As the group of friends approached Jakes house and all got out of the car Lily and Julie stood infront of them all.
“Make sure that you don’t have more the three drinks and take care of your cup every one!”. They all nodded and Julie went to hold your hand. You felt comfortable knowing that the minute you didn’t feel safe your friends would leave. But having Julie next to you helped a lot more.
“I’m going to stay at Yeji’s house after this so don’t worry about me”. Julie gave you a look as Natty ran inside.
“I’m still surprised by the fact that she hasn’t caught something yet.. last week was yujin”. You smiled as Julie’s grip got tighter as you all walk in.
The party had started thirty minutes ago yet you already saw drunk people, high people and ofcourse a bunch of people making out.
Julie laughed at your face looking around the mess of a party as she brought you over to the kitchen.
“I’ll get you something very light”
“Ok.. your not drinking?”
“No I need to make sure we all get home safe”. The one thing that made Julie the best friend ever was the fact that she; always took care of everyone. Ever since you fell down at the park in third grade she had been with you.
Always making sure you were safe.
“So.. do you think you’ll make a move on Natty anytime soon?”. You said while siping your drink trying your best to not immediately spit it out.
“No.. I mean.. I like her and all.. but the only thing she seems to do are hook ups and obsess over Belle..”
“Well.. then stop waiting for her and get out there! Maybe she’ll see and finally notice what she’s missing!”. You and Julie smiled and laughed with eachother. Her with her water and you with what you hoped was some very cheap alcohol.
“Omg Julie is that you?”. You turned to see your schools baby faced angel Ning Ning.
“Oh hay Ning”
“You know Ning Ning?”. You whispered as the other girl got closer.
“Ya we have bio together”. You nodded as the two started to talk.
“You know I think I see.. Rei I’ll find you later Juls”. Julie held your hand tightly before you nodded indicating you were fine and she let you go.
Truth is you did see Rei. Lie is that you have only talked to her when you needed a pencil or when she missed a class and needed a recap.
So now you found your self in the window seat in one of the bedrooms upstairs. If Jake wanted no one to go in here he would have locked the door right?
Just down the hall Jay was talking to Lia from his English class.
“You know I think ima get a drink stay here”. Lia nodded as Jay ran down stairs. While Lia was nice, boy did she have some pipes on her. So mid way in the conversation Jay ran to the living room trying to spot someone he knew.
“Ayy Jake where have you beeeen”. Jay guided the obviously drunk Jaehyun to the couch.
“Talking to Lia.. you?”
“I made out with some girl named.. chae.. something..”
“Ok bud I think your a little to drunk stay here while I get you some water”. Jaehyun nodded as Jay quickly ran to the kitchen and opened fridge to get a bottle of water.
“Jay Jay”
“God Winter you got to stop doing that”. Hay said as he closer the fridge door and turned to the short girl.
“Why? Leehan liked when I did it!”
“Well Leehan finds anything funny”. Winter nodded and pulled her self up to sit on the counter.
“You find a girl to hump and dump yet?”. Jay raised an eyebrow at the ice girl before she rolled her eyes.
“You fuck a girl and leave her in one of Jakes room yet?”
“Ya.. no stop going on face book it’s aging you”. Jay said as he touched Winter’s cheeks like a grandma seeing her grandson for the first time as she made a small smile. Jay always had been a care taker. He always made sure people he knew and didn’t know got home safe after party’s.
He always hung out with a hook up, after to the point they weirdly became friends. But sometimes Jay wanted someone to take care of him. That’s why for now he’s taken a break from hook ups.
“Of fuck you’ve been busted we gots to go”. Winter jumped of the counter and showed Jay her phone showing a text from Yeji saying the cops were coming.
“I’ll get my group you get yours and some friends we both call three Ubers”. Winter nodded and ran to get her friends.
Meanwhile you stared at the book you brought to the party. You thought maybe you could get some journaling in before Julie ran in.
“Cops are coming come on everyone’s in a big Uber let’s go!”. You got up and followed Julie to the Uber. Watching cop cars pull up and kids fleeing. Buy running, skipping and some even jumping fences.
“Ok we all here?”. Lily said scanning the car then going to ask Natty if she was ok after she noticed everyone was there. While Lily texted Natty and the rest of her friends, you looked out the window as Julie told the Uber to go.
You thought everyone was there too.. but apparently you forgot a bright red journal behind.
Two hours after the party had ended the enha boys came back to help clean up. Jay took the three bedrooms on the second floor while Sunghoon took the two bathrooms.
As Jay cleaned up the last room he saw a red notebook. As he sat at the window seat he opened to see who it belonged too.
And then the game had finally began..
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entry 3 : oh fuck + half written
masterlist | entry 4 !
taglist ! OPEN for now you can ask anytime to be added, by commenting or asking :)
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metalbvcky · 4 years
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*Shows up late to the Stucky/Marvel fandom Post-EG with Starbucks and dozens of fics that I’ve read in hand* So you guys like fanfiction?
