#leaning toward Guybrush for a name
renlyslittlerose · 1 month
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He's making himself right at home 💕
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captmickey · 4 years
“Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?” w/ Plunderbunnies if you're up for it~
it was a weak knock on the door frame and a muttered ‘Elaine’ that gartered her attention. 
Looking up from her current work, she saw the lanky form that is her husband leaning against the frame, his breathing sounding slightly labored. Gasping his name, Elaine dropped whatever she was holding and rushed over to the swaying blond, his face was patterned with splotches of black, blue and purple, each splotch bigger than the last. 
But before she could ask what had happened, ask who did this, Guybrush gave a tired and beaten smile before his eyes rolled back and started free-falling face first towards the floor, only spared another bruise thanks to her catching him just in time. 
Quickly and effortlessly, she carried him over to the bed, carefully inspecting his face for anything outside the bruise marks (fist shaped bruise marks, she noted) and to her relief, sans a split lip and nose, nothing appeared to have been broken, at least, not at first glance. Nothing looked to have been broken or damaged beyond repair (except perhaps his ego) which was preferable. 
Carefully with a cold rag, she placed it gently on his face, cleaning off the dry blood when she heard a sharp hiss. Weary blue eyes fluttered open, slowly registering where he was before looking at her. He blinked a few more times before groaning in pain, the bruises and the damages finally catching up to the lanky pirate. Elaine lowered the rag and took hold of his hand with both of hers, pulling it close to her chest. “Guybrush?”
“H-hi, Elaine...” Guybrush greeted. “What... what happened?”
“You came back stumbling and proceeded to faint on me.” She summarized as best she could without worrying the blond. “Are you hurt?” It was a rhetorical question, but who better to tell her where the possible hidden injuries were than the patient?
“...No?” Guybrush looked at her, recognizing the worried look on her face and quickly shook his head. “No.”
Her brows furrowed. “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
“Um... I fell?”
The two stared in silence and Guybrush sighed, his bluff clearly called out before it could form properly. He stared up at the ceiling. “Sorry.”
“Don’t move.” She said.
“Consider it already done...” Guybrush muttered, wincing at the sting of the cold rag along his lip.
“What happened?” She asked, looking through the first aid kit to find something regarding the cuts along his face. “And don’t you dare say you fell, I don’t buy it.”
He gave a weak chuckle. “I um... had some run in with a bunch of pirates who ah... t-tried to mug me. Unfortunately for them, I almost never have cash on me and the bit that I had was... was pathetic.” He lift up his hand to show the wedding ring. “At least I managed to protect this.”
“Guybrush...” Elaine sighed, already imaging him trying his best to protect that one particular jewelry with everything he had from them. It was flattering, if not incredibly foolish. 
She figured she would lecture him about that some other time. 
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the-local-oddity · 5 years
Pirates, Knights, and Kings
Finally was able to get on desktop and post this! This one is the sad one, sort of based on that Three Adventurers art I made for @captmickey. I hope you enjoy!
The three heroes lay in the grass their faces pointed towards the beautiful blue sky. They lay with the tops of their heads pointed towards each other. Guybrush had hands folded under his head, Link had them folded over his stomach, and Graham was sort of just a starfish, and the only one with his eyes open.
"So… I'm the youngest right?" He asked, seemingly leading to another question.
"I think so, yeah." Link confirmed for him, curious as to where the young knight was headed.
"Okay, so then you two have to promise me something…" Graham tapped his fingers on the ground.
"I'll to hear what it is first." Guy rush made no effort to move, he was comfortable, "I don't agree to anything until I hear the details."
"Smart move."
"It's just, " the young knight folded his arms over his chest, "Can you promise not to die before me?"
"Of course."
"No can do."
Link and Graham both moved to stare at Guybrush in surprise, he had yet to move, as if what he had said wasn't surprising at all.
"Why not?" Graham pressed.
"Because if I promise you that, then I've broken the promise." Guy brush shrugged, he was acting so casual that the other two really couldn't tell if he was messing with them.
