yanatho · 9 months
So I just watched LDH Expo were they perform 24world and let’s just say uhmmm I was a bit disappointed. I love this song. LOVE IT becuz it’s the song of Exile Tribe so everyone can sing it but I don’t know why the vocals just seems off like it’s different when they do it in BOT. Their timing was a bit off and the vocalist placement (which vocal sing which line) also seems off cuz they give someone with low tone to sing the high note and someone with high tone the low note. Idk maybe I was expecting too much becuz this is my fav song. But their performance with their own songs was good. This is just my opinion of someone who’ve watched way too many of their live performances.I’m not a vocal experts or anything.
I do feel like LDH needs to bring back the countdown like LDH Perfect Year 2020 cuz everything in that show was perfect like the jrs still need the senpais for this type of thing becuz the vibe of everyone there would be different
That’s it. That’s my rant.
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