Yeah so, because of quarantine I’ve been consuming a ton of fic. I’ve probably read over 1.5 million words in just a couple months. So why not share what I’ve been reading! Note that some of these are older (popular) fics so veteran Stucky peeps will probably know of them since I not too recently delved into the realm that is Stucky fanfic. :)  
Down below are over a dozen fics with different tropes, Canon/AU’s, and what not. Please do heed the tags on some of these. For the curious: My AO3 bookmarks. 
Also shoutout to @stuckylibrary, the mods over there are doing the lords work. 
Key:  ♥ = My fave, S = Smut, DS = Dom/Sub 
Heroes are Easy, People are Hard ♥ by Halbereth, Lorien - Words: 152,284 | CW Fix It, Slight Canon Divergence, Recovery, Slow Burn
Shuri and Wanda cleared Bucky's triggers shortly after Killmonger's attempted coup, and he and Steve went on the run. But it turns out there's more to "fixing Bucky's head" than "getting Hydra out of it." When a group of rogue scientists manage to neutralize the serum and make Steve very sick--pre-serum "this is bad" kind of sick--and they're cut off from contact with Wakanda, Bucky knows only one person with resources to help. He calls Tony and surrenders on the condition that Tony tries to help Steve.
From there, it's basically three variously messed-up guys’ trajectories from "This Is Fine", "Reasonably Speaking I Know It’s Fine", "I Will Be Fine With It" to actually being fine, guest-starring a far-better-adjusted teenage boy who climbs walls, a 1957 Ford Thunderbird, two women with a keen sense of the absurd, and Bruce, the Zen master of “it’s fine that it’s not fine.” Add in the fact that Bucky's been secretly in love with Steve since the thirties and things only get harder. Learning to be a person is the hardest thing Bucky Barnes will ever have to do--but he's got company along the way.
Reap The Whirlwind by Cristinuke - Words: 18,221 | Canon Universe, Post CW, Domestic 
Bucky finds a cat. Or rather, a cat finds him.
Your Favorite Ghost by augustbird - Words: 21,013 |  Canon Divergence, Post TWS
It's harder than Steve ever expected to bring Bucky home.
Despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) ♥ by praximeter (Zimario) - Words: 71,532 | Canon Divergence TWS, Body Modifications 
“They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.
Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—
“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”
Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.”
This city bleeds its aching heart ♥ by Renne - Words: 34,537 | Canon Universe, Fake/Pretend Relationship 
The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.
The Best Way to Wake ♥ by LeeHan - Words: 42,293 | Post TFA, Canon Divergence TWS, Recovery 
James Buchanan Barnes lay in a glass pod in the middle of the table, frozen since he fell. Steve’s hands were on the glass before he realized he’d moved. “Wait, Captain!” “Get him out,” Steve whispered, his hands searching for a clasp, a keypad, something. “Captain, we need to keep him in stasis—“ “I said get him out!”
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail ♥ series by owlet - Words: 264,438 | Canon Divergence (sort of) 
The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
Undersell, overcommit by silentwalrus - Words: 10,222 | Canon Universe 
Steve goes so hard for Bucky that he becomes a licensed, practicing massage therapist.
Sparked Up Like a Book of Matches by Sena - Words: 26,734 | Post-TWS, Canon Universe 
Steve lives in Stark Tower and doesn't have much to do when he's not going after Hydra strongholds. He attends charity events to make Pepper happy. He goes hiking with Sam. He hangs out with Clint in Bed-Stuy and watches Dog Cops. Sometimes Tony gives him super alcohol in a sippy cup. Sometimes he sees Bucky out of the corner of his eye and wonders if it's real or if he's starting to lose his mind.
Alternately, the one with terrible jokes, a foot chase through the Lower East Side, and a tiny little robot named Shitcan.
Sugar Sweet ♥ from the Red Velvet series by ColorCoated - Words: 173,400 | Modern/Sugar Daddy AU, Age Difference, Slow Burn
"What's your name?" It wasn't even a line. He was just pretty and Bucky wanted a name to go with that face. With that strong jawline. With those deep blue eyes. A little smirk, "Steve."
Awww, Steve. He looked like a Steve. Bucky pursed his lips in a way he hoped was attractive, "You should buy me a drink."
College Student Bucky finds himself immediately attracted to Steve. He knows that Steve's a bit older than him, and that Steve himself is put off by the age difference. . . But that doesn't stop Bucky from wanting to climb him like a tree.
Steve and Bucky Go Away for the Weekend (and cook a lot) ♥ by E_Greer -  Words: 30,126 | Canon Universe, Domestic 
In which Steve coaxes Bucky out of the Tower for a birthday weekend away and sweet, fluffy domesticity ensues. Phlintasha helps keep Bucky calm, Steve has Opinions about how you set the table, stories are told, greenhouses are toured, baths are had, books are read, tears are shed, stars are gazed upon, and everyone makes Bucky feel loved. Includes Friday night dinner, Saturday morning breakfast, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, and Sunday brunch.
