loverselegy · 2 months
Listen to the sound of my voice, my dear.
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The year is 20XX, and the world's population has finally succumbed to a disease. While such an event was expected, this disease didn't turn anyone into zombies or wipe out an entire population due to sickness. It is a sickness, sure, but nothing like what was expected.
It all started with a steep increase in crime.
At first, the constant murders and missing persons' cases went unnoticed. These things happen all the time, especially in big cities. As the amount of crime increased, so did the panic. With thorough research, which took about a year and a half to complete, the cause was discovered. This disease caused people to go insane, caused them to obsess over one singular person. They'd do anything and everything in their power, even murder, if it meant keeping the person they were so incredibly infatuated with close to them. In short, it turned people into what a person would call a yandere.
The disease spread rapidly throughout the world, leaving insanity and death in its wake. Despite the steps taken to counteract this, nothing helped. This disease continued to spread, continued to destroy what people used to know as their daily lives.
It's now been two years since the disease was officially announced on live television. While most of the world's population are now classified as yanderes, a few unaffected by the disease still remain. Among those few are, luckily for those reading, you! Somehow, you, the reader, have managed to make it this far. Congratulations! You've made some friends along the way as well.
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Nirvana, thorn in your side turned coincidental ally after the panic began. He confessed to you before this whole thing fell apart. Though, that’s in the past. No need to dwell on his feelings for you, right? (TAG: leNirvana)
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Alistor, (or, Alis), a single father who’s been searching for his son amidst the mess of a world. He takes great pride in his status as a father, but he hasn’t told you much about his ex husband. (TAG: leAlis)
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Finally, Ambrose, a triplet who doesn’t seem too upset about his separation from his family. He’s a massive tease and flirt, but he keeps your group feeling positive. (TAG: leAmbrose)
Your little squad has been just fine, everyone has managed to fend off any stray yandere along the way to safety. These guys do make everything easier, and finding supplies is much easier with more people around.
Lately though, all three of them have been acting strangely.
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Hi! It's me! The author! You may know me from @buriedpair ! This is a two-sided yandere oc x reader blog, featuring my friend (Look for their half here: X).
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loverselegy · 2 months
A Lullaby to You
A quick blurb to get started!
Yandere Male OC (Nirvana) X GN Reader
Lore and intro post
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Oh god, what am I doing? I'm supposed to be on lookout duty.
Nirvana's footsteps echo in his ears, the sound ringing in the still air. In truth, the sound is only barely noticeable in the quiet house, but the paranoia clings to him like a vice. Someone will know.
He started feeling it a long time ago. The infection in his veins, travelling up his spine and latching to his brain, sucking the life out of him like a leech. He ignored it, hoping beyond hope that nobody had noticed when he'd steal anything you had used. It was the only thing that kept him satisfied.
But it isn't enough anymore.
He steps over Ambrose's sleeping body, narrowly avoiding an accidental trampling of the other male's fingers. He stumbles, catching himself on the back of the dusty old couch before he can fall on top of Alis.
There, on the couch, is his prize. You, eyes shut and asleep... You're vulnerable. Weak. Pathetic, even. No wonder he got away with tormenting you for so long.
Nirvana takes a seat on the armrest, just beside your head. His hands raise, stilling in the air for a moment. Don't hesitate, the infection tells him, you need this.
His hands come to rest on your face, staring down at you, cloaked in the darkness of the night. He can see all of your features, the very features that drove him to the brink of insanity. He draws gentle circles into your cheeks with his fingertips, his breath leaving his lips in short pants.
Your aroma is fascinating to him. He wants to drown himself in the scent that defines you, to become one with your flesh and bones and mold himself to your being with no hope of separation.
His thoughts pause when you shift, your eyes fluttering open as his fingers dig into your cheeks. He hadn't realized he was gripping you so tightly.
"What's wrong?" You mutter, a cute, sleepy lilt to your voice.
Nirvana chuckles, but his hands shake as he pulls them away from you. "You were shuffling in your sleep. I was worried."
The lie slips from his lips without any hesitation, the words playing on loop in his head even after he says them.
"Oh," You whisper, your eyes falling to the other males for a moment.
Don't look at them. Don't you dare look at anyone but me.
"I've been stressed," You admit, your hands folded over your stomach as you stare at the ceiling. "Since this whole thing started. It's terrifying."
Nirvana can feel his lips curling into a smile. Confide in me.
