ilovelollipopx · 5 years
I'm sorry if you are not fine with such a request. But how about some headcanons about Sett finding his female human s/o badly injured after a fight she had. qwq
The Cheers of Adoration, blurred grins, and the adrenaline coursing through her muscles and every inch of her body. That’s what she enjoyed most about the fights that happened in the pits. It’s what kept her from staying on that ground of mixed sand and blood. Getting up shakily she grinned staring her formidable foe right in their eyes. Even if she could barely see with the use of one eye. Just because she was a bit beat up doesn’t mean that her opponent underestimated her. They learned that and it was evident from the bruises and assortment of damages afflicted on them.
As she studied him with the amount of time she had before moving to attack or dodge one thing she noticed that this guy definitely wasn’t from around here. Wasn’t Vastayan and certainly didn’t fight like an Ionian. Which means he’s from Noxus or Demacia. Although Demacian was scratched out immediately from the colors adorned on him, dark and red. Though it doesn’t matter who you are and where you are from in this fighting pit, what truly mattered was who was the last one standing.
With that thought in mind, this fight would likely be ending soon since the two of them had been at it for a while. Though she had fighting spirit this fight was still taking a toll on her body. Gathering what energy and strength she readied her final attack, and hopefully, this would work out in the end. Within seconds her body was heading straight for her opponent with a fist in tow, similar to what Sett would do. Instead of doing a full force accelerated punch she dashed quickly behind him hitting her opponent's spirit gates located on the neck. Something she had learned from one of Sett’s acquaintances. Something she didn’t account for was her opponent reacting so quickly, just mere seconds after using her move and arm swung around hitting her upper body with full force causing her to fly back and hit the walls of the pit with a hard thud. Pop was all she heard before her right shoulder was in excruciating pain causing her to cry out in pain.
All of a sudden it didn’t matter if the crowds were cheering for her or not. Getting up as slowly as she could she noted that whatever move she did worked because there her opponent was on the ground, eating sand. Looking up at where Sett would be she smiled at the people he worked with. He obviously wasn’t there because if he was there wouldn’t have been a fight at all. They bore a proud look but also concerned, knowing Sett would be back sooner or later.
Carina (The female in his splash art, didn’t wanna keep calling her the female) jumped down and rushed to her aid and escorted her to where she was currently at. Sitting her down in Sett’s chair she began to examine every bruise, cut and scrap on the injured female.
“The only thing too bad is her shoulder, it must have popped when she made an impact with the wall” Carina concluded.
She was gonna speak again but was cut off by the abrupt interruption of no one other than the Boss. And he didn’t look happy at all.
“So Explain to me why you two went against my orders and let s/o fight?”
They were smart and knew their answer wouldn’t matter, and his s/o did too.
Tugging on his arm and looking up at him the best she could she explained,
“They didn’t let me fight I did! I snuck into the pits before the next match began. Please don’t be mad I just wanted to fight like you!” she squeaked out nervously.
There was a pause before Sett glared at his two assistances before picking his s/o up and freezing when she hissed her shoulder made contact with his chest. This had just added more fuel to the fire, although he would deal with the problem later.
“Where are we going?” his s/o inquired
“Im not letting no human doctor put their hands all over you” he seethed.
So she concluded that he was likely taking her to her house to bandage her up himself. At that thought, she smiled and snuggled more up against his warm chest.
~~Bonus Content~~
“Sett you don’t have to kiss every cut and bruise”
“Sett why are you crying I was the one who had to get my shoulder put back in place”
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ilovelollipopx · 5 years
Yasuo sfw & nsfw headcanons please?
-Even if Yasuo is still being hunted down for a wrong he didn’t commit he’ll still be very traditional in an Ionian sense when it comes to courting or dating. Which likely means he's gonna take things slow.
-Though be patient because once he does get into a comfortable spot in a relationship with you its all affection and admiration.
