alixlives · 1 year
@vicluvesu gave me the clip
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Playing the drums
Warning: fluff
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Tommy was hanging with Will, Ash, and Mark cause why the fuck not. They were at Mark's house chilling, writing music, playing cards, drinking, and playing video games. Tommy was a little tipsy cause Champagne was his favorite, and he drank a little bit much of it. He walked up to Mark champagne glass in hand and asked Mark if he could play the drums for the guys. Mark said, sure, and sat down in the drum seat. "Is there any song you want me to play?" Mark picked up his drum sticks. "You'll Understand When You're Older! I love the ending, " Tommy beamed, taking a swig off his glass. Mark giggled and started playing. Tommy was mesmerized by the way Mark could do so many things at once on those drums. Mark was hitting the drums without stopping even spinning the sticks in the air. When Mark finished by yelling "Fuck!" Like he does when the song ends Tommy started rambling. "That was fucking epic Mark holy shit" Tommy yelled. Mark laughed and ruffled the 19 year Olds hair. Tommy shrieked quickly, running his fingers on Mark's sides. Mark jumped, letting go of the boy. "Not the hair, you dick head!" Tommy fixed his hair, and Mark had his arms wrapped around his front, protecting himself. "Jesus man, you didn't have to murder me." Mark giggled red in the face, but that was normal. "Sorry man, but next time, don't touch the hair," Tommy laughed. Will, Ash, and Joe were giggling and teasing Mark. "Next time, don't be so sensitive," Will said poking him. Mark hated drunk Wilbur he was too much of a tease, and it drove Mark crazy. "How about I teach you how to play the drums, kiddo?" Mark asked Tommy the boys face lit up. "YES YES YES," Tommy jumped up and down. Mark giggled, taking a swig of his whine, and started to teach Tommy. He taught him the basics wear to hold the drumsticks, how to hold the drumsticks, what each drum did, and even taught him some of Model Buses. Tommy taught Mark some piano but was taken back when he found out that Mark could play pretty well. He even impressed Tommy by playing the opening to the Annoying At First show on the guitar. After that, they all filled their cups up again, played minecraft, and laughed. Will, Ash, and Joe watched Mark and Tommy play an intense game of Mario Cart. Tommy ended up winning by jabbing Mark's side, making him lose his controller. "You cheater," Mark yelled, tackling Tommy to the ground. "You've been prodding me all night it's time for some revenge," Mark said with an evil giggle. Tommy's loud and wheezy laughter could be heard along with every other Lovejoy member, including Mark, who is also dying. Mark rolled off, Tommy everyone in hysterical laughter and really tipsy. This was the life that Tommy wanted to live forever he wouldn't trade this night of fun for anything.
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alixlives · 1 year
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blakeromanissuperior · 9 months
I'm praying for more Lee Mark in later Ash vlogs I just love his laugh and smile sm it should be illegal how fucking adorable this drummer is!!
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