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ht-craftedcurated · 6 years ago
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Custom Camillus TL29. OD canvas and stacked leather. Carried almost every day for 18 month. I suppose I owe it to fix that pivot pin. #honestthomastl29 #honestthomas #customknife #pocketknife #edc #gentlemansfolder #traditionalfolder #camillustl29 #tl29 #camillus #knifemods #vintagemilitary #militarystyle #canvasandleather #leatherandcanvas #carbonsteel #stainlessforshowcarbonforpro https://www.instagram.com/p/By-IBfrAT9j/?igshid=lf1vptr4rp60
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skills2survive · 7 years ago
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I got a chance to meet John from @badger_claw_leather at Blade Show. I use my dump pouch all the time. Nice guy, making quality gear. 👍👍😁 .............. ............. ........,.... ................. ...........,.......... #skills2survive #badgerclawleatherworks #leatherandcanvas #handmade #qualitygear #leather #bladeshow #bladeshow2018 #gearthatlasts #supportsmallbusiness
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Uups, eine kleine Unachtsamkeit und ich dachte schon, nun habe ich eine/meine „Lindauer Markttasche“. Wertig geflickt ist sie aber nun ein Einzel- und Ausstellungsstück in der Werkstatt. #lederpatch #geflickt #lederundcanvas #canvasandleather #leatherandcanvas #lindauermarkttasche (hier: Alexander von Bronewski Manufaktur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeLct6lEC0/?igshid=n00civgghrq1
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highlandhordeleatherworks · 5 years ago
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Testing out a new prototype foraging bag, made from veg tanned leather and canvass. This one is a bit different than ones I’ve made in the past. The bag is detachable from the leather, allowing you to remove it when you return to camp or your car without taking off the leather strap, but still folds up small on your belt for the hike in, or for those surprise foraging opportunities 😎 This also allows you to wash the canvass bag if needed and to possible carry a second bag. 🤔 #custommade #customleather #customleatherwork #handmadeleathergoods #handmadeleather #foragingbag #canvassbag #canvasspouch #leatherandcanvas #foraging #foragingforfood #bushcraft #camping #hiking #outdoors #madeincanada #highlandhorde #highlandhordeoutdoors (at Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDtUTdRhGzW/?igshid=w62x1tr34ory
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theleathertradingco-blog · 5 years ago
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Fire Sale! 60% Off our Nomad and Leaon 15 Inch 16 Ounce waxed canvas and Buffallo leather satchel. Available in 4 colours! Dont miss out!! Use promo code "stillrusting". 😃😃 #leatherandcanvas #satchel #leatherbag #rusticbag #filson #noexcuses #loveyourself #hunting #adventure (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4blXY4Ay0h/?igshid=1x2voqn70i8j9
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damienmitchell · 7 years ago
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There’s more cool stuff coming out of here soon. #workspace #studio #apartmenttherapy #sewingmachine #tools #leatherwork #leatherandcanvas #drygoods #handmade #handcraft #industrialdesign #batonrouge #thatlacommunity
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zenzerodesignesblog-blog · 7 years ago
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Clutch bag with reclyed leather . Etsyshop ,Link in bio #zenzerodesignes #clutch #clutchbag #giftforher #giftforhim #christmasgift #coolstone #canvasleatherbag #stonebag #stonepouch #mensclutch #leatherandcanvas #recycledleather #handmade #paintedcanvas #handpaintedclutch #canvaspurse #maker #bagmaker #etsy #etsysuccess #etsyshop #etsystore #makergonnamake #differencemakesus
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charlottyengland-blog · 7 years ago
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Making up a metallic gold tote with @carolewallers wonderful hand painted canvas and just loving these colours!💛💙💚❤️✨ . . . #womensfashion #wallerandwood #leatherandcanvas #handpainted #canvaspainting #unique #design #beautifulbag #art #designermaker #colour #colourfull #charlottyengland #uniquestyle
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elsierosecollection-blog · 8 years ago
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The inside of my Navajo bag #nofilter #navajo #interior #leatherandcanvas #tbt #instagram #instadaily #instagood #monogram #elsierosecollectiononetsy #love
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ht-craftedcurated · 5 years ago
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12/6/20 - 1958, smells good. - #honestthomas #vintagemilitary #militarysurplus #swissarmy #vintagebag #leatherandcanvas #handmade #tag #label https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVw4GmgoK9/?igshid=lyu6ljdzz8z7
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vallverdudesign · 8 years ago
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#workinprogress #messengerbag #leatherandcanvas #leathergoods #wien #vienna #diseñodebolsos #bagsdesigner #handmade #craftmanship #skills #vintagebag #lovewhatido #handstiching #talabartera #argentina #vallverdudesign #design #inspiration #do #love #live (en Vienna, Austria)
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For an appointment outside the workshop I took my essential tools with me in a about 60 year old Swiss Army toolroll. What an amazing work, after all this decades just some stitches might soon be replaced by me. #toolroll #swissarmy #oldswissarmy #schweizerarmee #leatherandcanvas #canvasroll #werkzeugrolle #werkzeugtasche #lederwerkzeug #ledermanufaktur #handarbeit #handwerk #bayern #bodensee #lindau #leathercraft #leatherwork #leathertools #awl #vergezblanchard (hier: Alexander von Bronewski Manufaktur)
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highlandhordeleatherworks · 6 years ago
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Working on a couple canvas and leather foraging pouches....might try something different on the belt loops 🤔. These should be up soon on my Etsy store and I plan to have them at the Artisans Market at Uniacke Estates. The market was postponed until Sunday, September 22nd due to Hurricane Dorian 🌪 #customleather #handmade #handmadeleather #leatherproject #canvass #leather #foragingpouch #dumppouch #foraging #supportsmallbusiness #buylocal #leatherandcanvas #highlandhorde #highlandhordeoutdoors #madeincanada (at Highland Horde Outdoor Supply) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2KBb3VB520/?igshid=d8vfzj6v49om
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theleathertradingco-blog · 5 years ago
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Fire Sale! 60% Off our Nomad and Leaon 15 Inch 16 Ounce waxed canvas and Buffallo leather satchel. Available in 4 colours! Dont miss out!! Use promo code "stillrusting". 😃😃 #leatherandcanvas #satchel #leatherbag #rusticbag #filson #noexcuses #loveyourself #hunting #adventure (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4blXY4Ay0h/?igshid=1x2voqn70i8j9
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bicibybar · 10 years ago
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Turquoise And Blue Stripes Canvas And Leather Bicycle Bag
Dimensions: 9.4” x 3” x 7”/24cm x 8.5cm x 17cm
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ht-craftedcurated · 5 years ago
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4/6/20 - I’m actually a fan of the musty smell of these canvas bags. Reminds me of being away poking round folks places looking for treasures - But this personal Swiss Mountain Pack of mine has another odd smell, almost spicy. - @utauber tells me coffee and bin bags work. - #honestthomas #vintagemilitarybag #swissarmyrucksack #leatherandcanvas #coffeebeans #fairtrade https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBOWuAg4Wz/?igshid=53fc5ksfispi
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