-He’s gonna be extra protective of you. Whether its some drunken idiot trying to flirt with you or someone whos trying to target you to get to him. He’s still being hunted so he's not gonna take chances to lose someone he trusts
-He’ll if you wanted to he’d teach you some defense techniques
-Book reading or just staying in an area for a festival becomes more wholesome now that you're around him, and he's glad that he found someone who he could trust and understand his situation.
-Cuddles are initiated the most if the two of you are just relaxing as well as kissed are open too but most likely unless it's Eskimo or smooches its gonna get heated will quick
-Speaking of drunk this man will be such a flirt when he drunk as well as very affectionate.
-If he is nearly blackout drunk and wants affection most of the time its gonna lead to something more if ya know what I mean (cough)
- When he is sober he’ll be very gentle for your first time, as he doesn’t want to hurt you
-Plus he loves seeing your face when he's deep in you in missionary position, it gives him such pride as your a fumbling mess under him, and only he can make you feel that way.
-Also open to fucking you in public places such as a closeted room or at the very back of a small corner, though this is rare because he wants to be the only one  to hear your sounds of pleasure
-Will and has fucked you against the wall or from the back at times and loves to let his hands explore your beautiful body.
-Be prepared to have hickeys and bites waking up in the morning because they will definitely be there
-Yasuo is open to any kinks or new position you propose just as long as they aren't awkward or too extreme. Ex: Masochist
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ilovelollipopx · 5 years
Sett Period HeadCanons
-This man was raised with respect and manners. Especially to respect women no matter what, because of no matter if they are small and petite they could still possibly whoop his ass.
-When he first sees a red stain on the back of your pants or dress he immediately takes off his coat and wraps it around your waist or around you since its big enough to go down to your legs not caring if it stains his coat. 
-Will take you somewhere secluded and tell you, and if anyone even dared to say a peep and embarrass you. They’ll be met with a very tough mama’s boy.
-Unless this isn’t the first time this has happened he’ll offer to buy you anything that you need. Chocolate? Already sent one of his fighters to obtain it. Cuddles? His arms are wide open. Just want to be alone with him and held? It doesn’t matter how busy he is (unless it's really important) the two of you will already be on the trek to your home.
-He knows the situation is more embarrassing for you than for him so he’ll try to not blush or be awkward about. (Though he's internally screaming because his ma never prepared him for this) 
-If it isn’t the first time he already has anything you need at the arena and even at his mom’s house. The embarrassment on his face when he brought back a bunch of periods supplies home along with snacks was hilarious thinking his mom didn’t see him. His mother of course already seen him but didn’t say a word knowing who it was for, and just proud of her son in all.
- If you guys are outside of the pits and not near your house, to his mothers house you go.
-Finds your small tantrums funny but also helpless but learned to not mess with you too much. He learned the hard way when a cramp hit you the wrong way.
-If the cramps and pain is just too much for you he’ll ask his mother if she can whip you up anything.
-Honestly just a sweet boy
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ilovelollipopx · 5 years
Headcanon where blood moon! Twisted fate’s female s/o finds out he is a Blood Moon cult member
-The leader of the demonic cult hadn’t known that his charms and luck would lead him right into a relationship, with a human none the less.
-Being a human with demon acquired traits meant that at this point his charms could work on nearly everybody. Although his demonic side didn’t really come out until he was under the red shining light of the blood moon. 
-So when it wasn’t a blood moon night, he spent his time in his human form. Still leading the cult as well. 
-He still rarely took things seriously and found a liking to his s/o who admired his humor, which leads to a very serious relationship.
-He knew though that he couldn’t just keep going unresponsive when the blood moon appears, as well as the rumors that spread around on a festive night. Even if he didn’t stray too far in order to keep an eye out on his s/o.
- When the next blood moon festival occurs he doesn’t disappear without a trace, instead, he finds himself standing in front of his s/o.
