#le grand saconnex
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apotheke-kaufen · 1 year ago
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posetabuvijeu · 3 years ago
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avioni nisu fikcija
Lavinji – Morž – Le Gran Sakoneks
Na reklami u autobusu 726, za Morž, žena sa razmazanom šminkom slaže ucveljenu facu. I baš kad pomislim da je reč o kampanji protiv nasilja u porodici, krene titl: „Plačite, pomaže. Hormoni plača oslobađaju od stresa“. Odmah zatim, nova reklama: „Smejte se, pomaže!“ Švajcarcu je, dakle, svejedno smeje li se ili plače. Samo da je zdrav.
 Dok se upisujemo u Zlatnu knjigu Zamka u Lavinjiju, Asgar mi razjašnjava zašto se na kraju nekih citata ime autora stavlja pod navodnike. Takve potpise sam uglavnom sretao po nađenim spomenarima, proglašavao ih viškom kaligrafije i pripisivao ih dečjoj želji da, na primer, ukrase svoje ime nečim kitnjastim.
Ali Asgar, završavajući svoj zapis jedne Hajamove Rubaije, kaže: 
— Pišem „Hajam“ da bih rekao „to je od Hajama“. 
Jesu li to znali mali autori spomenara? Kako se brzo izbriše značenje nekog znaka ako se on tiho podrazumeva. I onda se neki ovako bukvalni budući čitaoci poput mene osmele da se tom opustelom znaku podsmehnu.
  Dok je Asgar pažljivo ispisivao svog Hajama na persijskom, ja sam iznad svoje slike nacrtao oblačić: „Sofi, molim te, stuci one dve flaše crnog koje sam ostavio sa novim gostima!“ U ovom spomenaru, a bez sumnje i među svojim kolegama, ostaću zapamćen kao klovn. Kadar sve da učini, pa i da sebe ne shvati ozbiljno, samo da ne bi ispao visokoparan!
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  Asgar i ja na stanici u Moržu. On ide za Lozanu, ja za Ženevu. On je unapred kupio jeftiniju kartu, koja zauzvrat važi samo za tačno određeni polazak.
Došli smo pola sata ranije, čisto da jedan drugom pravimo društvo, i svaki voz koji se zaustavi na njegovom koloseku ide za Lozanu. I svaki put Asgar kaže: „A da uđem u ovaj?“, hvata se teških torbi i sitara, ali onda: „Jok, možda bude kontrola.“
— Nikad, kažem mu, ali nikad ne kupuj kartu unapred.
— Ni avionsku?
— Ni avionsku. 
I to mi odjednom zazvuči kao dobra završna replika nekog road trip filma. 
(Dan kada svaka rečenica zvuči kao poenta za kraj poglavlja.)
  Na aerodromu u Ženevi reklamiraju se mrtvački sanduci obogaćeni micelijumom.
U reklami se kaže: „Supstanca omogućava da se telo brže raspadne i pretvara ga u minerale. Kasnije možete čak i da zalivate sanduk, jer će iz njega rasti trava. Naša usluga“, dodaje neka vrsta doktora-grobara, okružen belim sanducima, „omogućava vam da izaberete koja ćete biljka postati“.
 Poželeo sam da slikam dvoje prelepe dece u aerodromskom autobusu: malu koja se vrti oko rukohvata udvarajući se svima koji susretnu njen pogled (imam pred sobom sliku reči „vrtirep“) i malog koji čeka tatin znak („Polazimo!“) da se uhvati za šipku obema rukama, čvrsto.
Odmah, naravno, zebnja zbog svih današnjih tabua koji stoje na takvoj želji, na čistom porivu razneženog oka. Deca više nisu „deca“, više nisu anonimna gomila radosnih bića, i ne mogu se naći na traci osim ako ih ovlašćeni fotograf nije snimio, sa dozvolom roditelja.
Nekada — istina, uvek treba reći KADA, ali nek sad bude NEKADA — deca su bila ta vesela gomila koja pripada svima. Padaju mi na pamet snimci srpske, turske i persijske dece, okačene na Buvijev i Verneov mali Topolino kojim su došli iz Ženeve (ili jedan sa ulice, napravljen u Širazu). Fotke su uz to snimljene u krajevima u kojima je fotoaparat bio luksuz.
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U današnjoj, izokrenutoj stvarnosti, svako ima mogućnost da fotografiše, ali sve je nemogućnije da slika ljude kao modele, zbog onoga što oni likovno jesu. Sve je teže izbeći ideju koja je danas opšte mesto: da će se slika modela zloupotrebiti. To je simptom podozrivog društva koje je poželelo da se što potpunije obezbedi i na kraju završilo u samonadzoru.
A šta ćemo sa onom lepotom koju čovek ima kada ne zna da je gledan? Ovakvim pitanjem verovatno bih zašao u kult privatnosti. Momentalno bih dobio etiketu voajera.
Nekada sam zapisao ovakvu rečenicu: „Lice pripada drugima“. Danas mislim: teško. Nalazimo se pred dobom u kojem će lice nestati. Postaće tabu. I lice i sve što nas okružuje, a za šta katastar kaže da je nečije. A fotograf će se opet pretvoriti u slikara ili pisca. Ili najverovatnije, ni u šta. U mračnu komoru.
Kada je autobus stao ispred stepenica za ukrcavanje, devojčica je zapljeskala kao kad sleti avion.
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Viđeni iz noćnog aviona, gradovi su sazvežđa.
Istim ih pogledom treba odgonetati.
Kad bismo bili na nebu, kako bismo ih zvali?
Ovaj koji sad prelećemo nek bude Hobotnica. 
Ista je logika kao sa zvezdama:
ako dobro vidimo grad, debelo smo ga prešišali.
Grad u koji krećemo se ne vidi. 
— Imate prebivalište u Evropi? — pita me policajac na aerodromu.