"You're going to have to explain that one, Captain." Link reached over and poked his forehead.
They watched as Guybrush started counting off on his fingers, they glanced at each other then looked back at the pirate.
"I've died about… 3 or 4 times." He laid his hand back under his head and crosses his legs casually, "A few years back actually. So, way before you ever had."
"So, therefor I've already broken the promise."
Link scoffed and nudged Graham, "Don't fall for it, he's trying to mess with us!"
With that Guybrush actually sat up, his coat slipped off. The two watched as he untucked his shirt as well.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Graham pressed.
"You two don't believe me, so I'm proving it to you. Really I could just get my death certificate, but that's all the way on my ship." He paused and thought for a second, "Or does Stan have it…?" He said the last part mostly to himself.
With a shrug, he lifted his shirt off alleging the other two to see a scar along his back, he turned around to face them, a similar scar slashed into his front.
"What happened ...?" Link stared with wide eyes at the scar, it looked to him like entry and exit wound, but he couldn't think from what. There was no way it could've been a sword, that's impossible!
"I've told you both about LeChuck." He didn't elaborate any further.
"But if that killed you, then how can you be here with us?" Graham was puzzled, he hadn't heard of a spell that would bring people back to life, but he supposed it was possible.
"Through some clever voodoo, and some good luck from Elaine." He smiled softly then pulled his shirt back on, "Looks nasty doesn't it?"
"Actually…" Graham shrugged, "It looks really cool…"
Guybrush smirked and let out a bit of a chuckle, "Well, thank you."
"Oh! I got it! Promise me that you won't die forever before I do!" Graham fixed his original question and Guybrush couldn't help but are with him.
"Alright Graham, I promise." He laughed.
He couldn't bring himself to go any further into the castle. He was terrified. His friend was sick, so sick he couldn't even get out of bed anymore. Everyone was saying he still had a few good years left, and Guybrush wanted to believe it.
He started into the courtyard. The current younger of the royal family sat on the courtyard. She was an excitable young girl, and so very hopeful for the future, it was a good skill to have. 
She also could appreciate a good story when she heard one. Unlike other people.
She was like Graham.
Guy rush turned away from her and began walking down the hallway, he still couldn't bring himself to face his friend, not with this heavy feeling weighing down on him.
"Ah, I thought I saw Aunt Elaine." The courtyard door had pushed open, Prince- no King Alexander stood in the doorway.
"Well, well, " Guybrush smiled at him, "if it isn't my biggest fan!"
"I'm afraid I'm not your biggest fan anymore." Alexander walked over to Guybrush. Who still couldn't believe how much the boy had grown.
"What? How cruel!" Guybrush said in a jokingly overly dramatic way, "If not you, then who?"
The little princess stepped forward, and her father rested a hand on her head, "Dad has been telling all sorts of stories about the adventures you all went on way back when."
"Is that right?" Guybrush smiled down at her and she smiled back.
"Yeah! I uh, mostly line stories with dragons, but pirate stories are my second favorite!" She rocked on her heels.
"Perhaps I should sit in on one of these stories, " Guybrush tapped his fingers on his cane, "wouldn't want Graham telling you the wrong this, or worse making himself the better puzzle solver!"
When little Gwendolyn gave him a judgemental look, he couldn't help but laugh, "I'm just messing with you! Haha!"
Alexander stepped closer, his voice lowered in a worried tone, he was making sure Gwendolyn couldn't hear them.
"Have you gone up to see him yet?"
"Uncle Link is already up there, it would mean a lot to him if you were there." Alexander seemed to almost be pleading with the pirate who sighed and nodded.
"Alright, little one, " Guybrush looked back at the princess, "let's go see if we can't get your grandfather to tell us some stories!"
"Alright!" Gwendolyn hurried over to Guybrush and took his free hand excitedly.
"Don't tug on him! Alexander warned.
"I know dad!"
The pair started to walk when Guybrush glanced back and saw the sad look on Alexander's face, his dear couldn't help but be confirmed.