-There were only two reactions that could occur, one of fear and one of acceptance. And those two choices decide the fate between him and his s/o
-If his s/o accepts him for who he is and what he thrives for then expect to have the most protection and introduction his cult, even if she won't agree to a personal demon his s/o is still welcome.
-And if you are too terrified to even look at him? I'll leave the rest up to you...
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ilovelollipopx · 5 years
Heads up
I will now be doing matchups woo hoo! 
So don’t be afraid to ask for any <3
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ilovelollipopx · 4 years
The Fiddlestick Headcanos no one asked for but might need
-Fiddle will take clothes and items from his victims and will try to make himself look more human with them, often like a fashion show for his s/o. “No Fiddle that Demacian helmet can barely even fit on your head”
-Unless it is explained to him, he doesn’t know what love is are what its purpose is for. So when it is finally explained to him fully then expect him to copy whenever his s/o says “i love you” except in his scratchy fiddly voice.
-Will collect gifts or souvenirs from those he fears to death to give to his s/o, they can range from either weapons,clothes, or even a body part at tiems. Though unless anyone is into that, then the last gift is gonna be stop being recieved soon enough.
- Be prepared because sometimes he might either accidently scare you, and apologize or purposely scare and then apologize.
-i hope that anyone who is favored by fiddlesticks can withstand that terrible whistle in his talking,honestly my ears
- Though to be honest his mimicking is all that bad, as heard in the cinematic he can do the exact voices of what he heard, it just sounds like trash grinding on trash in game.
-To comfort you or his s/o he’ll likely mimic the voices of your loves ones, or a heart warming memory they’ve had
-Basically acts like a lost puppy, if a lost puppy could be considered to be a demon with crows and weapons attached to it
-Loves jokes, so if you happen to say something funny he’ll keep it in mind as a taunt or trick. Will do the same if he happens to hear a joke that he’ll think you’d enjoy. Same goes for stories.
-Fiddle Sticks can speak for himself other than mimicking, though its just must easier to use words other people have already spoken, than to try to sound out words, though he has learned a variety of words he just doesn’t use with his own voice.
-Also just a small little headcanon theory, but all his victims souls are transformed into his crows :)
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ilovelollipopx · 4 years
HC with Sett, Yasuo and Kayn reacting to the female reader showing that she got a sexy bunny girl skin. (like Riven and NSFW please) love your blog
- Is a massive perv and expect him to be awfully handsy and touchy
- Might have his hands linger a little too long on your hips
- Pulling you against his body is gonna be his favorite thing to do
- Getting past all the sexual attraction he actually does think you pretty gorgeous in it
- Your the star of the show and he's gonna keep reminding everyone around him of it
- They’d just better not stare for too long or otherwise, Sett will teach them a lesson about manners and he’s a physical teacher
- All in all your his sexy gal and no one is going to undress you with their eyes but him, your the boss’s lady
- Will try not to notice it at first but its very obvious he likes the outfit very much
- Constantly jokes about your attire and hints at some time alone with him
- Blushes a lot around you when he isn’t focused on something
- Won’t hesitate to cover you up though
- Might do a little touchy here and there
- Keep in mind that Kayn’s flirting is more confusing than pug’maw
- At first he wont acknowledge it
- But as time passes on he’ll find himself in the act of more than a few glimpses, and Rhaast won’t hesitate to call him out on it
- So throughout the day he gets frustrated on how he’s feeling about this whole outfit ordeal
- As soon as the two of you get some alone time away from peering eyes best believe he’s already all over you
-Since he’s vastayan and resembles a wolf he might roleplay a little, calling you little rabbit for example
- Theres two ways this could play out in the bedroom
- One if you are ok with being handled a bit roughly in the bedroom then  expect him to act like a predator and you as the prey
-Bite marks to show who has claimed you will litter your skin trailing to your exposed thighs to your shoulders down to your chest
- Teasing you while staring at your expressions with those gleaming yellow eyes
- When the two of you finally get to the finale he’ll hold you tight to him pounding thee absolute soul out of you
- Two he treat you like the most delicate and softest thing he’s ever held