— Ne, odgovaram oduševljen, u Srbiji.
On klimne glavom i lupi pečat.
  Ogradu Kalenićkog buvljaka, kad se gleda iz Viške, u međuvremenu su prelepili. Od polutransparentnih postera ne vidim šta stoji iza tezgi. Na njima se nalaze kadrovi novoizgrađene palilulske pijace, odvratnog geometrijskog zdanja koje bi pre pristajalo nekakvom partizanskom obeležju. Tako aktuelna vlast, sva je prilika, zamišlja i Kalenić, u ne tako dalekoj budućnosti, kao spejs-šatl. U njihovom scenariju sigurno neće biti polovne robe.
Ali s tom NLO-pijacom nestaće i ljudi koji vam, kad prolazite sa detetom između tezgi, dobacuju: „Došao si s pojačanjem!“; ljudi koji vas pitaju za njegovo zdravlje, iz ko zna kojih izvora znajući kako se zove (lepe vesti se po pijaci šire brže od robe koja ide); ljudi koji vas obaveštavaju kad dete zaspi, da biste mogli da mu spustite sedište; načeti, izmoždeni, polovni ljudi.
Nestaće prelazi između nule i jedinice kao proleće i jesen. I ostaće samo automatizovane tezge pod nadzorom. 
  Povratak u Beograd i odmah, kao zaboravljeni tik, potreba da ubijam vreme – od očinstva, od jela, od života (slobodno nastavi niz...) – Kako? Samosvesno se poturam indoktrinaciji. 
Otvaram novine. Ulazim, niko me ne gura, u mašinu. Gubim vid, sluh, ukus, dodir, jezik. Miris. Ne postepeno. Odmah. I tako da mi uopšte teško ne pada.
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wrooom · 4 years ago
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Bugatti Chiron Sport 110 Ans 
By Alexandre Prevot in Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland
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multi-fucking-fandom · 5 years ago
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Pee woman victoriaville and pissing personals Lidingö
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saraisins · 5 years ago
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Scat hookup säffle and scat personals Iași
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theseptember-issue-blog · 5 years ago
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Scat personals belleville and scat woman Vráble
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years ago
[KISS] Monday 30 June 1834
4 ¾
10 ¾
two kisses last night before getting into my own bed fine morning F62° at 5 ¾ - asked for the book of the maitre de poste and in spite of his telling me it was not worthwhile wrote as following ‘Le 29 Juin 1834, Madame Lister, dame Anglaise, allant de Paris à Geneva, se plaint de l’insolence du postilion Michel, allemand qui l’a conduit de St Laurent jusqu’a Morey’ - off from Morey at 6 18 - very fine ascent from M- along the narrow beautiful gorge - cheval du report from Poligny to Montrond, Champignole [Champagnole] to St. Laurent [St. Laurent-en-Grandvaux], St. L- to Morey or Morez, but only had it from M- to Rousses [Les Rousses] - from 6 40 to 7 walked up  the mountain - very fine green wooded rocky gorge - at Rousses [Les Rousses] at 7 47 - nice little post house and Inn (might sleep there very well) opposite Douane – shewed the 3 passports but nothing said about our baggage – care not what we take out – would be particular enough about what we brought in – breakfast at 9 – before and after wrote our yesterday – Rousses [Les Rousses] a small but good village off at 10 7-  at 10 20 got out and walked 10 minutes up the hill – then in 5 or 6 minutes more pass the road (left) leading to the new Swiss road along the lake to Geneva – the postboy said the distance was the same as the road we were going and many travellers now went that way - But why hurry down to Switzerland and the flat road along its lake, in preface to lingering along the Jura, and enjoying the matchless 1st view of the Leman waters?  at 11 ¼ enter the fine winding deep valley which leads to La Vattaye [La Vattay] at 11 57 – a single house (la poste) very nice bedrooms, good-house -  might have slept and eaten there very comfortably – 24 minutes here Miss W- all the while on the pot has very often two motions a day she was sickish and peewee as usual but Noyau afterwards in the carriage did her good - La V- beautifully situated in little high-situated plain embossed in fir forest and high hoary fir-sprinkled rocks - still winding along the same fine valley (vide line 6 above) till 12 ¾ when on reaching the top of the pass, the rich plain, the lake (or rather the Rhone from soon after its quitting the lake) with its magnificent screen of mountains and Mont Blanc, burst upon our view - the celebrity of this view is deserved - I don’t remember having ever seen a finer - in 5 minutes the drag was put on, and the postboy had also tied fast the wheel with ropes, and we began the descent which lasted till 2 26 when having passed thro’ the main part of the town of Gex, we had one steepish street and then disencumbered the wheel and 4 minutes  afterwards stopt at la poste (at the far end of the town) a nice little Inn where, so nice was the garden at the back, and so fine the air, and the view, and so comfortable the bedroom we were in, we thought we could spend a few quiet days very well -  A- being ready for something to eat, had a nice (cold) picked trout and lay down all the while (1/2 hour) - Gex a goodish little country town – no inquiry about passport. Off again at 3 - fine rich plain - very good road but so flat, could see nothing but the trees and hedges and yellow corn (only observed 3 or 4 patches of vine) close alongside, except the mountain and Mont Black ½ way up the horizon - fine wheat dead ripe - at Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] (Voltaire’s chateau) at 3 50 - one of the women servants shewed us his chamber - nothing particular except a  sort of mausolée to his memory in the fire-place - a brick-floored, 2 windows, nice enough, not large room opening into the hall or salle à manger where V- used to entertain his friends - 3 or 4 minutes sufficient for seeing this - then saw the gardens - the fine view of Mt. B- finer said the man (aetatis 71 but looking much younger the son of V-‘s gardener) then the view people go for to the little height above, the village of the great Sacconex [Le Grand-Saconnex] - and saw the hornbeam
