#le battle royale(tm)
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
The Beginning... (+ Day One (1))
Commentator vc: Ladies and gentlemen and all of that in between let the games begin..... ..
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themoomoorn · 2 years ago
LA SAGA DE BAGUETTE PART CINQ: Qu'une fois Solm avait un réseau d'espionnage et le jeu n'en a rien fait
It's been 84 years since I last screamed at a brick wall about this game, huh? In the meantime, I wrapped up most of Three Hopes (All 3 Routes done, only missing some of the rewards + Need to do the Byleth path on SB) and even got my old GameCube running again.
I might have something wrong with me, because even with Engage's DLC coming out, I have no desire to play it, or even revisit Engage again for a long time. But like junk food cravings, I'm willing to suffer through Hopes to 101% it...
Might have to do with the fact that you can't save and view Supports or music outside of a game file. That includes the S-Supports - oh, sorry, 💍-Support.
Please do note that starting with The Binding Blade, a Game Boy Advance game from the Year of Our Lord 2002, extraneous elements like Supports and music could be viewed outside of your runs. They have kept this ever since, right up until this game. For some reason.
Well, let's get going then, shall we? Emblème, Engager!
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I wasn't able to get pics of Fogado's introductory cutscene, but it's been seen a whole bunch and happens as you expect it to. He doesn't introduce himself as royalty, of course, but rather as the leader of the Shepherd knock-off team called the Sentinels. The only other two members are his totally-not-retainers, Bunet and Pandreo.
Pandreo immediately salvages himself by having the most cracked-out reaction to Alear's presence, enhanced by the fact that he's an actual priest. He is probably my favorite character in the game, and also unironically a fun unit. He is the priest who chugs on the blood of Christ (Read: Wine) while giving cool sermons, but is also genuinely kind and faithful. He also has an excellent hidden sadness that's gone over with his sister, Panette, a character we'll meet later.
Meanwhile, Bunet is subsequently the most unhinged character in the game and also one of the most boring ones, somehow. He is very mediocre in battle. At least Ian Sinclair brings the heat as he always does.
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The quicksand slows units by about 1 panel, so Fogado's warning doesn't really stick. In fact, unlike prior games, no one unit is really hampered by desert terrain, including horses. Boo. This is a very straightforward route map, and a very boring one. Solm's maps easily have the nicest of the battle themes, I will say.
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You have a side objective of keeping some Green Units safe, and since this map is very boring, this is fortunately very easy to pull off.
Now one thing Engage is great at is upping the overall skintone diversity, as we can see with the Solmic villagers and the Royal Family. No, Fogado being a prince isn't a spoiler. That being said, the two sets of retainers and the holdout unit (who's also the game's Dancer) are all the same Titanium Mayonnaise tone that's prevalent in 95% of FE characters...
I guess they couldn't extend that diversity too far. Unfortunately, a new NinDream popularity poll rolled into town, and as superstition dictated, Fogado placed 24th and Timerra scored low enough that she didn't place at all (and neither did Bunet, for that matter). Ouch.
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Oh look, Fogado's the prince of Solm. Shocking. And he goes out as a Sentinel to protect the people and be practical, and stuff. In the desert. Wearing yeezys.
I like Fogado well enough and he's a good unit, but he really is K-Mart Claude in the grand scheme of things.
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We smash cut back to Veyle being Evil(tm) and getting a kick out of how Alear is screaming, crying, and throwing up without Marth, and how Red Cherry Popsicle Marth in turn must be suffering. I feel like I'm six years old and playing with my Barbies again.
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At least Griss realizes that he's the Megatron in all of this and is just having fun with it all. Also, put a pin on what Marni said.
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We meet Solm's Queen, Seforia, and unlike Queen Eve, she plays herself up as calm and casual, even berating her son for trying to follow decorum with her? Okay? Eff you then?
Of course, this undercurrent of casual behavior is belied by the fact that the palace gets raided by Elusia and she has a body double ready to be sacrificed. Okay, fine. Except she also has her body double stand in for her if she wants to go out and explore/party and whatnot. Because freedom is good and royal etiquette is stupid, I guess. Yes, knowing your people is absolutely important, and not adhering to arbitrary rules is a decent idea, but Seforia and her daughter (as we see later, and even see in the DLC to a degree) are all too casual about their importance. Jerks.