- The passion will be more of a slow burn sensually
- Plus a ton of aftercare
-Your his sweet honeybun and he’s gonna take care of you
- If the two of you get into a sexual mood it’ll be a hastened slow burn 
- He’s already had the chance to admire you throughout the day so he's gonna take the time to show you how much he really enjoyed your outfit if you allow him to
- The two of you in a messy makeout session while he hastily pulls of that oh so sexy bunny suit that brought out the beauty in your curves 
- His hair is a mess as his ponytail was long taken down and your hands were entangled in it them while he was busy peeling of that bunny suit of yours
- It’s gonna be a quick but passionate night
- When Kayn gets sexually frustrated to expect him to come to the source of his problems 
- Which in this case the source of his problems are you, so he’ll be a little assertive at first when approaching you
- But as he gets more into it he’ll be very flirtatious in his own way and very roughhousing
- CLothes are lost quick when it comes to him, I mean he's practically shirtless already
- His movements are rushed and sloppy from inexperience but hint and guide him to the right places and he’ll practically master whatever you need him to do
-Just as his fingers are good at use for mastering weapons they can also be masterfully used when pleasing his significant other
- He want’s to punish you for teasing him with that outfit all day,so in return he’ll tease you all night
-Instead of him having your name in his head you’ll be having his name moan out of your pretty little lips
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ilovelollipopx · 4 years
PaperWork - Swain
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Flickering of the small heat source that provided light for the general going through reports and other paperwork, as well as providing light for the half awake female reading a book on romance but hardly keeping her eyes open for five minutes. Pages flicking as she flipped through the book and as he placed papers in a stack. Being the Grand General of Noxus wasn’t always about war or battles, only children could think such a thing. No there was also the paper work of reports, careful plannings, and future expeditions to send troops out on, as well as expanding territory and making sure everything was being funded correctly. Swain did not need to look at his wife to know she was falling asleep, the slowing movement of pages gave it away.”My dear must you insist on staying in my work-study until I finish these tasks at least save that book before it becomes your pillow.” he spoke in a low yet direct voice not even taking an eye off of his work.  
A low mumble was all that was emitted from her before she decided to listen to he husbands words and closed her novel, pushing it aside so she could rest her head upon her arms. Now that she wasn’t reading she watched him work diligently, in a quick pace. One that she couldn’t tell if it was to quickly finish so he could retire to their chambers together or if it was his normal fast working pace. This thought she didn’t linger on as her mind was already shutting itself down. Though she took this time to admire him, his white hair that flatly cascaded down framing his sharp cheekbones, and the way his facial features looked stern yet so soft in a way.
Normally his face would intimidate those who weren’t close to him and could never tell what he was thinking or feeling. But over time shes learned what each and every face he makes means.
“Why must you intend stare at me with that look?” he inquired
“Im not looking at you with a “look” im admiring your facial features from afar” she explained with a small smile that she could manage
He hummed in response, which she knew was a good sign, he only did answer because if he said anything else she would distract him.
Unfortunately the drowsiness was tired of waiting on her and soon she succumbed to the embrace of sleep. The next time she awoke was when she was being placed into the soft sheets of a bed. Eyes fluttering open she was met with the sight of Swain hovering over her, noticing she was awake he spoke. 
“Lift your arms”
Tiredly lifting her arms up he helped her slip off the shirt she adorned for the day placing it neatly on her bedside table.
“Now lift up your hips”
Groaning she lifted up her lower body so he could slip off her skirt, leaving her in her undergarmets once he placed the skirt with the top he removed his own clothes and armor before slipping into bed with her.
Covering the two of them with a cover he pulled her closer to his chest her face towards him. He couldn’t help but begin to chuckle.   Although he was expecting her to question him for his amusement, he found that she had already fell back into a slumber curled up against him.