Dona Nobis Pacem by thegraytigress - Words: 65,214 | Canon Universe, Recovery 
"This job... We try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes it doesn't mean everybody, but if we can't find a way to live with that... Next time maybe nobody gets saved."
An incident on the battlefield exposes how much Steve's falling apart under the crushing weight of leading the Avengers after Sokovia. Now Bucky's adopting a new mission: save Steve before he destroys himself completely, even if it means the end of Captain America.
Give 'Em Hope ♥ by L1av - Words: 130,022 | Modern/Hospital AU, UA/Age Difference 
Dr. Steve Rogers likes to think that if his patients have hope- their chances of survival will increase. Bucky Barnes has a 20% chance of survival and a desperate yearning to experience life. Against Steve's better judgment, he develops a relationship with his patient. It's illegal. It's wrong. But it's giving Bucky the hope to keep going, so Steve's going to keep giving it, because he wants Bucky to survive. He needs him to.
You belong (to me) by hermionesmydawg - Words: 29,759 | S, DS, Canon Compliant, Post CW
"Hold on." Bucky lifted a finger and backed out of the doorway, returning a moment later with his cell phone. He snapped a photo of Steve, typed a few words, and then returned to his apple. "What the hell were you doing at a sex club last night?"
"Not having sex, if that's what you're wondering." An alert sounded from Steve's nightstand - a new Snapchat message. He rolled his eyes and unlocked his phone. Sam was always sending stupid Snapchats and frankly, Steve couldn't figure that goddamn app out and cursed whoever created that piece of shit.
The chat wasn't from Sam this time, however. It was a picture of himself, not looking guilty at all, with the caption "when your buddy catches you looking at p*rn."
Circling Back from the It’s Not Linear series by chaya - Words: 59,642 (Series Total: 136,782) | Canon Divergence
Steve looks for Bucky, Bucky finds Steve, Steve tries desperately to put Bucky back together. Bucky tries desperately to let him.
Continuing Education by 743ish, romanticalgirl - Words: 14,443 | S, Canon Universe/College, Shrunkyclunks 
Steve is invited to be a guest lecturer on the WWII unit for Bucky's college course. Bucky's more than happy to glean any extra knowledge (in more than just history) from Steve, and Steve's happy to eductate him. But then Bucky has to decide if he can handle the fact that Steve throws himself into danger, and if the sex is worth it. Or if it's not just sex anymore.
Salt & Sugar by GoldBlooded, stfustucky - Words: 19,598 | Modern/Restaurant AU
Steve Rogers is a bigshot celebrity chef in New York City, and Bucky Barnes is a classically trained pastry chef in Moscow.
When billionaire and mutual friend Natasha Romanoff calls on them to collaborate for her Memorial Day Benefit Gala, they both brace themselves to spend the week working with some jerk they're bound to hate. Except... Steve makes a burger that could bring Bucky to tears, and Bucky makes tartlets so beautiful Steve's sure they qualify as art. Maybe, just maybe, together they could make this a night to remember.
@/sgtbarnes1917 and @/cptrogers1918 by BayleyWinchester - Words: 114,203 | Canon Universe, Social Media Fic 
Bucky Barnes broke Twitter with one photo
Proprietary Information ♥ from the Additional Information series by notlucy - Words: 85,141 (Series Total: 165,871) | Modern AU, Age difference, Slow Burn
Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.
Deep in the Woods (Where My Heart Has Been Waiting) by SilverMyfanwy - Words: 15,353 | Pioneer-AU, Shrinkyclinks 
Steve Rogers gets lost in the woods in a snowstorm. Bucky Barnes takes him in. Pioneer-era AU ish with Shrinkyclinks, evil chickens and a cabin in the woods.
A Bucky Odyssey by inediblesushi, thorstbench - Words: 9,952 | Shrinkyclinks,  Cap!Bucky, Nurse!Steve  
Bucky Barnes, Captain America, has a plan to make Steve Rogers, SHIELD nurse, fall in love with him. Confiding in the Internet might not be the best idea, though. So when the bad pick up lines do not work and Steve looks determined to staying single, he decides to be more himself and less what he thinks he should be.
At first I wanted to wait to post this until I finished a few more fics from my ever growing read-later list but what the heck, now or never! I’ll probably end up making a part 2 reclist by the amount of fic I’m reading these days. 
Happy reading and stay safe out there fellow Stucky trash members!!
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hey! thank you for everything that you do! you are awesome. im just wondering if you any fic were Stiles is fae? thank you!
We sure do. - Anastasia
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till the moon has taken flight (to the waters and the wild) by WindyRein
(5/10 I 1,426 I Not Rated I Steter)
It's not fair! But he knows already that life isn't fair, doesn't he? He can feel the bitter smile curling his lips.He, if there is such a thing anymore, floats and is torn apart and doesn't exist. (but that would be kind, wouldn't it?)