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Since we are on a fetch quest, Alear asks for Solm's Emblem Ring, which is the ring that holds Ike. Emblem Ike is hailed as the StRoNgEsT eMbLeM oF aLl! He's certainly the most defensive of the Emblems, but if you're talking strictly about the non-DLC Emblems, then Sigurd's Cheating Nikes and Eirika's almost-everything certainly peg them as stronger. These two feign ignorance/stupidity over the Ring's location, and send Alear and Company on a fetch quest within a fetch quest to find Timerra, Solm's Crown Princess and the final recruit of Team Royal Kidz.
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Timerra is introduced in her cutscene as Ivy's opposite: Childishly having fun around a firepit eating meat kabobs and singing off-key. She is having a rip-roaring camping trip with her retainers, Merrin and Panette. They are waylaid by this game's rendition of the Pink and Blue Desert Bandit Twins, who are played far more somberly compared to previous installments. I'm not really complaining, seeing that previous versions of this archetype were generally creepy Camp Gay stereotypes, but Tatchie and Totchie kinda go too far in the other direction.
That being said, the map you fight them in is a fun one, as it's nighttime fog of war where the gimmick is smashing apart rubble to navigate. Emblem Ike plays for units who are bulky, which Timerra is somehow, and one of his abilities (which is suitable for this map and two others, tops) is insta-smashing rubble that takes multiple hits to break. He's also snarky and above it all, because it's Ike, and if they had to get one Emblem's home personality down pat, I guess it's his. Blegh.
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The battle is done, and Timerra and Fogado then come out and tell Alear that getting Ike's Ring was basically their secret test of trust, because Solm values their independence to the point that they will almost never go to help other countries, even their allies. They also admit to using a continent-wide spy network for their own benefit, but you'd think that, being continent-wide, surely they'd have known that the one and only Divine Dragon was pulling off Divine Dragon things, right? I guess it never hurts to be sure, but Solm feels like it's run by dicks. It'd make for something interesting in a different game, but that's not what Engage is.
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In fact, the hypocrisy regarding Solm having spies everywhere and being very gung-ho on doing what they want comes full circle in Fogado's Support with Celine:
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Here he criticizes Firene because unlike Solm, they're not one for exporting things and prefer to tend to their needs in-house. It's also a way to have him size her up (and she sizes him up in turn). Last time I checked, Firene doesn't have a continent-wide spy network that has a phobia of IOUs, Fogado.
What's more, having seen his Support chain with Timerra - Celine may have gotten the short end of the stick in terms of story, but she holds out to the end when it comes to endgame relevance should she survive, and as we find out from her final Support with her brother, her cagey attitude has merit. Fogado and Timerra's relationship, meanwhile, doesn't really pan out despite their admittedly strange dynamic, plus the traits Timerra shows during this arc (clear-cut pragmatism and insight to what she's doing despite her freewheeling behavior) doesn't line up with later cutscenes and other Supports (overly positive and even clueless to an extent), including the end of the aforementioned Fogado-Celine one where he's trying to be the pragmatic one for her sake - if anything, he's the overly-sentimental one who needs protecting, unlike Alfred.
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In his most baffling heist yet, Alear "adopts" an entire ass camel for the Somniel's farm. How the frick he got it onto the island-boat without getting his head bitten off is the true mystery of the age.
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Another feature in this explorable oasis area are these two dancers...hmmm...
While we were out fussing around here, Solm Castle is invaded by Elusia and the Four Hounds, and even though all the blame is shouldered on Sombron's newfound presence, these were the ones who wanted him back, people. In fact, put a whole-ass pin here too, because Elusia and Sombron's relationship is kind of a mess in terms of meta.
Hortensia, still burned from the loss at Destinea Cathedral and her Geriatric Dad's death (she's 14 and he looks a lot older), is leading the charge alongside the Four Hounds. Queen Seforia is taken hostage, but because Hortensia is Sad(tm) and Female(tm), her façade of being a Red Unit is starting to crumble.
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Because Ivy's with Team Pepsi and Hortensia's Red Unit status is waning, it's time for Foul Mother Figure Zephia to invoke some good ol' Mind Control on this poor girl. Hortensia holds fast to the belief that somehow the Emblem Rings can revive King Hyacinth somehow, so the control trick works. You can tell because Amber Connor is made to sound robotic in the most bland manner possible.
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Combat ensues in one of the better castle maps in the game, and we emerge victorious with a new ally and new Emblem Ring in tow (Hortensia's two retainers, surprisingly, are not recruited with her). The half-sisters of Elusia reunite in what is supposed to be a touching scene, I think.