Whether he was embracing her or recieving reports of her undoing his plans he enjoyed the way she spiced up everything.
Placing a soft kiss upon her head he pulled her closer to his form , inhaling her scent before he soon joined her in the  endless space of rest.
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ilovelollipopx · 4 years
Sona {Slow Dance}
Slow Dance with you
The stage was set, the sky overlooking the circular balcony casting a mix of blue and yellow-tinted hues, dawn’s lighting that intermingled between morning and day was such an entrancing sight. It was enough room for what was planned. The wind started to pick up as a familiar person came into sight.
I just wanna Slow Dance with you
Her hair was undone a few blue-yellow locks dancing along with the wind, it was a new but stunning look for her. Tresses cascading further down below her shoulders resembling the sky itself. The Dress she wore was elegant, sleek fitting her figure as its length reached her ankles, leaving smooth skin exposed as it curved off the shoulders, the dress matched her elegant yet bubbly personality. As she arrived closer, lips formed into a small smile.
I know all the other boys are tough and smooth and got the blues
Sona placed her hand upon yours as you pulled her in gently right into your arms. Eyes locked the two of you started slow, the more time passed she placed her head upon your chest a look of content was what she showed.
I wanna slow dance with you
Usually, music would be needed for such a romantic gesture, but why have music, when the two of you could make your sounds together in your heads.
I wanna slow dance with you
You began to hum as you twirled her around, one hand placed on the small of her back, and the other fingers interlocked with hers, guiding through the dance and carefully making sure your footsteps were correct. After all, you spent so much time stepping on your own two feet for this moment
I just wanna slow dance with you
The music that was a soft melody with upbeat sounds here and there, it reminded you of the meadow that you found her playing in the first time you had met in Autumn. Eyes closed you began to visualize that place once more, instead the two of you were dancing there, colorful leaves swirling around the two of you as if encouraging the movements
(Slow dance) Why don't you take the chance?
I've got the moves I'd like to prove
The invisible music came to a slow, as well the movement of your feet. Opening your eyes you stared into her ocean blue eyes. Time felt slowed as well as you leaned down towards her face, she leaned up too eyes fluttering closed waiting.
By now the sun was casting itself higher into the sky shining above the city, but it felt just like the two of you as your lips closed the distance.
I Wanna Slow Dance With You
{Song From Adventure Time - Slow Dance}
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ilovelollipopx · 5 years
Headcanons NSFW of Jhin? uwu
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-Keep in mind that if Jhin on the off chance finds you particularly fascinating not to turn into one of his works of art then you are very very fortunate.
- Your relationship with Jhin would have to have lasted longer than a few months before he reveals his face to you, even more, his real name.
- Though when you do get to a point of trust with Jhin, he's not gonna do anything small when it comes to the bedroom. Expect flower petals, a romantic scenery the best silk sheets in Ionia, and expect a romantic dinner before that.
-Tbh He’s probably planned this already.
-When it comes down to what actually goes down in bed. Don’t expect something like a quickie because that's not happening.
-Jhin is gonna take his sweet time with going down on you. He’d much rather tease you before getting to the main course. Watching as you squirm and beg for him to do so much more is just ravishing. To be able to do something such as this to you like someone so beautiful who surpasses most of his works of art is truly wonderful.
- He's not gonna miss the chance makes your release excruciating long, being more interesting in pleasuring you than himself. Though not much changes when he finally gives in to your pleas of desiring him. Except he might slow down his pace at times just for the reaction.
- Jhin likely wouldn’t be one to use profanity in the bedroom or likely at all. So I can imagine a lot of romantic sweet nicknames and words describing you instead. He’ll want to cherish this moment.
- When you two eventually reach your climaxes expect aftercare to be very pampering. Relaxing baths, face masks, rose petals and scented candles along with bath salts and oils. 
p.s Jhin was just a Lil difficult because ya know HE CRAZY. Though I had fun writing this haha, author out.
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