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sleepysheepytea · 2 years ago
*a bit spicier than i normally go, pls be careful!!*
ok so i dont rly care much about genshin anymore but,,,,, oh my
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hello i have a giant crush on him
also welcome back to fluffi cant draw men
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fluffyweeby · 2 years ago
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A quick Nevsomoethingsometchingwhothefcameupwiththatname couse if I don’t finish it in one go it might join the 4 other wips 🥲 So yeah I hope it’s understandable what’s going on there couse it’s very sketchy 😅
But yea I’ve seen many theories of Neuvillette being the water dragon and a few head canons of Melusines (that’s what they’re called?) cheering him up when he’s sad and I love it so much 🥹🥹 that Otter man deserves all the tickles and affection 🥹🥹
Hope u all enjoy and drink lots of water! 💜
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gabe-76 · 2 months ago
Happi biday
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ticklish-kirara · 1 year ago
Oh! Maybe a Neuvillette tickled by Furina? I have yet to see enough of their fatherly dauther relationship, they have so much potential!!!
"Do you ever smile?!" Furina asked, pouting up at Neuvillett. He only looked back down with a blank neutral expression, which enough gave Furina her answer.
"Come on, I don't think I've ever seen you almost ceack one even at the funniest preformences their is!" Furina added as Neuvillett stood silent and looked away from the performer.
"Hey, don't ignore me!" Furina said, reaching out poking his sides. "Ehhhhh!" Neuvillett jumped, looking back."Don't do that!" He said, trying to keep his cool.
Furina looked stunned but smirked "Oh you mean this!" Furina then wiggled her fingers on Neuvillett's sides."Ticklish are we?"
"Ahahahaha, cut that out now, ahahahaha!" Neuvillett let out small giggles that became greater laughter with each finger wiggling. "Hahahahahaha not now ahahahah not a good time ahahaha!"
Furina smiled. "But when else am I going to see you laugh and smile like this?" Furina wiggled up, stretching her arms to get his armpits. "Coochie Coochie coo laugh for me more!"
Neuvillette stood still not sure what to do in this situation he stood squirming around, looking at the performer, making a laughing show out of him. He admit deep down that maybe she deserved to be happy, but did she need to do this?
"Heheh, good to see you smile Neuvillette you need to open up more!" Furina fingers dug deeper and wiggled up and down as he laughed harder than anyone would expect from him. This was a great experience for both of them.
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skayleay · 1 year ago
lee! Neuvillette with
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ravianefleurentia · 5 months ago
Tag 1. Gefühlvolle Nähe (Navia x Neuvillette) Genshin
Es war eigentlich ein ganz normaler Tag. Die Anführerin der Spina war heute ausnahmsweise mal nicht bis zum Hals in Arbeit vertieft und hatte mal einen freien Tag. Langsam lief die Blondine zum Opernhaus von Fontaine. Sie wusste selber nicht warum sie dort hin ging. Irgendwie führten ihre Füße sie ganz automatisch dort hin. 
Als sie ihren Weg fortsetzte kam der jungen Frau der Mann, auf den sie gehofft hatte, entgegen. Neuvillette schien in Gedanken zu sein, weswegen dieser nicht aufpasste und Navia aus versehen anrempelte. 
Vor Schreck stolperte sie und ließ dabei ihren Schirm fallen. Doch ehe sie selbst auf dem Boden landen konnte, wurde sie von einem Starken Arm an ihre Taille festgehalten. Überrascht blickte sie auf und sah direkt in die Augen des obersten Richters. "Entschuldige Miss Navia!" sprach der Hydro Drache und schenkte ihr ein sanftes und ehrliches Lächeln. 
"E...Es ist meine Schuld, euer Ehren!" murmelte sie und richtete ihr Kleid. Als sie sich nach ihrem Schirm bücken wollte, kam Neuvillette ihr jedoch zuvor. Er hielt ihr den Schirm hin, welchen sie entgegen nahm. "Ich danke Euch!" sprach sie höflich. 
Der Ältere lud sie auf einen Tee in seinem Büro ein. "Wenn ich Euch keine Umstände mache, sehr gerne!" nahm sie die Einladung dankend an. "Ich bitte dich, du musst mich nicht immer mit diesen Höflichkeitsfloskeln ansprechen! Mein Name reicht doch vollkommen aus!" lächelte er und gemeinsam gingen sie zum Büro des Richters.     
Im Büro angekommen machte Neuvillette seinem Gast wie versprochen einen Tee. Navia hatte es sich auf einem der Sofas bequem gemacht. Für einen Moment genoss sie die Nähe des Richters sehr. "Hier, dein Tee!" sprach dieser und reichte ihr die Tasse. "Vielen Dank, Neuvillette!" entgegnete sie lächelnd. 