Gwendolyn had been carried off to bed and was now resting peacefully. Leaving the three adventures sitting alone. Link and Graham happily talked back and forth, but Guybrush had gone quiet. It didn't take them long to notice.
"Are you alright there, Captain?" Graham asked with a weary smile.
"How much longer?" The pirate stared at the floor, he couldn't bring himself to look up.
"How much longer until what?" Graham questioned.
"Dammit, how much longer do you have?" Guybrush squeezed his eyes shut.
"I've got plenty of time, trust me." The old king tried to laugh it off, but when he looked at Link it was easy to see that he wanted to ask the same question.
"Don't lie to me, Graham!" He shook his head, "I know when you're lying, you can fool your kids and your grandkids, but you can't fool me!"
Graham went silent, his head turned to look at the magic mirror, he watched dit glisten but received no answers.
He mustered up his courage, "We don't know."
Link covered his mouth quietly.
"The doctor's are doing all they can to slow the process but…." He shrugged, Lord he hated those potions and medicines.
"So… It couldn't be any day at this point?" Guybrush still had his eyes closed, his heart hurt. This hurt. It didn't feel fair.
"That's right…"
The three were all silent. They had no idea what they could say to each other. This horrible silenced seemed to persist for ages until Guybrush's shoulders began to shake.
He shook his head, "I just can't believe it… You, the king who lived in a safe castle most of the time. Dying before the dangerous knight or the fearsome pirate." Tears were streaming down his face, "You really wanted us to keep that promise, huh?"
Graham was able to rest a hand on his head, "Well, I'm not one to give up on a promise."
Link took a deep breath to calm himself down, "We'll stay here, we'll stay with you. Until… Well, you can guess."
"I might stick around even after that, " Guybrush looked up with his tear-filled eyes, "someone's gotta tell that kid stories in your absence."
He wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
"What would I do without you two?" Graham shook his head with his weary smile.
"You'd have a lot less fun in life." Link smirked.
Guybrush leaned back in his chair a doomed up to the ceiling. The worst part was, he wasn't even sure if pirates and kings went to the same place when they passed on. But he couldn't bring himself.
"See you on the other side."
They promised each other that.
When they passed away they would find each other again. Guybrush stood in the crossroads, such a familiar sight. Thankfully he had a proper funeral this time, he had the gold coins he needed for the ferryman.
He hated breaking a promise, but he knew there was nowhere he could go in this afterlife that would bring them all three together again. He was even sure that Hylians had their own afterlife.
He watched the water go past as he sailed to the center. He chose to love onto sword fighting, that's where he would stay.
"What's your name again?" The Ferryman asked, then quickly corrected himself before Guybrush could answer, "Your full name."
"Guybrush Ulysses Threepwood." 
"I see…"
The scenery changed, they had gone to a different destination. Guybrush didn't recognize it all, and he had gotten fairly familiar with the afterlife.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere special. Just for heroes like you."
Guybrush couldn't help but feel confused, but he really had to put his trust in the skeleton driving the boat.
"This is your stop…"
The pirate stepped off the boat nervously. He limped down the doc, there was no one around. Just where had he been taken. He stood alone in what looked to be a grass field.
He could see a figure running down the path.
No, it was two figures!
The old captain's eyes widened in surprise, as two familiar young men wrapped him in a hug.
"We've been waiting for you! Come one!"
Guybrush looked down at them, still blinking in shock.
"Graham?" He finally asked and the king responded with a proud smile, "Link?" The green knight nodded.
"Come on, we've got a lot to show you, and the girls are waiting just over!" Link took one of Guybrush's hands and Graham took the other.
As the trio walked Guybrush started to find it easier and easier the more they went. Soon he didn't feel quite so old at all.
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captmickey · 7 years
✏ Founder Threepwood introduces Graham and Link to his new plunderpuppy!
It was only in thanks to his years of adventuring and good hearing that Link was only barely able to dodge the puppy as C.S. ran between the half blind Hylian’s legs and towards the older king who happily sat on the floor waiting to hold the dog in his arms. Guybrush limped to the throne room with his cane, chuckling at the small dog’s enthusiasm and the sight of his friends. 