Bloody Secrets by cywscross
(1/1 I 3,085 I Teen I Steter)
Stiles has silver in his veins.
Peter could’ve done without finding out this way though.
Somewhere to Start by Lissadiane
(1/1 I 3,352 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles has always known that he isn't quite human - the plant life that tends to sprout around him whenever he gets upset or excited gives it away. He's never really fit in among the regular people in Beacon Hills and is determined to wait it out, go to college, and find somewhere to belong. He's forced to abandon those plans, however, after he desperately agrees to enter into an arranged marriage to save his father's life.
An arranged marriage with an angry, sometimes furry dude with trust issues. It's all very Beauty and the Beast, without the singing candlesticks.
Dance Under the Moonlight by Therapeutic_Steter
(2/2 I 3,440 I Mature I Steter)
Fae!Stiles saving Peter from Pack's stupidity and washing his hands of them. Please?
The Other Side by Green
(1/1 I 3,769 I Explicit I Steter)
Stiles doesn't know anything about his father, only what his mother told him, that he's human. Despite her words, Stiles has had his doubts. So when the queen sends him through the veil, he's nervous and isn't sure what to think.
Seven Years Falling by InfiniteAlexisA
(1/1 I 3,880 I Not Rated I Sterek)
“I don’t mean to!” Derek yelled throwing his hands in the air.“DON’T YELL AT ME!” Stiles screeched, his entire body going up in flames.This is what Derek gets for dating a fire elemental.
we're not so different (you and i) by colferstilinski
(1/1 I 5,621 I Explicit I Sterek)
For many of the fairies that lives here, Utopia is their sanctuary—haven, in other words—and why shouldn't it be? It never rains on this stretch of meadow, the clouds in the skies always pink with interest and it smells like the breaking of spring every dawn and dusk.
Stiles detest it, the least to say.
It’s too much and he hates swinging along with the status quo with the other fairies. Yeah, with their blooming shades of colours and the shimmering, silken tunics they don on and fuck, the limitless sparkles. There’s even a new trend going on with the younger generation where they gather allium blooms to form a flower crown, oh—with added glitter!—and it makes Stiles wants to roll his eyes.
Or the fic in which Stiles is a fairy and wants to escape the horrendous, boring world of fairyland to have an adventure. And by adventure, he means meeting Derek. The plant. Or... not-so plant.
Cold Iron by the_problem_with_stardust
(5/5 I 5,641 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek thought the disaster that ended with Kate Argent almost burning down his family home was a relationship worst-case scenario. So, when Dr. Deaton reveals that his current girlfriend is not what she seems, Derek is ready to swear off romance forever. In an attempt to escape his well-meaning (but insanely overbearing) family, Derek volunteers to take over remodeling the small cottage that was left to the Hale siblings in his grandmother’s will. Connemara is nothing like California, and Derek feels like his luck just might be looking up.
salt and a waltz by The Byger (Byacolate)
(1/1 I 7,433 I Explicit i Sterek)
"Not that lubed-up Q-tips aren’t the sexiest thing in the world, but I kinda want to know what it’s like, you know. To be impaled on your huge dick without actually being impaled.”
“It was about to get sexy there, but you shot the mood right in the face.”
In which Stiles is a faerie and Derek is sick and tired of not being able to fuck him.
Don't You Wanna Be My Sky? by WhoNatural
(1/1 I 9,420 I General I Sterek)
Stiles got ratted out by the Realm Guard for sneaking off with Scott a total of seven times before his dad buckled, promising sabbatical once Stiles reached Faehood, and enough Earth culture in the meantime to have him talking like a born-and-bred Californian teenager.
He just didn’t have the tan.
(Or, in which Stiles is a Frost Fae sent to the Earth Realm on the Fae version of Rumspringa and immediately falls head-first into a Coffee Shop AU)
No Love in Idleness by Elpie (Horribibble)
(2/2 I 11,687 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles is the sole grandchild of none other than Robin Goodfellow, the most mischievous faerie ever to wreak havoc among the Folk and Man alike. To the people of Beacon Court, he is at best a merry wanderer of the night.
At first, Ser Derek is inclined to agree, but the little bird on his shoulder has quite a bit to say about that.
Trees are always a relief after dealing with people (except when they aren't) by ravelqueen
(1/1 I 15,889 I Mature I Sterek)
Derek Hale decides to become a hermit before he reaches 25. Too bad he picked Beacon Hills as his retirement home.