Genüsslich trank sie den Tee und redete mit Neuvi über dieses und jenes. Im Laufe dieser Unterhaltung hatte Navia sich ihrer Stiefel entledigt, was ihr einen amüsierten Blick von Neuvillette einbrachte. "Ähm...stört es dich?" fragte sie und wurde leicht verlegen.
Der Richter lachte nur und schüttelte den Kopf. "Alles gut!" erwiderte dieser und setzte sich zu der blonden Schönheit. "Es ist nur immer etwas anstrengend den ganzen Tag in diesen Schuhen durch die Gegend zu laufen..." murmelte sie und wusste nicht einmal warum sie dies tat. 
Nach einigen Minuten schloss sie für einen Moment die Augen. Erschrocken zuckte sie zusammen, als sie ein leichtes kitzeln an ihren Füßen spürte. Neuvillette grinste sie an. "Entspann dich!" meinte er leise und ließ seine Finger zärtlich über ihre Füße tanzen. 
"Hahahaha Neuvi hahahaha nihihihicht..." kicherte Navia und zuckte mit ihrem Fuß zurück. Auch der Hydro Drache musste kichern. "Du bist wirklich kitzlig!" grinste er nur. "G...Gar nicht..." lachte sie und versuchte wieder auf cool zu machen. "Dann kann ich ja weiter machen!" meinte Neuvillette. "N...Nein!" rief die junge Frau und stand auf. 
Der oberste Richter war nun selbst überrascht, als sie ihn nun sanft auf das Sofa schubste. "Weißt du das man mich nicht so einfach kitzelt? Das bedeutet Rache!" grinste Navi und setzte sich auf seine Beine. "Hey, das ist frech!" kommentierte er und versuchte sich spielerisch zu befreien, wobei er aber dennoch diese Nähe welche zwischen ihnen stand genoss. 
Geschickt zog die Anführerin der Spina dem obersten Richter die Schuhe aus und grinste. Als sie ihm auch die Socken auszog zuckte der Ältere leicht. "Was hast du...hahahaha..." er fing an zu lachen, als er ein ganz zärtliches Kitzeln spürte. Die Blondine hatte die Feder von ihrem Hut gelöst und ließ diese nun sanft über die empfindlichen Fußsohlen des Richters tanzen. 
"Bist du etwa kitzlig?" fragte sie frech und genoss diese Gefühlvolle Nähe. "Hahahaha etwas hahahaha..." lachte er und zuckte leicht. "Das gefällt mir!" grinste die überlegenere und sah ihm in die Augen. Neuvi lachte und erwiderte ihren Blick. "Ich habe dich noch nie so lachen gehört!" kicherte Navia und war glücklich. 
Die Feder machte den Richter verrückt und er konnte nichts tun außer Lachen und sich diesem Gefühl hingeben. "Hahahahahaha nihihihicht hahahahahaha..." lachte er und wackelte mit den Füßen. "Oh doch mein Lieber Neuvillette! Es macht mir zu viel Spaß um einfach aufzuhören!" gab sie von sich und kitzelte anstatt mit der Feder nun mit ihren Fingern.
Das laute Gelächter hallte im Raum wieder und der Drache schaffte es nicht einmal sich zu wehren. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BIHIHIHIHITTE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NIHIHIHIHIHICHT HAHAHAHAHA..." lachte er.  
"Etwas kitzlig, ja? Das sieht mir aber nach sehr kitzlig aus!" kommentierte Navia und hatte ihren Spaß. Sie genoss es den obersten Richter so zu sehen und  wollte am liebsten nie aufhören. So ging diese kleine Vorstellung noch geschlagene 20 Minuten, ehe sie Gnade wallten ließ. 
Neuvillette atmete schwer und sah seine Peinigerin an. "D...Du..." murmelte er, was Navia kichern ließ. "Dein Urteil lautet: Dich ebenfalls kitzeln zu lassen!" knurrte er gespielt. Die Blonde war überrascht und schluckte. "W...Wie bitte?" fragte diese nun nach und wurde rot. "Das wird deine Strafe sein!" widerholte der Richter und grinste. 
"Akzeptiere es oder es wird eine noch höhere Strafe geben!" meinte er und richtete sich zu seiner vollen Größe auf. Navia dachte nicht nach und schüttelte den Kopf. "30 Minuten kitzeln!" grinste der Richter über sein Urteil. 
Nach einer hitzigen und lustigen Diskussion knickte die Blonde doch ein und akzeptierte die Höchststrafe von 40 Minuten kitzeln. "A...Aber bitte nicht zu stark..." murmelte diese und wusste das es in den nächsten Stunden anstrengend werden würde. "Keine Sorge, ich passe auf dich auf, meine Schönheit!" sprach Neuvi und besiegelte sein Versprechen mit einem sanften Kuss.    
Überrascht von dieser zärtlichen und liebevollen Geste erwiderte die Spina Anführerin den Kuss und war einfach nur glücklich. "Ich vertraue dir voll und ganz!" hauchte sie und legte sich nun freiwillig auf das Sofa und war bereit sich ihrer Strafe zu stellen.
