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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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I’ve never had an #encounter with another #person where I have not been deeply curious. Once someone tried to raise the argument of being bored by someone who only wanted to discuss shopping. Indeed, that topic bores me also as do a great many topics that I was not wired to find fascinating, but topics and humans are two very different things. Humans I find deeply #fascinating. From our genomes to our environment- we are shaped so uniquely. It helps that I myself am human and daily make new #discoveries about myself. Some are good, some are not. Isn’t that in and of itself fascinating? C.S. Lewis says it so much better than me. ”There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations - these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub and exploit - #immortal horrors or #everlasting splendors. This does not mean that we are to be perpetually solemn. We must play. But our #merriment must be of that kind (and it is, in fact, the merriest kind) which exists between people who have, from the outset, taken each other seriously - no flippancy, no superiority, no presumption.” C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory #leadwithhart #simplyengage #ihubapp #womenwholead #leadership #motivation #encouragement #ceo #startup #leader #cslewisquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ljyDJHLWD/?igshid=stw20339na7f
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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Are you willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to see #success? Most people #think they are but their #actions and attitudes betray the truth. It once took me 8 years of almost monthly meetings to convince a friend to step into fighting a #cause she didn’t want to take on. Add my relentless texts and emails in there and many wonder at the #perseverance. Today she’s a leading voice on a #global stage in the fight against human trafficking. Most people would have given up. I was ready to spend another dozen years if necessary. The reality is that I only invested approximately 60 hours over all that time towards convincing her. Now, innocents are being helped because of her. It was nothing in the span of things. I had another friend I promised that one way or another we would work together again. Three years later she gave up hope and thought I’d forgotten my word. Five years later I called with an offer and showed her I had not. These stories aren’t to brag that I’m “great” but to make you understand that great things take time. Usually longer than the timeframe you have. Most people think a year is a long time but a decade is nothing when you think of the span of eternity. Ask yourself this. “If I spent 20 years pursuing this would I regret the time to get to success?” That’s the scale I work with for myself personally. It helps me prioritize what is actually important and worth persevering on. Just don’t ask me to wait at a traffic light! Ha! #leadwithhart #simplyengage #ihubapp #motivation #patience #neverstoplearning #nevergiveup https://www.instagram.com/p/B0nu7f7n_6x/?igshid=17c06vekcd0h6
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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A pay stub is #evidence of somebody’s #faith in you and your abilities. Lets never take that gift of #confidence for granted. #leadwithhart #simplyengage #ihubapp #success #growth #paradigm #gratitude https://www.instagram.com/p/B0eEw_IH-oC/?igshid=qysydszmbxri
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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As it happens taking a rest can #supercharge your productivity. Thanks to a family destination wedding I actually had a #vacation this summer. Between staring at the ocean, reading, and resting I got the gift of #clarity and being recharged. I read a book by Dale #Carnegie from 1948 and was shocked at how applicable his chapter on rest was for today. Rest, as it happens, when managed properly can give you 4x the amount of #output you are doing right now. World leaders, elite athletes, and top performers don’t #rest when they are tired. They stay on top of their rest so they can #outperform in every area. It works. By the end of the week I had a few lightbulb 💡 moments on things I had been #troubleshooting for weeks and acquired knowledge on topics that made my return to work energetic to say the least. The heart takes a rest between each beat. It doesn’t mean it’s being lazy. This weekend why not actually take a break? It will transform your output but it will also fill your soul. #leadwithhart #simplyengage #ihubapp #startuplife #shepreneur #successquotes #transformation https://www.instagram.com/p/B0bF3h5HsWs/?igshid=12v0ziphc7nkm
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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‭Strength arrives when we focus on self-mastery instead of trying to master others. ‬ #leadwithhart #ihubapp #kzhart #growth https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzu5mCDHlDs/?igshid=1jnh6gd8ynd46
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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Kindness is a currency that is priceless to the recipient. Donate it generously. #transformation #leadwithhart #simplyengage #kzhart #liftedlife #kind #kindness #kindnessiscontagious #kindnessiseverything #lovegenerously https://www.instagram.com/p/By5D-K5n1-O/?igshid=3oere8kvdlo
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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Decide that you will be 1% better today then yesterday. #leadwithlove #leadwithhart #liftedlife #kzhart #simplyengage #lessonslearnedinlife #transformation #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPx_RdHfz2/?igshid=2jau05ltcbpr
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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“Everyone in the world tramples on the dust of the earth. But in the end the dust of the earth covers up everyone of those people.” -Zelig Pliskin It’s so easy to become consumed with “doing” that we lose sight of just how very short this life really is. Yes, we have bills to pay, houses to clean, and work to be done. In the end, what matters is our relationships. Doing right by those around us. Rich, poor, powerful, weak. The sun rises and sets on us all the same. When the sun sets today let us have made the world a little #brighter for those around us. #encouragement #simplyengage #kzhart #leadwithhart #leadwithlove #lifequotes #servantleadership https://www.instagram.com/p/BxM4BixH5LE/?igshid=fhyml2z8ggc4
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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To a weak person even an innocent question makes you seem overly aggressive. Ask it anyway. #leadwithhart #simplyengage #kzhart #neverstoplearning #transformation #askquestions #grow #encouragement #bestrong #bestrongquotes #yougotthis https://www.instagram.com/p/BxKMxRMnk3q/?igshid=17w67516ag1ik