“So this is what you meant by ‘bringing a new friend’, Guybrush?” Link asked.
“Heh heh, yep.” Guybrush snickered, watching C.S. leap straight into Graham who in turn fell flat on his back with a loud ‘oof’.
“Heh heh heh!! I love him!! What’s his name?” Graham asked between laughs as C.S. mercilessly licked his face.
“Captain Savage. Or C.S. for short.” The pirate answered. He soon whistled and patted his good leg, watching C.S. quickly rush from the king right back to Guybrush’s side. 
Graham stood up and brushed whatever fur off of him while still snickering and Link crossed his arms, impressed to see how the dog responded to quickly on command. “Where’d you get him?” Link asked. 
“I ah… I found him, actually. In an alleyway. Poor guy was all alone and malnourished, I couldn’t… I couldn’t leave him like that.” The pirate leaned forward on his cane to give the puppy a small ruffle at the top of his head. “Plus he’s been a huge help whenever Elaine and Winslow aren’t around.”
“What kind of commands can he follow?” Graham then asked.
“The basics… sit, stay, shake, fetch… he mainly listens to me, but if I um… if I get into a place… he rushes to get Winslow or Elaine.”
The king and Hylian remained quiet, understanding what he meant.
“So… kind of like a furry anchor.” Link figured. He eyed the puppy before kneeling down and tapping his knee, but C.S. didn’t budge. It was as if the dog was sensing his owner’s sad tone and refused to move from his side. 
“Like I said, won’t listen to others aside from me.” Guybrush reiterated.
“Huh.” Link said. 
“But there are a few tricks I personally trained him to do. Comes in handy in tight spots.” The pirate then added.
Graham’s eyes lit up and his grin was prominent from even underneath his beard. “Oh!! So can he do backflips through hoops that are on fire? Is he able to hold his breath underwater for five minutes? Can he count to twelve using only his bark? Can he TALK!?” 
Link and Guybrush stared at Graham in stunned silence before Guybrush spoke up.
“Nnnnnnot exactly. But I can show you.” The pirate answered. Even in his older age, Graham still had that random burst of enthusiasm that baffled him. He looked at C.S. and rubbed the top of the dog’s head.
“Okay, boy.” Guybrush soon said softly. He looked Link dead in the eyes and gave a smirk. “Head-butt.” 
“What.” Link looked back horrified.
C.S. let out a loud bark and sped off like a bullet straight into Link’s chest, resulting in the Hylian slamming into the floor as the puppy sat on top and barked proudly. The room soon echoed with Graham and Guybrush’s laughter while the puppy continued to bark.
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captmickey · 8 years
✏+Years after the fall of Libertalia, Founder Threepwood has to face his inner demons when he is forced to take on Henry Avery by himself.
I didn’t know if you meant physically or mentally… so I’m gonna go with physically if that’s alright. Also it got… kinda lengthy.
Goes without saying, spoilers to Uncharted 4 and this is kinda like… an AU of an AU of an AU.
He sat alone by the pier late at night as the town’s festivities was going on. It wasn’t that he couldn’t stand the loud noises and the massive crowd (okay, so maybe a little). No, he was just tuckered out, if he was going to be honest about it.
Looking up at the night sky, staring at the full moon, Guybrush closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, leaning a bit back and savored the gentle breeze from the ocean. So many years have passed that he finally was able to open up once again, to laugh again, to actually enjoy himself again… that wasn’t to say he was clear of all his night terrors or bouts of needing a day or two, and yes his leg did act up… but he was no longer angry at it. He had moved on… something he thought he wouldn’t be able to do.
The quiet tranquility was short lived as he heard boots on the boardwalk. He recognized Winslow’s or Elaine’s foot steps no problem and began assuming that perhaps it belong to one of the sailors or the locals… 
“If you’re looking for the party, I’m afraid it’s not here.” Guybrush said, opening his eyes and standing up thanks to the use of his cane. “I can take you ba–”
His heart stopped and his cane fell to the floor as he stared at the form in front of him.