So Leute, damit endet der erste Tag des Tickletober 2024! Ich hoffe es hat euch gefallen und ihr bleibt dran! Ich versuche so viele Genshin und HSR Ships umzusetzen wie ich kann! Ich habe auf jeden Fall noch ein paar Ideen den ich gerne freien Lauf lassen würde!
Viel Spaß mit den nachfolgenden Tagen,
Eure Xiane \ Ravi  
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chibimochii · 1 year ago
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“Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon…Laugh~”
(Ignore misspellings as usual guys~)
Finally, some art to feed you guys with. I have nothing much to say except I love Fontaine a lot… story was amazing and the characters were 10/10✨ d( ̄  ̄)
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qwq14 · 3 months ago
things you should never say to someone who just came out:genshin dragons edition
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lovelynim · 1 year ago
TickleTober2023/Day 12 - Wolf
Genshin Impact - Neuvillette x Wriothesley
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It was still a mystery to him. Of all things, of all people, why was he the one to arouse his curiosity, to lure his attention? Neuvillette pondered, intensely staring at the man sleeping next to him. Just like the rest of his emotions, the nature of the feeling burning inside his chest was still a mystery to him.
“You…” The Iudex of Fontaine muttered, nearly whispered, as he sat up in the bed, reaching a hand out to Wriothesley - who he believed was still in a deep slumber - and gently combed his cheeks.
However, behind those closed eyes, the duke was already long awake. Just like Neuvillette, he was curious about the chief of Justice and, so, decided to pretend to be asleep, intrigued to what his partner would do.
Moving his hand up to Wriothesley’s hair and tousling it lightly, the duke could hear a faint chuckle coming from Neuvillette. “...why do you look like a wolf?”
“A wolf?” Wriothesley repeated inside his head, putting up his best efforts to not frown or show any reaction to the other’s words.
“Strong… fierce… sometimes dangerous,” Neuvillette continued, toying with Wriothesley as he wished. He lowered his hand, stroking the man’s cheeks before gently rubbing his thumb over Wriothesley’s lips, pushing the lower one down a bit. “Well, maybe not at your features resemble a wolf…” He chuckled softly.
What was he up to? Wriothesley couldn’t help but feel a little off about such comparison, should he take those comments as a compliment? Was that Neuvillette’s way to sweet talk?
Before he could let his train of thought run any further, a bothersome feeling made room inside his head. A gentle, light, almost fluttering, tinglish sensation against his neck started to put his whole act into risk. Oh archons.
His eyebrows’ slight twitch didn’t go past Neuvillette unnoticed. The Iudex continued to stroke the sides of Wriothesley’s neck with one finger, smiling fondly at him. “But wolves usually live in packs… Could you be the lone one? Maybe looking to form a pack of your own?”
If he wasn’t pretending to be asleep, Wriothesley would probably tell him to cut these silly and senseless comparisons. The tickling was becoming a little harder to ignore when Neuvillette’s free hand joined the action, but targeting his lower sides as the judge pulled the duke into a hug.
“N-Neheuvillette…” Wriothesley giggled tiredly, trying to look up to the other’s face and escape his ticklish embrace at the same time. “Whahat are y-yohou dohohoing?”
“Good morning, Wriothesley,” the judge muttered softly, stopping the tickling on his neck to hold him by his face, but digging a little harder against his side in exchange. “Have you slept well?”
“Y-yehes, but- ahAHah, wait!” With his laughter growing a little more frantic and louder, the duke couldn’t help but try to pry Neuvillette’s hands off his body. “I-ihihit tihihickles!”
“I know it does,” Neuvillette added, making the duke question if that was some sort of tease or an actual answer to his statement. “But this seems to be the only thing that could break through your acting, wolf.”
As the final piece came to complete the puzzle, Wriothesley realized his mistake. Maybe it wasn’t so easy to fool the judge, after all, and now, just like any other criminal, he had yet to face the consequences of his act. 
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A/N: This is the first time I wrote for this pairing and I'm still a little nervous if I got them right because of how little time to research them I had huehuhue
But I hope you guys could still enjoy it despite my ooc writing. See you tomorrow ~
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fluffyweeby · 1 year ago
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Tickletober day 16 - Unusual Spot
Prompts by @tickletober
Neuvillette is starting to regret letting Wriothesley brush his hair…
Ticklish horns 💜💜
R those horns? No idea but I say they r 🤷‍♀️
Happy tktober!! 💜
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gabe-76 · 5 months ago
Tickletober 2024 - Day 12: Wall (Wriolette)
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violettfeathers · 1 year ago
Soft Drizzles
Summary: Neuvillette is typically too embarrassed to tickle anyone.... Well, maybe there's one exception. Word count: 579 A/N: This can be read as either platonic or romantic, doesn't matter. And lol, this is one of my first times posting writing, so please don't mind if it's bad or anything. (please rb)
Neuvillette is embarrassed easily. He is embarrassed easily, and often becomes shy, especially with touch. Specifically…. Tickling. He couldn’t imagine touching someone that way. And making them laugh? His face heats up at the thought of such a thing - and at the mere word, too. 