 avenue (the trees planted quite close, 6 or 8 in. distant and meeting at the top - from 3 to 4 yards wide?) Voltaire used to walk in, and where his cabinet d’étude was (in the garden) when he to be out of the way, and the Elm (fine tall, straight, large Elm) he planted - it was when the cabinet d’étude was that stood the mausolée or moment that bare the inscriptions to his memory - erected by comte de Beudet and destroyed in the night by some people, 8 or 9 years ago, du temps Charles X and suspected to be Jesuits - on the death of V- (made a marquis by the King of Prussia) his heirs sold the village chateau and all property to Comte Beudet (aetatis now 86) to whose family the property had belonged before V- bought it - V- pulled down the  old chateau and built the present house - the gardener told at full length the story of the désagrément between V- and Gibbon and G-‘s imprudence in getting to see him and their being reconciled and afterwards friends - on V-‘s finding that G- had succeeded by stratagem, he sent his servant after him to ask for 12 sols for having seen the bête - G- gave 24 sols, said he had paid for twice, and would come again the next day - (he had before written some pretty complimentary verses) so V- overcome received him en ami the next day, asked a party to meet him and they were good friends ever afterwards - after seeing the gardener went to the old gardener’s house - saw V-s cane, [cap.] 3 little silver inkstands and book of seals, given to the gardener (when V- went to Paris the last time) because he was then the errand boy and went to the post - this book curious - under each seal (in V-‘s writing) the name and sometimes place of the owner with occasional short remarks - such as ‘fou de Lyon’ etc put together these seals and remarks that the boy might know which letters would be received and which not - for all the above things including the manuscript account of V- last journey written by his secretary our English general Cockburn offered £150 in vain - the gardener’s children (2 married daughters? or 1 son and a daughter?) may dispose of these things as they like - they are the old man’s living while he does live, tho’ he is and always has been Comte de Beudet’s service -  off from Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] at 4 ¾ - had been 55 minutes there – Miss W- bought a lithograph of the chamber and chateau 3/. and little bust of V- made of the garden earth and baked, probably at the neighbouring pottery just out of Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] - for 1/. - offered the man a 5fr. piece - saw he did not think it enough and gave a 2fr. piece more for which he thanked me - F- a near good village - the French Swiss boundary is somewhere just out of Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] - stopt at 5 10 at the police at the Great Saconnex [Le Grand-Saconnex], a good village or little town? and shew my English foreign office passport determined to put the other 2 away – shewed passport again on entering Geneva – left it, and they gave me a ticket to be signed by me before receiving back my passport – all this particularity in consequence of the late affair at Lyons - Alighted at the large, new, handsome hotel des Bergues at 5 40 – bargained for apartment au 1er.  a little salon and 3 single bedded room all looking on to the Rhone and a room for George at 12/. a day -dinner and vin order for 2 selves 8/. and breakfast (for [ditto] not including strawberries) 2/. servants at 8/. a day for the 2 - much better off than I expected, but the man (just come here from Thun) saw that I knew what I was about - very handsome                            (bridge angle a strong abutment against the current) just opposite us finished only 6 weeks ago - buildings along the Quai all new and arcaded and handsome the town quite changed in this quarter - new and very handsome - beautiful view over the water and the mountains from our windows - dinner at 7 ¾ - very good – sat talking over dessert and bottle of Lunel of which however I only took ½ a wine glass, better pleased with very weak vin ordinaire and water - before dinner we had been to the P.O. and got our letters (3 for A-) and 1 for me dated Thursday 19 June,3 pages and directed from Paris ‘Geneve’ and wrote on the back ‘parti à Geneve en Suisse poste restante’ ends,  from my aunt Shibden – better account of herself – begs us not to hurry home – all going on well in and outdoors – my father pretty well ditto Marian -  Miss W- of Cliff hill takes it ill A- never told her of coming abroad tho’ it had been publically talked of so long – what a nonsense! 2 of A-‘s letters from her sister – her eyes still bad – to be confined the beginning of October - one from Washington – Mr Lamplugh Hird will give for 3 years £60 for Lidgate and 17D.W. and SW- £20 a year for the remainder of the land – Mr H- likely to be a permanent tenant – wants alternations for which SW- would allow £40 – advises the agreeing – thinks the place would be well let - to pay p.c. for furniture on the valuation of an appraisement A- and I do not want the H-s and do not accept the terms offered ten minutes with her tonight she was tired said I was long about it that I gave her no dinky dinky that is seminal flow and I excused myself and came away to my own bed  very fine day F70° at 10 ¾ pm
all the way from Poligny, where began the ascent of the Jura, the chalets of stone, neat, pretty little white buildings (cottage establishing) far too spruce and good to be as picturesque as the Swiss.
Miss W- thought I meant to go to the top of the Mt. Blanc and she certainly would go with me - the old gardener said 2 English gentlemen were lost in the attempt last year
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pontdudiable · 3 years ago
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Le Grand-Saconnex, élèves de Jaques-Dalcroze pratiquant des exercices en plein air (1909). Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, Wikipedia.
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wrooom · 4 years ago
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Bugatti La Voiture Noire 
"• Prototype / concept-car présenté le mardi 5 mars 2019 au salon international de l'automobile de Genève 2019."
By Alexandre Prevot in Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland
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memoire2cite · 6 years ago
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mémoire2cité - La parenthèse enchantée des maisons-bulles La liberté de penser de la période 1960-1970 a permis la gloire –temporaire– des maisons-bulles à travers le monde, en quantité comme en originalité, de la bulle solitaire au palais labyrinthique par Raphaëlle Saint-Pierre -Les années 1960 ouvrent en France une période de rejet du Mouvement moderne et des logements collectifs rectilignes qui se sont multipliés après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. De nouvelles figures participent à un élan de libération de la forme https://www.espazium.ch/la-parenthse-enchante-desmaisonsbulles    , et parmi eux les architectes Pascal Häusermann, Claude Costy, Antti Lovag ou encore Jean-Louis Chanéac. Liés d’amitié, ils entretiennent des relations intellectuelles sans conflits d’autorité ou de paternité. A la recherche de techniques souples, ils mènent simultanément des essais de construction en voile de béton et en plastique. La bulle est pour eux un choix économique, esthétique ou pratique.
