#least insane daenystheedreamer post
daenystheedreamer · 11 months
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i need to explain why this is theoncore. First the giant quote about god from the book of job (god's wettest saddest most beloved sacrificial lamb) looming over everything in turqouise curlz mt font. insane geometry of the darkly-painted room, is that a tiny door? one plush; gesture at comfort. chip packet; gesture at sloth, gluttony and clutter. lone monroe poster; gesture at lust, femininity and women. fan directly in the face. Gaming chair. halloween movie posters (slashers..) And finally theon would also string up what looks like bedsheets as curtains
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daenystheedreamer · 11 months
the fundemental split between weenies and sickos is whether they enjoy the gay trope of "im okay not being with you romantically/sexually, being your friend/close to you is enough". weenies love this un-sexual, emotionally intimate theme. btw calling them weenies is not me passing moral judgement i think this is fun and cute. however the sicko goes And what if person a dressed up as person b's heterosexual love interest and sucked them silly. What if person b marries person a's brotherand they have a fucked up insane marriage and person a is just like also there in the attic rubbing one out when b and brother are having weekly scheduled procreative copulation session. this is the difference between a weenie and a sicko. the weenie enjoys a pure expression of desperate, yearning, quiet love. the sicko enjoys desperate sweat-soaked hard painful passion. and both weenie and sicko are deeply human and feel so much love uniquely and importantly.
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