Well…. All but one person he couldn’t imagine touching in that kind of way. 
He smiled affectionately at the sweet, desperate giggles which met his ears, his fingers gently dancing and drumming over small rib bones. Complaints rose up from his “victim” (Or, rather, she had put herself in this position - all her own fault) He dug his index fingers into the grooves between the bones, causing a squeal to burst out of her.
She almost seemed like a whole new person, red faced, hiccupping in her giggles and titters, her clothes all rumpled. Her hair was even messier than usual, but it only added to her charm in the whole situation. 
“Well, then, Lady Furina,” Neuvillette started, raising one hand to gently scratch at her underarm, causing her arm to tightly clamp down as she snorted. “You certainly acted out of place during the trial today. I believe you have.. An apology due?” 
He chuckled softly when Furina stuck her tongue out, knowing all too well that she’d be too stubborn and prideful to apologize. She had faced him with a situation today which he’d rather not have dealt with, all the attention on him in an unwanted way. It was a brief moment of embarrassment, undeserving of any genuine negative emotions, but even still, Neuvillette didn’t mind playing around with his archon a little bit like this. 
“You- Ahaha-!! Lehet me gohooo!! Aahehehe– you rohoadkill!” Neuvillette huffed out a fond laugh again, moving the hand against her underarm to the lower side of her torso, his thumb gently digging into the sensitive muscle just above her hip bone, causing her entire body to spasm and jump, a loud gasp breaking free of her. 
“NOho-” She squealed out, her hands finally managing to find the strength to shoot forward and latch onto Neuvillette’s sides, roughly squeezing with as much strength as they could muster. Neuvillette nearly collapsed on top of her, yelping out in surprise before soft, hearty laughter began to flood past his lips. The sudden tickle attack caused his own attack to weaken, with his Archon taking advantage of the hiccup. Her hands instantly went from his sides to his neck, her fingertips ever so lightly gliding and spidering over the sensitive skin. Every so often, her nails would gently trace over it too. Neuvillette scrunched up his neck, his giggles turning into soft laughter, with him hiccuping every so often. 
“He-he, I’ve got you now, you otter- AHehe!! HEY!!” Her triumph was short lived as she squealed out, head tilting back when the gentle squeezing above her hip bone returned. 
And here they were, the two most important people in the Nation of Fontaine, squealing and laughing loudly as they tickled each other in Neuvillette’s office; both blushing, hiccupping and tearing up in mirth.
Outside, a light, gentle drizzle fell over Fontaine. Small, warm droplets fell on the faces of children, who laughed and played, jumping in the tiny puddles which formed on the ground. The sun warmed the land, and fluffy, white clouds littered the sky. A rainbow appeared too, faint but beautiful, spreading through the sky of Fontaine. Oh, well; probably just another moment of strange weather. 
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monmonlil · 1 year ago
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starryficsfinishwen · 1 year ago
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✧!。◟[kinktober 2023] ꜱᴡɪᴍ — PGR & GI x reader [week 4]
you picked a dance with the devil and you lucked out
a.n. - heuheu writing this entirely while I'm at a salon, waiting until my hair is finally dyed LOL. ended up finishing this half asleep as well, so I'm sorry to the parts down below if they were full of mispells. this has been a wild month, trying to keep up with real life responsibilities and writing this at the same time. it was hard but everyone's support and interaction kept me going, so I'm super super thankful for your endless support and likes/shares/comments!! I wuv u all <3 p.s. - I could take all 5 of them. I didn't say in a fight.
pairings - gray raven [lee, m!shikikan] & fontaine men [neuvillette, wriothesley, lyney] x fem!reader
kinktober masterlist
warnings - MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. NSFW THEMES AHEAD: virginity loss, sex toys, exhibitionism, cockwarming, power play, mutual masturbation, marking, use of derogatory terms (whore), use of pet names (princess, pet), undertones of yandere themes? (lyney)
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! — Lee: Hyperreal [ first time + virginity loss ]
A soft, desperate plea of your name from Lee's lips is driving you insane.
Picture this: sunset slips through the windows, draping orange and red hues all over his body. Some of its delicate light spills to you, all over your bare shoulders and breasts, but his lips find refuge in these spaces. Incessant hands tangle lazily in each other's bodies, yours wrapped around his neck, and him in the dip of your hips.
Lee— your Lee— kisses the skin in your shoulder, between your clavicle, in the part of your neck that you were once scared to show; and you— you are his— kiss the crown of his head, fingers now lacing the threads of his hair. You revel in his groans and whine as you purposely grind yourself in the tent in his middle, body closer as you sit so, so prettily in his lap.