Primitive et futuriste Coquille de mollusque ou ventre maternel, la bulle évoque les habitats traditionnels ronds : igloo, case, borie provençale, trullo italien. Mais elle correspond aussi aux aspirations d’une société passionnée par la science-fiction et dont la Futuro House (fig. 2) de Matti Suuronen marquera l’apogée en 1968. Aux yeux des créateurs de bâtiments biomorphiques, Antoni Gaudí joue un rôle de précurseur pour avoir transposé en architecture des modèles de structures bio-inspirées. Les édifices des expressionnistes des années 1920 font aussi partie de leurs références, tels la tour Einstein d’Erich Mendelsohn à Potsdam ou le Goetheanum de Rudolf Steiner et son quartier, à Dornach en Suisse.
C’est l’adaptation de la technique du gunitage (lire article p. 20) à l’échelle domestique qui permet l’apparition des premières maisons-bulles. En 1941, l’architecte américain Wallace Neff invente le procédé de construction Airform, économique et ultra-rapide, pour ses Bubble Houses achevées en quarante-huit heures. Un ouvrier projette du béton sur un ballon maintenu à sa base par une dalle et entouré dans sa partie basse par un grillage. Après 24 heures, le ballon est dégonflé. Le voile est couvert d’une isolation puis un nouveau grillage est appliqué sur cette surface et une seconde couche de béton est projetée. Près de 2500 bâtiments ainsi conçus voient le jour dans le monde entier. En 1953, Eliot Noyes construit deux maisons en Floride avec ce procédé (fig. 3). Des projets non réalisés marquent également les esprits. En 1955, l’architecte américain John Maclane Johansen publie les dessins de sa Spray House et un livre sur la technique de construction par gunitage sur coffrage perdu. L’image de la maquette d’une Maison sur la Plage (1956) de Sanford Hohauser (fig. 4), tel un vaisseau extraterrestre posé sur les rochers, est diffusée dans les médias. En 1959, la maquette de l’Endless House de Frederick Kiesler (fig. 1) devient une référence incontournable. Cette maison organique, conçue pour être construite en béton selon un principe de « tension continue », abolit la distinction entre murs, sols et plafonds.
Dans les années 1960, les maisons en voile de béton se multiplient. Au cours de ses recherches sur l’adaptation des modèles de la nature à l’architecture, Vittorio Giorgini imagine la casa Saldarini (1962), à Baratti sur la côte Toscane (fig. 5), dont l’allure fantastique se situe entre la baleine et le dinosaure. En Belgique, la sculpturale maison de Jacques Gillet, dans une forêt en périphérie de Liège (1968), évoque une grotte. Aux Etats-Unis, les maisons-bulles sont souvent liées à la contre-culture, telle la House of the Century à travers laquelle le groupe Ant Farm transpose en dur ses recherches sur les structures gonflables (Texas, 1973). De son côté, l’architecte italien Dante Bini développe une technique économique et rapide pour construire des dômes à partir d’une membrane recouverte d’une fine couche de béton, puis gonflée. Sur plusieurs décennies, environ 1500 Binishells apparaîtront ainsi, comme la maison de Michelangelo Antonioni sur la Costa Nera en Sardaigne.
La recherche de l’économie En 1959, l’architecte suisse Pascal Häusermann (1936-2011) est le premier en France à construire de ses propres mains une bulle, à Grilly, dans l’Ain. Dans sa demande de permis, il écrit : « La forme et la facture de cette maison découlent des possibilités qu’a le béton de s’adapter à une forme statique. Lorsque cette forme est atteinte, le voile ainsi formé supporte d’être extrêmement mince. Le poids du béton mis en œuvre étant minime, le coffrage peut être réduit à sa plus simple expression, c’est-à-dire incorporé au voile. Le béton, dans cette construction, ne supportant que de faibles contraintes, n’a pas besoin d’une grande homogénéité. Il suffit donc de gicler un mortier sur une trame réceptrice attachée à l’armature principale. » Le désir de trouver l’enveloppe la plus économique possible conduit Häusermann à étudier l’ellipsoïde de révolution. Un seul matériau suffit, son emprise au sol est restreinte et ses fondations sont légères. En revanche, le second œuvre revient plus cher que dans une maison orthogonale, car chaque détail doit être adapté aux courbes. L’année suivante, à Pougny, il parfait son procédé avec des maisons jumelles dotées d’un bandeau vitré à l’équateur (fig. 6). Il s’associe ensuite à son épouse, l’architecte française Claude Costy (née en 1931), avec laquelle il décline l’utilisation du voile de béton dans divers programmes et régions : habitations, motel, clubs de loisirs, etc. En 1968, pour leur propre famille, ils greffent sur les ruines du presbytère de Minzier (Haute-Savoie) une libre composition de bulles et de volumes sculpturaux (fig. 7). A l’intérieur de cette caverne onirique, tout l’aménagement est intégré dans les circonvolutions du béton. Parallèlement, pour aller plus loin que le voile de béton ne le permet dans l’économie et la légèreté, Pascal Häusermann travaille sur des bulles en matière plastique, dont les Domobiles sont les plus abouties (fig. 8). Mais aucune industrialisation ne verra le jour. Après leur séparation en 1972, le couple se répartit les chantiers du centre-ville de Douvaine (Haute-Savoie), dont l’école maternelle de Claude Costy offre un rare exemple de bâtiment public en bulles (fig. 10). Parallèlement, elle dessine la maison de Joël Unal qu’il autoconstruit en Ardèche (fig. 9). Elle en suivra le chantier sur plusieurs décennies, établissant les plans de ferraillage au fur et à mesure. A la fin des années 1970, le gros œuvre est terminé mais Joël Unal s’y consacrera encore jusqu’en 2008, appliquant lui-même le béton à la main et peaufinant son aménagement et son décor. Les différentes bulles reposent directement sur les rochers et s’intègrent au paysage dans un véritable équilibre avec la nature.