“Is that really how you greet an old comrade.” A cold and malicious voice spoke out, his eyes sending chills to his very soul.
“H-H-Henry…” Guybrush gulped. 
“N-No… no you can’t… you can’t be here. Y-y-you’re not real.”
“Oh, but I am real.”
“I… how did you find me.” Guybrush asked, feeling his body going numb.
Avery didn’t answer his question and continued moving towards Guybrush, watching the blond limp slowly away from him. The old pirate’s locking his eyes on the Guybrush and a snarl appearing on his face.
“Ye betrayed the Code.” Avery growled.
“You murdered our allies.” Guybrush countered, continuing to limp away.
“Ye tried to STEAL FROM ME!”
“YOU STOLE MY LIFE!” Guybrush yelled at the top of his lungs.
Avery stopped as he watched the blond, who was undoubtedly shaking in fear, stare down the older pirate. The way the moon shone on Guybrush showed the wrinkles along his eyes and forehead, the blond locks of hair transitioning into white and grey, and that look in his eyes that stood as a testament of all his years as a pirate.
“You stole… everything from me. You stole my life… my freedom. And then I had to sit there and watch as you murdered it slowly right before my eyes with each passing day.” Guybrush spoke in a low and gravely voice. His fist was shaking, but his stare was firm. “I had… to rebuild my life that you destroyed. I had to learn how to live because you took everything away.”
“And ye think yer hands are clean?” Avery mocked, reaching his hand for his cutlass that glinted in the moonlight. “Ye really think you’re a SAINT?”
Guybrush’s eyes burned but he had to hold up a front… he had to.
“No. I don’t. I have longed since accepted that any chance of redemption for me was forever lost since Libertalia fell. It pained me… every single day, waking up and realizing that I’ll always have a black mark to my name, that it’ll take me hundreds and hundreds of lifetimes just to make right for what I did.” Guybrush took a deep breath and attempted to stand tall regardless of his leg screaming in agony. “Even if no one will remember me… or if they spit at my name forever I’m never going to stop to try and make things right. And not even YOU can take that away from me.”
Avery unsheathed his sword and lowered his head as he continued walking towards the blond. “Bold talk from a coward who couldn’t face death, Founder Threepwood.” He hissed.
Guybrush clenched his fist and growled. “Don’t you dare call me that. That’s not who I am.”
“Oh?” Avery scoffed, “And who are you then?”
Silence lingered on the pier as the cutlass was dangerously close to Guybrush’s throat. The two locked eyes at each other waiting for the other to move.
“I’m Guybrush Threepwood…” The blond furrowed his brows and smirked. “Mighty Pirate™!”
With a quick move, he dodged the blade and stumbled on the pier. Avery thrusted his sword hard towards the blond who managed to roll away, all thanks to those many years of physical therapy and gaining upper arm strength. With his sword stuck, Guybrush grabbed some rope he saw left unattended to and quickly went and tangled it around Avery’s legs, giving a strong yank which caused the older pirate to fall hard against the wooden floor and allowed the lanky pirate to grab his cane and use it to stand up quickly. 
Avery drew out his pistol and aimed it at Guybrush. The blond heard the sound of the safety being pulled back and turned his head, seeing the gleam of the barrel of the gun and began looking around for anything when he spotted a wooden barrel. Thinking quickly, Guybrush grabbed it and pushed it down so it could roll into Avery as well as act as a shield by blinding the older man’s peripheral. 
The older pirate fired resulting in a massive explosion that knocked the two back down. Guybrush groaned as he grabbed his head and saw the wooden pier breaking, with panic setting in, he quickly moved himself away until he grabbed onto a sturdier piece of wood and pulled himself to safety, watching the planks of wood fall into the ocean… and with it Avery.
Avery was trying to stand up to get away when he felt a powerful tug and fell face first into the wooden floor, noticing the rope that tightly held his foot. During the chaos of the explosion, he was unaware that a few crates fell down, dragging any loose debris down… and with it, the rope that was attached to the old pirate’s foot. He looked up at Threepwood, a small hint of terror being seen before being violently yanked to the bottom of the sea. He tried clawing at the wooden floor, but it did little good as it soon joined him in the dark abyss. 