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Questionable presentation aside, Hortensia is probably one of Engage's finest units in terms of sheer utility and presentation, as that's where she excels the most: Utility. She is meant to be the ultimate staff bot with a dash of magic, and she succeeds on multiple fronts courtesy of a high Luck score (either she or Celine have the highest natural cap in the game) and her Personal Skill (potential to save a Staff use). She's a magic flier, but on a Pegasus instead of a Wyvern. You can tinker with her just enough for customization, but at heart she's a magical staff unit, which is the kind of FE unit I like the most.
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The ring that Hortensia bought with her happens to be one of the ones stolen from Lumera. It's the Ring of the Instructor - Byleth's ring, repped in this game as a very hardcore, emo music-phase styled purple and black, despite Byleth's secondary color being a very pastel pink - and that goes for the male Byleth too. But we can't have our pink Byleth dreams or a female Byleth, now can we?
Neither can we have the acknowledgement of anything happening after the Pegasus Moon of Imperial Year 1180, per this Emblem's title...
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Looks like Byleth's dirt nap wasn't actually them getting shoved off a cliff and missing five years of war, but rather a stable time loop where they wake up and have to experience being forced to teach the Black Eagles again.
Please note that while Male Byleth is probably my second least favorite Avatar (Shez now holds the title), it stems heavily from fan behavior, with the whole "male as default" mentality among them. Now with the way male Robin has been treated in the past, one would think I dislike him more, but male Robin, at least, has some oomph in his presentation. Byleth, being a very flagrant Rei Ayanami expy, I've found works better as a woman.
That, and both VA's performances for when male Byleth speaks, have generally been bad. I will admit that Mr. Aguilar's Byleth in this game is leagues better than Hopes or his various Heroes incarnations, though. Plus, as an Emblem in this game, Byleth's toolkit is easily one of the most fun to use, for sure.
And even if it's as a guy, we continue to have the true Byleth shine in this game, ironically making him dissimilar from the more shallowly presented Emblems here. Most Emblems here are the cliff notes versions (or just plain wrong) of their OG selves, but Byleth here is like...the canon Byleth that wasn't allowed in the original game, because self-insert wankery and what have you.
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Uuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh. If Hortensia were a prince, he'd at the bare minimum get some kind of punishment. But hey, we need to continue our fetch quest, so that means never seeing this lady ever again.
As expected, Solm factors next to negative in the plot - not even in an overarching, fleeting sort of way like how Firene is cited to be the most pious regarding the Divine Dragons. It's not quite a Big Lipped Alligator Moment, but it's definitely that distracting music number that ultimately doesn't matter.
Anyway yeah our fetch quest ain't over. We have two more new rings to find on top of getting back the ones that were stolen, and oh golly gee there's some desert ruins that might have another one. No dumb test this time!
'Till next time. 👋
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edgysaintjust · 3 years ago
"What's up with Camille?" = "For what did he get guillotined and was it worth it?"
Oh this man, this man! Thank you for specifying what exactly you are looking for, I will try my best to explain. 
Camille was an excellent journalist, but his temper, pride and naiveness was often getting in the way, and eventually led him into his unfortunate death. He died along with people assigned with the dantonists, officially accused of an anti-government conspiracy and cooperation with Dumoriez, the Orleans and Fabre d'Églantine. Desmoulins got himself in trouble along with the faction he chose for himself; published articles pointed against the committee of public safety, which obviously didn't want to let it pass, and propagated his strong views associated with the dantonists. His fellows were connected with scandals, which didn't help, and accused of plotting to restore the monarchy bringing the Orleans to power; it was more than incorrect in terms of Camille Desmoulins, who, despite having a lot of issues, was one of the most devoted republicans, who believed in the republic even since the very beginning of the revolution in 1789 when it was a rather rare view as everyone was still cheering for constitutional monarchy. Obviously it doesn't mean Desmoulins wasn't corrupt, and he did have connections with the royals, and lead a rather extravagant lifestyle compared with many other politicians; there were just reasons to connect the dots. 
What makes Camille's case different is that he actually had a chance not to get in trouble. 
At the break of 1793 and '94 Camille was attacking members of the government in his newspaper,  le Vieux Cordelier, which started to collide with the CPS as it was pro-dantonist, and started to pass as counter-revolutionary behaviour. His articles were extreme, and I don't have to mention that they put him in a dangerous situation given how drastic measures the government was forced to use to make the revolution survive; at the same time, there was also the whole mess with hébert going on. The republic was facing an extremely difficult situation with both inner and outer conflicts, and as the 'ultras' grew in power, making it all more messy than it already was, Desmoulins along with his Dantonist buddies thought himself to stand against it and, in the meantime, the Committee of Public Safety, which caused even. More. Mess. TM. 