“[Y/N],” he calls you softly, fingers pressed on your hips, “you're teasing me...”
“Can't help it,” you murmured, enamored in his reactions as you continued to grind yourself in the addictive friction, “no, not when you're acting like this,”
He nibbles on your neck as a response, earning a squeak from you. “H-hey!”
He chuckles, the vibrations of his lips tickling your neck, “mm...you were the one who started this...”
“Is it my fault,” you hold a whimper when you feel the outline of his cock find your protruded clit, a surge of pleasure tingling throughout your body, “when I badly want to touch you like this...”
“God, [Y/N],” he groans more into your neck, trying to pull you even closer, fingers lightly fidgeting with the hook behind your back, “I can't just cum like this...”
You giggle, craning your neck so Lee could kiss you more, “you want to cum, hmm? Why not, I won't judge.”
“N-no...” Your Lee shyly spoke, pulling away to meet you, the flush in his face making your hole flutter around nothing as you hear his next words, “I want to cum with you...”
The throb of your synchronized heartbeats nearly deafens your ears, but you catch on what he whispered as he finally unhooks your bra, “...I want to be inside of you before I cum.”
Who would have thought that your construct— your beloved Lee— would be so bold? He drives you mad, he drives you insane.
He moans your name as you grind on him more, and you whine his own name, your slick dripping through your sad excuse of panties and onto his pants, hurriedly taking off of your bra, “need you, Lee, I need you, too.”
He kisses you with fervor, hands playing with your erect nipples, each kiss swallowing both of your moans. Without missing a beat, he hoists you up with one hand, the other trying to shake off his pants. You are eager to help as well, breaking off the kiss just to help him.
His cock springs free, a beautiful long, red and curvy, with precum already leaking, that it makes you salivate.
You kiss him again, hands fumbling to touch his member, taking in his every reaction. Your saliva webs as you pull away, eagerly looking at his hazy aqua irises, reflecting your own need for this, for him.
“I want you to take my virginity, Lee,” you confessed, the shade of his blush now deeper, a low moan reverberating throughout the room as he digs his fingers into your skin. “I want to be yours...”
“You'll be mine, yes,” he whispers through a kiss, feeling your wet folds as you slowly aligned yourself, his cockhead poking through your cunt, “god, and I'll be yours, [Y/N].”
You sink into his cock halfway through, before twin moans spills from both of your lips. Without breaking eye contact, he thrusts a little more into you, your walls trying to accommodate his member slowly slipping into you.
You whimper his name, slowly fucking yourself through the pain, but immediately surrendering as you felt the pressure down there building oh so well, how full you already felt even before he finally bottoms out.
Squealing as he grabs ahold of you, lowering you onto the bed, he leaves a kiss on your lips, before looking at you with such dedication,
“Mine,” his fingers interlace with yours, an experimental thrust onto you that made you moan, “I'm yours, and you're mine now.”
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! — Shikikan: ?? [ sex toys + exhibitionism ]
The esteemed, beloved, and the many titles your lover holds cannot simply explain the very essence that is them.
By them, you meant the Gray Raven Commandant.
Heavily exalted and praised, he's almost like a walking god amongst the people in Babylonia. It's no surprise, really; the team he leads brought so many victories to Babylonia, and it's more than proper for him to be treated as such. On top of that, being his lover seems to add so much stress onto his overbearing duties. However, your lover only tells you, “it's okay,” he'd assure you, “as long as you're with me, then it will all be better.”
What they didn't clarify was what they meant about their intentions.
A surge of pleasure surprises you, almost moaning out in front of your lover's team. Quietly, you coughed it out, hoping they never noticed.
“Are you alright, miss [Y/N]?” asked Lee, who had a puzzled expression on his face.
Additionally, you were the construct's consultant. Sitting down with them at least once every two weeks was needed. Since you were closer to them, they could summon you whenever they want. It's just... unfortunate— that day had to be today, where your lover decided to play with you.
“The flu seems common lately,” Lucia added, reaching out to check on your temperature by placing the back of her hand on your forehead, “have you checked in with the doctor?”
In truth, you were absolutely fine: good stats, no illness whatsoever. In fact, you've already checked in with the doctor just recently, signing you with good health. However, the vibrations that nestled deeply inside your cunt would say otherwise. You try to shift your sitting, biting your lip.
“N-No, I'm fine!” you dismiss the subject, waving at them with a smile, “I choked on my own saliva, no worries.”
“Would you like me to run a scan on you, miss [Y/N]?” Liv asked, preparing her items, “we wouldn't want you to get sick...”
“I-It's fine, really!” You stood up (however, the vibrator somehow moved a little deeper), coughing away any attempt to moan, “I think it's time for us to move on, yes? This is a consultation for you guys, not me.”
