#lee juyeons armpits are cleaner than my entire body
sugarcherriess · 2 years
thank you for the smooches <3 *smooch4u2
istg if im expected to work 24/7 like that the camera im handed will be broken
🐶 anon tysmmmmm ur not butting in dw (at least not to me) ill try the limited brushing thing and idk if my hair is insane but its very…fuzzy? all the time. like it has many baby-hair looking things all around all day every day so i kinda look like i have a translucent bird nest on top of my head lol
and i just realized i used “their” instead of “they’re” in my hair+tbz ask and its kinda driving me crazy cuz i hate wrong grammar and grrrrr seeing me do it is aghhhhhhh *rips hair out*
Lets forget all our issues and look at juyeons smooth armpits to relax our minds
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