(Or the one where Stiles is a wood nymph/pixie/human hybrid who falls in love with his new grumpy werewolf neighbour)
Broken People Get Recycled by poemwithnorhyme
(1/1 I 16,389 I General i Sterek)
Nothing is ever just calm in Beacon Hills. No, something always has to go wrong, and this time, it's Stiles' turn in the spotlight. That doesn't mean he has to like it. Post S2 AUFae!Stiles
The Magic's in the Coffee by xxxillusionxxx
(8/8 I 17,596 I Explicit I Sterek)
Ever since the tall, muscled, leather-clad werewolf had begun his daily coffee routine at the Skullery—a horrendous name in Stiles’s opinion, but his boss was a skeleton who thought he was terribly clever—an impromptu competition developed among the baristas.
When Trust is Everything by hellbells
(12/12 I 27,913 I Teen i Sterek)
For a secret to remain true then only one person can know it; if not then it will come out. Beacon Hills is the converging point of several secrets all wrapped up in the supernatural. For Stiles, the unravelling of several will let him find peace, love and safety in the arms of his true mate. The only question is can he trust a Sourwolf and his pack well enough to show his true self.
It just might be the one thing between Beacon Hills and safety!
(Or observe the really awkward distrustful courtship between a Sourwolf and a hidden Fae Mage)
A Little Bit of Sunshine by 100KlicksAway
(21/? I 29,600 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles woke with a start, dreams of pixies flitting around his head. He’d dreamed… He’d dreamed that he was a wolf? Or…. He wasn’t sure. Something with fangs… His mouth had been dripping blood in his dream, and when he woke, he could still taste the thick copper taste coating his mouth.
Stiles has been working hard for the pack since Scott was bitten. They leave him out more and more frequently, though, until Stiles realizes that he's strictly unnecessary. Then, the pack's activities throw him into danger and he ends up in a shitty situation with no one helping him.
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills. He doesn't care anymore, he just... Needs out.
The Last Chills of Winter by LeeHan
(1/1 I 42,525 I Explicit I Sterek)
“He didn’t magically charm me,” Derek shot back in his defense.“Oh, so he just regular charmed you?” Laura said with a smirk.“What? No,” Derek growled.“Was he hot?”“No! He just—“ He just had a laugh like a sun shower. Fuck.
We Follow Darkness Like a Dream by GreenasCole
(10/10 I 51,106 I Mature I Sterek)
When a mysterious note is left on the Stilinski's door it leads Stiles and his best friend Scott out into the woods on quest for answers about Beacon Hills's most infamous tragedy. After a surprise encounter with a monstrous wolf the two boys are hurled into an ancient and terrifying world, only for Stiles to discover he was secretly a part of it all along. Will he manage to survive the insanity of Fae politics and avoid the enemies that are suddenly crawling out of the woodwork to find a place in this new world? Or will the very revelation of his existence be the catalyst that plunges both worlds into war and chaos? And why can't Scott just stop teasing him every time he catches Stiles looking at their new "friend" Derek too long?
Laughter in the Dark by Starshaker
(13/? I 56,148 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles is a fae. A trickster spirit with too much curiosity for his own good and a knack for getting into trouble. When he's just trying to help things don't go to plan and coincidences don't seem to end up for the better.Trapped, isolated and aching to get home, though it's better than what Gerard would have had planned for him initially, Stiles learns to deal with his new set of circumstances.
The Fairy's Wolf by kuki
(57/? I 90,602 I Explicit I Sciles)
In a world where non-humans mingle with humans in public schools until they became of age, about high school age, going instead to a specialty finishing school, a young halfling fae fights to stay with his friends. His fear of losing touch with his best friend, a young Alpha werewolf, has the pair pushing their relationship to the edge; and their relationship has the world on the brink of war.
-or-where I apparently ship Skittles hard now, hate myself with this work load on top of my school work, switch up species because f-u that's why, make up mythology, and try to give Derek a nice life.
Where You Still Remember Dreaming by yodasyoyo
(15/15 I 95,612 I Explicit I Sterek)
“What’s your name? I can’t keep calling you Balto.”
“What’s yours?”
Derek raises an eyebrow. That isn’t his real name. There’s no way. But now he thinks about it, he has a vague memory of someone, probably Uncle Peter, telling him that with the fae, names have power. “I’m Miguel,” he says.
“Are you trying to tell me your real name is Stiles?”
Stiles runs his tongue across his teeth and considers Derek carefully. “Fair enough,” he says, “Miguel it is.”
Grabbing his groceries and pocketing the change, Derek turns to leave; he’s nearly at the door when Stiles calls out, “By the way, Miguel, if you’re interested, it’s two for one on bags of kibble at the pet store down the street.”
Derek doesn’t look back, doesn’t hesitate, just raises a hand and flips him off on the way out.
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epicstuckyficrecs · 5 years
2019 New Writers Fic Rec
After seeing some Discourse on Twitter, I decided to make a fic rec with some of my favorite new writers! All of these writers only started posting Stucky fanfic in 2018 or 2019. So here are some “new” writers and some of my favorite fics from them! (in no particular order)
PS: sorry for not putting the trope, word count and rating as I usually do, I wanted to try and make this fic rec quickly! 