In the corner of your eye, by the transparent window, a sly smirk on the Gray Raven Commandant's face makes you want to come over and smack it out of him. He's the reason for your current predicament— who knew he was into such?
“Alright,” Lucia clapped her hands, somehow making you sigh a breath of relief, “is it time for us to confide?”
You've developed a system dynamic with the constructs of Gray Raven. Friendly sharing, you've claimed, helps in relationship building. At first, it didn't seem to work. But after countless battles and hardship, it wasn't long before Lee— who somehow was the first one to speak— confided. Which led a domino effect on all team members.
“Yes,” you sit once more, trying to ignore the dull ache down there, “it's your turn this time, right, Lucia?”
“Yes!” cheering like a child, Lucia clears her throat, before folding her hands, “just this week, the Commandant and I were sparring...”
You tried, really. You tried so hard. But your lover was just too cruel. Halfway through Lucia's talk, the intensity of the vibrator inside of you starts to pick up, causing you to rock a little in your seat. You look at your lover, but they only smiled through the screen.
It's not time to cum, you imagine them saying if they were next to you, better listen to Lucia if you want.
But is it wrong to somehow let your mind wander elsewhere while your favorite person speaks; you, bending on the table, and your Commandant fucking you mercilessly, how your drool would slip out of your mouth, like a bitch in heat. You feel your arousal dripping, too, out of your stockings, cursing that your lover manipulated you into not wearing any panties today.
You try to listen, but your hand shakes, holding in the goddamn urge to cum—
“Excuse me,” the door opens, revealing the Commandant, “I need [Y/N] out for a while. President Hassen is asking for us.”
You quickly stood up, accidentally slamming your hand on the table. “Is that so?”
The tall tale sign of your lover's never-ending taunts for you: the sweetest, sickening kind of smile that you fell for. Dismissing your constructs for a while and into the awaiting entrance, you hear the lock in place.
You take it as a sign to bend over to the awaiting chair, purposely letting them see your puffy folds.
“Well, aren't you such a good girl,” your lover cooes, tracing your dripping slit to your aching clit, making you moan, “I thought you'd break down the moment you stepped inside the room.”
“Fuck me already, please,” gone was the authoritative figure consultant that was you— only a messy, needy little slut awaiting for something to fill her up.
He swiftly takes the vibrator out of you, “since you've been good, I'll let you have your fun,” before putting it directly into your clit, making you moan out loud.
Without a warning, he shoves his cock inside of you, the entry making you clench around him, almost making you cum.
“Hah, should have known you like to be like this, mm?” He accentuates every word with harsh thrusts, making you whine from the pleasure, “does it help you get off that you're being fucked in here, while my team is outside?”
He leans closer to your ear, this position making his cock reach deeper, “that their commandant is fucking his little cumslut?”
You came accidentally over his words, squirting as your heartbeat erratically thumps in your chest. Oh, you were absolutely fucked.
But your lover only laughs, starting to fuck you more. “That's right, that's my girl. Well, since the doctor did say that this week is when you're most fertile, how about I fill you up until you're carrying our child this time, hm?”
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! — Neuvillette: Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment [ cockwarming + power play ]
The dear Iudex of Fontaine never crumbles; he is the backbone of the justice system, the very life force of your homeland.
Aka, he's also your boss. Unconditionally, under no circumstance, you were subject to listen to every word he would say, unless you wish to be underwater for disobeying orders.
That's why, when your boss asks you to keep quiet, even when his cock is splitting your poor, overstimulated pussy apart, you must follow it unconditionally.
As Lady Furina delivers her dramatic dialogue to the audience, with the poor man down below who was the subject of today's court, you try to entice your beloved Chief Justice with your doe eyes, diamond tears prickling at the side.
“S-sir,” you hiccuped (you felt his cock twitch inside of you from those words alone), “w-will you p-please move...”
If his hands were not on his cane, then they're busy squeezing your hips and thighs. But right now, his gloved fingers find themselves buried, toying with your throbbing nub.
“I told you to keep quiet, pet,” the subtle growl makes your walls squeeze around him, whining, “I will move when I want to.”
His long and thick cock was snugly fit inside of you, tip kissing all the good spots even without moving. You rock your hips, but his hands are quick to silence you, making you unable to move.
“S-sir,” you cried out as a whisper, “i-it's been a few hours...”
The pressure on your clit makes you want to combust, your slick now coating his balls and dripping to the floor. As someone who resonates with water, your arousal is overwhelming, even to Neuvillette himself. Yet, as addictive as it is, it was more fun to see you writhe until...
“Did I tell you not to say a word?” He rubs your clit harder, your walls spasming wildly around his cock, “do you wish to be seen by the people of Fontaine being fucked like a whore then?”
You whimper more as he thrusts harshly into you, yet your rationality still asks you to look if Lady Furina noticed. But as Neuvillette, mean as he can be, starts to move at a pace you never expected; your mind goes blank as you feel your orgasm approaching, clawing Neuvillette's thighs to warn him.