Guybrush sat on the pier, trying to catch his breath while violently shaking and staring at the water. He stayed there watching the bubbles coming up… waiting for Avery to pop out… but soon the bubbles stopped, leaving the blond alone on the wrecked pier under the full moon light. Guybrush stayed on that pier for what felt like an eternity before he heard the sounds of the locals coming and yelling wondering what happened… and with it, Elaine and Winslow’s voice.
The blond glanced over and took a very deep breath before laying down on the floor. 
After all those years… he felt free.
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captmickey · 8 years
The three adventurers start their own garage band or Plunderpup saves Founder Threepwood from something dangerous .
Ooooh boy… hmm… okay, I’ll do one of them as an answer for this, and another separate post for the other.
There was no denying that since the small pup that he had named Captain Savage (Or C.S for short), it helped the three of them for the better as it acted as a small alert for Guybrush. And surprisingly, it didn’t take much to convince Elaine to let him keep the dog. More-so since no one put a claim of a missing dog. 
He strolled through town with C.S by his side one cloudy day after yet another doctor’s check up. The news were as grim as they always were and the cane continued to mock him relentlessly, but the outing was admittedly needed… even if he was tempted to whack said doctor with said cane. He didn’t pay much mind until there was a sound of wood smacking against wood and a voice that sent a chill down to his core.
“Avast ye bleeding heart! I be pilligin’ yer gold!!” A young boy shouted as another group started cheering and shouting. 
“For God and Liberty!” Avery shouted as the Founders raised their glasses.
The cane dropped to the floor and Guybrush stood there with a vacant expression on his face, his breathing becoming erratic. “No… no no…” Guybrush muttered, gripping his head as Libertalia flooded his view. The fire, the screams, the poison… Avery’s sick grin marching closer and closer and the shouts becoming louder and louder. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” 
He stood in the center of the street, unaware of the carriage charging it’s way towards him when he faintly heard the sound of barking and felt a tug at his pant leg causing him to stumble backwards against a building’s wall and away from the busy streets filled with horse carriages that snapped his cane in half. Hesitantly turning his head, Guybrush looked and saw the patch-eye wearing dog barking and clawing at his arm trying to grab his attention. Libertalia slowly disappearing and the town reappearing… but C.S remained consistent and barking, nudging itself into him to get Guybrush to pet it’s head. He weakly lifted his hand and began petting the dog, and with each stroke, the dystopian island slowly but surely vanished.
Guybrush dropped his hand from the pup’s head and started holding his head, shaking. He didn’t know how long he was in that position when there was a nudge of a small paw against his thigh causing the blond to look up and see C.S wagging it’s tail. He gave a weak smile and rubbed his eyes, leaving himself open for C.S to climb up on his lap and rest it’s two front paws on his chest and licking his chin. Guybrush shook and held C.S tightly, letting his anxiety course through before composing himself. “Thanks, Captain…” Guybrush said with a raspy voice. He stared at the destroyed cane and the smile dropped. He hated the damn thing, but he was pretty much useless on land without it.
The pup let out a bark before hopping off his lap and running off, leaving Guybrush to sit by the building and waiting… it was all he could do. A half hour passed before he heard the sounds of Captain Savage barking towards him, stopping only in front before turning around and barking some more. Looking up, he saw Winslow running afterward. ‘Smart dog.’ Guybrush thought.
“There you are, sir!” Winslow panted. “We wondered what happened when Captain Savage came running and barking.” Guybrush shrugged and pointed at his destroyed cane. Winslow looked over and sighed. “I see… very well.” He walked over and helped Guybrush stand up, an arm around his waist allowing the blond to lean his weight on the portly man as the two began to make their way back to the shack, with Captain Savage walking alongside with the top half of the cane in it’s mouth. Winslow gave the blond a smirk as he noticed his eyes were on the dog and smiling. 
“Good dog.” Guybrush smiled.
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