PS2: also sorry if I chopped all your summaries, but some of them are hella long and this post is already... pretty long.
PS3: this went way past “favorite new writers” and just became “great new writers” because I wanted to prove a point, oops. 
You be yours and I'll be mine : “Oh, god. We got married, didn’t we?” 
14-Inch Cock and a Few Hundred Bimbos : There are some things in life, Steve muses as he stares down at his crotch, that nothing can prepare you for. His dick suddenly growing six inches in length and another two in girth, just because he opened a box in a Hydra dug out that maybe he should have read the instructions on before he did? How was he to know it was literally magic that would make his cock grow huge?
Collar Full of Chemistry : AKA a fantasy BDSM romance featuring heavy mutual pining, feelings denial, and enough kink to blackout a bingo card. 
Like Real People Do : AKA the "Lumberjack Steve/Twink Bucky" fic of our hearts.
100,000 Miles And Feeling Very Still : Steve Rogers took a job at NASA and his life is pretty okay. Maybe not great but he has some good friends and things seem to be mostly stable. Except one day their new astronaut recruit walks in and everything in Steve's life goes upside down.
Latte Art and Slow Dancing in the Dark (WIP): Bucky is a somewhat well-adjusted former army sniper that got his shoulder blown out. He took his discharge and went home to finish school and is working on his international relations masters. His best friends and roommates (Nat & Clint) are CIA agents and tip him off that their local Sbux is hiring. He gets a job there and meets none other than the hottest guy on earth.
(series) couldn't get the boy to kill me (ongoing): Captain America and the Winter Soldier are a terrifying duo on the field, working together with a well-oiled precision that tears through their enemies. Captain Rogers and Agent Barnes are distant coworkers, all polite nods and mission briefings. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are fire and gasoline; the sparks between them have no choice but to roar into raging infernos.
happily ever after has bite marks in it : In which Bucky is aggressively okay with his self-imposed exile from society, and Steve is a werewolf who’s nothing like the Brooklyn boy Bucky still dreams of.
darling heart, i loved you from the start (but that's no excuse for the state i'm in) : Or, the one where Steve saves the mind stone for last and decides to fuck the timeline beyond all recognition, which regrettably involves crawling delicately up Hydra's asshole and less regrettably involves showering a very confused Bucky Barnes with affection.
(series): i'm guilty of treason (i've abandoned control) : S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Bucky Barnes is captured on a mission and meets Commander Steve Rogers, the erstwhile Captain America.It escalates quickly.
four dreams in a row where you were burned : When Steve uses the last of his Pym Particles to travel to 1944 and save his best friend, he doesn’t have a plan beyond leaving behind the battlefield and living his life alongside the people he loves. But the life that finds him is not the one he expects.
much tattoo about nothing : Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.
(series) tits out, lads : On the walk back from Azzano, Bucky keeps touching Steve's chest. Then he touches it some more. And more.
Let Them Eat Cake : Bucky wanted to know why their new pastry chef had gun calluses on his right hand.
deep dive : In which single dad Bucky Barnes has a crush on his daughter's dive team coach and thirsts awkwardly. 
thot through the heart (and you're to blame) : In which Bucky is a baby vampire, a disaster, out to have a good time, and hopelessly in love with his roomate; and in which Steve has a few secrets of his own.
Political Animals (WIP) : or—Steve’s best friend is the U.S. Constitution and he can’t seem to stop fucking a hot Republican. They shouldn’t fall in love, but somehow they do.
time on my hands (could be time spent with you) : "You doing okay, kid?” Steve releases a breath, deciding how honest he wants to be. No point in lying. No point in telling the truth, either. "Glad to see you.""That’s not what I asked, but same to you, punk."
honey don't feed it, it will come back : He’s stroking the cat’s fur, which is soft and fine now that it’s clean. He looks so open and inviting. Steve doesn’t close his eyes, watching Bucky’s gentle fingers and trying to come up with a plausible excuse to go touch him.
Ill With Want : Bucky pretends to be asleep when Steve crawls into bed, too tired to feel guilty over the quivery pleasure that settles in his belly when Steve’s arm brushes his. He drifts to sleep in a comfortable haze and tries not to wonder where this feeling was two hours ago when he had Marie in his lap.
Controlled Release : Bucky's just having a little trouble...finishing. Completing the mission. He can squeeze the trigger but he can't make the shot is what he's saying. Which is why he's here, loitering outside a nice brownstone in Park Slope, trying to find the courage to knock on Captain Come Control dot com's door for his three o'clock appointment.
it takes a lot to know a man : Bucky flips to the next page, and the world around him grinds to a halt as his brain struggles to process what he's seeing. The noise of the train fades and static fills the inside of his head as he looks down at the sketches of the metal-armed guy without the mask. It's—that's him. It's Bucky's own goddamn face staring back at him from this stranger's sketchbook.
