#leads to his intense hatred for who he once was as the Sword Saint
quuerbee · 11 months
Yeah yeah yeah everyone makes that post/analysis over how the burden of reviving Mount Hua coupled with the intense "survivors" guilt he carries shapes Chung Myung as a person and how he is so so so far away from the person he used to be but man. I've got to take a second everytime I think about it and just ponder.
Imagine waking up after witnessing the brutal killing of almost everyone you have ever met, including yourself, and immediately having to come up with a plan to save your home again. Imagine finding out that it's "your fault" (in all actuality we all know that none of what happened is Chung Myung's fault, but you know how bad his guilt complex is) that your home burned down after you passed. That the little disciples that you left behind, with the goal of protecting from the war, had to fight a different kind of war to protect their home. This doesn't even tap into a LOT of the stuff Chung Myung blames himself for throughout the novel.
How do you live with that? It's been said that Chung Myung lives only for Mount Hua. He lived for Mount Hua, died for Mount Hua, and now has to live for Mount Hua again, knowing that his past sacrifice did nothing to protect his home when it mattered.
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