Camille's views and behaviour clashed with the Jacobins a lot, and he was attacked at the club, even removed from it, which worsened his situation. Among the Jacobins, Robespierre tried his best to come to rescue and make Camille come to his senses; on 7th January he asked Camille to stop publishing and burn his writing, and you guessed it, no luck - it only led to a fight, and crossing Desmoulins out of the list of club members while he kept on publishing controversial writings in the least suitable time imaginable. 
Robespierre was also fighting a battle with the CPS at the time, advocating for Camille not to be dragged into the case, as, according to him Desmoulins was strongly influenced by Danton and wrote on his command (we can argue on this one, but you can see the argument was meant to show him as innocent in a way), but the majority had a different opinion and his veto couldn't last forever, as the situation was rapidly changing as well. Camille's actions kept making R look worse in the eyes of other members too, and more of it, while attacking the CPS a countless times Desmoulins was ironically comfortable feeling like his colleague (whom he attacked too!) would keep cleaning up the mess he makes. And surprise - Robespierre couldn't do much. In the end, Camille shot both himself and Robespierre, who openly defended him, in the knee a few times, too proud to back down and sure he was doing the right thing. It lead to the point where nothing else could have been done, the Dantonists, along with a few others, were arrested, and Camille, who could have avoided it quite easily if his temper didn't get in the way, was eventually guillotined despite all the strings Robespierre tried to pull to get him out. 
Was it worth it? Definitely not; as much as Camille Desmoulins began to only cause trouble with his writing in 1794, he was known to quite quickly change his views depending on current influence (not really in the fake conformist way, this man was stubborn as hell with hie beliefs - it was more of his actual mindset changing). We don't know what would happen if he wasn't executed on 16th Germinal, but I personally believe his death was avoidable and unnecessary even in the tough circumstances, but the whole trial of the dantonists is a terribly complicated case so I tries not to get deeper into it for now. In my opinion, there was a good chance that he would calm down if spared, but who knows? 
I don't mean to make Camille sound like a bad person here - he was an idealist who clearly believed in what he was saying, full of passion and love for the people, but despite his talent and intelligence he died an unnecessary death that could have been likely to avoid if he listened to his brain, or at least, Robespierre, who turned the committee upside down to defend him. Still, this pure chaos is totally lovable!
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pines-pokemon-headcanons · 6 years ago
Ooooh, any myths on Mew
The first one that comes to mind is Les Trois Perles Roses (The Three Pink Pearls). It tells the story of three brothers who live in poverty with their father. When the father dies, the brothers are forced to sell their small home and travel around looking for work. Eventually, they settle in the capital city of the kingdom, where they see that the king is hosting a competition for the hand of his daughter, Princess Laurine. The three brothers decide to enter the competition, but are turned away at the gates of the palace because of their dirty clothes. The older two brothers leave in anger, but the youngest, Estienne, instead decides to find a stream to bathe in so that he might have a chance at entering.
By the river on the outskirts of the city, Estienne removes his shirt to wash it, when he sees a small creature fall into the water and dives after it. He manages to get both him and it out of the river, and he wraps it in the shirt to dry it off. He starts a small fire and sits with the creature as it recovers. Once it’s warm and dry, the creature reveals itself to be Mew, and thanks Estienne for aiding it. It notices that he seems upset about something, and asks him the problem; he tells it that he and his brothers are poor and wanted to enter the competition to win the princess’s hand, but were not allowed to enter. Mew tells him that for his kindness, it would give him a way to enter and face the challenges ahead. It creates three perfectly round pink pearls and tells him to keep them concealed.
Estienne thanks Mew for the gift and returns to his brothers, who are angry that he left without telling them. They ask where he went and he tells them that he met Mew, but does not mention the pearls. The brothers do not believe him, so he takes them to the gates of the palace. He holds the first pearl in his hand and wishes for a way for himself and his brothers to be let into the competition. The pearl glows brightly; once the glow fades, Estienne sees that he has been transformed, and now appears to be completely clean and dressed in finery. Meanwhile, the pearl has become a milky white. He approaches the guards, who let him into the palace. However, his brothers are forced to remain behind.
He is introduced to the king and Princess Laurine as the newest competitors. The king does not approve of him, as he has not heard of Estienne’s family name, but Laurine falls in love with Estienne immediately and vows to help him win the competition. Once he is shown to the room where he will stay during the competition, she sneaks down to meet him. She tells him that the challenge that the king will make him do is a pokémon battle, against the king’s own fearsome hydreigon; she says that none of the other competitors have ever managed to beat it. Laurine knows that Estienne has no pokémon and begs him to drop out of the contest, but he refuses.