Oh, but he knows; he has always known.
“What a whore you are, pet.”
Your orgasm crashes into you, whines silenced by his slick-coated fingers shoved into your mouth, crocodile tears falling from your eyes. Your pussy convulses, almost making Neuvillette crumble as well— but you know what happens when someone breaks the rules.
You looked back at Neuvillette, who had a dark expression on his face, your heartbeat pulsating like his dick inside of you.
“Since you disobeyed me,” he pushes his cock deeper, “let's see how many orgasms can you make here until you learn how to obey your master.”
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! — Wriothesley: Emissary of Solitary Iniquity [ mutual masturbation ]
The Lord of the Fortress of Meropide is a simple man— if he wants something, he'll get it, no matter what.
In this context, he'll get you this time.
But the room where he usually sits and does his work as the duke, when he overlooks his responsibility as the head, is hotter than the fire that warms his fortress and poisons his every single thought as he watches you: lithe fingers curled deep in your cunt, palm rubbing your clit, and you, nearly naked as you sit across the duke, hooded eyes looking at him with sultriness and want.
“Oh,” you dawdle out, pleasure tingling in your stomach and lingering in your spine as you watch him look at you, “Your grace, do I distract you?”
Your legs are wide open, propped in the table Wriothesley works in. You've long discarded your pants (thrown somewhere in the room), your panties inside his pockets, and you're left in nothing but his shirt and your jacket— you bite your lip as you feel yourself lose to his gaze.
“You do,” Wriothesley mutters, “you're distracting me so much...”
You could see the tent of his manhood even without trying, the outline noticeable enough from your position. He gently caresses his bulge, groaning at the intensity. You softly tutted, rubbing small circles over your cunt, “Why don't you join me, mmh?”
He tries to look away from you, but your whines and moans only turn him on, making him look back to you. His dark irises stare intensely at you, that it made you moan out his name.
“I'm, nngh, fuck,” Wriothesley groans, seeing your smile as he finally decides to unzip his pants, “you're so naughty, have you no shame? Strutting around my fortress, just to do something like this?”
You start to drool as you see Wriothesley pull out his cock, suddenly well aware how long and thick it would be when it was sheathed inside of you—
“Your Grace,” you feign your coyness, pouting even as you fuck yourself, “can't help it when you're plaguing me, mm; you're all I think about now, Wrio...”
You watch him as he fists his dick, eyes still not looking away as his face contorts in pleasure. Wriothesley moans out your name, grip on his cock tightened now.
“Such a needy girl,” he growls, slapping on his thigh, “you should be here, sitting on me, instead of that poor chair.”
You listened — sitting prettily in his lap, with your fingers stuffing your cunt, and Wriothesley fisting himself. Wriothesley couldn't help but reach out and suck on your breasts, forgetting that you were in his office and that there were people out there.
“Feels comfortable, mm?” Wriothesley kisses the space underneath your ear, making you shiver, “or do you want to sit elsewhere?”
“No, don't wanna,” you cried out now feeling his fingers play with your nipples, that you experimentally rolled your hips in his thigh, “I wanna sit here all this time...”
The sound of slick as you both touch each other fills the room, little moans and whimpers eagerly in your ears. You wanted to sink yourself into your beloved's dick, but you nearly forget that it's a game that the both of you agreed to play.
Seeing him, looking at you as he fists his cock, red with pre-cum pooling at the slit, you imagine it was you sucking it wholly in your mouth. Or that his cock is the one slipping in and out of your folds instead of your short, little fingers. But his mouth found your breasts, eagerly sucking your sensitive bud. It drives you insane— your orgasm teetering so, so close.
“Fuck, that's a pretty little pussy,” Wriothesley groans, watching as you rub your pussy faster, making you whine, “she's opening for me, fuck.”
“Wrio,” you whimpered, drawing your hips closer to him, “wanna cum, I wanna cum with you, please...”
“Fuck, since you asked so nicely, princess,” Wriothesley's cock aligns closer to your pussy, cockhead aiding to rub your clit, “I'm going to cum with you, then. C'mon, princess,”
The intensity and pressure as you look at him makes the dam break, a broken moan from your lips as your pussy convulses and liquid comes out— squirting just as Wriothesley shoots his cum to you. Your high made you lose your vision, both of you breathing hard from your climaxes, but you feel it, felt Wriothesley's cockhead rubbing your overstimulated pussy with a mixture of your fluids.
You feel yourself being lowered onto something hard, before feeling Wriothesley's kisses all over your face. When your vision returns, you are met with a smiling lover.
“Welcome back to Earth, princess,” he purred, making you mirror his smile. However, you feel something slip in easily onto your quivering pussy, making you moan lowly, before realizing what it was.
“As amazing as it felt, I don't think it's enough, mm. Can you...can you do that to me again? This time, with my cock inside of you.”