Quench : Or the one where archeology intern Bucky Barnes meets actual archeologist Steve Rogers and reaches levels of thirst scientists once believed to be theoretically impossible.
Carnal Synchronicity : AKA A Tale of Two Stevies
Fraternizing With the Enemy : Steve and Bucky are both the presidents of their respective fraternities. Steve thinks Bucky's frat is filled with selfish party animals who care about little else. Bucky thinks Steve is a giant pretentious douchebag who owns too many Lacoste polos. They hate each other. Passionately.
I just need you to show me : A quick google search tells him that the app he needs to get for something quick and easy, with no strings attached is Grindr. He downloads the app while he watches a bit of a Simpsons episode. It doesn’t take long, and when the app is downloaded, he looks at black icon with the yellow mask.
Pride : So here he was, at Pride despite the fact that he’d rather be at home. It’s hot, boiling and his feet hurt a bit from standing all day. Converse might be nice shoes, but Jesus they were terrible for his knees.
it never hurt nobody : “I thought we agreed that that was creepy.” “No,” Bucky says slowly. “I asked you what you thought about people calling their boyfriends daddy, and you said you thought it was creepy, and then I asked you what the hell you’d done with my grey sweater after you did laundry, and we never talked about it again.”
(series) the serum amplifies : Little PWPs about Steve and Bucky’s sex life and the serums effect on it.
don't know where i'm going (but i'll get back to you and me) : AU where Bucky is an assassin who just can’t seem to kill Steve
The Right Partner : Steve meets a beautiful man with a bright laugh on a sunny day in Italy. Captain America meets the elusive Winter Soldier moments later.
The Best Way to Wake : James Buchanan Barnes lay in a glass pod in the middle of the table, frozen since he fell. Steve’s hands were on the glass before he realized he’d moved. “Get him out,” Steve whispered, his hands searching for a clasp, a keypad, something.
Taking This One Step At A Time : In the weeks that follow, Bucky's omega urges start going haywire, and he realizes that night with Steve may have left him with more than just a fond memory.
Realignment : After assembling their own Infinity Gauntlet, the Avengers defeated Thanos and brought back everyone who disappeared. But their victory came at a great cost: in order to take the Soul Stone, Steve had to sacrifice the Captain America mantle and all the super-soldier strength that came with it.
Home Is Wherever I'm With You : This is what happens when you buy a house to flip having only seen the online images: you get more than you bargained for. Bucky Barnes brings all the tools to handle a dilapidated home, but he's hardly prepared for a smart-mouthed child (with poor aim), a crying baby, and the hottest dad he's ever seen in his life living right next door.
The Sweetest Spark : Steve Rogers runs a successful business. He has great friends and a great life. It seems like he has it all. So why is he sitting in a diner on a Friday night alone? Maybe he's just a little lonely. Maybe Bucky Barnes can help with that.
Maybe This Christmas : Bucky’s not going home for Christmas. But it’s fine. He’s spending Christmas alone in his apartment, but it’s cool. He’s not feeling up to seeing his family after his accident anyway, plus he has to work. He’s totally fine with it. But then he runs into Steve, literally, and suddenly his Christmas isn’t looking so empty after all.
Reconcilable Differences : AKA, "What To Do When Your Zany Fake-Relationship Scheme Actually Works."
If Only In My Dreams : Bucky is a highly successful cooking and lifestyle blogger. He writes all about life in his Connecticut home with his D.H. (darling husband). Only problem? It’s all complete fiction.
So I Took a Faithful Leap : Bucky doesn’t fall and Steve doesn’t crash. The Howling Commados take out the remaining Hydra bases…and then they go home, just like all the other allied soldiers. Steve buys a farm in Washington state, and tries to relearn how to be at peace.
Art Thief, Heart Thief : Agent Steve Rogers is facing a series of art thefts that has him stumped, and looking for a break in the case. Convicted art thief and general high end criminal Bucky Barnes wants to make parole and happens to know all of the right people who could make Steve's job easier.
Under the Hawthorn Tree : A young man wanders into the woods one night, and wanders until he isn't a young man anymore—but something else. Seventy years later, another man follows him. Inside of a magic ring, they meet.
don't threaten me with a good time : Steve's taken him on vacation to a cabin in Canada in the middle of winter, so it's obviously the perfect time for his body to go haywire. Bucky is determined to stick it out, though, partly because he's a stubborn bastard, but mostly because he feels some kinda way about Steve.
Heckin' Chunker for Love : On the inside of the big floor to ceiling window of the office across the street, someone has used Post-it Notes to spell out a message: W H A T I S Y O U R C A T ’ S N A M E ?
(TBR) All of Your Love is Sunlight : Sometimes the path to happiness involves bad timing turned good, a butt plant, and a little everyday magic. For Steve and Bucky, it's all that and more.