The next day, Estienne is taken to a battle arena, and the king releases his hydreigon. Without any pokémon, Estienne is forced to fight the hydreigon himself, but he doesn’t know how he possibly could. He then remembers the pearls; holding the second one in his hand, he wishes for a way to defeat the hydreigon, and a shimmering light encircles him before striking the hydreigon. It falls over, defeated. The king, impressed, welcomes Estienne into his family and allows him to marry Laurine.
Some time goes by, and Estienne goes to the king and asks if his brothers can live in the palace with him. The king allows it, and so the brothers move in. However, during the time that Estienne was at the palace, the brothers had realized that Estienne must have been able to win the competition because of his encounter with Mew. They had gone out to find Mew and force it to tell them how Estienne had succeeded, and it finally told them about the pearls. So when they arrive at the palace, their intention is to find the pearls and use them to attack Estienne, both proving that he cheated in the battle and getting revenge for leaving them behind.
The brothers greet Estienne and Laurine, and ask if they might see the royal couple’s bedroom. Estienne takes them upstairs, and while he shows them around, one of them sees the three pearls on his dresser and steals them. He takes the last pink pearl in his hand and wishes for a way to get revenge on Estienne-- and the pearl explodes. The blast kills the two brothers, but Estienne survives. He has the three pearls, now white, set into a necklace for Laurine, and the two live happily ever after.
Les Trois Perles Roses is a fairly traditional fairy tale: the protagonist does a good deed for Mew, Mew rewards him, and his opponents are karmically punished. However, the story has endured for as long as it has for several reasons. The first reason is the fact that Mew in the story was able to use two moves, Dazzling Gleam and Explosion, before TMs were invented. This provides some fascinating insight into how Mew can learn so many different moves; today, it’s generally assumed that Mew requires a TM before it can learn some kinds of moves (although admittedly, research on that is based on the single mew that has so far consented to be studied), but if it could learn Dazzling Gleam and Explosion without a TM, that could indicate that the moves are automatically known by Mew already and only unlocked by the TM. Of course, this is all speculation for now. 
The second reason why this story has lasted is because there’s a small amount of evidence that it might actually be true. While some elements are definitely made up for narrative purposes, there did in fact exist a King Estienne and Queen Laurine of Kalos; King Estienne was a commoner who married the princess, and claimed his whole life that he was blessed by Mew (although he called it a dream spirit, the few descriptions we know he gave resemble Mew). Unfortunately, the most compelling piece of evidence-- Queen Laurine’s pearl necklace-- has been lost to thieves and time.
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mhsn033 · 4 years ago
Debenhams to cut 2,500 jobs amid pandemic
Picture copyright AFP
Struggling division retailer neighborhood Debenhams says this would possibly per chance well well additionally crop 2,500 extra jobs as it struggles to outlive the coronavirus pandemic.
Here is on high of the 4,000 launched since Might well simply, meaning the retailer can like crop a third of its workers.
The cuts will be essentially all over its UK retail outlets and distribution centre, but it undoubtedly acknowledged no new retail outlets were slated to shut.
Shop workers’ union Usdaw reacted angrily to the suggestions, announcing actual procedures had no longer been adopted.
By law, mass redundancies favor to be arena to a session length. Usdaw acknowledged it used to be making ready a actual disaster on behalf of participants affected.
“Now we like got been contacted by participants who bid they are being made redundant by conference call, and not utilizing a considerable session or lawful take into yarn length, as required by law,” acknowledged union national officer Dave Gill.
“That is an appalling formulation to accommodate workers.”
Debenhams declined to commentary on Usdaw’s assertion.
‘Complicated choices’
In April, Debenhams fell into administration for the 2nd time in a twelve months as coronavirus heaped stress on the industrial.
The agency acknowledged essentially the most modern trading atmosphere for retail outlets used to be silent “a prolonged formulation from returning to customary”.
How like you ever been struggling from job losses at Debenhams? Announce us about your experiences by emailing [email protected].
Earlier this twelve months, it acknowledged 20 of its retail outlets would remain completely closed thanks to the impact of the pandemic.
Debenhams acknowledged on Tuesday: “Such complicated choices are being taken by many retail outlets lawful now, and we are able to continue to preserve discontinuance all principal steps to present Debenhams every likelihood of a viable future.
“Now we like got to make certain our retailer prices are aligned with practical expectations,” it added.
The chain acknowledged that folks affected had been instructed and thanked them for their “provider and dedication”.