De la plante au corps féminin Dès 1958, Jean-Louis Chanéac (1931-1993) étudie des cellules individuelles, évolutives et mobiles aux formes organiques. Mais il ne trouvera aucun industriel prêt �� s’impliquer dans leur préfabrication. En 1968, dans son Manifeste de l’architecture insurrectionnelle, il préconise l’installation de bulles pirates greffées sur les façades des barres et tours pour agrandir les appartements ou posées un peu partout dans les villes. En décembre 1970, après avoir lu ce texte, Marcel Lachat accroche clandestinement une bulle pirate en polyester sur la façade de son immeuble du Grand-Saconnex dans le canton de Genève (lire article p. 16). Construite grâce aux conseils techniques de Pascal Häusermann, cette installation destinée à dénoncer la politique de logement fera grand bruit. Pressentant la fin d’une époque permissive et n’ayant pas trouvé « le cobaye consentant à vivre une expérience d’architecture limite », Jean-Louis Chanéac construit sa maison familiale à Aix-les-Bains en voile de béton entre 1973 et 1977 (fig. 11). Pour ne pas faire de choix formel réfléchi, il décide de travailler à partir de la première vision qui s’impose à son esprit. Ce sera une cosse de haricot, image protectrice ressurgie de son enfance, qui épouse la forme du terrain pentu. Vue du ciel, la maison ressemble à un oiseau. Mi-végétale, mi-animale, cette « architecture correspondant à [ses] fantasmes » évoque également un sexe de femme.
L’habitologie D’origine finlandaise, Antti Lovag (1920-2014) s’installe dans les Alpes-Maritimes en 1963 et travaille pour l’architecte Jacques Couëlle jusqu’en 1969, notamment sur les maisons-paysages de Castellaras-le-Neuf. « Couëlle m’a donné la liberté. C’est à lui que je dois la certitude que tout est possible », disait Antti Lovag. Grâce à des clients-mécènes, il pourra construire trois palais-bulles. A Tourrettes-sur-Loup, il commence par élever en 1968 un prototype de maison-bulle qu’il habitera ensuite. Maintes fois bloqué par l’administration, le chantier de la maison s’étend par épisodes successifs sur plusieurs décennies. Pour Antti Lovag, « le point de départ c’est le cercle, mais pas le cercle au sens symbolique ou ésotérique. Le cercle en tant qu’évidence. Il structure le comportement de la nature humaine. Nous avons un champ de vision circulaire. La convivialité est un phénomène circulaire. » Fidèle reflet de l’intérieur, à partir duquel tout est conçu, l’extérieur n’offre pas le visage d’une architecture de représentation. Antti Lovag commence par déterminer l’enveloppe globale grâce à des gabarits réglables pour situer les volumes dans l’espace et faciliter la mise en place des fers. Il conçoit des demi-sphères outrepassées intimement liées au terrain, laissant affleurer des rochers à l’intérieur. Les pièces s’agglomèrent les unes aux autres, parfois reliées par des galeries ou quelques marches, afin d’obtenir un espace fluide sans porte. A partir de 1970, Antti Lovag se consacre à deux commandes successives sur des parcelles dominant la Méditerranée, à Théoule-sur-Mer. La première est une maison de vacances de 800 mètres carrés répartis dans une grappe de vingt-six bulles, ponctuées de terrasses, patios, bassins et jardins. La seconde, rachetée par le couturier Pierre Cardin, est un palais labyrinthique de 1200 mètres carrés dont les bulles suivent les courbes de niveau du terrain abrupt (fig. 12). Autour de trois piscines, elles forment une composition proliférante qui ne répond pas à un dessein formel préalable mais à des parcours fonctionnels. Car Antti Lovag ne se considère pas comme un architecte mais comme un « habitologue ». Il soigne le mobilier intégré d’une maison en totale harmonie avec ses habitants : placard-tambour, lit circulaire et rotatif, cheminée mobile, table amovible, cuisine escamotable à rangements pivotants, etc. Coquilles protectrices, ses bulles doivent s’accorder parfaitement aux gestes quotidiens.
Au cours des années 1970, aux contraintes administratives légères succède un nombre croissant d’oppositions culturelles et réglementaires. Les nouvelles lois d’urbanisme françaises musellent la créativité des architectes, confrontés à un durcissement de l’administration puis à un blocage quasi total des permis de construire. Le changement des mentalités bride l’esprit d’innovation et les responsables politiques, locaux comme nationaux, encouragent le règne des pavillons de constructeurs. L’engouement des médias retombe. Depuis les années 1980, les maisons-bulles restent essentiellement le domaine des autoconstructeurs. Ils se lancent grâce au livre de Joël Unal paru en 1981, Pratique du voile de béton en autoconstruction, dans lequel l’auteur fournit des indications techniques très précises, ou en côtoyant Antti Lovag qui, jusque dans les années 2000, continue de former des étudiants et des passionnés, architectes ou non, sur ses chantiers et lors de stages.