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! — Lyney: Spectacle of Phantasmagoria [ marking ]
Having a magician as a lover wasn't an easy task.
It comes with endless patience (deciphering whether he is lying or not, either about your missing toothbrush or the paycheck this week), random misplaced items (you swore you kept your bag there, how did it end up in the laundry basket?!), and whether you were talking to someone real or just your imagination.
Not to mention he's a fan of doing the most absurd things just to rile you up.
“Lyney!” you gasped as you felt his leaking cockhead teasing your awaiting pussy, “what are you doing?”
Outside, people were now coming in to see their spectacular show. They were eagerly awaiting Lyney and Lynette's magic to entice them, but look who's currently fucking you from the black box of the theatre, your mind reeling from possibilities of being caught.
“Sorry, love,” you felt him press you onto the railing, his cock easily inside of you, “I really wanted to see you...”
Lies. He must have seen you talking to one of your old classmates, who also came to see the show. You know your lover— simple interactions with another spelled jealousy, unless you've spoken about it first.
“B-but your show is starting s-soon,” you hold back your moans, feeling his lips latch onto your neck, “h-hey! Don't leave hickies!”
But he doesn't listen. If he could tear apart your clothes, leave marks and bites all over your skin, he would. But right now, hickies on your neck is sufficient.
One particular mark on your neck made him lick it up, “Sorry, I really can't help but mark what is mine.”
The tell tale sign of him nearing the climax: his dick pulsates deep inside of you, while he starts to grunt in your ear. You're close as well, with the tip of his cock caresses you so great.
Without a warning, he props one of your legs on his own, stretching you more as he now rubs your neglected nub. You tried not to moan any louder, unless you catch the attention of the passerby down there.
“Let me hear you, mmph,” he groans your name, one of his hands sneaking just below your navel, “I want to hear you while I paint your walls white.”
He wants you to cum, your orgasm teetering so close to comfort. Gripping onto the railings of the black box, you writhe and crumble in Lyney's arms, cumming as soon as he hoisted you closer to his hips, the angle fucking into you without a warning.
With one last cry of your name, Lyney follows, warm and hot cum filling your empty womb. You are a little lucid when you feel something warm where his hand is, senses tingling as he kisses his bite marks.
“Lyney,” you called out, whining as he slowly pulled out, “what...what did you do?”
Lyney watches as his cum overflows, finger now fucking it back inside of you, but you could only cry out. Your lover only laughs, watching the low glow of the card-like tattoo etched on your stomach, something that he was proud to mark you with.
“Oh, it's nothing, just something to remind me that you're mine.”
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please like, reblog, comment if you likey! please don't copy, plagiarize, or translate my work without my permission!
-ˋˏ starryficsfinishwen ˎˊ
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skayleay · 1 year ago
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Oh noo~ leave English boy alone 🫢😊
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gargalezthesia · 5 months ago
Anticipation/Chase - Neuvillette x Diluc
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YAYYY IM DOING TKTOBER !!! Starting out with my fave rarepair ever…. Tea hea…
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Diluc internally cursed at himself, running as if his life depended on it. It was coming, and it was quick.
He stumbled a bit over a rock near Monstadt’s bridge, hearing the terrifying laugh of the creature behind him. He didn't dare look back as he got back up and swung around a tree, seeing a smirk plastered on its face. Seeing how smug it was made a bead of sweat fall down the man's face, running a bit faster before properly tripping on the same rock. Dammit, he got distracted…
He tried to get back up again, but he made the fatal mistake of looking behind him to see the creature flying at him, letting out a choked sound as it landed on him. He tried to wriggle free, do something to stop the thing from taking away the thing that mattered most to him:
His dignity.
The monst- Neuvillette looked down at him and chuckled, inching his face closer to Diluc’s. “Hello, Mon chéri.. What’s the matter? Why so nervous?” The dragon slowly guided his nail over his stomach, a gasp involuntarily coming out of Diluc’s mouth. “You seem…flustered, sir Diluc. I haven’t done anything, have I?” Neuvillette pulled his hand away, wiggling his fingers over his stomach without actually touching him, making the redhead want to crawl out of his skin and form a deep blush almost as red as his own hair. 
Neuvillette was smiling softly, intently watching his boyfriend’s reactions to his teasing. It had only made it worse, a giggle threatening to slip out of his mouth from how he could feel the heat from his hands. “Let me..go.” He spoke under his breath. He knew Neuvillette didn’t take his words seriously, watching Diluc’s rare (not when he was around Neuvillette, of course) grin quiver.
 Neuvillette took his wrist and smiled maliciously, pulling up his glove a little and agonizingly slowly dragging a finger over his wrist. Diluc’s hand balled into a fist, the other one covering his mouth. “Are you ready, mon beau?” After a few seconds, Diluc responded with a meek “yes” before Neuvillette pounced, his held in laughter echoing around them.
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