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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No turtle arrives on a fence post without some help. :-) When we look back at our lives we will see all the people who were #lifting us along the way. Obviously, parents and teachers are giants who help us grow up but there are others. The kids you ran around your neighbourhood with and made you feel accepted for the first time, the manager of your first job who patiently taught your young self, the first customer who paid you a #compliment, the person who #taught you to laugh at yourself, the friend who scolded you when you neglected your health, the colleague who had your back, the team that helped you find your voice, the leader that opened the door of #opportunity, the team that said they would fight alongside of you, and the person who said “yeah, you may fail and you should do it anyway”.... The list could go on for every one of us. To all those who have helped this turtle get to see a view she could have never imagined. Thank you. #leadwithhart #kzhart #simplyengage #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/BxGpaFIHofD/?igshid=otzoo6yr9wbg
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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There’s never been a person dressed in humility that others haven’t found beautiful. #leadwithhart #simplyengage #kzhart #leadershipquotes #leadership #leadershipskills #humility #humility #humilityquotes #bestdressed #beauty #servantleadership #transformation #serve #neverstoplearning https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw0S9rMHJUf/?igshid=75o086onu9wt
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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“Learn to accept criticism to grow spiritually.” My #career took off when I stopped being #defensive at those who #criticized my work. I learned that my fragile ego and desire for #affirmation was actually giving me the opposite result that I wanted. I began the #intention of asking others “What does this need? What is missing? How could it improve?” I did not know that I was freeing myself nor that I was more likely to achieve true excellence and even #awards in the future as a result. What’s interesting is that until this morning I didn’t understand that my pursuit of #criticism in the workplace grew me #spiritually on many levels. I can see it now. I see how letting go of a need to be praised on “everything” made me more #confident by embracing the fact that it’s ok to not be “perfect”. You cannot #learn fully unless you are in a state of humility. Assuming I had MUCH to learn meant that I indeed learned much. I still have much to learn. It will never end. Mostly I #learned the beauty of being #imperfect and that what matters is the #pursuit of growth. Along the way I came to LOVE criticism and see it as a gift. The critic can provide the path to #improvement if you are willing to be open. Today, if the critics are being mean don’t get down. Be #grateful that life is presenting an #opportunity for you to learn. Perhaps it will improve your product or work. Perhaps it will simply teach you to be able to stand strong when you feel the entire world is against you. Perhaps it will show you who is FOR you when others are against you. Your lesson with #criticism will be as unique as you are. I promise you that if you lean in to it, you WILL end up better for it. #leadwithhart #simplyengage #kzhart #perseverance #transformation #perfection #leadershipquotes #leadershipdevelopment #growth # https://www.instagram.com/p/BwwvCLDHVdb/?igshid=1sqv3epzwtbj6
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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Get. Back. Up. #warriors #executive #transformation #leadershipquotes #overcome #leadwithhart #simplyengage #kzhart #nevergiveup #neversettle #fight #grow #sing #inspire #onelife #leadership #perseverance https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwnz36uHOW_/?igshid=1l33bbh95hi5h
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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“All critical attitudes and irritations are forms of hatred.” -Mary Geegh Ugh! Houston, we’ve got a problem. This quote is not talking about the #critical thinking necessary to do #problem solving but rather the way we give ourselves the excuse to treat others. Have you ever been #impatient while driving? How “dare” someone try to get in front of you on the road? I know I’m not alone. When did we become so self-obsessed and prideful? How is that we believe we are SO #important that we no one should #dare to try and get in front of us in a line? They will know us by our love. Everyone talks about wanting to #change the #world but it starts with changing our view of the world and our place in it. #Humility is the antidote to pride. It changes you from thinking of yourself to thinking of others. From a life filled with pursuing your own self to become a tool for the greater good. It doesn’t start with large grand acts done for the purpose of receiving #praise from others. It starts with a small shift. Like not #cursing the person who cut you off. Letting someone go in front of you at the grocery store. Offering to do the job no one else wants. Choosing to take a #compassionate view of someone who crossed you. Deciding to clean up another’s mess. Responding #gently when the situation would justify another response. The act of practicing #humility is horribly difficult. It is a #daily exercise that goes against our human nature which is designed to keep us alive. Yet, interestingly as you lose the pride you will actually gain a life that is marked by something that does change the world. Love. So enter the battle today with me. Let’s go radically forgive those who don’t deserve it. Let’s be kind, patient, gentle and long suffering. Should we #stumble in that effort? Let’s #rise up and try again. Our world desperately needs it. #leadwithhart #kzhart #simplyengage #transformation #leadershipquotes #overcome #warriors #executive https://www.instagram.com/p/BweoFJvnIt1/?igshid=1dbs22kkceg3y
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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When all seems lost? Fight. #warriors #executive #transformation #leadershipquotes #overcome #leadwithhart #simplyengage #kzhart #yougotthis #nevergiveup #neversurrender #successisfun #successquotes #succesful https://www.instagram.com/p/BwLFmoDnHJ0/?igshid=1vdxlzsb63kku
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karolynzhart-blog · 6 years ago
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Run towards the Giant in front of you. You just may discover that you’re a warrior after all. #leadwithhart #simplyengage #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #lead #overcome #giant #goliath #leadershipquotes #leadershipskills #executive #transformation #warriors #warrior https://www.instagram.com/p/BwD5fYYH6jz/?igshid=1l3guqu6c9g1u
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