Référence Maisons-bulles : Architectures organiques des années 1960 et 1970 Raphaëlle Saint-Pierre, Editions du Patrimoine, Collection Carnets d’architectes, Paris, 2015
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musicpromoapp · 2 years ago
Slipknot Announce New Album The End, So Far, Share New Video
Slipknot Announce New Album The End, So Far, Share New Video
Slipknot: 07-20 Bucharest, Romania – Romexpo07-21 Plovdiv, Bulgaria – Hills of Rock Festival 202207-23 Kallithea, Greece – Release Athens 202207-26 Villafranca di Verona, Italy – Castello Scaligero07-27 Graz, Austria – Messe Open Air07-28 Prague, Czech Republic – O2 Arena07-30 Oberhausen, Germany – Knotfest Germany 202208-01 Le Grande-Saconnex, Switzerland – Arena Genève08-03 Bratislava, Slovakia…
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babamarkdoctor · 2 years ago
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architectnews · 4 years ago
Swiss Houses: Residential Buildings Switzerland
Swiss House Photos, Residential Architecture Switzerland, Property Architects, Alpine Homes
Swiss Houses – New Properties
Key Residential Buildings in Switzerland, Central European Property Design
post updated 5 May 2021
Swiss House Designs
e-architect select what we feel are the key examples of Swiss Houses. We aim to include houses in Switzerland that are either of top quality or interesting, or ideally both. We cover completed houses and new property designs across Switzerland.
Swiss Residential Architecture – latest properties added to this page, arranged chronologically:
24 Jan 2021 Pyramid House, Tegna Architecture: DF_DC photography : Simone Bossi Pyramid House, Tegna In its suburban context, this Swiss property appears as an extraneous object of a scale difficult to gauge and of intriguing character. Standing at the end of a cul-de-sac between detached houses and vineyards, the pitched volume in concrete rises devoid of any symbol of domesticity, carved by the cut of the garage and a folded roof, reading as a monumental, introverted form. A mineral garden path leads into a door, mimetised within the concrete frontage.
28 May 2020 Concrete Villa, Comano, Lugano, Ticino Architects: DF_DC photography : Giorgio Marafioti and Simone Bossi Concrete Villa in Comano This new house in the Comano hills, a small village north of Lugano in Switzerland. The plot was previously occupied by vineyards and characterised by an elongated trapezoid form, which determines the volume.
26 Feb 2020 Villa Courbe Design: SAOTA photograph : Adam Letch Villa Courbe on Lac Léman Just as its alpine setting has been formed by many forces over time, this contemporary luxury Swiss residence shaped intuitively and iteratively by many hands – from sun and topography to brief and local zoning regulations.
More contemporary Swiss Houses on e-architect soon
Swiss Houses 2019
19 Aug 2019 House in Lumino, Ticino Design: Davide Macullo Architects photo : Enrico Cano New House in Ticino Located in the Swiss Alpine village of Lumino, just north of Bellinzona, this house stands as a monolithic element, quietly complementing and echoing its context. The surrounding area is characterised by traditional stone built houses, many of which date back centuries and are marked by their use of this single construction material.
2 Jul 2018 Swiss House XXXII, Rossa Design: Davide Macullo Architects photograph : Alexandre Zveiger, Lugano, TI Swiss House Rossa This building represents the constant commitment to build with respect for the places we inhabit and to make every effort in helping our understanding of civilisation.
26 Jul 2017 Swiss House XXII, Preonz Design: Davide Macullo Architects photograph : Alexandre Zveiger, Lugano, CH Swiss House XXII in Preonz The project site lies in the area of urban expansion at the limit of the countryside, north of the historical centre of the village of Preonzo in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland.
24 Jul 2017 Swiss House XXXIV, Galbisio Design: Davide Macullo Architects photograph : Alexandre Zveiger, Lugano, CH New Swiss house in Galbisio The design is an articulated construction meant for the enjoyment of the spaces for many years to come.
Swiss House Designs 2012-2016
Swiss Properties posted between 2012 and 2016
22 Oct 2016 Villa G in Sorengo, Lake Lugano Design: SCAPE, architects photograph : Francesco Mattuzzi Villa G in Sorengo: Lugano House Located in the residential area of Lugano, the house is surrounded by a garden on the edge of the alpine forest.
6 Oct 2016 Villas Jonc, Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva Design: Christian von Düring architecte photograph : Thomas Jantscher – Architectural Photography Villas Jonc in Le Grand-Saconnex This project of 3 attached houses follows the principals of sustainable development.
5 Oct 2016 Bridge House, Tannay, Vaud Design: Christian von Düring architecte photograph : Thomas Jantscher – Architectural Photography Bridge House in Tannay The challenge of this residential project was to integrate a large program on a relatively narrow plot while maintaining usable outdoor surfaces.
1 Jun 2016 Flexhouse, Lake Zurich Architect: Evolution Design photograph © Peter Wuermli Flexhouse on Lake Zurich With its wide walls of glass and a ribbon-like white façade that winds its way around the building, this home on the banks of Lake Zurich feels so light and mobile.
11 Sep 2013 House D, Nuglar, Solothurn, northern Switzerland Design: HHF photo : Tom Bisig House in Nuglar, House D is oriented parallel to the landscape, thereby making the view a matter of prime importance. Across more than 180 degrees, you gaze over unbuilt, verdant land with mature fruit trees. HHF radically exploits this situation, thematizes it, and accentuates it even more with a few simple moves.
23 Jan 2013 Schaerer Residential Building, Erlenbach, north east Switzerland Design: Christ & Gantenbein photo : Walter Mair Schaerer Residential Building In the centre of Erlenbach, a town on the edge of Lake Zurich, a new housing building has been constructed on the premises of the Schärer Erlenbach company. The former factory, where machines for the textile industry were produced and which used to be so important for the region, has also received a new front building.
10 Feb 2012 House at Zimmerberg, Lake Zurich Design: Rossetti + Wyss Architekten photo © Juerg Zimmermann, Zurich House at Zimmerberg The one-story house, which has impressive diagonal views of Lake Zurich and the Alps, is situated on the upper edge of the village, on a longish, slightly sloping site. The construction is defined by a guide wall and angular concrete wall establishing the diagonal panorama towards the lake.