"You're not alone," He murmurs, watching you attentively as you sit up. "I'll protect you."
Your expression softens into a grin, and Nirvana bites his lip to avoid lunging at you and squeezing you until you pop. You pat the spot beside you, and he slides off the armrest to sit properly on the cushion.
Much to his complete shock, you lay your head on his lap and curl up, preparing to fall back into slumber.
"...Then, make sure nightmares don't plague me anymore," you murmur, eyes fluttering shut. You miss the way Nirvana's face flushes, the darkness shielding the pink color of his eyes.
"I will," He breathes out gently. "Rest easy."
A wide smile splits his face once he's sure you're asleep again. He can barely contain his glee, seeing you below him... Relying on him. You're so desperate for his comfort and warmth, something only he could ever provide for you.
His eyes trace your outline through the darkness, following your figure and finding your head as it rests in his lap.
I won't give up, he thinks, until you're mine.
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loverselegy · 1 month
Could I humbly ask for a lil fic about Nirvana's confession before the disease? How did it happen, and did we reject him or did we not have time to answer???
I was gonna merge this ask with another ask kiiiiiinda like it but I wanted to actually write this one out, so..... More Nirvana soon.
Male Yandere OC (Nirvana) x GN Reader
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In the beginning, his feelings never dawned on him. He found you attractive, sure, but also annoying. To put it simply, he hated you.
The two of you officially met at a coffee shop he and his friends were regulars at, though he had seen you around previous, being neighbors and all. He ignored you, for the most part, until his friends decided to start poking fun at him.
"Dude, I bet you won't ask them out!" One of them jeered, pointing at where you sat innocently huddled up in your booth.
"You're right," Nirvana chuckled, a smirk lining his lips. "I won't."
His friends all made "ooh" and "aah" sounds, jabbing him in his sides and cackling at his cold behavior. He smiled, their jokes more than funny enough to him. So, for the sake of this "joke," he got up and asked you out. He was smooth, leaning against your table and asking for your number.
"No," Was your simple reply, pushing him away from the booth and making your way out of the shop.
His friends practically roared with laughter, his eyebrows knitting together and his face flushed as he watches you leave.
You won't get away with this.
He started doing petty things. Things like tripping you when you two walked past each other, and leaving glitter bombs in your mail.
You grew tired of it quickly, but he began to realize he was having fun. He'd scheme late into the night on how he could annoy you, finding ways to keep you on your toes.
Eventually, he was told by a concerned family member that, no, it isn't normal to think about your self-proclaimed rival at every second of every day. After that, he started losing even more sleep, curled up in bed wondering why he spent most of his time thinking about you, the irony of the situation not lost on him.
He starts to think that... maybe, just maybe, he kind of likes you.
The pranks and jabs stopped after a while. He seemed to have lost interest in you, at least from your perspective. On his end, he spent hours of his life scribbling away in a notebook, trying to figure out the right words to say to get you to understand his feelings.
Eventually, he gave up, deciding that whatever words he utters will have to do.
So, he was at your door, his feet shuffling beneath him as he stared into your eyes.
"I'm sorry, I think I like you!" He blurted out, his fists nervously clenched at his sides.
You stayed silent for a moment, both of you watching each other for a very, very long time.
"Tch," You huffed, rolling your eyes. "Not funny."
You closed the door in his face.
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loverselegy · 1 month
Hi, it's me again. So, Nivarava, had confessed to us before everything went to shit, right? Did we have a chance to respond? How long have we known him? Is he a childhood friend l??
I feel like with the fact that he knew us before the whole thing and the fact that he was already in love with that he would be the first one to fall into obsession. And with him knowing us for a long time, he would be extremely protective. But you said they all recently started acting strange, right?
I feel like that Nirvana was affected rather early. Just because how long he knew us but with me feeling that he was affected early Im thinking he was affected before everything went full went to shit but was kinda fighting it.
Hi hi!
Nirvana wasn't exactly a childhood friend, more like a "I've known of you for a while but I don't really care" person. You moved in next to him and he starting messing with you, basically! You can read about it here.
The infection works to enhance existing feelings, so I wouldn't say that he got the infection first, but that it works more quickly on him because he's arguably the most fond of you. I think Ambrose would be the first to fall to the disease, followed by Nirvana, followed by Alis.
I do agree that he was affected by the disease early, but he wasn't the first to contract the disease. Alis is the one who's most likely to fight it longer, because he has a reason to fight, if that makes sense.
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