(TBR) STAR PLAN : He’s the most gorgeous thing Bucky’s ever laid eyes on.He’s his new tentative boss. Maybe. If this interview goes well enough, anyway. “So, Mr. Barnes?” Steve asks, blinking at him from across a particle board table. “You ever work security before?”
stay : The platform buzzes, and suddenly goes quiet. The cycle has finished. Bucky doesn’t bother to look. There’s no way Steve’s coming back when he has the chance to stay. He moves to walk away, to move on with his life, somehow. “Buck -- ?”
(TBR) The Conservation of a 17th Century Painting : Steve can’t even remember the last time he’s spoken to someone actually interested in art, who coincidentally is also someone he’d like to bang. Actually, no. He’s never had that happen.
Searching Every Lonely Place : After the Battle of New York in 2012, Steve searches for Bucky with the help of the Avengers as he bumbles through a series of comedic misunderstandings with undercover HYDRA agents.
Reclamation : The Winter Soldier’s mask never falls off when he fights Captain America on the overpass and the helicarrier. That doesn’t stop the Soldier from recognizing Captain America and wondering why the man’s face is haunting his scattered memories.
Nothing Good Ever Happens On A Tuesday : Recently discharged soldier James Barnes is back in Brooklyn, down an arm and missing five years of memories, but he’s got his PTSD mostly under control, a fancy metal prosthetic, and what’s starting to feel like it could be a half-decent life. What he doesn’t have is any memory of the kid looking at James and asking him, “Are you my daddy?” -- or the gorgeous blond guy standing next to her.
A Ghost Before You Were a Ghost Story : “I’m sorry to wake you, Sir, but there appears to be an intruder on the roof. ”Tony finds the camera showing a figure standing alone on the roof, black tactical gear blending into the black night sky. Barely a shadow among shadows, save for the glint of silver along the figure’s left side. The Winter Soldier.
Extant : After a sudden and violent storm forces the crew of Insight III to perform an emergency evacuation, astronaut James Barnes was believed to have died and was left behind on Mars. Two years later, Commander Steve Rogers still refuses to let go. Fortunately, so does Bucky.
Through The Woods : There’s a legend in Mansewood, nearly as old as the town itself, about a pack of werewolves that once lived in the forest. They say only one survives; a monstrous and snarling beast with fur like a blizzard and fangs the size of daggers. Steve doesn’t care about any of that. He only wants to know if it prefers T-Bone or ribeye, and would it please stop tracking dirt through his house? He just mopped the floor.
(series) You Are Responsible For What You Tame : After the events in DC and on the helicarriers, and the realization that his friend Bucky Barnes is still alive, Captain Steve Rogers swears that he will do anything he can to find him. It is easier said than done, as Steve searches desperately for any hint or clue that will lead him to his friend. Steve searches, but Bucky does not want to be found. And so begins their game of cat and mouse, as Steve does everything in his power to convince Bucky to come home.
A Midsummer Knight's Dream : Sir Steven, knight, alpha, and baron of a small countryside estate, receives an invitation to a Royal Tournament: It’s a winner-take-all competition, and the prize? The hand of Prince James, the kingdom’s most eligible omega, in marriage.
Feast On This : Steve, Sarah, and Bucky are headed down to Florida to visit the Barnes family for Thanksgiving. Bucky's tired of the interrogation about his love life from his Ma, and Sarah suggests the simplest solution would be for he and Steve to fake it for a few days. How hard can it be, right? After all, they've shared a bed before. After all, it's only pretend... Right?
Luck of the Irish Stroll : Every year Steve and Sam go on the Irish Stroll Bar Crawl, and ever since their first time on the Stroll four years ago, Steve and Sam cross paths with Bucky and Natasha. Every year Steve’s world is rocked by the gorgeous, blue-eyed man that has captivated him since they first locked eyes fighting over a couple of pints of Guinness from the bartender. But Steve's starting to want and need more of Bucky... will this be the year he can make it last for more than one night?
(TBR) (series) The Hundred Year Playlist : Steve and Bucky, start to finish. "Come on, pal, it's me. Take another hundred years if you want, I'll still be here."
sidereal : Captain Rogers never did a self-portrait; we can only speculate who his soulmate — or soulmates — might have been.
Holding On : “Your poll numbers are way down, and we need to get them back up.”
Salt & Sugar (collab with GoldBlooded) : Steve Rogers is a bigshot celebrity chef in New York City, and Bucky Barnes is a classically trained pastry chef in Moscow. When billionaire and mutual friend Natasha Romanoff calls on them to collaborate for her Memorial Day Benefit Gala, they both brace themselves to spend the week working with some jerk they're bound to hate. 
Honestly, Fuck Brooklyn : Or, the one where it takes yet another apocalypse for the somewhat oblivious Bucky Barnes to figure out that his dorky artist boyfriend Steve is actually Captain Goddamned America.
How to Woo the Winter Soldier : Or: Steve courts the Winter Soldier.
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