10 Feb 2012 Trublerhütte Schlieren, Zurich Design: Rossetti + Wyss Architekten photo © Juerg Zimmermann, Zurich Trublerhütte Schlieren
10 Feb 2012 House at Küsnacht, Lake Zurich Design: Rossetti + Wyss Architekten photo © Juerg Zimmermann, Zurich House at Küsnacht
Contemporary Swiss Houses
Swiss Residential Buildings archive, alphabetical:
Canobbio House, Lugano, Ticino Design: Davide Macullo Architects photo : Enrico Cano Canobbio House
Carabbia House, Ticino Design: Davide Macullo photo : Pino Musi Swiss house
Casa Larga, Incella, Lago Maggiore Architect: Daniele Claudio Taddei photo : Bruno Helbling, https://ift.tt/RqkqPG Casa Larga
Comano House, Ticino Design: Davide Macullo Architects photo : Enrico Cano Swiss home
Erlenbach House Burkhalter Sumi Architekten photograph : Heinrich Helfenstein Erlenbach House
Flumserberg Holiday Cottage, Swiss Alps EM2N Architects picture © Hannes Henz Swiss holiday house
Gross House, Greifensee, north of Zurich EM2N photo © Hannes Henz Gross House Greifensee
House in Arosio, near Lugano LANDSarchitetture image from architects Arosio House
House in Ticino Davide Macullo photo : Enrico Cano Ticino house
Rossinelli House, Lugano Architect: Nicola Probst, Lugano photo : Lorenzo Mussi, Milan Rossinelli House
Villa Chabrey, Lake Neuchâtel GeninascaDelefortrie SA Architectes photo : Thomas Jantscher Villa Chabrey
More contemporary Swiss houses online soon
Swiss Housing image Jan Bitter © Holzer Kobler Architekturen
Location: Switzerland, central Europe
Architecture in Switzerland
Swiss Architecture Designs – chronological list
Zurich Buildings
Modern Swiss Houses
Maison Clarté, Geneva 1932 Le Corbusier
Koerfer House – Marcel Breuer Architect
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Swiss Buildings : buildings outwith main cities
Swiss Building Designs – no images
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Swiss Architect : Peter Zumthor
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salesfusiontech · 4 years ago
Hotel soap packaging machine Exporter In Le Grand Saconnex Switzerland
#Hotelsoappackagingmachine  #LeGrandSaconnex  #Switzerland
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Monday 30 June 1834
4 ¾
10 ¾
Two kisses last night before getting into my own bed. Fine morning F62° at 5 ¾ - asked for the book of the maitre de poste and in spite of his telling me it was not worth while wrote as following ‘Le 29 Juin 1834, Madame Lister, dame Anglaise, allant de Paris à Geneva, se plaint de l’insolence du postilion Michel, allemand qui l’a conduit de St Laurent jusqu’a Morey’. Off from Morey at 6 18 - very fine ascent from M- along the narrow beautiful gorge - cheval du report from Poligny to Montrond, Champignole [Champagnole] to St. Laurent, St. L- to Morey or Morez, but only had it from M- to Rousses [Les Rousses] - from 6 40 to 7 walked up  the mountain - very fine green wooded rocky gorge - at Rousses [Les Rousses] at 7 47 - nice little post house and Inn (might sleep there very well) opposite Douane – shewed the 3 passports but nothing said about our baggage – care not what we take out – would be particular enough about what we brought in – breakfast at 9 – before and after wrote our yesterday – Rousses [Les Rousses] a small but good village off at 10 7-  at 10 20 got out and walked 10 minutes up the hill – then in 5 or 6 minutes more pass the road (left) leading to the new Swiss road along the lake to Geneva – the postboy said the distance was the same as the road we were going and many travellers now went that way - But why hurry down to Switzerland and the flat road along its lake, in preface to lingering along the Jura, and enjoying the matchless 1st view of the Leman waters?  at 11 ¼ enter the fine winding deep valley which leads to La Vattaye [La Vattay] at 11 57 – a single house (la poste) very nice bedrooms, good-house -  might have slept and eaten there very comfortably – 24 minutes here. Miss W- all the while on the pot has very often two motions a day she was sickish and peewee as usual but Noyau afterwards in the carriage did her good - La V- beautifully situated in little high-situated plain embossed in fir forest and high hoary fir-sprinkled rocks - still winding along the same fine valley (vide line 6 above) till 12 ¾ when on reaching the top of the pass, the rich plain, the lake (or rather the Rhone from soon after its quitting the lake) with its magnificent screen of mountains and Mont Blanc, burst upon our view - the celebrity of this view is deserved - I don’t remember having ever seen a finer - in 5 minutes the drag was put on, and the postboy had also tied fast the wheel with ropes, and we began the descent which lasted till 2 26 when having passed thro’ the main part of the town of Gex, we had one steepish street and then disencumbered the wheel and 4 minutes  afterwards stopt at la poste (at the far end of the town) a nice little Inn where, so nice was the garden at the back, and so fine the air, and the view, and so comfortable the bedroom we were in, we thought we could spend a few quiet days very well -  A- being ready for something to eat, had a nice (cold) picked trout and lay down all the while (1/2 hour) - Gex a goodish little country town – no inquiry about passport. Off again at 3 - fine rich plain - very good road but so flat, could see nothing but the trees and hedges and yellow corn (only observed 3 or 4 patches of vine) close alongside, except the mountain and Mont Black ½ way up the horizon - fine wheat dead ripe - at Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] (Voltaire’s chateau) at 3 50 - one of the women servants shewed us his chamber - nothing particular except a  sort of mausolée to his memory in the fire-place - a brick-floored, 2 windows, nice enough, not large room opening into the hall or salle à manger where V- used to entertain his friends - 3 or 4 minutes sufficient for seeing this - then saw the gardens - the fine view of Mt. B- finer said the man (aetatis 71 but looking much younger the son of V-‘s gardener) then the view people go for to the little height above, the village of the great Sacconex [Le Grand-Saconnex] - and saw the hornbeam