“Now we like got successfully reopened 124 retail outlets publish-lockdown, and these are for the time being trading before management expectations,” it acknowledged.
Retail redundancies
Debenhams could well well remain in administration for the comfort of this twelve months, as lenders wait to head attempting to search out how it performs publish-lockdown and in the principal Christmas trading length.
Love many of its opponents, the retailer used to be already sick before the pandemic forced it to suspend trading at its malls.
The suggestions of essentially the most modern job cuts came after the British Retail Consortium acknowledged the number of visits to Excessive Streets used to be silent down severely as folks shopped online as a change.
The BRC acknowledged some retail outlets were persevering with to battle thanks to the coronavirus crisis. It made a new demand government reduction with rents.
Other Excessive Avenue names like additionally launched job losses as they battle to preserve afloat.
Closing week, WH Smith acknowledged it used to be cutting back 1,500 jobs – 11% of its workers – after the lockdown caused gross sales to plummet.
DW Sports activities, John Lewis, Marks and Spencer, Boots and Selfridges are amongst other substantial names to explain redundancies.
Picture copyright Matthew Horwood
It’s lower than two weeks into August and as a minimal one other 10,000 jobs jobs were misplaced because the furlough draw begins to wind down.
Here, courtesy of the Press Affiliation knowledge agency, is a checklist of some main employers which like launched that jobs will be misplaced, or are at danger, for the reason that originate of the pandemic.
August 11: Debenhams – 2,500
August 7: Evening Commonplace – 115
August 6: Travelex – 1,300
August 6: Wetherspoons – 110 to 130
August 5: M&Co – 380
August 5: WH Smith – 1,500
August 4: Dixons Carphone – 800
August 4: Pizza Dispute – 1,100 at danger
August 3: Hays Stir – up to 878
August 3: DW Sports activities – 1,700 at danger
July 31: Byron – 651
July 30: Pendragon – 1,800
July 29: Waterstones – unknown number of head office roles
July 28: Selfridges – 450
July 27: Oak Furnitureland – 163 at danger
July 23: Dyson – 600 in UK, 300 foreign
July 22: Mears – fewer than 200
July 20: Marks & Spencer – 950 at danger
July 17: Azzurri Neighborhood (owns Zizzi and Test Italian) – up to 1,200
July 16: Genting – 1,642 at danger
July 16: Burberry – 150 in UK, 350 foreign
July 15: Banks Mining – 250 at danger
July 15: Buzz Bingo – 573 at danger
July 14: Vertu – 345
July 14: DFS – up to 200 at danger
July 9: Overall Electric – 369
July 9: Eurostar – unknown number
July 9: Boots – 4,000
July 9: John Lewis – 1,300 at danger
July 9: Burger King – 1,600 at danger
July 7: Reach (owns Every day Narrate and Every day Dispute newspapers) – 550
July 6: Pret a Manger – 1,000 at danger
July 2: Casual Dining Neighborhood (owns Bella Italia and Cafe Rouge) – 1,909
July 1: SSP (owns Upper Crust) – 5,000 at danger
July 1: Arcadia (owns TopShop) – 500
July 1: Harrods – 700
July 1: Virgin Money – 300
June 30: Airbus – 1,700
June 30: TM Lewin – 600
June 30: Smiths Neighborhood – “some job losses”
June 25: Royal Mail – 2,000
June 24: Jet2 – 102
June 24: Swissport – 4,556
June 24: Crest Nicholson – 130
June 23: Shoe Zone – unknown number of jobs in head office
June 19: Aer Lingus – 500
June 17: HSBC – unknown number of jobs in UK, 35,000 worldwide
June 15: Jaguar Land Rover – 1,100
June 15: Travis Perkins – 2,500
June 12: Le Fret Quotidien – 200
June 11: Heathrow – as a minimal 500
June 11: Bombardier – 600
June 11: Johnson Matthey – 2,500
June 11: Centrica – 5,000
June 10: Quiz – 93
June 10: The Restaurant Neighborhood (owns Frankie and Benny’s) – 3,000
June 10: Monsoon Accessorise – 545
June 10: Everest Windows – 188
June 8: BP – 10,000 worldwide
June 8: Mulberry – 375
June 5: Victoria’s Secret – 800 at danger
June 5: Bentley – 1,000
June 4: Aston Martin – 500
June 4: Lookers – 1,500
Might well simply 29: Belfast Global Airport – 45
Might well simply 28: Debenhams (in 2nd announcement) – “hundreds” of jobs
Might well simply 28: EasyJet – 4,500 worldwide
Might well simply 26: McLaren – 1,200
Might well simply 22: Carluccio’s – 1,000
Might well simply 21: Clarks – 900
Might well simply 20: Rolls-Royce – 9,000
Might well simply 20: Bovis Homes – unknown number
Might well simply 19: Ovo Energy – 2,600
Might well simply 19: Antler – 164
Might well simply 15: JCB – 950 at danger
Might well simply 13: Tui – 8,000 worldwide
Might well simply 12: Carnival UK (owns P&O Cruises and Cunard) – 450
Might well simply 11: P&O Ferries – 1,100 worldwide
Might well simply 5: Virgin Atlantic – 3,150
Might well simply 1: Ryanair – 3,000 worldwide
April 30: Oasis Warehouse – 1,800
April 29: WPP – unknown number
April 28: British Airways – up to 12,000
April 23: Safran Seats – 400
April 23: Meggitt – 1,800 worldwide
April 21: Cath Kidston – 900
April 17: Debenhams – 422
March 31: Laura Ashley – 268
March 30: BrightHouse – 2,400 at danger
March 27: Chiquito – 1,500 at danger.
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smashpages · 5 years ago
Zdarsky, Carroll and more take home 2019 Shuster Awards
The winners of the 15th annual Joe Shuster Awards were announced this weekend, which included Chip Zdarsky, Emily Carroll, Karl Kerschl and more.
Established in 2004, The Joe Shuster Awards are Canada’s national award recognizing outstanding achievement in the creation of comic books, graphic novels and webcomics. Named in honor of Superman co-creator Joe Shuster, the awards recognize the best of the Canadian comics world; nominees must be either Canadian citizens or permanent residents in Canada. The winners were chosen by a jury.
Congratulations to this year’s winners, whose names are in bold below:
Dylan Burnett – Cosmic Ghost Rider (Marvel Comics), Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers 2018 Annual (BOOM! Studios), Reactor (Vault Comics)
Emily Carroll – Speak: The Graphic Novel (Farrar, Straus And Giroux)
Marc Delafontaine – Les Nombrils 08: Ex, Drague Et Rock’n’roll! (Dupuis)
Mike Feehan – Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles (Dc Comics)
Karl Kershl – Isola (Image Comics)
Sacha Lefebvre – U-merlin (éditions Michel Quintin)
Yanick Paquette – Action Comics, Wonder Woman Earth One Book Two (DC Comics)
Denis Rodier – Arale (Dargaud)
Maryse Dubuc, Marc Delafontaine – Les Nombrils 08 Ex, Drague Et Rock’n’roll! (Dupuis)
Meredith Finch – Xena: Warrior Princess (Dynamite Entertainment), Rose (Image Comics)
Jean-francois Laliberte – U-merlin (éditions Michel Quintin)
Jeff Lemire – Black Hammer: Age Of Doom, Black Hammer: Cthu-Louise, Doctor Star & The Kingdom Of Lost Tomorrows, Quantum Age (Dark Horse), The Terrifics (DC Comics), Descender, Gideon Falls, Hit-Girl (Image Comics), The Sentry (Marvel Comics), Bloodshot: Salvation (Valiant)
Tristan Roulot – Arale (Dargaud)
Chip Zdarsky – Marvel 2-In-One, Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man (Marvel Comics), The Wicked + The Divine: The Funnies (Image Comics)
Jim Zub – Dungeons & Dragons: Evil At Baldur’s Gate (IDW), Wayward (Image Comics), Avengers, The Champions, Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor, Infinity Countdown: Champions (Marvel Comics), Rick & Morty Vs. Dungeons & Dragons (Oni Press)
Ho Che Anderson – Godhead (Fantagraphics)
Emily Carroll – Beneath The Dead Oak Tree (Shortbox)
Svetlana Chmakova – Crush (Yen Press)
Johnnie Christmas – Firebug (Image Comics)
Francis Desharnais – Le Petite Russie (éditions Pow Pow)
Michel Falardeau – L’esprit Du Camp T.2 (Studio Lounak)
Faith Erin Hicks – The Divided Earth: Nameless City Vol. 3 (First Second)
Jeff Lemire – Royal City (Image Comics)
Mikael – Giant T.2 (Dargaud)
Beaver Damn 2 – A. Shay Hahn
Christie Pits – Jamie Michaels, Doug Fedrau
Happily Ever After – Ricky Lima, Nicolas Londeix, Andrew Thomas
Hockey Apocalypse Season 4: Cult Of Hockey – Jeff Martin
Les Animaux Se Revoltant (Ringo Starr Aussi) – Val-bleu
The Complete Squid-gee Octology – Keenan Poloncsak
Cauldron 1 (Shane Heron)
Gothic Tales Of Haunted Love (Bedside Press)
Jewish Comics Anthology Vol. 2 (Ah Comics)
Swan Song (Cloudscape Comics Collective)
Toronto Comics: Osgoode As Gold (To Comix Press)
Wayward Sisters (To Comix Press)
The Dragon Award (Comics for Kids)
Peter and Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths – Graham Annable (First Second)
Crafty Cat and the Great Butterfly Battle – Charise Mericle Harper (First Second)
The Nameless City: The Divided Earth – Faith Erin Hicks (First Second)
Crush – Svetlana Chmakova (Yen Press)
13e Avenue – Genevieve Pettersen et Francois Vigneault (La Pasteque)
Aventurosaure tome 1 – Julien Pare-Sorel (Presses Aventure)
Jennifer Haines. A leading Canadian comic retailer for over 20 years, Jenn Haines has been an active and vocal supporter of the comics industry and the role comics and comic shops have in their communities. She established the Comics in the Classroom initiative to help educators use comics and graphic novels in their classrooms to improve student literacy.