 avenue (the trees planted quite close, 6 or 8 in. distant and meeting at the top - from 3 to 4 yards wide?) Voltaire used to walk in, and where his cabinet d’étude was (in the garden) when he to be out of the way, and the Elm (fine tall, straight, large Elm) he planted - it was when the cabinet d’étude was that stood the mausolée or moment that bare the inscriptions to his memory - erected by comte de Beudet and destroyed in the night by some people, 8 or 9 years ago, du temps Charles X and suspected to be Jesuits - on the death of V- (made a marquis by the King of Prussia) his heirs sold the village chateau and all property to Cte. Beudet (aetatis now 86) to whose family the property had belonged before V- bought it - V- pulled down the  old chateau and built the present house - the gardener told at full length the story of the désagrément between V- and Gibbon and G-‘s imprudence in getting to see him and their being reconciled and afterwards friends - on V-‘s finding that G- had succeeded by stratagem, he sent his servant after him to ask for 12 sols for having seen the bête - G- gave 24 sols, said he had paid for twice, and would come again the next day - (he had before written some pretty complimentary verses) so V- overcome received him en ami the next day, asked a party to meet him and they were good friends ever afterwards - after seeing the gardener went to the old gardener’s house - saw V-s cane, [cap.] 3 little silver inkstands and book of seals, given to the gardener (when V- went to Paris the last time) because he was then the errand boy and went to the post - this book curious - under each seal (in V-‘s writing) the name and sometimes place of the owner with occasional short remarks - such as ‘fou de Lyon’ etc put together these seals and remarks that the boy might know which letters would be received and which not - for all the above things including the manuscript account of V- last journey written by his secretary our English general Cockburn offered £150 in vain - the gardener’s children (2 married daughters? or 1 son and a daughter?) may dispose of these things as they like - they are the old man’s living while he does live, tho’ he is and always has been C.te de Beudet’s service - Off from Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] at 4 ¾ - had been 55 minutes there – Miss W- bought a lithograph of the chamber and chateau 3/. and little bust of V- made of the garden earth and baked, probably at the neighbouring pottery just out of Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] - for 1/. - offered the man a 5 fr. piece - saw he did not think it enough and gave a 2 fr. piece more for which he thanked me - F- a near good village - the French Swiss boundary is somewhere just out of Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] - stopt at 5 10 at the police at the Great Saconnex, a good village or little town? And shew my English foreign office passport determined to put the other 2 away – shewed passport again on entering Geneva – left it, and they gave me a ticket to be signed by me before receiving back my passport – all this particularity in consequence of the late affair at Lyons - Alighted at the large, new, handsome hotel des Bergues at 5 40 – bargained for apartment au 1er.  a little salon and 3 single bedded room all looking on to the Rhone and a room for George at 12/. a day -dinner and vin order for 2 selves 8/. and breakfast (for [ditto] not including strawberries) 2/. servants at 8/. a day for the 2 - much better off than I expected, but the man (just come here from Thun) saw that I knew what I was about - very handsome                            (bridge angle a strong abutment against the current) just opposite us finished only 6 weeks ago - buildings along the Quai all new and arcaded and handsome the town quite changed in this quarter - new and very handsome - beautiful view over the water and the mountains from our windows - dinner at 7 ¾ - very good – sat talking over dessert and bottle of Lunel of which however I only took ½ a wine glass, better pleased with very weak vin ordinaire and water - before dinner we had been to the Post Office and got our letters (3 for A-) and 1 for me dated Thursday 19 June,3 pages and directed from Paris ‘Geneve’ and wrote on  the back ‘parti à Geneve en Swisse poste restante’ ends,  from my aunt Shibden – better account of herself – begs us not to hurry home – all going on well in and outdoors – my father pretty well ditto Marian -  Miss W- of Cliff Hill takes it ill A- never told her of coming abroad tho’ it had been publically talked of so long – what a nonsense! 2 of A-‘s letters from her sister – her eyes still bad – to be confined the beginning of October -  one from Washington – Mr Lamplugh Hird will give for 3 years £60 for Lidgate and 17DW and SW. £20 a year for the remainder of the land – Mr H- likely to be a permanent tenant – wants alternations for which SW would allow £40 –advises the agreeing – thinks the place would be well let - to pay p.c. for furniture on the valuation of an appraisement A- and I do not want the H-s and do not accept the terms offered. Ten minutes with her tonight she was tired said I was long about it that I gave her no dinky dinky that is seminal flow and I excused myself and came away to my own bed. Very fine day F70° at 10 ¾ pm
all the way from Poligny, where began the ascent of the Jura, the chalets of stone, neat, pretty little white buildings (cottage establishing) far too spruce and good to be as picturesque as the Swiss.
Miss W- thought I meant to go to the top of the Mt. Blanc and she certainly would go with me - the old gardener said 2 English gentlemen were lost in the attempt last year.
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malmoulcreation · 4 years ago
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Dans un parc privé au Grand-Saconnex, Genève, il pleuvait des cacas de chiens. Les copropriétaires décidèrent de créer une signalétique de prévention plutôt que d’interdiction en invitant les chiens à rester sur le chemin. Un chic projet créé pour @la_codha avec la précieuse @serigraphiemadame et le super Fred de Haro, de la Flèche, pour la réalisation. Merci à @cecilekoepfli pour la mise en contact et vers qui vous pouvez aller jeter un oeil pour découvrir son univers d’illustration au trait underground que j’adore. (à Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_52neuHLed/?igshid=jd9o0ik60na9
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