Harry Kremer Award (Retailers)
Alpha Comics (Calgary, AB)
Cape and Cowl Comics (Lower Sackville, NS)
Comic Book Addiction (Whitby, ON)
Comic Hunter (Moncton, NC)
Curious Comics (Victoria, BC)
Cyber City Comics (North York, ON)
Variant Edition (Edmonton, AB)
Eisner Award-Winning Guelph, ON retailer The Dragon celebrated their 20th Anniversary in 2018. In 2019 they are being given an honorary Harry Kremer Award for their Contributions to the Canadian comic retail landscape and beyond.
As an awards sponsor and booster, they have self-omitted themselves previously from consideration for the Kremer Award, but unbeknownst to them, the Awards Executive felt that in light of their special anniversary year as well as the JSA’s 15th, and in lieu of Jenn being honored with the TM Maple Award and the awards being presented in Guelph that all of these factors added up to it being the right time for the Dragon to officially be included to the short list of Canada’s top comic retailers. Congratulations Jenn!
Canadian Comic Book Creator Hall of Fame
Al Hewetson (1946-2004) (active from 1970-1999)
Alan Hewetson was a Scottish-Canadian writer and editor of American horror-comics magazines, best known for his work with the 1970s publisher Skywald Publications, where he created what he termed the magazines’ “Horror-Mood” sensibility. He went on to become a publisher of city magazines in Canada.
Gerhard (1959-) (active 1984-present)
Gerhard is the professional name of a Canadian artist known for the elaborately detailed background illustrations in the comics series Cerebus the Aardvark.
Dale Keown (1962-) (active 1986-present)
Dale Keown is a Canadian comic book artist, known for his runs on The Incredible Hulk and his creator-owned book, Pitt.
Ken Lashley (1967-) (active 1988-present)
Ken Lashley is a prolific artist and editor, credited as a colorist, penciller, cover colorist, inker, finisher, cover, and variant cover artist, has worked across the comic book industry with DC (The Flash, Cyborg, Suicide Squad, Superwoman, Batwing, Superboy) and Marvel (Excalibur, X-Men, Rising Stars, Black Panther, Spider-Man).
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
Day & Night (2) + The Fallen.
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
Night One (1) + The Fallen
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
Day & Night Three (3) + The Fallen.
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
Signora not being able to start a fire is absolutely hilarious awraxa.
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
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@narvvhal starring as Tartaglia @etherose starring as Signora & Columbina @starsdescent starring as Mona, Kokomi, Nilou, and Lumine (tAKES A DEEP BREATH AWRAXA) @erabundus starring as Ren @snowtombedstar starring as Tem @iirvings starring as Lloyd @scarletooyoroi starring as Thoma @visionkept starring as Tomo @anemxvisions starring as Kazuha @eraba-reta-unmei starring as Miya @hitokageisei starring as Scaramouche @ayahimes starring as Ayaka @dcndrohime starring as Hinamori @knightshonour starring as Rowen And myself starring as Tetsuya!
Thanks for playing everybody had loads of fun, lets do this again some time!
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
Who is the "unknown sponsor" that keeps getting mentioned you ask?? It's me, I'm the unknown sponsor.
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
Day & Night Six (6) + The Fallen.
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
Day & Night Five (5) + The Fallen.
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
The Feast + Night Four (4) & The Fallen.
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